import React, { createRef } from "react"; import { Image, Arrow, Layer } from "react-konva"; import RobotImage from '../../../assets/monitor_icons/robot.png'; import CarImage from '../../../assets/monitor_icons/racecar.png'; import Konva from "konva"; class Robot extends React.PureComponent { constructor() { super() this.simulatorRobotImageRef = createRef(); this.parkingRobotImageRef = createRef(); this.state = { activePath: [], globalPath: [], localPaths: [] } } componentDidMount() { const carImage = new window.Image(); carImage.src = CarImage; carImage.onload = () => { this.setState({ carImage: carImage }); }; const robotImage = new window.Image(); robotImage.src = RobotImage; robotImage.onload = () => { this.setState({ robotImage: robotImage }); }; this.updatePaths = this.updatePaths.bind(this); this.executeSimulation = this.executeSimulation.bind(this); } setScale = (x, y) => {{ scaleX: x, scaleY: y, duration: 0.1 }); }; propToGrid = (robotCanvasLocation, { robotLeavingHubAsCarEnters }) => { var robotGridLocation = this.props.fromCanvasToGrid(robotCanvasLocation); if ((robotGridLocation.col >= 0 && robotGridLocation.col < this.props.configuration[0].length) && (robotGridLocation.row >= 0 && robotGridLocation.row < this.props.configuration.length) && (this.props.configuration[robotGridLocation.row][robotGridLocation.col].car === null || this.props.configuration[robotGridLocation.row][robotGridLocation.col].car === undefined || this.props.carriedCar === null || robotLeavingHubAsCarEnters === true)) { this.props.changeRobotGridLocation({ col: robotGridLocation.col, row: robotGridLocation.row }); var canvasLocation = this.props.fromGridToCanvas({ col: robotGridLocation.col, row: robotGridLocation.row }); } else { canvasLocation = { x: this.props.cavasRobotLocationX, y: this.props.canvasRobotLocationY }; }{ x: canvasLocation.x, y: canvasLocation.y, duration: 0.1 }); }; updatePaths = () => { let newGlobalPath = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.props.robotCommands.length; i++) { let xCoord = this.props.visualGridOffset.x + this.props.robotCommands[i].col * this.props.gridCellSize.width + this.props.gridCellSize.width / 2; let yCoord = this.props.visualGridOffset.y + this.props.robotCommands[i].row * this.props.gridCellSize.height + this.props.gridCellSize.height / 2; newGlobalPath.push(xCoord); newGlobalPath.push(yCoord); } let localPathsArray = []; let newPathStop = []; for (i = 0; i < this.props.robotCommands.length; i++) { let xCoord = this.props.visualGridOffset.x + this.props.robotCommands[i].col * this.props.gridCellSize.width + this.props.gridCellSize.width / 2; let yCoord = this.props.visualGridOffset.y + this.props.robotCommands[i].row * this.props.gridCellSize.height + this.props.gridCellSize.height / 2; newPathStop.push(xCoord); newPathStop.push(yCoord); if (this.props.robotCommands[i].pickupCar || this.props.robotCommands[i].dropCar) { localPathsArray.push(newPathStop); newPathStop = []; let xCoord = this.props.visualGridOffset.x + this.props.robotCommands[i].col * this.props.gridCellSize.width + this.props.gridCellSize.width / 2; let yCoord = this.props.visualGridOffset.y + this.props.robotCommands[i].row * this.props.gridCellSize.height + this.props.gridCellSize.height / 2; newPathStop.push(xCoord); newPathStop.push(yCoord); } } var currentLocalPath = localPathsArray[this.props.simulatorLocalPathsProgress]; this.setState({ localPaths: localPathsArray, globalPath: newGlobalPath, activePath: this.props.globalPlanView ? newGlobalPath : currentLocalPath }); var targetGridLocation = this.props.fromCanvasToGrid({ x: currentLocalPath[currentLocalPath.length - 2], y: currentLocalPath[currentLocalPath.length - 1] }); this.props.changeRobotTarget(targetGridLocation); } simulationTimer = null; executeSimulation(index, givenCommmands) { if (givenCommmands[index - 1].pickupCar !== undefined) this.props.liftCarFromTile({ row: givenCommmands[index - 1].row, col: givenCommmands[index - 1].col }, true ); else if (givenCommmands[index - 1].dropCar !== undefined) this.props.dropCarOnTile({ row: givenCommmands[index - 1].row, col: givenCommmands[index - 1].col }, true ); if (index !== givenCommmands.length) {{ x: this.props.fromGridToCanvas(givenCommmands[index]).x, y: this.props.fromGridToCanvas(givenCommmands[index]).y, easing: Konva.Easings.EaseInOut, duration: 1 }); } index += 1; if (index > givenCommmands.length || !this.props.simulationStarted) { this.props.toggleSimulation("Executed plan, entering standby"); return; } this.simulationTimer = setTimeout(this.executeSimulation.bind({}, index, givenCommmands), 1050); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (prevProps.simulatorInterface === false) { return; } else if (this.props.simulatorInterface === false) { // Default to no paths for the parking lot interface as this feature (parking lot interface) was cancelled by team. this.setState({ localPaths: [], globalPath: [], activePath: [] }); return; } if (prevProps.simulationStarted !== this.props.simulationStarted) { if (this.props.simulationStarted) { this.updatePaths(); this.executeSimulation(1, this.props.robotCommands); } else { clearTimeout(this.simulationTimer); this.setState({ localPaths: [], globalPath: [], activePath: [] }); // Only when simulation is stopped because of a replan, a robot might be // leaving a hub with a car as another car enters, thus allow robot carrying // car to be propped to a grid cell already containing a car. this.propToGrid({ x: this.simulatorRobotImageRef.current.attrs.x, y: this.simulatorRobotImageRef.current.attrs.y }, { robotLeavingHubAsCarEnters: true }); } } else if (this.props.simulationStarted && this.props.simulatorLocalPathsProgress !== this.state.localPaths.length) { if (prevProps.gridCellSize !== this.props.gridCellSize) { this.updatePaths(); } if (prevProps.simulatorLocalPathsProgress !== this.props.simulatorLocalPathsProgress && !this.props.globalPlanView) { var currentLocalPath = this.state.localPaths[this.props.simulatorLocalPathsProgress]; this.setState({ activePath: currentLocalPath }); var targetGridLocation = this.props.fromCanvasToGrid({ x: currentLocalPath[currentLocalPath.length - 2], y: currentLocalPath[currentLocalPath.length - 1] }); this.props.changeRobotTarget(targetGridLocation); } if (prevProps.globalPlanView !== this.props.globalPlanView) { this.setState({ activePath: this.props.globalPlanView ? this.state.globalPath : this.state.localPaths[this.props.simulatorLocalPathsProgress] }); } } } static whyDidYouRender = true render() { return ( {/* Robot path */} < Arrow points={this.state.activePath} shadowBlur={1} stroke={"black"} strokeWidth={1.25} pointerLength={20} pointerWidth={20} fill={"black"} lineJoin={"round"} /> {/* Simulator robot is asynchronous, hence two robot images! */} { this.props.changeRobotIsCarrying() }} onDragStart={() => { this.setScale(1.2, 1.2) }} onDragEnd={() => { this.setScale(1, 1); this.propToGrid(this.simulatorRobotImageRef.current._lastPos, { robotLeavingHubAsCarEnters: false }); }} /> ); } } export default Robot;