REM This script uses FFPLAY to display vectorscope REM with waveform parade and luma of OBS Virtual Camera REM Copyright (c) 2020 Jacob Maximilian Fober REM This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. REM (CC BY-SA 3.0) echo off & cls title=OBS Grading Scopes (Virtual Camera) set /a cpuT=%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%-1 goto :instruction :scope ffplay -hide_banner -filter_threads %cpuT% -an -sn ^ -f dshow -i video="OBS Virtual Camera" ^ -window_title "OBS Virtual Camera" ^ -vf split=3[parade][luma][vector];^ [vector]format=yuv420p,^ vectorscope=mode=color4:colorspace=709:graticule=invert:flags=white+name,^ drawbox=w=4:h=4:t=1:x=104-2:y=98-2:c=invert,^ drawbox=w=4:h=4:t=1:x=110-2:y=106-2:c=invert,^ drawbox=w=4:h=4:t=1:x=116-2:y=113-2:c=invert,^ drawbox=w=4:h=4:t=1:x=122-2:y=120-2:c=invert^ [vector];^ [luma]scale=256:ih,format=yuv420p,^ waveform=filter=lowpass:scale=ire:graticule=orange:flags=dots+numbers^ [luma];^ [parade]scale=256:ih,format=gbrp,^ waveform=filter=lowpass:components=7:display=overlay^ [parade];^ [parade][luma][vector]hstack=3 if errorlevel 9009 ( cls title=OBS Grading Scopes - Error ffplay echo. echo Missing FFplay.exe software. echo Please check your user Environment Variables in system settings. echo. echo You can download FFplay packages at: echo echo. echo any key to visit download website pause start goto :eof ) echo. pause cls :instruction echo Key bindings: echo ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ echo ³"Q",ESC ³ Quit ³ echo ³"F" ³ Toggle full-screen³ echo ³"P",SPC ³ Pause ³ echo ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ echo. goto :scope