#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2154 { #//////////////////////////////////// # DietPi-Globals # #//////////////////////////////////// # Created by Daniel Knight / daniel.knight@dietpi.com / dietpi.com # #//////////////////////////////////// # # Info: # - Provides shared/global DietPi variables and functions for current bash session and DietPi scripts # - CRITICAL: Use local index variables in for/while loops, or unset them afterwards, else havoc: https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/issues/1454 # - Sourced/Loaded in interactive bash sessions via /etc/bashrc.d/dietpi.bash # - Sourced/Loaded at start of most DietPi script #//////////////////////////////////// #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Core variables, functions and environment, used at start of most DietPi scripts #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script/Program name # - Set this in originating script, after loading globals and before calling G_INIT() # - Used in G_EXEC, G_WHIP and G_DIETPI-NOTIFY functions unset -v G_PROGRAM_NAME # Debug mode # - Set G_DEBUG=1 to enable additional debug output for some DietPi scripts and functions # - This variable is not pre-generated but checked via: [[ $G_DEBUG == 1 ]] #[[ $G_DEBUG == [01] ] || G_DEBUG=0 # Non-interactive mode # - Set G_INTERACTIVE=0 to disable interactive G_EXEC and G_WHIP dialogues # - Set G_INTERACTIVE=1 to force interactive G_EXEC and G_WHIP dialogues # - Default is based on whether STDIN is attached to an open terminal or not: [[ -t 0 ]] # OK | systemd = [[ -t 0 ]] is false # OK | Cron = [[ -t 0 ]] is false # NB | /etc/profile, ~/.profile, /etc/profile.d/, /etc/bash.bashrc, ~/.bashrc and /etc/bashrc.d/ are usually interactive since those are sourced from originating shell/bash session. if [[ $G_INTERACTIVE != [01] ]]; then [[ -t 0 ]] && G_INTERACTIVE=1 || G_INTERACTIVE=0 fi # Disable DietPi-Services # - Set G_DIETPI_SERVICES_DISABLE=1 to disable DietPi-Services # - This variable is not pre-generated but checked via: [[ $G_DIETPI_SERVICES_DISABLE == 1 ]] #[[ $G_DIETPI_SERVICES_DISABLE == [01] ]] || G_DIETPI_SERVICES_DISABLE=0 # DietPi first boot setup stage: -2 = DietPi-Installer/Unknown | -1 = 1st boot | 0 = 1st run dietpi-update | 1 = 1st run dietpi-software | 2 = completed | 10 = Pre-installed image, converts to 2 during 1st boot [[ -f '/boot/dietpi/.install_stage' ]] && read -r G_DIETPI_INSTALL_STAGE < /boot/dietpi/.install_stage || G_DIETPI_INSTALL_STAGE=-2 # Hardware details [[ -f '/boot/dietpi/.hw_model' ]] && . /boot/dietpi/.hw_model # DietPi version and Git branch # shellcheck disable=SC1091 [[ -f '/boot/dietpi/.version' ]] && . /boot/dietpi/.version # - Assign defaults/code version as fallback [[ $G_DIETPI_VERSION_CORE ]] || G_DIETPI_VERSION_CORE=8 [[ $G_DIETPI_VERSION_SUB ]] || G_DIETPI_VERSION_SUB=16 [[ $G_DIETPI_VERSION_RC ]] || G_DIETPI_VERSION_RC=2 [[ $G_GITBRANCH ]] || G_GITBRANCH='master' [[ $G_GITOWNER ]] || G_GITOWNER='MichaIng' # - Save current version and Git branch G_VERSIONDB_SAVE(){ echo "G_DIETPI_VERSION_CORE=$G_DIETPI_VERSION_CORE G_DIETPI_VERSION_SUB=$G_DIETPI_VERSION_SUB G_DIETPI_VERSION_RC=$G_DIETPI_VERSION_RC G_GITBRANCH='$G_GITBRANCH' G_GITOWNER='$G_GITOWNER'" > /boot/dietpi/.version } # Init function for originating script # - Stuff we can't init in main globals/funcs due to /etc/bashrc.d/dietpi.bash load into interactive bash sessions. # - Optional environment variables: # G_INIT_ALLOW_CONCURRENT=1 = Allow concurrent DietPi script execution (default: 0) # G_INIT_WAIT_CONCURRENT= = Max time to wait for concurrent execution to exit before user prompt (default: 5) G_INIT(){ # Set locale to prevent incorrect scraping due to translated command outputs # Set PATH to expected default to rule out issues due to broken environment, e.g. in combination with "su" or "sudo -E" export LC_ALL='C.UTF-8' LANG='C.UTF-8' PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin' # Set G_PROGRAM_NAME to originating script file (or shell executable) name if it was not set by originating script [[ $G_PROGRAM_NAME ]] || readonly G_PROGRAM_NAME=${0##*/} # HIERARCHY system for G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 3 to reduce highlight or sub script output # shellcheck disable=SC2015 [[ $HIERARCHY =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && export HIERARCHY=$((HIERARCHY+1)) || export HIERARCHY=0 # Concurrent execution handling local i=0 if [[ $G_INIT_ALLOW_CONCURRENT == 1 ]] then # Concurrency allowed: Use next free suffix for working directory, avoid race condition by checking via "mkdir" success until mkdir "/tmp/${G_PROGRAM_NAME}_$i" &> /dev/null do # If the directory does not exist, its creation failed, probably due to R/O filesystem, hence break loop! [[ -d /tmp/${G_PROGRAM_NAME}_$i ]] || break ((i++)) done readonly G_WORKING_DIR="/tmp/${G_PROGRAM_NAME}_$i" else # Concurrency not allowed: Use existing working directory as flag local limit=${G_INIT_WAIT_CONCURRENT:-5} while [[ -d /tmp/$G_PROGRAM_NAME ]] do if (( $i < $limit )) then ((i++)) G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Concurrent execution of $G_PROGRAM_NAME detected, retrying... ($i/$limit)" G_SLEEP 1 else G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT='Retry' # shellcheck disable=SC2009 G_WHIP_YESNO "WARNING: Concurrent execution of $G_PROGRAM_NAME detected\n Please check if one of the following applies: - This script already runs on another terminal/SSH session. - Currently a cron or systemd background job executes the script. - You started this script from within another DietPi program, causing a loop.\n Please assure that the concurrent execution has finished, before retrying, otherwise cancel this instance.\n The following info might help: $(ps f -eo pid,user,tty,cmd | grep -i '[d]ietpi')" && continue G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "Cancelled $G_PROGRAM_NAME due to concurrent execution" exit 1 fi done readonly G_WORKING_DIR="/tmp/$G_PROGRAM_NAME" fi # Declare exit trap which runs on EXIT signals, including SIGINT and SIGTERM but not SIGKILL! G_EXIT(){ # Execute custom exit function if declared declare -F G_EXIT_CUSTOM &> /dev/null && G_EXIT_CUSTOM # Navigate to /tmp before removing working directory cd /tmp || G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 'Failed to navigate to /tmp' # Purge working directory if existent [[ ! -d $G_WORKING_DIR ]] || rm -R "$G_WORKING_DIR" || G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "Failed to remove scripts working directory: $G_WORKING_DIR" } trap 'G_EXIT' EXIT # Create and navigate to scripts working directory or users home if available: https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/issues/905#issuecomment-298223705 mkdir -p "$G_WORKING_DIR" && cd "$G_WORKING_DIR" && return G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "Failed to create or enter scripts working directory: $G_WORKING_DIR" if [[ $HOME && -d $HOME ]] then cd "$HOME" && { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Entered users home directory: $HOME"; return; } G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "Failed to enter users home directory: $HOME" fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Will stay in current directory: $PWD" } # Clear terminal by moving content into scrollback buffer: https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/issues/1615 G_TERM_CLEAR(){ # Without an input terminal, there is no point in doing this. [[ -t 0 ]] || return # Printing terminal height - 1 newlines seems to be the fastest method that is compatible with all terminal types. local lines=$(tput lines) i newlines for ((i=1;i<${lines% *};i++)); do newlines+='\n'; done echo -ne "\e[0m$newlines\e[H" } # DietPi-Notify # $1: # -2 = Processing # $2+ = message # -1 = Autodetect ok or failed # $2 = exit code # $3+ = message # 0 = Ok # $2+ = message # 1 = Failed # $2+ = message # 2 = Info # $2+ = message # 3 = Header # $2 = program name # $3+ = message, prefixed with "${G_NOTIFY_3_MODE}: ", defaults to "Mode: " G_DIETPI-NOTIFY(){ local i ainput_string=("$@") output_string grey green red reset yellow dietpi_green # If this is a terminal, it understands ANSI escape sequences, so use colour, always start left-aligned with colour reset and clear screen from cursor to end. # - Assume if STDIN is a terminal that STDOUT is one as well, e.g. covered by "tee" if [[ -t 0 || -t 1 ]] then output_string='\e[0m\r\e[J' grey='\e[90m' green='\e[32m' red='\e[31m' reset='\e[0m' yellow='\e[33m' dietpi_green='\e[38;5;154m' # Kill existing process animation if this is not a processing message if [[ $1 != '-2' && -w '/tmp/dietpi-process.pid' ]] then kill -9 "$( /dev/null rm -f /tmp/dietpi-process.pid &> /dev/null fi # Else remove all colour codes from input string else shopt -s extglob for i in "${!ainput_string[@]}" do ainput_string[$i]=${ainput_string[$i]//\\e[[0-9]*([;0-9])m} done shopt -u extglob fi local bracket_l="${grey}[$reset" bracket_r="$grey]$reset" local ok="$bracket_l$green OK $bracket_r " failed="$bracket_l${red}FAILED$bracket_r " # Print input array from index $1 Print(){ [[ $1 == 1 && $G_PROGRAM_NAME ]] && output_string+="$grey$G_PROGRAM_NAME |$reset " for ((i=$1; i<${#ainput_string[@]}; i++)) do output_string+=${ainput_string[$i]} done echo -ne "$output_string$reset" } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main Loop #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Autodetect ok or failed # $2 = exit code # $3+ = message # - Use this at end of DietPi scripts, e.g. G_DIETPI-NOTIFY -1 ${EXIT_CODE:=0} if (( $1 == -1 )); then if (( $2 )); then output_string+=$failed ainput_string+=(' | Exited with error\n') else output_string+=$ok ainput_string+=(' | Completed\n') fi Print 2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Processing # $3+ = message # NB: Do not use this with newlines, literally or "\n", as this would cause parts of the processing message not being overwritten as intended. elif (( $1 == -2 )); then # If this is a terminal, it understands control codes, so make any next output overwrite the processing message. if [[ ( -t 0 || -t 1 ) && $TERM != 'dumb' ]] then # Calculate the amount of output lines and in case move cursor up for correct animation position and to allow overwriting the whole output. local input_string="${G_PROGRAM_NAME:+$G_PROGRAM_NAME | }$*" # - Remove colour codes: Use extended globbing shopt -s extglob input_string=${input_string//\\e[[0-9]*([;0-9])m} shopt -u extglob local screen_width=$(tput cols) local output_lines=$(( ( ${#input_string} + 5 ) / $screen_width )) # +5 = [ .... ] - $1 (( $output_lines )) && ainput_string+=("\e[${output_lines}A") # If we do not print the animation, move the cursor left as well to allow overwriting the whole first line. [[ -t 0 ]] || ainput_string+=('\r') # Else, we add a newline to leave processing message complete. else ainput_string+=('\n') fi # Print animation only if this is the terminal control process as otherwise foreign output might cause a mess and we might be not able to kill the animation. if [[ -t 0 && $TERM != 'dumb' ]] then output_string+="$bracket_l $bracket_r " Print 1 # If redirect to existent PID file fails due to noclobber, don't start processing animation. # - This method prevents a tiny condition race from checking file existence until creating it, when doing: [[ ! -e file ]] && > file set -C if { > /tmp/dietpi-process.pid; } &> /dev/null then set +C Start_Process_Animation(){ local bright_dot='\e[1;33m.' local dimmed_dot='\e[0;33m.' # Alternative: \u23F9 local aprocess_string=( "$bright_dot " "$dimmed_dot$bright_dot " " $dimmed_dot$bright_dot " " $dimmed_dot$bright_dot " " $dimmed_dot$bright_dot " " $dimmed_dot$bright_dot" " $bright_dot" " $bright_dot$dimmed_dot" " $bright_dot$dimmed_dot " " $bright_dot$dimmed_dot " " $bright_dot$dimmed_dot " "$bright_dot$dimmed_dot " ) for (( i=0; i<=${#aprocess_string[@]}; i++ )) do (( i == ${#aprocess_string[@]} )) && i=0 [[ -w '/tmp/dietpi-process.pid' ]] && echo -ne "\e[2G${aprocess_string[$i]}$reset\e[C" || return G_SLEEP 0.15 done } { Start_Process_Animation & echo $! > /tmp/dietpi-process.pid; disown; } 2> /dev/null unset -f Start_Process_Animation else set +C fi else output_string+="$bracket_l $yellow.... $bracket_r " Print 1 fi #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ok # $2+ = message elif (( $1 == 0 )); then output_string+=$ok ainput_string+=('\n') Print 1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Failed # $2+ = message elif (( $1 == 1 )); then output_string+=$failed ainput_string+=('\n') # Print error messages to STDERR Print 1 >&2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Info # $2+ = message elif (( $1 == 2 )); then output_string+="$bracket_l INFO $bracket_r " # Keep info messages in grey, even if "$G_PROGRAM_NAME | \e[0m" is added: ainput_string[1]="$grey${ainput_string[1]}" ainput_string+=('\n') Print 1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Header # $2 = program name # $3+ = message, prefixed with "${G_NOTIFY_3_MODE}: ", defaults to "Mode: " elif (( $1 == 3 )); then if disable_error=1 G_CHECK_VALIDINT "$HIERARCHY" 1; then local status_subfunction="$HIERARCHY " # > 9 should never occur, however, if it is, lets make it line up regardless (( $HIERARCHY > 9 )) && status_subfunction=$HIERARCHY output_string+="$bracket_l$yellow SUB$status_subfunction$bracket_r $2 > " ainput_string+=('\n') else output_string+=" $dietpi_green$2$reset $grey───────────────────────────────────────────────────── ${G_NOTIFY_3_MODE:-Mode}:$reset " ainput_string+=('\n\n') fi Print 2 fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Unset internal functions, otherwise they are accessible from terminal unset -f Print #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } # $1 = mode # 2 = Silent check, only returning error code if non-root # 1 = Kill current script only, excluding the shell. # else = Exit all linked scripts (kill all) G_CHECK_ROOT_USER(){ (( $UID )) || return 0 [[ $1 == 2 ]] && return 1 G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 'Root privileges required. Please run the command with "sudo" or "G_SUDO".' if [[ $1 == 1 ]] then kill -INT $$ else exit 1 fi } G_CHECK_ROOTFS_RW(){ [[ $G_CHECK_ROOTFS_RW_VERIFIED == 1 ]] && return 0 if grep -q '[[:blank:]]/[[:blank:]].*[[:blank:]]ro,' /proc/mounts then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 'RootFS is currently Read Only (R/O) mounted. Aborting...' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'DietPi requires RootFS to be Read/Write (R/W) mounted. Please run "dietpi-drive_manager" to re-enable.' exit 1 else export G_CHECK_ROOTFS_RW_VERIFIED=1 fi } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shortcut functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sudo wrapper that ensures DietPi-Globals with G_* commands are loaded G_SUDO(){ local input=$*; sudo bash -c ". /boot/dietpi/func/dietpi-globals && $input"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Whiptail (Whippy-da-whip-whip-whip tail!) # - Automatically detects/processes for G_INTERACTIVE #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Input: # - G_WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM | Optional, to set the default selected/menu item or inputbox entry # - G_WHIP_SIZE_X_MAX=50 | Optional, limits width [in chars], if below available screen width # - G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT | Optional, change as needed, defaults to "Ok" # - G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT | Optional, change as needed, defaults to "Cancel" # - G_WHIP_NOCANCEL=1 | Optional, hide the cancel button on inputbox, menu and checkbox dialogues # - G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY | Required for G_WHIP_MENU to set available menu entries, 2 array indices per line: ('item' 'description') # - G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY | Required for G_WHIP_CHECKLIST set available checklist options, 3 array indices per line: ('item' 'description' 'on'/'off') # Output: # - G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE | Returned value from inputbox/menu/checklist based whiptail items # G_WHIP_DESTROY | Clear vars after run of whiptail G_WHIP_DESTROY(){ unset -v G_WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM G_WHIP_SIZE_X_MAX G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT G_WHIP_NOCANCEL G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY; } # Run once, to be failsafe in case any exported/environment variables are left from originating shell G_WHIP_DESTROY # G_WHIP_INIT # - Update target whiptail size, based on current screen dimensions # - $1 = input mode | 2: Z=G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY 3: Z=G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY G_WHIP_INIT() { # Automagically set size of whiptail box and contents according to screen size and whiptail type local input_mode=$1 # Update backtitle WHIP_BACKTITLE=$G_HW_MODEL_NAME local active_ip=$(G_GET_NET -q ip) [[ $active_ip ]] && WHIP_BACKTITLE+=" | IP: $active_ip" # Set default button text, if not defined G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT=${G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT:-Ok} G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT=${G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT:-Cancel} # Get current screen dimensions WHIP_SIZE_X=$(tput cols) WHIP_SIZE_Y=$(tput lines) # - Limit and reset non-valid integer values to 120 characters per line (( $WHIP_SIZE_X <= 120 )) || WHIP_SIZE_X=120 # - If width is below 9 characters, the text field starts to cover the internal margin, regardless of content or button text, hence 9 is the absolute minimum. (( $WHIP_SIZE_X >= 9 )) || WHIP_SIZE_X=9 # - G_WHIP_SIZE_X_MAX allows to further reduce width, e.g. to keep X/Y ratio in beautiful range. disable_error=1 G_CHECK_VALIDINT "$G_WHIP_SIZE_X_MAX" 0 "$WHIP_SIZE_X" && WHIP_SIZE_X=$G_WHIP_SIZE_X_MAX # - If height is below 7 lines, not a single line of text can be shown, hence 7 is the reasonable minimum. (( $WHIP_SIZE_Y >= 7 )) || WHIP_SIZE_Y=7 # Calculate lines required to show all text content local whip_lines_text=6 # Due to internal margins, the available height is 6 lines smaller local whip_chars_text=$(( $WHIP_SIZE_X - 4 )) # Due to internal margins, the available width is 4 characters smaller WHIP_SCROLLTEXT= # Add "--scrolltext" automatically if text height exceeds max available Process_Line(){ local split line=$1 # Split line by "\n" newline escape sequences, the only one which is interpreted by whiptail, in a strict way: "\\n" still creates a newline, hence the sequence cannot be escaped! while [[ $line == *'\n'* ]] do # Grab first line split=${line%%\\n*} # Add required line + additional lines due to automated line breaks, if text exceeds internal box (( whip_lines_text += 1 + ( ${#split} - 1 ) / $whip_chars_text )) # Stop counting if required size exceeds screen already (( $whip_lines_text > $WHIP_SIZE_Y )) && return 1 # Cut away handled line from string line=${line#*\\n} done # Process remaining line (( whip_lines_text += 1 + ( ${#line} - 1 ) / $whip_chars_text )) # Stop counting if required size exceeds screen already (( $whip_lines_text <= $WHIP_SIZE_Y )) || return 1 } # - WHIP_MESSAGE if [[ $WHIP_ERROR$WHIP_MESSAGE ]]; then while read -r line; do Process_Line "$line" || break; done <<< "$WHIP_ERROR$WHIP_MESSAGE" # - WHIP_TEXTFILE elif [[ $WHIP_TEXTFILE ]]; then while read -r line; do Process_Line "$line" || break; done < "$WHIP_TEXTFILE" fi unset -f Process_Line # Process menu and checklist # - G_WHIP_MENU if [[ $input_mode == 2 ]]; then # Requires 1 additional line for text ((whip_lines_text++)) # Lines required for menu: ( ${#array} + 1 ) to round up on uneven array entries WHIP_SIZE_Z=$(( ( ${#G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[@]} + 1 ) / 2 )) # Auto length for ─ # - Get max length of all lines in array indices 1 + 2n | '' 'this one' local i character_count_max=0 for (( i=1; i<${#G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[@]}; i+=2 )) do (( ${#G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[$i]} > $character_count_max )) && character_count_max=${#G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[$i]} done ((character_count_max--)) # -1 for additional ● # - Now add the additional required lines for (( i=1; i<${#G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[@]}; i+=2 )) do [[ ${G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[$i]} == '●'* ]] || continue while (( ${#G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[$i]} < $character_count_max )) do G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[$i]+='─' done G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[$i]+='●' done # - G_WHIP_CHECKLIST elif [[ $input_mode == 3 ]]; then # Lines required for checklist: ( ${#array} + 2 ) to round up single+double array entries WHIP_SIZE_Z=$(( ( ${#G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY[@]} + 2 ) / 3 )) # Auto length for ─ # - Get max length of all lines in array indices 1 + 3n 1st | '' 'this one' '' local i character_count_max=0 for (( i=1; i<${#G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY[@]}; i+=3 )) do (( ${#G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY[$i]} > $character_count_max )) && character_count_max=${#G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY[$i]} done ((character_count_max--)) # -1 for additional ● # - Now add the additional required lines for (( i=1; i<${#G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY[@]}; i+=3 )) do [[ ${G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY[$i]} == '●'* ]] || continue while (( ${#G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY[$i]} < $character_count_max )) do G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY[$i]+='─' done G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY[$i]+='●' done fi # Adjust sizes to fit content # - G_WHIP_MENU/G_WHIP_CHECKLIST needs to hold text + selection field (WHIP_SIZE_Z) if [[ $input_mode == [23] ]]; then # If required lines would exceed screen, reduce WHIP_SIZE_Z if (( $whip_lines_text + $WHIP_SIZE_Z > $WHIP_SIZE_Y )); then WHIP_SIZE_Z=$(( $WHIP_SIZE_Y - $whip_lines_text )) # Assure at least 2 lines to have the selection field scroll bar identifiable if (( $WHIP_SIZE_Z < 2 )); then WHIP_SIZE_Z=2 # Since text is partly hidden now, add text scroll ability and info to backtitle WHIP_SCROLLTEXT='--scrolltext' WHIP_BACKTITLE+=' | Use up/down buttons to scroll text' fi # else reduce WHIP_SIZE_Y to hold all content else WHIP_SIZE_Y=$(( $whip_lines_text + $WHIP_SIZE_Z )) fi # - Everything else needs to hold text only elif (( $whip_lines_text > $WHIP_SIZE_Y )); then WHIP_SCROLLTEXT='--scrolltext' WHIP_BACKTITLE+=' | Use up/down buttons to scroll text' else WHIP_SIZE_Y=$whip_lines_text fi } # G_WHIP_MSG "message" # - Display a message from input string G_WHIP_MSG() { local WHIP_MESSAGE=$* if [[ $G_INTERACTIVE == 1 ]]; then local WHIP_ERROR WHIP_BACKTITLE WHIP_SCROLLTEXT WHIP_SIZE_X WHIP_SIZE_Y G_WHIP_INIT # shellcheck disable=SC2086 whiptail ${G_PROGRAM_NAME:+--title "$G_PROGRAM_NAME"} --backtitle "$WHIP_BACKTITLE" --msgbox "$WHIP_MESSAGE" --ok-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT" $WHIP_SCROLLTEXT "$WHIP_SIZE_Y" "$WHIP_SIZE_X" else G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "$WHIP_MESSAGE" fi G_WHIP_DESTROY } # G_WHIP_VIEWFILE "/path/to/file" # - Display content from input file # - Exit code: 1=file not found, else=file shown or noninteractive G_WHIP_VIEWFILE() { local result=0 if [[ $G_INTERACTIVE == 1 ]]; then local WHIP_ERROR WHIP_MESSAGE WHIP_BACKTITLE WHIP_SCROLLTEXT WHIP_SIZE_X WHIP_SIZE_Y WHIP_TEXTFILE=$1 header='File viewer' [[ $log == 1 ]] && header='Log viewer' if [[ -f $WHIP_TEXTFILE ]]; then G_WHIP_INIT # shellcheck disable=SC2086 whiptail --title "${G_PROGRAM_NAME:+$G_PROGRAM_NAME | }$header" --backtitle "$WHIP_BACKTITLE" --textbox "$WHIP_TEXTFILE" --ok-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT" $WHIP_SCROLLTEXT "$WHIP_SIZE_Y" "$WHIP_SIZE_X" else result=1 WHIP_ERROR="[FAILED] File does not exist: $WHIP_TEXTFILE" G_WHIP_INIT # shellcheck disable=SC2086 whiptail --title "${G_PROGRAM_NAME:+$G_PROGRAM_NAME | }$header" --backtitle "$WHIP_BACKTITLE" --msgbox "$WHIP_ERROR" --ok-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT" $WHIP_SCROLLTEXT "$WHIP_SIZE_Y" "$WHIP_SIZE_X" fi fi G_WHIP_DESTROY return "$result" } # G_WHIP_YESNO "message" # - Prompt user for Yes/No | Ok/Cancel choice and return result # - Exit code: 0=Yes/Ok, else=No/Cancel or noninteractive G_WHIP_YESNO() { local result=1 default_no='--defaultno' [[ ${G_WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM,,} == 'yes' || ${G_WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM,,} == 'ok' ]] && result=0 default_no= if [[ $G_INTERACTIVE == 1 ]]; then local WHIP_ERROR WHIP_BACKTITLE WHIP_SCROLLTEXT WHIP_SIZE_X WHIP_SIZE_Y WHIP_MESSAGE=$* G_WHIP_INIT # shellcheck disable=SC2086 whiptail ${G_PROGRAM_NAME:+--title "$G_PROGRAM_NAME"} --backtitle "$WHIP_BACKTITLE" --yesno "$WHIP_MESSAGE" --yes-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT" --no-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT" "$default_no" $WHIP_SCROLLTEXT "$WHIP_SIZE_Y" "$WHIP_SIZE_X" result=$? fi G_WHIP_DESTROY return "$result" } # G_WHIP_INPUTBOX "message" # - Prompt user to input text and save it to G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE # - Exit code: 0=input done, else=user cancelled or noninteractive G_WHIP_INPUTBOX() { local result=1 unset -v G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE # in case left from last G_WHIP if [[ $G_INTERACTIVE == 1 ]]; then local WHIP_ERROR WHIP_BACKTITLE WHIP_SCROLLTEXT WHIP_SIZE_X WHIP_SIZE_Y WHIP_MESSAGE=$* NOCANCEL=() [[ $G_WHIP_NOCANCEL == 1 ]] && NOCANCEL=('--nocancel') while : do G_WHIP_INIT # shellcheck disable=SC2086 G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE=$(whiptail ${G_PROGRAM_NAME:+--title "$G_PROGRAM_NAME"} --backtitle "$WHIP_BACKTITLE" --inputbox "$WHIP_ERROR$WHIP_MESSAGE" --ok-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT" --cancel-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT" "${NOCANCEL[@]}" $WHIP_SCROLLTEXT "$WHIP_SIZE_Y" "$WHIP_SIZE_X" "$G_WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3-; echo $? > /tmp/.G_WHIP_INPUTBOX_RESULT) read -r result < /tmp/.G_WHIP_INPUTBOX_RESULT; rm -f /tmp/.G_WHIP_INPUTBOX_RESULT [[ $result == 0 && -z $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE ]] && { WHIP_ERROR='[FAILED] An input value was not entered, please try again...\n\n'; continue; } break done fi G_WHIP_DESTROY return "$result" } # G_WHIP_PASSWORD "message" # - Prompt user to input password and save it in variable "result" # - Originating script must "unset result" after value has been handled for security reasons! # - Exit code: 0=input done + passwords match, else=noninteractive (Cancelling is disabled since no password in originating script can cause havoc!) G_WHIP_PASSWORD() { local return_value=1 unset -v result # in case left from last call if [[ $G_INTERACTIVE == 1 ]]; then local WHIP_ERROR WHIP_BACKTITLE WHIP_SCROLLTEXT WHIP_SIZE_X WHIP_SIZE_Y WHIP_MESSAGE=$* while : do G_WHIP_INIT # shellcheck disable=SC2086 local password_0=$(whiptail ${G_PROGRAM_NAME:+--title "$G_PROGRAM_NAME"} --backtitle "$WHIP_BACKTITLE" --passwordbox "$WHIP_ERROR$WHIP_MESSAGE" --ok-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT" --nocancel $WHIP_SCROLLTEXT "$WHIP_SIZE_Y" "$WHIP_SIZE_X" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3-) [[ $password_0 ]] || { WHIP_ERROR='[FAILED] No input made, please try again...\n\n'; continue; } local password_1=$(whiptail ${G_PROGRAM_NAME:+--title "$G_PROGRAM_NAME"} --backtitle "$WHIP_BACKTITLE" --passwordbox 'Please retype and confirm your input:' --ok-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT" --nocancel 7 "$WHIP_SIZE_X" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3-) [[ $password_0 == "$password_1" ]] || { WHIP_ERROR='[FAILED] Inputs do not match, please try again...\n\n'; continue; } result=$password_0 return_value=0 break done fi G_WHIP_DESTROY return "$return_value" } # G_WHIP_MENU "message" # - Prompt user to select option from G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY and save choice to G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE # - Exit code: 0=selection done, else=user cancelled or noninteractive G_WHIP_MENU() { local result=1 unset -v G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE # in case left from last call [[ $G_INTERACTIVE == 1 ]] && until [[ $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE ]] # Stay in menu if empty option was selected (separator line) do local WHIP_ERROR WHIP_BACKTITLE WHIP_SCROLLTEXT WHIP_SIZE_X WHIP_SIZE_Y WHIP_SIZE_Z WHIP_MESSAGE=$* NOCANCEL=() [[ $G_WHIP_NOCANCEL == 1 ]] && NOCANCEL=('--nocancel') G_WHIP_INIT 2 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE=$(whiptail ${G_PROGRAM_NAME:+--title "$G_PROGRAM_NAME"} --backtitle "$WHIP_BACKTITLE" --menu "$WHIP_MESSAGE" --ok-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT" --cancel-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT" "${NOCANCEL[@]}" --default-item "$G_WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM" $WHIP_SCROLLTEXT "$WHIP_SIZE_Y" "$WHIP_SIZE_X" "$WHIP_SIZE_Z" -- "${G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[@]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3-; echo $? > /tmp/.WHIP_MENU_RESULT) read -r result < /tmp/.WHIP_MENU_RESULT; rm -f /tmp/.WHIP_MENU_RESULT [[ ${result:=1} == 0 ]] || break # Exit loop in case of cancel button selection or error or if .WHIP_MENU_RESULT could not be created done G_WHIP_DESTROY return "$result" } # G_WHIP_CHECKLIST "message" # - Prompt user to select multiple options from G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY and save choice to G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE # - Exit code: 0=selection done, else=user cancelled or noninteractive G_WHIP_CHECKLIST() { local result=1 unset -v G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE # in case left from last call if [[ $G_INTERACTIVE == 1 ]] then local WHIP_ERROR WHIP_BACKTITLE WHIP_SCROLLTEXT WHIP_SIZE_X WHIP_SIZE_Y WHIP_SIZE_Z WHIP_MESSAGE=$* NOCANCEL=() [[ $G_WHIP_NOCANCEL == 1 ]] && NOCANCEL=('--nocancel') G_WHIP_INIT 3 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE=$(whiptail ${G_PROGRAM_NAME:+--title "$G_PROGRAM_NAME"} --backtitle "$WHIP_BACKTITLE | Use spacebar to toggle selection" --checklist "$WHIP_MESSAGE" --separate-output --ok-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_OK_TEXT" --cancel-button "$G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT" "${NOCANCEL[@]}" --default-item "$G_WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM" $WHIP_SCROLLTEXT "$WHIP_SIZE_Y" "$WHIP_SIZE_X" "$WHIP_SIZE_Z" -- "${G_WHIP_CHECKLIST_ARRAY[@]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3-; echo $? > /tmp/.WHIP_CHECKLIST_RESULT) G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE=$(echo -e "$G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE" | tr '\n' ' ') read -r result < /tmp/.WHIP_CHECKLIST_RESULT; rm -f /tmp/.WHIP_CHECKLIST_RESULT fi G_WHIP_DESTROY return "${result:-1}" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Error handled command execution wrapper #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IMPORTANT: # - Never pipe G_EXEC! "G_EXEC command | command" leads to G_EXEC not being able to unset G_EXEC_* variables and functions from originating shell or kill the originating script in case of error. # Required input: # - $@= | Command to execute # Optional input: # - $G_EXEC_DESC= | Command description to print instead of raw command string # - $G_EXEC_RETRIES= | Amount of non-interactive retries in case of error, before doing interactive error prompt # - G_EXEC_PRE_FUNC(){} | Function to call before every input command attempt, e.g. to re-evaluate variables # - G_EXEC_POST_FUNC(){} | Function to call after every input command attempt, e.g. to handle errors without error exit code # - $G_EXEC_OUTPUT=1 | Print full command output instead of animated processing message # - $G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL='\e[90m' | Override colour of command output via console colour code, requires $G_EXEC_OUTPUT=1 # - $G_EXEC_NOFAIL=1 | On error, override as success, only useful to replace verbose output by animated processing message, inherits $G_EXEC_NOHALT=1 and $G_EXEC_NOEXIT=1 # - $G_EXEC_NOHALT=1 | On error, print short error message only, skip error handler menu and do not exit script, inherits $G_EXEC_NOEXIT=1 # - $G_EXEC_NOEXIT=1 | On error, do not exit script, inherited by $G_EXEC_NOHALT=1 # - $G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT[] | Add additional entries to error handler menu # - $G_EXEC_ARRAY_ACTION[] | Associative array, containing uneven $G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT[] values as keys and related commands as values G_EXEC(){ local exit_code fp_log='/tmp/G_EXEC_LOG' attempt=1 acommand=("$@") ecommand # Enter retry loop while : do declare -F G_EXEC_PRE_FUNC &> /dev/null && G_EXEC_PRE_FUNC # Exit immediately if exit_code=0 was set by G_EXEC_PRE_FUNC [[ $exit_code == 0 ]] && break # Execute command, store output to $fp_log file and store exit code to $exit_code variable ecommand=${acommand[*]//\\/\\\\} # - Print full command output if $G_EXEC_OUTPUT=1 is given if [[ $G_EXEC_OUTPUT == 1 ]]; then # Print $G_EXEC_DESC if given, else raw input command string and show current non-interactive attempt count if $G_EXEC_RETRIES is given G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "${G_EXEC_DESC:-$ecommand}, please wait...${G_EXEC_RETRIES:+ ($attempt/$((G_EXEC_RETRIES+1)))}" [[ $G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL ]] && echo -ne "$G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL" "${acommand[@]}" 2>&1 | tee "$fp_log" exit_code=${PIPESTATUS[0]} [[ $G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL ]] && echo -ne '\e[0m' # - Else print animated processing message only else G_DIETPI-NOTIFY -2 "${G_EXEC_DESC:-$ecommand}${G_EXEC_RETRIES:+ ($attempt/$((G_EXEC_RETRIES+1)))}" "${acommand[@]}" &> "$fp_log" exit_code=$? fi declare -F G_EXEC_POST_FUNC &> /dev/null && G_EXEC_POST_FUNC # Override exit code if $G_EXEC_NOFAIL=1 is given [[ $G_EXEC_NOFAIL == 1 ]] && exit_code=0 ### Success: Print OK and exit retry loop [[ $exit_code == 0 ]] && { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 "${G_EXEC_DESC:-$ecommand}"; break; } ### Error # Retry non-interactively if current $attempt is <= $G_EXEC_RETRIES [[ $attempt -le $G_EXEC_RETRIES ]] && { ((attempt++)) && continue; } # Print FAILED, append raw command string if $G_EXEC_DESC is given G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "${G_EXEC_DESC:+$G_EXEC_DESC\n - Command: }$ecommand" # Exit retry loop if $G_EXEC_NOHALT=1 is given [[ $G_EXEC_NOHALT == 1 ]] && break # Prepare error handler menu and GitHub issue template local fp_error_report='/tmp/G_EXEC_ERROR_REPORT' log_content=$(<"$fp_log") image_creator preimage_name dietpi_version="v$G_DIETPI_VERSION_CORE.$G_DIETPI_VERSION_SUB.$G_DIETPI_VERSION_RC ($G_GITOWNER/$G_GITBRANCH)" last_whip_menu_item sent_bug_report if [[ -f '/boot/dietpi/.prep_info' ]]; then image_creator=$(mawk 'NR==1' /boot/dietpi/.prep_info) [[ $image_creator == 0 ]] && image_creator='DietPi Core Team' preimage_name=$(mawk 'NR==2' /boot/dietpi/.prep_info) fi # Create GitHub issue template if error was produced by one of our scripts [[ ${G_PROGRAM_NAME,,} == 'dietpi-'* ]] && echo -e "\e[41m --------------------------------------------------------------------- - DietPi has encountered an error - - Please create a ticket: https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/issues - - Copy and paste only the BLUE lines below into the ticket - ---------------------------------------------------------------------\e[44m #### Details: - Date | $(date) - DietPi version | $dietpi_version - Image creator | $image_creator - Pre-image | $preimage_name - Hardware | $G_HW_MODEL_NAME (ID=$G_HW_MODEL) - Kernel version | \`$(uname -a)\` - Distro | $G_DISTRO_NAME (ID=$G_DISTRO${G_RASPBIAN:+,RASPBIAN=$G_RASPBIAN}) - Command | \`${acommand[*]}\` - Exit code | $exit_code - Software title | $G_PROGRAM_NAME #### Steps to reproduce: 1. ... 2. ... #### Expected behaviour: - ... #### Actual behaviour: - ... #### Extra details: - ... #### Additional logs: \`\`\` $log_content \`\`\`\e[41m ---------------------------------------------------------------------\e[0m" > "$fp_error_report" # Enter error handler menu loop in interactive mode [[ $G_INTERACTIVE == 1 ]] && while : do G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY=('Retry' ': Re-run the last command that failed') # Add targeted solution suggestions, passed via $G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT[] and $G_EXEC_ARRAY_ACTION[${G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT[]}] [[ $G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT ]] && G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY+=("${G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT[@]}") # Allow to open DietPi-Config if this error was not produced within DietPi-Config pgrep -cf 'dietpi-config' &> /dev/null || G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY+=('DietPi-Config' ': Edit network, APT/NTP mirror settings etc') G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY+=('Open subshell' ': Open a subshell to investigate or solve the issue') # Allow to send bug report, if it was produced by one of our scripts [[ ${G_PROGRAM_NAME,,} == 'dietpi-'* && $G_PROGRAM_NAME != 'DietPi-Installer' ]] && G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY+=('Send report' ': Uploads bugreport containing system info to DietPi') G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY+=('' '●─ Devs only ') G_WHIP_MENU_ARRAY+=('Change command' ': Adjust and rerun the command') # Show "Ignore" on cancel button if $G_EXEC_NOEXIT=1 is given, else "Exit" [[ $G_EXEC_NOEXIT == 1 ]] && G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT='Ignore' || G_WHIP_BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT='Exit' G_WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM=${last_whip_menu_item:-Retry} G_WHIP_MENU "${G_EXEC_DESC:+$(mawk '{gsub("\\\e[[0-9][;0-9]*m","");print}' <<< "$G_EXEC_DESC")\n} - Command: ${acommand[*]} - Exit code: $exit_code - DietPi version: $dietpi_version | HW_MODEL: $G_HW_MODEL | HW_ARCH: $G_HW_ARCH | DISTRO: $G_DISTRO ${image_creator:+ - Image creator: $image_creator\n}${preimage_name:+ - Pre-image: $preimage_name\n} - Error log: $log_content" || break # Exit error handler menu loop on cancel last_whip_menu_item=$G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE if [[ $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE == 'Retry' ]]; then # Reset current $attempt and continue retry loop attempt=1 continue 2 elif [[ $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE == 'DietPi-Config' ]]; then /boot/dietpi/dietpi-config elif [[ $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE == 'Open subshell' ]]; then G_WHIP_MSG 'A bash subshell will now open which allows you to investigate and/or fix the issue. \nPlease use the "exit" command when you are finished, to return to this error handler menu.' # Prevent dietpi-login call in subshell local reallow_dietpi_login=1 [[ $G_DIETPI_LOGIN ]] && reallow_dietpi_login=0 export G_DIETPI_LOGIN=1 bash &> /dev/tty < /dev/tty (( $reallow_dietpi_login )) && unset -v G_DIETPI_LOGIN elif [[ $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE == 'Send report' ]]; then /boot/dietpi/dietpi-bugreport 1 && sent_bug_report=1 read -rp ' Press any key to continue...' elif [[ $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE == 'Change command' ]]; then G_WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM=${acommand[*]} if G_WHIP_INPUTBOX 'Please enter/alter the command to be executed. \nNB: Please only use this solution if you know for sure that it will not cause follow up issues from the originating script. It will e.g. allow you to continue a certain software install, but if you edit the download link, the originating script might expect files which are not present. \nUse this work caution!'; then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Executing alternative command: ${G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE//\\/\\\\}" $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE exit_code=$? G_DIETPI-NOTIFY -1 "$exit_code" 'Alternative command execution' # Exit retry loop if alternative command succeeded, else stay in menu loop and wait for key press to allow reviewing alternative command output # shellcheck disable=SC2015 [[ $exit_code == 0 ]] && break 2 || read -rp 'Press any key to return to error handler menu...' fi # Attempt targeted solution, passed via $G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT[] and $G_EXEC_ARRAY_ACTION[${G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT[]}] elif [[ $G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE ]]; then eval "${G_EXEC_ARRAY_ACTION[$G_WHIP_RETURNED_VALUE]}" fi done # Error has not been solved, print GitHub issue template if it was produced and exit error handler menu loop if [[ -f $fp_error_report ]]; then # Add bug report ID if it was sent [[ $sent_bug_report == 1 ]] && sed -i "/^- Date | /a\- Bug report | $G_HW_UUID" "$fp_error_report" cat "$fp_error_report" fi break done # Do not exit originating script if $G_EXEC_NOEXIT=1 or $G_EXEC_NOHALT=1 is given local noexit [[ $G_EXEC_NOEXIT == 1 || $G_EXEC_NOHALT == 1 ]] && noexit=1 # Cleanup rm -f "$fp_log" "$fp_error_report" unset -v G_EXEC_DESC G_EXEC_RETRIES G_EXEC_OUTPUT G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL G_EXEC_NOFAIL G_EXEC_NOHALT G_EXEC_NOEXIT G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT G_EXEC_ARRAY_ACTION unset -f G_EXEC_PRE_FUNC G_EXEC_POST_FUNC # In case of unresolved error when exiting originating script, inform user and kill via SIGINT to prevent exiting from interactive shell session [[ $exit_code == 0 || $noexit == 1 ]] || { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "Unable to continue, ${G_PROGRAM_NAME:-command} will now terminate."; kill -INT $$; } # Else return exit code return "$exit_code" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Multithreading handler #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Not yet compatible with dietpi global commands. single bash commands only with no error handling. G_THREAD_START(){ # Run in blocking mode if [[ $G_THREADING_ENABLED == 0 ]]; then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "G_THREADING disabled, running command in blocking mode | $*" "$@" # Launch as background process else [[ $G_THREAD_COUNT =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || G_THREAD_COUNT=-1 ((G_THREAD_COUNT++)) G_THREAD_COMMAND[$G_THREAD_COUNT]=$* # Store for later output with G_THREAD_WAIT echo -1337 > "/tmp/.G_THREAD_EXITCODE_$G_THREAD_COUNT" { { G_INTERACTIVE=0 "$@" &> "/tmp/.G_THREAD_COMMAND_$G_THREAD_COUNT"; echo $? > "/tmp/.G_THREAD_EXITCODE_$G_THREAD_COUNT"; } & disown; } &> /dev/null G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "G_THREAD_START_$G_THREAD_COUNT | $*" fi } G_THREAD_WAIT(){ #local wait_for_specific_thread_pid=-1 #[[ $1 ]] && wait_for_specific_thread_pid=$1 local i waiting_for exit_code # Wait until all threads finished while : do for i in "${!G_THREAD_COMMAND[@]}" do [[ -f /tmp/.G_THREAD_EXITCODE_$i && $(<"/tmp/.G_THREAD_EXITCODE_$i") == '-1337' ]] || continue # Print what we are waiting for, update processing message if thread changed since last loop [[ $waiting_for == "$i" ]] || G_DIETPI-NOTIFY -2 "G_THREAD_WAIT_$i | ${G_THREAD_COMMAND[$i]}" waiting_for=$i G_SLEEP 1 continue 2 done break done G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 'G_THREAD: All threads finished' # Check all thread's exit codes for issues for i in "${!G_THREAD_COMMAND[@]}" do if [[ -r /tmp/.G_THREAD_EXITCODE_$i ]]; then read -r exit_code < "/tmp/.G_THREAD_EXITCODE_$i" (( $exit_code )) && G_WHIP_MSG "G_THREAD ERROR:\n - Command = ${G_THREAD_COMMAND[$i]}\n - Exit code = $exit_code\n\n$(<"/tmp/.G_THREAD_COMMAND_$i")" else G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "DEBUG: /tmp/.G_THREAD_EXITCODE_$i does not exist or is not readable" fi done rm -f /tmp/.G_THREAD* unset -v G_THREAD_COUNT G_THREAD_COMMAND } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Network connection checks #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Network connection check # - Checks network connectivity by pinging a raw IPv4 address, in case an IPv6 address, and resolving a hostname, which must be publicly reachable at all time. # - For IPv4, uses CONFIG_CHECK_CONNECTION_IP from dietpi.txt, else defaults to (Quad9 DNS IP). # - For IPv6, uses CONFIG_CHECK_CONNECTION_IPV6 from dietpi.txt, else defaults to 2620:fe::fe (Quad9 DNS IP). # - For DNS, uses CONFIG_CHECK_DNS_DOMAIN from dietpi.txt, else defaults to dns9.quad9.net (Quad9 DNS domain). # - Uses CONFIG_G_CHECK_URL_TIMEOUT + CONFIG_G_CHECK_URL_ATTEMPTS from dietpi.txt, else defaults to 10 seconds and 2 attempts (1 retry). G_CHECK_NET() { # Obtain timeout local timeout=$(sed -n '/^[[:blank:]]*CONFIG_G_CHECK_URL_TIMEOUT=/{s/^[^=]*=//p;q}' /boot/dietpi.txt) disable_error=1 G_CHECK_VALIDINT "$timeout" 0 || timeout=10 # Obtain attempts local attempts=$(sed -n '/^[[:blank:]]*CONFIG_G_CHECK_URL_ATTEMPTS=/{s/^[^=]*=//p;q}' /boot/dietpi.txt) disable_error=1 G_CHECK_VALIDINT "$attempts" 1 || attempts=2 local retries=$(( $attempts - 1 )) # 2 attempts = 1 retry ### Check IPv4 connectivity ### # Add special options to the error handler menu G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT=( 'Double timeout' ': Retry with doubled timeout for ping to wait for a reply' 'Change IPv4 address' ': Change the IPv4 address used for this test' 'Network settings' ': Enter dietpi-config network options' ) declare -A G_EXEC_ARRAY_ACTION=( ['Double timeout']='((acommand[4]*=2)); attempt=1; continue 2' ['Change IPv4 address']='/boot/dietpi/dietpi-config 20' ['Network settings']='/boot/dietpi/dietpi-config 8' ) # Obtain IPv4 test address on every retry G_EXEC_PRE_FUNC() { acommand[5]=$(sed -n '/^[[:blank:]]*CONFIG_CHECK_CONNECTION_IP=/{s/^[^=]*=//p;q}' /boot/dietpi.txt) [[ ${acommand[5]} ]] || acommand[5]='' } # Run check with given timeout and retries G_EXEC_RETRIES=$retries G_EXEC_DESC='Checking IPv4 network connectivity' G_EXEC ping -4nc 1 -W "$timeout" 'IP' ### Check IPv6 connectivity ### # Add special options to the error handler menu G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT=( 'Double timeout' ': Retry with doubled timeout for ping to wait for a reply' 'Change IPv6 address' ': Change the IPv6 address used for this test' 'Disable IPv6' ': Disable IPv6 on your system and continue' 'Network settings' ': Enter dietpi-config network options' ) declare -A G_EXEC_ARRAY_ACTION=( ['Double timeout']='((acommand[4]*=2)); attempt=1; continue 2' ['Change IPv6 address']='/boot/dietpi/dietpi-config 21' ['Disable IPv6']='/boot/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_hardware enableipv6 0; acommand=(:); attempt=1; continue 2' ['Network settings']='/boot/dietpi/dietpi-config 8' ) # Exit error handler loop if no IPv6 default route is assigned, otherwise obtain IPv6 test address on every retry G_EXEC_PRE_FUNC() { # shellcheck disable=SC2015 G_GET_NET -6 -q gateway > /dev/null && [[ $(ip -6 -br a s scope global to 2000::/3 2> /dev/null) ]] || { exit_code=0; return 0; } acommand[5]=$(sed -n '/^[[:blank:]]*CONFIG_CHECK_CONNECTION_IPV6=/{s/^[^=]*=//p;q}' /boot/dietpi.txt) [[ ${acommand[5]} ]] || acommand[5]='2620:fe::fe' } # Run check with given timeout and retries G_EXEC_RETRIES=$retries G_EXEC_DESC='Checking IPv6 network connectivity' G_EXEC ping -6nc 1 -W "$timeout" 'IP' ### Check DNS resolver ### # Add special options to the error handler menu G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT=( 'Change domain name' ': Change the domain name used for this test' 'Network settings' ': Enter dietpi-config network options' ) declare -A G_EXEC_ARRAY_ACTION=( ['Change domain name']='/boot/dietpi/dietpi-config 22' ['Network settings']='/boot/dietpi/dietpi-config 8' ) # Obtain test domain on every retry G_EXEC_PRE_FUNC() { acommand[2]=$(sed -n '/^[[:blank:]]*CONFIG_CHECK_DNS_DOMAIN=/{s/^[^=]*=//p;q}' /boot/dietpi.txt) [[ ${acommand[2]} ]] || acommand[2]='dns9.quad9.net' } # Run check with given retries G_EXEC_RETRIES=$retries G_EXEC_DESC='Checking DNS resolver' G_EXEC getent hosts 'DOMAIN' } # URL connection test # - Checks a specific HTTP/HTTPS/FTP online resource via its URL # - Required arguments: # $* = URL + optional curl arguments G_CHECK_URL() { # Obtain timeout local timeout=$(sed -n '/^[[:blank:]]*CONFIG_G_CHECK_URL_TIMEOUT=/{s/^[^=]*=//p;q}' /boot/dietpi.txt) disable_error=1 G_CHECK_VALIDINT "$timeout" 0 || timeout=10 # Obtain attempts local attempts=$(sed -n '/^[[:blank:]]*CONFIG_G_CHECK_URL_ATTEMPTS=/{s/^[^=]*=//p;q}' /boot/dietpi.txt) disable_error=1 G_CHECK_VALIDINT "$attempts" 1 || attempts=2 G_EXEC_ARRAY_TEXT=( 'Double timeout' ': Retry with doubled timeout for ping to wait for a reply' 'Network settings' ': Enter dietpi-config network options' ) declare -A G_EXEC_ARRAY_ACTION=( ['Double timeout']='((acommand[2]*=2)); attempt=1; continue 2' ['Network settings']='/boot/dietpi/dietpi-config 8' ) # "--retry" only applies on "a timeout, an FTP 4xx response code or an HTTP 5xx response code", hence we loop ourself. G_EXEC_RETRIES=$(( $attempts - 1 )) # 2 attempts = 1 retry G_EXEC_DESC="Checking URL: $*" G_EXEC curl -ILfvm "$timeout" "$@" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print network details #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Commands: # "gateway": Print the default gateway IP # "iface": Print the interface name # "ip": Print the IP address # Options: # "-q": Hide all error messages that are not related to invalid arguments # "-4": Print info for interfaces with an IPv4 address only if available, else return 1 # "-6": Print info for interfaces with an IPv6 address only if available, else return 1 # "-t TYPE": Print info for interfaces of type TYPE only if available, else return 1 # TYPE can be one of "eth" and "wlan". # "-i IFACE": Print info for the network interface named IFACE only it present, else return 1 # Notes: # Info is shown for the one matching interface, following the following priorities: # - 1. the interface which has the default gateway assigned # - 2. the first interface with state "UP" # - 3. the first interface with an IP address assigned # - 4. the first available interface # - If no interface exists, the function returns error 1. # If not defined, IPv4 addresses are shown if available, else IPv6 addresses if available. G_GET_NET() { # Grab input local quite=0 fam type iface command while (( $# )) do case "$1" in '-q') quite=1;; '-'[46]) fam=$1;; '-t') shift; type=$1;; '-i') shift; iface=$1;; 'gateway'|'iface'|'ip') command=$1;; *) G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "An invalid argument \"${1:-}\" was given."; return 1;; esac shift done # A command is required [[ $command ]] || { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "No command was given."; return 1; } # Early return if given interface does not exists or does not match given type if [[ $iface ]] then if [[ ! -e /sys/class/net/$iface ]] then (( $quite )) || G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "The given interface \"$iface\" does not exist." return 1 elif [[ $type && $iface != $type* ]] then (( $quite )) || G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "The given interface \"$iface\" is not of type \"$type\"." return 1 fi fi # Get default gateway if requested or no interface given local ip if if [[ $command == 'gateway' || ! $iface ]] then local gateway [[ $fam != '-6' ]] && read -r gateway if < <(ip r l 0/0 ${iface:+dev "$iface"} | mawk '{print $3,$5;exit}') [[ ! $gateway && $fam != '-4' ]] && read -r gateway if < <(ip -6 r l ::/0 ${iface:+dev "$iface"} | mawk '{print $3,$5;exit}') # ip r does not print the interface name if one was given, so use the given one to check for type. [[ $iface ]] && if=$iface # Print default gateway if requested if [[ $command == 'gateway' ]] then if [[ $gateway ]] then # Check for interface type if [[ $type && $if != $type* ]] then (( $quite )) || G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "The default gateway is not assigned to any interface of type \"$type\"." return 1 fi echo "$gateway" else (( $quite )) || G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "A default gateway${fam:+ for IPv${fam#-}}${iface:+ on interface \"$iface\"} does not exist." return 1 fi return 0 fi # Print interface/IP address if matching default gateway was found if [[ $gateway && ( ! $type || $if == $type* ) ]] then iface=$if # shellcheck disable=SC2086 [[ $command == 'ip' ]] && ip=$(ip -br $fam a s dev "$iface" | mawk '{print $3;exit}') ip=${ip%/*} echo "${!command}" return 0 fi fi # If any Ethernet interface is wanted, multiple are available but none is even "ip link set up", do this for all of them to prefer those with a carrier signal local state mac details aiface=() if [[ $command == 'iface' && $type == 'eth' && $iface$fam == '' ]] then while read -r if state mac details do [[ $if == 'eth'[0-9]* ]] || continue [[ $state == 'UP' || $details == *'UP'* ]] && { aiface=(); break; } aiface+=("$if") done < <(ip -br l sh) if (( ${#aiface[@]} > 1 )) then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY -2 'Enabling all Ethernet adapters to detect cable connection' >&2 for if in "${aiface[@]}"; do ip l s up dev "$if"; done G_SLEEP 5 G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Enabling all Ethernet adapters to detect cable connection' >&2 fi fi local if_final ip_final if_down # shellcheck disable=SC2086 while read -r if state ip do [[ $if == 'lo' ]] && continue [[ $type && $if != $type* ]] && continue # Cut off secondary IP addresses and CIDR mask ip=${ip%%/*} # State UP which implies a carrier signal but not necessarily an IP address (at least if IPv6 is disabled) if [[ $state == 'UP' ]] then # Return directly if as well an IP address is assigned if [[ $ip ]] then iface=$if # Set down again interfaces which were set up to check for a carrier signal (( ${#aiface[@]} > 1 )) && for if in "${aiface[@]}"; do ip l s down dev "$if"; done echo "${!command}" return 0 # If an interface is wanted, prefer those with state UP even over those with an IP (but state DOWN) elif [[ $command == 'iface' && ! $if_final ]] then if_final=$if continue fi fi # Store info in separate variables to return if no UP state interface was found if [[ $ip && ! $ip_final ]] then if_down=$if ip_final=$ip elif [[ ! $if_down ]] then if_down=$if fi done < <(ip -br $fam a ${iface:+s dev "$iface"}) # Set down again interfaces which were set up to check for a carrier signal (( ${#aiface[@]} > 1 )) && for if in "${aiface[@]}"; do ip l s down dev "$if"; done # Return final values ip=$ip_final if [[ $command == 'ip' && ! $ip ]] then (( $quite )) || G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "An interface${iface:+ named \"$iface\"}${type:+ of type \"$type\"} with an IP${fam:+v${fam#-}} address does not exist." return 1 elif [[ $command == 'iface' && ! ${if_final:=$if_down} ]] then (( $quite )) || G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "An interface${iface:+ named \"$iface\"}${type:+ of type \"$type\"}${fam:+ with an IPv${fam#-} address} does not exist." return 1 fi iface=$if_final echo "${!command}" return 0 } # Print public IP address and location info # - Optional arguments: # -t : Set timeout in seconds, supports floats, default: 3 G_GET_WAN_IP() { # Defaults local timeout=3 # Inputs while (( $# )) do # shellcheck disable=SC2015 case $1 in '-t') shift; (( ${1/.} )) && timeout=$1 || { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "Invalid timeout \"$1\", aborting..."; return 1; };; *) G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "Invalid argument \"$1\", aborting..."; return 1;; esac shift done curl -sSfLm "$timeout" 'https://dietpi.com/geoip' } # $1 = directory to test permissions support # Returns 0=ok >=1=failed G_CHECK_FS_PERMISSION_SUPPORT(){ local input=$1 exit_code=1 while : do if ! mkdir -p "$input"; then G_WHIP_MSG "Error creating directory $input, unable to check filesystem permissions" break fi local fp_target="$input/.test" if ! > "$fp_target"; then G_WHIP_MSG "Error creating test file $fp_target, unable to check filesystem permissions" break fi # Apply and check permissions support, twice (just in case the current value is already set) local permissions_failed=0 chmod 600 "$fp_target" if [[ $(stat -c "%a" "$fp_target") != '600' ]]; then permissions_failed=1 else chmod 644 "$fp_target" [[ $(stat -c "%a" "$fp_target") != '644' ]] && permissions_failed=1 fi if (( $permissions_failed )); then G_WHIP_MSG "ERROR: Filesystem does not support permissions (e.g.: FAT16/32):\n\n$fp_target\n\nPlease select a different drive and/or format it with ext4, ensuring support for filesystem permissions.\n\nUnable to continue, aborting..." break fi # Else ok exit_code=0 break done [[ -f $fp_target ]] && rm -f "$fp_target" return "$exit_code" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # APT: Non-interactive and error-handled wrappers for apt-get commands #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for missing kernel modules, e.g. after a kernel upgrade, but exclude containers G_CHECK_KERNEL() { [[ $G_HW_MODEL == 75 || -d /lib/modules/$(uname -r) ]] || grep -zaq '^container=' /proc/1/environ } # apt-get install G_AGI() { # Return if no argument given (( $# )) || { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'G_AGI | No input package given. Aborting...'; return 0; } G_CHECK_ROOT_USER 1 G_EXEC_DESC="\e[0mAPT install \e[33m$*\e[0m" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive G_EXEC_OUTPUT=1 G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL='\e[90m' G_EXEC apt-get -y --allow-change-held-packages install "$@" local exit_code=$? # Remove all downloaded DEB packages without the lists cache # shellcheck disable=SC2046 rm -Rf $(apt-get -s clean | mawk '{print $2;exit}') return "$exit_code" } # apt-get purge G_AGP() { # Return if no argument given (( $# )) || { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'G_AGP | No input package given. Aborting...'; return 0; } G_CHECK_ROOT_USER 1 # Attempt to purge only installed packages, check on every G_EXEC loop, force succeed if none were found G_EXEC_PRE_FUNC() { local apackages=() mapfile -t apackages < <(dpkg --get-selections "${acommand[@]:4}" 2> /dev/null | mawk '{print $1}') # shellcheck disable=SC2015 [[ ${apackages[0]} ]] && acommand=("${acommand[@]::4}" "${apackages[@]}") || acommand=(G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'None of the packages are currently installed. Aborting...') } G_EXEC_DESC="\e[0mAPT purge \e[33m$*\e[0m" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive G_EXEC_OUTPUT=1 G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL='\e[90m' G_EXEC apt-get -y --allow-change-held-packages autopurge "$@" } # apt-get autopurge G_AGA() { G_CHECK_ROOT_USER 1 G_EXEC_DESC="\e[0mAPT autopurge${*:+ \e[33m$*\e[0m}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive G_EXEC_OUTPUT=1 G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL='\e[90m' G_EXEC apt-get -y autopurge "$@" } # apt-get -f install G_AGF() { G_CHECK_ROOT_USER 1 G_EXEC_DESC="\e[0mAPT fix${*:+ \e[33m$*\e[0m}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive G_EXEC_OUTPUT=1 G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL='\e[90m' G_EXEC apt-get -y --allow-change-held-packages -f install "$@" local exit_code=$? # Remove all downloaded DEB packages without the lists cache # shellcheck disable=SC2046 rm -Rf $(apt-get -s clean | mawk '{print $2;exit}') return "$exit_code" } # apt-get clean + update # - $1 = -f: Store number of available APT upgrades to file, which defaults to: /run/dietpi/.apt_updates # $2 = Optional file path to store number of available APT upgrades to # - $1 = -v: Store number of available APT upgrades to variable, which defaults to: G_AGUP_COUNT # $2 = Optional variable name to store number of available APT upgrades to # shellcheck disable=SC2120 G_AGUP() { G_CHECK_ROOT_USER 1 # Clean cache before every update, which can corrupt and gets fully rewritten anyway G_EXEC_PRE_FUNC(){ apt-get clean; } # Fail when some index files couldn't be downloaded, e.g. due to DNS failure. By default, apt-get update prints a warning but does not return an error code. local eany=() if (( $G_DISTRO < 6 )) then G_EXEC_POST_FUNC(){ [[ $exit_code == 0 && $(<"$fp_log") == *'W: Some index files failed to download.'* ]] && exit_code=255; } else eany=('-eany') fi G_EXEC_DESC='\e[0mAPT update' G_EXEC_OUTPUT=1 G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL='\e[90m' G_EXEC apt-get -y "${eany[@]}" update local exit_code=$? if [[ $1 == '-'[fv] ]] then local count=0 (( $exit_code )) || count=$(apt -qq list --upgradeable 2> /dev/null | wc -l) # Mute "apt" CLI warning if [[ $1 == '-f' ]] then local file=${2:-/run/dietpi/.apt_updates} if (( $count )) then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Storing number of available APT upgrades to file: $file" echo "$count" > "$file" else G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "No APT upgrades were found, not creating file: $file" [[ -f $file ]] && rm "$file" fi elif [[ $1 == '-v' ]] then local var=${2:-G_AGUP_COUNT} if (( $count )) then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Storing number of available APT upgrades to variable: $var" declare -g "$var=$count" else G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "No APT upgrades were found, not creating variable: $var" unset -v "$var" fi fi fi return "$exit_code" } # apt-get upgrade G_AGUG() { G_CHECK_ROOT_USER 1 G_EXEC_DESC="\e[0mAPT upgrade${*:+ \e[33m$*\e[0m}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive G_EXEC_OUTPUT=1 G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL='\e[90m' G_EXEC apt-get -y --with-new-pkgs upgrade "$@" local exit_code=$? # Remove all downloaded DEB packages without the lists cache # shellcheck disable=SC2046 rm -Rf $(apt-get -s clean | mawk '{print $2;exit}') return "$exit_code" } # apt-get dist-upgrade G_AGDUG() { G_CHECK_ROOT_USER 1 G_EXEC_DESC="\e[0mAPT dist-upgrade${*:+ \e[33m$*\e[0m}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive G_EXEC_OUTPUT=1 G_EXEC_OUTPUT_COL='\e[90m' G_EXEC apt-get -y dist-upgrade "$@" local exit_code=$? # Remove all downloaded DEB packages without the lists cache # shellcheck disable=SC2046 rm -Rf $(apt-get -s clean | mawk '{print $2;exit}') return "$exit_code" } # Checks for required APT packages, installs if needed. # $@ = list of required packages # NB: automatically error handled (G_EXEC) G_AG_CHECK_INSTALL_PREREQ() { # Return if no argument given (( $# )) || return 0 G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Checking for required APT packages: \e[33m$*" G_CHECK_ROOT_USER 1 local i apackages=() arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) for i in "$@" do if [[ $i == *':'* ]] then dpkg-query -s "$i" &> /dev/null || apackages+=("$i") else [[ $(dpkg-query -s "$i:$arch" "$i:all" 2> /dev/null) ]] || apackages+=("$i") fi done [[ ${apackages[0]} ]] || return 0 G_AGUP G_AGI "${apackages[@]}" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MISC: Commands #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Treesize # - $1 = Optional input directory, e.g.: G_TREESIZE /var/cache/apt G_TREESIZE(){ du -B 1 -d 1 ${1:+"$1"} | sort -nr | mawk ' BEGIN { split("bytes,KiB,MiB,GiB,TiB", unit, ",") } { u=1 while ($1>=1024) { $1=$1/1024; u+=1 } $1=sprintf("%.1f %s", $1, unit[u]) print $0 }' } # Returns current CPU temp 'C # - print_full_info=1 Optional input to print full colour text output and temp warnings G_OBTAIN_CPU_TEMP() { # Read CPU temp from file local temp # - Odroid N2/ASUS/Sparky: Requires special case as in other array this would break SBC temp readouts with 2 zones if [[ ( $G_HW_MODEL == 15 || $G_HW_MODEL == 52 || $G_HW_MODEL == 70 ) && -f '/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp' ]] then read -r temp < /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp # - Others else # Array to store possible locations for temp read local i afp_temperature=( '/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.[0-9]/hwmon/hwmon[0-9]/temp[1-9]_input' # Intel Mini PCs: https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/issues/3172, https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/issues/3412 '/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp' '/sys/devices/platform/sunxi-i2c.0/i2c-0/0-0034/temp1_input' '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/temp_label' '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp2_input' '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input' # Odroid C1 Armbian legacy Linux 5.4.40: https://dietpi.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=24860#p24860 '/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp' # Roseapple Pi, probably OrangePi's: https://dietpi.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=8677 '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon[0-9]/temp[1-9]_input' ) # Coders NB: Do NOT quote the array to allow coretemp file paths glob expansion! # shellcheck disable=SC2068 for i in "${afp_temperature[@]}" do [[ -f $i ]] || continue read -r temp < "$i" [[ $temp -gt 0 ]] && break # Trust only positive temperatures for now (strings are treated as "0") done fi # Format output # - Check for valid value: We must always return a value, due to VM lacking this feature + benchmark online if [[ $temp -lt 1 ]] then echo 'N/A' else # 2/5 digit output? (( $temp >= 200 )) && temp=$(( $temp / 1000 )) if [[ $print_full_info != 1 ]] then echo "$temp" else local temp_f=$(( $temp * 9/5 + 32 )) if (( $temp >= 70 )) then echo -e "\e[1;31mWARNING: $temp °C / $temp_f °F : Reducing the life of your device\e[0m" elif (( $temp >= 60 )) then echo -e "\e[38;5;202m$temp °C / $temp_f °F \e[90m: Running hot, not recommended\e[0m" elif (( $temp >= 50 )) then echo -e "\e[1;33m$temp °C / $temp_f °F \e[90m: Running warm, but safe\e[0m" elif (( $temp >= 40 )) then echo -e "\e[1;32m$temp °C / $temp_f °F \e[90m: Optimal temperature\e[0m" elif (( $temp >= 30 )) then echo -e "\e[1;36m$temp °C / $temp_f °F \e[90m: Cool runnings\e[0m" else echo -e "\e[1;36m$temp °C / $temp_f °F \e[90m: Who put me in the freezer!\e[0m" fi fi fi } # Returns current CPU usage in % G_OBTAIN_CPU_USAGE(){ local usage=0 # ps: inaccurate but fast while read -r line # Aside reading raw, -r removes leading and trailing white spaces each line do line=${line/.} # Remove decimal dot ((usage+=${line#0})) # Remove leading zero, if present, then sum up done < <(ps --no-headers -eo %cpu) # Single core usage in xy.z # ps returns single core usage, so we divide by core count usage=$(printf '%.1f' "$(($usage*10/$G_HW_CPU_CORES+1))e-2") # Divide by 10 to compensate decimal dot removal, re-add decimal dot via printf conversion but assure last digit is rounded correctly echo "$usage" } # Check available free space on path, against input value (MiB) # - Returns 0=Ok, 1=insufficient space available # If $2 is not used, returns available space in MiB | info_autoscale=1 # Scales MiB to GiB if required and prints unit # - $1 = path # - $2 = Optional, free space (MiB) # EG: if (( $(G_CHECK_FREESPACE /path 100) )); then G_CHECK_FREESPACE(){ local info_autoscale=${info_autoscale:-0} local return_value=1 local input_path=$1 local input_required_space=$2 local available_space=$(df -m --output=avail "$input_path" | mawk 'NR==2 {print $1}') if ! disable_error=1 G_CHECK_VALIDINT "$available_space"; then G_WHIP_MSG 'G_CHECK_FREESPACE: Invalid integer from df result' elif [[ ! $input_required_space ]]; then (( $info_autoscale )) && { (( $available_space > 9999 )) && available_space="$(( $available_space / 1024 )) GiB" || available_space+=' MiB'; } echo "$available_space" return_value=0 else (( $available_space > $input_required_space )) && return_value=0 G_DIETPI-NOTIFY "$return_value" "Free space check: path=$input_path | available=$available_space MiB | required=$input_required_space MiB" fi return "$return_value" } # G_CHECK_VALIDINT | Simple test to verify if a variable is a valid integer. # $1=input # $2=Optional Min value range # $3=Optional Max value range # disable_error=1 to disable notify/whiptail invalid value when received # 1=no | scripts killed automatically # 0=yes # Usage = if G_CHECK_VALIDINT input; then G_CHECK_VALIDINT(){ local input=$1 min=$2 max=$3 return_value=1 if [[ $input =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then if [[ $min =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then if (( $input >= $min )); then if [[ $max =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then if (( $input <= $max )); then return_value=0 elif [[ $disable_error != 1 ]]; then G_WHIP_MSG "Input value \"$input\" is higher than allowed \"$max\". No changes applied." fi else return_value=0 fi elif [[ $disable_error != 1 ]]; then G_WHIP_MSG "Input value \"$input\" is lower than allowed \"$min\". No changes applied." fi else return_value=0 fi elif [[ $disable_error != 1 ]]; then G_WHIP_MSG "Invalid input value \"$input\". No changes applied." fi unset -v disable_error return "$return_value" } # Verifies the integrity of the DietPi userdata folder/symlink, based on where it should be physically. Basically, checks if user removed the USB drive with userdata on it. # NB: As this is considered a critical (if failed), current scripts will be exited automatically # 1=fail # 0=ok G_CHECK_USERDATA(){ local return_value=0 fp_actual='/mnt/dietpi_userdata' # Symlinked? if [[ -L '/mnt/dietpi_userdata' ]] then # Check physical location exists (is mounted) fp_actual=$(readlink -f /mnt/dietpi_userdata) [[ -d $fp_actual ]] || return_value=1 fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY "$return_value" "DietPi-Userdata validation: $fp_actual" (( $return_value )) || return 0 G_WHIP_MSG "[FAILED] DietPi-Userdata validation\n\nDietPi was unable to verify the existence of the userdata directory ($fp_actual).\n\nPlease ensure all previous external drives are connected and functional, before trying again.\n\nUnable to continue, exiting." kill -INT $$ # kill all current scripts, excluding shell return "$return_value" } # Prompt user to create a backup before system changes. Exit existing scripts if failed. G_PROMPT_BACKUP(){ [[ $G_PROMPT_BACKUP_DISABLED == 1 ]] && return 0 G_WHIP_YESNO 'Would you like to create (or update) a "DietPi-Backup" of the system, before proceeding?\n\n"DietPi-Backup" creates a system restore point, which can be recovered if unexpected issues occur.\n\nFor more information on "DietPi-Backup", please use the link below:\n - https://dietpi.com/docs/dietpi_tools/#dietpi-backup-backuprestore' || return 0 /boot/dietpi/dietpi-backup 1 local exit_code=$? G_DIETPI-NOTIFY -1 "$exit_code" 'DietPi-Backup' (( $exit_code )) || return 0 # Kill current scripts, excluding shell G_WHIP_MSG '[FAILED] DietPi-Backup was unable to complete sucessfully.\n\nTo avoid issues, the current program will now be terminated.\n\nLog file: /var/log/dietpi-backup.log' kill -INT $$ return 1 } # If file/folder exists, backup to *.bak_DDMMYYY G_BACKUP_FP(){ local ainput_string=("$@") local fp_db_log='/var/tmp/dietpi/logs/G_BACKUP_FP.db' local print_fp_db_info=0 local i for i in "${ainput_string[@]}" do [[ -e $i ]] || continue local fp_backup_target="$i.bak_$(date +%d%m%y)" local index=0 while [[ -e ${fp_backup_target}_$index ]] do ((index++)) done local notify_code=1 if cp -a "$i" "${fp_backup_target}_$index"; then notify_code=0 print_fp_db_info=1 echo "${fp_backup_target}_$index # $G_PROGRAM_NAME" >> "$fp_db_log" fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY "$notify_code" "$i: backup to ${fp_backup_target}_$index" done (( $print_fp_db_info )) && G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "For a full list of backup items, please see $fp_db_log" } # Apply and update to different branch G_DEV_BRANCH(){ G_CHECK_ROOT_USER 1 G_CONFIG_INJECT 'DEV_GITBRANCH=' "DEV_GITBRANCH=$1" /boot/dietpi.txt /boot/dietpi/dietpi-update -1 } # Inject setting into config file: First tries to replace old setting, else commented setting and otherwise adds to end of file. # Usage: # - $1 Setting pattern to find existing setting with grep extended regular expression support # - $2 Target setting + value, to inject into config file: After bash string expansion (e.g. variables), everything else will be taken literally, thus no further escaping is required. # - $3 Path to config file # - $4 (optional) Line pattern after which the setting will be added instead of end of file with grep extended regular expression support # - GCI_PASSWORD=1 G_CONFIG_INJECT, password entry, do not print raw output to screen. # - GCI_PRESERVE=1 G_CONFIG_INJECT preserves current setting, if present. # - GCI_BACKUP=1 G_CONFIG_INJECT creates a backup before editing the file, if backup does not yet exist, to: $3.bak # - GCI_NEWLINE=1 G_CONFIG_INJECT explicitly expands newlines \n within $2, which by default are taken literally # NB: Be careful with this, since pattern matching is only done per line which can lead to doubled lines when applying G_CONFIG_INJECT a second time. # NB: # - Within double quotes "", as usual, escape literally meant double quotes and dollar signs $ with leading backslash \. # - Within single quotes '', as usual, escape literally meant single quotes via: '\'' # End leading string; Add escaped single quote; Start trailing string # - Additionally in case of extended regular expression support ($1 and $4), the following characters need to be escaped via backslash \, if wanted literally: # \ . + * ? [ ( { ^ & $ | # Example: # - G_CONFIG_INJECT 'prefer-family[[:blank:]=]' 'prefer-family = IPv4' /etc/wgetrc G_CONFIG_INJECT(){ [[ $G_PROGRAM_NAME ]] || local G_PROGRAM_NAME='G_CONFIG_INJECT' local pattern=${1//\//\\\/} local setting_raw=$2 local setting=${2//\\/\\\\}; setting=${setting//./\\.}; setting=${setting//+/\\+}; setting=${setting//\*/\\\*}; setting=${setting//\?/\\\?}; setting=${setting//[/\\[} setting=${setting//\(/\\\(}; setting=${setting//\{/\\\{}; setting=${setting//^/\\^}; setting=${setting//&/\\&}; setting=${setting//$/\\$}; setting=${setting//|/\\|}; setting=${setting//\//\\\/} [[ $GCI_NEWLINE == 1 ]] && setting=${setting//\\\\n/\\n} local file=$3 local after=${4//\//\\\/} local error # Colouring output local yellow reset [[ -t 0 || -t 1 ]] && yellow='\e[33m' reset='\e[0m' # Replace password string by asterisks in output string if [[ $GCI_PASSWORD == 1 ]]; then local password=$(sed -E "s/^.*${pattern}[[:blank:]]*//" <<< "$setting_raw") setting_raw="$(sed -E "s/(^.*${pattern}[[:blank:]]*).*$/\1/" <<< "$setting_raw")${password//?/*}" unset -v password fi syntax_error(){ [[ $after ]] && after="after line \$4\n $after (raw escaped input)\n" [[ $error ]] && error="\n\"grep\" or \"sed\" reported the following error:\n $error\n" G_WHIP_MSG "[FAILED] Syntax error $error Couldn't add setting \$2 $setting (escaped input) into file \$3 $file $after NB: - Within double quotes \"\", as usual, escape literally meant double quotes and dollar signs \$ via: \\\" respectively \\\$ - Within single quotes '', as usual, escape literally meant single quotes via: '\'' # ; ; - Additionally in case of extended regular expression support (\$1 and \$4), the following characters need to be escaped via backslash \, if wanted literally: \ . + * ? [ ( { ^ & $ | - Do not escape forward slashes /, which will be done internally for all arguments!" unset -v syntax_error } if [[ ! -w $file ]]; then G_WHIP_MSG "[FAILED] File does not exist or cannot be written to by current user \nPlease verify the existence of the file \$3 $file \nRetry with proper permissions or apply the setting manually: $setting_raw" elif error=$(grep -Eq "^[[:blank:]]*$pattern" "$file" 2>&1); then # As an error within the condition leads to result "false", it can be caught only in next "elif"/"else" statement. if [[ $GCI_PRESERVE == 1 ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2015 G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 "Current setting in $yellow$file$reset will be preserved: $yellow$([[ $GCI_PASSWORD == 1 ]] && echo "${setting_raw//\\/\\\\}" || grep -Em1 "^[[:blank:]]*$pattern" "$file" | sed 's|\\|\\\\|g')$reset" elif error=$(grep -Eq "^[[:blank:]]*$setting([[:space:]]|$)" "$file" 2>&1); then # shellcheck disable=SC2015 G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 "Desired setting in $yellow$file$reset was already set: $yellow$([[ $GCI_PASSWORD == 1 ]] && echo "${setting_raw//\\/\\\\}" || grep -Em1 "^[[:blank:]]*$pattern" "$file" | sed 's|\\|\\\\|g')$reset" elif error=$( (( $(grep -Ec "^[[:blank:]]*$pattern" "$file" 2>&1) > 1 )) 2>&1); then [[ $error ]] && { syntax_error; return 1; } G_WHIP_MSG "[FAILED] Setting was found multiple times \nThe pattern \$1 $(sed -E "c\\$pattern" <<< '') was found multiple times in file \$3 $file \n____________ $(grep -En "^[[:blank:]]*$pattern" "$file") ____________ \nEither the pattern \$1 needs to be more specific or the desired setting can appear multiple times by design and it cannot be predicted which instance to edit. Please retry with more specific parameter \$1 or apply the setting manually: $setting_raw" else [[ $error ]] && { syntax_error; return 1; } [[ $GCI_BACKUP == 1 && ! -f $file.bak ]] && cp -a "$file" "$file.bak" && G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Config file backup created: $yellow$file.bak$reset" error=$(sed -Ei "0,/^[[:blank:]]*$pattern.*$/s//$setting/" "$file" 2>&1) || { syntax_error; return 1; } G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 "Setting in $yellow$file$reset adjusted: $yellow${setting_raw//\\/\\\\}$reset" fi elif error=$(grep -Eq "^[[:blank:]#;]*$pattern" "$file" 2>&1); then [[ $error ]] && { syntax_error; return 1; } [[ $GCI_BACKUP == 1 && ! -f $file.bak ]] && cp -a "$file" "$file.bak" && G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Config file backup created: $yellow$file.bak$reset" error=$(sed -Ei "0,/^[[:blank:]#;]*$pattern.*$/s//$setting/" "$file" 2>&1) || { syntax_error; return 1; } G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 "Comment in $yellow$file$reset converted to setting: $yellow${setting_raw//\\/\\\\}$reset" else [[ $error ]] && { syntax_error; return 1; } if [[ $after ]]; then if error=$(grep -Eq "^[[:blank:]]*$after" "$file" 2>&1); then [[ $GCI_BACKUP == 1 && ! -f $file.bak ]] && cp -a "$file" "$file.bak" && G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Config file backup created: $yellow$file.bak$reset" error=$(sed -Ei "0,/^[[:blank:]]*$after.*$/s//&\n$setting/" "$file" 2>&1) || { syntax_error; return 1; } G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 "Added setting $yellow${setting_raw//\\/\\\\}$reset to $yellow$file$reset after line $yellow$(grep -Em1 "^[[:blank:]]*$after" "$file" | sed 's|\\|\\\\|g')$reset" else [[ $error ]] && { syntax_error; return 1; } G_WHIP_MSG "[FAILED] Setting could not be added after desired line \nThe pattern \$4 $(sed -E "c\\$after" <<< '') could not be found in file \$3 $file \nPlease retry with valid parameter \$4 or apply the setting manually: $setting_raw" fi else [[ $GCI_BACKUP == 1 && ! -f $file.bak ]] && cp -a "$file" "$file.bak" && G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Config file backup created: $yellow$file.bak$reset" # The following sed does not work on empty files: [[ ! -s $file ]] && echo '# Added by DietPi:' >> "$file" error=$(sed -Ei "\$a\\$setting" "$file" 2>&1) || { syntax_error; return 1; } G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 "Added setting $yellow${setting_raw//\\/\\\\}$reset to end of file $yellow$file$reset" fi fi } # Subprocess-less sleep # - $1 = Number of seconds to pause. Can be a fractional number. G_SLEEP_FD= G_SLEEP() { [[ $G_SLEEP_FD ]] || exec {G_SLEEP_FD}<> <(:) read -rt "$1" -u "$G_SLEEP_FD" || : } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : # Return exit code 0, by triggering null as last command to output #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }