+++ title = "A free, open, online study builder" description = "lab.js makes it easy to build powerful studies for the neuro- and behavioral sciences" +++ {% jumbotron() %}
Beaker with fluid and bubbles

Online research
made easy

lab.js is a free, open, online study builder
for the behavioral and cognitive sciences.
(it works great in the lab, too)

{% end %} {% trapezoid(background="#ffc32d") %}
lab.js builder interface screenshot

No code required

lab.js provides a visual interface
so you can see the study as you build it.

Thanks to our ready-made templates,
constructing studies couldn't be easier.

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Uncompromising performance

The power of laboratory software,
anywhere there's a browser.

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Flexible and extensible

There are no limits:
If it's possible on a web page,
you can do it in a study.

lab.js supports your workflow,
whether you're collecting data offline,
using external data collection services,
or running studies on your own server.

{% end %} {% trapezoid(background="#fff") %}
Adding components Studies are assembled
from individual components ...
Loop component view ... for example loops,
which repeat parts of a study ...
Study preview ... an immediate preview
shows changes immediately.
{% end %} {% trapezoid(background="#e9ecef") %}

There's so much more!

Here are some things you can try:

Further resources

You'll always find friendly people in our Slack channel. We're happy to help!
Example studies
lab.js comes with templates for many common paradigms.
Check out our gallery and get a head start!
Learning to build studies is most fun in a group.
We offer workshops tailored to your lab's research.
Whether you're in a hurry or looking for a custom study,
we'll find an expert to help you. Please get in touch!
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