""" This macro is a container, including 38 helper tools to improve the appearance of drawings created in the TechDraw workbench. There are tools to: - create circle and bolt cicle center lines - draw cosmetic threads in ground and side view - create vertexes at intersection of elements - change attributes of center lines and cosmetic lines - change the number of decimal places of the dimension value - append special characters ahead of dimension values - create chain- and coordinate dimensions - position and cascade dimensions - create dimension/development of arches - create cosmetic circumferences - create a line cosmetic perpendicular - create a line cosmetic parallel - create a hole table - extend and shorten cosmetic lines - create a cosmetic line arch - position section view orthogonal to ancestor view - create an annotation showing the area All written user informations appear in English/German/Italian/French/Spanish depending on the selected FreeCAD language. Workflow: - Start the macro - Select the desired line attributes and cascade spacing - Select any helper tool """ __Name__ = 'TechDrawTools' __Author__ = 'edi and domad' __Version__ = '0.4.5' __Comment__ = 'A container, including 38 helper tools to improve the appearance of drawings' __License__ = 'LGPL v2' __Web__ = 'https://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=59334' __Communication__ = 'https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD-macros/blob/master/TechDraw/TechDrawTools.FCMacro' __Files__ = 'TechDrawTools.svg' __Help__ = 'Start the macro. Select one of the 38 helper tools.' __Status__ = 'stable' __Requires__ = 'e.g. FreeCAD >= v0.19' __Date__ = '2022-03-26' from functools import partial import math from PySide import QtCore, QtGui # FreeCAD's special PySide! import FreeCAD as app import FreeCADGui as gui import TechDraw class LineAttributes: '''Operate all line attributes''' Colors = { 'black': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), '000000'), 'grey': ((0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.0), 'b6b6b6'), 'red': ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'ff0000'), 'green': ((0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), '00ff00'), 'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), '0000ff'), 'magenta': ((1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 'ff00ff'), 'cyan': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0), '00ffff'), 'yellow': ((1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'ffff00'), } Styles = {'solid': 1, 'dashed':2, 'dotted':3,'dashdot':4} Width = {'thick 0,70': 0.70, 'middle 0,35': 0.35, 'thin 0,18': 0.18} def __init__(self): self.LineColor = self.Colors['black'] self.LineStyle = self.Styles['dashdot'] self.LineWidth = self.Width['middle 0,35'] def setColor(self,Color): self.LineColor = self.Colors[Color] def getColorTuple(self): return self.LineColor[0] def getColorHex(color): return LineAttributes.Colors[color][1] def setStyle(self,Style): self.LineStyle = self.Styles[Style] def getStyle(self): return self.LineStyle def setWidth(self,Width): self.LineWidth = self.Width[Width] def getWidth(self): return self.LineWidth class translate: '''do all translations''' def __init__(self): self.langKey = self.getLanguage() def getLanguage(self): '''get local language key''' langDict = {} langDict["English"] = 'English' langDict["German"] = 'German' langDict["Italian"] = 'Italian' langDict["French"] = 'French' langDict["Spanish"] = 'Spanish' self.langKey = 'English' if gui.getLocale() in langDict.keys(): self.langKey = langDict[gui.getLocale()] return self.langKey def tr(self,textEnglish): if self.langKey == 'English': return self.englishDict(textEnglish) elif self.langKey == 'German': return self.germanDict(textEnglish) elif self.langKey == 'Italian': return self.italianDict(textEnglish) elif self.langKey == 'French': return self.frenchDict(textEnglish) elif self.langKey == 'Spanish': return self.spanishDict(textEnglish) def englishDict(self,textEnglish): return textEnglish def germanDict(self,textEnglish): dict_ = {"Attributes and Modifications":"Eigenschaften und Änderungen",\ "Centerlines and Threading":"Mittellinien und Gewinde",\ "Dimensions":"Bemaßungen",\ "Line attributes:":"Eigenschaften:",\ "Cascade spacing:":"Abstand Kaskadierung",\ "Quit":"Fertig",\ "set lines to ":"setze Linie auf ",\ "solid":"Vollinie",\ "dashed":"strichliert",\ "dotted":"punktiert",\ "dashdot":"strich-punkt",\ "set lines width to ":"setze Linienbreite auf ",\ "thick 0,70":"breit 0,70",\ "middle 0,35":"mittel 0,35",\ "thin 0,18":"schmal 0,18",\ "set lines color to ":"setze Linienfarbe auf ",\ "black":"schwarz",\ "grey":"grau",\ "red":"rot",\ "green":"grün",\ "blue":"blau",\ "magenta":"magenta",\ "cyan":"cyan",\ "yellow":"gelb"} return dict_.get(textEnglish,textEnglish) def italianDict(self,textEnglish): dict_ = {"Attributes and Modifications":"Strumenti di editing",\ "Centerlines and Threading":"Mezzerie e filettature",\ "Dimensions":"Quotature",\ "Line attributes:":"Attributi:",\ "Cascade spacing:":"Valore distanziamento:",\ "Quit":"Chiudi",\ "set lines to ":"tipo di linea ",\ "solid":"solida",\ "dashed":"tratteggiata",\ "dotted":"a punti",\ "dashdot":"tratto e punto",\ "set lines width to ":"spessore linea ",\ "thick 0,70":"spessa 0,70",\ "middle 0,35":"media 0,35",\ "thin 0,18":"sottile 0,18",\ "set lines color to ":"colore linea ",\ "black":"nero",\ "grey":"grigio",\ "red":"rosso",\ "green":"verde",\ "blue":"azzurro",\ "magenta":"magenta",\ "cyan":"ciano",\ "yellow":"giallo"} return dict_.get(textEnglish,textEnglish) def frenchDict(self,textEnglish): dict_ = {"Attributes and Modifications":"Outils d'édition",\ "Centerlines and Threading":"Lignes médianes et filettage",\ "Dimensions":"Dimensionnement",\ "Line attributes:":"Les attributs:",\ "Cascade spacing:":"Valeur d'espacement:",\ "Quit":"Fermez",\ "set lines to ":"type de ligne ",\ "solid":"solide",\ "dashed":"pointillè",\ "dotted":"en points",\ "dashdot":"trait et point",\ "set lines width to ":"épaisseur de ligne ",\ "thick 0,70":"épais 0,70",\ "middle 0,35":"moyen 0,35",\ "thin 0,18":"mince 0,18",\ "set lines color to ":"couleur de la ligne ",\ "black":"noir",\ "grey":"gris",\ "red":"rouge",\ "green":"vert",\ "blue":"bleu",\ "magenta":"magenta",\ "cyan":"cyan",\ "yellow":"Jaune"} return dict_.get(textEnglish,textEnglish) def spanishDict(self,textEnglish): dict_ = {"Attributes and Modifications":"Herramientas de edición",\ "Centerlines and Threading":"Líneas centrales y roscado",\ "Dimensions":"Dimensionamiento",\ "Line attributes:":"Atributos:",\ "Cascade spacing:":"Valor de espaciado:",\ "Quit":"Cerrar",\ "set lines to ":"tipo de línea ",\ "solid":"sólido",\ "dashed":"punteado",\ "dotted":"en puntos",\ "dashdot":"trazo y punto",\ "set lines width to ":"grosor de la línea ",\ "thick 0,70":"más grueso 0,70",\ "middle 0,35":"promedio 0,35",\ "thin 0,18":"delgada 0,18",\ "set lines color to ":"color de linea ",\ "black":"negro",\ "grey":"gris",\ "red":"rojo",\ "green":"verde",\ "blue":"azul",\ "magenta":"magenta",\ "cyan":"cian",\ "yellow":"amarillo"} return dict_.get(textEnglish,textEnglish) class DimensionAttributes: '''Operate all dimension attributes''' def __init__(self): self.DimLineDistance = 7 def getDimLineDistance(self): return self.DimLineDistance class commandWidget(QtGui.QWidget): '''Widget containing the command buttons''' def __init__(self): super().__init__() def oneCommandButton(self,cmd,win): '''Create a command push button''' Button = QtGui.QPushButton() Text = cmd.textEnglish() if Lang.langKey == 'German' and hasattr(cmd,"textGerman"): Text = cmd.textGerman() elif Lang.langKey == 'Italian' and hasattr(cmd,"textItalian"): Text = cmd.textItalian() elif Lang.langKey == 'French' and hasattr(cmd,"textFrench"): Text = cmd.textFrench() elif Lang.langKey == 'Spanish' and hasattr(cmd,"textSpanish"): Text = cmd.textSpanish() Button.setText(Text[0]) Button.setToolTip(Text[1]) if hasattr(cmd,"Icon"): Button.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(cmd.Icon)) Button.clicked.connect(partial(win.on_PB_clicked,cmd)) self.layout.addWidget(Button) class DialogContainer(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=gui.getMainWindow()): ''' constructor creating a permanent opened dialog window''' super().__init__(parent, QtCore.Qt.Tool) self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True) self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_WindowPropagation, True) self.setObjectName("DialogContainer") self.initUI() def radioButton(self,Box,Slot,Tip,Text,Color='black',Checked = False,Row=-1,Column=-1): ''' create a radio button ''' Button = QtGui.QRadioButton(Box) if Checked: Button.setMouseTracking(True) Button.setChecked(True) Button.setText(Lang.tr(Text)) Button.setStyleSheet("color : #"+LineAttributes.getColorHex(Color)) Button.setToolTip(Lang.tr(Tip)+Lang.tr(Text)) Button.clicked.connect(partial(Slot,Text)) if Row == -1: Box.layout.addWidget(Button) else: Box.layout.addWidget(Button,Row,Column) def initUI(self): """Specifically handles the UI initialization""" self.setWindowTitle("TechDrawTools V- "+__Version__+"-multilanguage") self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) # Initialize tab screen self.tabs = QtGui.QTabWidget() self.tabs.setTabPosition(QtGui.QTabWidget.East) self.tabs.setTabShape(QtGui.QTabWidget.Triangular) self.tab1 = QtGui.QWidget() self.tabs.addTab(self.tab1,Lang.tr("Attributes and Modifications")) self.tab2 = commandWidget() self.tabs.addTab(self.tab2,Lang.tr("Centerlines and Threading")) self.tab3 = commandWidget() self.tabs.addTab(self.tab3,Lang.tr("Dimensions")) # Create layouts of tab1 self.tab1.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.topBox1 = commandWidget() self.topBox1.layout =QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.bottomBox = QtGui.QWidget() self.bottomBox.layout =QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.bottomBoxLeftTop = QtGui.QGroupBox(Lang.tr("Line attributes:")) self.bottomBoxLeftTop.layout =QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.bottomBoxLeftBottom = QtGui.QGroupBox() self.bottomBoxLeftBottom.layout =QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.bottomBoxRight = QtGui.QGroupBox() self.bottomBoxRight.layout =QtGui.QGridLayout() # Create layouts of tab2 self.tab2.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.topBox2 = commandWidget() self.topBox2.layout =QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.bottomBox2 = QtGui.QWidget() self.bottomBox2.layout =QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.spinContainerBox = QtGui.QWidget() self.spinContainerBox.layout =QtGui.QHBoxLayout() # Create layouts of tab3 self.tab3.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.topBox3 = commandWidget() self.topBox3.layout =QtGui.QVBoxLayout() # Radio buttons for line attributes -------------------------------------------- self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxLeftTop,self.on_RB_ChangeStyle_Clicked,"set lines to ","solid") self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxLeftTop,self.on_RB_ChangeStyle_Clicked,"set lines to ","dashed") self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxLeftTop,self.on_RB_ChangeStyle_Clicked,"set lines to ","dotted") self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxLeftTop,self.on_RB_ChangeStyle_Clicked,"set lines to ","dashdot","black",True) self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxLeftBottom,self.on_RB_ChangeWidth_Clicked,"set lines width to ","thick 0,70") self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxLeftBottom,self.on_RB_ChangeWidth_Clicked,"set lines width to ","middle 0,35","black",True) self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxLeftBottom,self.on_RB_ChangeWidth_Clicked,"set lines width to ","thin 0,18") self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxRight,self.on_RB_ChangeColor_Clicked,"set lines color to ","black","black",True,0,0) self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxRight,self.on_RB_ChangeColor_Clicked,"set lines color to ","grey","grey",False,1,0) self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxRight,self.on_RB_ChangeColor_Clicked,"set lines color to ","red","red",False,2,0) self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxRight,self.on_RB_ChangeColor_Clicked,"set lines color to ","green","green",False,3,0) self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxRight,self.on_RB_ChangeColor_Clicked,"set lines color to ","blue","blue",False,0,1) self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxRight,self.on_RB_ChangeColor_Clicked,"set lines color to ","magenta","magenta",False,1,1) self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxRight,self.on_RB_ChangeColor_Clicked,"set lines color to ","cyan","cyan",False,2,1) self.radioButton(self.bottomBoxRight,self.on_RB_ChangeColor_Clicked,"set lines color to ","yellow","yellow",False,3,1) # Button: Quit in centralWidget ------------------------------------------------------------- self.PB_Quit = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.PB_Quit.setText(Lang.tr("Quit")) self.PB_Quit.clicked.connect(self.on_PB_Quit_clicked) # insert buttons into tab 1 self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(extendLine(),self) self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(shortenLine(),self) self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(changeLockPosition(),self) self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(positionSectionView(),self) self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(positionHorizDimChain(),self) self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(positionVertDimChain(),self) self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(positionObliqueDimChain(),self) self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(cascadeHorizDimensions(),self) self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(cascadeVertDimensions(),self) self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(cascadeObliqueDimension(),self) self.topBox1.oneCommandButton(ChangeLineStyle(),self) self.topBox1.setLayout(self.topBox1.layout) self.bottomBoxLeftTop.setLayout(self.bottomBoxLeftTop.layout) self.bottomBoxRight.setLayout(self.bottomBoxRight.layout) self.bottomBoxLeftBottom.setLayout(self.bottomBoxLeftBottom.layout) self.bottomBox.layout.addWidget(self.bottomBoxLeftTop) self.bottomBox.layout.addWidget(self.bottomBoxLeftBottom) self.bottomBox.layout.addWidget(self.bottomBoxRight) self.bottomBox.setLayout(self.bottomBox.layout) # create spin label to define cascade spacing self.spinLabel = QtGui.QLabel(Lang.tr("Cascade spacing:")) self.SpinBox = QtGui.QSpinBox() self.SpinBox.setValue(7) self.SpinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.on_SB_clicked) self.spinContainerBox.layout.addWidget(self.spinLabel) self.spinContainerBox.layout.addWidget(self.SpinBox) self.spinContainerBox.setLayout(self.spinContainerBox.layout) self.tab1.layout.addWidget(self.topBox1) self.tab1.layout.addWidget(self.bottomBox) self.tab1.layout.addWidget(self.spinContainerBox) self.tab1.layout.addWidget(self.PB_Quit) self.tab1.setLayout(self.tab1.layout) # insert buttons into tab 2 self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(CircleCenterLines(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(DrawHoleCircle(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(IntersectionVertex(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(drawArc(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(drawCirc(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(drawPerpendicular(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(drawParallel(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(CenterLine(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(DrawCosmeticThreadHole(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(DrawCosmeticThreadBolt(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(DrawCosmeticThreadSideHole(),self) self.topBox2.oneCommandButton(DrawCosmeticThreadSideBolt(),self) self.topBox2.setLayout(self.topBox2.layout) self.tab2.layout.addWidget(self.topBox2) self.tab2.setLayout(self.tab2.layout) # insert buttons into tab 3 self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(drawDiameterSign(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(drawRectangleSign(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(createHorizDimChain(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(createVertDimChain(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(createObliqueDimChain(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(createHorizCoordDim(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(createVertCoordDim(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(createObliqueCoordDim(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(createHorizChamferDim(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(createVertChamferDim(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(createArcLengthDim(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(holeTable(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(increaseComma(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(decreaseComma(),self) self.topBox3.oneCommandButton(areaAnnot(),self) self.topBox3.setLayout(self.topBox3.layout) self.tab3.layout.addWidget(self.topBox3) self.tab3.setLayout(self.tab3.layout) # Add tabs to widget self.layout.addWidget(self.tabs) # slots -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def on_SB_clicked(self): ''' Spinbox value changed''' DimAttrib.DimLineDistance = self.SpinBox.value() def on_PB_clicked(self,cmd): ''' Command Push Button clicked ''' cmd.activated() def on_RB_ChangeStyle_Clicked(self,style): Attrib.setStyle(style) def on_RB_ChangeWidth_Clicked(self,width): Attrib.setWidth(width) def on_RB_ChangeColor_Clicked(self,color): Attrib.setColor(color) def on_PB_Quit_clicked(self): app.Console.PrintMessage("End of TechDraw Tools" + "\n") super().accept() # define all commands: each command an own class --------------------------------- class commonTools: ''' common tools used by command buttons''' def selectionOK(): ''' check selection of View and ObjectList ''' OK, ObjectList, View = False, [], [] if gui.Selection.getCompleteSelection(): View = gui.Selection.getCompleteSelection()[0] ObjectList = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubElementNames if len(ObjectList) > 0: OK = True return (OK,ObjectList,View) def getPoints(View,ObjectList): '''sort startpoints and endpoints of two lines belonging together''' def circulation(A,B,C): '''returns True if circulation ABC is positive''' M = app.Matrix(A.x, A.y, 1, 0, B.x, B.y, 1, 0, C.x, C.y, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) if M.determinant() > 0.0: return True if len(ObjectList) > 1: Edge1 = View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectList[0]) Edge2 = View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectList[1]) if Edge1.Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomLine' and Edge2.Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomLine': Start1, Start2 = Edge1.Vertexes[0].Point, Edge2.Vertexes[0].Point End1, End2 = Edge1.Vertexes[1].Point, Edge2.Vertexes[1].Point if circulation(Start1,End1,Start2) != circulation(End1,End2,Start2): Help1, Help2 = Start1, End1 Start1, End1 = Help2, Help1 return (Start1,End1,Start2,End2) def drawCosmeticThreadLines(View,ObjectList,Hole): '''draw lines at cosmetic thread side view hole or bolt''' (Start1,End1,Start2,End2) = commonTools.getPoints(View,ObjectList) KernelDiam = Start2.sub(Start1).Length if Hole: Factor = (KernelDiam/0.85-KernelDiam)/2 else: Factor = (KernelDiam*0.85-KernelDiam)/2 Delta =Start2.sub(Start1).normalize()*Factor Style, Width, Color = Attrib.getStyle(), Attrib.getWidth(), Attrib.getColorTuple() View.makeCosmeticLine(Start1-Delta,End1-Delta, Style, Width, Color) View.makeCosmeticLine(Start2+Delta,End2+Delta, Style, Width, Color) def drawCosmeticThreadArcs(View,ObjectList,Hole): '''draw arcs at cosmetic thread ground view hole or bolt''' for ObjectString in ObjectList: if ObjectString[0:4] == 'Edge': Edge = View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectString) if Edge.Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomCircle': Object = Edge.Curve Center = Object.Center if Hole: Radius = Object.Radius/0.85 else: Radius = Object.Radius*0.85 View.makeCosmeticCircleArc(Center, Radius, 255, 165, Attrib.getStyle(), Attrib.getWidth(), Attrib.getColorTuple()) def extendShortenLine(View,ObjectList,Extend): '''extend or shorten one cosmetic or centerline''' try: OldFormat = View.getCosmeticEdgeBySelection(ObjectList[0]).Format Edge = View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectList[0]) except (IndexError, AttributeError): app.Console.PrintWarning('Selection error\n') return # TODO: Check that the selection is a line. # A DrawProjGroupItem has an edge and is thus translated. StartPt, EndPt = Edge.Vertexes[0].Point, Edge.Vertexes[1].Point Direction = (EndPt-StartPt).normalize() gui.runCommand('TechDraw_CosmeticEraser',0) Delta = Direction*2/View.Scale if Extend: StartPt, EndPt = StartPt - Delta, EndPt + Delta else: StartPt, EndPt = StartPt + Delta, EndPt - Delta View.makeCosmeticLine(StartPt,EndPt,OldFormat[0],OldFormat[1],OldFormat[2]) def getViewCoords(View): ''' position of View in Template coordinates''' XView, YView = View.X, View.Y if View.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem': XView = XView+View.InList[0].X YView = YView+View.InList[0].Y return (XView,YView) def createAnnot(Name,Text,XPos,YPos): '''Create an annotation''' Doc = app.activeDocument() Annot = Doc.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewAnnotation',Name) Doc.Page.addView(Annot) Annot.Text = Text Annot.TextSize = 4 Annot.X = XPos Annot.Y = YPos class CircleCenterLines: '''Draw a center line cross at circles''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 215 2",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #2C2100",\ "@ c #2B2200",\ "# c #2A2200",\ "$ c #2A2300",\ "% c #362D00",\ "& c #635C00",\ "* c #878300",\ "= c #B3B000",\ "- c #ADAA00",\ "; c #888300",\ "> c #605900",\ ", c #342C00",\ "' c #2C2200",\ ") c #4B4400",\ "! c #9F9B00",\ "~ c #E0DF00",\ "{ c #FEFE00",\ "] c #FFFF00",\ "^ c #E2E100",\ "/ c #999400",\ "( c #4A4200",\ "_ c #2B2300",\ ": c #2B2400",\ "< c #2B2100",\ "[ c #2E2500",\ "} c #7B7600",\ "| c #E1DF00",\ "1 c #777100",\ "2 c #2D2500",\ "3 c #817C00",\ "4 c #F0EF00",\ "5 c #F2F200",\ "6 c #807A00",\ "7 c #2D2400",\ "8 c #554E00",\ "9 c #E4E300",\ "0 c #E6E500",\ "a c #5A5300",\ "b c #A3A000",\ "c c #E7E600",\ "d c #B5B200",\ "e c #898400",\ "f c #8A8500",\ "g c #B6B400",\ "h c #E9E800",\ "i c #A09C00",\ "j c #3D3500",\ "k c #D9D700",\ "l c #DBDA00",\ "m c #7A7500",\ "n c #352C00",\ "o c #372E00",\ "p c #807B00",\ "q c #DAD900",\ "r c #DFDE00",\ "s c #3C3400",\ "t c #4B4300",\ "u c #F3F300",\ "v c #C0BE00",\ "w c #474000",\ "x c #BDBA00",\ "y c #F2F100",\ "z c #4C4400",\ "A c #2A2100",\ "B c #514900",\ "C c #F8F800",\ "D c #DCDB00",\ "E c #494100",\ "F c #D7D600",\ "G c #F9F900",\ "H c #4E4700",\ "I c #2C2300",\ "J c #484100",\ "K c #FDFD00",\ "L c #827E00",\ "M c #847F00",\ "N c #FCFC00",\ "O c #F8F600",\ "P c #473F00",\ "Q c #3B3200",\ "R c #F1F000",\ "S c #514800",\ "T c #372F00",\ "U c #DAD800",\ "V c #E8E700",\ "W c #3C3300",\ "X c #E7E500",\ "Y c #CECD00",\ "Z c #928D00",\ "` c #E6E600",\ " . c #292100",\ ".. c #3A3200",\ "+. c #EAE900",\ "@. c #928F00",\ "#. c #4C4500",\ "$. c #3F3700",\ "%. c #F4F400",\ "&. c #463F00",\ "*. c #D8D700",\ "=. c #514A00",\ "-. c #2C2400",\ ";. c #5B5400",\ ">. c #D5D400",\ ",. c #2C1F00",\ "'. c #6A6400",\ "). c #928E00",\ "!. c #938F00",\ "~. c #656000",\ "{. c #5D5500",\ "]. c #5C5500",\ "^. c #5E5700",\ "/. c #CECB00",\ "(. c #D0CF00",\ "_. c #D6D500",\ ":. c #C8C500",\ "<. c #332B00",\ "[. c #625B00",\ "}. c #615B00",\ "|. c #FDFC00",\ "1. c #787200",\ "2. c #ECEC00",\ "3. c #797400",\ "4. c #C7C600",\ "5. c #9E9A00",\ "6. c #9C9800",\ "7. c #C3C000",\ "8. c #544C00",\ "9. c #564F00",\ "0. c #3E3600",\ "a. c #FAFA00",\ "b. c #D6D400",\ "c. c #292200",\ "d. c #5F5800",\ "e. c #898300",\ "f. c #AFAC00",\ "g. c #B1AE00",\ "h. c #AAA600",\ "i. c #888200",\ "j. c #571B00",\ "k. c #A76E00",\ "l. c #C17100",\ "m. c #641900",\ "n. c #8D8800",\ "o. c #837F00",\ "p. c #D4D200",\ "q. c #2B2000",\ "r. c #615A00",\ "s. c #FBFB00",\ "t. c #F5F400",\ "u. c #575000",\ "v. c #C7C500",\ "w. c #9B9700",\ "x. c #C6C400",\ "y. c #7D7700",\ "z. c #EEED00",\ "A. c #EFEE00",\ "B. c #736D00",\ "C. c #605A00",\ "D. c #686200",\ "E. c #322A00",\ "F. c #C9C700",\ "G. c #585100",\ "H. c #E3E100",\ "I. c #696100",\ "J. c #928C00",\ "K. c #989200",\ "L. c #645D00",\ "M. c #E1E000",\ "N. c #2D2000",\ "O. c #D6D300",\ "P. c #524C00",\ "Q. c #292000",\ "R. c #413900",\ "S. c #F6F500",\ "T. c #989400",\ "U. c #DDDC00",\ "V. c #D5D300",\ "W. c #4D4600",\ "X. c #524B00",\ "Y. c #EDEC00",\ "Z. c #483F00",\ "`. c #868100",\ " + c #837E00",\ ".+ c #4D4400",\ "++ c #DEDD00",\ "@+ c #4D4700",\ "#+ c #BEBB00",\ "$+ c #484000",\ "%+ c #C5C200",\ "&+ c #827D00",\ "*+ c #383000",\ "=+ c #7F7900",\ "-+ c #DFDD00",\ ";+ c #9E9B00",\ ">+ c #ECEB00",\ ",+ c #B9B700",\ "'+ c #8C8700",\ ")+ c #B9B600",\ "!+ c #2A2000",\ "~+ c #595200",\ "{+ c #E5E400",\ "]+ c #544D00",\ "^+ c #7C7700",\ "/+ c #F1F100",\ "(+ c #EEEE00",\ "_+ c #746F00",\ ":+ c #797300",\ "<+ c #E0DE00",\ "[+ c #9A9400",\ "}+ c #AAA700",\ "|+ c #AFAB00",\ "1+ c #847E00",\ "2+ c #5F5900",\ " . . . . . . 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"]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Draw circle centerLines" helpText = "Draw a center line cross at circles:"+ "\n"\ "- pick favoured line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select many circles or arcs"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Zeichne Kreis Mittellinien" helpText = "Zeichne ein Linienkreuz bei einem Kreis:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle die gewünschten Eigenschaften der Linien"+ "\n"\ "- wähle mehrere Kreise und/oder Kreibögen"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Mezzerie circonferenza" helpText = "Disegna una croce con la linea centrale sulla circonferenza:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi linea"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare i cerchi o gli archi"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Axes de la circonférence" helpText = "Tracez une croix avec la ligne centrale sur la circonférence:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir les attributs de ligne"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez des cercles ou des arcs"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Ejes de la circunferencia" helpText = "Dibuja una cruz con la línea central en la circunferencia:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos de línea"+ "\n"\ "- seleccionar círculos o arcos"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: for ObjectString in ObjectList: if ObjectString[0:4] == 'Edge': Edge = View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectString) if Edge.Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomCircle': Object = Edge.Curve Center = Object.Center Radius = Object.Radius+2/View.Scale Right = app.Vector(Center.x+Radius,Center.y,0) Left = app.Vector(Center.x-Radius,Center.y,0) Top = app.Vector(Center.x,Center.y+Radius,0) Bottom = app.Vector(Center.x,Center.y-Radius,0) Style, Width, Color = Attrib.getStyle(), Attrib.getWidth(), Attrib.getColorTuple() View.makeCosmeticLine(Left,Right,Style, Width, Color) View.makeCosmeticLine(Top,Bottom,Style, Width, Color) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class DrawHoleCircle: '''Draw a center circle and center cross at a bolt circle''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 222 2",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #2B2200",\ "@ c #2A2200",\ "# c #2B2100",\ "$ c #2B2300",\ "% c #2C2300",\ "& c #5C5500",\ "* c #2D2400",\ "= c #2C2100",\ "- c #423900",\ "; c #EAE900",\ "> c #FFFF00",\ ", c #E9E800",\ "' c #443B00",\ ") c #A5A100",\ "! c #A7A400",\ "~ c #BBB800",\ "{ c #FEFE00",\ "] c #B4B100",\ "^ c #2A2300",\ "/ c #746E00",\ "( c #FDFD00",\ "_ c #878200",\ ": c #302700",\ "< c #959100",\ "[ c #686100",\ "} c #2C2200",\ "| c #FAF900",\ "1 c #FBFB00",\ "2 c #382F00",\ "3 c #471D00",\ "4 c #B20E00",\ "5 c #2F2600",\ "6 c #423B00",\ "7 c #F9F900",\ "8 c #615B00",\ "9 c #504900",\ "0 c #665F00",\ "a c #534C00",\ "b c #CECB00",\ "c c #F0F000",\ "d c #F3F200",\ "e c #C3BF00",\ "f c #FD0B00",\ "g c #433C00",\ "h c #DFDD00",\ "i c #E2E100",\ "j c #4C4500",\ "k c #ECEB00",\ "l c #524B00",\ "m c #F4F400",\ "n c #3D3500",\ "o c #DAD700",\ "p c #D5D300",\ "q c #CECC00",\ "r c #2E2600",\ "s c #342C00",\ "t c #F2F100",\ "u c #F3F300",\ "v c #E5E400",\ "w c #BBB900",\ "x c #C0BE00",\ "y c #C4C100",\ "z c #2A2400",\ "A c #EBEA00",\ "B c #FCFC00",\ "C c #999400",\ "D c #DDDC00",\ "E c #3B3200",\ "F c #352D00",\ "G c #FAFA00",\ "H c #4E4800",\ "I c #AFAC00",\ "J c #302900",\ "K c #332B00",\ "L c #645D00",\ "M c #4E4600",\ "N c #3C3300",\ "O c #E4E300",\ "P c #322900",\ "Q c #3C1F00",\ "R c #575100",\ "S c #393000",\ "T c #E1E000",\ "U c #DAD900",\ "V c #2E2500",\ "W c #938E00",\ "X c #BDBA00",\ "Y c #858000",\ "Z c #705300",\ "` c #2F2700",\ " . c #CCCA00",\ ".. c #534B00",\ "+. c #C8C600",\ "@. c #C1BE00",\ "#. c #423A00",\ "$. c #431E00",\ "%. c #422700",\ "&. c #FFEE00",\ "*. c #3E2100",\ "=. c #2C2500",\ "-. c #322000",\ ";. c #4C2300",\ ">. c #FFDD00",\ ",. c #572D00",\ "'. c #561A00",\ "). c #574F00",\ "!. c #EAE800",\ "~. c #FFF000",\ "{. c #FFFE00",\ "]. c #B0AD00",\ "^. c #2A2100",\ "/. c #5E1A00",\ "(. c #BEBB00",\ "_. c #FFF100",\ ":. c #B3B000",\ "<. c #471E00",\ "[. c #D1D000",\ "}. c #E5D400",\ "|. c #FC0A00",\ "1. c #2D2300",\ "2. c #908A00",\ "3. c #CFCE00",\ "4. c #393100",\ "5. c #B7B400",\ "6. c #332C00",\ "7. c #E4E200",\ "8. c #ADAA00",\ "9. c #2C1F00",\ "0. c #312700",\ "a. c #DBD700",\ "b. c #6B6500",\ "c. c #EDEC00",\ "d. c #8A8400",\ "e. c #5A5500",\ "f. c #817B00",\ "g. c #F5F400",\ "h. c #EEEE00",\ "i. c #5D5500",\ "j. c #2A2000",\ "k. c #D1CE00",\ "l. c #9E9A00",\ "m. c #502B00",\ "n. c #372B00",\ "o. c #D2D000",\ "p. c #FFE300",\ "q. c #2D2500",\ "r. c #FFB000",\ "s. c #FF0200",\ "t. c #2D2000",\ "u. c #CAC800",\ "v. c #FF2600",\ "w. c #CDCB00",\ "x. c #FF2B00",\ "y. c #FF0900",\ "z. c #4E4500",\ "A. c #D9D800",\ "B. c #DBDA00",\ "C. c #4C4400",\ "D. c #E2DF00",\ "E. c #726D00",\ "F. c #E8E700",\ "G. c #686200",\ "H. c #292000",\ "I. c #A29E00",\ "J. c #3C3400",\ "K. c #342A00",\ "L. c #403800",\ "M. c #6A6200",\ "N. c #352C00",\ "O. c #E3E100",\ "P. c #8F8A00",\ "Q. c #E8D600",\ "R. c #3D1F00",\ "S. c #4F4700",\ "T. c #322A00",\ "U. c #F8F800",\ "V. c #A6A300",\ "W. c #3F3700",\ "X. c #F6F600",\ "Y. c #FF0100",\ "Z. c #B7B600",\ "`. c #BFBC00",\ " + c #6F6800",\ ".+ c #342B00",\ "++ c #4D4600",\ "@+ c #696300",\ "#+ c #FC0100",\ "$+ c #2B2000",\ "%+ c #FE0000",\ "&+ c #FF0D00",\ "*+ c #5E5700",\ "=+ c #BAB800",\ "-+ c #F0EF00",\ ";+ c #FF1F00",\ ">+ c #494000",\ ",+ c #716B00",\ "'+ c #FF2000",\ ")+ c #D1D100",\ "!+ c #EFEE00",\ "~+ c #DFDE00",\ "{+ c #969100",\ "]+ c #D4D100",\ "^+ c #846600",\ "/+ c #521A00",\ "(+ c #2E2200",\ "_+ c #BDBB00",\ ":+ c #797200",\ "<+ c #4D4500",\ "[+ c #342000",\ "}+ c #5F1A00",\ "|+ c #7D7700",\ "1+ c #827D00",\ "2+ c #FBFA00",\ "3+ c #E0DF00",\ "4+ c #E8E600",\ "5+ c #484100",\ "6+ c #C6C400",\ "7+ c #E7E600",\ "8+ c #C1BF00",\ "9+ c #D7D600",\ " . . . 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",\ " $ . . . + "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Draw bolt circle centerlines" helpText = "Draw the center lines of a bolt circle:"+ "\n"\ "- pick favoured line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select at least 3 circles of the bolt circle"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Zeichne Lochkreis Mittellinien" helpText = "Zeichne die Mittellinien eines Lochkreises:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle die gewünschten Eigenschaften der Linien"+ "\n"\ "- wähle mindestens 3 Kreise des Lochkreises"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Mezzerie bulloni/viti/fori disposti in cerchio" helpText = "Disegna gli assi di bulloni/viti/fori disposti in cerchio:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi linea"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare almeno 3 circonferenze aventi asse circonferenziale comune"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Axe des boulons/vis/trou disposés en cercle" helpText = "Dessinez les axes des boulons/vis/trou disposés en cercle:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir les attributs de ligne"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionner au moins 3 cercles ayant un axe circonférentiel commun"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Ejes de pernos/tornillos/agujero dispuestos en círculo" helpText = "Dibuja los ejes de los pernos/tornillos/agujero dispuestos en círculo:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos de línea"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione al menos 3 círculos que tengan un eje circunferencial común"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: if len(ObjectList) < 3: return Style, Width, Color = Attrib.getStyle(), Attrib.getWidth(), Attrib.getColorTuple() Rot90 = app.Rotation(app.Vector(0,0,1),90) Circles = [] for ObjectString in ObjectList: if ObjectString[0:4] == 'Edge': Edge = View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectString) if Edge.Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomCircle': Circles.append((Edge.Curve.Center,Edge.Curve.Radius)) Edge1,Edge2 = Circles[1][0]-Circles[0][0],Circles[2][0]-Circles[0][0] Mid1,Mid2 =Circles[0][0]+Edge1/2,Circles[0][0]+Edge2/2 Pnt1,Pnt2 = Rot90.multVec(Edge1)+Mid1,Rot90.multVec(Edge2)+Mid2 Line1,Line2 = Part.Line(Mid1,Pnt1),Part.Line(Mid2,Pnt2) IP = Line1.intersect(Line2)[0] BigCenter = app.Vector(IP.X,IP.Y,IP.Z) for Circle in Circles: RadVec = Circle[0].sub(BigCenter) Radius = RadVec.Length RadVec1 =RadVec.normalize() StartDist = Radius-Circle[1]-2/View.Scale EndDist = Radius+Circle[1]+2/View.Scale EndPt = BigCenter+RadVec1.scale(EndDist,EndDist,EndDist) RadVec1.normalize() StartPt = BigCenter+RadVec1.scale(StartDist,StartDist,StartDist) View.makeCosmeticLine(StartPt,EndPt,Style, Width, Color) BigRadius =Circles[0][0].sub(BigCenter).Length View.makeCosmeticCircle(BigCenter, BigRadius, Style, Width, Color) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class CenterLine: '''Draw center line between two lines''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 12 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #2A2400",\ "@ c #2A2100",\ "# c #2C2300",\ "$ c #2C2200",\ "% c #2B2200",\ "& c #2B2300",\ "* c #FFFF00",\ "= c #2C2100",\ "- c #2A2300",\ "; c #292400",\ " ...... ",\ " ...... ",\ " +@@@@@@# ...... #@@@@@@+ ",\ " $%%%%%%%%$ ...... $%%%%%%%%$ ",\ " %%%%%%%%%& ...... &%%%%%%%%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%*****%%& ...... &%%*****%% ",\ " %%%%%%%%%= ...... =%%%%%%%%% ",\ " -%%%%%%%%; ...... ;%%%%%%%%- ",\ " ...... ",\ " ...... ",\ " ...... "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Draw one center line" helpText = "Draw a center line between two lines:"+ "\n"\ "- pick favoured line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select two lines"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Zeichne einzelne Mittellinie" helpText = "Zeichne eine Mittellinie zwischen zwei Linien:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle die gewünschten Eigenschaften der Linien"+ "\n"\ "- wähle zwei Linien"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Linea centrale" helpText = "Disegna una mezzeria tra due linee:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi linea"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare due linee"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Ligne centrale" helpText = "Tracez une ligne centrale entre deux lignes:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir les attributs de ligne"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez deux lignes"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Línea central" helpText = "Dibuja una línea central entre dos líneas:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos de línea"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione dos líneas"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: (Start1,End1,Start2,End2) = commonTools.getPoints(View,ObjectList) Mid1, Mid2 = (Start1+Start2)/2, (End1+End2)/2 Protrusion = Mid2.sub(Mid1).normalize()*2 StartPt, EndPt = Mid1-Protrusion, Mid2+Protrusion View.makeCosmeticLine(StartPt,EndPt,Attrib.getStyle(), Attrib.getWidth(), Attrib.getColorTuple()) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class DrawCosmeticThreadHole: '''Draw a cosmetic hole thread at selected circles''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 147 2",\ " c None",\ ". c #2B2200",\ "+ c #FFFF00",\ "@ c #FF0000",\ "# c #2C1F00",\ "$ c #2B2300",\ "% c #2B2100",\ "& c #2A2300",\ "* c #292400",\ "= c #2D2400",\ "- c #554D00",\ "; c #8F8A00",\ "> c #928D00",\ ", c #504A00",\ "' c #2C2200",\ ") c #2B2000",\ "! c #2C2300",\ "~ c #625C00",\ "{ c #E1E000",\ "] c #DBDA00",\ "^ c #645C00",\ "/ c #2A2200",\ "( c #292000",\ "_ c #777100",\ ": c #F8F800",\ "< c #746F00",\ "[ c #3F3700",\ "} c #EAE900",\ "| c #FDFD00",\ "1 c #EAEA00",\ "2 c #3C3400",\ "3 c #7C7600",\ "4 c #F6F500",\ "5 c #AAA700",\ "6 c #595200",\ "7 c #2F2600",\ "8 c #322900",\ "9 c #645D00",\ "0 c #B4B100",\ "a c #787200",\ "b c #2C2100",\ "c c #A6A200",\ "d c #FAFA00",\ "e c #948F00",\ "f c #2F2700",\ "g c #989400",\ "h c #F9F900",\ "i c #A39F00",\ "j c #A9A500",\ "k c #C1BD00",\ "l c #372E00",\ "m c #292200",\ "n c #352C00",\ "o c #C8C500",\ "p c #A3A000",\ "q c #847E00",\ "r c #969200",\ "s c #292300",\ "t c #979400",\ "u c #7D7800",\ "v c #453D00",\ "w c #767100",\ "x c #797300",\ "y c #433B00",\ "z c #2D2300",\ "A c #EDED00",\ "B c #979200",\ "C c #878200",\ "D c #C4C200",\ "E c #C1BF00",\ "F c #837D00",\ "G c #F8F700",\ "H c #312800",\ "I c #8B8600",\ "J c #8D8800",\ "K c #736D00",\ "L c #E4E300",\ "M c #F5F500",\ "N c #2E2600",\ "O c #2B2400",\ "P c #2A2400",\ "Q c #2D2500",\ "R c #382F00",\ "S c #A09C00",\ "T c #696200",\ "U c #4B4300",\ "V c #4F4600",\ "W c #686100",\ "X c #FDFC00",\ "Y c #FEFE00",\ "Z c #A19E00",\ "` c #2A2100",\ " . c #A5A100",\ ".. c #A4A100",\ "+. c #6B6500",\ "@. c #524A00",\ "#. c #4E4700",\ "$. c #656000",\ "%. c #362E00",\ "&. c #ADAA00",\ "*. c #362D00",\ "=. c #E7E500",\ "-. c #F7F600",\ ";. c #E2E000",\ ">. c #777000",\ ",. c #878300",\ "'. c #8E8900",\ "). c #2E2500",\ "!. c #332A00",\ "~. c #888300",\ "{. c #BDBB00",\ "]. c #2A2000",\ "^. c #C5C300",\ "/. c #827E00",\ "(. c #ECEC00",\ "_. c #938E00",\ ":. c #463E00",\ "<. c #746D00",\ "[. c #756F00",\ "}. c #423A00",\ "|. c #827D00",\ "1. c #928E00",\ "2. c #2D2000",\ "3. c #807A00",\ "4. c #A9A400",\ "5. c #C7C500",\ "6. c #342B00",\ "7. c #C2BE00",\ "8. c #A9A600",\ "9. c #959100",\ "0. c #A4A000",\ "a. c #7D7700",\ "b. c #565000",\ "c. c #302600",\ "d. c #EDEC00",\ "e. c #E9E800",\ "f. c #3E3700",\ "g. c #766F00",\ "h. c #655F00",\ "i. c #DEDD00",\ "j. c #E0DF00",\ "k. c #635D00",\ "l. c #949000",\ "m. c #908B00",\ "n. c #FFEA00",\ "o. c #FFE600",\ "p. c #FFE100",\ " . . . . . . 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"]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Cosmetic hole thread ground view" helpText = "Draw cosmetic hole threads ground view:"+ "\n"\ "- pick favoured line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select many circles"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Grundriß kosmetisches Bohrungsgewinde" helpText = "Zeichne ein kosmetisches Bohrungsgewinde im Grundriß:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle die gewünschten Eigenschaften der Linien"+ "\n"\ "- wähle mehrere Kreise"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Filettatura foro in pianta" helpText = "Disegna il simbolo tecnico della filettatura in pianta di un foro:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi linea"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare la/e circonferenza/e che rappresentano i fori filettati"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Filetage du trou en plan" helpText = "Dessinez le symbole technique du filetage dans le plan d'un trou:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir les attributs de ligne"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez la (les) circonférence (s) qui représentent les trous filetés"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Rosca de agujero en planta" helpText = "Dibujar el símbolo técnico de la rosca de un agujero en planta:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos de línea"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione la (s) circunferencia (s) que representan los orificios roscados"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: commonTools.drawCosmeticThreadArcs(View,ObjectList,True) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class DrawCosmeticThreadBolt: '''Draw a cosmetic bolt thread at selected circles''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 202 2",\ " c None",\ ". c #2B2200",\ "+ c #FFFF00",\ "@ c #2A2300",\ "# c #2C2200",\ "$ c #2B2300",\ "% c #2A2200",\ "& c #2F2600",\ "* c #4C4500",\ "= c #3F3700",\ "- c #777100",\ "; c #B4B100",\ "> c #E9E800",\ ", c #FDFD00",\ "' c #FCFC00",\ ") c #E7E700",\ "! c #767000",\ "~ c #3E3600",\ "{ c #2D2000",\ "] c #2B2100",\ "^ c #322900",\ "/ c #D1CF00",\ "( c #FEFE00",\ "_ c #756F00",\ ": c #342C00",\ "< c #8B8600",\ "[ c #F3F300",\ "} c #F6F500",\ "| c #918D00",\ "1 c #332B00",\ "2 c #2C2300",\ "3 c #7C7600",\ "4 c #F7F600",\ "5 c #F0F000",\ "6 c #F5F500",\ "7 c #7A7400",\ "8 c #463F00",\ "9 c #D6D400",\ "0 c #D8D600",\ "a c #827D00",\ "b c #362E00",\ "c c #858000",\ "d c #D9D800",\ "e c #D7D600",\ "f c #463E00",\ "g c #2A2100",\ "h c #6F6900",\ "i c #FBFB00",\ "j c #898300",\ "k c #2E2600",\ "l c #8A8600",\ "m c #F6F600",\ "n c #FAFA00",\ "o c #6C6700",\ "p c #A19E00",\ "q c #F8F800",\ "r c #756E00",\ "s c #787300",\ "t c #9E9A00",\ "u c #B5B200",\ "v c #ADAA00",\ "w c #2E2500",\ "x c #2C2100",\ "y c #B2AE00",\ "z c #B4B000",\ "A c #BDBA00",\ "B c #F9F900",\ "C c #595200",\ "D c #5C5500",\ "E c #BDB900",\ "F c #A6A100",\ "G c #E9E900",\ "H c #383000",\ "I c #393100",\ "J c #ECEC00",\ "K c #817C00",\ "L c #E0DE00",\ "M c #FF0000",\ "N c #332C00",\ "O c #E2E100",\ "P c #7D7700",\ "Q c #4A4200",\ "R c #E6E500",\ "S c #302700",\ "T c #E4E400",\ "U c #484100",\ "V c #2D2500",\ "W c #EFED00",\ "X c #F2F200",\ "Y c #383100",\ "Z c #2B2000",\ "` c #393200",\ " . c #EDEC00",\ ".. c #9A9600",\ "+. c #544B00",\ "@. c #292300",\ "#. c #504900",\ "$. c #969200",\ "%. c #3D3500",\ "&. c #8B8700",\ "*. c #8F8A00",\ "=. c #3C3300",\ "-. c #C2C000",\ ";. c #E7E500",\ ">. c #2D2400",\ ",. c #E5E400",\ "'. c #C0BD00",\ "). c #574F00",\ "!. c #D0CE00",\ "~. c #D0CF00",\ "{. c #B1AE00",\ "]. c #5B5400",\ "^. c #595300",\ "/. c #615B00",\ "(. c #E7E600",\ "_. c #605800",\ ":. c #C9C600",\ "<. c #C6C300",\ "[. c #433B00",\ "}. c #453D00",\ "|. c #372F00",\ "1. c #EDED00",\ "2. c #EEED00",\ "3. c #372E00",\ "4. c #716B00",\ "5. c #B6B200",\ "6. c #B7B400",\ "7. c #6F6A00",\ "8. c #2C2400",\ "9. c #A39F00",\ "0. c #888300",\ "a. c #A09B00",\ "b. c #D0CD00",\ "c. c #645E00",\ "d. c #666000",\ "e. c #CDCC00",\ "f. c #CFCD00",\ "g. c #676000",\ "h. c #CDCB00",\ "i. c #868100",\ "j. c #B8B500",\ "k. c #292100",\ "l. c #EFEE00",\ "m. c #443C00",\ "n. c #C7C600",\ "o. c #8F8B00",\ "p. c #C5C200",\ "q. c #605A00",\ "r. c #5E5700",\ "s. c #5A5400",\ "t. c #B0AC00",\ "u. c #D2D000",\ "v. c #AEAC00",\ "w. c #C1BE00",\ "x. c #E6E600",\ "y. c #3C3400",\ "z. c #8E8A00",\ "A. c #908B00",\ "B. c #3B3200",\ "C. c #989300",\ "D. c #544C00",\ "E. c #514900",\ "F. c #949000",\ "G. c #3A3300",\ "H. c #3A3200",\ "I. c #F4F400",\ "J. c #ECEB00",\ "K. c #EAE900",\ "L. c #484000",\ "M. c #7B7600",\ "N. c #A09C00",\ "O. c #BBB800",\ "P. c #B3AF00",\ "Q. c #B4B200",\ "R. c #9C9700",\ "S. c #797500",\ "T. c #2C1F00",\ "U. c #9B9600",\ "V. c #6B6500",\ "W. c #8C8700",\ "X. c #302800",\ "Y. c #8C8800",\ "Z. c #6B6400",\ "`. c #D3D100",\ " + c #DCDB00",\ ".+ c #878200",\ "++ c #898500",\ "@+ c #292200",\ "#+ c #797300",\ "$+ c #F1F100",\ "%+ c #766F00",\ "&+ c #312800",\ "*+ c #837D00",\ "=+ c #918C00",\ "-+ c #322A00",\ ";+ c #726D00",\ ">+ c #CECB00",\ ",+ c #736D00",\ "'+ c #B2AF00",\ ")+ c #FDFC00",\ "!+ c #B1AD00",\ "~+ c #4B4300",\ " . + + + + . 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S Q.+ + + + + y 2 . ",\ " . . R.+ + + + + B S.. . . $ # . + + + + . T.. . . . . P B + + + + + U.. # ",\ " . . V.n + + + + + m W.X.. . . . . . + + + + . . ] . . . X.Y.q + + + + + n Z.. ] ",\ " # . }.`.+ + + + + + + +.+|.. . . + + + + . . . Y ++ ++ + + + + + + 9 m.. g ",\ " @+. . #+I.+ + + + + + + + ( $+. + + + + . $+( + + + + + + + + [ %+. . @ ",\ " @ . &+*+X + + + + + + + + . + + + + . + + + + + + + + m =+-+. ] ",\ " % . &+;+>+( + + + + + . + + + + . + + + + + ( >+;+&+. . ",\ " @ . . y.,+'+(.)++ . + + + + . + )+(.!+,+y.. . @ ",\ " 8.@ # . . w ~+. + + + + . Q w . . # 2 { ",\ " { $ 2 . + + + + . 2 $ 8. ",\ " . . . . . . "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Screw/pin/shaft thread in plan" helpText = "Draw the technical symbol of the thread in the screw/pin/shaft plant :"+ "\n"\ "- pick favoured line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select the circumference (s) that represent screw/pin/shaft"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Schraube/Stift/ Wellengewinde im Grundriss" helpText = "Zeichne das technische Symbol Schraube/Stift/ Wellengewinde im Grundriss:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle die gewünschten Eigenschaften der Linien"+ "\n"\ "- wähle die Umrisse von Schraube/Stift/Wellengewinde"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Filettatura vite/perno/albero in pianta" helpText = "Disegna il simbolo tecnico della filettatura vite/perno/albero in pianta:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi linea"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare la/e circonferenza/e che rappresentano vite/perno/albero"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Filetage vis/goupille/arbre en plan" helpText = "Dessinez le symbole technique du filetage vis/pivot/axe en plan:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir les attributs de ligne"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez la (les) circonférence (s) représentant la vis/la broche/l'axe"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Rosca de tornillo/pasador/eje en planta" helpText = "Dibujar en plano el símbolo técnico de la rosca de tornillo/pivote/árbol en planta:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos de línea"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione la (s) circunferencia (s) que representan tornillo/pasador/eje"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: commonTools.drawCosmeticThreadArcs(View,ObjectList,False) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class DrawCosmeticThreadSideHole: '''Draw cosmetic hole thread side view''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 13 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #2B2200",\ "+ c #FFFF00",\ "@ c #FF0000",\ "# c #FAFA00",\ "$ c #2D2300",\ "% c #292400",\ "& c #2C2300",\ "* c #2C1F00",\ "= c #322900",\ "- c #2B2100",\ "; c #2D2200",\ "> c #2B2400",\ " .... ",\ " .++. ",\ " @@@@@@ .#+. $$$$$% ",\ " @@@@@@ ........ .#+. ........ @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ........ .#+. ........ @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .#+. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .#+. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .#+. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .#+. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .#+. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .#+. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. &... ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .... ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .... ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .... ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .... ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ....* ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++=- ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++=- ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. &...; ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .... ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ..++++.. @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ..++++.. .++. ........ @@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@@@ ........ .++. ........ @@@@@@ ",\ " ........ .++. >$$$$% ",\ " .++. ",\ " .... "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Cosmetic thread side view" helpText = "Draw a cosmetic thread:"+ "\n"\ "- pick favoured line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select two parallel lines"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Seitenriß kosmetisches Bohrungsgewinde" helpText = "Zeiche ein symbolisches Bohrungsgewinde von der Seite:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle die gewünschten Eigenschaften der Linien"+ "\n"\ "- wähle zwei parallele Linien"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Filettatura foro vista laterale/sezione" helpText = "Disegna il simbolo tecnico della filettatura di un foro in vista laterale o sezione:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi linea"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare due linee parallele che rappresentano il foro da filettare"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Filetage du trou vue côté/section" helpText = "Dessine le symbole technique du filetage d'un trou en vue de côté ou en coupe:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir les attributs de ligne"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionner deux lignes parallèles représentant le trou à tarauder"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Rosca del orificio vista lateralde/ sección" helpText = "Dibuja el símbolo técnico de la rosca de un agujero en la vista lateral o en sección:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos de línea"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione dos líneas paralelas que representen el agujero que se va a roscar"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: commonTools.drawCosmeticThreadLines(View,ObjectList,True) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class DrawCosmeticThreadSideBolt: '''Draw cosmetic bolt thread side view''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 10 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #2B2200",\ "+ c #FFFF00",\ "@ c #FF0000",\ "# c #2D2300",\ "$ c #2C2300",\ "% c #2B2300",\ "& c #292100",\ "* c #2A2100",\ "= c #F1F000",\ " ..... ",\ " .+++. ",\ " ....... @@@@@@ .+++. ###### ",\ " ....... @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ....... ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ....... ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ ..... @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ ..... @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ ..... @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ $%%%$ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ ..... @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ ..... @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ &%%%* @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ ..... @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+=+. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ ..... @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ ..... @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ..+++.. ",\ " ....... @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ....... ",\ " ....... @@@@@@ .+++. @@@@@@ ....... ",\ " .+++. ##### ",\ " .+++. ",\ " ..... "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Thread Screw/pin/shaft side view/section" helpText = "Draw the technical symbol of the screw/pin/shaft thread in side or section view :"+ "\n"\ "- pick favoured line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select two parallel lines representing the screw/pin/shaft thread"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Schraube Gewinde/Stift/Welle Seitenansicht/Abschnitt" helpText = "Zeiche ein symbolisches Schraubengewinde von der Seite:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle die gewünschten Eigenschaften der Linien"+ "\n"\ "- Wählen Sie zwei parallele Linien, welche Schraube/Stift/Baum repräsentieren"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Filettatura vite/perno/albero vista laterale/sezione" helpText = "Disegna il simbolo tecnico della filettatura vite/perno/albero in vista laterale o sezione:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi linea"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare due linee parallele che rappresentano vite/perno/albero da filettare"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Filetage vis/goupille/arbre côté/section" helpText = "Dessinez le symbole technique de la vis/goupille/arbre filetage en vue latérale ou en coupe:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir les attributs de ligne"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionner deux lignes parallèles représentant la vis/goupille/arbre à fileter"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Rosca tornillo/pasador/eje vista lateral/secció" helpText = "Dibuje el símbolo técnico del rosca tornillo/pasador/eje en la vista lateral o en sección:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos de línea"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione dos líneas paralelas que representen tornillo/pasador/eje a roscar"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: commonTools.drawCosmeticThreadLines(View,ObjectList,False) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class IntersectionVertex: '''Create vertexes at intersection of two edges (lines and/or circles)''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 38 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #2B2200",\ "+ c #2D2400",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #FBFB00",\ "$ c #F9F900",\ "% c #FAFA00",\ "& c #F8F800",\ "* c #F6F500",\ "= c #F5F500",\ "- c #F4F400",\ "; c #F3F300",\ "> c #F1F000",\ ", c #F0EF00",\ "' c #EFEF00",\ ") c #EEEE00",\ "! c #EBEA00",\ "~ c #EAE900",\ "{ c #FF0000",\ "] c #E9E800",\ "^ c #FF0200",\ "/ c #FF0100",\ "( c #FF0C00",\ "_ c #FF0600",\ ": c #FD0000",\ "< c #FDFD00",\ "[ c #302700",\ "} c #FEFE00",\ "| c #FDFC00",\ "1 c #2D2500",\ "2 c #3A2900",\ "3 c #F8F700",\ "4 c #FF0A00",\ "5 c #FF1C00",\ "6 c #FAED00",\ "7 c #FF1300",\ "8 c #2B2400",\ "9 c #2F2700",\ " ",\ " ",\ " .. ",\ " ..... .+. ",\ " .@@@. ..@. ",\ " .@@@. ..#@. ",\ " .@@@. ..$@@. ",\ " ..@@.. ..%@@@. ",\ " .@@@. ..$@@@.. ",\ " ..@@. ..&@@@.. ",\ " .@@.. ..*@@@.. ",\ " .@@@. ..=@@@.. ",\ " ..@@. ..=@@@.. ",\ " .@@. ..-@@@.. ",\ " ..@@. ..;@@@.. ",\ " ..@. ..>@@@.. ",\ " .@.. ..,@@@.. ",\ " .@@. ..'@@@.. ",\ " .@@. ..)@@@.. ",\ " .@@.. ..!@@@.. ",\ " ..@@. ..~@@@.. ",\ " ..{{{{{{ ..]@@@.. ",\ " {{^{{{{{{{{.]@@@.. ",\ " {{{{{{{{{{{{{@@@.. ",\ " {{{{{{{{{{{{{/{@.. ",\ " {{{{{{{{{{{{{{(.. ",\ " .......{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ ",\ " ....@@@@@@_{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{: ",\ " ...@@@@@@@@@{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ ",\ " ...$@@@......{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{. ",\ " ..@@<@... {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{[. ",\ " ..}@@.. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{@.. ",\ " ..@|.. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{@@.. ",\ " ..@*.1 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{2@@@.. ",\ " ..@@.. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{...@@.. ",\ " ..3<.. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ ..@@.. ",\ " .@@.. ..4{{{{{{{{{{{{{ ..@@.. ",\ " ..@@. ..@{5{{{{{{{{{{{ ..@@.. ",\ " .@@.. ..@@@6{{{{{{{7{. ..@@.. ",\ " .3@. ..@@@%.. {{{{{@@. ..@@. ",\ " ..@.. ..@@@#.. ..@@@. ..@@. ",\ " .@@. ..@@@|.. ..@@.. .@@.. ",\ " .@@. ..@@@|.. .@@@. ..@@.8 ",\ " .@@. ..@@@|.. .@@@. .@@.. ",\ " .... ..@@@<.. .@@@. ..@@9 ",\ " ..@@@}.. ..@@.. .@@+ ",\ " ..@@@@.. .@@@. .@@.. ",\ " ..*@@@.. .@@@. ..@@. ",\ " ..@@@}.. ..@@. .@@. ",\ " ..@@@@.. .@@.. .@@. ",\ " ..@@@@.. .@@@. .@@. ",\ " ..@@@@.. .@@@. .... ",\ " ..@@@@.. ..@@.. ",\ " ..@@@@.. .@@@. ",\ " ..@@@@.. .@@@. ",\ " ..@@@@.. ..... ",\ " .}@@@.. ",\ " .@@@.. ",\ " .@@.. ",\ " .@.. ",\ " ... ",\ " .. ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create Vertex(es) at Intersection" helpText = "Create the vertexes at intersection of lines:"+ "\n"\ "- select two lines/circles/arcs"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge Fangpunkt(e) im Schnittpunkt" helpText = "Erzeuge Fangpunkte im Schnitt von Linien:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle zwei Linien/Kreise/Kreisbögen"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Vertice/i nell'intersezione" helpText = "Inserisce vertice/i cosmetico/i nel/i punto/i di intersezione:"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare linee/circonferenze/archi che intersecano"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Sommet (s) à l'intersection" helpText = "Insérer des sommets cosmétiques au (x) point (s) d'intersection:"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionner des lignes/cercles/arcs qui se croisent "+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Vértice (s) en la intersección" helpText = "Insertar vértices cosméticos en los puntos de intersección:"+ "\n"\ "- seleccionar líneas/círculos/arcos que se cruzan"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: if len(ObjectList) < 2: return Edges = [] for ObjectString in ObjectList: if ObjectString[0:4] == 'Edge': Edges.append(View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectString)) if Edges[0].Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomCircle': Line1 = Part.Circle(Edges[0].Curve.Center,app.Vector(0,0,1),Edges[0].Curve.Radius) else: Line1 = Part.Line(Edges[0].Vertexes[0].Point,Edges[0].Vertexes[1].Point) if Edges[1].Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomCircle': Line2 = Part.Circle(Edges[1].Curve.Center,app.Vector(0,0,1),Edges[1].Curve.Radius) else: Line2 = Part.Line(Edges[1].Vertexes[0].Point,Edges[1].Vertexes[1].Point) InterPnts = Line1.intersect(Line2) for Ip in InterPnts[:2]: View.makeCosmeticVertex(app.Vector(Ip.X,Ip.Y,Ip.Z)) Vertex = View.CosmeticVertexes[-1] Vertex.Size = View.CosmeticVertexes[0].Size View.recompute() gui.Selection.clearSelection() class ChangeLineStyle: '''Change style/ thickness/color of selected lines''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 31 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #2B2200",\ "+ c #2B2300",\ "@ c #322900",\ "# c #393100",\ "$ c #302700",\ "% c #FF0000",\ "& c #FFFF00",\ "* c #2C2200",\ "= c #FF0100",\ "- c #FF0200",\ "; c #FF0300",\ "> c #FF0400",\ ", c #FF0500",\ "' c #2F2100",\ ") c #312100",\ "! c #FF3500",\ "~ c #FFF600",\ "{ c #FFF500",\ "] c #FFF400",\ "^ c #FF2400",\ "/ c #FFF200",\ "( c #FF0900",\ "_ c #FFF300",\ ": c #FFF700",\ "< c #FF0600",\ "[ c #FF0F00",\ "} c #FF1D00",\ "| c #FFFD00",\ "1 c #FFFE00",\ "2 c #2C2100",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ........................................... ",\ " +............................................ ",\ " ............................................... ",\ " ....@#####################################$.... %%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... %%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... %%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... %%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... %%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... %%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&....%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&...%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%=%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%=%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%. ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.. ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'.. ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%)... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&=%%&&%%%%%%%%%%%&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!%%%%&&%%%%%%%%%~&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%&&%%%%%%%{&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%&&%%%%%]&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&^%%%%%%%%&&%%%/&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%(&_&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&:<%%%%%%[&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&}%%%%%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&|%%%%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " ....&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.... ",\ " .............................................. ",\ " 2...........................................* ",\ " .......................................... ",\ " ........................................ "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Change the line attributes" helpText = "Change the attributes of selected lines:"+ "\n"\ "- pick favoured line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select many cosmetic or center lines"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Linienart ändern" helpText = "Ändern der Eigenschaften von ausgewählten Linien:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle die gewünschten Eigenschaften der Linien"+ "\n"\ "- wähle mehrere kosmetische oder Mittellinien"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Modifica attributi cosmetiche: linee, archi, circonferenze" helpText = "Modifica gli attributi di elementi cosmetici:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare gli elementi cosmetici da modificare"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Modifier les attributs cosmétiques: lignes, arcs, cercles" helpText = "Modifier les attributs des objets cosmétiques:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir des attributs"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionner les éléments cosmétiques à modifier"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Cambiar atributos cosméticos: líneas, arcos, círculos" helpText = "Cambiar los atributos de los artículos cosméticos:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos"+ "\n"\ "- seleccionar los elementos cosméticos a modificar"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: for ObjectString in ObjectList: if ObjectString[0:4] == 'Edge': Edge = View.getCenterLineBySelection(ObjectString) if Edge == None: Edge = View.getCosmeticEdgeBySelection(ObjectString) if Edge != None: newFormat = (Attrib.getStyle(),Attrib.getWidth(),Attrib.getColorTuple(),True) Edge.Format = newFormat View.requestPaint() gui.Selection.clearSelection() class drawDiameterSign: '''Inserta a '⌀' sign in a measure''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 10 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #2B2200",\ "@ c #2C2300",\ "# c #FFFF00",\ "$ c #2C2200",\ "% c #342B00",\ "& c #FEFE00",\ "* c #2D2400",\ "= c #FDFD00",\ " .... ",\ " ...... ",\ " ...... ",\ " ...... ",\ " ...... ",\ " .............. ",\ " ................. ",\ " .................... ",\ " ....................... ",\ " .......................... ",\ " ............................ ",\ " ......... .............. ",\ " ........ ...... ........ ",\ " ........ ..... ........ ",\ " ....... ...... ....... ",\ " ....... ...... ....... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ..... ..... ..... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ..... ..... ",\ " ..... ...... ..... ",\ " ..... ...... ..... ",\ " ..... ...... ..... ",\ " ..... ..... ..... ",\ " ..... ...... ..... ",\ " ...... ...... ..... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ..... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ....... ...... ....... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ....... ..... ....... ",\ " ....... ...... ....... ",\ " ........ ...... ........ ",\ " .............. ......... ",\ " ............. ........... ",\ " ............................ ",\ " .......................... ",\ " ...................... ",\ " .................. ",\ " ................ ",\ " +++ ............ ",\ " ++@+ ...... +++ ",\ " +++++ ...... ++++ ",\ " +++#++ ..... +++++ ",\ " +++##++ .... ++#+++ ",\ " +++###++ ++##+++ ",\ " ++++####+$+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++###+@+ ",\ " +++++%#&###+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++####*+++ ",\ "+++++####################################################+++++ ",\ "+++##=######################################################++++",\ "+++++######################################################=##++",\ " +++++####################################################++++",\ " +++*####+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++###&#%+++++ ",\ " +@+###+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$+####++++ ",\ " +++##++ ++###+++ ",\ " +++#++ ++##+++ ",\ " +++++ ++#+++ ",\ " ++++ +++++ ",\ " +++ ++++ "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Insert a 'Ø' sign" helpText = "Insert a 'Ø' sign in a measure:"+ "\n"\ "- select many measures"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText ="Einfügen eines 'Ø' Zeichens" helpText = "Füge ein 'Ø' Zeichen vor der Maßzahl ein:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle ein Maß"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Inserisci il simbolo 'Ø ' nella dimensione" helpText = "Inserisce il simbolo 'Ø' (diametro) in una dimensione:"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare le dimensioni"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Entrez le symbole 'Ø' dans la cote" helpText = "Insère le symbole 'Ø' (diamètre) dans une cote:"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez les taille"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Ingrese el símbolo 'Ø' en la dimensión" helpText = "Inserta el símbolo 'Ø' (diámetro) en una dimensión:"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione los tamaño"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): DiamSign ='⌀' Sel = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx() for Elem in Sel: if Elem.Object.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewDimension': OldFormat = Elem.Object.FormatSpec Elem.Object.FormatSpec = DiamSign+OldFormat class drawRectangleSign: '''Inserta a '〼' sign in a measure''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 11 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #2B2200",\ "@ c #2B2000",\ "# c #2C2300",\ "$ c #2C2200",\ "% c #FFFF00",\ "& c #342B00",\ "* c #FEFE00",\ "= c #2D2400",\ "- c #FDFD00",\ " .... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ...... ",\ " ...... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ...... ",\ " .................................... ",\ " ...................................... ",\ " ........................................ ",\ " ........................................ ",\ " ........................................ ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ........................................ ",\ " ........................................ ",\ " ........................................ ",\ " ...................................... ",\ " .................................... ",\ " +++.................................@ ",\ " ++#+ ...... $+++ ",\ " +++++ ...... ++++ ",\ " +++%++ .... +++++ ",\ " +++%%++ ++%+++ ",\ " +++%%%++ ++%%+++ ",\ " ++++%%%%+$+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%%%+#+ ",\ " +++++&%*%%%+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%%%%=+++ ",\ "+++++%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+++++ ",\ "+++%%-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%++++",\ "+++++%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%%++",\ " +++++%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%++++",\ " +++=%%%%+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%%%*%&+++++ ",\ " +#+%%%+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++$+%%%%++++ ",\ " +++%%++ ++%%%+++ ",\ " +++%++ ++%%+++ ",\ " +++++ ++%+++ ",\ " ++++ +++++ "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Insert a '〼' sign" helpText = "Insert a '〼' sign in a measure:"+ "\n"\ "- select many measures"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Einfügen eines '〼' Zeichens" helpText = "Füge ein'〼' Zeichen vor der Maßzahl ein:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle ein Maß"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Inserisci il simbolo '〼' nella dimensione (tubolare)" helpText = "Inserisce il segno a '〼' (dimensione tubolare) in una dimensione:"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare le dimensioni"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Insérez le symbole '〼' dans la dimension (tubulaire)" helpText = "Insère la marque '〼' (tubulaire) dans une dimension:"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez les taille"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Inserte el símbolo '〼' en la dimensión (tubular)" helpText = "Inserta la marca '〼' (tubular) en una dimensión:"+ "\n"\ "- selecciona los tamaño"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): RectSign ='〼' Sel = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx() for Elem in Sel: if Elem.Object.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewDimension': OldFormat = Elem.Object.FormatSpec Elem.Object.FormatSpec = RectSign+OldFormat class positionSectionView: ''' Position a section view at same x or y as its base view''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 4 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #141000",\ "+ c #FFFF00",\ "@ c #FF0000",\ "............................... ",\ "............................... ",\ ".. +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ .. ",\ ".. +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ .. ",\ ".. +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ .. ",\ ".. +++++++ +++++++ +++++++ .. ",\ "..++++...................++++.. ",\ "..++++...................++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ ".. .. .. .. ",\ ".. .. .. .. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. ",\ ".. .. .. .. ",\ ".. .. .. .. ",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@ @@@@",\ "..++++.. ..++++.. @@@@ @@@@",\ ".. .. .. .. @@@@ @@@@",\ ".. .. .. .. @@@@ @ @@@@",\ ".. .. ..++++.. @@@ @@@@",\ "..++++...................++++.. @@@ ",\ "..++++...................++++.. @@@@@ ",\ "..++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++.. @@@@ @@@@@ ",\ "..++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++.. @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@",\ "..++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++.. @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@",\ "..++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++.. @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@",\ "............................... @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@",\ "............................... @@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@@@@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@@@@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ ",\ " @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@ ",\ " @@@ ",\ " @@@@ @@@ ",\ " @@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@ @@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@ @@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@ @@@@",\ " @@@@",\ " @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@",\ " @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@",\ " @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@"]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Orthogonal projection group: section view positioning" helpText = "Position a section view at same x or y as its base view"+ "\n"\ "- select a section view"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Orthogonale Projektionsgruppe: Schnittansichtspositionierung" helpText = "Positioniere eine Schnittansicht bei der gleichen x oder y Koordinate wie die Basisansicht"+ "\n"\ "- wähle eine Schnittansicht"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Gruppo proiezioni ortog.: posizionamento vista in sezione" helpText = "Posiziona una vista in sezione alla coordinata 'x' o 'y' della sua vista di base"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare una vista in sezione"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Groupe de projection orthograp.: positionnement de la vue en coupe" helpText = "Place une vue en coupe à la coordonnée «x» ou «y» de sa vue de base"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez une vue en coupe"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Grupo de proyección ortográfica: posicionamiento de vista en sección" helpText = "Coloca una vista de sección en la coordenada 'x' o 'y' de su vista base"+ "\n"\ "- seleccionar una vista de sección"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): if gui.Selection.getCompleteSelection(): Section = gui.Selection.getCompleteSelection()[0] if Section.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewSection': BaseView = Section.BaseView if BaseView.TypeId == "TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem": Base = BaseView.InList[0] else: Base = BaseView if abs(Section.Direction.x) == 1: Section.Y=Base.Y if abs(Section.Direction.y) == 1: Section.X=Base.X class changeLockPosition: '''change the LockPosition of the selected view''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 17 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #141000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #FCFC00",\ "$ c #FDFD00",\ "% c #F9F900",\ "& c #FBFB00",\ "* c #231F1B",\ "= c #FFF800",\ "- c #FF2000",\ "; c #2C1F0C",\ "> c #FCFB00",\ ", c #FF0100",\ "' c #FEFE00",\ ") c #F9F901",\ "! c #FDFC00",\ " ..... +++++++ ",\ " ....... +++++++++++ ",\ " .......... ++@@@@@@#@+++ ",\ " ............ +++@@@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " ................ +++@@$@@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " ...................... +++@@@@++++@@@@@++ ",\ " .......................... +++@@%@++++++@@@@@++ ",\ " ............................ ++@@@@+++ +++@@@@++ ",\ " ............................ ++@@@@+++ ++@@@@@+ ",\ " ......... ............. ++@@@@++ +++@@@@++ ",\ " ....... ........... ++@@@+++ ++@@@@++ ",\ " ...... ........ ++@@@@++ ++@@@@@+ ",\ " ...... ...... ++&@@@++ ++@@@@@+ ",\ " ...... .. +++@@@+++ ++@@@@@+ ",\ " ..... ++@@@@++ +++@@@@++",\ " ..... ++@@@@++ ++@@@@++",\ " ..... ++@@@@++ ++@@@@++",\ " .... ++++++++ ++@@@@+ ++++++++",\ " ..... *++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++",\ " ..... ++++++++++++++++++++++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " ..... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " ..... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " ..... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " ..... +++@@@@@@@...=@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " ... ...... +++@@@@@@.-...@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " .......... +++@@@@@@.....@@@@@@@+++ ",\ " ............. +++@@@@@@.....@@@@@@@+++ ++++ ",\ " ............... +++@@@@@@.....@@@@@@@+++ +++++; ",\ " ................. +++@@@@@@.....@@@@@@@+++ +++++++ ",\ " ....... ...... +++@@@@@@.....@@@@@@@+++ ++@@@++ ",\ " ...... ...... +++@@@@@@.....@@@@@@@+++ ++@@@@++ ",\ " ...... ..... +++@@@@@@.....@@@@@@@+++ ++@@@@++ ",\ " ...... ...... +++@@@@@@.....@@@@@@@+++ ++@@@@++ ",\ " ..... ..... +++@@@@@@@...@@@@@@@@+++ ++@@@@++ ",\ " ..... ..... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ++@@@@++ ",\ "..... ..... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ++@@@@++ ",\ "..... ....... ..... ++++++++++++++++++++++ ++@@@@++ ",\ "....................... ++++++++++++++++++++ ++@@@@++ ",\ "....................... +++++++++++++++++ ++@@@@++ ",\ "....................... ++>@@+++ ",\ "....................... ++@@@@+++ ",\ "....................... ++@@@@+++ ",\ "....................... +++@@@@++ ",\ "....................... ++++ +++@@@#+++ ",\ "....................... ++++++ +++@@@@+++ ",\ "....................... ++++@@++ +++@@@@@++ ",\ "..........@@@,......... ++++@@'@++ +++@@@@)++ ",\ ".........@@@@@......... ++++@@@@@@++++++++++@@@@$+++ ",\ ".........@@@@@......... ++++@@@@@@@@+++++++++@@@@)+++ ",\ ".........@@@@@......... +++@@@@@@@@@@@++@@@@@@@@@@@@++ ",\ ".........@@@@@......... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@++@@@@@@@@@@+++ ",\ ".........@@@@@......... +++@!@@@@@@@@@++@@@@@@@@++++ ",\ ".........@@@@@......... ++++@@@@@@@@++@@@@@+++++ ",\ ".........@@@@@......... ++++@@@@@@+++++++++ ",\ ".........@@@@@......... ++++@@@@+++++++ ",\ ".........@@@@@......... ++++@@++ ",\ " .........@@@.......... ++++++ ",\ " ................... ++++ ",\ " ................. "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Lock/Unlock a view" helpText = "Lock/Unlock a view"+ "\n"\ "- select a view"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Ansichtverschiebung sperren/öffnen" helpText ="Ansichtverschiebung sperren/öffnen"+ "\n"\ "- wähle eine Ansicht"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Blocca/Sblocca una vista" helpText = "Blocca/sblocca una vista (non modificabile/modificabile):"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare una vista"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Verrouiller/déverrouiller une vue" helpText = "Verrouiller/déverrouiller une vue (non modifiable / modifiable):"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez une vue"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Bloquear/desbloquear una vista" helpText = "Bloquear/desbloquear una vista (no editable/editable):"+ "\n"\ "- seleccionar una vista"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): if gui.Selection.getCompleteSelection(): Select = gui.Selection.getCompleteSelection()[0] if hasattr(Select,'LockPosition'): Select.LockPosition = not Select.LockPosition class createVertDimChain: '''create a vertical chain dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 2 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " .... ",\ " ....... ",\ " ........ ",\ " ................................... ",\ " ................................... ",\ " ................................... ",\ " ........ ",\ " ....... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ....... ",\ " ........... ",\ " ................................... ",\ " ................................... ",\ " ................................... ",\ " ........ ",\ " ....... ",\ " .... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ....... ",\ " ........ ",\ " .................................. ",\ " .................................. ",\ " .................................. ",\ " ......... ",\ " ....... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create a vertical chain dimension" helpText = "Select three or more vertexes"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge senkrechte Kettenbemaßung" helpText = "wähle drei oder mehr Kontrollpunkte"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Dimensioni verticali in serie continue" helpText = "Seleziona tre o più vertici"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Dimensions verticales en série continue" helpText = "Sélectionnez trois sommets ou plus"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Dimensiones verticales en serie continua" helpText = "Seleccione tres o más vértices"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): def sortVertex(Vertex): return Vertex.Point.y (OK,ElementNames,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: scale = View.Scale VertexNames = [VertexName for VertexName in ElementNames if VertexName[:6]=='Vertex'] Vertexes = [View.getVertexBySelection(VertexName) for VertexName in VertexNames] Vertexes.sort(key=sortVertex) if len(Vertexes) > 1: XPos = (Vertexes[0].X) * scale for i in range(len(Vertexes)-1): DistanceDim=TechDraw.makeDistanceDim(View,'DistanceY',Vertexes[i].Point, Vertexes[i+1].Point) DistanceDim.X = XPos DistanceDim.Y = Y = ((Vertexes[i].Point.y+Vertexes[i+1].Point.y)/2) * scale gui.Selection.clearSelection() class createHorizDimChain: '''create a horicontal chain dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 2 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... .... ... ",\ " ... .... ... ",\ " ... .... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ..... .... ..... ",\ " ....... ...... ....... ",\ " ......... ........ ......... ",\ "................................................................",\ "................................................................",\ "................................................................",\ " ......... ........ ......... ",\ " ....... ........ ....... ",\ " ..... ...... ..... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create a horizontal chain dimension" helpText = "Select three or more vertexes"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge waagrechte Kettenbemaßung" helpText = "wähle drei oder mehr Kontrollpunkte"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Dimensioni orizzontali in serie continue" helpText = "Seleziona tre o più vertici"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Dimensions horizontales en série continue" helpText = "Sélectionnez trois sommets ou plus"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Dimensiones horizontales en serie continua" helpText = "Seleccione tres o más vértices"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): def sortVertex(Vertex): return Vertex.Point.x (OK,ElementNames,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: scale = View.Scale VertexNames = [VertexName for VertexName in ElementNames if VertexName[:6]=='Vertex'] Vertexes = [View.getVertexBySelection(VertexName) for VertexName in VertexNames] Vertexes.sort(key=sortVertex) if len(Vertexes) > 1: YPos = Vertexes[0].Y * scale for i in range(len(Vertexes)-1): DistanceDim=TechDraw.makeDistanceDim(View,'DistanceX',Vertexes[i].Point,Vertexes[i+1].Point) DistanceDim.X = X = ((Vertexes[i].Point.x+Vertexes[i+1].Point.x)/2) * scale DistanceDim.Y = YPos gui.Selection.clearSelection() class positionVertDimChain: '''position a vertical chain dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 6 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #000000",\ "+ c #FF0000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #F7F700",\ "$ c #F8F800",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ..... ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++++ .@@@.. ..... ",\ " +++++++ ..@@@@.. ...@@@.. ",\ " +++++++++ ..@@@@@@. ..#@@@@@. ",\ " +++++++++++ ......@@@@@@@.........@@@@@@@.. ",\ " +++++++++++++++++++++++ .@@@@@$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. ",\ " +++++++++++++++++++++++ .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. ",\ " +++++++++++++++++++++++ .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.. ",\ " +++++++++++ .......@@@@@@..........@@@@@@. ",\ " +++++++++ ..@@@@.. ..@@@@.. ",\ " +++++++ ...... ..@@@. ",\ " +++++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " +++ .@@@. ",\ " ..... ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Position a vertical chain dimension" helpText = "Arranges the selected vertical dimensions on the same line:"+ "\n"\ "- select two or more dimensions"+"\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Positioniere senkrechte Kettenbemaßung" helpText = "Ordnet die ausgewählten vertikalen Abmessungen in derselben Linie an:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle zwei oder mehr Maße"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Allinea dimensioni verticali" helpText = "Dispone sulla stessa linea le dimensioni verticali selezionate:"+ "\n"\ "- seleziona due o più dimensioni"+"\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Aligner les dimensions verticales" helpText = "Réorganise les dimensions verticales sélectionnées sur la même ligne:"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez deux ou plusieurs dimensions"+"\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Alinear dimensiones verticales" helpText = "Organiza las dimensiones verticales seleccionadas en la misma línea:"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione dos o más dimensiones"+"\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): Selected = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx() VertictalDimList = [Select.Object for Select in Selected if Select.Object.Type == 'DistanceY'] if len(VertictalDimList) > 1: XPos = VertictalDimList[0].X for Dimension in VertictalDimList: Dimension.X = XPos class positionHorizDimChain: '''position a horizontal chain dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 6 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #000000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #F8F800",\ "$ c #F7F700",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ....... ",\ " ......... ",\ " ........... ",\ " ......................................................... ",\ " ......................................................... ",\ " ......................................................... ",\ " ........... ",\ " ......... ",\ " ....... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " +++++ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@++ ",\ " ++@@#@++ ",\ " ++@@@@@@++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ ",\ " +@@@@@@@@+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ",\ " ++@@@@@@++ ",\ " ++@@@+++ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@@++ ",\ " ++@@@@++ ",\ " ++@@@@@$+ ",\ " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++@@@@@@@++ ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ ",\ " +++++++++++++++++++++++++++@@@@@@++ ",\ " +++@@+++ ",\ " ++++ ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Position a horizontal chain dimension" helpText = "Arranges the selected horizontal dimensions on the same line:"+ "\n"\ "- select two or more measures"+"\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Positioniere waagrechte Kettenbemaßung" helpText = "Ordnet die ausgewählten horizontalen Abmessungen in derselben Linie an:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle zwei oder mehr Maße"+"\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Allinea dimensioni orizzontali" helpText = "Dispone sulla stessa linea le dimensioni orizzontali selezionate:"+ "\n"\ "- seleziona due o più dimensioni"+"\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Aligner les dimensions horizontales" helpText = "Réorganise les dimensions horizontales sélectionnées sur la même ligne:"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez deux ou plusieurs dimensions"+"\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Alinear dimensiones horizontales" helpText = "Organiza las dimensiones horizontales seleccionadas en la misma línea:"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione dos o más dimensiones"+"\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): Selected = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx() HorizontalDimList = [Select.Object for Select in Selected if Select.Object.Type == 'DistanceX'] if len(HorizontalDimList) > 1: YPos = HorizontalDimList[0].Y for Dimension in HorizontalDimList: Dimension.Y = YPos class cascadeVertDimensions: '''cascade vertical dimensions''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 14 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #000000",\ "+ c #FFFF00",\ "@ c #FBFB00",\ "# c #FFFB00",\ "$ c #FFFD00",\ "% c #FF0000",\ "& c #FF1F00",\ "* c #FF0100",\ "= c #FF2900",\ "- c #FF0A00",\ "; c #FF1000",\ "> c #FD0300",\ ", c #FD0000",\ " ...... ",\ " ..++++.. ",\ " ..++++++.. ",\ ".....................................................+@++++++.. ",\ ".+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. ",\ ".+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. ",\ ".+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. ",\ ".....................................................++++++++.. ",\ " ..@++++++. ",\ " ..+++++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ",\ " .+++. ",\ " .+++. ",\ " ....... .+++. ",\ " ..+++++.. .+++. ",\ " ..+++++++.. .+++. ",\ "................................+++++++++.. .+++. ",\ ".+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. .+++. ",\ ".+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. .+++. ",\ ".+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. .+++. ",\ "................................+++++++++.. .+++. ",\ " .+++++++++. .+++. ",\ " ..+++++++.. .+++. ",\ " ..+++++.. .+++. ",\ " ..+++.. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. ",\ " ....... .+++. .+++. ",\ " ..+++++.. .+++. .+++. ",\ " ..+++++++.. .+++. .+++. ",\ "............+++++++++... .+++. .+++. ",\ ".++++++++++++++++++++++. .+++. .+++. ",\ ".++++++++++++++++++++++. .+++. .+++. ",\ ".++++++++++++++++++++++. .+++. .+++. ",\ "............+++++++++... .+++. .+++. ",\ " ..+++++++.. .+++. .+++. ",\ " ..+++++..... .+++. .+++. ",\ " ..+++.. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+++. .+++. ",\ " .+++. .+#+. .$$+. ",\ " .%%%. .&*=. .-;%. ",\ " %%%%> %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%, ",\ " %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% ",\ "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%",\ "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%",\ "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%",\ "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%",\ " %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% %%%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% %%%%%% %%%%% ",\ " %%%% %%%% %%% ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Cascade vertical dimensions" helpText = "Spaces (horizontally), at the set value, the selected vertical dimensions:"+ "\n"\ "- set the cascade value"+ "\n"\ "- select two or more vertical dimensions"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Kaskadiere senkrechte Bemaßungen" helpText = "Stelle den gewünschten Abstand zwischen den Maßen ein:"+ "\n"\ "- Stellen Sie den Abstand Kaskadierung ein"+ "\n"\ "- wähle zwei oder mehr senkrechte Bemaßungen"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Distanziamento dimensioni verticali" helpText = "Distanzia (orizzontalmente), al valore impostato, le quote verticali selezionate:"+ "\n"\ "- impostare Valore distanziamento"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare due o più quote verticali"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Espacement des dimensions verticales" helpText = "Espaces (horizontalement), à la valeur définie, les dimensions verticales sélectionnées:"+ "\n"\ "- définir Valeur d'espacement"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez au moins deux dimensions verticales"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Espaciado de dimensión vertical" helpText = "Espacios (horizontalmente), en el valor establecido, las dimensiones verticales seleccionadas:"+ "\n"\ "- establecer Valor de espaciado"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione dos o más dimensiones verticales"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): Selected = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx() HorizontalDimList = [Select.Object for Select in Selected if Select.Object.Type == 'DistanceY'] if len(HorizontalDimList) > 1: XPos = float(HorizontalDimList[0].X) Sign = XPos/abs(XPos) for Dimension in HorizontalDimList: Dimension.X = XPos XPos = XPos + DimAttrib.getDimLineDistance()*Sign class cascadeHorizDimensions: '''cascade horizontal dimensions''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 14 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #000000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #FD0300",\ "$ c #FF1F00",\ "% c #FF0100",\ "& c #FFFB00",\ "* c #FF2900",\ "= c #FBFB00",\ "- c #FF0A00",\ "; c #FFFD00",\ "> c #FF1000",\ ", c #FD0000",\ " .... +++++ +++++ +++++ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ..... ++@@@++ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ........ ++@@@@@++ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ......... ++@@@@@@@++ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ...........++++++++++++++@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ............@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ............@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ............@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .........#++++++++++++++@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ........ ++@@@@@@@++ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ...... ++@@@@@++ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +++@@@++ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... + +@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... + +++++ +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ...... +++@@@++ +@@@+ ",\ " ......... ++@@@@@@++ +@@@+ ",\ " .......... ++@@@@@@@@++ +@@@+ ",\ " ...........+++++++++++++++++++++++++++@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ...........$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ...........%&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ...........*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ..........+++++++++++++++++++++++++++@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@+ ",\ " ......... ++@@@@@@@@++ +@@@+ ",\ " ........ ++@@@@@@++ +@@@+ ",\ " ..... +++@@@++ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +++++ +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ ",\ " .... +@@@+ ",\ " ..... +@@@+ ",\ " ....... ++@@@++ ",\ " ......... ++@@@@@++ ",\ " .......... ++=@@@@=@++",\ " ...........+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++@@@@@@@@@+",\ " ...........-;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",\ " ...........>;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",\ " ...........@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+",\ " ........,+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++@@@@@@@@++",\ " ....... ++@@@@@@++ ",\ " ..... +++@@@++ ",\ " .... +++++ ",\ " .... "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Cascade horizontal dimensions" helpText = "Spaces (vertically), at the set value, the selected horizontal dimensions::"+ "\n"\ "- set the cascade value"+ "\n"\ "- select two or more horizontal dimensions"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Kaskadiere waagrechte Bemaßungen" helpText = "Stelle den gewünschten Abstand zwischen den Maßen ein:"+ "\n"\ "- Stellen Sie den Abstand Kaskadierung ein"+ "\n"\ "- wähle zwei oder mehr waagrechte Bemaßungen"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Distanziamento dimensioni orizzontali" helpText = "Distanzia (verticalmente), al valore impostato, le quote orizzontali selezionate:"+ "\n"\ "- impostare Valore distanziamento"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare due o più quote orizzontali"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Espacement des dimensions horizontale" helpText = "Espaces (verticalement), à la valeur définie, les dimensions horizontales sélectionnées:"+ "\n"\ "- définir Valeur d'espacement"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez au moins deux dimensions horizontales"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Espaciado de dimensión horizontal" helpText = "Espacios (verticalmente), en el valor establecido, las dimensiones horizontales seleccionadas:"+ "\n"\ "- establecer Valor de espaciado"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione dos o más dimensiones horizontales"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): # cascadeHorizDimensions Selected = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx() HorizontalDimList = [Select.Object for Select in Selected if Select.Object.Type == 'DistanceX'] if len(HorizontalDimList) > 1: YPos = float(HorizontalDimList[0].Y) Sign = YPos/abs(YPos) for Dimension in HorizontalDimList: Dimension.Y = YPos YPos = YPos + DimAttrib.getDimLineDistance()*Sign class increaseComma: '''increase the comma of the dimension value (max 9)''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 7 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #141000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #FDFD00",\ "$ c #F9F901",\ "% c #FEFE00",\ " ",\ " ",\ " .... ",\ " ....... ",\ " ......... ",\ " ........... ",\ " ............. ",\ " ................ ",\ " ................... ",\ " ..............................................",\ " ..............................................",\ " ..............................................",\ " ............................................. ",\ " ................ ",\ " ++++++ .............. ",\ " ++@@@@++ .... ........... ",\ " ++@@@@@@++ ....... ......... ",\ " ++@@@@@@@@+ ........ ....... ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@++ ......... ...... ",\ " ++@@@@@@@@@@+ .......... ... ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@++ ........... ",\ " +@@@++++++@@@+ ............ ",\ " ++@@@+ +@@@+ ............ ",\ " +@@@@+ +@@@++ ..... ...... ",\ " +@@@++ +@@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ " +@@@+ +@@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ " +@@@+ +@@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "++@@@+ ++#@@+ ..... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "+@@#@+ +$@@+ ..... ..... ",\ "++@@@+ ++@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ " +@@@+ +@@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ " +@@%++ +@#@@+ ++++++..... ..... ..... ..... .....",\ " +@@@@+ +@@@++ +@@@@+...... ..... ..... ..... .....",\ " ++@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@@+ ...... ..... ..... ..... .....",\ " +@@@++++++@@@+ +@@@@+ ...... ...... ..... ..... .....",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@@+ ............ ..... ..... .....",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@++ +@@@@+ ............ ..... ..... .....",\ " ++@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@@+ ........... ..... ..... .....",\ " ++@@@@@@@@++ ++@@@++ .......... ..... ..... .....",\ " +++@@@@@++ +@@@@+ ......... ..... ..... .....",\ " +@@@@++ +@@@@+ ........ ..... ..... .....",\ " ++++++ +@@@@+ ...... ..... ..... .....",\ " +@@@++ ... ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@++ ",\ " +@@+ ",\ " ++++ "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Increase decimal places (max 9)" helpText = "Increase decimal places of a measure:"+ "\n"\ "- select many measures"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erhöht die Kommastellen (max 9)" helpText = "erhöht die Kommastellen der Dimensionen"+ "\n"\ "- wähle mehrere Maßzahlen"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Incrementa le cifre decimali (max 9)" helpText = "Incrementa le cifre decimali di una dimensione:"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare le dimensioni"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Augmenter les décimales (max 9)" helpText = "Incrémente les décimales d'une dimension:"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez les dimensiones"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Aumentar los lugares decimales (máximo 9)" helpText = "Incrementa los lugares decimales en una dimensión:"+ "\n"\ "- selecciona los dimensiones"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): Sel = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx() for Elem in Sel: if Elem.Object.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewDimension': OldFormat = Elem.Object.FormatSpec NumDig = OldFormat.find("%.") if NumDig != -1: NumDig = NumDig+2 CharList = list(OldFormat) Digit = int(CharList[NumDig]) if Digit < 9: Digit = Digit+1 NewFormat = OldFormat[0:NumDig]+str(Digit)+OldFormat[NumDig+1:] Elem.Object.FormatSpec = NewFormat class decreaseComma: '''decrease the comma of the dimension value''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 7 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #141000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #FDFD00",\ "$ c #F9F901",\ "% c #FEFE00",\ " ... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ...... ",\ " ........ ",\ " .......... ",\ " ........... ",\ " .............. ",\ " ........................................... ",\ " ............................................. ",\ " .............................................. ",\ " ............................................. ",\ " ................. ",\ " .............. ",\ " ........... .... ",\ " ++++++ ......... ....... ",\ " ++@@@@++ ........ ........ ",\ " ++@@@@@@++ ...... ......... ",\ " ++@@@@@@@@+ .... .......... ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@++ .. ........... ",\ " ++@@@@@@@@@@+ ............ ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@++ ............ ",\ " +@@@++++++@@@+ ..... ...... ",\ " ++@@@+ +@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ " +@@@@+ +@@@++ ..... ..... ",\ " +@@@++ +@@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ " +@@@+ +@@@@+ ..... .... ",\ " +@@@+ +@@@@+ .... .... ",\ "++@@@+ ++#@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ ... .... ",\ "+@@@@+ +@@@+ .... .... ",\ "+@@#@+ +$@@+ .... .... ",\ "++@@@+ ++@@@+ .... ..... ",\ " +@@@+ +@@@@+ ..... ..... ",\ " +@@%++ +@#@@+ ++++++ ..... ..... ",\ " +@@@@+ +@@@++ +@@@@+ .... .... .... ...... ...... ",\ " ++@@@+ +@@@+ +@@@@+ .... .... .... ............ ",\ " +@@@++++++@@@+ +@@@@+ .... .... .... ........... ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@@+ .... .... .... ........... ",\ " +@@@@@@@@@@@++ +@@@@+ .... .... .... .......... ",\ " ++@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@@@+ .... .... .... ......... ",\ " ++@@@@@@@@++ ++@@@++ .... .... .... ....... ",\ " +++@@@@@++ +@@@@+ .... .... .... ...... ",\ " +@@@@++ +@@@@+ .... .... .... .. ",\ " ++++++ +@@@@+ ",\ " +@@@++ ",\ " +@@@+ ",\ " +@@++ ",\ " +@@+ ",\ " ++++ "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Decrease decimal places" helpText = "Increase decimal places of a measure:"+ "\n"\ "- select many measures"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Verkleinere die Anzahl der Kommastellen" helpText = "Verkleinere die Anzahl der Kommastellen"+ "\n"\ "- wähle mehrere Maßzahlen"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Decrementa le cifre decimali" helpText = "Decrementa le cifre decimali di una dimensione:"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare le dimensioni"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Diminue les décimales" helpText = "Diminue les décimales d'une dimension:"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez les dimensiones"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Disminuye los lugares decimales" helpText = "Disminuye los lugares decimales en una dimensión:"+ "\n"\ "- selecciona los dimensiones"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): Sel = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx() for Elem in Sel: if Elem.Object.TypeId == 'TechDraw::DrawViewDimension': OldFormat = Elem.Object.FormatSpec NumDig = OldFormat.find("%.") if NumDig != -1: NumDig = NumDig+2 CharList = list(OldFormat) Digit = int(CharList[NumDig]) if Digit > 0: Digit = Digit-1 NewFormat = OldFormat[0:NumDig]+str(Digit)+OldFormat[NumDig+1:] Elem.Object.FormatSpec = NewFormat class createHorizCoordDim: '''Create horizontal coordinate dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 2 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ..... ... ... ",\ " ....... ....... ... ... ",\ " ........ ........ ... ... ",\ " ...................................... ... ... ",\ " ...................................... ... ... ",\ " ...................................... ... ... ",\ " ......... ......... ... ... ",\ " ....... ....... ... ... ",\ " ..... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " .... ..... ... ",\ " ....... ....... ... ",\ " ......... ........ ... ",\ " .................................................. ... ",\ " .................................................. ... ",\ " .................................................. ... ",\ " ......... ........ ... ",\ " ....... ...... ... ",\ " ..... .... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... .... ",\ " ....... ....... ",\ " ........ ........ ",\ " ...............................................................",\ " ...............................................................",\ " ...............................................................",\ " ............................. .........",\ " ....... ....... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " .. "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create horizontal coordinate dimensions" helpText = "- adjust the desired cascade spacing"+ "\n"\ "- select three or more vertexes"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge waagrechte Koordinatenbemaßung" helpText = "- stelle den gewünschten Abstand Kaskadierung den Maßen ein"+ "\n"\ "- wähle drei oder mehr Kontrollpunkte"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Dimensioni parallele/coordinate orizzontali" helpText = "- impostare Valore distanziamento"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare tre o più vertici"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Dimensions parallèles/coordonnées horizontales" helpText = "- définir Valeur d'espacement"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez trois sommets ou plus"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Dimensiones paralelas/coordenadas horizontales" helpText = "- establecer Valor de espaciado"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione tres o más vértices"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): # createHorizCoordDim def sortVertex(Vertex): return Vertex.Point.x (OK,ElementNames,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: VertexNames = [VertexName for VertexName in ElementNames if VertexName[:6]=='Vertex'] Vertexes = [View.getVertexBySelection(VertexName) for VertexName in VertexNames] Vertexes.sort(key=sortVertex) if len(Vertexes) > 1: XPos = float(Vertexes[0].X) YPos = float(Vertexes[0].Y) Sign = YPos/abs(YPos) for i in range(len(Vertexes)-1): DistanceDim=TechDraw.makeDistanceDim(View,'DistanceX',Vertexes[0].Point,Vertexes[i+1].Point) DistanceDim.X = (XPos+Vertexes[i+1].Point.x)/2 YPos = YPos + DimAttrib.getDimLineDistance()*Sign DistanceDim.Y = YPos gui.Selection.clearSelection() class createVertCoordDim: '''Create vertical coordinate dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 2 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ " .... ",\ " ....... ",\ " ........ ",\ "............................................................... ",\ "............................................................... ",\ "............................................................... ",\ " ......... ",\ " ....... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ...... ... ",\ " ........ ... ",\ "........................................... ... ",\ "........................................... ... ",\ "........................................... ... ",\ " ......... ... ",\ " ....... ... ",\ " ..... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " .... ... ... ",\ " ....... ... ... ",\ " ........ ... ... ",\ "....................... ... ... ",\ "....................... ... ... ",\ "....................... ... ... ",\ " ........ ... ... ",\ " ....... ... .... ",\ " ..... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " .... ..... .... ",\ " ....... ....... ....... ",\ " ........ ......... ........ ",\ "................................................................",\ "................................................................",\ "............................................................... ",\ " ........ ........ ........ ",\ " ....... ....... ....... ",\ " ..... ..... ..... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... .... ",\ " ... ... ... ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create vertical coordinate dimensions" helpText = "- adjust the desired cascade spacing"+ "\n"\ "- select three or more vertexes"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge senkrechte Koordinatenbemaßung" helpText = "- stelle den gewünschten Abstand Kaskadierung den Maßen ein"+ "\n"\ "- wähle drei oder mehr Kontrollpunkte"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Dimensioni parallele/coordinate verticali" helpText = "- impostare Valore distanziamento"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare tre o più vertici"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Dimensions parallèles/coordonnées verticales" helpText = "- définir Valeur d'espacement"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez trois sommets ou plus"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Dimensiones paralelas/coordenadas verticales" helpText = "- establecer Valor de espaciado"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione tres o más vértices"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): def sortVertex(Vertex): return Vertex.Point.y (OK,ElementNames,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: VertexNames = [VertexName for VertexName in ElementNames if VertexName[:6]=='Vertex'] Vertexes = [View.getVertexBySelection(VertexName) for VertexName in VertexNames] Vertexes.sort(key=sortVertex) Vertexes.reverse() if len(Vertexes) > 1: XPos = float(Vertexes[0].X) YPos = float(Vertexes[0].Y) Sign = XPos/abs(XPos) for i in range(len(Vertexes)-1): DistanceDim=TechDraw.makeDistanceDim(View,'DistanceY',Vertexes[0].Point,Vertexes[i+1].Point) DistanceDim.Y = (YPos+Vertexes[i+1].Point.y)/2 XPos = XPos + DimAttrib.getDimLineDistance()*Sign DistanceDim.X = XPos gui.Selection.clearSelection() class createHorizChamferDim: '''Create horizontal chamfer dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 11 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #141000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #F8F700",\ "$ c #FDFD00",\ "% c #FDFC00",\ "& c #F9F900",\ "* c #FEFE00",\ "= c #2D2000",\ "- c #2A2400",\ " .... .... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " ...... ..... ",\ " ........ ....... ",\ " .......... ......... ",\ " .......... ........... ",\ "..................................................... ",\ "..................................................... ",\ "..................................................... ",\ " .......... ........... ",\ " ......... ......... ",\ " ....... ....... ",\ " .... ..... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " .... ",\ " .... ",\ " .... +++++++++++++++++++++",\ " .... +++++++++++++++++++++++",\ " .... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",\ " .... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",\ " .... +++@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",\ " .... +++@@@@++++++++++++++++++++",\ " .... +++@@@@+++++++++++++++++++++",\ " .... +++@$@@+++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@+++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@+++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@+++ ",\ " .... +++@@@%+++ ",\ " +++@@@&+++ ",\ " +++@@@@+++ ",\ " +++*@@@+++ ",\ " +++@@@@+++ ",\ " ++@@@++++ ",\ " ++@@++++ ",\ " ++@@+++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++ ",\ " =++@@++ ",\ " -++@@++ "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create a horizontal chamfer dimension" helpText = "- select two vertexes"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge waagrechte Fasenbemaßung" helpText = "- wähle zwei Kontrollpunkte"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Dimensione orizzontale smusso" helpText = "- Selezionare due vertici"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Chanfrein de dimension horizontale" helpText = "- Sélectionnez deux sommets"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "dimensión horizontal de chaflán" helpText = "- Seleccione dos vértices"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ElementNames,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: VertexNames = [VertexName for VertexName in ElementNames if VertexName[:6]=='Vertex'] Vertexes = [View.getVertexBySelection(VertexName) for VertexName in VertexNames] if len(Vertexes) > 1: ChamferDim=TechDraw.makeDistanceDim(View,'DistanceX',Vertexes[0].Point,Vertexes[1].Point) ChamferDim.X = (Vertexes[0].Point.x+Vertexes[1].Point.x)/2 MaxY = max(Vertexes[0].Point.y,Vertexes[1].Point.y) Sign = MaxY/abs(MaxY) ChamferDim.Y = MaxY + 7.0*Sign Dx, Dy = Vertexes[0].Point.x-Vertexes[1].Point.x, Vertexes[0].Point.y-Vertexes[1].Point.y Alpha = str(int(math.degrees(abs(math.atan(Dx/Dy))))) ChamferDim.FormatSpec = ChamferDim.FormatSpec+'x'+Alpha+'°' gui.Selection.clearSelection() class createVertChamferDim: '''Create vertical chamfer dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 6 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #141000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #FDFD00",\ "$ c #F8F700",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " .... ",\ " .... ",\ " .... ",\ " .... ",\ " .... ",\ " .... ",\ " .... ",\ " ...... ",\ " ........ ",\ " .......... ",\ " ..................................... ",\ " ..................................... ++++++++++++++++++++++",\ " ..................................... ++++++++++++++++++++++++",\ " ..................................... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",\ " .......... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",\ " ........ +++@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",\ " ...... +++@@@@@++++++++++++++++++++",\ " .... +++@@@@@+++++++++++++++++++++",\ " .... +++@@@@@+++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@@+++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@@+++ ",\ " .... +++@@@@@+++ ",\ " ...... +++@@@@@+++ ",\ " ........ +++@@@@@+++ ",\ " .......... +++@@@@@+++ ",\ " ....................... +++@@@@@+++ ",\ " ....................... +++@@@@@+++ ",\ " ....................... ++@@@@@+++ ",\ " ....................... ++@@$@+++ ",\ " .......... ++@@@+++ ",\ " ........ ++@@@++ ",\ " ...... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ ",\ " .... ++@@@++ "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create a vertical chamfer dimension" helpText = "- select two vertexes"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge senkrechte Fasenbemaßung" helpText = "- wähle zwei Kontrollpunkte"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Dimensione verticale smusso" helpText = "- Selezionare due vertici"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Dimension verticales de chanfrein" helpText = "- Sélectionnez deux sommets"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "dimensión verticales de chaflán" helpText = "- Seleccione dos vértices"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ElementNames,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: VertexNames = [VertexName for VertexName in ElementNames if VertexName[:6]=='Vertex'] Vertexes = [View.getVertexBySelection(VertexName) for VertexName in VertexNames] if len(Vertexes) > 1: ChamferDim=TechDraw.makeDistanceDim(View,'DistanceY',Vertexes[0].Point,Vertexes[1].Point) ChamferDim.Y = (Vertexes[0].Point.y+Vertexes[1].Point.y)/2 MaxX = max(Vertexes[0].Point.x,Vertexes[1].Point.x) Sign = MaxX/abs(MaxX) ChamferDim.X = MaxX + 7.0*Sign Dx, Dy = Vertexes[0].Point.x-Vertexes[1].Point.x, Vertexes[0].Point.y-Vertexes[1].Point.y Alpha = str(round(math.degrees(abs(math.atan(Dy/Dx))))) ChamferDim.FormatSpec = ChamferDim.FormatSpec+'x'+Alpha+'°' gui.Selection.clearSelection() class holeTable: '''Create a hole table''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 2 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ " ",\ "................................................................",\ "................................................................",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. ........... .. .. ... .. ... ..... ... .. ..",\ ".. ........... .. .. .. .. ... ..... ........ ..",\ ".. ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. .. ... ..",\ ".. ... .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... ..",\ ".. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .... ..",\ ".. ... .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. ... .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. ... .. .... .. .... .. .. ... .. ..",\ ".. ... .. ...... .. ... .. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ..",\ ".. ... .. ... .... .. ... .. ... .. ..",\ ".. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... ... ..",\ ".. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ........ ..",\ ".. .. .. .. .. ... ..",\ ".. .. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ "................................................................",\ "................................................................",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ "................................................................",\ "................................................................",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ "................................................................",\ "................................................................",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ..",\ ".. .. .. .. ",\ ".. .. ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create hole table" helpText = "- select one vertex as origin"+ "\n"\ "- select many hole circles"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge eine Bohrungstabelle" helpText = "- wähle einen Kontrollpunkt als Koordinatenursprung"+ "\n"\ "- wähle mehrere Bohrungskreise"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Genera tabella fori" helpText = "- Selezionare un vertice come riferimento/origine"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare le circonferenze dei fori"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Générer une table de trous" helpText = "- Sélectionnez un sommet comme référence/origine"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionner les circonférences des trous"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Generar tabla de agujeros" helpText = "- Seleccione un vértice como referencia/origen"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione las circunferencias de los agujeros"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): def drawArrow(Origin,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5): '''Draw arrows at origin''' View.makeCosmeticLine(Origin,P1,1) View.makeCosmeticLine(P2,P3,1) View.makeCosmeticLine(P3,P4,1) View.makeCosmeticLine(P3,P5,1) (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: Doc = app.activeDocument() XView,YView = commonTools.getViewCoords(View) if ObjectList[0][0:6] == 'Vertex': Origin = View.getVertexBySelection(ObjectList[0]).Point P1X, P1Y = Origin + app.Vector(0,-10,0), Origin + app.Vector(-10,0,0) P2X, P2Y = Origin + app.Vector(0,-5,0), Origin + app.Vector(-5,0,0) P3X, P3Y = Origin + app.Vector(10,-5,0), Origin + app.Vector(-5,10,0) P4X, P4Y = Origin + app.Vector(7,-4,0), Origin + app.Vector(-4,7,0) P5X, P5Y = Origin + app.Vector(7,-6,0), Origin + app.Vector(-6,7,0) drawArrow(Origin,P1X,P2X,P3X,P4X,P5X) drawArrow(Origin,P1Y,P2Y,P3Y,P4Y,P5Y) commonTools.createAnnot('OriginX','X',float(XView)+Origin.x+12,float(YView)+Origin.y-7) commonTools.createAnnot('OriginY','Y',float(XView)+Origin.x-5,float(YView)+Origin.y+12) Spread =Doc.addObject('Spreadsheet::Sheet','Spreadsheet') HoleTable = Doc.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewSpreadsheet','HoleTable') HoleTable.Source = Doc.Spreadsheet Spread.set('A1','Tag') Spread.set('B1','XLoc') Spread.set('C1','YLoc') Spread.set('D1','SIZE Ø') Num = 2 for ObjectString in ObjectList: if ObjectString[0:4] == 'Edge': Edge = View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectString) if Edge.Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomCircle': Object = Edge.Curve Center, Radius = Object.Center, Object.Radius Spread.set('A'+str(Num),'A'+str(Num-1)) Spread.set('B'+str(Num),str(Center.x-Origin.x)) Spread.set('C'+str(Num),str(Center.y-Origin.y)) Spread.set('D'+str(Num),str(2*Radius)) commonTools.createAnnot('A'+str(Num-1),'A'+str(Num-1),float(XView)+Center.x+Radius,float(YView)+Center.y+Radius) Num +=1 HoleTable.CellEnd = 'D'+str(Num-1) Doc.recompute() Doc.Page.addView(HoleTable) Doc.recompute() class drawCirc: '''Draw a Circle''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 16 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #FFFF00",\ "@ c #2B2200",\ "# c #FFFD00",\ "$ c #FFF700",\ "% c #FF1500",\ "& c #FFFE00",\ "* c #FFF300",\ "= c #FF1400",\ "- c #FFF600",\ "; c #FFFB00",\ "> c #DFDF00",\ ", c #FBFB00",\ "' c #C5C400",\ ") c #EAEA00",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ......... ",\ " .............. ",\ " ................ ",\ " .................. .. ++++ ",\ " ......... ... .... +++@@+++ ",\ " ...... .....++@@@@@@++ ",\ " .. .+++@@++++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++..+#@@++ ",\ " .. ++@@++....+$@@+ ",\ " .... ++@@++......++@@+ ",\ " ...... ++@++.......%&+@++ ",\ " ..... ++@++........*+@++ ",\ " ...... ++@++.......=++@++ ",\ " ...... ++@@++......++@@+ ",\ " ..... ++@+++....+-@@+ ",\ " ..... +@@+++..+;@@++. ",\ " ..... ++@@@+++++@++... ",\ " .... +++++@@@@@@@++... ",\ " ..... +++ +++@@@+++.... ",\ " .... ++ ++ +++++ ... ",\ " ..... ++++ ++++ . ",\ " ..... +++@@+++ ++++ ",\ " .. ++@@@@@@++ ++ ",\ " +++@@++++@@++ ",\ " ++@@++..+#@@++ ... ",\ " ++@@++....+$@@+ .... ",\ " +@@++......++@@+ ..... ",\ " ++@++.......%&+@++ ..... ",\ " ++@++........*+@++ ..... ",\ " ... ++@++.......=++@++ ..... ",\ " .... +@@++......++@@+ ..... ",\ " .... ++@+++....+-@@+ ..... ",\ " ..... +@@+++..+;@@++ .... ",\ " ..... >,@@@+++++@++ .... ",\ " ..... '++@@@@@@@++ ..... ",\ " .... )++@@@+++ .... ",\ " ..... +++++ .... ",\ " .... ..... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " .... .... ",\ " ..... . ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ... . ",\ " . ... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ...... ",\ " ... ....... ",\ " .... ....... ",\ " ..... ....... ",\ " ....... ........ ",\ " ......... ........ ",\ " ............. ....... ",\ " ........... ...... ",\ " ......... .... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ... ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Draw an cosmetic circumference (center and 1 vertex)" helpText = "Draw a cosmetic circumference using two vertices:"+ "\n"\ "- choose the line attributes:"+ "\n"\ "- select the first vertex (center) -> in sequence the second (radius)"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Kosmetischer Umfang (Zentrum und 1 Scheitelpunkt)" helpText = "Zeichnen Sie einen kosmetischen Kreis mit zwei Scheitelpunkt:"+ "\n"\ "- Wählen Sie die Linienattribute:"+ "\n"\ "- Wählen Sie den ersten Scheitelpunkt (Mitte) -> nacheinander den zweiten (Radius)"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Circonferenza cosmetica (centro e 1 vertice)" helpText = "Disegna una circonferenza cosmetica utilizzando due vertici:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi linea"+"\n"\ "- selezionare il primo vertice (centro) -->in sequenza il secondo (raggio)"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Circonférence cosmétique (centre et 1 sommet)" helpText = "Dessinez une circonférence cosmétique en utilisant deux sommets:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir des attributs"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionner le premier sommet (centre) --> en séquence le second (rayon)"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Circunferencia cosmética (centro y 1 vértice)" helpText = "Dibuja un círculo cosmético usando dos vértices:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione el primer vértice (centro) --> en secuencia el segundo (radio)"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): # drawCirc (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: if len(ObjectList) == 2: if ObjectList[0][0:6] == 'Vertex' and ObjectList[1][0:6] == 'Vertex': Center = View.getVertexBySelection(ObjectList[0]).Point Point = View.getVertexBySelection(ObjectList[1]).Point Radius = (Point-Center).Length View.makeCosmeticCircle(Center, Radius,Attrib.getStyle(), Attrib.getWidth(), Attrib.getColorTuple()) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class drawArc: '''Draw an arc rotating math. positive''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 155 2",\ " c None",\ ". c #2A2100",\ "+ c #141000",\ "@ c #2C2100",\ "# c #2A2300",\ "$ c #726E00",\ "% c #FFFF00",\ "& c #2D2400",\ "* c #2B2200",\ "= c #5E5700",\ "- c #EFEF00",\ "; c #2F2800",\ "> c #DDDD00",\ ", c #2A2200",\ "' c #D0CC00",\ ") c #3D3500",\ "! c #FFB700",\ "~ c #FF6000",\ "{ c #FF4400",\ "] c #FF6200",\ "^ c #FFC000",\ "/ c #2C2300",\ "( c #726800",\ "_ c #FFFD00",\ ": c #FF0000",\ "< c #FF7300",\ "[ c #2B2300",\ "} c #463C00",\ "| c #FFFA00",\ "1 c #FFD300",\ "2 c #FF9100",\ "3 c #FFA500",\ "4 c #2F2400",\ "5 c #FF3C00",\ "6 c #FF0B00",\ "7 c #FF0800",\ "8 c #FFF700",\ "9 c #FF2000",\ "0 c #FF3500",\ "a c #2B2100",\ "b c #CDC800",\ "c c #FFB800",\ "d c #FF0700",\ "e c #352D00",\ "f c #FF0E00",\ "g c #FF4D00",\ "h c #FF0400",\ "i c #FF1300",\ "j c #A29B00",\ "k c #FFB600",\ "l c #FFFB00",\ "m c #FF4A00",\ "n c #FF5D00",\ "o c #F7F700",\ "p c #FFD200",\ "q c #FF1200",\ "r c #FFDE00",\ "s c #FFC700",\ "t c #FF2800",\ "u c #FF3100",\ "v c #FFD100",\ "w c #2D2000",\ "x c #302400",\ "y c #FFCD00",\ "z c #FFB300",\ "A c #FFD000",\ "B c #413C00",\ "C c #342B00",\ "D c #312900",\ "E c #C9C900",\ "F c #2C2200",\ "G c #B3AD00",\ "H c #F2F200",\ "I c #C4C400",\ "J c #807A00",\ "K c #2D2500",\ "L c #635E00",\ "M c #292000",\ "N c #2D2200",\ "O c #FCFC00",\ "P c #A8A800",\ "Q c #C5C000",\ "R c #494100",\ "S c #F5F500",\ "T c #382D00",\ "U c #352E00",\ "V c #2D2300",\ "W c #292200",\ "X c #2F2700",\ "Y c #342A00",\ "Z c #E9E600",\ "` c #443C00",\ " . c #BDBD00",\ ".. c #6B6300",\ "+. c #2A2000",\ "@. c #646000",\ "#. c #5F5800",\ "$. c #FDFD00",\ "%. c #FAF800",\ "&. c #322A00",\ "*. c #E5E100",\ "=. c #6A6500",\ "-. c #D6D300",\ ";. c #E3E300",\ ">. c #F4F400",\ ",. c #FFF800",\ "'. c #FF0A00",\ "). c #FFC300",\ "!. c #FF4E00",\ "~. c #FF8900",\ "{. c #FF8E00",\ "]. c #FFE400",\ "^. c #FFA300",\ "/. c #FF7D00",\ "(. c #FFD700",\ "_. c #A7A300",\ ":. c #FFDB00",\ "<. c #FF4900",\ "[. c #FF0200",\ "}. c #FF5200",\ "|. c #C6C300",\ "1. c #FFE000",\ "2. c #FF1600",\ "3. c #FFEB00",\ "4. c #FFBF00",\ "5. c #FF2A00",\ "6. c #FF1C00",\ "7. c #FFA400",\ "8. c #FF5700",\ "9. c #FF6B00",\ "0. c #FFDC00",\ "a. c #FF0300",\ "b. c #FF0100",\ "c. c #FFBC00",\ "d. c #FFFC00",\ "e. c #FF0900",\ "f. c #FF1A00",\ "g. c #FFEE00",\ "h. c #FF1700",\ "i. c #FF2C00",\ "j. c #FBFB00",\ "k. c #FFBE00",\ "l. c #FF9200",\ "m. c #FF2B00",\ "n. c #FF1D00",\ "o. c #FFA600",\ "p. c #FF4300",\ "q. c #FF5400",\ "r. c #FF9300",\ "s. c #FF3B00",\ "t. c #FF2200",\ "u. c #FF4100",\ "v. c #FF9F00",\ "w. c #EEED00",\ "x. c #2A2400",\ " ",\ " . + + + + + + ",\ " @ # + + + + + + + $ % % % % % % ",\ " & * + + + + @ = - 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% 0.d a.: b.b.c.% % + + ",\ " % % % d.e.: : : : : : : f.% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % + + % % : h : : : h : % % + + ",\ " % % % g.: : : : : : : : d % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % + + % % : a.: : : h : % % + + ",\ " % % % _ h.: : : : : : : i.% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % + + j.% 0.7 a.: b.b.k.% % + + ",\ " % % % % /.: : : : : : : l.% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % + + % % % 4.m.b.n.o.% % % + + ",\ " % % % % 8 p.: : : : : q.d.% % % + + >.% % % | % % % % + + ",\ " % % % % l r.s.t.u.v._ % % % % # + + w.% % % % % % + + V ",\ " % % % % % % % % % % % % % + + % % % % + + + [ ",\ " % % % % % % % % % % % % x.+ + + + + + * ",\ " % % % % % % % % % + + + ",\ " % % % % % ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Draw an cosmetic arc (center and two vertexes)" helpText = "Draw an arc rotating math. positive:"+ "\n"\ "- Choose the line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select three vertexes:"+ "\n"\ "- center, start, end"+ "\n"\ "- start defines the radius"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Kosmetischer Bogen (Mitte und 2 Punkte)" helpText = "Zeichnet einen math. positiv rotierenden Kreisbogen:"+ "\n"\ "- Wählen Sie die Linienattribute"+ "\n"\ "- wähle drei Kontrollpunkte:"+ "\n"\ "- Mittelpunkt, Startpunkt , Endpunkt"+ "\n"\ "- der Startpunkt legt den Radius fest"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Arco cosmetico (centro e 2 vertici)" helpText = "Disegna un arco cosmetico utilizzando un centro e 2 vertici:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi linea"+"\n"\ "- selezionare i vertici in sequenza: centro--> inizio--> fine"+ "\n"\ "N.B. centro--->inizio definisce il raggio, fine il posizionamento"+ "\n"\ "invertire selezione (inizio-fine) per cambiare posizionamento"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Arc cosmétique (centre et 2 sommets)" helpText = "Dessinez un arc cosmétique en utilisant un centre et 2 sommets:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir des attributs"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez les sommets dans l'ordre: centre --> début --> fin"+ "\n"\ "Noter: Center --> start définit le rayon, terminer le positionnement"+ "\n"\ "- inverser la sélection (début-fin) pour modifier le positionnement"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Arco cosmético (centro y 2 vértices)" helpText = "Dibuja un arco cosmético usando un centro y 2 vértices:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione los vértices en secuencia: centro --> inicio --> final"+ "\n"\ "Nota: centro --> inicio define el radio, el final el posicionamiento"+ "\n"\ "- invertir selección (inicio-fin) para cambiar el posicionamiento"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): # drawArc def returnAngle(Center,Point): X= app.Vector(1,0,0) VecPC = Point - Center Dy = VecPC.y Sign = -1.0 if Dy < 0.0: Sign = -Sign Angle = math.degrees(X.getAngle(VecPC))*Sign if Angle < 0: Angle = 360 + Angle return Angle (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: if len(ObjectList) >= 3: ThreeVertex = True for ObjectString in ObjectList: if ObjectString[0:6] != 'Vertex': ThreeVertex = False if ThreeVertex: Center = View.getVertexBySelection(ObjectList[0]).Point End = View.getVertexBySelection(ObjectList[1]).Point Start = View.getVertexBySelection(ObjectList[2]).Point Radius = (End-Center).Length AStart = returnAngle(Center,Start) AEnd = returnAngle(Center,End) View.makeCosmeticCircleArc(Center, Radius, AStart, AEnd, Attrib.getStyle(), Attrib.getWidth(), Attrib.getColorTuple()) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class extendLine: '''Extend an attached cosmetic or center line at both ends''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 4 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #141000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ... .. ",\ " ..... .... ",\ " ...... ...... ",\ " ........ ........ ",\ " .......... ......... ",\ " ........... ........... ",\ " .............. .............. ",\ " ................. ................. ",\ " ................... ................... ",\ ".................... ....................",\ " ................... ................... ",\ " ................. ................. ",\ " .............. .............. ",\ " ........... ........... ",\ " ......... .......... ",\ " ........ ........ ",\ " ...... ...... ",\ " .... ..... ",\ " .. ... ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ ". .. ... .... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .... ... .. .",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Extend a line" helpText = "Extend a line at both ends:"+ "\n"\ "- select one cosmetic or centerline"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Verlängern einer Linie" helpText = "Verlängert eine Linie an beiden Enden:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle eine kosmetische oder Mittellinie"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Estendi linea cosmetica" helpText = "Estende una linea cosmetica da entrambe le estremità:"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare la linea cosmetica o linea centrale o di mezzeria"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Extension de ligne cosmétique" helpText = "Prolonge une ligne cosmétique des deux extrémités:"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez la ligne cosmétique ou la ligne médiane"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Extensión de línea cosmética" helpText = "Extiende una línea cosmética desde ambos extremos:"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione la línea cosmética o la línea central"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: if ObjectList[0][0:4] == 'Edge': commonTools.extendShortenLine(View,ObjectList,True) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class shortenLine: '''Shorten an attached cosmetic or center line at both ends''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 4 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #141000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " .. ... ",\ " .... ..... ",\ " ...... ...... ",\ " ........ ........ ",\ " ......... .......... ",\ " ........... ........... ",\ " .............. .............. ",\ " ................. ................. ",\ " ................... ................... ",\ " .................... .................... ",\ " ................... ................... ",\ " ................. ................. ",\ " .............. .............. ",\ " ........... ........... ",\ " .......... ......... ",\ " ........ ........ ",\ " ...... ...... ",\ " ..... .... ",\ " ... .. ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ ". .. ... .... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... ++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .... ... .. .",\ ". .. ... .... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .... ... .. .",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Shorten a line" helpText = "Shorten a line at both ends:"+ "\n"\ "- select one cosmetic or centerline"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Verkürzen einer Linie" helpText = "Verkürzt eine Linie an beiden Enden:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle eine kosmetische oder Mittellinie"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Accorcia linea cosmetica" helpText = "Accorcia una linea cosmetica da entrambe le estremità:"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare la linea cosmetica o linea centrale o di mezzeria"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Raccourcir ligne cosmétique" helpText = "Raccourcir une ligne cosmétique des deux extrémités:"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez la ligne cosmétique ou la ligne médiane"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Acortar línea cosmética" helpText = "Acortar una línea cosmética de ambos extremos:"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione la línea cosmética o la línea central"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: if ObjectList[0][0:4] == 'Edge': commonTools.extendShortenLine(View,ObjectList,False) gui.Selection.clearSelection() class createArcLengthDim: '''Create an arc length dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 16 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #141000",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #2B2200",\ "$ c #2A2000",\ "% c #2C2100",\ "& c #FDFD00",\ "* c #2C2200",\ "= c #FEFE00",\ "- c #2D2300",\ "; c #F8F700",\ "> c #FCFC00",\ ", c #2D2200",\ "' c #FDFC00",\ ") c #2A2300",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ........ ... ",\ " .... .......... .... ",\ " .... .............. .... ",\ " .... ................ .... ",\ " .... ........ ........ .... ",\ " .... ..... ...... .... ",\ " .... ..... ..... .... ",\ " .... ..... ..... .... ",\ " .... .... .... .... ",\ " .... .... ..... .... ",\ " .... .... .... .... ",\ " .... .... ..... .... ",\ " .... .... .... .... ",\ " .... .... .... ..... ",\ " ...... .... ........ ",\ " ........ .........",\ "......... ..........",\ "................................................................",\ "................................................................",\ "................................................................",\ ".......... .........",\ " ........ ........ ",\ " ....... ..... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ... +++++++++++++++ ... ",\ " ... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ... ",\ " ... +++++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++++ ... ",\ " ... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ... ",\ " ... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@++ ... ",\ " ... +++@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+++# ... ",\ " ... ++@@@@@@@@@@++++++++++++@@@@@@@@@@@+++ ... ",\ " ... ++@@@@@@@@+++++ +++++++@@@@@@@@++ ... ",\ " ... ++@@@@@@@+++ $ % +++@&@@@@@++ ... ",\ " ... ++@@@@@@+++ +++@@@@@@++* ... ",\ " ... ++@@@@@+++ ++@@@@@@++ ... ",\ " ... ++@@@@@@+ +++@@@@@++ ... ",\ " ++&@@@@+++ ++@@@@@++ ... ",\ " ++@@@@@++ ++@@@@+++ ",\ " +@@@@@++ ++@@@@@+ ",\ " ++@@@=++ ++@@@@++- ",\ " +@@@@@+ ++&@@@++ ",\ " ++@@@@++ +@@@@@+ ",\ " +@@@@@+ ++;@@@+ ",\ " ++>@@@++ +@@@@++ ",\ " +@@@@@+ ++@@@@+ ",\ " ,+@@@@++ +@@@@++ ",\ " ++@@@@+ +@@@'++ ",\ " ++@@@@+) +@@@@++ ",\ " ++@@@@+ +@@@@++ ",\ " +++++++ +++++++ ",\ " +++++++ +++++++ ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create Development/length arc" helpText = "Enter the development/length of the arc with the symbol '∩':"+ "\n"\ "- select one arc"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Bogenentwicklung/Länge " helpText = "Geben Sie die Entwicklung/Länge des Bogens mit dem Symbol '∩' ein:"+ "\n"\ "- wähle einen Kreisbogen"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Sviluppo/lunghezza dell'arco" helpText = "Inserisce lo sviluppo/lunghezza dell'arco con il simbolo '∩':"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare l'arco"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Développement/longueur d'arc" helpText = "Entrez la développement/longueur de l'arc avec le symbole '∩':"+ "\n"\ "- select one arc"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Desarrollo/longitud del arco" helpText = "Ingrese el desarrollo/longitud del arco con el símbolo '∩':"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione el arco"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: Edge = View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectList[0]) if hasattr(Edge.Curve,'Center'): if len(Edge.Vertexes) > 1: ArcDim = TechDraw.makeDistanceDim(View, 'Distance',Edge.Vertexes[0].Point,Edge.Vertexes[1].Point) ArcDim.X = (Edge.Vertexes[0].Point.x+Edge.Vertexes[1].Point.x)/2 ArcDim.Y = (Edge.Vertexes[0].Point.y+Edge.Vertexes[1].Point.y)/2 ArcDim.Arbitrary = True FormatStr = "∩ "+str(round(Edge.Length,2)) ArcDim.FormatSpec = FormatStr.replace(".",",") gui.Selection.clearSelection() class drawPerpendicular: '''draw a line perpendicular to another line''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 12 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #2B2200",\ "+ c #2D2400",\ "@ c #FFFF00",\ "# c #2F2600",\ "$ c #F9F900",\ "% c #FF0000",\ "& c #2C2300",\ "* c #393100",\ "= c #F8F800",\ "- c #342C00",\ "; c #2A2200",\ " ",\ " ...... ",\ " .......... ",\ " ...+@@@@#... ",\ " ...@@@@@@@@... ",\ " ..@@@@@@@@$@.. ",\ " ...@@%%%%%%@@&.. ",\ " ..@@@%%%%%%@@@.. ",\ " ..@@@%%%%%%@@@.. ",\ " ..@@@%%%%%%@@@.. ",\ " ..*=@%%%%%%@@-.. ",\ " ..@@%%%%%%@@.. ",\ " ..#@@@@@@@@+.. ",\ " ..&.@@@@.... ",\ " .......... ",\ " .%%%%%%. ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%% ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " %%%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%%% ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " %%%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%%% ",\ " %%%%%%% ",\ " .............................................................; ",\ " .............................................................; ",\ " ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.; ",\ " ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.; ",\ " ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.; ",\ " ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.; ",\ " ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.; ",\ " ...............................;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ",\ " ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create a line perpendicular to another line" helpText = "Create a line perpendicular to another line through a vertex"+ "\n"\ "- choose the line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select one line"+ "\n"\ "- select one vertex"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge eine Linie im rechten Winkel" helpText = "Erzeuge eine Linie im rechten Winkel zu einer Linie durch einen Punkt"+ "\n"\ "- Wählen Sie die Linienattribute"+ "\n"\ "- wähle eine Linie"+ "\n"\ "- wähle einen Punkt"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Perpendicolare cosmetica" helpText = "Crea una perpendicolare cosmetica ad una linea da un vertice:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi"+"\n"\ "- selezionare una linea"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare un vertice"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Cosmétique perpendiculaire" helpText = "Créer une ligne cosmétique perpendiculaire à une ligne à partir d'un sommet:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir des attributs"+"\n"\ "- sélectionnez une ligne"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez un sommet"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Cosmética perpendicular" helpText = "Crea una línea cosmética perpendicular a una línea desde un vértice:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos"+"\n"\ "- seleccionar una línea"+ "\n"\ "- seleccionar un vértice"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): # drawPerpendicular (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: if len(ObjectList) == 2: if ObjectList[0][0:4] == "Edge" and ObjectList[1][0:6] == "Vertex": Edge = View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectList[0]) if Edge.Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomLine': StartPt, EndPt = Edge.Vertexes[0].Point, Edge.Vertexes[1].Point MidPt = View.getVertexBySelection(ObjectList[1]).Point HalfVec = (StartPt.sub(EndPt)/2).cross(app.Vector(0,0,1)) View.makeCosmeticLine(MidPt.add(HalfVec),MidPt.sub(HalfVec),Attrib.getStyle(), Attrib.getWidth(), Attrib.getColorTuple()) class drawParallel: '''draw a line parallel to another line''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 26 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #2B2200",\ "@ c #2B2100",\ "# c #2C2400",\ "$ c #FFFF00",\ "% c #F8F800",\ "& c #FF0D00",\ "* c #FFFE00",\ "= c #FB0200",\ "- c #FF0200",\ "; c #2C2300",\ "> c #F9F900",\ ", c #342100",\ "' c #FD0000",\ ") c #FCFC00",\ "! c #F8F700",\ "~ c #2F2600",\ "{ c #FDFC00",\ "] c #FBFB00",\ "^ c #F5F500",\ "/ c #332B00",\ "( c #F7F600",\ "_ c #FDFD00",\ ": c #FEFE00",\ "< c #F6F500",\ " . ",\ " ... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ....... ",\ " ......... ",\ " ......... ",\ " ....... ",\ " . ..... ",\ " ... ... ",\ " ..... . ",\ " ....... ",\ " ......... ",\ " ........... ",\ " ........... ",\ " ........... ",\ " ++++ ........... ",\ " +++++++........... ",\ " ++@++++........... ",\ " ++#++$........... + ",\ " +++++$$.......... +++ ",\ " +++%$$$$........ +++++ ",\ " ++++$$$$$$...... +++++++ ",\ " ++.$$$$$$$$.&..+ ++++$++++ ",\ " +...*$$$$$$$.=++ ++++$$$++++ ",\ " ..=..$$$$$$$$+++ ++++$$$$$++++ ",\ " .....-.$$$$$$$;++ ++++$$$$$$$++++",\ " .........$$$$$+++ ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ...........$$+++++ ++++$$$$$$>++++ ",\ " ...........+++++++ ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ...........+,+++++ ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ..........' +++ ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ........... ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ........... ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ........... ++++$$$$$)$++++ ",\ " ......... ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ....... ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " . ..... ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ... ... ++++$$$$$$$++;+ ",\ " ..... . ++++$$$$!$$++++ ",\ " ....... ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ......... ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ........... ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ "........... ++++$$$$$$$+~++ ",\ " ......... ++++$$$$$${++++ ",\ " ....... ++++$$$]$$^++++ ",\ " ..... ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ... ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " . ++++$$$$$$$/+++ ",\ " ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ++++$$($$>$++++ ",\ " ++++$$_$$$>++++ ",\ " ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ++++$$$$:$$++++ ",\ " ++++$$$$<$$++++ ",\ " ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ++++$$$$$$$++++ ",\ " ++++$$$$$++++ ",\ " ++++$$$++++ ",\ " ++++$++++ ",\ " +++++++ ",\ " +++++ ",\ " +++ "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create a line parallel to another line" helpText = "Create a line parallel to another line through a vertex"+ "\n"\ "- choose the line attributes"+ "\n"\ "- select one line"+ "\n"\ "- select one vertex"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge eine parallele Liniel" helpText = "Erzeuge eine parallele zu einer Linie durch einen Punkt"+ "\n"\ "- Wählen Sie die Linienattribute"+ "\n"\ "- wähle eine Linie"+ "\n"\ "- wähle einen Punkt"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Parallela cosmetica" helpText = "Crea una parallela cosmetica ad una linea da un vertice:"+ "\n"\ "- scegliere gli attributi"+"\n"\ "- selezionare una linea"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare un vertice"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Parallèle cosmétique" helpText = "Créer une ligne cosmétique parallèle à une ligne à partir d'un sommet:"+ "\n"\ "- choisir des attributs"+"\n"\ "- sélectionnez une ligne"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez un sommet"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Cosmética paralela" helpText = "Crea una línea cosmética paralela a una línea desde un vértice:"+ "\n"\ "- elegir atributos"+"\n"\ "- seleccionar una línea"+ "\n"\ "- seleccionar un vértice"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): # drawParallel (OK,ObjectList,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: if len(ObjectList) == 2: if ObjectList[0][0:4] == "Edge" and ObjectList[1][0:6] == "Vertex": Edge = View.getEdgeBySelection(ObjectList[0]) if Edge.Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomLine': StartPt, EndPt = Edge.Vertexes[0].Point, Edge.Vertexes[1].Point MidPt = View.getVertexBySelection(ObjectList[1]).Point HalfVec = StartPt.sub(EndPt)/2 View.makeCosmeticLine(MidPt.add(HalfVec),MidPt.sub(HalfVec),Attrib.getStyle(), Attrib.getWidth(), Attrib.getColorTuple()) class areaAnnot: ''' create an annotation showing the area of a closed polygon''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 15 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #2B2200",\ "+ c #FFFF00",\ "@ c #2F2600",\ "# c #2D2400",\ "$ c #FDFC00",\ "% c #FDFD00",\ "& c #FAFA00",\ "* c #F8F800",\ "= c #2E2500",\ "- c #2D2300",\ "; c #FF0000",\ "> c #FFAEAE",\ ", c #2C2300",\ "' c #F7F600",\ " ....... ....... ",\ " ......... ......... ",\ " ...+++++@.. ...+++++... ",\ " ..#+$+++++... ...+++++%+... ",\ "...+++++++++........................................+%+++++++...",\ "..+++++++++++......................................+++++++++++..",\ "..+++++++++++..++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..+++++++++++..",\ "..+++++++++++#.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..++++++++++$#.",\ "..+++++++++++..++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..+++++++++++..",\ "...+++++++++.......................................+++++++++++..",\ " ...+++++++.........................................++++++++&...",\ " .#.+++++... ...++++++*... ",\ " .......@. ..=+++++... ",\ " ....... ......... ",\ " ..+++.. ......- ",\ " ..+++.. ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;> ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ..+++.. ",\ " ..+++.. ..+++.. ",\ " ........ ....... ",\ " ......... ......... ",\ " ...+++++.,. ...+++++... ",\ " ...+++++++.,......................................#.+++++++.#. ",\ "...+++++++++..,.....................................+++++++++...",\ "..+++++++++++..++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..+++++++++++..",\ "..+++++++++++..++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..+++++++++++..",\ "..+++++++++++..++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..+++++++++++..",\ "..+++++++++++......................................+++++++++++..",\ "..,+++++++++.......................................#+++++++++...",\ " ...+++++++.#. ...+++++++... ",\ " ...+'+++.#. ...+++++... ",\ " ......... ......... ",\ " ....... ....... "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create an annotation showing the area" helpText = "Creates an annotation of the area value, the unit"+ "\n"\ "of which is determined by the preferences "+"\n"\ "- select a closed closed polygon of lines"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge eine Anmerkung mit dem Flächeninhalt" helpText = "Erstellen Sie eine Anmerkung zum Flächenwert, deren Einheit"+ "\n"\ "aus den Einstellungen entnommen wird "+"\n"\ "- Wählen Sie Linien die ein geschlossenes Polygon bilden"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Annotazione valore area poligono" helpText = "Crea un'annotazione del valore dell'area, la cui "+ "\n"\ "unità viene rilevata dalle preferenze"+"\n"\ "- selezionare le linee che formano il poligono chiuso"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Annotation de valeur de surface de polygone" helpText = "Crée une annotation de la valeur de surface, dont "+ "\n"\ "l'unité est extraite des préférences"+"\n"\ "- sélectionnez les lignes qui forment le polygone fermé"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Anotación de valor de área de polígono" helpText = "Cree una anotación del valor del área, cuya "+ "\n"\ "unidad se toma de las preferencias "+"\n"\ "- seleccione las líneas que forman el polígono cerrado"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): Sel = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0] ObjectList = Sel.SubElementNames View = gui.Selection.getCompleteSelection()[0] XView,YView = commonTools.getViewCoords(View) selEdges = [] for Obj in ObjectList: selEdges.append(View.getEdgeBySelection(Obj)) wire = TechDraw.findOuterWire(selEdges) sumArea, sumLength, sumProduct = 0, 0, app.Vector() for Edge in wire.Edges: sumArea = sumArea + Edge.Vertexes[0].Point.x*Edge.Vertexes[1].Point.y-Edge.Vertexes[0].Point.y*Edge.Vertexes[1].Point.x sumLength = sumLength + Edge.Length sumProduct = sumProduct+Edge.Vertexes[0].Point.add(Edge.Vertexes[1].Point)/2*Edge.Length center = app.Vector(sumProduct.x/sumLength,sumProduct.y/sumLength,0) factor = app.Units.Quantity('m').getUserPreferred()[1] sumArea = abs(int(sumArea/(2*factor*factor))) commonTools.createAnnot('Area',str(sumArea)+app.Units.Quantity('m').getUserPreferred()[2]+'2',float(XView)+center.x,float(YView)+center.y-2) class createObliqueDimChain: '''create an oblique chain dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 2 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ " .. ",\ " ... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... ",\ " ..... . ",\ " ..... ... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " . ..... ..... ",\ " ... .............. ",\ " ..... ............ ",\ " ..... .......... ",\ " ..... .......... ",\ " ..... .......... ",\ " ..... .......... ",\ " ..... ......... ",\ " ..... .......... ",\ " ..... ............ ",\ " ..... ............ ",\ " ..... ..... . ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ... ............ ",\ " ..... .......... ",\ " ..... ......... ",\ " ..... .......... ",\ " ..... .......... ",\ " ..... .......... ",\ " ..... .......... ",\ " ..... ............ ",\ " ..... ............ ",\ " ..... ..... . ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ..... ..... ",\ " ..... .. ..... ",\ " ............ ",\ " .......... ",\ " ......... ",\ " .......... ",\ " .......... ",\ " ......... ",\ " .......... ",\ " ............ ",\ " ............ ",\ " ..... . ",\ " .... ",\ " .. ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " ",\ " "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create an oblique dimension chain" helpText = "Create an oblique dimension chain"+ "\n"\ "- select three or more vertexes"+ "\n"\ "- the first two define the direction"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge eine schräge Kettenbemaßung" helpText = "Erzeuge ein schräges Kettenmaß"+ "\n"\ "- wähle drei oder mehr Konstruktionspunkte"+ "\n"\ "- die beiden Ersten bestimmen die Richtung"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Dimensioni oblique in serie continue" helpText = "Seleziona tre o più vertici"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Dimensions obliques en série continue" helpText = "Sélectionnez trois sommets ou plus"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Dimensiones oblicuas en serie continua" helpText = "Seleccione tres o más vértices"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): # createObliqueDimChain def sortPoints(Point): return Point.x (OK,ElementNames,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: VertexNames = [VertexName for VertexName in ElementNames if VertexName[:6]=='Vertex'] Vertexes = [View.getVertexBySelection(VertexName) for VertexName in VertexNames] if len(Vertexes) > 2: DimPoints = [Vertexes[0].Point,Vertexes[1].Point] Direction = Vertexes[0].Point.sub(Vertexes[1].Point).normalize() Normal = app.Vector(Direction.y,-Direction.x,0) Carrier = Part.Line(Vertexes[0].Point,Vertexes[1].Point) DistLine = Part.Line(app.Vector(),Normal) Ip = Carrier.intersect(DistLine) Delta = app.Vector(Ip[0].X,Ip[0].Y,Ip[0].Z).normalize()*7 for Num in range(2,len(Vertexes)): Pt = Vertexes[Num].Point Extension = Part.Line(Pt,Pt.add(Normal)) Ip = Carrier.intersect(Extension) IpVec = app.Vector(Ip[0].X,Ip[0].Y,Ip[0].Z) if not IpVec.isEqual(Pt,0.01): DimPoints.append(IpVec) View.makeCosmeticLine(Pt,IpVec,1, 0.15, (0,0,0,0)) else: DimPoints.append(Pt) DimPoints.sort(key=sortPoints) for i in range(len(DimPoints)-1): DistanceDim=TechDraw.makeDistanceDim(View,'Distance',DimPoints[i],DimPoints[i+1]) DistanceDim.X = (DimPoints[i].x+DimPoints[i+1].x)/2+Delta.x DistanceDim.Y = (DimPoints[i].y+DimPoints[i+1].y)/2+Delta.y class createObliqueCoordDim: '''Create oblique coordinate dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 2 1",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ " ....... ...... ",\ " ... ...... ....... ",\ " ... ...... ...... ",\ " ..... ...... ..... ",\ " ..... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ....... ...... ...... ",\ " ........... ...... ...... ",\ " .......... ...... ...... ",\ " ......... ...... ...... ",\ " ......... ...... ..... ",\ " ......... ...... ..... ",\ " ......... ........... ..... ",\ " ......... ........... ...... ",\ " ........... .......... ...... ",\ " ............ .......... ...... ",\ " ............ .......... ......... ",\ " ...... .......... ..........",\ " ...... .......... .........",\ " ....... .......... .........",\ " ...... ............ ........",\ ". ...... ............ .........",\ ".. ..... ..... ........",\ "... ...... ...... .........",\ "........... ....... ..........",\ ".......... ...... ...........",\ "......... ...... ....... ..",\ "......... ...... ...... ",\ "......... ...... ....... ",\ "......... ...... ....... ",\ "......... ...... ...... ",\ ".......... ...... ...... ",\ "........... ...... ...... ",\ "............ ...... ...... ",\ ".. ...... ..... ...... ",\ " ...... ...... ...... ",\ " ....... ....... ...... ",\ " ............... ...... ",\ " ............. ....... ",\ " ........... ....... ",\ " ......... ...... ",\ " ......... ...... ",\ " ......... ...... ",\ " ......... ...... ",\ " ........... ...... ",\ " ............ ...... ",\ " ............. ...... ",\ " .... ..... ...... ",\ " .. ..... ....... ",\ " ..... ....... ",\ " ..... ....... ",\ " ............. ",\ " ............ ",\ " .......... ",\ " .......... ",\ " .......... ",\ " .......... ",\ " .......... ",\ " ........... ",\ " ........... ",\ " ........... ",\ " ... "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Create an oblique coordinate dimension" helpText = "Create an oblique coordinate dimension"+ "\n"\ "- select three or more vertexes"+ "\n"\ "- the first two define the direction"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Erzeuge eine schräge Koordinatenbemaßung" helpText = "Erzeuge ein schräges Koordinatenmaß"+ "\n"\ "- wähle drei oder mehr Konstruktionspunkte"+ "\n"\ "- die beiden Ersten bestimmen die Richtung"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Dimensioni parallele/coordinate oblique" helpText = "- impostare Valore distanziamento"+ "\n"\ "- selezionare tre o più vertici"+ "\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Dimensions parallèles/coordonnées oblique" helpText = "- définir Valeur d'espacement"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez trois sommets ou plus"+ "\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Dimensiones paralelas/coordenadas oblicuas" helpText = "- establecer Valor de espaciado"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione tres o más vértices"+ "\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): # createObliqueCoordDim def sortPoints(Point): return Point.x (OK,ElementNames,View) = commonTools.selectionOK() if OK: VertexNames = [VertexName for VertexName in ElementNames if VertexName[:6]=='Vertex'] Vertexes = [View.getVertexBySelection(VertexName) for VertexName in VertexNames] if len(Vertexes) > 2: DimPoints = [Vertexes[0].Point,Vertexes[1].Point] Direction = Vertexes[0].Point.sub(Vertexes[1].Point).normalize() Normal = app.Vector(Direction.y,-Direction.x,0) Carrier = Part.Line(Vertexes[0].Point,Vertexes[1].Point) DistLine = Part.Line(app.Vector(),Normal) Ip = Carrier.intersect(DistLine) Delta = app.Vector(Ip[0].X,Ip[0].Y,Ip[0].Z).normalize()*DimAttrib.getDimLineDistance() for Num in range(2,len(Vertexes)): Pt = Vertexes[Num].Point Extension = Part.Line(Pt,Pt.add(Normal)) Ip = Carrier.intersect(Extension) IpVec = app.Vector(Ip[0].X,Ip[0].Y,Ip[0].Z) if not IpVec.isEqual(Pt,0.01): DimPoints.append(IpVec) View.makeCosmeticLine(Pt,IpVec,1, 0.15, (0,0,0,0)) else: DimPoints.append(Pt) DimPoints.sort(key=sortPoints) for i in range(len(DimPoints)-1): DistanceDim=TechDraw.makeDistanceDim(View,'Distance',DimPoints[0],DimPoints[i+1]) DistanceDim.X = (DimPoints[0].x+DimPoints[i+1].x)/2+Delta.x*(i+1) DistanceDim.Y = (DimPoints[0].y+DimPoints[i+1].y)/2+Delta.y*(i+1) class positionObliqueDimChain: '''Position oblique dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 240 2",\ " c None",\ ". c #FF0000",\ "+ c #262600",\ "@ c #323200",\ "# c #4F5000",\ "$ c #7B7B00",\ "% c #848400",\ "& c #4E4E00",\ "* c #464600",\ "= c #939400",\ "- c #CCCD00",\ "; c #D8D800",\ "> c #9A9A00",\ ", c #373700",\ "' c #919100",\ ") c #D5D500",\ "! c #FBFC00",\ "~ c #FCFD00",\ "{ c #DBDC00",\ "] c #151500",\ "^ c #8E8E00",\ "/ c #D9D900",\ "( c #FBFB00",\ "_ c #FFFF00",\ ": c #F8F800",\ "< c #D4D400",\ "[ c #000000",\ "} c #898900",\ "| c #DDDE00",\ "1 c #FCFC00",\ "2 c #D0D000",\ "3 c #737400",\ "4 c #8A8A00",\ "5 c #E1E100",\ "6 c #F7F800",\ "7 c #CBCB00",\ "8 c #7A7A00",\ "9 c #141400",\ "0 c #E2E300",\ "a c #F6F700",\ "b c #C7C700",\ "c c #808000",\ "d c #212100",\ "e c #3D3D00",\ "f c #929200",\ "g c #E3E300",\ "h c #F6F600",\ "i c #C4C400",\ "j c #838300",\ "k c #353500",\ "l c #4F4F00",\ "m c #FDFD00",\ "n c #C2C200",\ "o c #838400",\ "p c #595900",\ "q c #9FA000",\ "r c #DFDF00",\ "s c #C1C100",\ "t c #828200",\ "u c #404000",\ "v c #5F5F00",\ "w c #A4A400",\ "x c #C0C100",\ "y c #7D7E00",\ "z c #3C3C00",\ "A c #616100",\ "B c #A7A700",\ "C c #DDDD00",\ "D c #F3F400",\ "E c #767600",\ "F c #303000",\ "G c #606000",\ "H c #A8A800",\ "I c #DEDE00",\ "J c #F1F100",\ "K c #C3C400",\ "L c #6C6C00",\ "M c #090900",\ "N c #5C5C00",\ "O c #DFE000",\ "P c #FEFE00",\ "Q c #F0F000",\ "R c #C4C500",\ "S c #242400",\ "T c #555500",\ "U c #E2E200",\ "V c #EFEF00",\ "W c #6D6D00",\ "X c #444400",\ "Y c #6F7000",\ "Z c #545400",\ "` c #494900",\ " . c #E5E600",\ ".. c #2F2F00",\ "+. c #969700",\ "@. c #D3D300",\ "#. c #A3A300",\ "$. c #646500",\ "%. c #030300",\ "&. c #A0A000",\ "*. c #EAEA00",\ "=. c #EFF000",\ "-. c #BEBF00",\ ";. c #6A6A00",\ ">. c #848500",\ ",. c #EAEB00",\ "'. c #EDEE00",\ "). c #AAAB00",\ "!. c #5E5E00",\ "~. c #161600",\ "{. c #070700",\ "]. c #0A0A00",\ "^. c #3F3F00",\ "/. c #9B9B00",\ "(. c #EEEF00",\ "_. c #B9B900",\ ":. c #666600",\ "<. c #9C9C00",\ "[. c #F5F600",\ "}. c #EEEE00",\ "|. c #ACAC00",\ "1. c #363600",\ "2. c #1E1E00",\ "3. c #4A4A00",\ "4. c #F4F400",\ "5. c #F3F300",\ "6. c #B2B300",\ "7. c #A9A900",\ "8. c #DADA00",\ "9. c #F2F200",\ "0. c #AEAF00",\ "a. c #474700",\ "b. c #ABAB00",\ "c. c #FAFA00",\ "d. c #FAFB00",\ "e. c #AAAA00",\ "f. c #656500",\ "g. c #1B1B00",\ "h. c #565600",\ "i. c #ACAD00",\ "j. c #E7E700",\ "k. c #FEFF00",\ "l. c #F5F500",\ "m. c #8D8D00",\ "n. c #414100",\ "o. c #5A5A00",\ "p. c #C6C600",\ "q. c #F0F100",\ "r. c #343400",\ "s. c #BCBC00",\ "t. c #F2F300",\ "u. c #E9E900",\ "v. c #7E7E00",\ "w. c #010100",\ "x. c #3B3B00",\ "y. c #BEBE00",\ "z. c #626200",\ "A. c #1D1E00",\ "B. c #313100",\ "C. c #A8A900",\ "D. c #E4E400",\ "E. c #C2C300",\ "F. c #6F6F00",\ "G. c #272700",\ "H. c #686800",\ "I. c #B3B300",\ "J. c #E5E500",\ "K. c #F9F900",\ "L. c #F1F200",\ "M. c #BBBB00",\ "N. c #7B7C00",\ "O. c #CBCC00",\ "P. c #C8C800",\ "Q. c #CECE00",\ "R. c #E3E400",\ "S. c #FDFE00",\ "T. c #7E7F00",\ "U. c #414200",\ "V. c #525200",\ "W. c #9D9E00",\ "X. c #E6E600",\ "Y. c #333300",\ "Z. c #999900",\ "`. c #C0C000",\ " + c #7C7C00",\ ".+ c #141500",\ "++ c #E4E500",\ "@+ c #727200",\ "#+ c #404100",\ "$+ c #505000",\ "%+ c #979700",\ "&+ c #BABA00",\ "*+ c #959600",\ "=+ c #E1E000",\ "-+ c #DBDB00",\ ";+ c #FDFC00",\ ">+ c #393900", ",+ c #9E9E00",\ "'+ c #B4B400",\ ")+ c #020200",\ "!+ c #969600",\ "~+ c #E0E000",\ "{+ c #6A6B00",\ "]+ c #959500",\ "^+ c #939300",\ "/+ c #4A4B00",\ "(+ c #D7D700",\ "_+ c #797A00",\ ":+ c #EBEB00",\ "<+ c #E6E700",\ "[+ c #646400",\ "}+ c #B0B000",\ "|+ c #D1D100",\ "1+ c #D2D200",\ "2+ c #9C9D00",\ "3+ c #3A3B00",\ "4+ c #AFB000",\ "5+ c #BDBD00",\ "6+ c #787800",\ "7+ c #202000",\ "8+ c #ADAE00",\ "9+ c #E8E800",\ "0+ c #BCBD00",\ "a+ c #696900",\ "b+ c #1F1F00",\ "c+ c #585800",\ "d+ c #A6A600",\ "e+ c #ECEC00",\ "f+ c #B6B600",\ "g+ c #676700",\ "h+ c #B0B100",\ "i+ c #5D5D00",\ "j+ c #A9AA00",\ "k+ c #AFAF00", "l+ c #A2A300",\ "m+ c #B5B600",\ "n+ c #545500",\ "o+ c #ECED00",\ "p+ c #505100",\ "q+ c #121200",\ " . . . . . . 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",\ " w.$+e.:+P P :+&+;.[ ",\ " b+c+d+V _ P e+f+g+[ ",\ " ~.N B 4._ _ '.h+z.[ ",\ " [ i+e.4._ _ Q j+o.[ ",\ " [ v k+D _ _ 9.l+Z [ ",\ " [ H.m+q._ _ L.q n+[ ",\ " [ W M.V _ P o+,+p+q+ "]) def textEnglish(self): buttonText = "Position an oblique dimension chain" helpText = "Position an oblique dimension chain"+ "\n"\ "- select some parallel oblique measures"+ "\n"\ "- the first selected maesure defines the position"+ "\n"\ "- click this button" return(buttonText,helpText) def textGerman(self): buttonText = "Positioniere eine schräge Kettenbemaßung" helpText = "Positioniere eine schräge Kettenbemaßung"+ "\n"\ "- wähle mehrere parallele schräge Maße"+ "\n"\ "- das Erste bestimmt die Position"+ "\n"\ "- drücke diesen Knopf" return(buttonText,helpText) def textItalian(self): buttonText = "Allinea dimensioni oblique" helpText = "Dispone sulla stessa linea le dimensioni oblique selezionate:"+ "\n"\ "- seleziona due o più dimensioni"+"\n"\ "- fare clic su questo pulsante" return(buttonText,helpText) def textFrench(self): buttonText = "Aligner les dimensions obliques" helpText = "Réorganise les dimensions obliques sélectionnées sur la même ligne:"+ "\n"\ "- sélectionnez deux ou plusieurs dimensions"+"\n"\ "- cliquez sur ce bouton" return(buttonText,helpText) def textSpanish(self): buttonText = "Alinear dimensiones oblicuas" helpText = "Organiza las dimensiones oblicuas seleccionadas en la misma línea:"+ "\n"\ "- seleccione dos o más dimensiones"+"\n"\ "- haga clic en este botón" return(buttonText,helpText) def activated(self): # positionObliqueDimChain Selected = gui.Selection.getSelectionEx() ObliqueDimList = [Select.Object for Select in Selected if Select.Object.Type == 'Distance'] if len(ObliqueDimList) > 1: DimPoints = ObliqueDimList[0].getArrowPositions() DimPos = app.Vector(ObliqueDimList[0].X,ObliqueDimList[0].Y,0) Direction = DimPoints[0].sub(DimPoints[1]) Normal = app.Vector(Direction.y,-Direction.x,0) CarrierLine = Part.Line(DimPos,DimPos.add(Direction)) for Dimension in ObliqueDimList: DimPos = app.Vector(Dimension.X,Dimension.Y,0) NormalLine = Part.Line(DimPos,DimPos.add(Normal)) Ip = CarrierLine.intersect(NormalLine) Dimension.X, Dimension.Y = Ip[0].X,Ip[0].Y class cascadeObliqueDimension: '''Cascade oblique dimension''' Icon = QtGui.QPixmap([ \ "64 64 356 2",\ " c None",\ ". c #1C1C00",\ "+ c #949400",\ "@ c #D6D600",\ "# c #F6F600",\ "$ c #F5F500",\ "% c #CACA00",\ "& c #919100",\ "* c #585800",\ "= c #000000",\ "- c #707100",\ "; c #CBCB00",\ "> c #F3F300",\ ", c #FCFC00",\ "' c #DBDB00",\ ") c #9A9A00",\ "! c #515100",\ "~ c #1D1D00",\ "{ c #9F9F00",\ "] c #F7F800",\ "^ c #F2F200",\ "/ c #C1C100",\ "( c #888800",\ "_ c #767600",\ ": c #D0D000",\ "< c #FBFB00",\ "[ c #D3D300",\ "} c #8B8B00",\ "| c #474700",\ "1 c #3F3F00",\ "2 c #3A3A00",\ "3 c #535300",\ "4 c #A7A700",\ "5 c #E1E100",\ "6 c #FAFA00",\ "7 c #BDBD00",\ "8 c #7C7C00",\ "9 c #424200",\ "0 c #878700",\ "a c #D5D500",\ "b c #F9F900",\ "c c #CFCF00",\ "d c #7E7E00",\ "e c #2A2A00",\ "f c #6F6F00",\ "g c #6C6C00",\ "h c #5E5E00",\ "i c #ACAD00",\ "j c #E9E900",\ "k c #FDFD00",\ "l c #F1F100",\ "m c #B7B700",\ "n c #676700",\ "o c #303000",\ "p c #8D8D00",\ "q c #DDDD00",\ "r c #FEFE00",\ "s c #CDCD00",\ "t c #696900",\ "u c #838300",\ "v c #CECE00",\ "w c #D1D100",\ "x c #414100",\ "y c #B5B500",\ "z c #EBEB00",\ "A c #ADAD00",\ "B c #5F5F00",\ "C c #969600",\ "D c #E7E700",\ "E c #FFFF00",\ "F c #C5C500",\ "G c #606000",\ "H c #505000",\ "I c #B8B800",\ "J c #EFEF00",\ "K c #F4F400",\ "L c #8E8E00",\ "M c #494900",\ "N c #BEBE00",\ "O c #E3E300",\ "P c #A0A000",\ "Q c #5A5A00",\ "R c #555500",\ "S c #A2A200",\ "T c #F0F000",\ "U c #F0F100",\ "V c #B7B800",\ "W c #5B5B00",\ "X c #DEDE00",\ "Y c #EFEE00",\ "Z c #C4C400",\ "` c #8A8A00",\ " . c #4A4A00",\ ".. c #171700",\ "+. c #7F7F00",\ "@. c #C9C900",\ "#. c #D9D900",\ "$. c #545400",\ "%. c #B3B300",\ "&. c #EEEE00",\ "*. c #E8E800",\ "=. c #6D6D00",\ "-. c #B2B200",\ ";. c #E2E200",\ ">. c #F7F700",\ ",. c #818100",\ "'. c #333300",\ "). c #1B1B00",\ "!. c #929200",\ "~. c #C0C000",\ "{. c #E0E000",\ "]. c #A6A600",\ "^. c #575700",\ "/. c #777700",\ "(. c #B9B900",\ "_. c #E6E600",\ ":. c #F8F800",\ "<. c #E4E400",\ "[. c #797900",\ "}. c #242400",\ "|. c #484800",\ "1. c #9E9E00",\ "2. c #4F4F00",\ "3. c #C8C800",\ "4. c #FBFA00",\ "5. c #A09F00",\ "6. c #3A3B00",\ "7. c #5C5C00",\ "8. c #A4A400",\ "9. c #C6C600",\ "0. c #858500",\ "a. c #444400",\ "b. c #2E2E00",\ "c. c #D8D800",\ "d. c #959500",\ "e. c #464600",\ "f. c #383800",\ "g. c #AEAE00",\ "h. c #979800",\ "i. c #313100",\ "j. c #525200",\ "k. c #BABB00",\ "l. c #707000",\ "m. c #373700",\ "n. c #D2D200",\ "o. c #808000",\ "p. c #626200",\ "q. c #202000",\ "r. c #ABAB00",\ "s. c #FEFF00",\ "t. c #A5A500",\ "u. c #868500",\ "v. c #C5C400",\ "w. c #646400",\ "x. c #8C8C00",\ "y. c #DFDF00",\ "z. c #FCFD00",\ "A. c #ECED00",\ "B. c #B0B000",\ "C. c #4B4B00",\ "D. c #9C9C00",\ "E. c #BABA00",\ "F. c #4E4E00",\ "G. c #F9FA00",\ "H. c #DADA00",\ "I. c #8F8F00",\ "J. c #727200",\ "K. c #999900",\ "L. c #454500",\ "M. c #3B3B00",\ "N. c #A9A900",\ "O. c #CCCC00",\ "P. c #979700",\ "Q. c #515200",\ "R. c #B1B100",\ "S. c #AFAF00",\ "T. c #EAEA00",\ "U. c #CDCE00",\ "V. c #D0D100",\ "W. c #E5E500",\ "X. c #E3E400",\ "Y. c #B6B700",\ "Z. c #404000",\ "`. c #868600",\ " + c #3D3D00",\ ".+ c #FDFE00",\ "++ c #4D4C00",\ "@+ c #898900",\ "#+ c #434300",\ "$+ c #D4D400",\ "%+ c #EAEB00",\ "&+ c #A3A400",\ "*+ c #D8D900",\ "=+ c #717100",\ "-+ c #D7D700",\ ";+ c #FBFC00",\ ">+ c #BCBC00",\ ",+ c #EFF000",\ "'+ c #2D2D00",\ ")+ c #FAF900",\ "!+ c #818200",\ "~+ c #747400",\ "{+ c #B6B600",\ "]+ c #C7C700",\ "^+ c #A8A800",\ "/+ c #A1A100",\ "(+ c #868700",\ "_+ c #353500",\ ":+ c #BDBE00",\ "<+ c #757500",\ "[+ c #636300",\ "}+ c #6B6B00",\ "|+ c #111100",\ "1+ c #585900",\ "2+ c #F1F200",\ "3+ c #D5D600",\ "4+ c #C7C800",\ "5+ c #DFDE00",\ "6+ c #2B2B00",\ "7+ c 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