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If set negative will spin opposite direction." }, { "field_name": "spline_tile_count", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Default to 1 to have regular behaviour, this is how many times will repeat texture along spline" }, { "field_name": "composite_scene", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is composite scene that will be rendered in centre (in same fashion as central vfx)" }, { "field_name": "is_targetting_per_entity", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is for single click abilities where want aoe display to be shown per entity rather than per unit (mainly gyrobombers bomb drop ability)" }, { "field_name": "vfx_ring_segment_length", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If set to value other than -1, this is used to create number of segments instead of spline tile count" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 7, "fields": [ { "field_name": "spline", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Example: UI/3DUI/textures/default/spline_inspiration_diffuse" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "decal", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Example: RigidModels/Decals/battle/impact_decal.rigid_model_v2" }, { "field_name": "vfx_central", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "Effect that appears in centre" }, { "field_name": "vfx_ring", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "Effect that appears in ring around bounds" }, { "field_name": "spline_width", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Width of spline" }, { "field_name": "spline_col_r", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Colour when in range or cast" }, { "field_name": "spline_col_g", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Colour when in range or cast" }, { "field_name": "spline_col_b", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Colour when in range or cast" }, { "field_name": "spline_oor_col_r", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Colour when out of casting range" }, { "field_name": "spline_oor_col_g", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Colour when out of casting range" }, { "field_name": "spline_oor_col_b", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Colour when out of casting range" }, { "field_name": "spline_vertical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If true, spline will be orientated vertical. 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If set negative will spin opposite direction." }, { "field_name": "spline_tile_count", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Default to 1 to have regular behaviour, this is how many times will repeat texture along spline" }, { "field_name": "composite_scene", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is composite scene that will be rendered in centre (in same fashion as central vfx)" }, { "field_name": "is_targetting_per_entity", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is for single click abilities where want aoe display to be shown per entity rather than per unit (mainly gyrobombers bomb drop ability)" }, { "field_name": "vfx_ring_segment_length", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If set to value other than -1, this is used to 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"field_description": "Size of entity for collision priority and combat" }, { "field_name": "strafe_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "gradient_strategy", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entities_gradient_strategy_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "Gradient alignment strategy" }, { "field_name": "audio_entity_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_entity_types", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "combat_reaction_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Radius at which entity will trigger combat with nearby enemy" }, { "field_name": "entity_effects", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entity_effects_junctions", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "hit_reactions_ignore_chance", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Percentage chance to ignore hit reactions, after rules application." }, { "field_name": "knock_interrupts_ignore_chance", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Percentage chance to ignore knock interrupts, after rules application." }, { "field_name": "soft_collision_offset_z", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Offset the soft collision volume along the z-axis." }, { "field_name": "can_climb_ladder_and_stair_pipes", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_intersection_radius_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Ratio of the radius to use for projectile intersections (usually < 1)" }, { "field_name": "projectile_penetration_speed_change", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Ratio of projectile speed retained when it penetrates this entity." }, { "field_name": "projectile_penetration_resistance", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Added to the projectile penetration counter. Higher number means this entity can stop projectiles more easily." }, { "field_name": "aura_vfx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "porthole_camera", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_porthole_camera_settings", "key" ], "field_description": "Override camera that will be used instead of record in main_unit record if exists" }, { "field_name": "min_tracking_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Minimum ratio of move speed that an entity can slow down for formed movement" }, { "field_name": "max_tracking_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Maximum ratio of move speed that an entity can speed up for formed movement" }, { "field_name": "vfx_filter_id", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Used to filter effect metadata that should only trigger for some entities and not others, e.g. heroes. The 'id' field of the metadata must match this id if not 0, to be triggered." }, { "field_name": "can_cast_projectile", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "does this entity cast a projectile spell" }, { "field_name": "porthole_composite_scene", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Full path of composite scene to use for porthole in battle (optional, if empty will just render unit from battle. Only required for special circumstances like chariots)" }, { "field_name": "has_blood", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Whether this entity has blood" }, { "field_name": "can_dismember", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Whether this entity can be dismembered" }, { "field_name": "combat_camera_shake", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_camera_shake_parameters", "key" ], "field_description": "Camera shake parameters to use for combat animations. This to tied to metadata." }, { "field_name": "dismember_head_alive_hp_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If +ve, this entity can have its head dismembered while still alive. Value is fraction of full hitpoints." }, { "field_name": "dismember_arms_alive_hp_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If +ve, this entity can have its arms dismembered while still alive. Value is fraction of full hitpoints." } ] }, { "version": 31, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entities_types_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "walk_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "run_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "acceleration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "deceleration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Needs to be larger than acceleration value to avoid attack movement bugs" }, { "field_name": "charge_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "charge_distance_commence_run", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "charge_distance_adopt_charge_pose", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "charge_distance_pick_target", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "shape", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entities_shape_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "radii_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "mass", 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knock interrupts, after rules application." }, { "field_name": "soft_collision_offset_z", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Offset the soft collision volume along the z-axis." }, { "field_name": "can_climb_ladder_and_stair_pipes", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_intersection_radius_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Ratio of the radius to use for projectile intersections (usually < 1)" }, { "field_name": "projectile_penetration_speed_change", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Ratio of projectile speed retained when it penetrates this entity." }, { "field_name": "projectile_penetration_resistance", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Added to the projectile penetration counter. Higher number means this entity can stop projectiles more easily." }, { "field_name": "aura_vfx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "porthole_camera", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_porthole_camera_settings", "key" ], "field_description": "Override camera that will be used instead of record in main_unit record if exists" }, { "field_name": "min_tracking_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Minimum ratio of move speed that an entity can slow down for formed movement" }, { "field_name": "max_tracking_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Maximum ratio of move speed that an entity can speed up for formed movement" }, { "field_name": "vfx_filter_id", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Used to filter effect metadata that should only trigger for some entities and not others, e.g. heroes. The 'id' field of the metadata must match this id if not 0, to be triggered." }, { "field_name": "can_cast_projectile", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "does this entity cast a projectile spell" }, { "field_name": "porthole_composite_scene", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Full path of composite scene to use for porthole in battle (optional, if empty will just render unit from battle. Only required for special circumstances like chariots)" }, { "field_name": "has_blood", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Whether this entity has blood" }, { "field_name": "can_dismember", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Whether this entity can be dismembered" }, { "field_name": "combat_camera_shake", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_camera_shake_parameters", "key" ], "field_description": "Camera shake parameters to use for combat animations. This to tied to metadata." }, { "field_name": "dismember_head_alive_hp_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If +ve, this entity can have its head dismembered while still alive. Value is fraction of full hitpoints." }, { "field_name": "dismember_arms_alive_hp_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If +ve, this entity can have its arms dismembered while still alive. Value is fraction of full hitpoints." } ] } ] }, { "name": "battle_entity_effects_junctions_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 6, "fields": [ { "field_name": "impact_dust", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entity_effects", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "melee_dust", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entity_effects", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "run_dust", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entity_effects", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "walk_dust", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entity_effects", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "footsteps", 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"field_description": "Order put in ui" }, { "field_name": "defender_funds_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Ratio of funds defender gets as opposed to attacker for this battle type" }, { "field_name": "max_teamsize", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Maximum number of armies per alliance for this battle type" } ] } ] }, { "name": "battle_types_to_victory_conditions_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 2, "fields": [ { "field_name": "battle_type", "field_type": "StringU16", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_types", "type" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "attacker_victory_condition", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "victory_conditions", "condition" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "defender_victory_condition", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": 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will spawn the same composite scenes" }, { "field_name": "id", "field_type": "LongInteger", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "trigger_delay", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If we need to delay this composite scene triggering" }, { "field_name": "freeze_position", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Composite scene will respect initial spell position" }, { "field_name": "freeze_rotation", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Composite scene will respect initial speel rotation" } ] } ] }, { "name": "battle_vortex_composite_scene_groups_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "group_id", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": 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"field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "duration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "expansion_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "goal_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "infinite_height", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "move_change_freq", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "movement_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "in metres / second" }, { "field_name": "start_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "vortex_key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much this explosion contributes towards causing ignition. Also, this determines it being flaming as a context" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is our context 'magical'?" }, { "field_name": "composite_scene", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "composite_scene_files", "scene_filepath" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_force", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is how much force is applied to determine the result of being hit, for knockbacks etc." }, { "field_name": "launch_source", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_vortex_launch_sources", "suggested_launch_source" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "building_collision", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_vortex_collision_responses", "vortex_collision_type" ], "field_description": "This is the behaviour when we collide with a building" }, { "field_name": "launch_vfx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "height_off_ground", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "delay", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "We do spawn this at the same time as usual, but we wait this time to cause damage / move / collide etc." }, { "field_name": "num_vortexes", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "num of vortexes spawned" }, { "field_name": "composite_scene_blood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "composite_scene_files", "scene_filepath" ], "field_description": "Blood version" }, { "field_name": "affects_allies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "launch_source_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "distance from launch_source" }, { "field_name": "composite_scene_group", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_vortex_composite_scene_groups", "group_id" ], "field_description": "Via group we can configure multiple composite scenes per Vortex Spell" } ] }, { "version": 14, "fields": [ { "field_name": "change_max_angle", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "contact_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "damage_ap", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "duration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "expansion_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "goal_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "infinite_height", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "move_change_freq", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "movement_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "in metres / second" }, { "field_name": "start_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "vortex_key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much this explosion contributes towards causing ignition. Also, this determines it being flaming as a context" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is our context 'magical'?" }, { "field_name": "composite_scene", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "composite_scene_files", "scene_filepath" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_force", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is how much force is applied to determine the result of being hit, for knockbacks etc." }, { "field_name": "launch_source", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_vortex_launch_sources", "suggested_launch_source" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "building_collision", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_vortex_collision_responses", "vortex_collision_type" ], "field_description": "This is the behaviour when we collide with a building" }, { "field_name": "launch_vfx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "height_off_ground", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "delay", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "We do spawn this at the same time as usual, but we wait this time to cause damage / move / collide etc." }, { "field_name": "num_vortexes", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "num of vortexes spawned" }, { "field_name": "composite_scene_blood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "composite_scene_files", "scene_filepath" ], "field_description": "Blood version" }, { "field_name": "affects_allies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "launch_source_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "distance from launch_source" } ] }, { "version": 12, "fields": [ { "field_name": "change_max_angle", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "contact_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "damage_ap", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "duration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "expansion_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "goal_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "infinite_height", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "move_change_freq", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "movement_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "in metres / second" }, { "field_name": "start_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "vortex_key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much this explosion contributes towards causing ignition. Also, this determines it being flaming as a context" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is our context 'magical'?" }, { "field_name": "composite_scene", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "composite_scene_files", "scene_filepath" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_force", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is how much force is applied to determine the result of being hit, for knockbacks etc." }, { "field_name": "launch_source", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_vortex_launch_sources", "suggested_launch_source" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "building_collision", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_vortex_collision_responses", "vortex_collision_type" ], "field_description": "This is the behaviour when we collide with a building" }, { "field_name": "launch_vfx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "height_off_ground", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "delay", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "We do spawn this at the same time as usual, but we wait this time to cause damage / move / collide etc." }, { "field_name": "num_vortexes", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "num of vortexes spawned" }, { "field_name": "composite_scene_blood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "composite_scene_files", "scene_filepath" ], "field_description": "Blood version" } ] } ] }, { "name": "battle_weather_types_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 3, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "level", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "precipitation_type", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "num_particles", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "particle_size", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "particle_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "list_order", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "naval_appropriate", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "accuracy_multiplier", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much do we multiply accuracy by in this weather" }, { "field_name": "bow_reload_bonus", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "an additive modifier to reloading (may be negative)" }, { "field_name": "gun_reload_bonus", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "an additive modifier to reloading (may be negative)" } ] } ] }, { "name": "battlefield_building_categories_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 3, "fields": [ { "field_name": "category", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "default_destruction_effect", 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"field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "battlefield_buildings_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 27, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "category", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battlefield_building_categories", "category" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "model", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "models_building", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_material", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_materials", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "hit_points", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "gun_type", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": 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To deal with lords that are teleported immediately when starting campaign." }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "voiceover", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_vo_actors", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 19, "fields": [ { "field_name": "uniform", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "x_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "y_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "character_image", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Image when porthole mode set to 2d" }, { "field_name": "prelude_battle", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battles", "key" ], "field_description": "Specify if this character has a optional prelude battle can play before campaign" }, { "field_name": "video", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "videos", "video_name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "loading_screen_image", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Image for loading screen on starting campaign with this lord" }, { "field_name": "loading_screen_intro_video", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "videos", "video_name" ], "field_description": "Intro video played before loading screen started on selecting campaign with this lord" }, { "field_name": "override_force_location_x", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If not -1, this coordinate overrides location of army on map in mpc campaign lobby. To deal with lords that are teleported immediately when starting campaign." }, { "field_name": "override_force_location_y", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If not -1, this coordinate overrides location of army on map in mpc campaign lobby. To deal with lords that are teleported immediately when starting campaign." }, { "field_name": "voiceover", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_vo_actors", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "show_full_intro_option", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If set, then the \"Start Full Intro\"/\"First Time Playing TW\" option is shown on the frontend when this Lord is selected" }, { "field_name": "difficulty", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "startpos_map", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 18, "fields": [ { "field_name": "uniform", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "x_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "y_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "character_image", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Image when porthole mode set to 2d" }, { "field_name": "prelude_battle", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battles", "key" ], "field_description": "Specify if this character has a optional prelude battle can play before campaign" }, { "field_name": "video", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "videos", "video_name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "loading_screen_image", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Image for loading screen on starting campaign with this lord" }, { "field_name": "loading_screen_intro_video", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "videos", "video_name" ], "field_description": "Intro video played before loading screen started on selecting campaign with this lord" }, { "field_name": "override_force_location_x", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If not -1, this coordinate overrides location of army on map in mpc campaign lobby. To deal with lords that are teleported immediately when starting campaign." }, { "field_name": "override_force_location_y", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If not -1, this coordinate overrides location of army on map in mpc campaign lobby. To deal with lords that are teleported immediately when starting campaign." }, { "field_name": "voiceover", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_vo_actors", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "show_full_intro_option", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If set, then the \"Start Full Intro\"/\"First Time Playing TW\" option is shown on the frontend when this Lord is selected" }, { "field_name": "difficulty", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 17, "fields": [ { "field_name": "uniform", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "x_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "y_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "character_image", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Image when porthole mode set to 2d" }, { "field_name": "prelude_battle", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battles", "key" ], "field_description": "Specify if this character has a optional prelude battle can play before campaign" }, { "field_name": "video", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "videos", "video_name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "loading_screen_image", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Image for loading screen on starting campaign with this lord" }, { "field_name": "loading_screen_intro_video", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "videos", "video_name" ], "field_description": "Intro video played before loading screen started on selecting campaign with this lord" }, { "field_name": "override_force_location_x", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If not -1, this coordinate overrides location of army on map in mpc campaign lobby. To deal with lords that are teleported immediately when starting campaign." }, { "field_name": "override_force_location_y", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If not -1, this coordinate overrides location of army on map in mpc campaign lobby. To deal with lords that are teleported immediately when starting campaign." }, { "field_name": "voiceover", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_vo_actors", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "show_full_intro_option", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If set, then the \"Start Full Intro\"/\"First Time Playing TW\" option is shown on the frontend when this Lord is selected" } ] }, { "version": 16, "fields": [ { "field_name": "uniform", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "x_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "y_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "character_image", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Image when porthole mode set to 2d" }, { "field_name": "prelude_battle", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battles", "key" ], "field_description": "Specify if this character has a optional prelude battle can play before campaign" }, { "field_name": "video", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "videos", "video_name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "loading_screen_image", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Image for loading screen on starting campaign with this lord" }, { "field_name": "loading_screen_intro_video", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "videos", "video_name" ], "field_description": "Intro video played before loading screen started on selecting campaign with this lord" }, { "field_name": "override_force_location_x", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If not -1, this coordinate overrides location of army on map in mpc campaign lobby. To deal with lords that are teleported immediately when starting campaign." }, { "field_name": "override_force_location_y", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If not -1, this coordinate overrides location of army on map in mpc campaign lobby. To deal with lords that are teleported immediately when starting campaign." }, { "field_name": "voiceover", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_vo_actors", "key" ], "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "frontend_faction_leaders_to_frontend_campaign_selection_map_pins_junctions_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 2, "fields": [ { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "frontend_faction_leaders_to_frontend_faction_leader_unique_features_junctions_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": 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"field_description": "The name of a terrain texture group." } ] } ] }, { "name": "ground_types_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 9, "fields": [ { "field_name": "selection_cursor", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "cursors", "key" ], "field_description": "Cursor that appears while have unit selected and mouse over ground type" }, { "field_name": "standard_cursor", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "cursors", "key" ], "field_description": "Cursor that appears when have nothing selected and mouse over ground type" }, { "field_name": "type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "penalty_immune_attribute", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_attributes", "key" ], "field_description": "Some ground types have penalties; this one will allow the unit to be immune to those penalties" }, { "field_name": "burn_rate", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_battle_ground_types", "key" ], "field_description": "Determines what sounds are played for this ground type" }, { "field_name": "colour_red", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Red channel of the colour for displaying this ground type." }, { "field_name": "colour_green", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Green channel of the colour for displaying this ground type." }, { "field_name": "colour_blue", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Blue channel of the colour for displaying this ground type." }, { "field_name": "minimum_threshold", 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"field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "recruitment_movie", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "religion_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "religions", "religion_key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unit", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "upkeep_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "weight", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_weights", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "resource_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "resources", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "world_leader_only", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_naval", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "special_edition_mask", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unique_index", "field_type": "LongInteger", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "in_encyclopedia", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Generally, this is the case. However some units (mainly bastions) are not in the encyclopaedia and the code will look up the redirects table" }, { "field_name": "region_unit_resource_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "region_unit_resources", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_culture", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_voiceover_cultures", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ui_unit_group_land", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "ui_unit_groupings", "key" ], "field_description": "This is used for category icon on unit when on land" }, { "field_name": "ui_unit_group_naval", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "ui_unit_groupings", "key" ], "field_description": "This is used for category icon on unit when on ship" }, { "field_name": "tier", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Tier, only used in ui to show level of unit" }, { "field_name": "is_high_threat", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "High threat units override the entity threshold checks of melee reactions. If they run into or attack a unit, the unit will instantly react, even if less than 25% of their entities are affected." }, { "field_name": "porthole_camera", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_porthole_camera_settings", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "mount", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "campaign_mounts", "model" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unit_scaling", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Determines if the number of men / artillery pieces in this unit should be scaled with the gfx unit size setting (true) or not (false)" }, { "field_name": "porthole_composite_scene", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Full path of composite scene to use for porthole in battle (optional, if empty will just render unit from battle. Only required for special circumstances like chariots)" }, { "field_name": "melee_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Base Melee Combat Potential of this unit. Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup. This value is modified (increased) by other factors such as Rank and equipped Abilities / Items. Reduced by 20% for missile cav." }, { "field_name": "missile_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Base Missile Combat Potential of this unit. Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup. This value is modified (increased) by other factors such as Rank and equipped Abilities / Items. Reduced by 20% for missile cav." }, { "field_name": "can_siege", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_culture_override", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_voiceover_cultures", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "restrict_xp_gain_in_campaign", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 36, "fields": [ { "field_name": "additional_building_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "building_levels", "level_name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "campaign_cap", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "caste", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_castes", "caste" ], "field_description": "Among other usages, caste allows the overriding of UI stat bar max values" }, { "field_name": "create_time", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_naval", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "land_unit", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "land_units", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "num_men", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "multiplayer_cap", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "multiplayer_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { 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"field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "special_edition_mask", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unique_index", "field_type": "LongInteger", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "in_encyclopedia", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Generally, this is the case. However some units (mainly bastions) are not in the encyclopaedia and the code will look up the redirects table" }, { "field_name": "region_unit_resource_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "region_unit_resources", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_culture", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_voiceover_cultures", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ui_unit_group_land", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "ui_unit_groupings", "key" ], "field_description": "This is used for category icon on unit when on land" }, { "field_name": "ui_unit_group_naval", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "ui_unit_groupings", "key" ], "field_description": "This is used for category icon on unit when on ship" }, { "field_name": "tier", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Tier, only used in ui to show level of unit" }, { "field_name": "is_high_threat", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "High threat units override the entity threshold checks of melee reactions. If they run into or attack a unit, the unit will instantly react, even if less than 25% of their entities are affected." }, { "field_name": "porthole_camera", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_porthole_camera_settings", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "mount", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "campaign_mounts", "model" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "use_hitpoints_in_campaign", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unit_scaling", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Determines if the number of men / artillery pieces in this unit should be scaled with the gfx unit size setting (true) or not (false)" }, { "field_name": "porthole_composite_scene", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Full path of composite scene to use for porthole in battle (optional, if empty will just render unit from battle. Only required for special circumstances like chariots)" }, { "field_name": "melee_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Base Melee Combat Potential of this unit. Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup. This value is modified (increased) by other factors such as Rank and equipped Abilities / Items. Reduced by 20% for missile cav." }, { "field_name": "missile_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Base Missile Combat Potential of this unit. Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup. This value is modified (increased) by other factors such as Rank and equipped Abilities / Items. Reduced by 20% for missile cav." }, { "field_name": "can_siege", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_culture_override", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_voiceover_cultures", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "restrict_xp_gain_in_campaign", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_actor_group", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_vo_actor_groups", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "food_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "has_spoken_vo", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_monstrous", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "For voiceover : Is this unit regarded as monstrous?" }, { "field_name": "multiplayer_qb_cap", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Multiplayer cap for quest battles, requested by Alisdair" }, { "field_name": "vo_is_dragon", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "For voiceover : Is this unit regarded as a dragon?" }, { "field_name": "vo_is_dinosaur", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "For voiceover : Is this unit regarded as a dinosaur?" }, { "field_name": "optional_ui_element", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 35, "fields": [ { "field_name": "additional_building_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", 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"field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "multiplayer_cap", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "multiplayer_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "naval_unit", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "naval_units", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "num_ships", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "min_men_per_ship", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "max_men_per_ship", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "prestige", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "recruitment_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "recruitment_movie", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "religion_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "religions", "religion_key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unit", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "upkeep_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "weight", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_weights", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "resource_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "resources", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "world_leader_only", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "can_trade", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "special_edition_mask", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unique_index", "field_type": "LongInteger", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "in_encyclopedia", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Generally, this is the case. However some units (mainly bastions) are not in the encyclopaedia and the code will look up the redirects table" }, { "field_name": "region_unit_resource_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "region_unit_resources", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_culture", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_voiceover_cultures", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ui_unit_group_land", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "ui_unit_groupings", "key" ], "field_description": "This is used for category icon on unit when on land" }, { "field_name": "ui_unit_group_naval", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "ui_unit_groupings", "key" ], "field_description": "This is used for category icon on unit when on ship" }, { "field_name": "tier", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Tier, only used in ui to show level of unit" }, { "field_name": "is_high_threat", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "High threat units override the entity threshold checks of melee reactions. If they run into or attack a unit, the unit will instantly react, even if less than 25% of their entities are affected." }, { "field_name": "porthole_camera", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_porthole_camera_settings", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "mount", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "campaign_mounts", "model" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "use_hitpoints_in_campaign", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unit_scaling", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Determines if the number of men / artillery pieces in this unit should be scaled with the gfx unit size setting (true) or not (false)" }, { "field_name": "porthole_composite_scene", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Full path of composite scene to use for porthole in battle (optional, if empty will just render unit from battle. Only required for special circumstances like chariots)" }, { "field_name": "melee_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Base Melee Combat Potential of this unit. Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup. This value is modified (increased) by other factors such as Rank and equipped Abilities / Items. Reduced by 20% for missile cav." }, { "field_name": "missile_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Base Missile Combat Potential of this unit. Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup. This value is modified (increased) by other factors such as Rank and equipped Abilities / Items. Reduced by 20% for missile cav." }, { "field_name": "can_siege", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_culture_override", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_voiceover_cultures", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "restrict_xp_gain_in_campaign", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_actor_group", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_vo_actor_groups", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "food_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "has_spoken_vo", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_monstrous", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "For voiceover : Is this unit regarded as monstrous?" }, { "field_name": "multiplayer_qb_cap", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Multiplayer cap for quest battles, requested by Alisdair" }, { "field_name": "vo_is_dragon", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "For voiceover : Is this unit regarded as a dragon?" }, { "field_name": "vo_is_dinosaur", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "For voiceover : Is this unit regarded as a dinosaur?" } ] }, { "version": 33, "fields": [ { "field_name": "additional_building_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "building_levels", "level_name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "campaign_cap", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "caste", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_castes", "caste" ], "field_description": "Among other usages, caste allows the overriding of UI stat bar max values" }, { "field_name": "create_time", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_naval", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "land_unit", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "land_units", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "num_men", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "multiplayer_cap", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "multiplayer_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "naval_unit", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "naval_units", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "num_ships", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "min_men_per_ship", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "max_men_per_ship", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "prestige", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "recruitment_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "recruitment_movie", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "religion_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "religions", "religion_key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unit", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "upkeep_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "weight", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_weights", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "resource_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "resources", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "world_leader_only", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "can_trade", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "special_edition_mask", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unique_index", "field_type": "LongInteger", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "in_encyclopedia", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Generally, this is the case. However some units (mainly bastions) are not in the encyclopaedia and the code will look up the redirects table" }, { "field_name": "region_unit_resource_requirement", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "region_unit_resources", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_culture", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_voiceover_cultures", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ui_unit_group_land", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "ui_unit_groupings", "key" ], "field_description": "This is used for category icon on unit when on land" }, { "field_name": "ui_unit_group_naval", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "ui_unit_groupings", "key" ], "field_description": "This is used for category icon on unit when on ship" }, { "field_name": "tier", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Tier, only used in ui to show level of unit" }, { "field_name": "is_high_threat", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "High threat units override the entity threshold checks of melee reactions. If they run into or attack a unit, the unit will instantly react, even if less than 25% of their entities are affected." }, { "field_name": "porthole_camera", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_porthole_camera_settings", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "mount", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "campaign_mounts", "model" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "use_hitpoints_in_campaign", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unit_scaling", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Determines if the number of men / artillery pieces in this unit should be scaled with the gfx unit size setting (true) or not (false)" }, { "field_name": "porthole_composite_scene", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Full path of composite scene to use for porthole in battle (optional, if empty will just render unit from battle. Only required for special circumstances like chariots)" }, { "field_name": "melee_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Base Melee Combat Potential of this unit. Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup. This value is modified (increased) by other factors such as Rank and equipped Abilities / Items. Reduced by 20% for missile cav." }, { "field_name": "missile_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Base Missile Combat Potential of this unit. Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup. This value is modified (increased) by other factors such as Rank and equipped Abilities / Items. Reduced by 20% for missile cav." }, { "field_name": "can_siege", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_culture_override", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_voiceover_cultures", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "restrict_xp_gain_in_campaign", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_voiceover_actor_group", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_vo_actor_groups", "name" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "food_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "has_spoken_vo", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_monstrous", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "For voiceover : Is this unit regarded as monstrous?" } ] } ] }, { "name": "map_pin_icon_types_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 1, "fields": [ { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "map_pin_types_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "map_pins_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 1, "fields": [ { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "melee_weapons_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 21, "fields": [ { "field_name": "bonus_v_cavalry", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Not used for Warhammer!" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_large", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Will trigger against anything that is not Inf, not only large!" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_infantry", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ap_damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "first_strike", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "AJ: To my knowledge deprecated" }, { "field_name": "weapon_length", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Relevant for pikes, cav refusal distances and close proximity. The latter picks between this and 1m + entity radius, whatever is longer, to determine weapon \"reach\". Chariot riders use this to check if enemies are within reach." }, { "field_name": "melee_weapon_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_melee_weapons_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_type", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_melee_weapon_types", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "splash_attack_target_size", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entities_size_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "Do splash attacks when fighting up to this size" }, { "field_name": "splash_attack_max_attacks", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Maximum entities to attack per splash attack animation. Note that High Priority targets (main units table) allways get treated focussed damage." }, { "field_name": "splash_attack_power_multiplier", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Multiplier to knock power in splash attack metadata" }, { "field_name": "building_damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much do we contribute towards ignition. Also, use to determine as being flaming for context" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is this weapon considered magical" }, { "field_name": "contact_phase", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "Do we cause a phase effect to the targets unit on hit" }, { "field_name": "collision_attack_max_targets", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Maximum targets damaged by collision attack. This cap is refreshed by collision_attack_max_targets_cooldown." }, { "field_name": "collision_attack_max_targets_cooldown", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Each second, this amount of targets will be removed from the max targets list, enabling the collision attacker to deal more attacks." }, { "field_name": "melee_attack_interval", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Min interval between the start of each attack animation" } ] }, { "version": 20, "fields": [ { "field_name": "bonus_v_cavalry", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Not used for Warhammer!" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_large", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Will trigger against anything that is not Inf, not only large!" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_infantry", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ap_damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "first_strike", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "AJ: To my knowledge deprecated" }, { "field_name": "weapon_length", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Relevant for pikes, cav refusal distances and close proximity. The latter picks between this and 1m + entity radius, whatever is longer, to determine weapon \"reach\". Chariot riders use this to check if enemies are within reach." }, { "field_name": "melee_weapon_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_melee_weapons_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_melee_weapon_types", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "splash_attack_target_size", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entities_size_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "Do splash attacks when fighting up to this size" }, { "field_name": "splash_attack_max_attacks", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Maximum entities to attack per splash attack animation. Note that High Priority targets (main units table) allways get treated focussed damage." }, { "field_name": "splash_attack_power_multiplier", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Multiplier to knock power in splash attack metadata" }, { "field_name": "building_damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much do we contribute towards ignition. Also, use to determine as being flaming for context" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is this weapon considered magical" }, { "field_name": "contact_phase", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "Do we cause a phase effect to the targets unit on hit" }, { "field_name": "collision_attack_max_targets", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Maximum targets damaged by collision attack. This cap is refreshed by collision_attack_max_targets_cooldown." }, { "field_name": "collision_attack_max_targets_cooldown", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Each second, this amount of targets will be removed from the max targets list, enabling the collision attacker to deal more attacks." }, { "field_name": "melee_attack_interval", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Min interval between the start of each attack animation" } ] } ] }, { "name": "mens_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 1, "fields": [ { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": 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"field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "For weighted mesh, animation to play when landing and bouncing." }, { "field_name": "tip_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Offset applied to model to make the projectile tip stick accurately." }, { "field_name": "trail_spin", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "launch_camera_shake", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_camera_shake_parameters", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "impact_bounce", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "For bouncing vfx" }, { "field_name": "impact_penetrate", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "For penetration vfx" }, { "field_name": "impact_blood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "Blood pack version for impact vfx" }, { "field_name": "impact_bounce_blood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "Blood pack version for impact bounce vfx" }, { "field_name": "impact_penetrate_blood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "Blood pack version for impact penetrate vfx" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 10, "fields": [ { "field_name": "display_model", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Rigid model." }, { "field_name": "impact", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "Link to projectile impacts table." }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "launch_fx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "One-shot VFX when projectile is launched." }, { "field_name": "trail_fx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "Tracking VFX when projectile is in flight." }, { "field_name": "stationary_fx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "Tracking VFX when projectile is stuck to something." }, { "field_name": "airborne_anim", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "For weighted mesh, animation to play when in flight." }, { "field_name": "landing_anim", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "For weighted mesh, animation to play when landing and bouncing." }, { "field_name": "tip_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Offset applied to model to make the projectile tip stick accurately." }, { "field_name": "trail_spin", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "launch_camera_shake", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_camera_shake_parameters", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "impact_bounce", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "For bouncing vfx" }, { "field_name": "impact_penetrate", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "For penetration vfx" }, { "field_name": "impact_blood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "Blood pack version for impact vfx" }, { "field_name": "impact_bounce_blood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "Blood pack version for impact bounce vfx" }, { "field_name": "impact_penetrate_blood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_impacts", "key" ], "field_description": "Blood pack version for impact penetrate vfx" } ] } ] }, { "name": "projectile_first_person_params_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 1, "fields": [ { "field_name": "angular_velocity_decay", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Reduces the turning of the projectile after the player stopped turning it (a bit like fake air resistance)" }, { "field_name": "camera_y_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Cam height" }, { "field_name": "camera_z_offset", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Cam distance from projectile" }, { "field_name": "drag_coefficent", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Air resistance. In combination with gravity, launch speed, lift and tail, this gives you control over the max range of the projectile. Values around 0.002 are good for the Doomdiver." }, { "field_name": "gravity", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "impact_view_distance", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Impact cam distance" }, { "field_name": "impact_view_elevation", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Impact cam height" }, { "field_name": "impact_view_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How long the impact cam shows the impact position" }, { "field_name": "invert_pitch_control", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Inverted controls move the projectile up when moving the mouse downwards" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "launch_elevation", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "launch_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "lift_coefficent", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "higher values = easier to keep velocity and gain height" }, { "field_name": "mouse_sensitivity", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "tail_coefficent", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "higher values = increase resistance against the lift" }, { "field_name": "yaw_control", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "yaw_coefficient", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "use_reload_stage", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "projectile_homing_params_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "lookahead_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Time to look ahead to predict future position of target (intercept vs pursuit)." }, { "field_name": "max_target_angle_delta", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If target angle delta is greater than this threshold, stop homing." }, { "field_name": "start_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Time after launch to start homing." }, { "field_name": "steering_coefficient", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Multiplier to muzzle speed to get velocity correction per second." } ] } ] }, { "name": "projectile_impacts_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 11, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "water", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "sails", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "mud", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "grass", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "road", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "rock", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "sand", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "snow", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "leather", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "wood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "blood", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "camera_shake", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_camera_shake_parameters", "key" ], "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "projectile_penetration_junctions_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "description", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "User description." }, { "field_name": "entity_size_cap", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_entities_size_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "Size of entity that will stop this projectile immediately." }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Unique key." }, { "field_name": "max_penetration", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Penetration stat. A higher number means this projectile passes through more penetration points before being stopped. Check the battle entities table to see how many penetration points a single entity has." } ] } ] }, { "name": "projectile_shot_type_enum_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 6, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "requires_effect_enabling", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "supersedes_shot_type", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "icon_name", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "The icon to use in ui/battle ui/ability icons for this ability button" }, { "field_name": "ui_sound_event", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 5, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "requires_effect_enabling", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "supersedes_shot_type", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "icon_name", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "The icon to use in ui/battle ui/ability icons for this ability button" } ] } ] }, { "name": "projectile_shrapnels_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "amount", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "launch_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "shrapnel_launch_type_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "sector_angle", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "projectiles_explosions_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 19, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonator_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_detonator_types_enum", "detonator_type" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_detonation_types_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_duration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_damage", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "shrapnel", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_shrapnels", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "explosion_particle_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "fuse_distance_from_target", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This will activate the explosion n metres from target. If n is greater than distance to target, then the explosion will occur instantly when the projectile is activated. To get beyond this, add a min_range to the projectile." }, { "field_name": "explosion_particle_effect_on_ground", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "explosion_audio", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_explosions", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "contact_phase_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much this explosion contributes towards causing ignition. Also, this determines it being flaming as a context" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is our context 'magical'" }, { "field_name": "detonation_damage_ap", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much armour penetration damage this causes per entity hit" }, { "field_name": "camera_shake", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_camera_shake_parameters", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_force", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is how much force is applied to determine the result of being hit, for knockbacks etc." }, { "field_name": "fuse_fixed_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Fixed fuse time in s. -1 means not fixed. Use EITHER fixed fuse time or distance from target" }, { "field_name": "affects_allies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 18, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonator_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_detonator_types_enum", "detonator_type" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_detonation_types_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_duration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_damage", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "shrapnel", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_shrapnels", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "explosion_particle_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "fuse_distance_from_target", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This will activate the explosion n metres from target. If n is greater than distance to target, then the explosion will occur instantly when the projectile is activated. To get beyond this, add a min_range to the projectile." }, { "field_name": "explosion_particle_effect_on_ground", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "explosion_audio", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_explosions", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "contact_phase_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much this explosion contributes towards causing ignition. Also, this determines it being flaming as a context" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is our context 'magical'" }, { "field_name": "detonation_damage_ap", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much armour penetration damage this causes per entity hit" }, { "field_name": "camera_shake", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_camera_shake_parameters", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_force", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is how much force is applied to determine the result of being hit, for knockbacks etc." }, { "field_name": "fuse_fixed_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Fixed fuse time in s. -1 means not fixed. Use EITHER fixed fuse time or distance from target" }, { "field_name": "affects_allies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 15, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonator_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_detonator_types_enum", "detonator_type" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_detonation_types_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_duration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_speed", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_damage", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "shrapnel_type", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_shrapnels", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "sharpnel_amount", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Fixed fuse time in s. -1 means not fixed. Use EITHER fixed fuse time or distance from target" }, { "field_name": "explosion_particle_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "distance_from_target", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This will activate the explosion n metres from target. If n is greater than distance to target, then the explosion will occur instantly when the projectile is activated. To get beyond this, add a min_range to the projectile." }, { "field_name": "explosion_particle_effect_on_ground", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "explosion_audio", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_explosions", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "contact_phase_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much this explosion contributes towards causing ignition. Also, this determines it being flaming as a context" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is our context 'magical'" }, { "field_name": "detonation_damage_ap", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much armour penetration damage this causes per entity hit" }, { "field_name": "camera_shake", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_camera_shake_parameters", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "detonation_force", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is how much force is applied to determine the result of being hit, for knockbacks etc." } ] } ] }, { "name": "projectiles_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 45, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "category", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_category_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "shot_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_shot_type_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "explosion_type", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_explosions", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "spin_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_spin_type_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_number", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "trajectory_sight", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_trajectory_sight_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "effective_range", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "minimum_range", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "max_elevation", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is the maximum angle that the projectile can be fired at. Generally you want it high (max 90 degrees), and above 45. Except for special cases (e.g. cannon). Not used when trajectory is fixed!" }, { "field_name": "muzzle_velocity", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This describes the speed the projectile launches at (metres per second). If it is negative, the code will calculate this value based on firing at 45 degrees, hitting at the effective range. Not used when trajectory is fixed!" }, { "field_name": "marksmanship_bonus", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "spread", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ap_damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "can_bounce", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "high_air_resistance", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "collision_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "base_reload_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "calibration_distance", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "calibration_area", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_infantry", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_cavalry", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_large", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_display", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_displays", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "overhead_stat_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_audio", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_projectiles", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "shockwave_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "can_damage_buildings", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "contact_stat_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_grapple", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "gravity", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Use this value to make projectiles be more / less affected by gravity. This is mainly used as a representation of wind resistance, so that projectiels can hang in the air. Negative means to use 'normal' gravity." }, { "field_name": "burst_size", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Number of shots in a single burst (value of 1 means no burst mode)" }, { "field_name": "burst_shot_delay", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Determines the delay between each shot of the same burst" }, { "field_name": "mass", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Mass of the projectile." }, { "field_name": "homing_params", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_homing_params", "key" ], "field_description": "Link to projectile_homing_params table." }, { "field_name": "first_person_params", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_first_person_params", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much do we contribute to setting things on fire. Also, if this value is greater than 0, this is considered a flaming attack" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Are we considered magical, for contextual reasons" }, { "field_name": "can_target_airborne", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Can this projectile target a flying unit" }, { "field_name": "fixed_elevation", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Elevation of fixed trajectory" }, { "field_name": "projectile_penetration", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_penetration_junctions", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "expiry_range", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If this value is positive it dictactes the maximum distance a projectile can travel before it expires" }, { "field_name": "is_beam_launch_burst", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Launch beams will attempt to make the vfx match the projectiles travel, and apply a clipping plane when a projectile hits something, culling the projectiles in front" }, { "field_name": "expire_on_impact", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If true, the projectile will expire on impact, and will not stick into, or deflect off the object it hit" }, { "field_name": "can_roll", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Can the projectile roll on the ground" }, { "field_name": "shots_per_volley", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Usually units shoot 1 hot per volley, but some animations have multiple fire points, such as multi-shot artillery units. Most of the logic isn't aware of this, so this field is for reference for those systems" }, { "field_name": "fired_by_mount", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If this flag is on (and the firing entity is a macro entity) the mount will fire, rather than the rider" }, { "field_name": "prefer_central_targets", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Prefer entities nearer the centre of the target (rather than closest in firing arc)" }, { "field_name": "can_damage_vehicles", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "lock_on_multiple_fire_pos", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "When this is true, all fire positions in an animation will aim at the original position of the target, otherwise they will track the target position" } ] }, { "version": 44, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "category", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_category_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "shot_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_shot_type_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "explosion_type", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_explosions", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "spin_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_spin_type_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_number", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "trajectory_sight", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_trajectory_sight_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "effective_range", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "minimum_range", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "max_elevation", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is the maximum angle that the projectile can be fired at. Generally you want it high (max 90 degrees), and above 45. Except for special cases (e.g. cannon). Not used when trajectory is fixed!" }, { "field_name": "muzzle_velocity", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This describes the speed the projectile launches at (metres per second). If it is negative, the code will calculate this value based on firing at 45 degrees, hitting at the effective range. Not used when trajectory is fixed!" }, { "field_name": "marksmanship_bonus", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "spread", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ap_damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "can_bounce", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "high_air_resistance", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "collision_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "base_reload_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "calibration_distance", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "calibration_area", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_infantry", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_cavalry", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_large", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_display", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_displays", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "overhead_stat_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_audio", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_projectiles", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "shockwave_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "can_damage_buildings", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "contact_stat_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_grapple", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "gravity", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Use this value to make projectiles be more / less affected by gravity. This is mainly used as a representation of wind resistance, so that projectiels can hang in the air. Negative means to use 'normal' gravity." }, { "field_name": "burst_size", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Number of shots in a single burst (value of 1 means no burst mode)" }, { "field_name": "burst_shot_delay", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Determines the delay between each shot of the same burst" }, { "field_name": "mass", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Mass of the projectile." }, { "field_name": "homing_params", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_homing_params", "key" ], "field_description": "Link to projectile_homing_params table." }, { "field_name": "first_person_params", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_first_person_params", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much do we contribute to setting things on fire. Also, if this value is greater than 0, this is considered a flaming attack" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Are we considered magical, for contextual reasons" }, { "field_name": "can_target_airborne", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Can this projectile target a flying unit" }, { "field_name": "fixed_elevation", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Elevation of fixed trajectory" }, { "field_name": "projectile_penetration", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_penetration_junctions", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "expiry_range", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If this value is positive it dictactes the maximum distance a projectile can travel before it expires" }, { "field_name": "is_beam_launch_burst", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Launch beams will attempt to make the vfx match the projectiles travel, and apply a clipping plane when a projectile hits something, culling the projectiles in front" }, { "field_name": "expire_on_impact", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If true, the projectile will expire on impact, and will not stick into, or deflect off the object it hit" }, { "field_name": "can_roll", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Can the projectile roll on the ground" }, { "field_name": "trail_always_on", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If this flag is on, then the trail will always get displayed, regardless of the UI preference for showing projectile trails" }, { "field_name": "shots_per_volley", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Usually units shoot 1 hot per volley, but some animations have multiple fire points, such as multi-shot artillery units. Most of the logic isn't aware of this, so this field is for reference for those systems" }, { "field_name": "fired_by_mount", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If this flag is on (and the firing entity is a macro entity) the mount will fire, rather than the rider" }, { "field_name": "lock_on_multiple_fire_pos", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "When this is true, all fire positions in an animation will aim at the original position of the target, otherwise they will track the target position" }, { "field_name": "prefer_central_targets", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Prefer entities nearer the centre of the target (rather than closest in firing arc)" }, { "field_name": "can_damage_vehicles", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 39, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "category", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_category_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "shot_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_shot_type_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "explosion_type", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_explosions", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "spin_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_spin_type_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_number", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "trajectory_sight", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_trajectory_sight_enum", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "effective_range", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "minimum_range", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "max_elevation", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is the maximum angle that the projectile can be fired at. Generally you want it high (max 90 degrees), and above 45. Except for special cases (e.g. cannon). Not used when trajectory is fixed!" }, { "field_name": "muzzle_velocity", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This describes the speed the projectile launches at (metres per second). If it is negative, the code will calculate this value based on firing at 45 degrees, hitting at the effective range. Not used when trajectory is fixed!" }, { "field_name": "marksmanship_bonus", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "spread", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ap_damage", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "can_bounce", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "high_air_resistance", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "collision_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "base_reload_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "calibration_distance", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "calibration_area", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_infantry", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_cavalry", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "bonus_v_large", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_display", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_displays", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "overhead_stat_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "projectile_audio", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_projectiles", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "shockwave_radius", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "can_damage_buildings", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "contact_stat_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_grapple", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "gravity", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Use this value to make projectiles be more / less affected by gravity. This is mainly used as a representation of wind resistance, so that projectiels can hang in the air. Negative means to use 'normal' gravity." }, { "field_name": "burst_size", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Number of shots in a single burst (value of 1 means no burst mode)" }, { "field_name": "burst_shot_delay", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Determines the delay between each shot of the same burst" }, { "field_name": "mass", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Mass of the projectile." }, { "field_name": "homing_params", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_homing_params", "key" ], "field_description": "Link to projectile_homing_params table." }, { "field_name": "first_person_params", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_first_person_params", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ignition_amount", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much do we contribute to setting things on fire. Also, if this value is greater than 0, this is considered a flaming attack" }, { "field_name": "is_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Are we considered magical, for contextual reasons" }, { "field_name": "can_target_airborne", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Can this projectile target a flying unit" }, { "field_name": "fixed_elevation", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Elevation of fixed trajectory" }, { "field_name": "projectile_penetration", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectile_penetration_junctions", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "expiry_range", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If this value is positive it dictactes the maximum distance a projectile can travel before it expires" }, { "field_name": "is_beam_launch_burst", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Launch beams will attempt to make the vfx match the projectiles travel, and apply a clipping plane when a projectile hits something, culling the projectiles in front" }, { "field_name": "expire_on_impact", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If true, the projectile will expire on impact, and will not stick into, or deflect off the object it hit" }, { "field_name": "can_roll", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Can the projectile roll on the ground" }, { "field_name": "trail_always_on", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If this flag is on, then the trail will always get displayed, regardless of the UI preference for showing projectile trails" }, { "field_name": "shots_per_volley", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Usually units shoot 1 hot per volley, but some animations have multiple fire points, such as multi-shot artillery units. Most of the logic isn't aware of this, so this field is for reference for those systems" } ] } ] }, { "name": "prologue_chapters_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 2, "fields": [ { "field_name": "battle_key", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battles", "key" ], "field_description": "Key in battles table (if this is a battle)" }, { "field_name": "campaign_key", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "campaigns", "campaign_name" ], "field_description": "Key in campaigns table (if this is a campaign)" }, { "field_name": "is_battle", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is chapter a battle or campaign" }, { "field_name": "number", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Chapter number" }, { "field_name": "banner", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Path to the chapter banner from working_data" }, { "field_name": "campaign_faction_key", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Optional faction to start as when loading a campaign" } ] } ] }, { "name": "prophecy_of_sotek_stages_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 1, "fields": [ { "field_name": "effect_bundle", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "effect_bundles", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "order", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "stage", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "tooltip_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "sotek_tooltip_types", "type" ], "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 0, 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"ability_group" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "parent", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_groups", "ability_group" ], "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "special_ability_groups_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 8, "fields": [ { "field_name": "ability_group", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "icon_path", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "special_edition_mask", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "sort_order", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Determines sort order in custom battle screen. Lowest is furthest to left." }, { "field_name": "is_naval", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is ability for admirals?" }, { "field_name": "colour_r", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "colour_g", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "colour_b", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "button_name", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is lookup name for button images which essentially matches agent types, used for lore selection buttons in battle" }, { "field_name": "sound_event", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_composite_group", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If yes its a composite lore using abilities/spells from a bunch of other ability groups/lores. These are treated differently on the UI." } ] }, { "version": 6, "fields": [ { "field_name": "ability_group", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "icon_path", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "special_edition_mask", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "sort_order", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Determines sort order in custom battle screen. Lowest is furthest to left." }, { "field_name": "is_naval", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Is ability for admirals?" }, { "field_name": "colour_r", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "colour_g", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "colour_b", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "button_name", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is lookup name for button images which essentially matches agent types, used for lore selection buttons in battle" }, { "field_name": "sound_event", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "special_ability_groups_to_unit_abilities_junctions_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 1, "fields": [ { "field_name": "special_ability_groups", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_groups", "ability_group" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unit_special_abilities", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_special_abilities", "key" ], "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "special_ability_groups_to_units_junctions_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "ability_group", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_groups", "ability_group" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unit", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "main_units", "unit" ], "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "special_ability_invalid_usage_flags_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 2, "fields": [ { "field_name": "flag_key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "special_ability_phase_attribute_effects_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 1, "fields": [ { "field_name": "attribute", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_attributes", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "phase", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "attribute_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phase_effect_types", "effect_type" ], "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "attribute", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_attributes", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "phase", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "special_ability_phase_displays_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "active_vfx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "Active vfx on the target is shown when phase is active" }, { "field_name": "banner_vfx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "Effect that plays around the base of the banner on all units affect by the phase" }, { "field_name": "entity_vfx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "The vfx to display on an entity level" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "special_ability_phase_stat_effects_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 3, "fields": [ { "field_name": "phase", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "value", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "stat", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "modifiable_unit_stats", "stat_key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "how", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_stat_modifiers_how_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "special_ability_phases_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 33, "fields": [ { "field_name": "duration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "effect_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phase_effect_types", "effect_type" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "id", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "requested_stance", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_stance_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unbreakable", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "cant_move", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "freeze_fatigue", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "fatigue_change_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is a scalar that changes the unit's fatigue (once off) relative to the maximum. For example, -0.25 will reduce it by 25% and 1.1 will increase it by 10%" }, { "field_name": "inspiration_aura_range_mod", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ability_recharge_change", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "if the unit has abilities, their recharge will be changed by that amount (negative will reduce the time, positive will increase the time)" }, { "field_name": "hp_change_frequency", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "In seconds, how often hp (hit point) change should attempt to be applied" }, { "field_name": "heal_amount_duplicate", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "No, it's not an error. For some reason \"Heal Amount\" is duplicated in the file." }, { "field_name": "damage_chance", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per entity, per frequency, what the chance is of applying damage; the effect is not linear, mostly effective in 0.00-0.02" }, { "field_name": "damage_amount", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per entity, per frequency, what the amount of damage to apply" }, { "field_name": "max_damaged_entities", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per damage/heal frequency, how many entities can we affect (negative is no limit)" }, { "field_name": "heal_amount", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "When HP (hit points) are healed, how much total should be changed, spread amoungst the entities" }, { "field_name": "resurrect", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If ticked, when healing excess hit points will resurrect dead soldiers" }, { "field_name": "mana_regen_mod", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much we add to the current recharge for mana per second" }, { "field_name": "mana_max_depletion_mod", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much we add to the current value for max mana depletion" }, { "field_name": "imbue_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Does this phase imbue the target with magical attacks?" }, { "field_name": "imbue_ignition", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Does this phase imbue the target with flaming attacks?" }, { "field_name": "imbue_contact", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "Does this phase imbue the target with a contact phase when attacking?" }, { "field_name": "phase_display", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phase_displays", "key" ], "field_description": "Add groups of visual effects" }, { "field_name": "phase_audio", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_ability_phases", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "recharge_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_hidden_in_ui", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If true, will not show up in UI" }, { "field_name": "affects_allies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "affects_enemies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "replenish_ammo", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much ammunition we want to replenish when phase starts (can be negative if we want to spend), this value is in percentage of unit max ammo" }, { "field_name": "composite_scene_group", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_vortex_composite_scene_groups", "group_id" ], "field_description": "Composite scene group we need to trigger when the phase starts" } ] }, { "version": 32, "fields": [ { "field_name": "duration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "effect_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phase_effect_types", "effect_type" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "id", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "requested_stance", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_stance_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unbreakable", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "cant_move", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "freeze_fatigue", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "fatigue_change_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is a scalar that changes the unit's fatigue (once off) relative to the maximum. For example, -0.25 will reduce it by 25% and 1.1 will increase it by 10%" }, { "field_name": "inspiration_aura_range_mod", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ability_recharge_change", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "if the unit has abilities, their recharge will be changed by that amount (negative will reduce the time, positive will increase the time)" }, { "field_name": "hp_change_frequency", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "In seconds, how often hp (hit point) change should attempt to be applied" }, { "field_name": "heal_amount", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "When HP (hit points) are healed, how much total should be changed, spread amoungst the entities" }, { "field_name": "damage_chance", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per entity, per frequency, what the chance is of applying damage; the effect is not linear, mostly effective in 0.00-0.02" }, { "field_name": "damage_amount", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per entity, per frequency, what the amount of damage to apply" }, { "field_name": "max_damaged_entities", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per damage/heal frequency, how many entities can we affect (negative is no limit)" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "resurrect", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If ticked, when healing excess hit points will resurrect dead soldiers" }, { "field_name": "mana_regen_mod", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much we add to the current recharge for mana per second" }, { "field_name": "mana_max_depletion_mod", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much we add to the current value for max mana depletion" }, { "field_name": "imbue_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Does this phase imbue the target with magical attacks?" }, { "field_name": "imbue_ignition", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Does this phase imbue the target with flaming attacks?" }, { "field_name": "imbue_contact", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "Does this phase imbue the target with a contact phase when attacking?" }, { "field_name": "phase_display", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phase_displays", "key" ], "field_description": "Add groups of visual effects" }, { "field_name": "phase_audio", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_ability_phases", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "recharge_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_hidden_in_ui", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If true, will not show up in UI" }, { "field_name": "affects_allies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "affects_enemies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 31, "fields": [ { "field_name": "duration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "effect_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phase_effect_types", "effect_type" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "id", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "requested_stance", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_stance_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unbreakable", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "cant_move", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "freeze_fatigue", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "fatigue_change_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is a scalar that changes the unit's fatigue (once off) relative to the maximum. For example, -0.25 will reduce it by 25% and 1.1 will increase it by 10%" }, { "field_name": "inspiration_aura_range_mod", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ability_recharge_change", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "if the unit has abilities, their recharge will be changed by that amount (negative will reduce the time, positive will increase the time)" }, { "field_name": "hp_change_frequency", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "In seconds, how often hp (hit point) change should attempt to be applied" }, { "field_name": "heal_amount_duplicate", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "No, it's not an error. For some reason \"Heal Amount\" is duplicated in the file." }, { "field_name": "damage_chance", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per entity, per frequency, what the chance is of applying damage; the effect is not linear, mostly effective in 0.00-0.02" }, { "field_name": "damage_amount", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per entity, per frequency, what the amount of damage to apply" }, { "field_name": "max_damaged_entities", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per damage/heal frequency, how many entities can we affect (negative is no limit)" }, { "field_name": "heal_amount", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "When HP (hit points) are healed, how much total should be changed, spread amoungst the entities" }, { "field_name": "resurrect", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If ticked, when healing excess hit points will resurrect dead soldiers" }, { "field_name": "mana_regen_mod", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much we add to the current recharge for mana per second" }, { "field_name": "mana_max_depletion_mod", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "How much we add to the current value for max mana depletion" }, { "field_name": "imbue_magical", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Does this phase imbue the target with magical attacks?" }, { "field_name": "imbue_ignition", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Does this phase imbue the target with flaming attacks?" }, { "field_name": "imbue_contact", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phases", "id" ], "field_description": "Does this phase imbue the target with a contact phase when attacking?" }, { "field_name": "phase_display", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phase_displays", "key" ], "field_description": "Add groups of visual effects" }, { "field_name": "phase_audio", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_ability_phases", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "recharge_time", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "is_hidden_in_ui", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If true, will not show up in UI" }, { "field_name": "affects_allies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "affects_enemies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 28, "fields": [ { "field_name": "duration", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "effect_type", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_phase_effect_types", "effect_type" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "id", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "requested_stance", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_stance_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "unbreakable", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "cant_move", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "freeze_fatigue", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "fatigue_change_ratio", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "This is a scalar that changes the unit's fatigue (once off) relative to the maximum. For example, -0.25 will reduce it by 25% and 1.1 will increase it by 10%" }, { "field_name": "inspiration_aura_range_mod", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "ability_recharge_change", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "if the unit has abilities, their recharge will be changed by that amount (negative will reduce the time, positive will increase the time)" }, { "field_name": "hp_change_frequency", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "In seconds, how often hp (hit point) change should attempt to be applied" }, { "field_name": "heal_amount_duplicate", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "No, it's not an error. For some reason \"Heal Amount\" is duplicated in the file." }, { "field_name": "damage_chance", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per entity, per frequency, what the chance is of applying damage; the effect is not linear, mostly effective in 0.00-0.02" }, { "field_name": "damage_amount", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per entity, per frequency, what the amount of damage to apply" }, { "field_name": "max_damaged_entities", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Per damage/heal frequency, how many entities can we affect (negative is no limit)" }, { "field_name": "heal_amount", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "When HP (hit points) are healed, how much total should be changed, spread amoungst the entities" }, { "field_name": "resurrect", 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Set to false for effects like crumbling that shouldnt be able to turn off." }, { "field_name": "is_hidden_in_ui", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If true wont appear anywhere in the UI" } ] } ] }, { "name": "unit_abilities_to_additional_ui_effects_juncs_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "ability", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_abilities", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "effect", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_abilities_additional_ui_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "unit_ability_source_types_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "unit_ability_types_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 2, "fields": [ { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "show_cursor_trail", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "If true, will show a trail following cursor. 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"particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "This is an optional one-shot vfx to display when cast to acknowledge order given" }, { "field_name": "vortex", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_vortexs", "vortex_key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "miscast_chance", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "The unary chance of a miscast occuring" }, { "field_name": "miscast_explosion", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_explosions", "key" ], "field_description": "The boom-boom when miscasting happens" }, { "field_name": "ai_usage", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_ai_abilities_usage_template_names", "ai_ability_usage_template_key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, 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Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup." }, { "field_name": "additional_missile_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Missile Combat Potential that is added to any unit that has this ability/item (from table: main_units). Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup." }, { "field_name": "parent_ability", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_special_abilities", "key" ], "field_description": "Hack for spell browser in warhammer because designers want to put in specialised versions of abilities for certain characters. An ability with a parent wont show in browser, instead only parent is shown." }, { "field_name": "spawn_type", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_spawn_types", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "spawn_proxy_vfx", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "Vfx to show over each proxy decal when targetting spawn spell" }, { "field_name": "target_ground_under_allies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "target_ground_under_enemies", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "miscast_global_bonus", "field_type": "Boolean", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "target_self", "field_type": "Boolean", 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"field_description": "This is the area of effect to display when targetting" }, { "field_name": "passive_aoe", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "area_of_effect_displays", "key" ], "field_description": "This is the area of effect to display when ability has been ordered but not yet cast (like if unit has to move their to cast)" }, { "field_name": "active_aoe", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "area_of_effect_displays", "key" ], "field_description": "This is the area of effect to display when ability is currently active (has been cast)" }, { "field_name": "activation_effect", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "particle_effects", "key" ], "field_description": "This is an optional one-shot vfx to display when cast to acknowledge order given" }, { "field_name": "vortex", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_vortexs", "vortex_key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "miscast_chance", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "The unary chance of a miscast occuring" }, { "field_name": "miscast_explosion", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "projectiles_explosions", "key" ], "field_description": "The boom-boom when miscasting happens" }, { "field_name": "ai_usage", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "battle_ai_abilities_usage_template_names", "ai_ability_usage_template_key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "audio", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "audio_abilities", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "special_ability_display", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "special_ability_displays", "sa_display_key" ], 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Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup." }, { "field_name": "additional_missile_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Missile Combat Potential that is added to any unit that has this ability/item (from table: main_units). Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup." }, { "field_name": "parent_ability", "field_type": "OptionalStringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_special_abilities", "key" ], "field_description": "Hack for spell browser in warhammer because designers want to put in specialised versions of abilities for certain characters. An ability with a parent wont show in browser, instead only parent is shown." } ] } ] }, { "name": "unit_stat_localisations_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 1, "fields": [ { "field_name": "stat_key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] }, { "version": 0, "fields": [ { "field_name": "stat_key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "unit_stat_modifiers_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 2, "fields": [ { "field_name": "how", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "unit_stat_modifiers_how_enums", "key" ], "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "key", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "stat", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": [ "modifiable_unit_stats", "stat_key" ], "field_description": "" } ] } ] }, { "name": "unit_stats_land_experience_bonuses_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 2, "fields": [ { "field_name": "xp_level", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": true, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "fatigue", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "mp_fixed_cost", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "rounded_cost(cost * xp_record->m_mp_experience_cost_multiplier) + xp_record->m_mp_fixed_cost" }, { "field_name": "mp_experience_cost_multiplier", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "rounded_cost(cost * xp_record->m_mp_experience_cost_multiplier) + xp_record->m_mp_fixed_cost" }, { "field_name": "additional_melee_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Melee Combat Potential that is added to any unit that has this ability/item (from table: main_units). Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup." }, { "field_name": "additional_missile_cp", "field_type": "Float", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "Missile Combat Potential that is added to any unit that has this ability/item (from table: main_units). Must be >= 0.0 or the game will crash on startup." } ] } ] }, { "name": "unit_stats_naval_crew_tables", "versions": [ { "version": 2, "fields": [ { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Integer", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "StringU8", "field_is_key": false, "field_is_reference": null, "field_description": "" }, { "field_name": "New field", "field_type": "Boolean", 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