#Cach su dung: Xoa # o doan #abc=xyz o dau dong de kich hoat nhung doan config mau ########### # General # ########### # Custom config #Bat len neu muon giong PiP cua trinh duyet, geometry=x50% nen chuyen thanh geometry=x25% ontop #Bat len neu muon tiep tuc xem video o thoi diem tat MPV #save-position-on-quit=yes osd-on-seek=no osd-font-size=24 #osd-duration=100 keep-open=yes force-window=immediate no-focus-on-open #geometry=x50% #PiP giua man hinh geometry=25%x25%-10-10 #PiP goc duoi ben phai load-unsafe-playlists=yes user-agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/116.0' force-seekable=yes hr-seek=yes hr-seek-framedrop=yes #screenshot-directory=~~/screenshots ######### # uosc # ######### # required so that the 2 UIs don't fight each other #osc=no # uosc provides its own seeking/volume indicators, so you also don't need this #osd-bar=no # uosc will draw its own window controls if you disable window border #border=no ######### # Video # ######### hwdec=auto-safe vo=gpu-next #Cho he may cui bap, CPU va GPU giam cuc nhieu tscale=nearest interpolation=no scale=bilinear cscale=bilinear dscale=bilinear sws-scaler=fast-bilinear dither=no correct-downscaling=no linear-downscaling=no sigmoid-upscaling=no hdr-compute-peak=no #Bat lam net video, rat ngon CPU va GPU, tuy nhien giup vai video bi nhoe trong dep hon, khong nen bat mac dinh ma nen bat bang phim tat khi can thiet bang input.conf #scale=ewa_lanczossharp #cscale=ewa_lanczossharp ######### # Audio # ######### #audio-file-auto=fuzzy # play external audio files with same name as video files #audio-pitch-correction=yes # automatically insert scaletempo when playing with higher speed volume-max=200 # maximum volume in %, everything above 100 results in amplification volume=100 # default volume, 100 = unchanged ######### #Subtitle ######### #Doi mau, kich co subtitle #sub-color='#FFFF00' #subtitle color in rgb #sub-shadow-color='#000000' #shadow color #sub-font='Noto Sans' #set font #sub-bold=yes #sub-font-size=60 #sub-pos=95 #subtitle position 5 percent above the bottom of the screen #sub-fix-timing=yes ######### # Cache # ######### cache-pause cache=yes #cache-on-disk=yes # Bat len neu may it RAM, chuyen cache xuong o dia #cache-default=80000 # size in KB (80MB) -- Increase if you have buffering issues #cache-backbuffer=80000 # size in KB #cache-initial=0 # start playback when your cache is filled up with x kB cache-secs=600 # how many seconds of audio/video to prefetch if the cache is active demuxer-thread=yes #demuxer-max-bytes=50MiB demuxer-max-back-bytes=50MiB demuxer-readahead-secs=600 ######### # Network # ######### network-timeout=100 stream-lavf-o-append=reconnect_on_http_error=4xx,5xx stream-lavf-o-append=reconnect_delay_max=30 stream-lavf-o-append=reconnect_streamed=yes #stream-lavf-o-append=reconnect_on_network_error=yes ######### # YTDL # ######### ytdl-raw-options-append=no-check-certificates= ytdl-raw-options-append=yes-playlist= #ytdl-raw-options-append=extractor-args=youtube:player_skip=webpage,configs,js;player_client=android,web;lang=vi,en #Chuyen sang Youtube VN may chu Youtube tra lai CDN gan Viet Nam, co the gay loi/thay doi ? #ytdl-raw-options-append=extractor-args=youtube:lang=vi,en,ja ytdl-raw-options-append=sub-langs=en,en-US,eng,vi,vi-VN,vie,ja,ja-JP,jap,live_chat ytdl-raw-options-append=write-sub= ytdl-raw-options-append=write-auto-sub= ytdl-raw-options-append=add-metadata= ytdl-raw-options-append=audio-multistreams= ytdl-raw-options-append=video-multistreams= #Danh dau da xem khong can plugin markwatched.lua https://voz.vn/t/tong-hop-nhung-addon-chat-cho-firefox-pc-mobile.682181/post-25727088 #ytdl-raw-options-append=cookies-from-browser=firefox:_ĐƯỜNG_DẪN_PROFILE_FIREFOX_VÀO_ABOUT:SUPPORT_OPEN_PROFILE_ #ytdl-raw-options-append=mark-watched= ######### # Profile # ######### #Chi tiet: https://voz.vn/t/tong-hop-nhung-addon-chat-cho-firefox-pc-mobile.682181/post-24149834 #Luon de phan nay o cuoi file mpv.conf [quality-youtube] profile-cond=string.find(path, 'youtube') ~= nil or string.find(path, 'youtu.be') ~= nil or string.find(path, 'yt.be') ~= nil profile-restore=copy #720 mp4 ytdl-format=22/18/17/(mp4)[height<=?720][fps<=?30]+worstaudio[acodec~=opus]/(mp4)[height<=?720][fps<=?30]/bv+ba/ba #ytdl-format=bestvideo[container*=dash][proto*=http_dash_segments][height<=?720][fps<=?30][vcodec!=?vp9]+bestaudio/best #1080 mp4 #ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?1080][vcodec*=?avc]+bestaudio/best #1080 av1 #ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?1080][vcodec*=?av01]+bestaudio/best #1080 vp9 #ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?1080][vcodec*=?vp9]+bestaudio/best #best av1 #ytdl-format=bestvideo[vcodec*=?av01]+bestaudio/best [quality-twitter] profile-cond=string.find(path, 'twitter.') ~= nil or string.find(path, 'x.com') ~= nil profile-restore=copy ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=720][protocol*=m3u8]+bestaudio/best[height<=720][protocol*=m3u8] #ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?360]+bestaudio/best #ytdl-format=bestvideo[proto*=hls]+bestaudio/best #ytdl-format=hls-197/hls-783/hls-475/hls-80 #ytdl-format=hls-783/hls-475/hls-197/hls-80 #hls-783/hls-475/hls-197/hls-80 [stream-no-ytdl] profile-cond=string.find(path, '%.m3u') ~= nil or string.find(path, '%.mpd') ~= nil or string.find(path, '%.mp4') ~= nil or string.find(path, 'googlevideo%.') ~= nil or string.find(path, '%.jpg') ~= nil or string.find(path, '%.png') ~= nil or string.find(path, '%.epg') ~= nil or string.find(path, '%.ts') ~= nil or string.find(path, '%.xml') ~= nil or string.find(path, 'epg') ~= nil or string.find(path, 'EXTM3U') ~= nil profile-restore=copy-equal ytdl=no #EOF