{ "author": "", "category": "General", "extensionNamespace": "", "fullName": "Paper Engine", "helpPath": "https://github.com/FlokiTV/Paper-Engine", "iconUrl": "", "name": "PaperEngine", "previewIconUrl": "https://asset-resources.gdevelop.io/public-resources/Icons/70ce666b63361390263144d920b3a5c1ae3972b9a64de7dd4add9ae62f25d68d_note-multiple-outline.svg", "shortDescription": "Paper Engine", "version": "0.0.3", "description": "Paper Engine", "tags": [ "paper", "3d" ], "authorIds": [ "nopQpwNfA7acPQcwExwWmp1NgLZ2" ], "dependencies": [], "eventsFunctions": [ { "fullName": "", "functionType": "Action", "name": "onFirstSceneLoaded", "sentence": "", "events": [ { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", "inlineCode": [ "gdjs.PaperEngine = {\r", " getDistance: (x1, y1, x2, y2) => {\r", " let y = x2 - x1;\r", " let x = y2 - y1;\r", " return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);\r", " },\r", " getLayerType: (layerName) => {\r", " if (!layerName) return \"\"\r", " let type = layerName.split(\"_\")[1]\r", " if (!type) return \"\"\r", " let size = type.split(\" \")\r", " if (size) {\r", " type = size[0]\r", " }\r", " return type\r", " },\r", " getLayerNumber: (layerName) => {\r", " if (!layerName) return 0\r", " return Number(layerName.split(\"_\")[0])\r", " },\r", " getLayerData: (layerName, dataName) => {\r", " let res = 0\r", " if (layerName.includes(dataName.toLowerCase() + \":\")) {\r", " let value = layerName.split(\":\")[1].split(\"]\")[0]\r", " res = Number(value)\r", " }\r", " return res\r", " },\r", " getSkew: (angle) => {\r", " let cameraAngle = runtimeScene.getLayer().getCameraRotation()\r", " cameraAngle = cameraAngle % 360\r", " cameraAngle = cameraAngle < 0 ? cameraAngle + 360 : cameraAngle //normalize rotation\r", " let quad = parseInt(cameraAngle % 360 / 90)\r", " cameraAngle = cameraAngle % 90 //normalize rotation by quad\r", " if (quad === 0)\r", " return -gdjs.toRad(cameraAngle + angle)\r", " if (quad === 2)\r", " return -gdjs.toRad(cameraAngle + angle + 180)\r", " if (quad === 1)\r", " return -gdjs.toRad(cameraAngle + angle - 270)\r", " if (quad === 3)\r", " return -gdjs.toRad(cameraAngle + angle - 90)\r", " },\r", " setXYSort: (obj) => {\r", " // let _o = objects[0] // GD object\r", " // let __o = _o.getRendererObject() // Pixi Object\r", " let layer = runtimeScene.getLayer()\r", "\r", " let r = 2000\r", " let rotation = layer.getCameraRotation() + 90\r", " let rot = gdjs.toRad(rotation)\r", "\r", " let dx = r * Math.cos(rot);\r", " let dy = r * Math.sin(rot);\r", " // let obj = objects[0]\r", "\r", " let x2 = layer.getCameraX() + dx\r", " let y2 = layer.getCameraY() + dy\r", " let z = obj.getVariables().get(\"z\").getValue()\r", " let offz = obj.getVariables().get(\"offsetZ\").getAsNumber()\r", " let rmZ = parseFloat(z + offz) || 0\r", " // console.log(obj.getVariables().get(\"offsetZ\").getAsNumber())\r", " //remove z\r", " let distance = obj.getDistanceToPosition(x2, y2) + rmZ\r", "\r", " let x = obj.getXFromAngleAndDistance(rotation, obj.getHeight() / 2) - x2\r", " let y = obj.getYFromAngleAndDistance(rotation, obj.getHeight() / 2) - y2\r", " let dis = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)\r", " obj.setZOrder((dis * -1) + rmZ)\r", " }\r", "}" ], "parameterObjects": "", "useStrict": true, "eventsSheetExpanded": true } ], "parameters": [], "objectGroups": [] }, { "fullName": "", "functionType": "Action", "name": "onScenePreEvents", "sentence": "", "events": [ { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Comment", "color": { "b": 109, "g": 230, "r": 255, "textB": 0, "textG": 0, "textR": 0 }, "comment": "Camera Scale" }, { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", "inlineCode": [ "const MAIN = runtimeScene.getLayer().getRenderer().getRendererObject().parent", "const layer = runtimeScene.getLayer()", "MAIN.scale.y = 0.5", "MAIN.pivot.y = layer.getHeight() / 2 * -1", "", "const layers = runtimeScene._layers.items", "for (const layer in layers) {", " let check = layer.includes(\"_floor\") ||", " layer.includes(\"_plane\") ||", " layer.includes(\"_roof\") ||", " layer.includes(\"_collision\")", " if (check)", " runtimeScene.getLayer(layer).followBaseLayer(true)", "}", "", "" ], "parameterObjects": "", "useStrict": true, "eventsSheetExpanded": true } ], "parameters": [], "objectGroups": [] }, { "fullName": "", "functionType": "Expression", "name": "_____OBJECT_____", "private": true, "sentence": "", "events": [], "expressionType": { "type": "expression" }, "parameters": [], "objectGroups": [] }, { "description": "Creates a box collision using a Shape Painter", "fullName": "Create collision box", "functionType": "Action", "group": "Object", "name": "makeCollision", "sentence": "Set Shape: _PARAM1_. With margin: _PARAM2_ on X: _PARAM3_ and Y: _PARAM4_, with size: _PARAM5_ x _PARAM6_ and angle of: _PARAM7_", "events": [ { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", "conditions": [ { "type": { "value": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Once" }, "parameters": [] } ], "actions": [], "events": [ { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", "conditions": [], "actions": [ { "type": { "value": "Create" }, "parameters": [ "", "Collider", "GetArgumentAsNumber(\"X\")", "GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Y\")", "" ] }, { "type": { "value": "ChangePlan" }, "parameters": [ "Collider", "=", "2000" ] } ] }, { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", "conditions": [ { "type": { "value": "ObjectVariableAsBoolean" }, "parameters": [ "Collider", "init", "" ] } ], "actions": [ { "type": { "value": "SetObjectVariableAsBoolean" }, "parameters": [ "Collider", "init", "True" ] }, { "type": { "value": "PrimitiveDrawing::Rectangle" }, "parameters": [ "Collider", "-(GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Width\")/2)-GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Margin\")", "-(GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Height\")/2)-GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Margin\")", "(GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Width\")/2)+GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Margin\")", "(GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Height\")/2)+GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Margin\")" ] }, { "type": { "value": "SetAngle" }, "parameters": [ "Collider", "=", "GetArgumentAsNumber(\"Angle\")" ] } ] } ] } ], "parameters": [ { "description": "Collider object", "name": "Collider", "supplementaryInformation": "PrimitiveDrawing::Drawer", "type": "objectList" }, { "description": "Margin", "name": "Margin", "type": "expression" }, { "description": "Center X", "name": "X", "type": "expression" }, { "description": "Center Y", "name": "Y", "type": "expression" }, { "description": "Width", "name": "Width", "type": "expression" }, { "description": "Height", "name": "Height", "type": "expression" }, { "description": "Angle", "name": "Angle", "type": "expression" } ], "objectGroups": [] }, { "description": "Assign that this shadow should follow the object. The shadow will follow the position of the labeled object.", "fullName": "Assign Shadow to Object", "functionType": "Action", "group": "Object", "name": "setObjectShadow", "sentence": "Set shadow: _PARAM2_ to object: _PARAM1_ ", "events": [ { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", "conditions": [ { "type": { "inverted": true, "value": "LinkedObjects::PickObjectsLinkedTo" }, "parameters": [ "", "Shadow", "Object", "" ] } ], "actions": [ { "type": { "value": "Create" }, "parameters": [ "", "Shadow", "0", "0", "Object.Layer()" ] }, { "type": { "value": "LinkedObjects::LinkObjects" }, "parameters": [ "", "Shadow", "Object" ] } ] }, { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", "conditions": [ { "type": { "value": "LinkedObjects::PickObjectsLinkedTo" }, "parameters": [ "", "Shadow", "Object", "" ] } ], "actions": [ { "type": { "value": "MettreAutourPos" }, "parameters": [ "Shadow", "Object.CenterX()", "Object.CenterY()", "Object.Height()/2+Object.Variable(z)", "CameraAngle()+90" 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(By number)", "fullName": "Set object layer by number", "functionType": "Action", "group": "Object", "name": "setObjectLayerNumber", "sentence": "Set object: _PARAM1_ to layer number: _PARAM2_ ", "events": [ { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", "inlineCode": [ "let obj = objects[0]", "let type = gdjs.PaperEngine.getLayerType(obj.getLayer())", "let number = eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"LayerNumber\")", "const layers = runtimeScene._layers.items", "for (const layer in layers) {", " let check = gdjs.PaperEngine.getLayerType(layer) == type &&", " gdjs.PaperEngine.getLayerNumber(layer) == number", " ", " if (check) {", " obj.setLayer(layer)", " }", "}", "", "" ], "parameterObjects": "Object", "useStrict": true, "eventsSheetExpanded": true }, { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", "conditions": [], "actions": [ { "type": { "value": "PaperEngine::setOffset" }, "parameters": [ "", "Object", "" ] } ] } ], "parameters": [ { "description": "Object", "name": "Object", 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obj.getVariables().get(\"offset\" + axis.toUpperCase()).setNumber(res)", " // return res", "}", "let layer = obj.getLayer()", "checkOffset(layer, \"x\")", "checkOffset(layer, \"y\")", "checkOffset(layer, \"z\")" ], "parameterObjects": "Object", "useStrict": true, "eventsSheetExpanded": true } ], "parameters": [ { "description": "", "name": "Object", "type": "objectList" } ], "objectGroups": [] }, { "description": "Get distance beteween Paper Objects", "fullName": "Get distance beteween Paper Objects", "functionType": "Expression", "group": "Object", "name": "getDistance", "sentence": "", "events": [ { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", "inlineCode": [ "let obj = eventsFunctionContext.getObjects(\"Object1\")[0].getVariables()", "let obj2 = eventsFunctionContext.getObjects(\"Object2\")[0].getVariables()", "", "eventsFunctionContext.returnValue = gdjs.PaperEngine.getDistance(", " obj.get(\"x\").getAsNumber(), obj.get(\"y\").getAsNumber(),", " obj2.get(\"x\").getAsNumber(), 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parseFloat(eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"Sensitivity\")) / 10", " let r = layer.getCameraRotation()", " let touch = e.touches[0]", " if (touchX == 0) {", " console.log(\"touch start\", touch.clientX)", " touchX = touch.clientX", " } else {", " let value = touchX - touch.clientX > 0 ? 15 : -15", " console.log(value)", " layer.setCameraRotation(r + sens * value)", " }", " touchX = touch.clientX", " // ", " }", "}, false)", "", "" ], "parameterObjects": "", "useStrict": true, "eventsSheetExpanded": true } ] }, { "folded": true, "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", "conditions": [ { "type": { "value": "MouseButtonPressed" }, "parameters": [ "", "Left" ] }, { "type": { "value": "CompareArgumentAsString" }, "parameters": [ "\"Button\"", "=", "\"Left\"" ] } ], "actions": [], "events": [ { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", "inlineCode": [ "var canvas = runtimeScene.getRenderer().getPIXIRenderer().view", "canvas.requestPointerLock()", "window.dragging = true" ], 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{ "description": "Normalize layer to non 3D scale", "fullName": "Normalize Layer to non 3D scale", "functionType": "Action", "group": "Layer", "name": "normalizeLayer", "sentence": "Normalize layer: _PARAM1_", "events": [ { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", "inlineCode": [ "let layer = runtimeScene.getLayer(eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"Layer\"))", "let pixiContainer = layer._renderer._pixiContainer", "", "if (layer._renderer._isLightingLayer) {", " // layer._renderer._lightingSprite.scale.y = 2", " // ", " layer._renderer._lightingSprite.pivot.y = -layer.getCameraHeight() / 4", " window.L = layer._renderer", " // layer._renderer._lightingSprite.height = 720*2", " // layer._renderer._lightingSprite.y = -(720*2)/4", " // console.log(layer._renderer._lightingSprite)", " // pixiContainer.height = 720*2", "} else {", " pixiContainer.scale.y = 2", " pixiContainer.pivot.y = layer.getCameraHeight() / 4", "}", "// _lightingSprite", "if (false) {", " const normalize = (val, max, min) => (val - min) / (max - min)", " let ISOMETRIC = runtimeScene.getVariables().get(\"CAMERA_STACK\").getValue() == 1 ? true : false", " let layer = runtimeScene.getLayer(eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"Layer\"))", " let pixiContainer = layer._renderer._pixiContainer", " const angle = -gdjs.toRad(layer.getCameraRotation())", "", " if (ISOMETRIC) {", " pixiContainer.scale.y = 2", " pixiContainer.pivot.y = layer.getCameraHeight() / 4", " }", "}", "if (false) {", " let rot = runtimeScene.getLayer().getCameraRotation() % 360", " if (rot < 0) rot = rot + 360", " // let an = gdjs.toRad(rot)", " // an = normalize(an, Math.PI, 0)", " rot = parseFloat(normalize(rot, 360, 0))", "", " let zoom = layer.getCameraZoom()", " let zoomFactor = zoom //- (zoom * rot) ", " let zoomFactory = zoom //- (zoom * rot / 2) ", "", " pixiContainer.scale.x = zoomFactor //+ (zoomFactor * an);", " pixiContainer.scale.y = zoomFactory //+ (zoomFactory * an);", " const cosValue = Math.cos(angle);", " const sinValue = Math.sin(angle);", " const centerX =", " layer.getCameraX() * zoomFactor * cosValue -", " layer.getCameraY() * zoomFactory * sinValue;", " const centerY =", " layer.getCameraX() * zoomFactor * sinValue +", " layer.getCameraY() * zoomFactory * cosValue;", "", " pixiContainer.position.x = -centerX;", " pixiContainer.position.y = -centerY;", " pixiContainer.position.x += layer.getWidth() / 2;", " pixiContainer.position.y += layer.getHeight() / 2;", "}", "" ], "parameterObjects": "", "useStrict": true, "eventsSheetExpanded": true } ], "parameters": [ { "description": "Layer", "name": "Layer", "type": "layer" } ], "objectGroups": [] }, { "description": "Get object layer number", "fullName": "Get layer number", "functionType": "Expression", "group": "Layer", "name": "getObjectLayerNumber", "sentence": "", "events": [ { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", "inlineCode": [ "let obj = objects[0]", "eventsFunctionContext.returnValue = 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_o.getVariables().get(\"offsetZ\").getAsNumber()) || 0 ", "console.log(rmZ)", "//remove z", "let distance = _o.getDistanceToPosition(x2, y2) + rmZ", "", "let x = _o.getXFromAngleAndDistance(rotation, _o.getHeight() / 2) - x2", "let y = _o.getYFromAngleAndDistance(rotation, _o.getHeight() / 2) - y2", "let dis = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)", "", "let tempz = y2 - _o.getYFromAngleAndDistance(rotation, _o.getHeight() / 2)", "let angle = runtimeScene.getVariables().get(\"camAngle\").getValue()", "// if(angle > 180)", "// _o.setZOrder(tempz)", "// else", "_o.setZOrder(tempz)", "// console.log( y2 - _o.getYFromAngleAndDistance(rotation, _o.getHeight()/2) )", "", "_o.getVariables().get(\"X\").setNumber(_o.getXFromAngleAndDistance(rotation, _o.getHeight() / 2))", "_o.getVariables().get(\"Y\").setNumber(_o.getYFromAngleAndDistance(rotation, _o.getHeight() / 2))", "", "/*", " The max", "*/", "let max = _o.getAABB().max", "let _x = max[0] - x2;", "let _y = max[1] - y2;", "let _dis = Math.sqrt(_x * _x + _y * _y)", "if (_dis < distance && false) {", " _o.getVariables().get(\"X\").setNumber(max[0])", " _o.getVariables().get(\"Y\").setNumber(max[1])", " _o.setZOrder(_dis * -1)", "}", "", "/*", " The min", "*/", "let min = _o.getAABB().min", "let __x = min[0] - x2", "let __y = min[1] - y2", "let __dis = Math.sqrt(__x * __x + __y * __y)", "if (__dis < _dis && false) {", " _o.getVariables().get(\"X\").setNumber(min[0])", " _o.getVariables().get(\"Y\").setNumber(min[1])", " _o.setZOrder(__dis * -1)", "}", "", "", "// console.log( \"--\" )", "// console.log( distance )", "// console.log( _dis , (_dis > distance))", "// console.log( __dis )", "// console.log( _o.zOrder )", "", "", "", "" ], "parameterObjects": "Object", "useStrict": true, "eventsSheetExpanded": true } ] }, { "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", "inlineCode": [ "// let _o = objects[0] // GD object", "// let __o = _o.getRendererObject() // Pixi Object", "let layer = runtimeScene.getLayer()", "", "let r = 2000", "let rotation = layer.getCameraRotation() + 90", "let rot = gdjs.toRad(rotation)", "", "let dx = r * Math.cos(rot);", "let dy = r * Math.sin(rot);", "let obj = objects[0]", "", "let x2 = layer.getCameraX() + dx", "let y2 = layer.getCameraY() + dy", "let rmZ = parseFloat(obj.getVariables().get(\"z\").getValue() + obj.getVariables().get(\"offsetZ\").getAsNumber()) || 0 ", "// console.log(obj.getVariables().get(\"offsetZ\").getAsNumber())", "//remove z", "let distance = obj.getDistanceToPosition(x2, y2) + rmZ", "", "let x = obj.getXFromAngleAndDistance(rotation, obj.getHeight() / 2) - x2", "let y = obj.getYFromAngleAndDistance(rotation, obj.getHeight() / 2) - y2", "let dis = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)", "obj.setZOrder((dis * -1) + rmZ)", "" ], "parameterObjects": "Object", "useStrict": true, "eventsSheetExpanded": false } ], "parameters": [ { "description": "Object", "name": "Object", "type": "object" }, { "description": "Behavior", "name": "Behavior", "supplementaryInformation": 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