using ENV.Data.DataProvider; using Firefly.Box.Data; using Firefly.Box.Data.Advanced; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Firefly.Box; using System.Collections; using static ENV.Utilities.EasySql; namespace ENV.Utilities.EasySqlExtentions { public static class EasySqlExtentionsHelper { public static SqlPart IsIn(this TypedColumnBase column, params T[] vals) { var v = new List(); foreach (var item in vals) { v.Add(EasySql.StringValue(item)); } return new SqlPart(column, " ", new SqlFunction("in", v.ToArray())); } public static SqlPart IsNull(this ColumnBase column) { return new SqlPart(column, " is null"); } public static SqlPart IsNotIn(this TypedColumnBase column, params T[] vals) { var v = new List(); foreach (var item in vals) { v.Add(EasySql.StringValue(item)); } return new SqlPart(column, " ", new SqlFunction("not in", v.ToArray())); } /// /// /// /// /// public static UnionClass Union(this CanUnion left, SqlStatementKeywordBase select) { return new UnionClass(left, " union ", select); } /// /// /// /// /// public static UnionClass UnionAll(this CanUnion left, SqlStatementKeywordBase select) { return new UnionClass(left, " union all ", select); }/// /// /// /// /// public static UnionClass UnionExcept(this CanUnion left, SqlStatementKeywordBase select) { return new UnionClass(left, " except ", select); } /// /// /// /// /// public static UnionClass UnionIntersect(this CanUnion left, SqlStatementKeywordBase select) { return new UnionClass(left, " intersect ", select); } public interface CanUnion { } } } namespace ENV.Utilities { public static class EasySql { public static SqlPart Count(object column = null) { if (column == null) { return new SqlFunction("Count", "*"); } { return new SqlFunction("Count", column); } } public static SqlPart Average(object column) { return new SqlFunction("avg", column); } public static SqlPart Devide(object a, object b) { return new SqlPart("(", a, "/", b, ")"); } public static SqlPart Multiply(object a, object b) { return new SqlPart("(", a, "*", b, ")"); } public static SqlPart Add(object a, object b) { return new SqlPart("(", a, "+", b, ")"); } public static SqlPart Subtract(object a, object b) { return new SqlPart("(", a, "-", b, ")"); } public static SqlPart Sum(object column) { return new SqlFunction("sum", column); } public static SqlPart Round(object column, int decimals = 2) { return new SqlFunction("round", column, decimals); } public static SqlPart eq(object left, object right) { return new SqlPart(left, "=", right); } public static SqlPart Left(object what, int chars) { return new SqlFunction("left", what, chars); } public static SqlPart Max(ColumnBase column) { return new SqlFunction("max", column); } public static SqlPart IfNull(object value, object valueToUseWhenNull) { return new SqlFunction("isnull", value, valueToUseWhenNull); } public static ISqlPart Or(params WhereItem[] what) { return new CommaSeparated(what, " or ", true); } public static ISqlPart And(params WhereItem[] what) { return new CommaSeparated(what, " and ", true) { NewLine = true }; } public static SqlPart Not(params WhereItem[] what) { return new SqlFunction("not", new CommaSeparated(what, " and ", true) { NewLine = true }); } public static SqlPart Distinct(params object[] column) { return new SqlPart("Distinct ", new CommaSeparated(column)); } public static SqlPart Like(TextColumn column, string like) { return new SqlPart(column, " like ", StringValue(like)); } public static SqlPart Min(ColumnBase column) { return new SqlFunction("min", column); } internal static SqlPart StringValue(object s) { if (s is string || s is Text) return new SqlPart("'" + s.ToString().TrimEnd().Replace("'", "''") + "'"); return new SqlPart(s); } public static SqlPart NotExists(Entity inTable, FilterBase where) { return new SqlPart(helper => @" NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM " + helper.Translate(inTable) + @" WHERE " + helper.WhereToString(where, inTable) + ")"); } public static SqlPart Exists(Entity inTable, FilterBase where) { return new SqlPart(helper => @" EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM " + helper.Translate(inTable) + @" WHERE " + helper.WhereToString(where, inTable) + ")"); } public static SqlPart CastAsDecimal(object what, int decimals = 2) { return new SqlFunction("cast", new SqlPart(what, " as ", new SqlFunction("decimal", 20, decimals))); } public static CaseClass Case(WhereItem when, object then) { return new CaseClass(when, then, null); } public class CaseClass { WhereItem _where; object _then; CaseClass _parent; public CaseClass(WhereItem where, object then, CaseClass parent) { _where = where; _then = then; _parent = parent; } public CaseClass When(WhereItem where, object then) { return new CaseClass(where, then, this); } SqlPart GetCase() { if (_parent == null) return new SqlPart("case when ", _where, " then ", StringValue(_then)); else return new SqlPart(_parent.GetCase(), " when ", _where, " then ", StringValue(_then)); } public SqlPart Else(object value) { return new SqlPart(GetCase(), " else ", StringValue(value), " end"); } } public static SelectClass Select(params SelectItem[] columns) { return new SelectClass(columns); } public class UnionClass : SqlPart { public SqlPart OrderBy(params OrderByItem[] orderBy) { return new SqlPart(h => h.Translate(this) +" "+ SqlStatementKeywordBase. BuildOrderBy(h, orderBy)); } public UnionClass(params object[] parts) : base(parts) { } } public class SelectClass : SqlStatementKeywordBase, EasySqlExtentions.EasySqlExtentionsHelper.CanUnion { public SelectClass(SelectItem[] select) : base(null) { _select.AddRange(select); } public FromClass From(params FromItem[] entities) { var r = new FromClass(this); r._from.AddRange(entities); return r; } public WhereClass Where(params WhereItem[] filter) { return new WhereClass(this, filter); } public OrderByClass OrderBy(params OrderByItem[] orderBy) { return new OrderByClass(this, orderBy); } public GroupByClass GroupBy(params SelectItem[] groupBy) { return new GroupByClass(this, groupBy); } } public class FromClass : SqlStatementKeywordBase, EasySqlExtentions.EasySqlExtentionsHelper.CanUnion { public FromClass(SqlStatementKeywordBase s) : base(s) { } public FromClass InnerJoin(Entity to, WhereItem where) { var result = new FromClass(this); result._joins.Add(new Join(to, where)); return result; } public GroupByClass GroupBy(params SelectItem[] groupBy) { return new GroupByClass(this, groupBy); } public OrderByClass OrderBy(params OrderByItem[] orderBy) { return new OrderByClass(this, orderBy); } public FromClass LeftOuterJoin(Entity to, FilterBase where) { var result = new FromClass(this); result._joins.Add(new Join(to, where, "left outer")); return result; } public FromClass RightOuterJoin(Entity to, FilterBase where) { var result = new FromClass(this); result._joins.Add(new Join(to, where, "right outer")); return result; } public FromClass FullOuterJoin(Entity to, FilterBase where) { var result = new FromClass(this); result._joins.Add(new Join(to, where, "full outer")); return result; } public WhereClass Where(params WhereItem[] filter) { return new WhereClass(this, filter); } public WhereClass Where(ICustomFilterMember filter) { var fc = new FilterCollection(); fc.Add("{0}", filter); return new WhereClass(this, new WhereItem[] { fc }); } } public class WhereItem : ISqlPart { object _item; private WhereItem(object item) { _item = item; } public string Build(SQLPartHelper helper) { return helper.Translate(_item); } public static implicit operator WhereItem(FilterBase filter) { return new WhereItem(filter); } public static implicit operator WhereItem(SqlPart filter) { return new WhereItem(filter); } } public class FromItem : ISqlPart { internal object _what; public FromItem(object what) { _what = what; } public static implicit operator FromItem(Entity e) { return new FromItem(e); } public static implicit operator FromItem(SqlStatementKeywordBase e) { return new FromItem(e); } internal void RegisterEntity(SQLPartHelper helper) { var e = _what as Firefly.Box.Data.Entity; if (e != null) helper.RegisterEntities(e); } public string Build(SQLPartHelper helper) { return helper.Translate(_what); } } public class SelectItem : ISqlPart { internal object _item; private SelectItem(object item) { _item = item; } public string Build(SQLPartHelper helper) { return helper.Translate(_item); } public static implicit operator SelectItem(ColumnBase filter) { return new SelectItem(filter); } public static implicit operator SelectItem(SqlPart filter) { return new SelectItem(filter); } public static implicit operator SelectItem(SqlStatementKeywordBase filter) { return new SelectItem(filter); } public static implicit operator SelectItem(SelectItems filter) { return new SelectItem((object[])filter._items.ToArray()); } } public class SelectItems : IEnumerable { internal List _items = new List(); public SelectItems(params SelectItem[] items) { _items.AddRange(items); } public void Add(SelectItem item) { _items.Add(item); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return _items.GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return _items.GetEnumerator(); } } public class OrderByItem : ISqlPart { internal object _item; private OrderByItem(object item) { _item = item; } public string Build(SQLPartHelper helper) { return helper.Translate(_item); } public static implicit operator OrderByItem(ColumnBase filter) { return new OrderByItem(filter); } public static implicit operator OrderByItem(SqlPart filter) { return new OrderByItem(filter); } public static implicit operator OrderByItem(int filter) { return new OrderByItem(filter); } public static implicit operator OrderByItem(SortDirection filter) { return new OrderByItem(filter); } } public class WhereClass : SqlStatementKeywordBase, EasySqlExtentions.EasySqlExtentionsHelper.CanUnion { public WhereClass(SqlStatementKeywordBase from, WhereItem[] filter) : base(from) { this._where.AddRange(filter); } public GroupByClass GroupBy(params SelectItem[] groupBy) { return new GroupByClass(this, groupBy); } public OrderByClass OrderBy(params OrderByItem[] orderBy) { return new OrderByClass(this, orderBy); } } public class SqlStatementKeywordBase : ISqlPart { internal List _select = new List(), _groupBy = new List(); internal List _orderBy = new List(); internal List _where = new List(); internal List _from = new List(); internal List _joins = new List(); internal List _having = new List(); public SqlStatementKeywordBase(SqlStatementKeywordBase original) { if (original != null) CopyFrom(original); } public static implicit operator Func(SqlStatementKeywordBase sql) { return sql.ToSql; } public string ToSql() { return InternalBuild(new SQLPartHelper()); } protected void CopyFrom(SqlStatementKeywordBase b) { _select.AddRange(b._select); _where.AddRange(b._where); _groupBy.AddRange(b._groupBy); _orderBy.AddRange(b._orderBy); _from.AddRange(b._from); _joins.AddRange(b._joins); } public string Build(SQLPartHelper helper) { return "(" + InternalBuild(helper) + ")"; } private string InternalBuild(SQLPartHelper helper) { if (_from.Count == 0) { var entitiesDone = new HashSet(); foreach (var item in _select) { var c = item._item as ColumnBase; if (c != null) { if (!entitiesDone.Contains(c.Entity)) { _from.Add(c.Entity); entitiesDone.Add(c.Entity); } } } if (_from.Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldn't figure out the from"); } foreach (var item in _from) { item.RegisterEntity(helper); } if (_joins != null) foreach (var item in _joins) { helper.RegisterEntities(item.To); } var tempFrom = new List(); foreach (var item in _from) { var z = item._what as SqlStatementKeywordBase; if (z != null) { tempFrom.Add(new SqlPart(z, " ", helper.generateAlias())); } else tempFrom.Add(item._what); } var theFrom = helper.Translate(new CommaSeparated(tempFrom) { NewLine = true }); helper.Indent(); if (_joins != null) foreach (var j in _joins) { theFrom += helper.NewLine + (j.joinType) + " join " + helper.Translate(j.To) + " on " + helper.Translate(j.On); } helper.UnIndent(); string theWhere = helper.Translate(And(_where.ToArray())); if (theWhere != "") theWhere = helper.NewLine + " Where " + theWhere; var result = "Select " + helper.Translate(new CommaSeparated(_select) { NewLine = true }) + helper.NewLine + " From " + theFrom + theWhere; if (_groupBy != null && _groupBy.Count > 0) { result += helper.NewLine + "Group by " + helper.Translate(new CommaSeparated(_groupBy) { NewLine = true }); } if (_having.Count > 0) result += helper.NewLine + "Having " + helper.Translate(And(_having.ToArray())); if (_orderBy != null && _orderBy.Count > 0) { result += BuildOrderBy(helper,_orderBy); ; } return result; } internal static string BuildOrderBy(SQLPartHelper helper, IEnumerable _orderBy) { var ob = ""; foreach (var item in _orderBy) { if (item._item is SortDirection) { if (((SortDirection)item._item) == SortDirection.Descending) ob += " desc"; continue; } if (ob.Length > 0) { ob += ", " + helper.NewLine; } ob += helper.Translate(item); } return helper.NewLine + "Order by "+ob; } public void TestOn(DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider connection) { DoTest(connection, ToSql()); } internal static void DoTest(DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider connection, string sql) { var t = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName() + ".html"; using (var sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(t)) { sw.WriteLine(@""); try { // If you get a build error - try the following line instead //var r = connection.GetResult(sql); var r = connection.GetHtmlTableBasedOnSQLResultForDebugPurposes(sql); sw.WriteLine("


"); sw.WriteLine("
" + sql + "
"); sw.WriteLine("


"); sw.WriteLine(r); } catch (Exception ex) { sw.WriteLine("

Sql Error:

"); sw.WriteLine("
" + ex.Message + "
"); int errorLine = 0; var sqlErr = ex as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException; if (sqlErr != null && sqlErr.Errors.Count > 0) errorLine = sqlErr.Errors[0].LineNumber; if (errorLine == 1) errorLine = 0; sw.WriteLine("


"); sw.WriteLine("
                        using (var sr = new System.IO.StringReader(sql))
                            int i = 1;
                            string line;
                            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                if (errorLine == i)
                                    line = "" + line + "";
"); } finally { } sw.WriteLine("on: " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); } // If you get a build error - try the following line instead // Windows.StartRun(t); Windows.OSCommand(t); } } public class GroupByClass : SqlStatementKeywordBase, EasySqlExtentions.EasySqlExtentionsHelper.CanUnion { public GroupByClass(SqlStatementKeywordBase where, SelectItem[] columns) : base(where) { _groupBy.AddRange(columns); } public HavingClass Having(params WhereItem[] filter) { return new HavingClass(this, filter); } public OrderByClass OrderBy(params OrderByItem[] orderBy) { return new OrderByClass(this, orderBy); } } public class HavingClass : SqlStatementKeywordBase, EasySqlExtentions.EasySqlExtentionsHelper.CanUnion { public HavingClass(GroupByClass where, WhereItem[] columns) : base(where) { _having.AddRange(columns); } public OrderByClass OrderBy(params OrderByItem[] orderBy) { return new OrderByClass(this, orderBy); } } public class OrderByClass : SqlStatementKeywordBase { public OrderByClass(SqlStatementKeywordBase parent, OrderByItem[] orderBy) : base(parent) { _orderBy.AddRange(orderBy); } } } public class CommaSeparated : ISqlPart { System.Collections.IEnumerable _what; string _separator; bool _addParenthesis; public bool NewLine { get; set; } public CommaSeparated(System.Collections.IEnumerable what, string separator = ", ", bool addParenthesis = false) { _what = what; _separator = separator; _addParenthesis = addParenthesis; } public string Build(SQLPartHelper helper) { helper.Indent(); var selectString = ""; foreach (var item in _what) { if (selectString.Length != 0) { selectString += _separator; if (NewLine) selectString += helper.NewLine; } string x; if (item is object[]) { x = helper.Translate(new CommaSeparated((object[])item, _separator, _addParenthesis) { NewLine = NewLine }); } else if (item is EasySql.SelectItems) { x = helper.Translate(new CommaSeparated((object[])((EasySql.SelectItems)item)._items.ToArray(), _separator, _addParenthesis) { NewLine = NewLine }); } else if (item is EasySql.SelectItem && ((EasySql.SelectItem)item)._item is EasySql.SelectItem[]) { x = helper.Translate(new CommaSeparated((object[])((EasySql.SelectItem[])((EasySql.SelectItem)item)._item), _separator, _addParenthesis) { NewLine = NewLine }); } else x = helper.Translate(item); if (_addParenthesis) { x = "(" + x + ")"; } selectString += x; } helper.UnIndent(); return selectString; } } public class Join { public Entity To; public WhereItem On; public string joinType; public Join(Entity to, WhereItem on, string joinType = "inner") { this.joinType = joinType; To = to; On = on; } } public interface ISqlPart { string Build(SQLPartHelper helper); } public class SqlFunction : SqlPart { public SqlFunction(string name, params object[] args) : base(name, "(", new CommaSeparated(args), ")") { } } public class SqlPart : ISqlPart { Func _part; public SqlPart(Func part) { _part = part; } public string Build(SQLPartHelper helper) { return _part(helper); } public SqlPart(params object[] parts) { _part = h => { var sb = ""; foreach (var item in parts) { sb += h.Translate(item); } return sb; }; } public string ToSql() { return this.Build(new SQLPartHelper()); } public static implicit operator Func(SqlPart uc) { return () => uc.ToSql(); } public void TestOn(DynamicSQLSupportingDataProvider connection) { EasySql.SqlStatementKeywordBase.DoTest(connection, ToSql()); } } public class SQLPartHelper { string _tab = " "; string _indentTab = ""; public string NewLine { get { return "\r\n" + _indentTab; } } int _indent = 0; internal void Indent() { _indent++; buildIndent(); } void buildIndent() { _indentTab = ""; for (int i = 0; i < _indent; i++) { _indentTab += _tab; } } internal void UnIndent() { _indent--; buildIndent(); } Dictionary _aliases = new Dictionary(); int _aliasCount = 0; public void RegisterEntities(params Entity[] entities) { foreach (var item in entities) { if (!_aliases.ContainsKey(item)) _aliases.Add(item, generateAlias()); } } bool _isOracle = false; public string WhereToString(FilterBase f, params Entity[] moreEntities) { RegisterEntities(moreEntities); var x = FilterBase.GetIFilter(f, false, _aliases.Keys.ToArray()); // If you get a build error - try the following line instead // var p = new NoParametersFilterItemSaver(); var p = new NoParametersFilterItemSaver(true, _isOracle ? OracleClientEntityDataProvider.DateTimeStringFormat : SQLClientEntityDataProvider.DateTimeStringFormat, DummyDateTimeCollector.Instance); var z = new SQLFilterConsumer( p, y => { return WriteColumnWithAlias(y); // If you get a build error - try the following line instead // }, false, new dummySqlFilterHelper()); }, false, new dummySqlFilterHelper(p)); x.AddTo(z); return z.Result.ToString(); } private string WriteColumnWithAlias(ColumnBase y) { string s = GetAliasOf(y.Entity); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return s + "." + y.Name; throw new InvalidOperationException("Only expected columns from main table or inner table"); } internal string Translate(object x) { var f = x as FilterBase; if (f != null) { x = this.WhereToString(f); } var sqlPart = x as ISqlPart; if (sqlPart != null) { x = sqlPart.Build(this); } var c = x as ColumnBase; if (c != null) { x = WriteColumnWithAlias(c); } var e = x as Entity; if (e != null) { RegisterEntities(e); x = e.EntityName + " " + GetAliasOf(e); } return x.ToString(); } private string GetAliasOf(Firefly.Box.Data.Entity e) { string s; if (_aliases.TryGetValue(e, out s)) return s; return ""; } internal string generateAlias() { return "t" + (++_aliasCount); } } }