#!/usr/bin/env bash # This file is part of The RetroPie Project # # The RetroPie Project is the legal property of its developers, whose names are # too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT.md file distributed with this source. # # See the LICENSE.md file at the top-level directory of this distribution and # at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/master/LICENSE.md # rp_module_id="elkulator" rp_module_desc="Acorn Electron emulator" rp_module_help="\ Use F11 for the GUI !\n\ EXIT the emulator in the GUI !\n\n\ Supported ROMS/MEDIA : .rom .uef .ssd .adm .dsd .adf\n\ Some disc formats still require Shift+F12 for booting !\n\n\ ROMS/MEDIA have to be in $romdir/electron\n\n\ BIOS files are in /opt/retropie/emulators/elkulator/roms\n\ If needed, there are readme's in the sourcode\n\ Check them about the BIOS files and the emulator !\n\ The sha1sums of the BIOS roms are :\n\ 2863b45dc880a7ed91ad9828795a3eb5ed0bcdd4 os\n\ e7c7a1094d50a3579751df2007269067c8ff6812 adfs.rom\n\ 4a7393f3a45ea309f744441c16723e2ef447a281 basic.rom\n\ eaf340b64a0a747ec479e575cc7b07cf928fd845 dfs.rom\n\ e759e77efd8073c74a04b3907adcca4c6edd1cc8 os300.rom\n\ 2de04ab7c81414d6c9c967f965c53fc276392463 plus1.rom\n\ 2e409b92c97cda34ff25c2951e5f799125fe7e32 sndrom\n\n\ " rp_module_section="exp" rp_module_flags="!all rpi4" function depends_elkulator() { getDepends xorg matchbox-window-manager automake liballegro4-dev zlib1g-dev libalut-dev libopenal-dev autotools-dev xdotool } function sources_elkulator() { downloadAndExtract "http://elkulator.acornelectron.co.uk/ElkulatorV1.0Linux.tar.gz" "/tmp/elkulator" mkdir -p "$md_build/elkulator-master/roms" 2>&- cp -r /tmp/elkulator/roms/* $md_build/elkulator-master/roms #no need to remove "/tmp/elkulator", it will be removed after a reboot downloadAndExtract "https://github.com/stardot/elkulator/archive/refs/heads/master.zip" "$md_build" } function build_elkulator() { cd $md_build/elkulator-master aclocal -I m4 automake -a autoconf ./configure make -j4 } function install_elkulator() { md_ret_files=( 'elkulator-master/.' ) } function configure_elkulator() { #this part is rejected with a fresh install #but to be able to use `sudo retropie_packages.sh electron configure` for testing the module-script we need a fresh elk.cfg as an earlier created a link and than will not refresh #so if there is a elk.cfg.bak then we will use this one to make use of `sudo retropie_packages.sh electron configure` possible #the if function wil remove the link of elk.cfg if the elk.cfg.bak exists and recreate it from the backup file so we can redo the configuration withoun missing a file #(perhaps this part can be removed or done in a better way, but I like to keep it in for now) if [[ -n $(ls "$md_inst/elk.cfg.bak" 2>&-) ]];then rm "$md_inst/elk.cfg" 2>&- cp "$md_inst/elk.cfg.bak" "$md_inst/elk.cfg" 2>&- fi #we want push a fresh elk.cfg to the electron config directory #then it's in the correct place and then we can also change the cfg on the fly when starting a rom #then have to create a link to that file #before we make a link we preserve the elk.cfg as a elk.cfg.bak for later use if needed cp "$md_inst/elk.cfg" "$configdir/electron/elk.cfg" 2>&- sed -i 's/win_resize = 0/win_resize = 1/g' "$configdir/electron/elk.cfg" sed -i 's/plus3 = 0/plus3 = 1/g' "$configdir/electron/elk.cfg" chown $user:$user "$configdir/electron/elk.cfg" mv "$md_inst/elk.cfg" "$md_inst/elk.cfg.bak" 2>&- ln -s "$configdir/electron/elk.cfg" "$md_inst/elk.cfg" cat >"$md_inst/matchbox_key_shortcuts" << _EOF_ c=close _EOF_ cat >"$md_inst/elkulator-multiload.sh" << _EOF_ #!/bin/bash #see for keylist codes => https://gitlab.com/cunidev/gestures/-/wikis/xdotool-list-of-key-codes #see here for tips and tricks ==> https://github.com/damieng/BBCMicroTools/blob/master/tips-and-tricks.md #if using a us keyboard you have to use "quotedbl" to get "*" and "at" to get '"', don't know, perhaps there is a better way function load_rom() { sed -i 's/adfsena = 1/adfsena = 0/g' "$configdir/electron/elk.cfg" fullscreen=();fullscreen=( "F11" "Alt+s" "v" "Down" "Down" "Return" ) xset -dpms s off s noblank #add rom2 if exists, a pair of roms have both basename_1.rom and basename_2.rom, #check if "_1.rom" exists, do a reverse cut to get the basename, parse the $1 on how the 2nd file has to look like, search for that and add if exists matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no -use_cursor no -kbdconfig $md_inst/matchbox_key_shortcuts & /opt/retropie/emulators/elkulator/elkulator -rom1 "\$1" \$(if [[ \$1 == *_1.rom ]];then basename=\$(echo \$rom1|rev|cut -d "/" -f 1|rev|cut -d "_" -f 1); [[ -n \$(ls \$(echo \$1|sed s/\$basename\_1\.rom/\$basename\_2\.rom/g)) ]] && echo -rom2 "\$(echo \$1|sed s/\$basename\_1\.rom/\$basename\_2\.rom/g)";fi)|\ for index in \${!fullscreen[@]};do xdotool \$(if [[ \$index == 0 ]];then echo "sleep 1.5";fi) keydown \${fullscreen[\$index]} sleep 0.05 keyup \${fullscreen[\$index]};done } function load_tape() { sed -i 's/adfsena = 1/adfsena = 0/g' "$configdir/electron/elk.cfg" fullscreen_cassload=();fullscreen_cassload=( "F11" "Alt+s" "v" "Down" "Down" "Return" "quotedbl" "t" "a" "p" "e" "Return" "c" "h" "a" "i" "n" "at" "at" "Return" ) xset -dpms s off s noblank matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no -use_cursor no -kbdconfig $md_inst/matchbox_key_shortcuts & /opt/retropie/emulators/elkulator/elkulator -tape "\$1"|\ for index in \${!fullscreen_cassload[@]};do xdotool \$(if [[ \$index == 0 ]];then echo "sleep 1.5";fi) keydown \${fullscreen_cassload[\$index]} sleep 0.1 keyup \${fullscreen_cassload[\$index]};done } function load_disc_dfs() { sed -i 's/adfsena = 1/adfsena = 0/g' "$configdir/electron/elk.cfg" fullscreen_discload=();fullscreen_discload=( "F11" "Alt+s" "v" "Down" "Down" "Return" "quotedbl" "e" "x" "e" "c" "Space" "exclam" "b" "o" "o" "t" "Return" ) xset -dpms s off s noblank matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no -use_cursor no -kbdconfig $md_inst/matchbox_key_shortcuts & /opt/retropie/emulators/elkulator/elkulator -disc "\$1"|\ for index in \${!fullscreen_discload[@]};do xdotool \$(if [[ \$index == 0 ]];then echo "sleep 1.5";fi) keydown \${fullscreen_discload[\$index]} sleep 0.1 keyup \${fullscreen_discload[\$index]};done } function load_disc_adfs() { sed -i 's/adfsena = 0/adfsena = 1/g' "$configdir/electron/elk.cfg" #adfs autoload is not implemented yet fullscreen_discload=();fullscreen_discload=( "F11" "Alt+s" "v" "Down" "Down" "Return" ) xset -dpms s off s noblank matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no -use_cursor no -kbdconfig $md_inst/matchbox_key_shortcuts & /opt/retropie/emulators/elkulator/elkulator -disc "\$1"|\ for index in \${!fullscreen_discload[@]};do xdotool \$(if [[ \$index == 0 ]];then echo "sleep 1.5";fi) keydown \${fullscreen_discload[\$index]} sleep 0.1 keyup \${fullscreen_discload[\$index]};done } [[ "\$1" == *.rom ]] && load_rom "\$1" [[ "\$1" == *.uef ]] && load_tape "\$1" [[ "\$1" == *.ssd ]] && load_disc_dfs "\$1" [[ "\$1" == *.adm ]] && load_disc_dfs "\$1" [[ "\$1" == *.dsd ]] && load_disc_dfs "\$1" [[ "\$1" == *.adf ]] && load_disc_adfs "\$1" _EOF_ chmod +x "$md_inst/elkulator-multiload.sh" mkRomDir "electron" addEmulator 0 "elkulator-multiload" "electron" "XINIT:$md_inst/elkulator-multiload.sh %ROM%" addSystem "electron" "Acorn Electron" " .rom .uef .ssd .adm .dsd .adf" }