# # FusionAuth App Dockerfile including the MySQL connector # # Note: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The MySQL JDBC connector is not bundled with FusionAuth due to the GPL # license terms under which Oracle publishes this software. # # Because of this restriction, you will need to build a docker image for your # use that contains the MySQL JDBC connector in order to connect to a MySQL # database at runtime. # Source: https://github.com/mysql/mysql-connector-j # License: https://github.com/mysql/mysql-connector-j/blob/release/8.0/LICENSE # Homepage: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/8.0/en/ # # If you choose to build a Docker image containing this connector, ensure you # are aware and in compliance with the license under which the MySQL JDBC connector # is provided. # # This file is provided as an example only. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Build: # > docker build -t fusionauth/fusionauth-app-mysql:1.53.2 . # > docker build -t fusionauth/fusionauth-app-mysql:latest . # # Run: # > docker run -p 9011:9011 -it fusionauth/fusionauth-app-mysql # FROM fusionauth/fusionauth-app:1.53.2 ADD --chown=fusionauth:fusionauth https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/mysql/mysql-connector-j/9.0.0/mysql-connector-j-9.0.0.jar /usr/local/fusionauth/fusionauth-app/lib