{# BEGIN CART TWIG TEMPLATE #} {{ config.lang.email_text_cart|pad(60,"-"," ")|raw }} {% set show_product_options = true %} {% set show_product_weight = true %} {% set show_product_category = true %} {% set show_product_code = true %} {% set show_sub_frequency = true %} {% set show_sub_startdate = true %} {% set show_sub_nextdate = true %} {% set show_sub_enddate = true %} {% set hidden_product_options = [] %} {% if config.template_config.cart_display_config.usage != "none" %} {%- set show_product_options = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_product_options -%} {%- set show_product_weight = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_product_weight -%} {%- set show_product_category = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_product_category -%} {%- set show_product_code = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_product_code -%} {%- set show_sub_frequency = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_sub_frequency -%} {%- set show_sub_startdate = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_sub_startdate -%} {%- set show_sub_nextdate = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_sub_nextdate -%} {%- set show_sub_enddate = config.template_config.cart_display_config.show_sub_enddate -%} {%- set hidden_product_options = config.template_config.cart_display_config.hidden_product_options -%} {% endif %} {% for item in items %} {% if item.multiship >= 0 %} {% set shipto_label = config.lang.cart_shipto ~ item.shipto %} {{ shipto_label|pad(40,"-"," ")|raw }} {% endif %} {{ item.name }} {% if show_product_options %} {% for option in item.options %} {% if (option.name|lower not in hidden_product_options) and (option.class|lower not in hidden_product_options) %} * {{ option.name|pad(15) }} {{ option.value }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if item.code != '' and show_product_code %} * {{ config.lang.cart_code|pad(15)|raw }} {{ item.code }} {% endif %} {% if item.category != 'DEFAULT' and show_product_category %} * {{ config.lang.cart_category|pad(15)|raw }} {{ item.category }} {% endif %} {% if item.weight != 0 and show_product_weight %} * {{ config.lang.cart_weight|pad(15)|raw }} {{ item.weight }} {{ weight_uom }} {% endif %} {% if item.sub_frequency != '' and (show_sub_frequency or show_sub_nextdate or show_sub_startdate or show_sub_enddate) %} * {{ config.lang.cart_subscription_details|raw }} {% if show_sub_frequency %} - {{ config.lang.cart_frequency|pad(11)|raw }} {{ item.sub_frequency }} {% endif %} {% if show_sub_startdate %} - {{ config.lang.cart_start_date|pad(11)|raw }} {{ item.sub_startdate }} {% endif %} {% if show_sub_nextdate and item.sub_enddate != item.sub_nextdate and (item.sub_enddate == "0000-00-00" or (item.sub_enddate != "0000-00-00" and item.sub_enddate > item.sub_nextdate)) %} - {{ config.lang.cart_next_date|pad(11)|raw }} {{ item.sub_nextdate }} {% endif %} {% if show_sub_enddate and item.sub_enddate != "0000-00-00" %} - {{ config.lang.cart_end_date|pad(11)|raw }} {{ item.sub_enddate }} {% endif %} {% endif %} * {{ config.lang.cart_quantity|pad(15)|raw }} {{ item.quantity }} * {{ config.lang.cart_price|pad(20)|raw }} {{ item.price|money_format }}{% if item.quantity > 1 and item.price_each > 0 %} ({{ item.price_each|money_format }} {{ config.lang.cart_each|raw }}{% if (((item.price_each * 10000) % 100) != 0) %}... {{ item.price_each }}{% endif %}){% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ config.lang.cart_subtotal|pad(24)|raw }} {{ total_item_price|money_format }} {% if has_future_products %} {{ config.lang.cart_future_subscriptions|pad(24)|raw }} {{ total_future_item_price|money_format }} {% endif %} {% for key,coupon_data in coupons %} {% if coupon_data is not array %} {% set coupon_data = [coupon_data] %} {% endif %} {% set coupon_code = key %} {% for i, coupon in coupon_data %} {% set coupon_label = coupon.name ~ " (" ~ coupon_code ~ ")" %} {{ coupon_label|pad(24) }} {{ coupon.display }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% for key, gift_card_data in gift_cards %} {% if gift_card_data is not array %} {% set gift_card_data = [gift_card_data] %} {% endif %} {% set gift_card_code = key %} {% for i, gift_card in gift_card_data %} {{ gift_card.name }} | {{ gift_card_code }}: {{ gift_card.amount|money_format }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {{ shipping_and_handling_label|pad(24) }} {{ total_shipping|money_format }} {% if has_future_products and show_future_shipping_and_handling %} {% set future_shipping_handling_label = lang.cart_future_subscriptions ~ " " ~ shipping_and_handling_label %} {{ future_shipping_handling_label|pad(24)|raw }} {{ future_shipping_and_handling|money_format }} {% endif %} {% if has_taxes %} {% if has_multiship %} {{ config.lang.cart_tax|pad(24)|raw }} {{ total_tax|money_format }} {% else %} {% for tax in shipping_address.taxes %} {% if tax.rate is null %} {% set tax_rate = '' %} {% else %} {% set tax_rate = ' (' ~ tax.rate ~ '%)' %} {% endif %} {{ tax.name }}{{ tax_rate }} {{ config.lang.cart_tax|pad(24)|raw }} {{ tax.amount|money_format }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ config.lang.cart_order_total|pad(24)|raw }} {{ total_order|money_format }} {# END CART TWIG TEMPLATE #}