class biga { ; --- Static Variables --- static throwExceptions := true static limit := -1 static _guardedMethods := ["biga.trim"] ; --- Static Methods --- chunk(param_array,param_size:=1) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := [] param_array := this.clone(param_array) ; create ; keep working till the parameter array is empty while (param_array.length() > 0) { l_innerArr := [] ; fill the inner array to the max size of the size parameter loop, % param_size { ; exit loop if there is nothing left in parameter array to work with if (param_array.length() == 0) { break } l_innerArr.push(param_array.removeAt(1)) } l_array.push(l_innerArr) } return l_array } compact(param_array) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } l_array := [] ; create for key, value in param_array { if (value != "" && value != 0 && value != false) { l_array.push(value) } } return l_array } concat(param_array,param_values*) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := this.clone(param_array) ; create for index, object in param_values { ; push on any plain values if (!isObject(object)) { l_array.push(object) } else { ;push object values 1 level deep for index2, object2 in object { l_array.push(object2) } } } return l_array } depthOf(param_array,param_depth:=1) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } for key, value in param_array { if (isObject(value)) { param_depth++ param_depth := this.depthOf(value, param_depth) } } return param_depth } difference(param_array,param_values*) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := this.clone(param_array) ; create ; loop all Variadic inputs for i, obj in param_values { for key, value in obj { loop { foundIndex := this.indexOf(l_array, value) if (foundIndex != -1) { l_array.removeAt(foundIndex) } } until (foundIndex == -1) } } return l_array } drop(param_array,param_n:=1) { if (!this.isNumber(param_n)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (isObject(param_array)) { l_array := this.clone(param_array) } if (this.isStringLike(param_array)) { l_array := strSplit(param_array) } l_array.RemoveAt(1,Min(param_n,l_array.length())) return l_array } dropRight(param_array,param_n:=1) { if (!this.isNumber(param_n)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (isObject(param_array)) { l_array := this.clone(param_array) } if (this.isStringLike(param_array)) { l_array := strSplit(param_array) } l_array.removeAt((arrLen:=l_array.length()) - (dropLen:=Min(param_n,arrLen)) + 1, dropLen) return l_array } dropRightWhile(param_array,param_predicate:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; validate ; return empty array if empty if (param_array.count() == 0) { return [] } l_array := this.reverse(this.cloneDeep(param_array)) return this.reverse(this.dropWhile(l_array, param_predicate)) } dropWhile(param_array,param_predicate:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; validate ; return empty array if empty if (param_array.count() == 0) { return [] } ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_predicate, param_array) if (shorthand != false) { param_predicate := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_predicate, param_array) } ; create l_array := this.cloneDeep(param_array) l_droppableElements := 0 for key, value in l_array { if (this.isCallable(param_predicate)) { if (Func(param_predicate).call(value)) { l_droppableElements++ } else { break } } } if (l_droppableElements >= 1) { l_array.removeAt(1, l_droppableElements) } return l_array } fill(param_array,param_value:="",param_start:=1,param_end:=-1) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := this.clone(param_array) if (param_end == -1) { param_end := this.size(param_array) } ; create for key, value in l_array { if (key >= param_start && key <= param_end) { l_array[key] := param_value } } return l_array } findIndex(param_array,param_predicate,param_fromindex:=1) { if (!isObject(param_array) || !this.isNumber(param_fromindex)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := [] shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_predicate, param_array) if (shorthand != false) { param_predicate := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_predicate, param_array) } ; create for index, value in param_array { if (param_fromIndex > A_Index) { continue } if (this.isCallable(param_predicate)) { if (, index, param_array)) { return index } } } return -1 } findLastIndex(param_array,param_value,param_fromIndex:=1) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create l_array := this.reverse(this.cloneDeep(param_array)) l_count := this.size(l_array) l_foundIndex := this.findIndex(l_array, param_value, param_fromIndex) if (l_foundIndex < 0) { return -1 } else { finalIndex := l_count + 1 finalIndex := finalIndex - l_foundIndex } return finalIndex } flatten(param_array) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_obj := [] ; create for Index, Object in param_array { if (isObject(Object)) { for Index2, Object2 in Object { l_obj.push(Object2) } } else { l_obj.push(Object) } } return l_obj } flattenDeep(param_array) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_depth := this.depthOf(param_array) ; create return this.flattenDepth(param_array, l_depth) } flattenDepth(param_array,param_depth:=1) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_obj := this.cloneDeep(param_array) ; create loop, % param_depth { l_obj := this.flatten(l_obj) } return l_obj } fromPairs(param_pairs) { if (!isObject(param_pairs)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_obj := {} ; create for key, value in param_pairs { l_obj[value[1]] := value[2] } return l_obj } head(param_array) { ; create return this.take(param_array)[1] } indexOf(param_array,param_value,fromIndex:=1) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (isObject(param_value)) { param_value := this._internal_MD5(param_value) param_array :=, this._internal_MD5) } ; create for index, value in param_array { if (A_Index < fromIndex) { continue } if (value != param_value) { continue } else { return index } } return -1 } initial(param_array) { ; prepare if (isObject(param_array)) { l_array := this.clone(param_array) } if (this.isStringLike(param_array)) { l_array := StrSplit(param_array) } ; create ; return empty array if empty if (l_array.count() == 0) { return [] } return % this.dropRight(l_array) } intersection(param_arrays*) { for key, value in param_arrays { if (!isObject(value)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } } ; prepare tempArray := A.cloneDeep(param_arrays[1]) param_arrays.removeAt(1) ;no need to check 1st array against itself, this does not mutate the input args l_array := [] ; create for key, value in tempArray { ;for each value in first array for key2, value2 in param_arrays { ;for each array sent to the method ; search all arrays for value in first array if (this.indexOf(value2, value) != -1) { found := true } else { found := false break } } if (found && this.indexOf(l_array, value) == -1) { l_array.push(value) } } return l_array } join(param_array,param_sepatator:=",") { if (!isObject(param_array) || isObject(param_sepatator)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := this.clone(param_array) ; create for l_key, l_value in l_array { if (A_Index == 1) { l_string := "" l_value continue } l_string := l_string param_sepatator l_value } return l_string } last(param_array) { ; prepare if (isObject(param_array)) { param_array := this.clone(param_array) } if (this.isStringLike(param_array)) { param_array := strSplit(param_array) } ; create return param_array.pop() } lastIndexOf(param_array,param_value,param_fromIndex:=0) { if (param_fromIndex == 0) { param_fromIndex := param_array.count() } ; create for Index, value in param_array { Index -= 1 vNegativeIndex := param_array.count() - Index if (vNegativeIndex > param_fromIndex) { ;skip search continue } if (this.isEqual(param_array[vNegativeIndex], param_value)) { return vNegativeIndex } } return -1 } nth(param_array,param_n:=1) { if (!this.isNumber(param_n)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (isObject(param_array)) { l_array := this.clone(param_array) } if (this.isStringLike(param_array)) { l_array := strSplit(param_array) } if (param_n == 0) { param_n := 1 } ; create if (l_array.count() < param_n) { ;return "" if n is greater than the array's size return "" } if (param_n > 0) { return l_array[param_n] } ; return empty array if empty if (l_array.count() == 0) { return "" } ; if called with negative n, call self with reversed array and positive number l_array := this.reverse(l_array) param_n := 0 - param_n return this.nth(l_array, param_n) } reverse(param_collection) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_collection := this.cloneDeep(param_collection) l_array := [] ; create while (l_collection.count() != 0) { l_array.push(l_collection.pop()) } return l_array } slice(param_array,param_start:=1,param_end:=0) { if (!this.isNumber(param_start)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } if (!this.isNumber(param_end)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (this.isStringLike(param_array)) { param_array := strSplit(param_array) } if (param_end == 0) { param_end := param_array.count() } l_array := [] ; create for key, value in param_array { if (A_Index >= param_start && A_Index <= param_end) { l_array.push(value) } } return l_array } sortedIndex(param_array,param_value) { ; prepare if (param_value < param_array[1]) { return 1 } ; create loop, % param_array.count() { if (param_array[A_Index] < param_value && param_value < param_array[A_Index+1]) { return A_Index + 1 } } return param_array.count() + 1 } sortedUniq(param_collection) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := [] ; create for key, value in param_collection { printedelement := this._printObj(param_collection[key]) if (l_temp != printedelement) { l_temp := printedelement l_array.push(value) } } return l_array } tail(param_array) { ; create return this.drop(param_array) } take(param_array,param_n:=1) { if (!this.isNumber(param_n)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (isObject(param_array)) { param_array := this.clone(param_array) } if (this.isStringLike(param_array)) { param_array := strSplit(param_array) } l_array := [] ; create for key, value in param_array { if (param_n < A_Index) { break } l_array.push(value) } ; return empty array if empty if (l_array.count() == 0 || param_n == 0) { return [] } return l_array } takeRight(param_array,param_n:=1) { if (!this.isNumber(param_n)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (isObject(param_array)) { param_array := this.clone(param_array) } if (this.isStringLike(param_array)) { param_array := strSplit(param_array) } l_array := [] ; create loop, % param_n { if (param_array.count() == 0) { continue } vvalue := param_array.pop() l_array.push(vvalue) } ; return empty array if empty if (l_array.count() == 0 || param_n == 0) { return [] } return this.reverse(l_array) } union(param_arrays*) { ; prepare l_array := [] ; create for key, Array in param_arrays { if (isObject(Array)) { l_array := this.concat(l_array, Array) } else { l_array.push(Array) } } return this.uniq(l_array) } uniq(param_collection) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare tempArray := [] l_array := [] ; create for key, value in param_collection { l_printedElement := this._internal_MD5(param_collection[key]) if (this.indexOf(tempArray, l_printedElement) == -1) { tempArray.push(l_printedElement) l_array.push(value) } } return l_array } without(param_array,param_values*) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := this.clone(param_array) ; create for i, val in param_values { while (foundindex := this.indexOf(l_array, val) != -1) { l_array.removeAt(foundindex) } } return l_array } zip(param_arrays*) { if (!isObject(param_arrays)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } l_array := [] ; loop all Variadic inputs for key, value in param_arrays { ; for each value in the supplied set of array(s) for key2, value2 in value { loop, % value.count() { if (key2 == A_Index) { ; create array if not encountered yet if (isObject(l_array[A_Index]) == false) { l_array[A_Index] := [] } ; push values onto the array for their position in the supplied arrays l_array[A_Index].push(value2) } } } } return l_array } zipObject(param_props,param_values) { if (!isObject(param_props)) { param_props := [] } if (!isObject(param_values)) { param_values := [] } l_obj := {} for key, value in param_props { l_obj[value] := param_values[A_Index] } return l_obj } count(param_collection,param_predicate,param_fromIndex:=1) { ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_predicate, param_collection) if (shorthand != false) { param_predicate := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_predicate, param_collection) } ; create l_count := 0 if (this.isAlnum(param_collection) || this.isString(param_collection)) { ; cut fromindex length off from start of string if specified fromIndex > 1 if (param_fromIndex > 1) { param_collection := subStr(param_collection, param_fromIndex, strLen(param_collection)) } ; count by replacing all occurances strReplace(param_collection, param_predicate, "", l_count) return l_count } for key, value in param_collection { if (param_fromIndex > A_Index) { continue } if (this.isCallable(param_predicate)) { if (, key, param_collection) == true) { l_count++ continue } } if (this.isEqual(value, param_predicate)) { l_count++ } } return l_count } every(param_collection,param_predicate) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := [] shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_predicate, param_collection) if (shorthand != false) { param_predicate := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_predicate, param_collection) } ; create for key, value in param_collection { if (this.isCallable(param_predicate)) { if (, key, param_collection) == true) { continue } return false } } return true } filter(param_collection,param_predicate:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_predicate, param_collection) if (shorthand != false) { param_predicate := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_predicate, param_collection) } l_paramAmmount := param_predicate.maxParams if (l_paramAmmount == 3) { collectionClone := this.cloneDeep(param_collection) } l_array := [] ; create for key, value in param_collection { ; functor if (this.isCallable(param_predicate)) { if (l_paramAmmount == 3) { if (, key, collectionClone)) { l_array.push(value) continue } } if (, key)) { l_array.push(value) } } } return l_array } find(param_collection,param_predicate,param_fromindex:=1) { if (!isObject(param_collection) || !this.isNumber(param_fromindex)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create foundIndex := this.findIndex(param_collection, param_predicate, param_fromindex) if (foundIndex != -1) { return param_collection[foundIndex] } return false } findLast(param_collection,param_predicate) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create return this.find(this.reverse(param_collection), param_predicate) } forEach(param_collection,param_iteratee:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (!isFunc(param_iteratee)) { boundFunc := param_iteratee.bind(this) } if (l_paramAmmount == 3) { collectionClone := this.cloneDeep(param_collection) } ; create ; run against every value in the collection for key, value in param_collection { if (!boundFunc) { ; is property/string ;nothing currently } if (!, key, collectionClone)) { vIteratee :=, key, collectionClone) } ; exit iteration early by explicitly returning false if (vIteratee == false) { return param_collection } } return param_collection } groupBy(param_collection,param_iteratee:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_iteratee, param_collection) if (shorthand != false) { param_iteratee := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_iteratee, param_collection) } if (this.startsWith(, this.__Class ".")) { ;if starts with "biga." param_iteratee := param_iteratee.bind(this) } ; create l_array := [] for key, value in param_collection { vIteratee := 0 ; functor if (this.isCallable(param_iteratee) || !vIteratee) { vIteratee := } ; create array at key if not encountered yet if (!l_array.haskey(vIteratee)) { l_array[vIteratee] := [] } ; add value to this key l_array[vIteratee].push(value) } return l_array } includes(param_collection,param_value,param_fromIndex:=1) { if (!this.isNumber(param_fromIndex)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create if (isObject(param_collection)) { for key, value in param_collection { if (param_fromIndex > A_Index) { continue } if (value = param_value) { return true } } return false } else { ; RegEx if (RegEx_value := this._internal_JSRegEx(param_value)) { return RegExMatch(param_collection, RegEx_value, RE, param_fromIndex) } ; Normal string search if (A_StringCaseSense == "On") { StringCaseSense := 1 } else { StringCaseSense := 0 } if (InStr(param_collection, param_value, StringCaseSense, param_fromIndex)) { return true } else { return false } } } keyBy(param_collection,param_iteratee:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_iteratee, param_collection) if (shorthand == ".property") { param_iteratee := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_iteratee, param_collection) } if (this.startsWith(, this.__Class ".")) { ;if starts with "biga." param_iteratee := param_iteratee.bind(this) } l_obj := {} ; run against every value in the collection for key, value in param_collection { if (this.isCallable(param_iteratee)) { vIteratee := } if (l_paramAmmount == 3) { if (!, key, collectionClone)) { vIteratee :=, key, collectionClone) } } objRawSet(l_obj, vIteratee, value) } return l_obj } map(param_collection,param_iteratee:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_iteratee, param_collection) if (shorthand == ".property") { param_iteratee := } if (this.startsWith(, this.__Class ".")) { ;if starts with "biga." guarded := this.includes(this._guardedMethods, param_iteratee := param_iteratee.bind(this) } l_collection := this.cloneDeep(param_collection) l_array := [] ; create for key, value in param_collection { if (param_iteratee == "__identity") { l_array.push(value) continue } ; functor if (guarded) { l_array.push( continue } if (this.isCallable(param_iteratee)) { l_array.push(, key, l_collection)) } } return l_array } partition(param_collection,param_predicate) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare trueArray := [] falseArray := [] shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_predicate, param_collection) if (shorthand != false) { param_predicate := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_predicate, param_collection) } ; create for key, value in param_collection { if ( == true) { trueArray.push(value) } else { falseArray.push(value) } } return [trueArray, falseArray] } reject(param_collection,param_predicate) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_predicate, param_collection) if (shorthand != false) { param_predicate := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_predicate, param_collection) } l_array := [] ; create for key, value in param_collection { ; functor ; predefined !functor handling (slower as it .calls blindly) if (this.isCallable(param_predicate)) { if (! { l_array.push(value) } continue } } return l_array } sample(param_collection) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (param_collection.count() != param_collection.length()) { l_array := } else { l_array := param_collection.clone() } ; create randomIndex := this.random(1, l_array.count()) return l_array[randomIndex] } sampleSize(param_collection,param_sampleSize:=1) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; return immediately if array is smaller than requested sampleSize if (param_sampleSize > param_collection.count()) { return param_collection } ; prepare l_collection := this.clone(param_collection) l_array := [] l_order := A.shuffle(this.keys(param_collection)) ; create loop, % param_sampleSize { ordervalue := l_order.pop() l_array.push(l_collection[ordervalue]) } return l_array } shuffle(param_collection) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := this.clone(param_collection) ; create l_index := l_array.count() loop, % l_index - 1 { random, randomIndex, 1, % l_index l_tempVar := l_array[l_index] l_array[l_index] := l_array[randomIndex] l_array[randomIndex] := l_tempVar l_index-- } return l_array } size(param_collection) { ; prepare if (param_collection.count() == 0) { return "" } ; create if (max := this.max([param_collection.count(), param_collection.maxIndex()])) { return max } return strLen(param_collection) } some(param_collection,param_predicate) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_predicate, param_collection) if (shorthand != false) { param_predicate := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_predicate, param_collection) } ; create for key, value in param_collection { if (this.isCallable(param_predicate)) { if (, key, param_collection) = true) { return true } } } return false } sortBy(param_collection,param_iteratees:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (this.startsWith(, this.__Class ".")) { ;if starts with "biga." param_iteratees := param_iteratees.bind(this) } l_array := [] ; create ; no param_iteratees if (param_iteratees == "__identity") { return this._internal_sort(param_collection) } ; property if (this.isAlnum(param_iteratees)) { return this._internal_sort(param_collection, param_iteratees) } ; own method or function if (this.isCallable(param_iteratees)) { for key, value in param_collection { l_array[A_Index] := {} l_array[A_Index].value := value l_array[A_Index].key := } l_array := this._internal_sort(l_array, "key") return, "value") } ; shorthand/multiple keys if (isObject(param_iteratees)) { l_array := this.cloneDeep(param_collection) ; sort the collection however many times is requested by the shorthand identity for key, value in param_iteratees { l_array := this._internal_sort(l_array, value) } return l_array } return -1 } _internal_sort(param_collection,param_iteratees:="") { l_array := this.cloneDeep(param_collection) ; associative arrays if (param_iteratees != "") { for Index, obj in l_array { out .= obj[param_iteratees] "+" Index "|" ; "+" allows for sort to work with just the value ; out will look like: value+index|value+index| } lastvalue := l_array[Index, param_iteratees] } else { ; regular arrays for Index, obj in l_array { out .= obj "+" Index "|" } lastvalue := l_array[l_array.count()] } if (this.isNumber(lastvalue)) { sortType := "N" } stringTrimRight, out, out, 1 ; remove trailing | sort, out, % "D| " sortType arrStorage := [] loop, parse, out, | { arrStorage.push(l_array[SubStr(A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, "+") + 1)]) } return arrStorage } ; /--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\ ; Internal functions ; \--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/ _printObj(param_obj) { if (!isObject(param_obj)) { return """" param_obj """" } if this._internal_IsCircle(param_obj) { this._internal_ThrowException() } for key, value in param_obj { if key is not Number { Output .= """" . key . """:" } else { Output .= key . ":" } if (isObject(value)) { Output .= "[" . this._printObj(value) . "]" } else if value is not number { Output .= """" . value . """" } else { Output .= value } Output .= ", " } StringTrimRight, OutPut, OutPut, 2 return OutPut } print(param_obj) { if (!isObject(param_obj)) { return """" param_obj """" } if this._internal_IsCircle(param_obj) { this._internal_ThrowException() } return this._printObj(param_obj) } _internal_MD5(param_string, case := 0) { if (isObject(param_string)) { param_string := this.print(param_string) } static MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH := 16 hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "advapi32.dll", "Ptr") , VarSetCapacity(MD5_CTX, 104, 0), DllCall("advapi32\MD5Init", "Ptr", &MD5_CTX) , DllCall("advapi32\MD5Update", "Ptr", &MD5_CTX, "AStr", param_string, "UInt", StrLen(param_string)) , DllCall("advapi32\MD5Final", "Ptr", &MD5_CTX) loop % MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH { o .= Format("{:02" (case ? "X" : "x") "}", NumGet(MD5_CTX, 87 + A_Index, "UChar")) } DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hModule) return o } _internal_JSRegEx(param_string) { if (!this.isString(param_string) && !this.isAlnum(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } if (this.startsWith(param_string, "/") && this.startsWith(param_string, "/", StrLen(param_string))) { return SubStr(param_string, 2, StrLen(param_string) - 2) } return false } _internal_differenciateShorthand(param_shorthand,param_objects:="") { if (isObject(param_shorthand) && !this.isCallable(param_shorthand)) { if (param_shorthand.maxIndex() != param_shorthand.count()) { return ".matches" } return ".matchesProperty" } if (this.isStringLike(param_shorthand) && isObject(param_objects)) { for key, value in param_objects { if (value.hasKey(param_shorthand)) { return ".property" } } } return false } _internal_createShorthandfn(param_shorthand,param_objects) { shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_shorthand, param_objects) if (shorthand == ".matches") { return this.matches(param_shorthand) } if (shorthand == ".matchesProperty") { return this.matchesProperty(param_shorthand[1], param_shorthand[2]) } if (shorthand == ".property") { return } } _internal_ThrowException() { if (this.throwExceptions == true) { throw Exception("Type Error", -2) } } _internal_inStr(param_haystack,param_needle,param_fromIndex:=1,param_occurance:=1) { ; used inplace of inStr to follow A_StringCaseSense if (A_StringCaseSense == "On") { StringCaseSense := 1 } else { StringCaseSense := 0 } if (position := inStr(param_collection, param_value, StringCaseSense, param_fromIndex, param_occurance)) { return position } else { return false } } isFalsey(param) { if (isObject(param)) { return false } if (param == "" || param == 0) { return true } return false } isStringLike(param) { if (isObject(param)) { return false } if (this.isString(param) || this.isAlnum(param)) { return true } return false } clone(param_value) { if (isObject(param_value)) { return param_value.Clone() } else { return param_value } } cloneDeep(param_array) { return ObjLoad(ObjDump(param_array)) } isAlnum(param) { if (isObject(param)) { return false } if param is alnum { return true } return false } isArray(param) { if (param.GetCapacity()) { return true } return false } isCallable(param) { return isFunc(param) } isEqual(param_value,param_other*) { ; prepare if (isObject(param_value)) { l_array := [] param_value := this._printObj(param_value) loop, % param_other.count() { l_array.push(this._printObj(param_other[A_Index])) } } else { l_array := this.cloneDeep(param_other) } ; create loop, % l_array.count() { if (param_value != l_array[A_Index]) { ; != follows StringCaseSense return false } } return true } isFloat(param) { if (isObject(param)) { return false } if param is float { return true } return false } isMatch(param_object,param_source) { for key, value in param_source { if (param_object[key] == value) { continue } else { return false } } return true } isNumber(param) { if (isObject(param)) { return false } if param is number { return true } return false } isObject(param) { if (isObject(param)) { return true } return false } isString(param) { if (isObject(param)) { return false } if (ObjGetCapacity( [ param ] , 1) == "") { return false } return true } isUndefined(param_value) { if (param_value == "") { return true } return false } toString(param_value) { if (isObject(param_value)) { return this.join(param_value, ",") } else { return "" param_value } } add(param_augend,param_addend) { if (!this.isNumber(param_augend) || !this.isNumber(param_addend)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create return param_augend + param_addend } ceil(param_number,param_precision:=0) { if (!this.isNumber(param_number) || !this.isNumber(param_precision)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } if (param_precision == 0) { ; regular ceil return ceil(param_number) } l_offset := 0.5 / (10**param_precision) if (param_number < 0 && param_precision >= 1) { l_offset /= 10 ; adjust offset for negative numbers and positive param_precision } if (param_precision >= 1) { l_decChar := strlen( substr(param_number, instr(param_number, ".") + 1) ) ; count the number of decimal characters l_sum := format("{:." this.max([l_decChar, param_precision]) + 1 "f}", param_number + l_offset) } else { l_sum := param_number + l_offset } l_sum := trim(l_sum, "0") ; trim zeroes l_value := (SubStr(l_sum, 0) = "5") && param_number != l_sum ? SubStr(l_sum, 1, -1) : l_sum ; if last char is 5 then remove it unless it is part of the original string return Round(l_value, param_precision) } divide(param_dividend,param_divisor) { if (!this.isNumber(param_dividend) || !this.isNumber(param_divisor)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create return param_dividend / param_divisor } floor(param_number,param_precision:=0) { if (!this.isNumber(param_number) || !this.isNumber(param_precision)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } if (param_precision == 0) { ; regular floor return floor(param_number) } l_offset := -0.5 / (10**param_precision) if (param_number < 0 && param_precision >= 1) { l_offset /= 10 ; adjust offset for negative numbers and positive param_precision } if (param_precision >= 1) { l_decChar := strlen( substr(param_number, instr(param_number, ".") + 1) ) ; count the number of decimal characters l_sum := format("{:." this.max([l_decChar, param_precision]) + 1 "f}", param_number + l_offset) } else { l_sum := param_number + l_offset } l_sum := trim(l_sum, "0") ; trim zeroes l_value := (SubStr(l_sum, 0) = "5") && param_number != l_sum ? SubStr(l_sum, 1, -1) : l_sum ; if last char is 5 then remove it unless it is part of the original string return Round(l_value, param_precision) } max(param_array) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } l_max := "" for key, value in param_array { if (l_max < value || this.isUndefined(l_max)) { l_max := value } } return l_max } mean(param_array) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } l_sum := 0 for key, value in param_array { l_sum += value } return l_sum / this.size(param_array) } meanBy(param_array,param_iteratee:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (!isFunc(param_iteratee)) { boundFunc := param_iteratee.bind(this) } shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_iteratee, param_array) if (shorthand != false) { param_iteratee := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_iteratee, param_array) } ; prepare if (l_paramAmmount == 3) { arrayClone := this.cloneDeep(param_array) } l_total := 0 ; run against every value in the array for key, value in param_array { ; functor if (this.isCallable(param_iteratee)) { l_iteratee := } l_total += l_iteratee } return l_total / param_array.count() } min(param_array) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } l_min := "" for key, value in param_array { if (l_min > value || this.isUndefined(l_min)) { l_min := value } } return l_min } multiply(param_multiplier,param_multiplicand) { if (!this.isNumber(param_multiplier) || !this.isNumber(param_multiplicand)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create return param_multiplier * param_multiplicand } round(param_number,param_precision:=0) { if (!this.isNumber(param_number) || !this.isNumber(param_precision)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create return round(param_number, param_precision) } subtract(param_minuend,param_subtrahend) { if (!this.isNumber(param_minuend) || !this.isNumber(param_subtrahend)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create param_minuend -= param_subtrahend return param_minuend } sum(param_array) { if (!isObject(param_array)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } vSum := 0 for key, value in param_array { vSum += value } return vSum } clamp(param_number,param_lower,param_upper) { if (!this.isNumber(param_number) || !this.isNumber(param_lower) || !this.isNumber(param_upper)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; check the lower bound if (param_number < param_lower) { param_number := param_lower } ; check the upper bound if (param_number > param_upper) { param_number := param_upper } return param_number } inRange(param_number,param_lower,param_upper) { if (!this.isNumber(param_number) || !this.isNumber(param_lower) || !this.isNumber(param_upper)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (param_lower > param_upper) { l_temp := param_lower param_lower := param_upper param_upper := l_temp } ; check the bounds if (param_number > param_lower && param_number < param_upper) { return true } return false } random(param_lower:=0,param_upper:=1,param_floating:=false) { if (!this.isNumber(param_lower) || !this.isNumber(param_upper) || !this.isNumber(param_floating)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (param_lower > param_upper) { l_temp := param_lower param_lower := param_upper param_upper := l_temp } if (param_floating) { param_lower += 0.0 param_upper += 0.0 } ; create Random, vRandom, param_lower, param_upper return vRandom } defaults(param_object,param_sources*) { if (!isObject(param_object)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_obj := this.clone(param_object) param_sources := this.reverse(param_sources) ; create for Index, Object in param_sources { for key, value in Object { if (!l_obj.haskey(key)) { ; if the key is not already in use l_obj[key] := value } } } return l_obj } findKey(param_collection,param_predicate,param_fromindex:=1) { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_predicate, param_collection) if (shorthand != false) { param_predicate := this._internal_createShorthandfn(param_predicate, param_collection) } ; create for key, value in param_collection { if (param_fromindex > A_Index) { continue } ; functor if (this.isCallable(param_predicate)) { if ( { return key } } } return false } invert(param_object) { if (!isObject(param_object)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_obj := this.cloneDeep(param_object) l_newObj := {} ; create for key, value in l_obj { l_newObj[value] := key } return l_newObj } invertBy(param_object,param_iteratee:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_object)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_obj := this.cloneDeep(param_object) l_newObj := {} ; create for key, value in l_obj { if (this.isCallable(param_iteratee)) { vkey := } else { vkey := value } if (!isObject(l_newObj[vkey])) { l_newObj[vkey] := [] } l_newObj[vkey].push(key) } return l_newObj } keys(param_object) { ; prepare if (!isObject(param_object)) { param_object := StrSplit(param_object) } l_returnkeys := [] ; create for key, _ in param_object { l_returnkeys.push(key) } return l_returnkeys } mapKeys(param_object,param_iteratee:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_object)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_iteratee, param_object) if (shorthand == ".property") { param_iteratee := } if (this.startsWith(, this.__Class ".")) { ;if starts with "biga." param_iteratee := param_iteratee.bind(this) } l_object := this.cloneDeep(param_object) l_array := {} ; create for key, value in l_object { if (param_iteratee == "__identity") { l_array[value] := A_Index continue } ; functor if (this.isCallable(param_iteratee)) { l_array[, key, l_object)] := A_Index } } return l_array } mapValues(param_object,param_iteratee:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_object)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare shorthand := this._internal_differenciateShorthand(param_iteratee, param_object) if (shorthand == ".property") { param_iteratee := } if (this.startsWith(, this.__Class ".")) { ;if starts with "biga." param_iteratee := param_iteratee.bind(this) } l_object := this.cloneDeep(param_object) l_array := {} ; create for key, value in l_object { if (param_iteratee == "__identity") { l_array[key] := value continue } ; functor function if (this.isCallable(param_iteratee)) { l_array[key] :=, key, l_object) } } return l_array } merge(param_collections*) { if (!isObject(param_collections)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } result := param_collections[1] for index, obj in param_collections { if(A_Index = 1) { continue } result := this.internal_Merge(result, obj) } return result } internal_Merge(param_collection1, param_collection2) { if(!isObject(param_collection1) && !isObject(param_collection2)) { ; if only one OR the other exist, display them together. if(param_collection1 = "" || param_collection2 = "") { return param_collection2 param_collection1 } ; return only one if they are the same if (param_collection1 = param_collection2) return param_collection1 ; otherwise, return them together as an object. return [param_collection1, param_collection2] } ; initialize an associative array combined := {} for key, value in param_collection1 { combined[key] := this.internal_Merge(value, param_collection2[key]) } for key, value in param_collection2 { if(!combined.haskey(key)) { combined[key] := value } } return combined } omit(param_object,param_paths) { if (!isObject(param_object)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_obj := this.cloneDeep(param_object) ; create if (isObject(param_paths)) { for key, value in param_paths { l_obj.delete(value) } } else { l_obj.delete(param_paths) } return l_obj } pick(param_object,param_paths) { if (!isObject(param_object)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_obj := {} ; create if (isObject(param_paths)) { for key, value in param_paths { vvalue := this.internal_property(value, param_object) l_obj[value] := vvalue } } else { vvalue := this.internal_property(param_paths, param_object) l_obj[param_paths] := vvalue } return l_obj } toPairs(param_object) { if (!isObject(param_object)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } l_array := [] for key, value in param_object { l_array.push([key, value]) } return l_array } camelCase(param_string:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_arr := this.compact(this.split(param_string, "/[_ -]+/")) l_head := this.toLower(this.head(l_arr)) ; create l_tail := this.join(, this.startCase), "") return l_head l_tail } endsWith(param_string,param_needle,param_fromIndex:=0) { if (!this.isString(param_string) || !this.isString(param_needle) || !this.isNumber(param_fromIndex)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare defaults if (param_fromIndex == 0) { param_fromIndex := StrLen(param_string) } if (StrLen(param_needle) > 1) { param_fromIndex := StrLen(param_string) - StrLen(param_needle) + 1 } ; create l_endChar := SubStr(param_string, param_fromIndex, StrLen(param_needle)) if (this.isEqual(l_endChar, param_needle)) { return true } return false } escape(param_string:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare HTMLmap := [["&","&"], ["<","<"], [">",">"], ["""","""], ["'","'"]] for key, value in HTMLmap { element := value param_string := StrReplace(param_string, element.1, element.2, , -1) } return param_string } kebabCase(param_string:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create l_string := this.startCase(param_string) l_string := StrReplace(l_string, " ", "-") return l_string } lowerCase(param_string:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create l_string := this.startCase(param_string) l_string := this.toLower(this.trim(l_string)) return l_string } pad(param_string:="",param_length:=0,param_chars:=" ") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string) || !this.isNumber(param_length) || !this.isStringLike(param_chars)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (param_length <= strLen(param_string)) { return param_string } param_length := param_length - strLen(param_string) l_start := this.floor(param_length / 2) l_end := this.ceil(param_length / 2) ; create l_start := this.padStart("", l_start, param_chars) l_end := this.padEnd("", l_end, param_chars) return l_start param_string l_end } padEnd(param_string:="",param_length:=0,param_chars:=" ") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string) || !this.isNumber(param_length) || !this.isStringLike(param_chars)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (param_length <= strLen(param_string)) { return param_string } ; create l_pad := this.slice(param_chars) l_string := param_string while (strLen(l_string) < param_length) { l_pos++ if (l_pos > l_pad.count()) { l_pos := 1 } l_string .= l_pad[l_pos] } return l_string } padStart(param_string:="",param_length:=0,param_chars:=" ") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string) || !this.isNumber(param_length) || !this.isStringLike(param_chars)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (param_length <= strLen(param_string)) { return param_string } ; create l_pad := this.slice(param_chars) while (strLen(param_string) + strLen(l_padding) < param_length) { l_pos++ if (l_pos > l_pad.count()) { l_pos := 1 } l_padding .= l_pad[l_pos] } return l_padding . param_string } parseInt(param_string:="0") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } l_int := this.trimStart(param_string, " 0_") if (this.size(l_int) = 0) { return 0 } return l_int + 0 } repeat(param_string,param_number:=1) { if (!this.isString(param_string) || (!this.isNumber(param_number))) { this._internal_ThrowException() } if (param_number == 0) { return "" } return StrReplace(Format("{:0" param_number "}", 0), "0", param_string) } replace(param_string:="",param_needle:="",param_replacement:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string) || !this.isStringLike(param_needle) || !this.isStringLike(param_replacement)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_string := param_string ; create if (l_needle := this._internal_JSRegEx(param_needle)) { return RegExReplace(param_string, l_needle, param_replacement, , this.limit) } output := StrReplace(l_string, param_needle, param_replacement, , this.limit) return output } snakeCase(param_string:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create l_string := this.startCase(param_string) l_string := StrReplace(l_string, " ", "_") return l_string } split(param_string:="",param_separator:=",",param_limit:=0) { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string) || !this.isStringLike(param_separator) || !this.isNumber(param_limit)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare inputs if regex detected if (this._internal_JSRegEx(param_separator)) { param_string := this.replace(param_string, param_separator, ",") param_separator := "," } ; create oSplitArray := strSplit(param_string, param_separator) if (!param_limit) { return oSplitArray } else { oReducedArray := [] loop, % param_limit { if (A_Index <= oSplitArray.count()) { oReducedArray.push(oSplitArray[A_Index]) } } } return oReducedArray } startCase(param_string:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create l_string := this.replace(param_string, "/[_ -]/", " ") ; add space before each capitalized character RegExMatch(l_string, "O)([A-Z])", RE_Match) if (RE_Match.count()) { loop, % RE_Match.count() { l_string := % SubStr(l_string, 1, RE_Match.Pos(A_Index) - 1) " " SubStr(l_string, RE_Match.Pos(A_Index)) } } ; Split the string into array and Titlecase each element in the array l_array := StrSplit(l_string, " ") loop, % l_array.count() { l_string := l_array[A_Index] StringUpper, l_string, l_string, T l_array[A_Index] := l_string } ; join the string back together from Titlecased array elements l_string := this.join(l_array, " ") l_string := trim(l_string) return l_string } startsWith(param_string,param_needle,param_fromIndex:= 1) { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string) || !this.isStringLike(param_needle) || !this.isNumber(param_fromIndex)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create l_startString := subStr(param_string, param_fromIndex, strLen(param_needle)) ; check if substring matches if (this.isEqual(l_startString, param_needle)) { return true } return false } toLower(param_string) { if (!this.isString(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create StringLower, OutputVar, param_string return OutputVar } toUpper(param_string) { if (!this.isString(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create StringUpper, OutputVar, param_string return OutputVar } trim(param_string,param_chars:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string) || !this.isStringLike(param_chars)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create if (param_chars == "") { return trim(param_string) } else { ; replace starting characters l_string := this.trimStart(param_string, param_chars) ; replace ending characters l_string := this.trimEnd(l_string, param_chars) return l_string } } trimEnd(param_string,param_chars:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string) || !this.isStringLike(param_chars)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create if (param_chars = "") { l_string := param_string return regexreplace(l_string, "(\s+)$") ;trim ending whitespace } else { l_array := StrSplit(param_chars, "") for key, value in l_array { if (this.includes(value, "/[a-zA-Z0-9]/")) { l_removechars .= value } else { l_removechars .= "\" value } } ; replace ending characters l_string := this.replace(param_string, "/([" l_removechars "]+)$/", "") return l_string } } trimStart(param_string,param_chars:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string) || !this.isStringLike(param_chars)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create if (param_chars = "") { return regexreplace(param_string, "^(\s+)") ;trim beginning whitespace } else { l_array := StrSplit(param_chars, "") for key, value in l_array { if (this.includes(value, "/[a-zA-Z0-9]/")) { l_removechars .= value } else { l_removechars .= "\" value } } ; replace leading characters l_string := this.replace(param_string, "/^([" l_removechars "]+)/", "") return l_string } } truncate(param_string,param_options:="") { if (!this.isString(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (!isObject(param_options)) { param_options := {} param_options.length := 30 } if (!param_options.haskey("omission")) { param_options.omission := "..." } ; check that length is even worth working on, skip if separator is defined if (strLen(param_string) < param_options.length && !param_options.separator) { return param_string } ; create ; cut length of the string by character count + the omission's length l_string := subStr(param_string, 1, param_options.length) ; Regex separator if (this._internal_JSRegEx(param_options.separator)) { param_options.separator := this._internal_JSRegEx(param_options.separator) } ; handle string or Regex seperator if (param_options.separator) { return RegexReplace(l_string, "^(.{1," param_options.length "})" param_options.separator ".*$", "$1") param_options.omission } ; omission if (strLen(l_string) < strLen(param_string)) { l_string := subStr(l_string, 1, (strLen(l_string) - strLen(param_options.omission) + 1)) l_string := l_string . param_options.omission } return l_string } unescape(param_string:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare HTMLmap := [["&","&"], ["<","<"], [">",">"], ["""","""], ["'","'"]] for key, value in HTMLmap { element := value param_string := StrReplace(param_string, element.2, element.1, , -1) } return param_string } upperCase(param_string:="") { if (!this.isStringLike(param_string)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create l_string := this.startCase(param_string) l_string := this.toupper(this.trim(l_string)) return l_string } words(param_string,param_pattern:="/[^\W]+/") { if (!this.isString(param_string) || !this.isString(param_pattern)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } l_string := param_string l_array := [] if (l_needle := this._internal_JSRegEx(param_pattern)) { param_pattern := l_needle } l_needle := "O)" param_pattern while(RegExMatch(l_string, l_needle, RE_Match)) { tempString := RE_Match.value() l_array.push(tempString) l_string := SubStr(l_string, RE_Match.Pos()+RE_Match.Len()) } return l_array } constant(param_value) { boundFunc := ObjBindMethod(this, "_internal_constant", param_value) return boundFunc } _internal_constant(param_value) { return param_value } matches(param_source) { if (!isObject(param_source)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } boundFunc := ObjBindMethod(this, "internal_matches", param_source) return boundFunc } internal_matches(param_matches,param_itaree) { for key, value in param_matches { if (param_matches[key] != param_itaree[key]) { return false } } return true } matchesProperty(param_path,param_srcvalue) { if (!this.isStringLike(param_srcvalue)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; create the property fn fnProperty := ; create the fn boundFunc := ObjBindMethod(this, "_internal_matchesProperty", fnProperty, param_srcvalue) return boundFunc } _internal_matchesProperty(param_property,param_matchvalue,param_itaree) { itareevalue := ; msgbox, % "comparing " this._printObj(param_matchvalue) " to " this._printObj(itareevalue) " from(" this._printObj(param_itaree) ")" if (!this.isUndefined(itareevalue)) { if (itareevalue = param_matchvalue) { return true } } return false } property(param_source) { ; prepare if (this.includes(param_source, ".")) { param_source := strSplit(param_source, ".") } ; create the fn if (isObject(param_source)) { keyArray := [] for key, value in param_source { keyArray.push(value) } boundFunc := ObjBindMethod(this, "internal_property", keyArray) return boundFunc } else { boundFunc := ObjBindMethod(this, "internal_property", param_source) return boundFunc } } internal_property(param_property,param_itaree) { if (isObject(param_property)) { for key, value in param_property { if (param_property.count() == 1) { ; msgbox, % "dove deep and found: " ObjRawGet(param_itaree, value) return ObjRawGet(param_itaree, value) } else if (param_itaree.haskey(value)){ rvalue := this.internal_property(this.tail(param_property), param_itaree[value]) } } return rvalue } return param_itaree[param_property] } times(param_n,param_iteratee:="__identity") { if (!this.isNumber(param_n)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare l_array := [] ; create loop, % param_n { l_array.push( } return l_array } first(param_array) { ; create return this.take(param_array)[1] } each(param_collection,param_iteratee:="__identity") { if (!isObject(param_collection)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } ; prepare if (!isFunc(param_iteratee)) { boundFunc := param_iteratee.bind(this) } if (l_paramAmmount == 3) { collectionClone := this.cloneDeep(param_collection) } ; create ; run against every value in the collection for key, value in param_collection { if (!boundFunc) { ; is property/string ;nothing currently } if (!, key, collectionClone)) { vIteratee :=, key, collectionClone) } ; exit iteration early by explicitly returning false if (vIteratee == false) { return param_collection } } return param_collection } entries(param_object) { if (!isObject(param_object)) { this._internal_ThrowException() } l_array := [] for key, value in param_object { l_array.push([key, value]) } return l_array } } class A extends biga { }