var start = 0; window.onload = function () { addInputBoxes(); } function updateValorFinals() { var rows = document.querySelectorAll('#inputBoxes tr'); rows.forEach(function(row) { var valorOriginalInput = row.querySelector('.valorOriginal'); var valorFinalInput = row.querySelector('.valorFinal'); if (valorOriginalInput.value.trim() !== '') { calculateValorFinal(row); } }); } document.getElementById('valorIVA').addEventListener('input', updateValorFinals); function addInputBoxes() { var inputBoxes = document.getElementById('inputBoxes'); var newRow = document.createElement('tr'); // Create and append 4 cells for each row for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var newCell = document.createElement('td'); if (i === 0) { var firstInput = document.createElement('input'); firstInput.type = 'text'; firstInput.className = 'form-control first-column'; newCell.appendChild(firstInput); } else if (i === 1) { var numericInput = document.createElement('input'); numericInput.type = 'number'; numericInput.className = 'form-control valorOriginal'; newCell.appendChild(numericInput); } else if (i === 2) { var numericInput = document.createElement('input'); numericInput.type = 'number'; numericInput.className = 'form-control valorFinal'; numericInput.readOnly = true; newCell.appendChild(numericInput); } else if (i === 3) { var button = document.createElement('button'); button.type = 'button'; button.className = 'btn btn-danger'; // Add trash can icon var trashCanIcon = document.createElement('img'); trashCanIcon.src = ''; // Replace with the actual path trashCanIcon.alt = 'Delete'; = '20px'; // Adjust the width as needed = '20px'; // Adjust the height as needed button.appendChild(trashCanIcon); button.addEventListener('click', function() { // Check if there is more than one row before removing if (inputBoxes.rows.length > 1) { inputBoxes.removeChild(newRow); } }); newCell.appendChild(button); } newRow.appendChild(newCell); } // Append the new row to the tbody inputBoxes.appendChild(newRow); // Add event listener to calculate valorFinal when valorOriginal or taxes change newRow.addEventListener('input', function(event) { if ('valorOriginal') ||'taxes')) { calculateValorFinal(newRow); } }); } function calculateValorFinal(row) { var valorOriginalInput = row.querySelector('.valorOriginal'); var valorFinalInput = row.querySelector('.valorFinal'); var valorIVAInput = document.getElementById('valorIVA'); // Calculate valorFinal based on valorOriginal and taxes (valorIVA) var valorFinal = parseFloat(valorOriginalInput.value) + parseFloat(valorOriginalInput.value) * parseFloat(valorIVAInput.value)/100; // Update the valorFinal input with the calculated value valorFinalInput.value = isNaN(valorFinal) ? '' : valorFinal.toFixed(2); } function calculateResult() { var valuesArray = []; var output = document.getElementById('output'); var inputsNotas = document.getElementsByClassName('first-column'); var inputsPonderaciones = document.getElementsByClassName('second-column'); var result = 0; var sumaPonderacion = 0; for (var i = 0; i < inputsNotas.length; i++) { var firstInput = parseFloat(inputsNotas[i].value); var secondInput = parseFloat(inputsPonderaciones[i].value); if (!isNaN(firstInput) && !isNaN(secondInput)) { valuesArray.push([firstInput, secondInput]); result += firstInput * secondInput; sumaPonderacion += secondInput; } } if (sumaPonderacion == 100) { output.value = result / 100; } else output.value = "La suma de la ponderaciĆ³n no es igual al 100%"; } function calculateSum() { var outputInput = document.getElementById('output'); var rows = document.querySelectorAll('#inputBoxes tr'); var sum = 0; rows.forEach(function(row) { var valorFinalInput = row.querySelector('.valorFinal'); sum += parseFloat(valorFinalInput.value) || 0; }); // Update the output input with the calculated sum outputInput.value = isNaN(sum) ? '' : sum.toFixed(2); }