Credits: These are probably not one hundred percent complete, especially the Help and Suggestions part. If you feel you should be credited here for something, please let us know! We'd be happy to add you. Names are CivFanatics Center forum handles unless otherwise specified. Mod Team: -TC01 -God-Emperor Contributors (Code, Art, or Otherwise): -deanej (bugfixes, ideas, help, mapscripts, wormhole graphics) -Kiwikaz (feature effects code) -cephalo (SpiralGalaxy mapscript) -T-hawk (production overflow fix) -stmartin and HoTK team (CAR mod) -Sephi (various speed improvements) -Valkrionn (Inno install script) -The Navy Seal (Final Frontier resource art) -ColdFever (blue marble graphics) -Pep (Unit orders modcomp) -BUG/BAT/BULL team (BUG 4.4) -killmeplease (Defender Withdrawl modcomp) -UncutDragon (Lead from Behind modcomp) -TheLopez (Multiple Favorite Civics modcomp, Attack/Defense combat bonus mod) -denev (Multiple Production modcomp -DarkLunaPhantom (patch to enable PitBoss + BUG to work) -sailbotlieh (Miranda Lawson leaderhead used for Catherine Shapiro) Help and Suggestions: -davidlallen, Afforess, phungus420 (DLL help) -The_J (python and graphics help) -Emperor Fool (python help, SDK help) -PieceOfMind (feedback) -PsiCorps (suggestions, bug reports) -dawe1311, wpulsar (bug reports) -apenpaap (suggestions) -JEELEN (suggestions) -renegadechicken (suggestions) -Imp Knoedel (many suggestions, leader text suggestions) -Manco Capac, Eclipse449, thegreekweegee, TezaPsyborg (leader text suggestions) -Strategist83, me_myrmidon (AI feedback) And of course: -Jon Shafer for creating Final Frontier, the scenario that this is based on -Firaxis/2K Games for making Civilization 4, the game for which this is a mod -Bioware, for the Miranda Lawson model used in sailbotlieh's leaderhead.