state("Borderlands", "1.0") { bool isLoading1 : "Borderlands.exe", 0x1B98A74; bool isLoading2 : "Borderlands.exe", 0x1B97E38; } state("Borderlands", "1.4.1") { bool isLoading1 : "Borderlands.exe", 0x00480AF0, 0; bool isLoading2 : "Borderlands.exe", 0x001E1F1C, 0; } init { vars.doStart = false; vars.isLoading = false; switch (modules.First().FileVersionInfo.FileVersion) { // Detects if game running is 1.0 patch due to the running exe's file version. case "": version = "1.0"; break; // Detects if game running is 1.5 patch due to the running exe's file version. case "": version = "1.4.1"; break; } } update { vars.isLoading = false; if(current.isLoading1 || current.isLoading2) { // If the loading memory is true, change loading to true. vars.isLoading = true; } } isLoading { return vars.isLoading; }