>In hell, there resides a certain subsection of individuals obsessed with humanity >While most satiate themselves with sinners, the most devout demand the real deal >They want actual human beings >To this extent, many pull strings to grab one >From rituals to paying out the wazoo for a special crystal from asmodeus >The end result is the same >they grab a human from the living world >In gluttony, Queen beelzebub was one of the more notable human lovers >So she had something special planned >A human, wallflower, would be at her party >As long as the crowd didn’t hurt him, he was free to use >Later in the afternoon, you was summoned >You certainly wasn’t dressed for it, just jeans, plain shirt, and worn out shoes >Perfect, with the addition of a red and black letterman jacket, he was ready >When the party began, you mostly kept to Yourself >It wasn’t until You went to a snack bar that everyone saw what was written on the back >FREE USE HUMAN SLUT (Try not to break him) >After that, all bets were off >The first hellhound grabbed you from behind and began to sniff and lick your neck >Second one forgoes any subtly, lifted you up and pushes you onto a couch, but was stopped by others >Not for your safety, of course, she was just hogging you up >After the jeans you wore were all but shredded up, the crowd went wild >One hellhound just shoved her nose into your crotch, taking quick, but deep inhales >Your underwear was yanked off, and several hellhounds were fighting over them >The first hound to go was putting on, what was that? Peanut butter? >Well, whatever it was, your dick was immediately licked in rapid succession, clearly showing the peanut butter was the secondary treat to the hounds >The combination of soft mouth and sharp teeth made you cum pretty fast >The first hound was unceremoniously thrown off you >The second hound grabbed you by the legs >You were then flipped upside down, your dick near her mouth >You see her crotch is absolutely soaked in juices >Figure you can return the favor, you unbutton her pants and slip your hand in >That only invigorated her, and she went wild >You blow your second load into her mouth, and you hoped you could last longer >Third one takes off her pants, revealing a puffy, spade shaped canine vagina >She then slams onto your face, and her scent is mind numbingly sweet >She moves her hips in a circular motion, hoping her scent would be permanently on you for the rest of the party >When she finished, you were soaked in her juices >And this would continue until Queen Beelzebub herself flew down to you >”Alright, alright, give him some room to breathe, looks like he needs it” >”And I like it when I have them all to myself” >With a snap of her fingers, a jar of honey popped up from nowhere >She drizzled the honey onto your dick, and licked her lips >she teased you like you dick was a lollipop or popsicle >Only for her to immediately deepthroat your dick in the next few seconds >Boy, she’s really going at it, only stopping to get some fresh air >Your then distracted by your hands being wet, looking up, you saw another hellhound shoving your hands down her panties >Suddenly, you’re swept up from your feet, bee has picked you up, dick still hard, and all of a sudden, your on the giant disco ball in the center of the arena >”Try to put on a good show, it’s not everyday that denizens of hell get showered in human sperm.” Bee whispered in your ear, using her second pair of hands to massage your balls and jerk you off. >A kiss from her filled your mind with aphrodisiacs, your dick got harder than you thought was possible, your balls, nearly empty, suddenly felt heavy. >Everything was muffled, but when you finally came, there was a shout of excitement from the crowd, then everything went blank. >When you snapped back to reality, you were on your bed back on earth, an ice pack in your crotch >Not to mention being sore all over >Look to your bedside table >Your phone, which you don’t remember having taken, is right there, rather than on the kitchen counter >Next to that is a gift basket with all sorts of goodies >From honey packets to phone numbers >Decide to check your phone to see if they did anything with it >Nothing out of the usual, but then you get to your photo gallery >from 75 images to well over 500 >all of them from hellhounds >Whether it was them flashing their breasts, spreading their ass or Cookies >seems like everyone sent a little parting gift >Even queen bee herself left a pic or two >you lay back in bed >That was one hell of a Friday night