# WIP: It's probably not the best time to translate Quirk. 🚨🚨🚨 Translations are a bit broken at the moment while we migrate to a Fluent+Pontoon instance instead of json files. ---- ---- ---- # How to contribute a new language ## Create a JSON file Copy the `src/locals/en.json` file to a new locale following [the ISO-639-1](http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/English_list.php) code. If you have a region designator and you know it, add it as an underscore as described by @briankung. For example, if I wanted to translate to Finnish like @Walther, I would do: ``` cp src/locals/en.json src/locals/fi.json ``` Note that the convention typically uses the English name for the language, so no `suomi.json`! 😭 ## Fill out the JSON file Go through as much as you can and translate into your language. If you can't translate everything, that's okay, it will fall back to English. ## Open up `src/i18n.ts` and add your language In the file, add an import line: ``` import fi from './locals/fi.json' ``` And then add it to the translations object: ``` i18n.translations = { fr, en }; ``` ## Save your code and open up a new PR ``` git checkout -b finnish; git add .; git commit -m "Add Finnish" git push; ``` Then go on github, click "New Pull Request", and then fill in your branch and master: Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at 5 17 52 PM ## Then, give a little description of what you're doing and open your PR! Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at 5 19 37 PM ## Finally, give a translation of the description If you can, in your PR, please include a translation of the description of the app for stores: > Quirk is a tool for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is one of the most effective and widely prescribed treatments for depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and multiple other mental health problems. > Quirk helps you record "automatic thoughts," challenge them, and then train your brain with an alternative thought. > The app is open source under the GPL. You can find the code on Github at: https://github.com/Flaque/quirk If possible, please translate the following keywords too (required by iOS localization): > Anxiety, Depression, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT, Panic