import os import time try: from pypresence import Presence # pip install pypresence from InquirerPy import prompt # pip install InquirerPy from colorama import init, Fore # pip install colorama except ImportError: os.system("pip install pypresence InquirerPy colorama") from pypresence import Presence from InquirerPy import prompt from colorama import init, Fore init(autoreset=True) clsr = lambda: os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') clsr() CLIENT_ID = "987287937467170846" def pp(): clsr() print(f""" {Fore.RED} _______ _______ {Fore.RED} | __ \ \ / / __ \ {Fore.YELLOW} | |__) \ \ /\ / /| |__) |_ __ ___ {Fore.YELLOW} | ___/ \ \/ \/ / | _ /| '_ \ / __| {Fore.GREEN} | | \ /\ / | | \ \| |_) | (__ {Fore.GREEN} |_| \/ \/ |_| \_\ .__/ \___| {Fore.GREEN} | | {Fore.GREEN} |_| {Fore.WHITE}---------------------------------------- {Fore.RED}Developer: {Fore.BLUE}FireHead90544 {Fore.RED}Discord: {Fore.BLUE}#2022 {Fore.RED}Client ID: {Fore.BLUE}{CLIENT_ID} {Fore.RED}Version: {Fore.BLUE}1.0.3 {Fore.WHITE}---------------------------------------- """) pp() stylesheet = { "questionmark": "#16C60C bold", "question": "#E74856 bold", "pointer": "#3A96DD", "answer": "#E5E512" } LOG_TIME = time.time() def rpcData(): pp() dataIn = [ { "type": "input", "name": "batch", "message": "Which batch are you studying from: ", "validate": lambda res: len(res) > 0, "invalid_message": "Input Cannot be empty." }, { "type": "list", "name": "subject", "message": "Select the subject you are studying: ", "choices": ['Physics', 'Chemistry', 'Mathematics', 'Biology', 'Attempting Test'] }, { "type": "input", "name": "topic", "message": "What chapter/topic are you studying: ", "validate": lambda res: len(res) > 0, "invalid_message": "Input Cannot be empty." } ] data = prompt(dataIn, style=stylesheet) return data['batch'], "test" if data['subject'].startswith("At") else data['subject'].lower(), data['topic'] RPC = Presence(CLIENT_ID) RPC.connect() def update_presence(): data = rpcData() try: RPC.clear() except Exception: RPC.connect() # This means that the connection already got disconnected, so attempt to start a new one RPC.update( state=data[2].title(), details=data[0].title(), start=LOG_TIME, large_image=data[1], large_text="Attempting Test" if data[1] == "test" else data[1].title(), small_image="pw", small_text="Physics Wallah!", buttons=[{"label": "Physics Wallah 💖", "url": ""}, { "label": "PW Utils ⭐", "url": ""}] ) print(f"{Fore.GREEN} >>> Updated Rich Presence :)") print(f"{Fore.CYAN} >>> Now just leave this window open (maybe just minimize it), you can update/close whenever you want by selecting the below options.") while True: print("\n") data = prompt({"type": "list", "name": "dat", "message": "What do you want to do?", "choices": ["Update RPC", "Stop & Close"]}, style=stylesheet) if data['dat'] == "Update RPC": update_presence() else: try: RPC.close() except Exception: pass print(f"{Fore.GREEN} >>> Closed Rich Presence :)") break