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Check that all required fields are present and spelt correctly." }, "401": { "description": "Authentication Failed." }, "402": { "description": "All parameters are correct but the request failed." }, "403": { "description": "Request IP does not match IP address registered with key." }, "404": { "description": "The endpoint doesn't exist." }, "429": { "description": "Too many requests hit the API too quickly." }, "501": { "description": "Server error" }, "502": { "description": "Server error" } } } }, "/routes": { "get": { "operationId": "GET_routes", "produces": [ "application/json" ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Everything worked as expected.", "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/RoutesResponse" } }, "400": { "description": "Parameters did not match the endpoint requirements. Check that all required fields are present and spelt correctly." }, "401": { "description": "Authentication Failed." }, "402": { "description": "All parameters are correct but the request failed." }, "403": { "description": "Request IP does not match IP address registered with key." }, "404": { "description": "The endpoint doesn't exist." }, "429": { "description": "Too many requests hit the API too quickly." }, "501": { "description": "Server error" }, "502": { "description": "Server error" } }, "consumes": [ "text/html" ], "parameters": [ { "in": "query", "required": true, "type": "number", "name": "origin_lat" }, { "in": "query", "required": true, "type": "number", "name": "origin_lng" }, { "in": "query", "required": true, "type": "number", "name": "destination_lat" }, { "in": "query", "required": true, "type": "number", "name": "destination_lng" } ] } } } }