#!/bin/bash api_error() { echo "" echo "Response: $1" echo "" echo "API call failed! Check {partnerId}, {partnerSecret} and {appKey} and make sure you are located in the US, UK or Canada." enter_to_exit } enter_to_exit() { read -p "Press [Enter] to exit..." exit } if [ "$#" -lt 3 ] || [ "$#" -gt 4 ]; then echo "Usage: ./setup.sh {partnerId} {partnerSecret} {appKey} [--no-interaction]" enter_to_exit fi echo "Step 1 - Creating access token ..." token_response=$(curl -s --location --request POST 'https://api.finicity.com/aggregation/v2/partners/authentication' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Finicity-App-Key:'$3 \ --data-raw '{ "partnerId": "'$1'", "partnerSecret": "'$2'" }') # {"token":"P09NAglkaBTyJrHoFGmL"} if [[ "$token_response" != *"token"* ]]; then api_error "$token_response" fi; token=$(echo $token_response | sed -E 's/\{"token":"(.*)"\}/\1/') echo "Access token: "$token echo "" echo "Step 2 - Creating test customer ..." customer_response=$(curl -s --location --request POST 'https://api.finicity.com/aggregation/v2/customers/testing' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Finicity-App-Key:'$3 \ --header 'Finicity-App-Token:'$token \ --data-raw '{"username": "customer_'$RANDOM$RANDOM'" , "email":"'$RANDOM'@domain.com"}') # {"id":"5026948632","username":"customerusername1","createdDate":"1649244189"} if [[ "$customer_response" != *"username"* ]]; then api_error "$customer_response" fi; customer_id=$(echo $customer_response | sed -E 's/\{"id":"([0-9]*).*/\1/') echo "Customer ID: "$customer_id echo "" if [ "$4" == "--no-interaction" ]; then echo "Steps 3 and 4 - Skipping Connect, adding customer accounts ..." add_accounts_response=$(curl -s --location --request POST 'https://api.finicity.com/aggregation/v1/customers/'$customer_id'/institutions/102105/accounts/addall' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Finicity-App-Key:'$3 \ --header 'Finicity-App-Token:'$token \ --data-raw '{"credentials":[{"name":"Banking Userid","value":"profile_03","id":"102105001"},{"name":"Banking Password","value":"profile_03","id":"102105002"}]}') # { "accounts": [...]} if [[ "$add_accounts_response" != *"accounts"* ]]; then api_error "$add_accounts_response" fi; echo "Accounts added" echo "" fi if [ "$4" != "--no-interaction" ]; then echo "Step 3 - Generating connect URL ..." connect_url_response=$(curl -s --location --request POST 'https://api.finicity.com/connect/v2/generate' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Finicity-App-Key:'$3 \ --header 'Finicity-App-Token:'$token \ --data-raw '{ "partnerId": "'$1'", "customerId": "'$customer_id'" }') # {"link":"https://..."} link=$(echo $connect_url_response | sed -E 's/\{"link":"(.*)"\}/\1/') echo "URL created" echo "" echo "Step 4 - Ctrl+click on the URL below, search for 'FinBank Profiles - A', then sign in with 'profile_03'/'profile_03' and add all available accounts" echo "" echo $link echo "" read -p 'After you see "Your submission was successful. Thank you!", press [Enter] to continue ...' echo "" fi echo "Step 5 - Refreshing accounts ..." accounts_response=$(curl -s --location --request POST 'https://api.finicity.com/aggregation/v1/customers/'$customer_id'/accounts' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Finicity-App-Key:'$3 \ --header 'Finicity-App-Token:'$token \ --data-raw '{}') # { "accounts": [...]} echo "Accounts refreshed" echo "" echo "APP_KEY: "$3 echo "CUSTOMER_ID: "$customer_id echo "PARTNER_ID: "$1 echo "PARTNER_SECRET: "$2 echo "" echo "To run the API client tests:" echo "" echo "git clone https://github.com/Mastercard/open-banking-us-openapi" echo "cd open-banking-us-openapi/tests" echo "mvn clean test -DpartnerId="$1" -DpartnerSecret="$2" -DappKey="$3" -DcustomerId="$customer_id"" echo "" echo "To run the Postman Collection:" echo "" echo "git clone https://github.com/Mastercard/open-banking-us-postman" echo "cd open-banking-us-postman" echo "npx newman run openbanking-us.postman_collection.json --env-var partnerId="$1" --env-var partnerSecret="$2" --env-var appKey="$3" --env-var customerId="$customer_id" --folder 'All APIs'" echo "" enter_to_exit