Function Get-SCCMObjectLocation { <# .Synopsis Searches for an SCCM object by ID and displays its path .DESCRIPTION Finds an SCCM object by its SCCM object ID (Collection ID, Package ID, etc), and then displays its position in the console folder hierarchy. .PARAMETER SMSId An SCCM ID in the standard [3 letter site code][5 hex digits] format, eg SMS00001 .PARAMETER SiteCode A three letter SCCM site code, eg "ABC" (Optional) .PARAMETER SiteServerName A resolvable name for an SCCM site server, eg "" (Optional) .EXAMPLE Get-SCCMObjectLocation -SMSId "ABC00166" root\Application Deployment\MS Access App-V [SMS_Collection_User] .EXAMPLE Get-SCCMObjectLocation -SMSId "ABC001BB" root\Dell PowerEdge Drivers OM7.3.0\PE1950-Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 SP1-OM7.3 [SMS_DriverPackage] .EXAMPLE Get-SCCMObjectLocation -SMSId ABC000CC WARNING: Multiple objects with ID: LOL000CC root\x64\Win 7 Ent x64 with Office 2010 [SMS_ImagePackage] root\Server roles\All Domain Controllers [SMS_Collection_Device] .NOTES Needs the SCCM Console (version 2012 SP1 or later) installed on the machine. Needs to be run from the CMSite PSDrive (which should be automatically created if you run this from the console's "Connect via Windows PowerShell" menu option, or if you load the ConfigMgr PowerShell module, via: Import-Module (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Parent $ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH)\ConfigurationManager.psd1) If you don't know it, you can change to the PSDrive using: Set-Location -LiteralPath "$((Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite).Name):" Written by James Blatchford, July 2016 Basic idea (and pointer to SMS_ObjectContainerNode and SMS_ObjectContainerItem) from Peter van der Woude's blog entry: .LINK ConfigurationManager .LINK about_ConfigurationManager_Cmdlets .LINK .LINK #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)][string]$SMSId, [string]$SiteCode = (Get-CMSite).SiteCode, [string]$SiteServerName = (Get-CMSite).ServerName) #Find the container directly containing the item $ContainerItem = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/SMS/site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $SiteServerName -Query "select * from SMS_ObjectContainerItem where InstanceKey = '$($SMSId)'" If (!$ContainerItem) { $ObjectName = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/SMS/site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $SiteServerName -Query "select * from SMS_ObjectName where ObjectKey = '$($SMSId)'" If (!$ObjectName) { Write-Warning "No object or containers found for $SMSId" break; } Else { If ($ObjectName -is [array]) { Write-Warning "Multiple objects with ID: $SMSId" Foreach ($Object in $ObjectName) { $ObjectOutputString = "$ObjectOutputString`nroot\$(($Object).Name)" $Object } Return $ObjectOutputString } Else { Return "root\$(($ObjectName).Name)" } break; } } If ($ContainerItem -is [array]) { Write-Warning "Multiple objects with ID: $SMSId" Foreach ($Item In $ContainerItem) { $tempOutputString = Get-SCCMContainerHierarchy -ContainerNodeId $Item.ContainerNodeID -ObjectType $Item.ObjectType -ObjectTypename $Item.ObjectTypeName -SiteCode $SiteCode -SiteServerName $SiteServerName $OutputString = "$OutputString`nroot\$tempOutputString" } Return "$OutputString" } Else { #One object found $OutputString = Get-SCCMContainerHierarchy -ContainerNodeId ($ContainerItem).ContainerNodeID -SiteCode $SiteCode -SiteServerName $SiteServerName Return "root\$OutputString" } } Function Get-SCCMContainerHierarchy { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$ContainerNodeId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)][string]$SiteCode = (Get-CMSite).SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)][string]$SiteServerName = (Get-CMSite).ServerName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$ObjectType = ($ContainerItem).ObjectType, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$ObjectTypeName = ($ContainerItem).ObjectTypeName) Switch ($ObjectType) { 2 {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMPackage -ID $SMSId).Name} # Package 7 {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMQuery -ID $SMSId).Name} # Query 14 {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMOperatingSystemInstaller -ID $SMSId).Name} # OS Install Package 18 {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMOperatingSystemImage -ID $SMSId).Name} # OS Image 20 {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMTaskSequence -ID $SMSId).Name} # Task Sequence 23 {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMDriverPackage -ID $SMSId).Name} # Driver Package 19 {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMBootImage -ID $SMSId).Name} # Boot Image 5000 {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMDeviceCollection -Id $SMSId).Name} # Device Collection 5001 {$ObjectTypeText = $ObjectTypeName; $ObjectName = (Get-CMUserCollection -Id $SMSId).Name} # User Collection default {$ObjectTypeText = "unknown object type: '$($ObjectTypeName)' = $($ObjectType)"; $ObjectName = "unknown object name ($SMSId)"} } $OutputString = "$ObjectName `t[$ObjectTypeText]" #ContainerNodeID of 0 is the root While ($ContainerNodeId -ne 0) { #Find details of that container $ContainerNode = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/SMS/site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $SiteServerName -Query "select * from SMS_ObjectContainerNode where ContainerNodeID = '$($ContainerNodeId)'" $ContainerName = ($ContainerNode).Name $ContainerNodeId = ($ContainerNode).ParentContainerNodeID $OutputString = "$ContainerName\$OutputString" } Return $OutputString }