Option _Explicit $If VERSION < 1.5 Then $Error This program requires QB64 v1.5 $End If Const false = 0, true = Not false Screen _NewImage(800, 450, 32) Type newLevel As _Unsigned Long landColor, grassColor, waterColor As Long symbolSpacingX, symbolSpacingY End Type Type object As Long id, w, h, img As Single x, xv, y, yv As _Byte imgPointer, standing, alive As _Unsigned Long color End Type Const idPlatform = 1 Const idGoal = 2 Const idAirJump = 3 Const idInfiniteJumps = 4 Const idSpike = 5 Const idCloud = 6 Const idScene = 7 Const idSky = 8 Const idWater = 9 Dim Shared As Long thisLevel, arenaWidth, i, totalObjects, airJumps, hero, goal Dim Shared As Single x, y, camera, gravity Dim Shared As _Byte drowned, restartRequested, shadowCast Dim Shared As String platformDecoration, goalGlyph, airJumpGlyph Dim Shared As newLevel levelData Dim Shared As object obj(100), shadowCastOn Randomize Timer goalGlyph = "C" + Str$(_RGB32(255, 255, 255)) + "e10f10g10 h8e8f6g6 h4 e4f2g1" airJumpGlyph = "C" + Str$(_RGB32(255, 255, 255)) + "e10f10g10h10" gravity = .8 thisLevel = 1 Restart: setLevel thisLevel Do processInput doPhysics adjustCamera drawObjects If restartRequested Then restartRequested = false: GoTo Restart If Not drowned Then drawHero checkVictory If Not obj(hero).alive Then _PrintString (0, 0), "Dead" _PrintString (0, 20), Str$((obj(hero).x / arenaWidth) * 100) + "%" ElseIf obj(hero).standing Then _PrintString (0, 0), "Standing" End If _Display _Limit 60 Loop Sub addWater Dim this As Long this = newObject obj(this).id = idWater obj(this).img = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32) _Dest obj(this).img Line (0, _Height - _Height / 4)-Step(_Width, _Height / 4), darken(levelData.waterColor, 55), BF Line (0, _Height - _Height / 4)-Step(_Width, _Height / 7), darken(levelData.waterColor, 70), BF Line (0, _Height - _Height / 4)-Step(_Width, _Height / 9), darken(levelData.waterColor, 85), BF Line (0, _Height - _Height / 4)-Step(_Width, _Height / 11), levelData.waterColor, BF _Dest 0 End Sub Sub drawObjects For i = 1 To totalObjects Select Case obj(i).id Case idPlatform _PutImage (obj(i).x + camera, obj(i).y), obj(i).img Case idGoal Draw "bm" + Str$(obj(goal).x + camera) + "," + Str$(obj(goal).y + obj(goal).h / 2) Draw goalGlyph Case idAirJump Draw "bm" + Str$(obj(i).x + camera) + "," + Str$(obj(i).y + obj(i).h / 2) Draw airJumpGlyph Case idCloud obj(i).x = obj(i).x - obj(i).xv If obj(i).x + obj(i).w < 0 Then obj(i).x = arenaWidth Line (obj(i).x + camera / 2.5, obj(i).y)-Step(obj(i).w, obj(i).h), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 30), BF Case idScene _PutImage (obj(i).x + camera / obj(i).xv, obj(i).y), obj(i).img Case idSky Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), obj(i).color, BF Case idWater _PutImage , obj(i).img End Select Next End Sub Sub processInput Dim button As _Byte If _KeyHit = 27 Then obj(hero).alive = true obj(hero).yv = 0 restartRequested = true Exit Sub End If If obj(hero).alive = false Then Exit Sub 'keep hero moving forward If obj(hero).x + obj(hero).w < arenaWidth + _Width Then obj(hero).x = obj(hero).x + 5 'If _KeyDown(19712) Then 'character goes left, screen goes right ' obj(hero).x = obj(hero).x + 5 'End If 'If _KeyDown(19200) Then 'character goes right, screen goes left ' obj(hero).x = obj(hero).x - 5 'End If Static lastJump!, jumpKeyDown As _Byte Const jumpFactor = 3 While _MouseInput: Wend button = _MouseButton(1) Or _KeyDown(32) If button Then '18432 If jumpKeyDown = false And (obj(hero).standing = true Or airJumps > 0) Then If airJumps > 0 Then airJumps = airJumps - 1 jumpKeyDown = true obj(hero).standing = false lastJump! = 0 obj(hero).yv = obj(hero).yv - gravity * jumpFactor Else lastJump! = lastJump! + 1 If lastJump! < 7 Then obj(hero).yv = obj(hero).yv - gravity * jumpFactor End If End If Else jumpKeyDown = false End If End Sub Sub adjustCamera camera = _Width / 4 - obj(hero).x If camera > 0 Then camera = 0 If camera < -arenaWidth Then camera = -arenaWidth End Sub Sub drawHero Dim shadow As object Line (obj(hero).x + camera, obj(hero).y)-Step(obj(hero).w, obj(hero).h), obj(hero).color, BF If obj(hero).alive Then If shadowCast Then 'shadow already cast on a platform shadow.x = (obj(hero).x + 1) + camera shadow.y = shadowCastOn.y + 5 shadow.w = obj(hero).w - 2 Do While shadow.x < shadowCastOn.x + camera shadow.x = shadow.x + 1 shadow.w = shadow.w - 1 Loop Do While shadow.x + shadow.w > shadowCastOn.x + shadowCastOn.w + camera shadow.w = shadow.w - 1 Loop Line (shadow.x, shadow.y)-Step(shadow.w, 2), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 30), BF Else 'cast shadow on water Line ((obj(hero).x + 1) + camera, _Height - _Height / 4 + _Height / 22)-Step(obj(hero).w - 2, 2), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 30), BF End If End If End Sub Sub doPhysics Dim j As Long If Not obj(hero).alive Then Exit Sub Const gravityCap = 15 obj(hero).standing = false drowned = false If obj(hero).y + obj(hero).yv + gravity > _Height - _Height / 4 + _Height / 22 Then drowned = true: obj(hero).alive = false: Exit Sub shadowCast = false For j = 1 To totalObjects If obj(j).id = idPlatform Then If obj(hero).x + obj(hero).w > obj(j).x And obj(hero).x < obj(j).x + obj(j).w Then shadowCast = true shadowCastOn = obj(j) If obj(hero).y + obj(hero).yv + gravity < obj(j).y - (obj(hero).h - 5) Then Exit For ElseIf obj(hero).y + obj(hero).yv + gravity <= obj(j).y - (obj(hero).h - 20) Then obj(hero).standing = true obj(hero).y = obj(j).y - (obj(hero).h - 5) Exit For ElseIf obj(hero).y >= obj(j).y - (obj(hero).h - 20) Then obj(hero).alive = false Exit For End If End If End If Next If Not obj(hero).standing Then obj(hero).yv = obj(hero).yv + gravity If obj(hero).yv > gravityCap Then obj(hero).yv = gravityCap obj(hero).y = obj(hero).y + obj(hero).yv obj(hero).color = _RGB32(255, 255, 255) Else obj(hero).yv = 0 obj(hero).color = _RGB32(200, 200, 200) End If End Sub Function hit%% (obj1 As object, obj2 As object) hit%% = obj1.x + obj1.w > obj2.x And obj1.x <= obj2.x + obj2.w And obj1.y + obj1.h > obj2.y And obj1.y < obj2.y + obj2.h End Function Function darken~& (WhichColor~&, ByHowMuch%) darken~& = _RGB32(_Red32(WhichColor~&) * (ByHowMuch% / 100), _Green32(WhichColor~&) * (ByHowMuch% / 100), _Blue32(WhichColor~&) * (ByHowMuch% / 100)) End Function Sub setLevel (level As Long) 'the order of creation of objects is also the draw order Dim totalPlatforms As Long Dim this As Long, firstPlatform As Long resetObjects Select Case level Case 1 arenaWidth = 3200 totalPlatforms = 30 levelData.landColor = _RGB32(194, 127, 67) levelData.waterColor = _RGB32(33, 166, 188) levelData.grassColor = _RGB32(83, 161, 72) this = newObject obj(this).id = idSky obj(this).color = _RGB32(67, 200, 205) addScene level addWater addClouds 5 platformDecoration = "c" + Str$(_RGB32(166, 111, 67)) + " bd5 e10r1g10r1e10r1g10r1e10r1g10r1e10r1g10" levelData.symbolSpacingX = 11 levelData.symbolSpacingY = 11 For i = 1 To totalPlatforms this = newObject obj(this).id = idPlatform obj(this).w = Rnd * 200 + 100 obj(this).w = obj(this).w - (obj(this).w Mod 20) If i = 1 Then firstPlatform = this obj(this).h = 200 obj(this).x = Rnd * (arenaWidth / totalPlatforms) Else obj(this).h = Rnd * 50 + 50 obj(this).x = obj(this - 1).x + obj(this - 1).w + (Rnd * (arenaWidth / (totalPlatforms * 1.5))) End If obj(this).y = (_Height - _Height / 4 + (_Height / 20)) - obj(this).h drawPlatform obj(this) Next goal = newObject obj(goal).id = idGoal obj(goal).x = arenaWidth obj(goal).y = _Height / 2 obj(goal).h = 20 obj(goal).w = 20 hero = newObject obj(hero).x = obj(firstPlatform).x obj(hero).y = obj(firstPlatform).y - 25 obj(hero).w = 15 obj(hero).h = 30 obj(hero).alive = true obj(hero).standing = true End Select End Sub Function newObject& totalObjects = totalObjects + 1 If totalObjects > UBound(obj) Then ReDim _Preserve obj(totalObjects + 99) As object End If newObject& = totalObjects End Function Sub resetObjects Dim emptyObject As object For i = 1 To UBound(obj) If obj(i).img < -1 And obj(i).imgPointer = false Then _FreeImage obj(i).img obj(i) = emptyObject Next totalObjects = 0 End Sub Sub drawPlatform (this As object) this.img = _NewImage(this.w, this.h, 32) _Dest this.img Line (0, 10)-Step(this.w - 1, this.h - 1), levelData.landColor, BF For x = -10 To this.w Step levelData.symbolSpacingX For y = 15 To this.h + 10 Step levelData.symbolSpacingY PSet (x, y), 0 Draw platformDecoration Next Next Line (0, 0)-Step(this.w - 1, 20), levelData.grassColor, BF Line (0, 0)-Step(this.w - 1, 10), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 30), BF Line (0, 10)-Step(5, this.h), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 30), BF Line (this.w - 6, 10)-Step(5, this.h), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 30), BF Line (0, 5)-(5, 0), _RGB32(255, 0, 255) Paint (0, 0), _RGB32(255, 0, 255), _RGB32(255, 0, 255) Line (_Width - 1, 5)-(_Width - 6, 0), _RGB32(255, 0, 255) Paint (_Width - 1, 0), _RGB32(255, 0, 255), _RGB32(255, 0, 255) Line (0, this.h - 4)-Step(this.w, 3), _RGB32(255, 0, 255), BF _ClearColor _RGB32(255, 0, 255) Line (0, this.h - 5)-Step(this.w - 1, 5), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 30), BF _Dest 0 End Sub Sub addClouds (max As Long) Dim this As Long For i = 1 To max this = newObject obj(this).id = idCloud obj(this).x = Rnd * arenaWidth obj(this).y = Rnd * (_Height / 2) obj(this).h = 30 obj(this).w = arenaWidth / max obj(this).xv = Rnd Next End Sub Sub addScene (level As Long) Dim this As Long, firstItem As Long Select Case level Case 1 'green mountains, 2 layers 'farther range For i = 1 To 20 this = newObject If i = 1 Then firstItem = this obj(this).img = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32) _Dest obj(this).img Line (0, _Height - 1)-(_Width / 2, 0), _RGB32(100, 150, 122) Line -(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGB32(100, 150, 122) Line -(0, _Height - 1), _RGB32(100, 150, 122) Paint (_Width / 2, _Height / 2), _RGB32(100, 150, 122), _RGB32(100, 150, 122) _Dest 0 Else obj(this).img = obj(firstItem).img obj(this).imgPointer = true End If obj(this).id = idScene obj(this).x = Rnd * arenaWidth obj(this).y = Rnd * (_Height / 2) obj(this).xv = 2.5 Next 'closer range For i = 1 To 20 this = newObject If i = 1 Then firstItem = this obj(this).img = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32) _Dest obj(this).img Line (0, _Height - 1)-(_Width / 2, 0), _RGB32(78, 111, 67) Line -(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGB32(78, 111, 67) Line -(0, _Height - 1), _RGB32(78, 111, 67) Paint (_Width / 2, _Height / 2), _RGB32(78, 111, 67), _RGB32(78, 111, 67) _Dest 0 Else obj(this).img = obj(firstItem).img obj(this).imgPointer = true End If obj(this).id = idScene obj(this).x = Rnd * arenaWidth obj(this).y = Rnd * (_Height / 2) obj(this).xv = 2 Next End Select End Sub Sub checkVictory If hit(obj(hero), obj(goal)) Then _AutoDisplay: _PrintString (_Width / 2 - _PrintWidth("Level complete!") / 2, _Height / 2 - _FontHeight / 2), "Level complete!": restartRequested = true: Sleep End Sub