substitutions: # Set the device name name: devicename # Set the friendly name friendly_name: friendly # Provide the wifi SSID wifi: !secret wifi_ssid #Provide the wifi password wifi_pass: !secret wifi_password #Provide an OTA password: ota_pass: "trustbutverifywalkingwithabigstick" ### No modifications needed below here ### #################################################################################### esphome: name: $name friendly_name: $friendly_name platformio_options: board_build.flash_mode: dio board_build.f_cpu: 80000000L name_add_mac_suffix: false wifi: ssid: $wifi password: $wifi_pass power_save_mode: NONE # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: output_power: 15db captive_portal: web_server: port: 80 esp32: board: lolin_s2_mini framework: type: esp-idf api: ota: password: $ota_pass logger: level: DEBUG uart: tx_pin: GPIO18 rx_pin: GPIO33 baud_rate: 256000 parity: NONE stop_bits: 1 ld2410: binary_sensor: - platform: ld2410 has_target: name: Presence has_moving_target: name: Moving Target has_still_target: name: Still Target out_pin_presence_status: name: Out Pin Presence Status sensor: - platform: ld2410 light: name: Light moving_distance: name : Moving Distance still_distance: name: Still Distance moving_energy: name: Move Energy still_energy: name: Still Energy detection_distance: name: Detection Distance g0: move_energy: name: g0 move energy still_energy: name: g0 still energy g1: move_energy: name: g1 move energy still_energy: name: g1 still energy g2: move_energy: name: g2 move energy still_energy: name: g2 still energy g3: move_energy: name: g3 move energy still_energy: name: g3 still energy g4: move_energy: name: g4 move energy still_energy: name: g4 still energy g5: move_energy: name: g5 move energy still_energy: name: g5 still energy g6: move_energy: name: g6 move energy still_energy: name: g6 still energy g7: move_energy: name: g7 move energy still_energy: name: g7 still energy g8: move_energy: name: g8 move energy still_energy: name: g8 still energy - platform: internal_temperature name: ESP Temperature unit_of_measurement: °C device_class: TEMPERATURE update_interval: 30s entity_category: "diagnostic" - platform: uptime name: Uptime id: sys_uptime update_interval: 10s - platform: wifi_signal name: WiFi RSSI id: wifi_signal_db update_interval: 30s entity_category: "diagnostic" switch: - platform: ld2410 engineering_mode: name: "LD2410 Engineering Mode" bluetooth: name: "LD2410 Bluetooth" number: - platform: ld2410 timeout: name: Timeout light_threshold: name: Light Threshold max_move_distance_gate: name: Max Move Distance Gate max_still_distance_gate: name: Max Still Distance Gate g0: move_threshold: name: g0 move threshold still_threshold: name: g0 still threshold g1: move_threshold: name: g1 move threshold still_threshold: name: g1 still threshold g2: move_threshold: name: g2 move threshold still_threshold: name: g2 still threshold g3: move_threshold: name: g3 move threshold still_threshold: name: g3 still threshold g4: move_threshold: name: g4 move threshold still_threshold: name: g4 still threshold g5: move_threshold: name: g5 move threshold still_threshold: name: g5 still threshold g6: move_threshold: name: g6 move threshold still_threshold: name: g6 still threshold g7: move_threshold: name: g7 move threshold still_threshold: name: g7 still threshold g8: move_threshold: name: g8 move threshold still_threshold: name: g8 still threshold button: - platform: ld2410 factory_reset: name: "LD2410 Factory Reset" restart: name: "LD2410 Reboot" query_params: name: "LD2410 Query Params" - platform: restart icon: mdi:power-cycle name: "ESP Reboot" text_sensor: - platform: ld2410 version: name: "LD2410 Firmware Version" mac_address: name: "LD2410 MAC Address" select: - platform: ld2410 distance_resolution: name: "Distance Resolution" baud_rate: name: "Baud Rate" light_function: name: Light Function out_pin_level: name: Out Pin Level light: - platform: status_led name: sys_status pin: number: GPIO15 inverted: True internal: True restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF