import os import sqlite3 import argparse import csv from io import StringIO knowledge_db = os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/Knowledge/knowledgeC.db") def query_database(last_created_at): # Check if knowledgeC.db exists if not os.path.exists(knowledge_db): print("Could not find knowledgeC.db at %s." % (knowledge_db)) exit(1) # Check if knowledgeC.db is readable if not os.access(knowledge_db, os.R_OK): print("The knowledgeC.db at %s is not readable.\nPlease grant full disk access to the application running the script (e.g. Terminal, iTerm, VSCode etc.)." % (knowledge_db)) exit(1) # Connect to the SQLite database with sqlite3.connect(knowledge_db) as con: cur = con.cursor() # Execute the SQL query to fetch data # Modified from query = """ SELECT ZOBJECT.ZVALUESTRING AS "app", (ZOBJECT.ZENDDATE - ZOBJECT.ZSTARTDATE) AS "usage", (ZOBJECT.ZSTARTDATE + 978307200) as "start_time", (ZOBJECT.ZENDDATE + 978307200) as "end_time", (ZOBJECT.ZCREATIONDATE + 978307200) as "created_at", ZOBJECT.ZSECONDSFROMGMT AS "tz", ZSOURCE.ZDEVICEID AS "device_id", ZMODEL AS "device_model" FROM ZOBJECT LEFT JOIN ZSTRUCTUREDMETADATA ON ZOBJECT.ZSTRUCTUREDMETADATA = ZSTRUCTUREDMETADATA.Z_PK LEFT JOIN ZSOURCE ON ZOBJECT.ZSOURCE = ZSOURCE.Z_PK LEFT JOIN ZSYNCPEER ON ZSOURCE.ZDEVICEID = ZSYNCPEER.ZDEVICEID WHERE ZSTREAMNAME = "/app/usage" AND (ZOBJECT.ZCREATIONDATE + 978307200) > ? ORDER BY ZCREATIONDATE DESC """ cur.execute(query, (last_created_at,)) # Fetch all rows from the result set return cur.fetchall() def write_to_csv(rows, output, delimiter): writer = csv.writer(output, delimiter=delimiter, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerow(["app", "usage", "start_time", "end_time", "created_at", "tz", "device_id", "device_model"]) writer.writerows(rows) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Query knowledge database") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output file path (default: stdout)") parser.add_argument("-d", "--delimiter", default=',', help="Delimiter for output file (default: comma)") args = parser.parse_args() # Prepare output format delimiter = args.delimiter.replace("\\t", "\t") # Check if file exists to decide whether to write headers file_exists = os.path.isfile(args.output) last_created_at_file = args.output + ".last" if os.path.isfile(last_created_at_file): with open(last_created_at_file, "r") as f: last_created_at = float( else: last_created_at = 0.0 # Query the database and fetch the rows rows = query_database(last_created_at) # Update the last created at time if rows: with open(last_created_at_file, "w") as f: f.write(str(rows[0][4])) # rows[0][4] is the "created_at" of the first row # Write the output to a file or print to stdout if args.output: with open(args.output, "a", newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=delimiter, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) if not file_exists: writer.writerow(["app", "usage", "start_time", "end_time", "created_at", "tz", "device_id", "device_model"]) writer.writerows(rows) else: output = StringIO() write_to_csv(rows, output, delimiter) print(output.getvalue()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()