import bpy bl_info = { "name": "F Channel Muter", "author": "Frankie", "version": (0, 5), "blender": (2, 80, 0), "location": "graph editor hotkeys 1 2 3 and shift 1 2 3", "description": "in the graph editor use 1 2 3 to toggle location rotation scale channel visibility, shift to make additive", "warning": "will override hot keys 1 2 3 and shift 1 2 3 in graph editor", "wiki_url": "", "category": "Animation", } def hidechannel(context, channelname, additive): obj = bpy.context.object # active object action = obj.animation_data.action # current action if bpy.context.selected_pose_bones is not None: if bpy.context.selected_pose_bones.count != 0: for selbone in bpy.context.selected_pose_bones: for f in[].fcurves: if channelname in f.data_path and "\""+ + "\"" in f.data_path: toggle_vis = not f.hide f.hide = toggle_vis elif "\""+ + "\"" in f.data_path and additive == False: f.hide = True bpy.ops.graph.view_all() bpy.ops.anim.channels_expand() class GraphHideChannel(bpy.types.Operator): """Tooltip""" bl_idname = "graph.hidechannel" bl_label = "Hide channel in graph editor" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} channelname = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Channel Filter", default="none") additive = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Additive", default=False) def execute(self, context): hidechannel(context, self.channelname, self.additive) return {'FINISHED'} # copied from keymape export def kmi_props_setattr(kmi_props, attr, value): try: setattr(kmi_props, attr, value) except AttributeError: print("Warning: property '%s' not found in keymap item '%s'" % (attr, kmi_props.__class__.__name__)) except Exception as e: print("Warning: %r" % e) def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(GraphHideChannel) # handle the keymap wm = bpy.context.window_manager km ='Graph Editor Generic', space_type='GRAPH_EDITOR', region_type='WINDOW', modal=False) kmi ='graph.hidechannel', 'ONE', 'PRESS') kmi_props_setattr(, 'channelname', 'loc') kmi_props_setattr(, 'additive', False) kmi ='graph.hidechannel', 'TWO', 'PRESS') kmi_props_setattr(, 'channelname', 'rot') kmi_props_setattr(, 'additive', False) kmi ='graph.hidechannel', 'THREE', 'PRESS') kmi_props_setattr(, 'channelname', 'scale') kmi_props_setattr(, 'additive', False) kmi ='graph.hidechannel', 'ONE', 'PRESS', shift=True) kmi_props_setattr(, 'channelname', 'loc') kmi_props_setattr(, 'additive', True) kmi ='graph.hidechannel', 'TWO', 'PRESS', shift=True) kmi_props_setattr(, 'channelname', 'rot') kmi_props_setattr(, 'additive', True) kmi ='graph.hidechannel', 'THREE', 'PRESS', shift=True) kmi_props_setattr(, 'channelname', 'scale') kmi_props_setattr(, 'additive', True) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(GraphHideChannel) # This allows you to run the script directly from blenders text editor # to test the addon without having to install it. # if __name__ == "__main__": # register()