import lipd from flask import * from lipd import * from json import * import os import zipfile ''' 1. Refactor code so it's more aligned to Flask's convention and similar to this example: Would solve Pycharm's request for handle_post to have a parameter 2. Look into the production deployment for Flask: ''' app = Flask(__name__) class Adapter: def __init__(self, app): self.server = app self.reconstruction = None self.parameters = None self.inputs = None self.output_files = [] # rename to initial_wd self.initial_working_dir = None def start_server(self):'', port=4000, debug=True) def stop_server(self): # self.server.stop() return def register(self, callback): self.reconstruction = callback return # function to get the list of files from the json file def get_files(self): # using the json key "inputs" to return the files return self.inputs # function to get the list of parameters from the json file def get_parameters(self): # using the json key "parameters" to return the parameters return self.parameters def get_output_files(self): return self.output_files # TODO: check if directory or file exists # TODO: location points to a directory def set_output_files(self, location): temp_path = os.path.abspath(location) self.reset_wd() if self.output_files: for i in self.output_files: if temp_path == i: return self.output_files.append(temp_path) def reset_wd(self): os.chdir(self.initial_working_dir) # function to read the lipd files and store them in variables # Main Steps of Function: # 1. Parse metadata.JSON (finished) # 2. Save metadata.JSON["parameters"] in the adapter's parameters field. Save metadata.JSON["inputs"] in # adapter's inputs field. (finished) # 3. Store all other files in adapter's inputs dictionary with file name as key and file data as value # (in-progress) # 4. Run the reconstruction with "exec(adapter.reconstruction)" () # 5. Compress the files at adapter.output_files and send back in HTTP Response message @app.route('/', methods=['POST']) def handle_post(): # Issue: To use Python's None type, the JSON file must use null instead # Issue: To use Python's boolean values, the JSON file must use all lowercase for Booleans # Potential issue: Users must know JSON only allows double quotes # Potential issue: Users must know JSON keys must be strings metadata = json.loads(request.files['metadata'].read()) global_adapter.parameters = metadata['parameters'] global_adapter.inputs = metadata['inputs'] # Reads in the input files, request.files is a dictionary of this object: # # For inputs, the key, value pair is specific: # key = the shorthand for file, should mirror the name in the POST request argument # value = the location of the file; e.g. # "" # "nc-files/" # "data-files/nc-files/" # # IMPORTANT: Unless you intend for the file to be stored in the relation to the root directory and not the # current working directory, DO NOT ADD A FORWARD OR BACK SLASH the the beginning of value / # file location. An example of this is: # "/" global_adapter.initial_working_dir = os.getcwd() for file in request.files: if file != "metadata": # to preserve the subdirectories from the metadata.JSON, uses the "name" argument from the POST request # and looks up the name in the metadata.JSON to see what file structure to preserve new_path = os.path.abspath(global_adapter.inputs[file]) new_dirs = os.path.split(new_path)[0] if not os.path.isdir(new_dirs): # 666 = read and write permissions for all os.makedirs(new_dirs, 666, exist_ok=True) # save files based on the current working directory + metadata.JSON values request.files[file].save(new_path) # save location of files global_adapter.inputs[file] = new_path # if file.filename has .lpd extension, try to use readLipd and throw error if it fails if (os.path.splitext(request.files[file].filename))[1] == ".lpd": if len(lipd.readLipd(new_path)) == 0: return "File: " + file + " did not pass the readLipd", 500 # saving a file changes the cwd and produces unintended behavior if not reset to its initial value global_adapter.reset_wd() # run the reconstruction global_adapter.reconstruction(global_adapter) # any reading done in the reconstruction will change the cwd and while there are no plans for multiple pings to # the adapter, if the server is pinged multiple times, the file structure produces unintended behavior global_adapter.reset_wd() # send output files in HTTP Response message zip_handler = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for location in global_adapter.output_files: if os.path.isfile(location): zip_handler.write(location, arcname=os.path.relpath(location)) else: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(location, topdown=False): for file in files: temp_zip_location = \ os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file), start=global_adapter.initial_working_dir) zip_handler.write(os.path.join(root, file), arcname=temp_zip_location) zip_handler.close() return send_from_directory(global_adapter.initial_working_dir, "") # create global adapter instance global_adapter = Adapter(app)