import datetime import os import struct import time from import Mapping from pathlib import Path from typing import BinaryIO import mobase from PyQt6.QtCore import QDateTime, QDir, QFile, QFileInfo from ..basic_features import BasicLocalSavegames from ..basic_features.basic_save_game_info import ( BasicGameSaveGame, BasicGameSaveGameInfo, format_date, ) from ..basic_game import BasicGame class BlackAndWhite2ModDataChecker(mobase.ModDataChecker): _validFolderTree = { "": ["audio", "data", "plugins", "scripts"], "audio": ["dialogue", "music", "sfx"], "music": [ "buildingmusic", "chant", "cutscene", "dynamic music", "epicspell", "townalignment", ], "sfx": ["atmos", "creature", "game", "script", "spells", "video", "grass"], "data": [ "art", "balance", "ctr", "effects", "encryptedshaders", "font", "handdemo", "interface", "landscape", "light particle effects", "lipsync", "physics", "sfx", "shaders", "symbols", "text", "textures", "tutorial avi", "visualeffects", "weathersystem", "zones", ], "art": [ "binary_anim_libs", "binary_animations", "features", "models", "skins", "textures", "water", ], "ctr": [ "badvisor_evil", "badvisor_good", "bape", "bgorilla", "bhand", "blion", "btiger", "bwolf", "damage", "siren", ], "font": ["asian"], "asian": ["korean", "traditional chinese"], "landscape": [ "aztec", "bw2", "egyptian", "generic", "greek", "japanese", "norse", "skysettings", ], "tutorial avi": ["placeholder", "stills"], "visualeffects": ["textures"], "scripts": ["bw2"], } _validFileLocation = { "": ["exe", "dll", "ico", "png", "jpeg", "jpg"] } _mapFile = ["chl", "bmp", "bwe", "ter", "pat", "xml", "wal", "txt"] _fileIgnore = ["readme", "read me", "meta.ini", "thumbs.db", "backup", ".png"] def fix(self, filetree: mobase.IFileTree): toMove: list[tuple[mobase.FileTreeEntry, str]] = [] for entry in filetree: if any([sub in for sub in self._fileIgnore]): continue elif entry.suffix() == "chl": toMove.append((entry, "/Scripts/BW2/")) elif entry.suffix() == "bmp": toMove.append((entry, "/Data/")) elif entry.suffix() == "txt": toMove.append((entry, "/Scripts/")) else: toMove.append((entry, "/Data/landscape/BW2/")) for entry, path in toMove: filetree.move(entry, path, policy=mobase.IFileTree.MERGE) return filetree def dataLooksValid( self, filetree: mobase.IFileTree ) -> mobase.ModDataChecker.CheckReturn: # qInfo("Data validation start") root = filetree unpackagedMap = False for entry in filetree: entryName = canIgnore = any([sub in entryName for sub in self._fileIgnore]) if not canIgnore: parent = entry.parent() if parent is not None: if parent != root: parentName = else: # qInfo(str(entryName)) parentName = "" if not entry.isDir(): if parentName in self._validFileLocation.keys(): if ( entry.suffix() not in self._validFileLocation[parentName] ): if ( entry.suffix() in self._mapFile or entryName == "map.txt" ): unpackagedMap = True else: return mobase.ModDataChecker.INVALID else: unpackagedMap = False if parentName in self._validFolderTree.keys(): if entryName not in self._validFolderTree[parentName]: return mobase.ModDataChecker.INVALID # qInfo(str(unpackagedMap)) if unpackagedMap: return mobase.ModDataChecker.FIXABLE else: return mobase.ModDataChecker.VALID class BlackAndWhite2SaveGame(BasicGameSaveGame): _saveInfLayout = { "start": [0x00000000, 0x00000004], "name": [0x00000004, 0x0000002C], "empty": [0x0000002C, 0x00000104], "land": [0x00000104, 0x00000108], "date": [0x00000108, 0x00000110], "empty1": [0x00000110, 0x00000114], "elapsed": [0x00000114, 0x00000118], "empty2": [0x00000108, 0x0000011C], } def __init__(self, filepath: Path): super().__init__(filepath) self._filepath = Path(filepath) str = "" int = -1 self.elapsed: int = 0 self.lastsave: int = 0 with open(self._filepath.joinpath("SaveGame.inf"), "rb") as info: # Name embedded in "SaveGame.inf" with UTF-16 encoding = self.readInf(info, "name").decode("utf-16") # Land number embedded in "SaveGame.inf" as an int written in binary = int.from_bytes(self.readInf(info, "land"), "little") # Getting elapsed time in second self.elapsed = int.from_bytes(self.readInf(info, "elapsed"), "little") # Getting date in 100th of nanosecond need to convert NT time # to UNIX time and offset localtime self.lastsave = int( ( ( struct.unpack("q", self.readInf(info, "date"))[0] / 10000 - 11644473600000 ) ) - (time.localtime().tm_gmtoff * 1000) ) info.close() def readInf(self, inf: BinaryIO, key: str):[key][0]) return[key][1] - self._saveInfLayout[key][0]) def allFiles(self) -> list[str]: files = [str(file) for file in self._filepath.glob("./*")] files.append(str(self._filepath)) return files def getCreationTime(self) -> QDateTime: return QDateTime.fromMSecsSinceEpoch(self.lastsave) def getElapsed(self) -> str: return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.elapsed)) def getName(self) -> str: return def getLand(self) -> str: return str( def getSaveGroupIdentifier(self): return def getMetadata(savepath: Path, save: mobase.ISaveGame) -> Mapping[str, str]: assert isinstance(save, BlackAndWhite2SaveGame) return { "Name": save.getName(), "Profile": save.getSaveGroupIdentifier(), "Land": save.getLand(), "Saved at": format_date(save.getCreationTime()), "Elapsed time": save.getElapsed(), } PSTART_MENU = ( str(os.getenv("ProgramData")) + "\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs" ) class BlackAndWhite2Game(BasicGame): Name = "Black & White 2 Support Plugin" Author = "Ilyu" Version = "1.0.1" GameName = "Black & White 2" GameShortName = "BW2" GameNexusName = "blackandwhite2" GameDataPath = "%GAME_PATH%" GameBinary = "white.exe" GameDocumentsDirectory = "%DOCUMENTS%/Black & White 2" GameSavesDirectory = "%GAME_DOCUMENTS%/Profiles" GameSupportURL = ( r"" "Game:-Black-&-White-2" ) _program_link = PSTART_MENU + "\\Black & White 2\\Black & White® 2.lnk" def init(self, organizer: mobase.IOrganizer) -> bool: BasicGame.init(self, organizer) self._featureMap[mobase.ModDataChecker] = BlackAndWhite2ModDataChecker() self._featureMap[mobase.LocalSavegames] = BasicLocalSavegames( self.savesDirectory() ) self._featureMap[mobase.SaveGameInfo] = BasicGameSaveGameInfo( get_metadata=getMetadata, max_width=400 ) return True def detectGame(self): super().detectGame() program_path = Path(self._program_link) if program_path.exists(): installation_path = Path(QFileInfo(self._program_link).symLinkTarget()) if installation_path.exists(): self.setGamePath(installation_path.parent) return def executables(self) -> list[mobase.ExecutableInfo]: execs = super().executables() """ A bat file to load modded executables from VFS. """ workaroundPath = self._gamePath + "/" + self.GameBinary[:-4] + ".bat" try: workaround = open(workaroundPath, "rt") except FileNotFoundError: with open(workaroundPath, "wt") as workaround: workaround.write('start "" "' + self.GameBinary + '"') workaround.close() execs.append( mobase.ExecutableInfo( self.GameShortName + " Modded Exec", QFileInfo(workaroundPath) ) ) return execs def listSaves(self, folder: QDir) -> list[mobase.ISaveGame]: profiles: list[Path] = [] for path in Path(folder.absolutePath()).glob("*/Saved Games/*"): if ( == "Autosave" or == "Pictures" or "_invalid" in ): continue if path.is_dir(): saveFolder = QDir(str(path)) if not saveFolder.exists("SaveGame.inf"): savePath = saveFolder.absolutePath() QFile.rename(savePath, savePath + "_invalid") continue else: continue profiles.append(path) return [BlackAndWhite2SaveGame(path) for path in profiles] class BOTGGame(BlackAndWhite2Game): Name = "Black & White 2 Battle of the Gods Support Plugin" GameName = "Black & White 2 Battle of the Gods" GameShortName = "BOTG" GameBinary = "BattleOfTheGods.exe" GameDocumentsDirectory = "%DOCUMENTS%/Black & White 2 - Battle of the Gods" GameSavesDirectory = "%GAME_DOCUMENTS%/Profiles" _program_link = ( PSTART_MENU + "\\Black & White 2 Battle of the Gods" "\\Black & White® 2 Battle of the Gods.lnk" )