"aiTransform": {
"changedColumnsText_one": "1 column with data changed",
"changedColumnsText_other": "{{count}} columns with data changed",
"errors": {
"entitlementError": {
"content": "If you think this is in error, please reach out to customer support.",
"title": "Sorry! You don't have access to this feature."
"generalError": {
"title": "Something went wrong. Please try again."
"generateMutationError": {
"title": "Unable to reach the AI. Please try again later."
"invalidFunctionError": {
"content": "Most likely you asked it to do something invalid.",
"title": "Sorry, the AI assistant is unable to perform that transformation."
"keysModifiedError": {
"title": "Sorry, the AI assistant can only modify the values of existing fields. It cannot remove fields or add new ones."
"noFunctionError": {
"content": "Try phrasing it differently. Prompts that include field names tend to be more successful.",
"title": "We couldn’t understand your prompt."
"noRecordsFoundError": {
"content": "No records were found for the given query. Please try again.",
"title": "No records found"
"noresultsError": {
"content": "Try phrasing it differently. Prompts that include field names tend to be more successful.",
"title": "Your prompt didn't transform any data."
"prompttoolongError": {
"content": "Try shortening your prompt or breaking your prompt into multiple steps and try again.",
"title": "Sorry! Your prompt was a little too long."
"versionError": {
"content": "Unable to create a rollback version.",
"title": "Something went wrong. Please try again."
"exitConfirmation": {
"body": "Are you sure you want to exit?",
"header": "Exit Confirmation",
"label": "Exit"
"jobCompleteHeading": "AI Transformation Job Complete",
"jobCompleteMessage": "The records have been transformed",
"promptBar": {
"categoricalWarning": "This field has too many options for AI Transform to process.",
"fieldTooltip": "{{key}}: {{description}}",
"transformButton": {
"tooltip": {
"active": "Describe how you want data in a field to be transformed based on any logic, including data in any field",
"disabled": "You must have some records in your (filtered) sheet in order to use the AI assistant.",
"locked": "The sheet is locked.",
"noRows": "You must have some records in your (filtered) sheet in order to use the AI assistant.",
"readOnly": "The sheet is read-only.",
"tooManyRows": "The sheet has too many rows (over 1 million)."
"warning": "Note: Some categorical fields in your dataset have a lot of configured options. Using those fields, like @{{fieldName}}, in your prompt might not work as expected."
"sampleMessage": "Preview of {{number}} records",
"scrollInfoText": "Scroll to next changed column",
"toggleLabel": "Show only modified data"
"blocks": {
"embeddedDiff": {
"errors": {
"invalidDirection": "Unable to create Embedded Diff due to invalid 'direction' property. Valid values are: 'sheet_to_snapshot', 'snapshot_to_sheet'",
"missingIds": "Unable to create Embedded Diff due to missing Sheet, Workbook, or Snapshot ID"
"embeddedSheet": {
"errors": {
"missingIds": "Unable to create Embedded Sheet due to missing Sheet or Workbook ID."
"checklist": {
"dropdowns": {
"headings": {
"sheet": "Sheet",
"workbook": "Workbook"
"errors": {
"cannotLoadChecklist": "Unable to load the data checklist",
"cannotLoadSheet": "Sheet could not be found",
"noWorkbooksDescription": "Data checklist requires at minimum 1 workbook to be active. Please have your developer check the configuration. If this problem persists please contact support.",
"noWorkbooksTitle": "Workbook required"
"table": {
"dataTypes": {
"boolean": "Boolean",
"date": "Date",
"enum": "Enum",
"number": "Number",
"reference": "Reference",
"string": "String",
"unknown": "Unknown"
"fieldTagComputed": "Computed",
"fieldTagRequired": "Required",
"fieldTagUnique": "Unique",
"headings": {
"dataType": "Data type",
"description": "Description",
"field": "Field name"
"title": "Data checklist"
"commandMenu": {
"aiAssist": {
"query": {
"askingAI": {
"stepFour": "Finishing",
"stepOne": "Thinking",
"stepThree": "Doing",
"stepTwo": "Writing"
"description": {
"branded": "ask AI to write a query for you in FFQL",
"whitelabeled": "ask AI to write a query for you"
"errorBanner": {
"generalError": "Something went wrong. Please try again."
"instruction": "Describe how you'd like the AI assistant to query your data:",
"review": {
"description": "Here's what I came up with. Read the step by step explanation and the query, and if it looks good, click below to apply it.",
"explanationTitle": "Explanation",
"queryTitle": "Query"
"transform": {
"askingAI": {
"stepFour": "Finishing",
"stepOne": "Thinking",
"stepThree": "Doing",
"stepTwo": "Writing"
"buttons": {
"apply": "Apply",
"cancel": "Cancel"
"commands": {
"filter": {
"apply": "Apply Filter.",
"description": {
"branded": "write an FFQL statement",
"whitelabeled": "write a query"
"hiddenColumnsWarning_one": "1 field will be unhidden by this query: {{fields}}",
"hiddenColumnsWarning_other": "{{count}} fields will be unhidden by this query: {{fields}}",
"invalidFFQL": "Invalid FFQL statement. Try again?",
"learnHow": "learn how"
"search": {
"global": {
"apply": "Apply search.",
"description": "search the whole sheet"
"inField": {
"apply": "Apply search within field.",
"applyExample": "i.e. 'first_name' Jane Doe",
"description": "search within a field"
"itemMessage": "press {{icon}} to apply",
"placeholder": "Find or do anything..."
"comments": {
"addReaction": "Add reaction",
"commentDisabledTooltip": "Select a cell or a row to add a comment",
"comments": "Comments",
"delete": "Delete comment",
"edit": "Edit comment",
"edited": " (edited)",
"hidden": "hidden by filters…",
"noResolvedThreads": "No threads have been resolved yet",
"noResults": "No matches",
"noUpdates": "No updates",
"placeholder": "Add your comment here…",
"reactionList": "<0>0> reacted with {{emoji}}",
"reopen": "Reopen thread",
"repliesCount_one": "{{count}} more reply",
"repliesCount_other": "{{count}} more replies",
"resolve": "Resolve thread",
"resolved": "Resolved",
"row": "Row {{row}}",
"rowAndColumn": "Row {{row}}, {{column}}",
"send": "Send comment",
"threadPlaceholder": "Reply or mention others with @…",
"updates": "Updates",
"updatesError": "An error occurred while loading updates",
"userCommented": "{{user}} commented on {{identifier}}",
"userReacted": "<0>0> reacted to your comment",
"you": "You"
"common": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"lastWeek": "Last Week",
"name": "Name",
"older": "Older",
"thisWeek": "This Week",
"today": "Today",
"yesterday": "Yesterday"
"dataClips": {
"actions": {
"add_to_clip": "Add selections to data clip",
"buttons": {
"back": "Back",
"conflicts": "Resolve conflicts",
"review": "Review changes",
"share": "Share",
"submit_for_review": "Submit for review",
"view": "View data clip"
"create": "Create data clip",
"library": "Go to data clip library",
"sheet_list": "See sheet's data clips",
"tooltip": {
"conflicts": "Please resolve conflicts before merging.",
"no_changes": "Make at least one change in order to merge.",
"no_data_clips": "Create a data clip to add to.",
"none_selected": {
"add_to_clip": "Select at least one record to add to a data clip.",
"create": "Select at least one record to create a data clip."
"review": "No changes have been made to this data clip."
"buttonText": "Clip data",
"choose_action": "Choose an action:",
"clear": "clear",
"collaborators": "Collaborators",
"confirmation": {
"delete": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"description": "This will permanently delete this data clip from your library.",
"submit": "Delete",
"title": "Delete"
"ready": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"description": "Your changes will be sent for review.",
"submit": "Submit",
"title": "Submit for review"
"conflictResolution": {
"applyAll": "Apply to all?",
"change_description": "1 record in the field \"{{fieldName}}\" will be changed.",
"columnTotal": "Column total:",
"description": "There are changes in both the source sheet and the data clip. Choose which one you want to keep.",
"empty": {
"description": "Ready for review",
"status": "Complete",
"title": "No conflicts"
"row": "Row",
"title": "Choose which change to merge"
"created_by": "Created by",
"detailsModal": {
"create": {
"action": "Create",
"title": "Create data clip"
"edit": {
"action": "Submit",
"title": "Edit data clip"
"placeholder": "Add a comment (optional)...",
"review": "Review"
"empty": "No data clips to display",
"error": "Unable to load the data clips for this space",
"errors_one": "{{count}} error",
"errors_other": "{{count}} errors",
"errors": {
"add_records_create": "There was an unexpected error adding your records to the data clip. An empty data clip has been created.",
"add_to_clip": "There was an unexpected error adding your records to the data clip, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support.",
"bulk_resolve_all_conflicts": "There was an unexpected error resolving conflicts, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support",
"create": "There was an unexpected error creating your data clip, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support.",
"delete": "We were unable to delete the data clip, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support",
"diff_view": "There was an unexpected error loading the data clip diff view, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support",
"edit": "There was an unexpected error editing your data clips, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support.",
"link_copy": "There was an unexpected error copying the link, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support",
"list": "There was an unexpected error loading the data clip library, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support",
"mark_as_ready": "We were unable to mark the data clip as ready for merge, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support",
"mark_for_review": "Your data clip failed to submit for review, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support",
"mark_merged": "Your data clip failed to merge, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support",
"mark_open": "We were unable to reopen the data clip, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support",
"merge": "We were unable to merge the data clip, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support",
"refresh_resolutions": "We were unable to prepare the data clip for review, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support"
"filter": "Filter",
"library": {
"actions": {
"delete": "Delete",
"edit": "View",
"edit_details": "Edit details"
"create": "Create data clip",
"guest_search": "Search by data clip, or sheet name",
"headers": {
"creator": "Creator",
"name": "Name",
"records": "Records",
"sheet": "Source sheet",
"status": "Status",
"updated_at": "Last edited"
"search": "Search by data clip, sheet, or creator name",
"source_name": "Source Sheet: ",
"title": "Data clip library"
"merge": "Merge changes",
"modal": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"share": "Create"
"newConflicts": {
"close": "Close",
"description": "New conflicts have been introduced while reviewing this data clip.",
"submit": "Resolve conflicts",
"title": "New conflicts found"
"next": "Next",
"promise": "Safe & secure sending",
"resend": "Reopen and return",
"resolutions": {
"applyAll": {
"button": "Apply",
"description_one": "Would you like apply '{{resolveTo}}' as your selection for the remaining conflicts in the '{{columnLabel}}' column? {{count}} record will be updated.",
"description_other": "Would you like apply '{{resolveTo}}' as your selection for the remaining conflicts in the '{{columnLabel}}' column? {{count}} records will be updted."
"cancel": "Save & exit",
"complete": "Complete",
"conflicts_found": {
"button_one": "{{count}} conflict",
"button_other": "{{count}} conflicts",
"clip_override": {
"description": "This won't change anything in the source sheet, and the conflicted data clip changes will be discarded.",
"title": "Reject values from data clip"
"options_title": "Choose the action",
"resolve_conflicts": {
"description": "This allows you to review each conflict in the data clip, and decide which values to merge or ignore.",
"title": "Make changes individually"
"source_override": {
"description": "This will update all conflicted values to match the data clip on merge.",
"title": "Accept values from data clip"
"title": "Conflicts found"
"empty": {
"button": "Return to clip",
"description": "Make at least one change in order to merge.",
"title": "No changes have been detected in this data clip."
"merge": "Merge"
"selectedRecords_one": "{{count}} record selected",
"selectedRecords_other": "{{count}} records selected",
"share": {
"copy_link": "Copy link",
"description": "Collaborators will be sent an invitation to collaborate on this data clip.",
"empty": "No collaborators available.",
"none_selected": "No collaborators selected.",
"placeholder": "Add collaborators...",
"submit": "Share",
"title": "Share data clip"
"sort": "sort",
"status": {
"all": "See all",
"created": "Created",
"merged": "Merged",
"open": "Open",
"ready": "Ready for review",
"title": "Status"
"success": {
"add_records": "Records added successfully.",
"create": "Your data clip was successfully created.",
"delete": "Your data clip was successfully deleted.",
"edit": "Edits successfully saved.",
"link_copy": "Link copied successfully!",
"mark_as_ready": "Your data clip was successfully submitted for review. The clip owner has been notified.",
"mark_merged": "Your data clip was successfully merged.",
"mark_open": "Data clip successfully reopened and returned!",
"modal": {
"create": {
"button": "View data clip",
"close": "Close",
"description": "You can now view the new data clip.",
"title": "Your data clip has been created"
"ready": {
"close": "Close",
"description": "Your changes have been submitted for review. We'll notify you with any notes or change in status.",
"submit": "Return to data clip",
"title": "Changes successfully submitted!"
"syncedRecords_one": "{{count}} total record",
"syncedRecords_other": "{{count}} total records"
"document": {
"error": {
"description": "This document does not seem to exist",
"title": "Document not found"
"errors": {
"accessDenied": "Access denied",
"documentNotFound": "Document not found",
"fileNotFound": "File not found",
"missingParameter": "Parameter not provided",
"notFound": "Not found",
"notFoundPageDescription": "No page exists at this URL. If this is unexpected, please contact support.",
"refreshButton": "Retry",
"refreshPageDescription": "Refresh the page to try again. If the problem persists, contact support.",
"returnToDashboardButton": "Return to Dashboard",
"sessionExpired": "Session has expired",
"sessionExpiredDescription": "Access to the current session has expired.",
"sheetNotFound": "Sheet not found",
"spaceNotFound": "Space not found",
"unauthorized": "Your access credentials are invalid.",
"unknownError": "Something went wrong",
"workbookNotFound": "Workbook not found"
"files": {
"availableDownloadsTab": "Available downloads",
"buttons": {
"addFile": {
"inProgressText": "Uploading file",
"text": "Upload file"
"addFileFrom": {
"box": "Box",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"text": "Add file from…"
"delete": "Delete",
"download": "Download",
"googleDrive": "Add file from Google Drive"
"connectionsModal": {
"box": "Box",
"close": "Close",
"googleDrive": "Google Drive",
"heading": "Manage your connections",
"manage": "Manage",
"subtext": " Click the buttons below to sign into or out of your accounts."
"contextMenu": {
"delete": "Delete",
"download": "Download"
"counts": "{{start}}-{{end}} of {{total}}",
"deleteModal": {
"downloadDescription_one": "This downloaded file will be deleted from the space.",
"downloadDescription_other": "These downloaded files will be deleted from the space.",
"heading_one": "Delete file",
"heading_other": "Delete files",
"subheading_one": "File:",
"subheading_other": "Files:",
"uploadsDescription_one": "All data imported will be saved. This will delete the file from the space.",
"uploadsDescription_other": "All data imported will be saved. This will delete the files from the space."
"downloadsTable": {
"headings": {
"createdDate": "Generated",
"name": "Name",
"size": "Size",
"sourceSheet": "Source sheet"
"processing": "Exporting..."
"emptyState": {
"downloads": {
"description": "Downloaded data will appear here",
"heading": "No downloads available"
"uploads": {
"description": "Drag and drop or upload a file to get started",
"heading": "Add files"
"errors": {
"loadingError": "Unable to load the files",
"uploadDisabledDescription": "If you think this is an error, please talk to support.",
"uploadDisabledHeading": "This space does not currently support file uploads."
"title": "Files",
"uploadedFilesTab": "Uploaded files",
"uploadFile": {
"popovers": {
"errorUploading": "Unable to upload file: {{fileName}}",
"extracting": "Extracting file...",
"extractionCompleted": "Extraction completed.",
"extractionFailed": "Extraction failed. Try again or reach out to Support.",
"onDragPopoverConfirmation": "Dropping file in:",
"unsupportedFile": "Unsupported file type. Try another file type or reach out to Support.",
"unsupportedFileInfo": "We did not detect data in this file. It's available for download if needed.",
"uploadComplete": "Uploaded: {{fileName}}",
"uploadCompleteMany": "Uploaded {{count}} files",
"uploadError": "Error uploading {{fileName}}",
"uploadErrorMany": "Error uploading {{count}} files",
"uploadingMany": "Uploading {{count}} files",
"uploadInProgress": "Uploading: {{fileName}}",
"uploadInProgressMany": "Uploading {{count}} files",
"uploadsDisabled": "This space does not currently support file uploads.",
"waitingForExtraction": "Waiting for file extraction..."
"uploadsTables": {
"headings": {
"name": "Name",
"status": "Status",
"uploadedDate": "Uploaded"
"importButton": "Import",
"importError": "Unable to locate source file to import - Please try again. If the issue persists, please contact support.",
"tooltips": {
"cannotImport": "Importing to a workbook is not currently available for this file",
"noExtension": "This file doesn't have an extension. Add the correct file extension to the file name and reupload the file to import it into a workbook"
"guestInvite": {
"getNewAccessLink": {
"content": "We've sent a secure access link to",
"finePrint": "If you have trouble locating the email, check your spam folder or refresh this page to send another access link. The link will work for 5 minutes.",
"heading": "Check your inbox"
"helpCenter": {
"panel": {
"empty": "Guidance for this space will be available here if configured.",
"heading": "Help Center"
"pill": {
"hoverText": "Help Center"
"host": {
"modals": {
"closeModal": {
"message": "Are you sure you would like to close this window? This will end your current data import session.",
"primaryButtonText": "Yes, exit",
"secondaryButtonText": "No, stay",
"title": "Close Window"
"errorModal": {
"title": "Something went wrong"
"jobs": {
"customActions": {
"modals": {
"confirmModal": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"defaultConfirmButton": "Confirm",
"defaultLoadingButton": "Loading...",
"isRequired": "{{field}} is required",
"mustBeNumber": "{{field}} must be a number"
"defaultJobName": "Job",
"defaultResourceName": "this resource",
"foregroundJobProgressModal": {
"defaultJobName": "Job",
"defaultResourceName": "this resource",
"percentComplete": "{{percent}}% complete",
"runningOn": "running on"
"outcomeModals": {
"acknowledgementModal": {
"defaultContinueButton": "Continue"
"defaultDownloadLabel": "Download",
"defaultFileName": "file",
"defaultHeading": {
"failed": "Job failed",
"success": "Success!"
"defaultLabel": "View Resource",
"defaultMessage": {
"failed": "{{jobName}} on {{resourceName}} failed",
"success": "{{jobName}} ran on {{resourceName}} successfully"
"defaultRetryLabel": "Retry",
"defaultUrlLabel": "Visit external webpage",
"defaultViewLabel": " Update view",
"permanentOutcomeModal": {
"defaultContinueButton": "Continue"
"startModal": {
"confirmButton": "Confirm",
"errorMessage": "Error with action",
"loadingText": "Loading..."
"download": {
"downloadStartedHeading": "Download started",
"downloadStartedMessage": "The download should have started automatically.",
"seeAllDownloads": "See all downloads"
"errors": {
"timeout": "Job timed out."
"info": {
"copiedPopover": "Copied Job ID",
"copyIdTooltip": "Copy Job ID"
"messages": {
"startingJob": "Starting job"
"noListener": {
"learnMore": "Learn more"
"panel": {
"action": {
"export": "Download",
"extract": "Import",
"mapping": "Go to workbook"
"empty": "Jobs will appear here when they're running or completed",
"errorLoadingJob": "Not found",
"heading": "Jobs",
"status": {
"default": {
"canceled": {
"prefix": "Job",
"suffix": "cancelled"
"complete": {
"prefix": "Job",
"suffix": "complete"
"failed": {
"prefix": "Job",
"suffix": "failed"
"inProgress": "Running job",
"waiting": "Waiting:"
"delete": {
"cancelled": "Cancelled record deletion",
"complete": "Deletion completed",
"failed": "Deletion failed",
"inProgress": "Deleting records",
"waiting": "Waiting to delete records"
"export": {
"canceled": "Download cancelled",
"complete": "Download generated",
"failed": "Failed to generate download",
"inProgress": "Generating download",
"waiting": "Waiting to generate download"
"extract": {
"cancelled": "Cancelled file extraction",
"complete": "Extracted file",
"failed": "Failed to extract file",
"inProgress": "Extracting file",
"waiting": "Waiting to extract file"
"flatfile-add-column": {
"canceled": "Canceled Add Column",
"complete": "Add Column complete",
"failed": "Add Column failed",
"inProgress": "Adding Column",
"waiting": "Waiting to Add Column"
"flatfile-remove-column": {
"canceled": "Canceled Remove Column",
"complete": "Remove Column complete",
"failed": "Remove Column failed",
"inProgress": "Removing Column",
"waiting": "Waiting to Remove Column"
"mapping": {
"canceled": "Cancelled mapping to workbook",
"complete": "Mapped to workbook",
"failed": "Failed to map to workbook",
"inProgress": "Mapping to workbook",
"waiting": "Waiting to map to workbook"
"mutate-records": {
"canceled": "Cancelled AI Transform",
"complete": "AI Transform complete",
"failed": "AI Transfrom failed",
"inProgress": "Transforming Records with AI",
"waiting": "Waiting to transform records with AI"
"time": {
"calculating": "Calculating time remaining...",
"completed": "Completed in",
"failed": "Failed after",
"remaining": "remaining",
"started": "Started {{time}}",
"units": {
"hour": "hr",
"minute": "min",
"second": "sec"
"pill": {
"hoverText": "Jobs",
"multipleJobsRunning": "{{count}} jobs running",
"status": {
"default": {
"complete": "Job completed",
"failed": "Job failed",
"inProgress": "Job running"
"delete": {
"complete": "Deletion completed",
"failed": "Deletion failed",
"inProgress": "Deleting records..."
"extract": {
"complete": "Extraction completed",
"failed": "Extraction failed",
"inProgress": "Extracting data..."
"mapping": {
"complete": "Mapping completed",
"failed": "Mapping failed",
"inProgress": "Mapping..."
"submit": {
"button": {
"defaultLabel": "Submit"
"manageUsers": {
"accessLink": {
"callout": "This link is valid for 24hrs. Anyone with the link can access the Space and upload, edit and otherwise manage data.",
"title": "Access link"
"actions": {
"copyLink": "Copy Space link",
"invite": "Send invite",
"resendInvite": "Resend invite",
"revoke": "Revoke access"
"edit": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"description": "Removing all workbooks from a user's account removes that user from the space.",
"error": "Error fetching workbooks",
"loading": "Loading edit permissions...",
"saveButton": "Save",
"title": "Edit workbook access for"
"empty": "No guests to display",
"error": {
"title": "Unable to load the users for this space"
"guest": {
"message": "Only admins can manage guests. If you think you are seeing this in error, please contact support.",
"title": "You do not have permission to view this page"
"invite": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"form": {
"collaborate": {
"label": "Who would you like to collaborate with?",
"placeholder": "Invite by email, comma separated"
"message": {
"label": "Message",
"placeholder": "Let's collaborate!"
"sendInvite": "Send invite",
"title": "Invite guests"
"manageGuests": "Manage Guests",
"revoke": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"confirmButton": "Confirm",
"removing": "Removing...",
"title": "Revoke access"
"mapping": {
"clearFields": {
"modalHeader": "Clear Destination Fields",
"modalLabel": "Clear",
"modalText": "All existing mappings for this import will be cleared",
"modalTooltip": "Clear Destination Fields"
"dataPreview": {
"heading": "Data preview for {{previewKey}}",
"noData": "No preview data"
"dropdown": {
"placeholder": "Select..."
"headerButtons": {
"back": "Back",
"complete": "Complete",
"exit": "Exit",
"headers": "Choose headers",
"next": "Continue"
"mapEnums": {
"destinationFields": {
"dropdownOptions": {
"doNotImport": "Do not import",
"keepAsIs": "Keep this value as is",
"keepAsIsDisabledTooltip": "Adding a new option to this list is not supported. Importing a value that is not a valid option will show as an error."
"heading": "Destination Values"
"incomingFields": {
"heading": "Incoming Values",
"noData": "Cells with no data",
"noDataTooltip": "You can select a valid option to populate all empty cells. You can also leave this blank."
"progressPill_one": "{{mappedCount}} of {{count}} value mapped",
"progressPill_other": "{{mappedCount}} of {{count}} values mapped",
"progressPillAllMapped_one": "{{count}} values mapped",
"progressPillAllMapped_other": "{{count}} value mapped",
"subheading": "These fields have values that must be mapped to a list of valid options.",
"title": "Map Fields"
"mapFields": {
"destinationFields": {
"addNewField": {
"description": "Add this field to your sheet",
"label": "Add as new field"
"dropdownOptionLabels": {
"new": "Add new",
"unused": "Unused",
"used": "Used"
"heading": "Destination Fields",
"progressPill": {
"missingRequiredFields": " - {{missingFieldsCount}} missing",
"text": "{{totalDestinationsMapped}} of {{totalDestinationFields}}",
"tooltip": {
"greaterThanTenMissing": "and {{missingFieldsAfterTen}} more...",
"missingRequiredFields": "Required fields missing:",
"progress": "{{mappedDestinationFields}} of the {{totalDestinationFields}} available fields in the target sheet have been mapped to"
"incomingFields": {
"heading": "Incoming Fields",
"progressPill": {
"text": "{{totalIncomingMapped}} of {{totalIncomingFields}}",
"tooltip": "You've mapped {{mappedIncomingFields}} of {{totalIncomingFields}} fields in your dataset to the target sheet"
"selectHeaders": {
"tooltip": "Edit incoming fields"
"subheading": "Review and confirm each mapping choice",
"title": "Map fields"
"mapHeaders": {
"subheading": "Change or select header row for your source data",
"title": "Map headers"
"mappingPlan": {
"preparing": "Preparing Mapping..."
"sheetSelection": {
"cannotLoadFile": "Unable to upload file: {{fileName}}",
"cannotStartMapping": "Unable to continue to mapping - {{reason}} - Please try again",
"columns_one": "1 column",
"columns_other": "{{count}} columns",
"errors_one": "1 error",
"errors_other": "{{count}} errors",
"importFromHeading": "Select a sheet to load data from",
"importToHeading": "Select a sheet to import this data to",
"lastUpdated": "Last updated {{date}}",
"lastUpdatedDateFormat": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"records_one": "1 record",
"records_other": "{{count}} records",
"sheetHasNoData": "No data",
"sheets_one": "1 sheet",
"sheets_other": "{{count}} sheets",
"title": "Import to...",
"updatedAtDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd"
"nativeActions": {
"addColumn": "Add column",
"clearColumn": "Clear Column",
"removeColumn": "Remove column"
"platform": {
"pubnub": {
"errors": {
"refreshTokenActionLabel": "Refresh",
"refreshTokenFailed": "Event stream disconnected - Please refresh to reconnect"
"plugins": {
"extraction": {
"addingRecords": "Adding records to Sheets",
"createWorkbook": "Creating workbook",
"createWorkbookError": "Failed to create workbook. See Event Logs.",
"extractedFile": "Extracted file",
"extractionFailed": "Extraction failed. Try again or reach out to Support.",
"failedToParseWorkbook": "Failed to parse workbook.",
"fileTooLarge": "File is too large to parse. Try converting this file to CSV.",
"noSheets": "No sheets found",
"parseSheets": "Parsing sheets",
"retrieveFile": "Retrieving file"
"viewMapped": {
"almostDone": "Almost done...",
"complete": "Table update complete. Please audit the data",
"error": "An error occured while updating the workbook. See Event Logs.",
"halfway": "Halfway there, hang tight...",
"updatingTable": "Updating the table to only view mapped fields"
"secrets": {
"create": "Create Secret",
"delete": "Delete Secret",
"edit": "Edit Secret",
"envSecrets": "Environment Secrets",
"errors": {
"couldNotGetSecrets": "Could not get secrets, please try refreshing this page.",
"keyAlreadyExists": "A secret with this key already exists",
"keyCannotBeEmpty": "Key cannot be empty",
"keyInvalid": "The secret name must only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores"
"failureAdd": "Failed to add secret {{name}}",
"failureEdit": "Failed to edit secret {{name}}",
"keyPlaceholder": "Enter key…",
"noSecrets": "There are no environment level secrets. Add one here.",
"noSpaceSecrets": "There are no space level secrets yet, click on the plus icon to add one.",
"noUserSecrets": "There are no user level secrets yet, click on the plus icon to add one.",
"spaceSecrets": "Space Secrets",
"successfulAdd": "Successfully added secret {{name}}",
"successfulEdit": "Successfully edited secret {{name}}",
"userDescription": "User level secrets will override space level secrets.",
"userSecrets": "User Secrets",
"value": "Secret Value",
"valuePlaceholder": "Enter value…"
"sheet": {
"columnManagement": {
"clear_empty": "Clear empty columns",
"errorColumnTooltip": "Filtering by this value will unhide this column",
"hideAll": "Hide all",
"hideEmpty": "Hide empty columns",
"hideEmptyFields": "Hide columns with no data",
"noFields": "no fields",
"noMatches": "no matches",
"placeholder_one": "Search or select from 1 field...",
"placeholder_other": "Search or select from {{count}} fields...",
"toast": {
"action": "Unhide?",
"message_one": "1 column with errors is hidden",
"message_other": "{{count}} columns with errors are hidden"
"tooltip_one": "1 column hidden",
"tooltip_other": "{{count}} columns hidden",
"tooltip_zero": "Manage columns",
"unhideToast": {
"message_one": "1 column was unhidden by this query",
"message_other": "{{count}} columns were unhidden by this query"
"comments": {
"tooltip": "Add a comment"
"embedded": {
"maxOpenReached": "Cannot open more than {{maxOpenSheets}} embedded sheets at once. Close an embedded sheet to open this one.",
"untitled": "Untitled Sheet"
"emptyView": {
"defaultError": {
"description": "This sheet appears to be empty.",
"heading": "Nothing to see yet!"
"heading": "Let's get started",
"manualEntry": "Manually enter data",
"missingSheet": {
"buttonLabel": "Return to main sheet",
"description": "The sheet you are attempting to access has been deleted or does not exist.",
"heading": "Sheet not found"
"noColumns": {
"description": "You've hidden all columns from view.",
"heading": "Nothing to see!"
"noSheetError": {
"description": "This sheet doesn't seem to exist.",
"heading": "Sheet not found"
"readOnly": {
"description": "Sheets that don't accept new rows and/or edits commonly receive dynamically populated data. There is no action you can take at this time.",
"heading": "Awaiting data"
"sheetLocked": {
"description": "If you think this is an error, please reach out to support.",
"heading": "Adding records is currently disabled"
"uploadFile": "Drag and drop or upload a file to get started"
"errors": {
"loading": "Unable to fetch workbook.",
"noSheets": {
"description": "A workbook must contain at least one sheet. None were found.",
"title": "Workbook contains no sheets"
"notFound": "Workbook not found"
"info": {
"browser": "Browser",
"copiedPopover": "Copied to clipboard",
"copyButton": "Click to copy!",
"date": "Date",
"environment": "Environment",
"inFrame": "In iframe",
"referrer": "Referrer",
"release": "Current release",
"sheet": "Sheet",
"space": "Space",
"workbook": "Workbook"
"popovers": {
"copyCell_one": "{{count}} cell copied",
"copyCell_other": "{{count}} cells copied",
"copyRecord_one": "{{count}} record copied",
"copyRecord_other": "{{count}} records copied",
"errors": {
"cellUpdateFailed": "Something went wrong. Please refresh the page and try again. If this continues, please reach out to support",
"invalidFFQL": "Please check your query",
"invalidFFQLSearch": "Invalid FFQL statement",
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"recordsLoadFailed": "Records failed to load"
"table": {
"cells": {
"enum": {
"loading": "Loading options...",
"loadingError": "Unable to load options",
"noMatchesFound": "No matches found",
"placeholder": "Type here...",
"seeMore": "Search to see more options"
"messages": {
"autogen": "✨ Automatically generated",
"compositeUnique": "🧑🍳 Composite {{name}} is not unique",
"invalidOption": "Invalid option",
"invalidValue": "Value is not a valid option",
"reference": "Value does not exist in the reference table",
"req": "{{field}} is required",
"transformed": "🪄️ Transformed from {{originalValue}}",
"unique": "Value is not unique"
"contextMenu": {
"filterByValue": {
"label": "Filter by value",
"moreOptions": "Showing first {{pageSize}} options. Search to see more.",
"noData": "no data",
"placeholder": "Search or select values..."
"findAndReplace": {
"findAndReplaceValues": "Find and replace",
"modal": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"descriptionExactOnly": "Bulk replace any text in this column with a valid value. We surface exact matches only",
"descriptionPartialAndExact": "Bulk replace any text in this column. We support both partial and exact matches for this data",
"errors": {
"findError": "There was an error finding values",
"generalError": "Something went wrong. Please try again",
"replaceError": "There was an error replacing values"
"exactMatchesOnly": "Surface exact matches only",
"finding": "Finding all instances",
"heading": "Find and replace in {{columnName}}",
"isFiltered": "This dataset has been filtered. Find and replace will only run on filtered records.",
"replaceButton": "Replace all",
"replaceEmpty": {
"description": {
"addValues": "This will populate all empty cells in {{columnName}}",
"addValuesToAll": "There are all empty cells in {{columnName}}, you can bulk populate these with a selected value",
"addValuesToCount_one": "There is {{formattedCount}} empty cell in {{columnName}}, you can bulk populate this with a selected value",
"addValuesToCount_other": "There are {{formattedCount}} empty cells in {{columnName}}, you can bulk populate these with a selected value",
"noEmptyValues": "We couldn't find any empty cells in this field!"
"heading": {
"addValues": "Add a value to empty cells in {{columnName}}",
"addValuesToAll": "Add a value to all empty cells in {{columnName}}",
"addValuesToCount_one": "Add a value to {{formattedCount}} empty cell in {{columnName}}",
"addValuesToCount_other": "Add a value to {{formattedCount}} empty cells in {{columnName}}",
"noEmptyValues": "No empty values found"
"replaceEnum": {
"moreOptions": "Showing first 100 options. Search to see more.",
"noMatchesFound": "No matches found",
"replaceWith": "Replace with..."
"replaceValue": {
"leavingBlank": "Leaving this field blank will delete selected values",
"noMatchesFound": "No values found",
"replaceWith": "Replace with..."
"replacing": "Replacing values",
"runOnAllRecords": "Run on all records",
"searchForEmpty": "If this field is left empty, we'll search for empty values",
"searchForText": "Search for text...",
"searchResultsCount_one": "{{count}} match",
"searchResultsCount_other": "{{count}} matches"
"replaceEmptyValues": "Replace empty values"
"pin": {
"apply": "Pin column",
"remove": "Remove pin",
"tooltip": {
"maxPinned": "You can pin up to three columns, unpin one of the currently pinned columns in order to pin this column",
"pin": "Pin this column to the left of the table",
"unpin": "Click to unpin this column"
"searchInField": {
"modal": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"placeholder": "Search...",
"searchButton": "Search",
"searchWithin": "Search within"
"searchInThisField": "Search in this field"
"sort": {
"ascending": {
"apply": "Sort A-Z",
"remove": "Remove sort A-Z"
"descending": {
"apply": "Sort Z-A",
"remove": "Remove sort Z-A"
"tooltip": {
"notSorted": "Click to sort A-Z",
"sortedAsc": "Sorted A-Z",
"sortedDes": "Sorted Z-A"
"errors": {
"description": "The table is having trouble displaying this data. Please see the console for error details.",
"title": "Something went wrong"
"header": {
"tooltip": {
"key": "key: {{key}}",
"label": "label: {{label}}"
"indexRow": {
"tooltip": {
"createRow": "Add data to create this row",
"noData": "There are no rows available to select. Only rows containing data can be selected.",
"rowNumber": "Row {{number}}"
"maximumMessage": {
"plural": "...and {{hiddenRows}} more rows. Table views only support up to 500,000 records at a time due to browser limitations. Search, sort, filters, and bulk actions will still operate on all rows hidden from view.",
"singular": "...and 1 more row. Table views only support up to 500,000 records at a time due to browser limitations. Search, sort, filters, and bulk actions will still operate on all rows hidden from view."
"modals": {
"copyAlert": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"description": "We noticed you're trying to select more than 100 records. We limit copying to 100 records in order to maintain the integrity of your data.",
"download": "Would you like to download this sheet as a .csv?",
"downloadButton": "Download",
"heading": "Would you like to download this file?"
"deleteAlert": {
"description": "Deleting over more than 100 existing records isn't supported at this time. We've limited it to provide a better experience as we <1>intelligently modify1> your data.",
"dismissButton": "Dismiss",
"heading": "You've hit our delete limit!",
"tooltip": "Remove empty records, duplicates, etc"
"pasteAlert": {
"description": "Pasting over more than 100 existing records isn't supported at this time. We've limited it to provide a better experience as we <1>intelligently modify1> your data.",
"dismissButton": "Dismiss",
"heading": "You've hit our paste limit!",
"tooltip": "Remove empty records, duplicates, etc"
"toolbar": {
"actionsDropdown": {
"buttonText": "Actions",
"placeholder": "Search or select..."
"aiAssist": {
"buttonText": "AI Assist",
"query": "Query",
"transform": "Transform"
"buttons": {
"addToDataClip": {
"modal": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"confirmButton": "Add records",
"description": {
"infix": "selected",
"infixType": {
"invalid": "invalid",
"valid": "valid"
"prefix": "Would you like to add the ",
"suffix_one": "record to data clip?",
"suffix_other": "records to data clip?"
"errorMessage": "Unable to add records to data clip. Please try again or modify your selection.",
"heading_one": "Add Record To Data Clip",
"heading_other": "Add Records To Data Clip",
"inProgress": "Adding records..."
"popover": {
"successMessage_one": "{{count}} record added to data clip",
"successMessage_other": "{{count}} records added to data clip",
"successMessageNoCount": "Records added to data clip"
"tooltip": {
"active": "Add selected records to data clip",
"disabled": {
"deleteDisabled": "Adding records to data clips is disabled in this Sheet.",
"noRecordsSelected": "Select at least one record in order to add it to a data clip"
"delete": {
"modal": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"confirmButton": "Delete records",
"description": {
"infix": "selected",
"infixType": {
"invalid": "invalid",
"valid": "valid"
"prefix": "Would you like to delete the",
"suffix_one": "record?",
"suffix_other": "records?"
"errorMessage": "Unable to delete records. Please try again or modify your selection.",
"heading_one": "Delete Record",
"heading_other": "Delete Records",
"inProgress": "Deleting records..."
"popover": {
"successMessage_one": "{{count}} record deleted",
"successMessage_other": "{{count}} records deleted",
"successMessageNoCount": "Records deleted"
"tooltip": {
"active": "Delete selected records",
"disabled": {
"deleteDisabled": "Deleting records is disabled in this Sheet.",
"noRecordsSelected": "Select at least one record in order to delete it"
"download": {
"modal": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"confirmButton": "Download records",
"description": {
"infix": "selected",
"infixType": {
"invalid": "invalid",
"valid": "valid"
"prefix": "Would you like to download the",
"suffix_one": "record?",
"suffix_other": "records?"
"errorMessage": "Unable to download records. Please try again or modify your selection.",
"heading_one": "Download Record",
"heading_other": "Download Records",
"inProgress": "Downloading records..."
"tooltip": {
"active": {
"invalidFilterApplied": "Download all invalid records",
"noRecordsSelected": "Download this sheet",
"recordsSelected": "Download selected records",
"validFilterApplied": "Download all valid records"
"disabled": "No records to download"
"markForDeletion": {
"modal": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"confirmButton": "Delete records",
"description": {
"infix": "selected",
"infixType": {
"invalid": "invalid",
"valid": "valid"
"prefix": "Would you like to delete the",
"suffix_one": "record? Doing so will also remove the record from the source sheet upon merging the data clip.",
"suffix_other": "records? Doing so will also remove the records from the source sheet upon merging the data clip."
"errorMessage": "Unable to delete records. Please try again or modify your selection.",
"heading_one": "Delete Record",
"heading_other": "Delete Records",
"inProgress": "Deleting records..."
"popover": {
"successMessage_one": "{{count}} record deleted",
"successMessage_other": "{{count}} records deleted",
"successMessageNoCount": "Records deleted"
"restore": {
"modal": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"confirmButton": "Restore deleted records",
"description": {
"infix": "selected",
"infixType": {
"invalid": "invalid",
"valid": "valid"
"prefix": "Would you like to restore records previously marked for deletion in this selection?"
"errorMessage": "Unable to add restore records. Please try again or modify your selection.",
"heading_one": "Restore Record",
"heading_other": "Restore Records",
"inProgress": "Restoring records..."
"popover": {
"successMessage_one": "Records previously marked for deletion have been restored.",
"successMessage_other": "Records previously marked for deletion have been restored.",
"successMessageNoCount": "Records previously marked for deletion have been restored."
"tooltip": {
"active": "Restore records previously marked for deletion within selection.",
"disabled": {
"deleteDisabled": "Restoring records is disabled in this Sheet.",
"noRecordsSelected": "Select at least one record in order to restore it"
"customActionsDropdown": {
"disabledTooltip": {
"hasData": "This action will be available once there is at least one record in this Sheet.",
"requireAllValid": "This action requires all selected rows to be valid",
"requireAllValidTotal": "This action requires all rows to be valid",
"requireSelection": "Please select one or more records to use this action"
"dataClips": {
"actions": {
"create": "Create data clip"
"buttonText": "Clip Data",
"errors_one": "{{count}} error",
"errors_other": "{{count}} errors",
"modal": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"share": "Share"
"placeholders": {
"description": "Add a comment (optional)..."
"promise": "Safe & secure sending",
"selectedRecords_one": "{{count}} record",
"selectedRecords_other": "{{count}} records",
"syncedRecords_one": "{{count}} synced record",
"syncedRecords_other": "{{count}} synced records",
"titles": {
"review": "Review",
"share": "Share Data Clips"
"dropdown": {
"delete": "Delete",
"download": "Download",
"restore": "Restore"
"filterByError": {
"buttonText": "Filter by error",
"dropdownPlaceholder": "Search or select..."
"filters": {
"all": "All",
"invalid": "Invalid",
"tooltip": {
"countsError": "Error loading counts",
"countsErrorRetry": "Click to Retry",
"filter": {
"invalid": "invalid",
"total": "total",
"valid": "valid"
"filtered": "This dataset has been filtered to show {{filteredCount}} of the {{countString}} {{filter}} records.",
"filteredByError": "This dataset has been filtered via the error filter to show {{filteredCount}} of the {{countString}} {{filter}} records.",
"filteredByFFQL": {
"branded": "This dataset has been filtered via the Flatfile Query Language to show {{filteredCount}} of the {{countString}} {{filter}} records.",
"whitelabeled": "This dataset has been filtered to show {{filteredCount}} of the {{countString}} {{filter}} records."
"filteredBySearch": "This dataset has been filtered via search to show {{filteredCount}} of the {{countString}} {{filter}} records.",
"filteredBySearchAndError": "This dataset has been filtered via search and the error filter to show {{filteredCount}} of the {{countString}} {{filter}} records.",
"inactiveCount": "{{countString}} {{filter}} records, {{filteredCount}} filtered"
"valid": "Valid"
"moreActions": {
"buttonText": "More actions",
"placeholder": "Search or select..."
"restore": {
"label": "Restore records",
"tooltip": "Restore records previously marked for deletion."
"savedViews": {
"buttonText": "Views",
"groups": {
"allViews": "ALL VIEWS",
"myViews": "MY VIEWS"
"modalHeader": "Saved Views",
"modalSubheader": "Select a saved view to apply to this Sheet.",
"searchPlaceholder": "Search or select...",
"tooltip": "Apply View and Copy Link",
"viewAppliedPopover": "Your view was and copied to the clipboard!"
"saveView": {
"buttons": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"copy": {
"label": "Copy to share",
"successLabel": "Copied to clipboard!",
"warningTooltip": "Only people with access to this Space can open with the link."
"save": {
"label": "Save view",
"labelActive": "Saving view"
"error": {
"saveText": "Unable to save view - please try again."
"headings": {
"saveHeader": "Save view",
"saveSubheader": "Choose a name that reflects the purpose of this view. This will help users easily identify its use.",
"shareHeader": "Share"
"nameViewInput": {
"helperText": "Remember, this view will be visible to everyone who has access to this Sheet.",
"label": "name",
"placeholder": "View from {{timestamp}}"
"summary": {
"filter": "records that are",
"filterFieldpt1": "if",
"filterFieldpt2": "has error",
"invalid": "Invalid",
"q": "where",
"searchValue": "any field that contains",
"title": "Summary",
"valid": "Valid"
"searchBar": {
"expandTooltip": "Open search and AI Assist",
"placeholder": "Search...",
"tooltip": "Hit enter to search"
"tooltips": {
"lockedUntilEditingCompletes": "The toolbar will be available when the sheet is no longer being edited",
"lockedUntilHookCompletes": "The toolbar will be available after all hooks finish running",
"lockedUntilJobCompletes": "The toolbar will be available after the current job completes"
"workbookActions": {
"disabledTooltip": {
"hasData": "This action will be available once there is at least one record in this Workbook.",
"hasPendingValidation": "Validation of your workbook is currently in progress...",
"lockedUntilEditingCompletes": "The action will be available when the sheet is no longer being edited",
"lockedUntilHookCompletes": "This action will be available after all hooks finish running",
"lockedUntilJobCompletes": "This action will be available after the current job completes",
"requireAllValid": "This action requires all rows in all sheets to be valid"
"sidebar": {
"activityLogs": "Activity logs",
"addConnection": "Add Connection",
"checklist": "Data checklist",
"collapse": {
"documents": "Documents",
"workbook": "Workbook",
"workbooks": "Workbooks"
"connections": {
"tooltips": {
"connectionError": "There is an issue verifying the metadata of this workbook's connections",
"connectionFresh": "Connected to {{source}} via {{service}}",
"connectionStale": "Last synced with {{source}} more than 24 hours ago"
"emptyWorkbook": "Empty workbook",
"errorIconTooltip": "This Sheet contains errors",
"files": "Files",
"footer": {
"backToDashboard": "Back to dashboard",
"logout": "Log out"
"lockedIconTooltip": "This Sheet is locked",
"manageGuests": "Manage guests",
"pill": {
"admin": "Admin"
"readOnlyIconTooltip": "This Sheet is read-only",
"secrets": "Secrets",
"spaceSwitcher": {
"placeholder": "Search or select a Space..."
"toggle": {
"hide": "Hide sidebar",
"show": "Show sidebar"
"snapshot": {
"accept": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"cancelError": "The changes could not be reverted due to an unexpected error.",
"cancelSuccess": "Changes to your sheet were successfully reverted.",
"empty": {
"createdSince": "This snapshot has no removed records.",
"deletedSince": "This snapshot has no added records.",
"title": "Nothing to see!",
"updatedSince": "This snapshot has no modified records."
"errorMessage": "The snapshot changes could not be applied due to an unexpected error.",
"filters": {
"createdSince": "Removed",
"deletedSince": "Added",
"updatedSince": "Modified"
"header": {
"title": "Changes made in",
"titleWithMeta": "Changes made in <1>{{sheet}}1> by <3>{{action}}3>"
"message": "Accepting changes merges all new values into your sheet {{name}}.",
"submitButton": "Accept changes",
"submitError": "The snapshot changes could not be applied due to an unexpected error.",
"submitSuccess": "Changes to your sheet were successfully applied.",
"successMessage": "Changes were applied to your sheet.",
"summary": {
"fields": {
"plural": {
"first": "{{cells}} cells in field {{name}}",
"last": " and {{cells}} cells in field {{name}}",
"middle": ", {{cells}} cells in field {{name}}"
"schemaDiff": {
"added": {
"first": "Field {{name}} will be removed",
"last": " and field {{name}} will be removed",
"middle": ", field {{name}} will be removed"
"removed": {
"first": "field {{name}} will be re-added",
"last": " and field {{name}} will be re-added",
"middle": ", field {{name}} will be re-added"
"singular": {
"first": "1 cell in field {{name}}",
"last": " and 1 cell in field {{name}}",
"middle": ", 1 cell in field {{name}}"
"start": " Data was modified in "
"total": {
"plural": {
"multipleFields": "Data changed in {{records}} records across {{fields}} fields.",
"noFields": "Data changed in {{records}} records.",
"oneField": "Data changed in {{records}} records across 1 field."
"singular": {
"multipleFields": "Data changed in 1 record across {{fields}} fields.",
"noFields": "Data changed in 1 record.",
"oneField": "Data changed in 1 record across 1 field."
"title": "Changes made in"
"cells": {
"messages": {
"accept": "If you accept changes, all new values will be merged into your dataset.",
"current": "Current value: {{value}}",
"empty": "no data",
"none": "Your dataset will be modified to the values shown.",
"requiresDecision": "This value requires a decision before you can modify your dataset.",
"restore": "Your dataset will be restored to the version in this snapshot.",
"snapshot": "New value: {{value}}"
"none": {
"empty": {
"createdSince": "No records will be removed.",
"deletedSince": "No records will be added.",
"title": "Nothing to see!",
"updatedSince": "No records will be modified."
"errorMessage": "The changes could not be previewed due to an unexpected error.",
"filters": {
"createdSince": "Add",
"deletedSince": "Remove",
"updatedSince": "Modify"
"header": {
"title": "Changes made in",
"titleWithMeta": "Review changes to <1>{{sheet}}1>"
"message": "The table below shows the changes to your sheet {{name}}.",
"submitError": "The data could not be transformed due to an unexpected error.",
"submitSuccess": "Changes to your sheet were successfully applied.",
"successMessage": "Changes were applied to your sheet.",
"summary": {
"fields": {
"plural": {
"first": "{{cells}} cells in field {{name}}",
"last": " and {{cells}} cells in field {{name}}",
"middle": ", {{cells}} cells in field {{name}}"
"singular": {
"first": "1 cell in field {{name}}",
"last": " and 1 cell in field {{name}}",
"middle": ", 1 cell in field {{name}}"
"start": " Data will be modified in "
"total": {
"plural": {
"multipleFields": "Data will change in {{records}} records across {{fields}} fields.",
"noFields": "Data will change in {{records}} records.",
"oneField": "Data will change in {{records}} records across 1 field."
"singular": {
"multipleFields": "Data will change in 1 record across {{fields}} fields.",
"noFields": "Data will change in 1 record.",
"oneField": "Data will change in 1 record across 1 field."
"title": "Preview changes made in"
"preview": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"empty": {
"createdSince": "This preview has no records that will be removed.",
"deletedSince": "This preview has no records that will be added.",
"title": "Nothing to see!",
"updatedSince": "This preview has no records that will be modified."
"errorMessage": "The changes could not be previewed due to an unexpected error.",
"filters": {
"createdSince": "Remove",
"deletedSince": "Add",
"updatedSince": "Modify"
"header": {
"title": "Changes made in",
"titleWithMeta": "Preview changes made in <1>{{sheet}}1> by <3>{{aiAction}}3> prompt"
"message": "Your sheet {{name}} will be restored to the version in this snapshot.",
"submitButton": "Transform Data",
"submitError": "The data could not be transformed due to an unexpected error.",
"submitSuccess": "Changes to your sheet were successfully applied.",
"successMessage": "Changes were applied to your sheet.",
"summary": {
"fields": {
"plural": {
"first": "{{cells}} cells in field {{name}}",
"last": " and {{cells}} cells in field {{name}}",
"middle": ", {{cells}} cells in field {{name}}"
"schemaDiff": {
"added": {
"first": "Field {{name}} will be removed",
"last": " and field {{name}} will be removed",
"middle": ", field {{name}} will be removed"
"removed": {
"first": "field {{name}} will be re-added",
"last": " and field {{name}} will be re-added",
"middle": ", field {{name}} will be re-added"
"singular": {
"first": "1 cell in field {{name}}",
"last": " and 1 cell in field {{name}}",
"middle": ", 1 cell in field {{name}}"
"start": " Data will be modified in "
"total": {
"plural": {
"multipleFields": "Data will change in {{records}} records across {{fields}} fields.",
"noFields": "Data will change in {{records}} records.",
"oneField": "Data will change in {{records}} records across 1 field."
"singular": {
"multipleFields": "Data will change in 1 record across {{fields}} fields.",
"noFields": "Data will change in 1 record.",
"oneField": "Data will change in 1 record across 1 field."
"title": "Preview changes made in"
"restore": {
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"empty": {
"createdSince": "This snapshot has no records that will be removed.",
"deletedSince": "This snapshot has no records that will be added.",
"title": "Nothing to see!",
"updatedSince": "This snapshot has no records that will be modified."
"errorMessage": "The snapshot could not be restored due to an unexpected error.",
"filters": {
"createdSince": "Remove",
"deletedSince": "Add",
"updatedSince": "Modify"
"header": {
"title": "Changes to apply in"
"message": "Your sheet {{name}} will be restored to the version in this snapshot.",
"submitButton": "Restore",
"submitError": "The snapshot could not be restored due to an unexpected error.",
"submitSuccess": "Your sheet was restored to an earlier version.",
"successMessage": "Your sheet was restored to an earlier version.",
"summary": {
"fields": {
"plural": {
"first": "{{cells}} cells in field {{name}}",
"last": " and {{cells}} cells in field {{name}}",
"middle": ", {{cells}} cells in field {{name}}"
"schemaDiff": {
"added": {
"first": "Field {{name}} will be removed",
"last": " and field {{name}} will be removed",
"middle": ", field {{name}} will be removed"
"removed": {
"first": "field {{name}} will be re-added",
"last": " and field {{name}} will be re-added",
"middle": ", field {{name}} will be re-added"
"singular": {
"first": "1 cell in field {{name}}",
"last": " and 1 cell in field {{name}}",
"middle": ", 1 cell in field {{name}}"
"start": " Data will be modified in "
"total": {
"plural": {
"multipleFields": "Data will change in {{records}} records across {{fields}} fields.",
"noFields": "Data will change in {{records}} records.",
"oneField": "Data will change in {{records}} records across 1 field."
"singular": {
"multipleFields": "Data will change in 1 record across {{fields}} fields.",
"noFields": "Data will change in 1 record.",
"oneField": "Data will change in 1 record across 1 field."
"title": "Changes to apply in"
"tooltips": {
"sheet": "{{sheet}} in {{workbook}}"
"spaceLoadingMessage": "Preparing Space...",
"utils": {
"buttons": {
"clearAll": "Clear All",
"clearAllLabel": "Clear all",
"selectAll": "Select All",
"selectAllLabel": "Select all"
"modals": {
"sizeWarning": {
"body": "Please use a device with a larger screen to be able to access all features. We cannot guarantee that all features will work as expected at this screen size.",
"button": "Continue anyway",
"title": "Screen too small"
"poweredByFlatfile": "Powered by Flatfile"
"versionHistory": {
"modals": {
"default": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred - no matching action applied"
"delete": {
"confirm": {
"closeButton": "Close",
"description": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected version?",
"heading": "Delete Version",
"proceedButton": "Delete"
"error": {
"closeButton": "Close",
"description": "The selected version could not be deleted due to an unexpected error - if the problem persists, contact support",
"heading": "Unable to delete version",
"retryButton": "Try Again"
"success": {
"closeButton": "Close",
"description": "The selected version has been deleted.",
"heading": "Version Deleted"
"panel": {
"empty": "Versions, once generated, will appear here. Versions are generated automatically, often when a bulk transformation of data occurs.",
"generatedSnapshot": "Snapshot generated before applying AI Transform for prompt: ",
"generatedSnapshotForAiTransform": "Snapshot generated before applying AI Transform for prompt: ",
"generatedSnapshotForBulkAddToDataClip": "Snapshot generated before adding records to data clip",
"generatedSnapshotForBulkDelete": "Snapshot generated before deleting records",
"generatedSnapshotForFindReplace": "Snapshot generated before applying Find and Replace",
"heading": "Version History",
"thisMonth": "This Month",
"versionRestored": "Version created before restore of a previous version"
"pill": {
"hoverText": "Version History"