type; $len = $fieldobj->max_length; } $is_serial = is_object($fieldobj) && !empty($fieldobj->primary_key) && !empty($fieldobj->unique) && !empty($fieldobj->has_default) && substr($fieldobj->default_value, 0, 8) == 'nextval('; switch (strtoupper($t)) { case 'INTERVAL': case 'CHAR': case 'CHARACTER': case 'VARCHAR': case 'NAME': case 'BPCHAR': if ($len <= $this->blobSize) { return 'C'; } case 'TEXT': return 'X'; case 'IMAGE': // user defined type case 'BLOB': // user defined type case 'BIT': // This is a bit string, not a single bit, so don't return 'L' case 'VARBIT': case 'BYTEA': return 'B'; case 'BOOL': case 'BOOLEAN': return 'L'; case 'DATE': return 'D'; case 'TIME': case 'DATETIME': case 'TIMESTAMP': case 'TIMESTAMPTZ': return 'T'; case 'INTEGER': return !$is_serial ? 'I' : 'R'; case 'SMALLINT': case 'INT2': return !$is_serial ? 'I2' : 'R'; case 'INT4': return !$is_serial ? 'I4' : 'R'; case 'BIGINT': case 'INT8': return !$is_serial ? 'I8' : 'R'; case 'OID': case 'SERIAL': return 'R'; case 'FLOAT4': case 'FLOAT8': case 'DOUBLE PRECISION': case 'REAL': return 'F'; default: return 'N'; } } function actualType($meta) { switch ($meta) { case 'C': return 'VARCHAR'; case 'XL': case 'X': return 'TEXT'; case 'C2': return 'VARCHAR'; case 'X2': return 'TEXT'; case 'B': return 'BYTEA'; case 'D': return 'DATE'; case 'TS': case 'T': return 'TIMESTAMP'; case 'L': return 'BOOLEAN'; case 'I': return 'INTEGER'; case 'I1': return 'SMALLINT'; case 'I2': return 'INT2'; case 'I4': return 'INT4'; case 'I8': return 'INT8'; case 'F': return 'FLOAT8'; case 'N': return 'NUMERIC'; default: return $meta; } } /** * Adding a new Column * * reimplementation of the default function as postgres does NOT allow to set the default in the same statement * * @param string $tabname table-name * @param string $flds column-names and types for the changed columns * @return array with SQL strings */ function addColumnSQL($tabname, $flds) { $tabname = $this->tableName($tabname); $sql = array(); $not_null = false; list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_genFields($flds); $alter = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tabname . $this->addCol . ' '; foreach($lines as $v) { if (($not_null = preg_match('/NOT NULL/i', $v))) { $v = preg_replace('/NOT NULL/i', '', $v); } if (preg_match('/^([^ ]+) .*DEFAULT (\'[^\']+\'|\"[^\"]+\"|[^ ]+)/', $v, $matches)) { list(, $colname, $default) = $matches; $sql[] = $alter . str_replace('DEFAULT '.$default, '', $v); $sql[] = 'UPDATE '.$tabname.' SET '.$colname.'='.$default; $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE '.$tabname.' ALTER COLUMN '.$colname.' SET DEFAULT ' . $default; } // SERIAL is not a true type in PostgreSQL and is only allowed when creating a new table. // See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/datatype-numeric.html#DATATYPE-SERIAL 8.1.4. Serial Types elseif (preg_match('/^([^ ]+) .*SERIAL/i', $v, $matches)) { list(, $colname, $default) = $matches; $sql[] = 'CREATE SEQUENCE '.$tabname.'_'.$colname.'_seq'; $sql[] = $alter.$colname.' INTEGER'; $sql[] = 'ALTER SEQUENCE '.$tabname.'_'.$colname.'_seq OWNED BY '.$tabname.'.'.$colname; $sql[] = 'UPDATE '.$tabname.' SET '.$colname.' = nextval(\''.$tabname.'_'.$colname.'_seq\')'; $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE '.$tabname.' ALTER COLUMN '.$colname.' SET DEFAULT nextval(\''.$tabname.'_'.$colname.'_seq\')'; $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE '.$tabname.' ALTER COLUMN '.$colname.' SET NOT NULL'; $not_null = false; } else { $sql[] = $alter . $v; } if ($not_null) { list($colname) = explode(' ',$v); $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE '.$tabname.' ALTER COLUMN '.$colname.' SET NOT NULL'; } } return $sql; } function dropIndexSQL($idxname, $tabname = NULL) { return array(sprintf($this->dropIndex, $this->tableName($idxname), $this->tableName($tabname))); } /** * Change the definition of one column * * Postgres can't do that on it's own, you need to supply the complete defintion of the new table, * to allow, recreating the table and copying the content over to the new table * @param string $tabname table name * @param string $flds column name and type for the changed column * @param string $tableflds complete defintion of the new table, eg. for postgres, default '' * @param array/ $tableoptions options for the new table see createTableSQL, default '' * @return array with SQL strings */ function alterColumnSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableflds='', $tableoptions='') { // Check if alter single column datatype available - works with 8.0+ $has_alter_column = 8.0 <= (float) @$this->serverInfo['version']; if ($has_alter_column) { $tabname = $this->tableName($tabname); $sql = array(); list($lines, $pkey) = $this->_genFields($flds); $set_null = false; foreach ($lines as $v) { $alter = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tabname . $this->alterCol . ' '; if ($not_null = preg_match('/NOT NULL/i', $v)) { $v = preg_replace('/NOT NULL/i', '', $v); } // SERIAL is not a true type in PostgreSQL and is only allowed when creating a new table. // See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/datatype-numeric.html, 8.1.4. Serial Types. if (preg_match('/SERIAL/i', $v)) { continue; } // this next block doesn't work - there is no way that I can see to // explicitly ask a column to be null using $flds else if ($set_null = preg_match('/NULL/i', $v)) { // if they didn't specify not null, see if they explicitely asked for null // Lookbehind pattern covers the case 'fieldname NULL datatype DEFAULT NULL' // only the first NULL should be removed, not the one specifying // the default value $v = preg_replace('/(?metaColumns($tabname); list(, $colname, $default) = $matches; $alter .= $colname; if ($this->connection) { $old_coltype = $this->connection->metaType($existing[strtoupper($colname)]); } else { $old_coltype = $t; } $v = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($colname) . '\s/', '', $v); $t = trim(str_replace('DEFAULT '.$default,'',$v)); // Type change from bool to int if ($old_coltype == 'L' && $t == 'INTEGER') { $sql[] = $alter . ' DROP DEFAULT'; $sql[] = $alter . " TYPE $t USING ($colname::BOOL)::INT"; $sql[] = $alter . " SET DEFAULT $default"; } // Type change from int to bool else if ($old_coltype == 'I' && $t == 'BOOLEAN') { if (strcasecmp('NULL', trim($default)) != 0) { $default = $this->connection->qstr($default); } $sql[] = $alter . ' DROP DEFAULT'; $sql[] = $alter . " TYPE $t USING CASE WHEN $colname = 0 THEN false ELSE true END"; $sql[] = $alter . " SET DEFAULT $default"; } // Any other column types conversion else { $sql[] = $alter . " TYPE $t"; $sql[] = $alter . " SET DEFAULT $default"; } } else { // drop default? preg_match('/^\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)$/', $v, $matches); list(, $colname, $rest) = $matches; $alter .= $colname; $sql[] = $alter . ' TYPE ' . $rest; } #list($colname) = explode(' ', $v); if ($not_null) { // this does not error out if the column is already not null $sql[] = $alter . ' SET NOT NULL'; } if ($set_null) { // this does not error out if the column is already null $sql[] = $alter . ' DROP NOT NULL'; } } return $sql; } // does not have alter column if (!$tableflds) { if ($this->debug) { ADOConnection::outp("alterColumnSQL needs a complete table-definiton for PostgreSQL"); } return array(); } return $this->_recreate_copy_table($tabname, false, $tableflds, $tableoptions); } /** * Drop one column * * Postgres < 7.3 can't do that on it's own, you need to supply the complete definition of the new table, * to allow, recreating the table and copying the content over to the new table * @param string $tabname table name * @param string $flds column name and type for the changed column * @param string $tableflds complete defintion of the new table, eg. for postgres, default '' * @param array/ $tableoptions options for the new table see createTableSQL, default '' * @return array with SQL strings */ function dropColumnSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableflds='', $tableoptions='') { $has_drop_column = 7.3 <= (float) @$this->serverInfo['version']; if (!$has_drop_column && !$tableflds) { if ($this->debug) { ADOConnection::outp("dropColumnSQL needs complete table-definiton for PostgreSQL < 7.3"); } return array(); } if ($has_drop_column) { return ADODB_DataDict::dropColumnSQL($tabname, $flds); } return $this->_recreate_copy_table($tabname, $flds, $tableflds, $tableoptions); } /** * Save the content into a temp. table, drop and recreate the original table and copy the content back in * * We also take care to set the values of the sequence and recreate the indexes. * All this is done in a transaction, to not loose the content of the table, if something went wrong! * @internal * @param string $tabname table name * @param string $dropflds column names to drop * @param string $tableflds complete definition of the new table, eg. for postgres * @param array|string $tableoptions options for the new table see createTableSQL, default '' * @return array with SQL strings */ function _recreate_copy_table($tabname, $dropflds, $tableflds, $tableoptions='') { if ($dropflds && !is_array($dropflds)) { $dropflds = explode(',', $dropflds); } $copyflds = array(); foreach ($this->metaColumns($tabname) as $fld) { if (!$dropflds || !in_array($fld->name, $dropflds)) { // we need to explicit convert varchar to a number to be able to do an AlterColumn of a char column to a nummeric one if ( preg_match('/'.$fld->name.' (I|I2|I4|I8|N|F)/i', $tableflds, $matches) && in_array($fld->type, array('varchar', 'char', 'text', 'bytea')) ) { $copyflds[] = "to_number($fld->name,'S9999999999999D99')"; } else { $copyflds[] = $fld->name; } // identify the sequence name and the fld its on if ( $fld->primary_key && $fld->has_default && preg_match("/nextval\('([^']+)'::text\)/", $fld->default_value, $matches) ) { $seq_name = $matches[1]; $seq_fld = $fld->name; } } } $copyflds = implode(', ', $copyflds); $tempname = $tabname.'_tmp'; $aSql[] = 'BEGIN'; // we use a transaction, to make sure not to loose the content of the table $aSql[] = "SELECT * INTO TEMPORARY TABLE $tempname FROM $tabname"; $aSql = array_merge($aSql, $this->dropTableSQL($tabname)); $aSql = array_merge($aSql, $this->createTableSQL($tabname, $tableflds, $tableoptions)); $aSql[] = "INSERT INTO $tabname SELECT $copyflds FROM $tempname"; if ($seq_name && $seq_fld) { // if we have a sequence we need to set it again $seq_name = $tabname.'_'.$seq_fld.'_seq'; // has to be the name of the new implicit sequence $aSql[] = "SELECT setval('$seq_name', MAX($seq_fld)) FROM $tabname"; } $aSql[] = "DROP TABLE $tempname"; // recreate the indexes, if they not contain one of the dropped columns foreach ($this->metaIndexes($tabname) as $idx_name => $idx_data) { if ( substr($idx_name,-5) != '_pkey' && (!$dropflds || !count(array_intersect($dropflds,$idx_data['columns']))) ) { $aSql = array_merge( $aSql, $this->createIndexSQL( $idx_name, $tabname, $idx_data['columns'], $idx_data['unique'] ? array('UNIQUE') : false ) ); } } $aSql[] = 'COMMIT'; return $aSql; } function dropTableSQL($tabname) { $sql = ADODB_DataDict::dropTableSQL($tabname); $drop_seq = $this->_dropAutoIncrement($tabname); if ($drop_seq) { $sql[] = $drop_seq; } return $sql; } // return string must begin with space function _createSuffix($fname, &$ftype, $fnotnull, $fdefault, $fautoinc, $fconstraint, $funsigned) { if ($fautoinc) { $ftype = 'SERIAL'; return ''; } $suffix = ''; if (strlen($fdefault)) $suffix .= " DEFAULT $fdefault"; if ($fnotnull) $suffix .= ' NOT NULL'; if ($fconstraint) $suffix .= ' '.$fconstraint; return $suffix; } // search for a sequece for the given table (assumes the sequence-name contains the table-name!) // if yes return sql to drop it // This is still necessary if postgres < 7.3 or the SERIAL was created on an earlier version!!! function _dropAutoIncrement($tabname) { $tabname = $this->connection->quote('%'.$tabname.'%'); $seq = $this->connection->getOne("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE NOT relname ~ 'pg_.*' AND relname LIKE $tabname AND relkind='S'"); // check if a tables depends on the sequenz and it therefor cant and dont need to be droped separatly if (!$seq || $this->connection->getOne("SELECT relname FROM pg_class JOIN pg_depend ON pg_class.relfilenode=pg_depend.objid WHERE relname='$seq' AND relkind='S' AND deptype='i'")) { return false; } return "DROP SEQUENCE ".$seq; } function renameTableSQL($tabname, $newname) { if (!empty($this->schema)) { $rename_from = $this->tableName($tabname); $schema_save = $this->schema; $this->schema = false; $rename_to = $this->tableName($newname); $this->schema = $schema_save; return array(sprintf($this->renameTable, $rename_from, $rename_to)); } return array(sprintf($this->renameTable, $this->tableName($tabname), $this->tableName($newname))); } /** CREATE [ [ LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } ] TABLE table_name ( { column_name data_type [ DEFAULT default_expr ] [ column_constraint [, ... ] ] | table_constraint } [, ... ] ) [ INHERITS ( parent_table [, ... ] ) ] [ WITH OIDS | WITHOUT OIDS ] where column_constraint is: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { NOT NULL | NULL | UNIQUE | PRIMARY KEY | CHECK (expression) | REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] } [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ] and table_constraint is: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { UNIQUE ( column_name [, ... ] ) | PRIMARY KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) | CHECK ( expression ) | FOREIGN KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn [, ... ] ) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL ] [ ON DELETE action ] [ ON UPDATE action ] } [ DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ] */ /** CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX index_name ON table [ USING acc_method ] ( column [ ops_name ] [, ...] ) [ WHERE predicate ] CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX index_name ON table [ USING acc_method ] ( func_name( column [, ... ]) [ ops_name ] ) [ WHERE predicate ] */ function _indexSQL($idxname, $tabname, $flds, $idxoptions) { $sql = array(); if (isset($idxoptions['REPLACE']) || isset($idxoptions['DROP'])) { $sql[] = sprintf ($this->dropIndex, $idxname, $tabname); if (isset($idxoptions['DROP'])) { return $sql; } } if (empty($flds)) { return $sql; } $unique = isset($idxoptions['UNIQUE']) ? ' UNIQUE' : ''; $s = 'CREATE' . $unique . ' INDEX ' . $idxname . ' ON ' . $tabname . ' '; if (isset($idxoptions['HASH'])) { $s .= 'USING HASH '; } if (isset($idxoptions[$this->upperName])) { $s .= $idxoptions[$this->upperName]; } if (is_array($flds)) { $flds = implode(', ', $flds); } $s .= '(' . $flds . ')'; $sql[] = $s; return $sql; } function _getSize($ftype, $ty, $fsize, $fprec, $options=false) { if (strlen($fsize) && $ty != 'X' && $ty != 'B' && $ty != 'I' && strpos($ftype,'(') === false) { $ftype .= "(".$fsize; if (strlen($fprec)) { $ftype .= ",".$fprec; } $ftype .= ')'; } /** * Handle additional options */ if (is_array($options)) { foreach ($options as $type=>$value) { switch ($type) { case 'ENUM': $ftype .= '(' . $value . ')'; break; default: } } } return $ftype; } /** * "Florian Buzin [ easywe ]" * * This function changes/adds new fields to your table. You don't * have to know if the col is new or not. It will check on its own. */ function changeTableSQL($tablename, $flds, $tableoptions = false, $dropOldFlds=false) { global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC; if ($this->connection->fetchMode !== false) { $savem = $this->connection->setFetchMode(false); } // check table exists $save_handler = $this->connection->raiseErrorFn; $this->connection->raiseErrorFn = ''; $cols = $this->metaColumns($tablename); $this->connection->raiseErrorFn = $save_handler; if (isset($savem)) { $this->connection->setFetchMode($savem); } $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; if (empty($cols)) { return $this->createTableSQL($tablename, $flds, $tableoptions); } $addedcols = array(); $modifiedcols = array(); if (is_array($flds)) { // Cycle through the update fields, comparing // existing fields to fields to update. // if the Metatype and size is exactly the // same, ignore - by Mark Newham foreach ($flds as $k=>$v) { if (isset($cols[$k]) && is_object($cols[$k])) { // If already not allowing nulls, then don't change $obj = $cols[$k]; if (isset($obj->not_null) && $obj->not_null) { $v = str_replace('NOT NULL', '', $v); } if (isset($obj->auto_increment) && $obj->auto_increment && empty($v['AUTOINCREMENT'])) { $v = str_replace('AUTOINCREMENT', '', $v); } $c = $cols[$k]; $ml = $c->max_length; $mt = $this->metaType($c->type, $ml); if (isset($c->scale)) { $sc = $c->scale; } else { $sc = 99; // always force change if scale not known. } if ($sc == -1) { $sc = false; } list($fsize, $fprec) = $this->_getSizePrec($v['SIZE']); if ($ml == -1) { $ml = ''; } if ($mt == 'X') { $ml = $v['SIZE']; } if ( ($mt != $v['TYPE']) || ($ml != $fsize || $sc != $fprec) || (isset($v['AUTOINCREMENT']) && $v['AUTOINCREMENT'] != $obj->auto_increment) ) { $modifiedcols[$k] = $v; } } else { $addedcols[$k] = $v; } } } $sql = array(); $sql = $this->addColumnSQL($tablename, $addedcols); // already exists, alter table instead list($lines, $pkey, $idxs) = $this->_genFields($modifiedcols); // genfields can return FALSE at times if ($lines == null) { $lines = array(); } $holdflds = array(); foreach ($lines as $id => $v) { if (isset($cols[$id]) && is_object($cols[$id])) { $flds = lens_ParseArgs($v, ','); // We are trying to change the size of the field, if not allowed, simply ignore the request. // $flds[1] holds the type, $flds[2] holds the size -postnuke addition if ( $flds && in_array(strtoupper(substr($flds[0][1], 0, 4)), $this->invalidResizeTypes4) && (isset($flds[0][2]) && is_numeric($flds[0][2])) ) { if ($this->debug) { ADOConnection::outp(sprintf("

%s cannot be changed to %s currently

", $flds[0][0], $flds[0][1])); } continue; } $holdflds[] = $modifiedcols[$id]; } } $modifiedcols = $holdflds; $sql += $this->alterColumnSQL($tablename, $modifiedcols); if ($dropOldFlds) { $alter = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->tableName($tablename); foreach ($cols as $id => $v) { if (!isset($lines[$id])) { $sql[] = $alter . $this->dropCol . ' ' . $v->name; } } } return $sql; } } // end class