#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """fdsnws_fetch This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . :Copyright: 2019-2024 Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (Andres Heinloo) :License: LGPLv3 GNU Lesser General Public License v. 3 (29 June 2007, or later) :Platform: Linux """ """ A command-line FDSN Web Service client using EIDA routing and authentication. Usage Examples ============== Request 60 minutes of the ``"LHZ"`` channel of EIDA stations starting with ``"A"`` for a seismic event around 2010-02-27 07:00 (UTC). Optionally add ``"-v"`` for verbosity. Resulting Mini-SEED data will be written to file ``"data.mseed"``. .. code-block:: bash $ %(prog)s -N '*' -S 'A*' -L '*' -C 'LHZ' \ -s "2010-02-27T07:00:00Z" -e "2010-02-27T08:00:00Z" -v -o data.mseed The above request is anonymous and therefore restricted data will not be included. To include restricted data, use a file containing a token obtained from an EIDA authentication service and/or a CSV file with username and password for each node not implementing the EIDA auth extension. .. code-block:: bash $ %(prog)s -a token.asc -c credentials.csv -N '*' -S 'A*' -L '*' -C 'LHZ' \ -s "2010-02-27T07:00:00Z" -e "2010-02-27T08:00:00Z" -v -o data.mseed StationXML metadata for the above request can be requested using the following command: .. code-block:: bash $ %(prog)s -N '*' -S 'A*' -L '*' -C 'LHZ' \ -s "2010-02-27T07:00:00Z" -e "2010-02-27T08:00:00Z" -y station \ -q level=response -v -o station.xml Multiple query parameters can be used: .. code-block:: bash $ %(prog)s -N '*' -S '*' -L '*' -C '*' \ -s "2010-02-27T07:00:00Z" -e "2010-02-27T08:00:00Z" -y station \ -q format=text -q level=channel -q latitude=20 -q longitude=-150 \ -q maxradius=15 -v -o station.txt Bulk requests can be made in ArcLink (-f), breq_fast (-b) or native FDSNWS POST (-p) format. Query parameters should not be included in the request file, but specified on the command line. .. code-block:: bash $ %(prog)s -p request.txt -y station -q level=channel -v -o station.xml """ from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import sys import time import datetime import optparse import threading import socket import csv import re import struct import io import os import fnmatch import subprocess import dateutil.parser try: # Python 3.2 and earlier from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET # NOQA except ImportError: from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET # NOQA try: # Python 2.x import Queue import urllib2 import urlparse import urllib except ImportError: # Python 3.x import queue as Queue import urllib.request as urllib2 import urllib.parse as urlparse import urllib.parse as urllib VERSION = "2022.017" GET_PARAMS = set(('net', 'network', 'sta', 'station', 'loc', 'location', 'cha', 'channel', 'start', 'starttime', 'end', 'endtime', 'service', 'alternative')) POST_PARAMS = set(('service', 'alternative')) STATIONXML_RESOURCE_METADATA_ELEMENTS = ( '{http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/1}Source', '{http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/1}Created', '{http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/1}Sender', '{http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/1}Module', '{http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/1}ModuleURI') FIXED_DATA_HEADER_SIZE = 48 DATA_ONLY_BLOCKETTE_SIZE = 8 DATA_ONLY_BLOCKETTE_NUMBER = 1000 MINIMUM_RECORD_LENGTH = 256 DEFAULT_TOKEN_LOCATION = os.environ.get("HOME", "") + "/.eidatoken" class Error(Exception): pass class AuthNotSupported(Exception): pass class TargetURL(object): def __init__(self, url, qp): self.__scheme = url.scheme self.__netloc = url.netloc self.__path = url.path.rstrip('query').rstrip('/') self.__qp = dict(qp) def wadl(self): path = self.__path + '/application.wadl' return urlparse.urlunparse((self.__scheme, self.__netloc, path, '', '', '')) def auth(self): path = self.__path + '/auth' return urlparse.urlunparse(('https', self.__netloc, path, '', '', '')) def post(self): path = self.__path + '/query' return urlparse.urlunparse((self.__scheme, self.__netloc, path, '', '', '')) def post_qa(self): path = self.__path + '/queryauth' return urlparse.urlunparse((self.__scheme, self.__netloc, path, '', '', '')) def post_params(self): return self.__qp.items() class RoutingURL(object): def __init__(self, url, qp): self.__scheme = url.scheme self.__netloc = url.netloc self.__path = url.path.rstrip('query').rstrip('/') self.__qp = dict(qp) def get(self): path = self.__path + '/query' qp = [(p, v) for (p, v) in self.__qp.items() if p in GET_PARAMS] qp.append(('format', 'post')) query = urllib.urlencode(qp) return urlparse.urlunparse((self.__scheme, self.__netloc, path, '', query, '')) def post(self): path = self.__path + '/query' return urlparse.urlunparse((self.__scheme, self.__netloc, path, '', '', '')) def post_params(self): qp = [(p, v) for (p, v) in self.__qp.items() if p in POST_PARAMS] qp.append(('format', 'post')) return qp def target_params(self): return [(p, v) for (p, v) in self.__qp.items() if p not in GET_PARAMS] class TextCombiner(object): def __init__(self): self.__header = bytes() self.__text = bytes() def set_header(self, text): self.__header = text def combine(self, text): self.__text += text def dump(self, fd): if self.__text: fd.write(self.__header + self.__text) class XMLCombiner(object): def __init__(self): self.__et = None def __combine_element(self, one, other): mapping = {} for el in one: try: eid = (el.tag, el.attrib['code'], el.attrib['startDate']) mapping[eid] = el except KeyError: pass for el in other: # skip Sender, Source, Module, ModuleURI, Created elements of # subsequent trees if el.tag in STATIONXML_RESOURCE_METADATA_ELEMENTS: continue try: eid = (el.tag, el.attrib['code'], el.attrib['startDate']) try: self.__combine_element(mapping[eid], el) except KeyError: mapping[eid] = el one.append(el) except KeyError: pass def combine(self, et): if self.__et: self.__combine_element(self.__et.getroot(), et.getroot()) else: self.__et = et root = self.__et.getroot() # Note: this assumes well-formed StationXML # first StationXML tree: modify Source, Created try: source = root.find(STATIONXML_RESOURCE_METADATA_ELEMENTS[0]) source.text = 'FDSNWS' except Exception: pass try: created = root.find(STATIONXML_RESOURCE_METADATA_ELEMENTS[1]) created.text = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') except Exception: pass # remove Sender, Module, ModuleURI for tag in STATIONXML_RESOURCE_METADATA_ELEMENTS[2:]: el = root.find(tag) if el is not None: root.remove(el) def dump(self, fd): if self.__et: self.__et.write(fd) class ArclinkParser(object): def __init__(self): self.postdata = "" self.failstr = "" def __parse_line(self, line): items = line.split() if len(items) < 2: self.failstr += "%s [syntax error]\n" % line return try: beg_time = datetime.datetime(*map(int, items[0].split(","))) end_time = datetime.datetime(*map(int, items[1].split(","))) except ValueError as e: self.failstr += "%s [invalid begin or end time: %s]\n" \ % (line, str(e)) return network = 'XX' station = 'XXXXX' channel = 'XXX' location = '--' if len(items) > 2 and items[2] != '.': network = items[2] if len(items) > 3 and items[3] != '.': station = items[3] if len(items) > 4 and items[4] != '.': channel = items[4] if len(items) > 5 and items[5] != '.': location = items[5] self.postdata += "%s %s %s %s %sZ %sZ\n" \ % (network, station, location, channel, beg_time.isoformat(), end_time.isoformat()) def parse(self, path): with open(path) as fd: for line in fd: line = line.rstrip() if line: self.__parse_line(line) class BreqParser(object): __tokenrule = "^\.[A-Z_]+[:]?\s" __reqlist = ("(?P[\w?\*]+)", "(?P[\w?]+)", "((?P\d{2})|(?P\d{4}))", "(?P\d{1,2})", "(?P\d{1,2})", "(?P\d{1,2})", "(?P\d{1,2})", "(?P\d{1,2})(\.\d*)?", "((?P\d{2})|(?P\d{4}))", "(?P\d{1,2})", "(?P\d{1,2})", "(?P\d{1,2})", "(?P\d{1,2})", "(?P\d{1,2})(\.\d*)?", "(?P\d+)", "(?P[\w?\s*]+)") def __init__(self): self.__rx_tokenrule = re.compile(BreqParser.__tokenrule) self.__rx_reqlist = re.compile("\s+".join(BreqParser.__reqlist)) self.postdata = "" self.failstr = "" def __parse_line(self, line): m = self.__rx_reqlist.match(line) if m: d = m.groupdict() # catch two digit year inputs if d["beg_2year"]: if int(d["beg_2year"]) > 50: d["beg_4year"] = "19%s" % d["beg_2year"] else: d["beg_4year"] = "20%s" % d["beg_2year"] if d["end_2year"]: if int(d["end_2year"]) > 50: d["end_4year"] = "19%s" % d["end_2year"] else: d["end_4year"] = "20%s" % d["end_2year"] # some users have problems with time... if int(d["beg_hour"]) > 23: d["beg_hour"] = "23" if int(d["end_hour"]) > 23: d["end_hour"] = "23" if int(d["beg_min"]) > 59: d["beg_min"] = "59" if int(d["end_min"]) > 59: d["end_min"] = "59" if int(d["beg_sec"]) > 59: d["beg_sec"] = "59" if int(d["end_sec"]) > 59: d["end_sec"] = "59" try: beg_time = datetime.datetime(int(d["beg_4year"]), int(d["beg_month"]), int(d["beg_day"]), int(d["beg_hour"]), int(d["beg_min"]), int(d["beg_sec"])) end_time = datetime.datetime(int(d["end_4year"]), int(d["end_month"]), int(d["end_day"]), int(d["end_hour"]), int(d["end_min"]), int(d["end_sec"])) except ValueError as e: self.failstr += "%s [error: wrong begin or end time: %s]\n" \ % (line, str(e)) return location = "*" cha_list = re.findall("([\w?\*]+)\s*", d["cha_list"]) if len(cha_list) == int(d['cha_num'])+1: location = cha_list.pop() for channel in cha_list: self.postdata += "%s %s %s %s %sZ %sZ\n" \ % (d["network"], d["station"], location, channel, beg_time.isoformat(), end_time.isoformat()) else: self.failstr += "%s [syntax error]\n" % line def parse(self, path): with open(path) as fd: for line in fd: if self.__rx_tokenrule.match(line): continue line = line.rstrip() if line: self.__parse_line(line) msglock = threading.Lock() def msg(s, verbose=3): if verbose: if verbose == 3: if sys.stderr.isatty(): s = "\033[31m" + s + "\033[m" elif verbose == 2: if sys.stderr.isatty(): s = "\033[32m" + s + "\033[m" with msglock: sys.stderr.write(s + '\n') sys.stderr.flush() def retry(urlopen, url, data, timeout, count, wait, verbose): # force no gzip encoding, because urllib cannot handle this url = urllib2.Request(url, None, {"Accept-Encoding": ""}) n = 0 while True: if n >= count: return urlopen(url, data, timeout) try: n += 1 fd = urlopen(url, data, timeout) if fd.getcode() == 200 or fd.getcode() == 204: return fd msg("retrying %s (%d) after %d seconds due to HTTP status code %d" % (url, n, wait, fd.getcode()), verbose) fd.close() time.sleep(wait) except urllib2.HTTPError as e: if e.code >= 400 and e.code < 500: raise msg("retrying %s (%d) after %d seconds due to %s" % (url, n, wait, str(e)), verbose) time.sleep(wait) except (urllib2.URLError, socket.error) as e: msg("retrying %s (%d) after %d seconds due to %s" % (url, n, wait, str(e)), verbose) time.sleep(wait) def fetch(url, cred, authdata, postlines, xc, tc, dest, nets, chans, timeout, retry_count, retry_wait, finished, lock, verbose): try: url_handlers = [] if cred and url.post_qa() in cred: # use static credentials query_url = url.post_qa() (user, passwd) = cred[query_url] mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() mgr.add_password(None, query_url, user, passwd) h = urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(mgr) url_handlers.append(h) elif authdata: # use the pgp-based auth method if supported wadl_url = url.wadl() auth_url = url.auth() query_url = url.post_qa() try: fd = retry(urllib2.urlopen, wadl_url, None, timeout, retry_count, retry_wait, verbose) try: root = ET.parse(fd).getroot() ns = "{http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02}" el = "resource[@path='auth']" if root.find(".//" + ns + el) is None: raise AuthNotSupported finally: fd.close() msg("authenticating at %s" % auth_url, verbose) try: fd = retry(urllib2.urlopen, auth_url, authdata, timeout, retry_count, retry_wait, verbose) try: resp = fd.read() if isinstance(resp, bytes): resp = resp.decode('utf-8') if fd.getcode() == 200: try: (user, passwd) = resp.split(':') mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() mgr.add_password(None, query_url, user, passwd) h = urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(mgr) url_handlers.append(h) except ValueError: msg("invalid auth response: %s" % resp) return msg("authentication at %s successful" % auth_url, verbose) else: msg("authentication at %s failed with HTTP status " "code %d:\n%s" % (auth_url, fd.getcode(), resp)) query_url = url.post() finally: fd.close() except urllib2.HTTPError as e: resp = e.read() if isinstance(resp, bytes): resp = resp.decode('utf-8') msg("authentication at %s failed with HTTP status " "code %d:\n%s" % (auth_url, e.code, resp)) query_url = url.post() except (urllib2.URLError, socket.error) as e: msg("authentication at %s failed: %s" % (auth_url, str(e))) query_url = url.post() except (urllib2.URLError, socket.error, ET.ParseError) as e: msg("reading %s failed: %s" % (wadl_url, str(e))) query_url = url.post() except AuthNotSupported: msg("authentication at %s is not supported" % auth_url, verbose) query_url = url.post() else: # fetch data anonymously query_url = url.post() opener = urllib2.build_opener(*url_handlers) i = 0 n = len(postlines) while i < len(postlines): if n == len(postlines): msg("getting data from %s" % query_url, verbose) else: msg("getting data from %s (%d%%..%d%%)" % (query_url, 100*i/len(postlines), min(100, 100*(i+n)/len(postlines))), verbose) postdata = (''.join((p + '=' + v + '\n') for (p, v) in url.post_params()) + ''.join(postlines[i:i+n])) if not isinstance(postdata, bytes): postdata = postdata.encode('utf-8') try: fd = retry(opener.open, query_url, postdata, timeout, retry_count, retry_wait, verbose) try: if fd.getcode() == 204: msg("received no data from %s" % query_url) elif fd.getcode() != 200: resp = fd.read() if isinstance(resp, bytes): resp = resp.decode('utf-8') msg("getting data from %s failed with HTTP status " "code %d:\n%s" % (query_url, fd.getcode(), resp)) break else: size = 0 content_type = fd.info().get('Content-Type') content_type = content_type.split(';')[0] if content_type == "application/vnd.fdsn.mseed": record_idx = 1 # NOTE: cannot use fixed chunk size, because # response from single node mixes mseed record # sizes. E.g., a 4096 byte chunk could contain 7 # 512 byte records and the first 512 bytes of a # 4096 byte record, which would not be completed # in the same write operation while True: # read fixed header buf = fd.read(FIXED_DATA_HEADER_SIZE) if not buf: break record = buf curr_size = len(buf) # get offset of data (value before last, # 2 bytes, unsigned short) data_offset_idx = FIXED_DATA_HEADER_SIZE - 4 data_offset, = struct.unpack( b'!H', buf[data_offset_idx:data_offset_idx+2]) if data_offset >= FIXED_DATA_HEADER_SIZE: remaining_header_size = data_offset - \ FIXED_DATA_HEADER_SIZE elif data_offset == 0 : # This means that blockettes can follow, # but no data samples. Use minimum record # size to read following blockettes. This # can still fail if blockette 1000 is after # position 256 remaining_header_size = \ MINIMUM_RECORD_LENGTH - \ FIXED_DATA_HEADER_SIZE else: # Full header size cannot be smaller than # fixed header size. This is an error. msg("record %s: data offset smaller than "\ "fixed header length: %s, bailing "\ "out" % (record_idx, data_offset)) break buf = fd.read(remaining_header_size) if not buf: msg("remaining header corrupt in record "\ "%s" % record_idx) break record += buf curr_size += len(buf) # scan variable header for blockette 1000 blockette_start = 0 b1000_found = False while (blockette_start < remaining_header_size): # 2 bytes, unsigned short blockette_id, = struct.unpack( b'!H', buf[blockette_start:blockette_start+2]) # get start of next blockette (second # value, 2 bytes, unsigned short) next_blockette_start, = struct.unpack( b'!H', buf[blockette_start+2:blockette_start+4]) if blockette_id == \ DATA_ONLY_BLOCKETTE_NUMBER: b1000_found = True break elif next_blockette_start == 0: # no blockettes follow msg("record %s: no blockettes follow "\ "after blockette %s at pos %s" % ( record_idx, blockette_id, blockette_start)) break else: blockette_start = next_blockette_start - FIXED_DATA_HEADER_SIZE # blockette 1000 not found if not b1000_found: msg("record %s: blockette 1000 not found,"\ " stop reading" % record_idx) break # get record size (1 byte, unsigned char) record_size_exponent_idx = blockette_start + 6 record_size_exponent, = struct.unpack( b'!B', buf[record_size_exponent_idx:\ record_size_exponent_idx+1]) remaining_record_size = \ 2**record_size_exponent - curr_size # read remainder of record (data section) buf = fd.read(remaining_record_size) if not buf: msg("cannot read data section of record "\ "%s" % record_idx) break record += buf # collect network IDs try: net = record[18:20].decode('ascii').rstrip() sta = record[8:13].decode('ascii').rstrip() loc = record[13:15].decode('ascii').rstrip() cha = record[15:18].decode('ascii').rstrip() except UnicodeDecodeError: msg("invalid miniseed record") break year, = struct.unpack(b'!H', record[20:22]) with lock: nets.add((net, year)) chans.add('.'.join((net, sta, loc, cha))) dest.write(record) size += len(record) record_idx += 1 elif content_type == "text/plain": # this is the station service in text format text = bytes() while True: buf = fd.readline() if not buf: break if buf.startswith(b'#'): tc.set_header(buf) else: text += buf size += len(buf) with lock: tc.combine(text) elif content_type == "application/xml": fdread = fd.read s = [0] def read(self, *args, **kwargs): buf = fdread(self, *args, **kwargs) s[0] += len(buf) return buf fd.read = read et = ET.parse(fd) size = s[0] with lock: xc.combine(et) else: msg("getting data from %s failed: unsupported " "content type '%s'" % (query_url, content_type)) break msg("got %d bytes (%s) from %s" % (size, content_type, query_url), verbose) i += n finally: fd.close() except urllib2.HTTPError as e: if e.code == 413 and n > 1: msg("request too large for %s, splitting" % query_url, verbose) n = -(n//-2) else: resp = e.read() if isinstance(resp, bytes): resp = resp.decode('utf-8') msg("getting data from %s failed with HTTP status " "code %d:\n%s" % (query_url, e.code, resp)) break except (urllib2.URLError, socket.error, ET.ParseError) as e: msg("getting data from %s failed: %s" % (query_url, str(e))) break finally: finished.put(threading.current_thread()) def route(url, cred, authdata, postdata, dest, chans_to_check, timeout, retry_count, retry_wait, maxthreads, verbose): threads = [] running = 0 finished = Queue.Queue() lock = threading.Lock() xc = XMLCombiner() tc = TextCombiner() nets = set() check = bool(chans_to_check) chans1 = chans_to_check chans2 = set() chans3 = set() if postdata: query_url = url.post() postdata = (''.join((p + '=' + v + '\n') for (p, v) in url.post_params()) + postdata) if not isinstance(postdata, bytes): postdata = postdata.encode('utf-8') else: query_url = url.get() msg("getting routes from %s" % query_url, verbose) try: fd = retry(urllib2.urlopen, query_url, postdata, timeout, retry_count, retry_wait, verbose) try: if fd.getcode() == 204: msg("received no routes from %s" % query_url) elif fd.getcode() != 200: resp = fd.read() if isinstance(resp, bytes): resp = resp.decode('utf-8') msg("getting routes from %s failed with HTTP status " "code %d:\n%s" % (query_url, fd.getcode(), resp)) else: urlline = None postlines = [] while True: line = fd.readline() if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode('utf-8') if not urlline: urlline = line.strip() elif not line.strip(): if postlines: target_url = TargetURL(urlparse.urlparse(urlline), url.target_params()) threads.append(threading.Thread(target=fetch, args=(target_url, cred, authdata, postlines, xc, tc, dest, nets, chans3, timeout, retry_count, retry_wait, finished, lock, verbose))) urlline = None postlines = [] if not line: break else: postlines.append(line) if check: nslc = line.split()[:4] if nslc[2] == '--': nslc[2] = '' chans2.add('.'.join(nslc)) finally: fd.close() except urllib2.HTTPError as e: resp = e.read() if isinstance(resp, bytes): resp = resp.decode('utf-8') msg("getting routes from %s failed with HTTP status " "code %d:\n%s" % (query_url, e.code, resp)) except (urllib2.URLError, socket.error) as e: msg("getting routes from %s failed: %s" % (query_url, str(e))) if check: for c1 in list(chans1): for c2 in list(chans2): if fnmatch.fnmatch(c2, c1): chans1.remove(c1) break if chans1: msg("did not receive routes to %s" % ", ".join(sorted(chans1))) for t in threads: if running >= maxthreads: thr = finished.get(True) thr.join() running -= 1 t.start() running += 1 while running: thr = finished.get(True) thr.join() running -= 1 xc.dump(dest) tc.dump(dest) if check: for p in url.post_params(): if p[0] == 'service' and p[1] != 'dataselect': return nets for c2 in list(chans2): for c3 in list(chans3): if fnmatch.fnmatch(c3, c2): chans2.remove(c2) break if chans2: msg("did not receive data from %s" % ", ".join(sorted(chans2))) return nets def get_citation(nets, options): postdata = "" for (net, year) in nets: postdata += "%s * * * %d-01-01T00:00:00Z %d-12-31T23:59:59Z\n" \ % (net, year, year) qp = { 'service': 'station', 'level': 'network', 'format': 'text' } url = RoutingURL(urlparse.urlparse(options.url), qp) dest = io.BytesIO() route(url, None, None, postdata, dest, None, options.timeout, options.retries, options.retry_wait, options.threads, options.verbose) dest.seek(0) net_desc = {} for line in dest: try: if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode('utf-8') (code, desc, start) = line.split('|')[:3] if code.startswith('#'): continue year = dateutil.parser.parse(start).year except (ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e: msg("error parsing text format: %s" % str(e)) continue if code[0] in '0123456789XYZ': net_desc['%s_%d' % (code, year)] = desc else: net_desc[code] = desc msg("\nYou received seismic waveform data from the following network(s):", 2) for code in sorted(net_desc): msg("%s %s" % (code, net_desc[code]), 2) msg("\nAcknowledgment is extremely important for network operators\n" "providing open data. When preparing publications, please\n" "cite the data appropriately. The FDSN service at\n\n" " http://www.fdsn.org/networks/citation/?networks=%s\n\n" "provides a helpful guide based on available network\n" "Digital Object Identifiers.\n" % "+".join(sorted(net_desc)), 2) def main(): qp = {} def add_qp(option, opt_str, value, parser): if option.dest == 'query': try: (p, v) = value.split('=', 1) qp[p] = v except ValueError: raise optparse.OptionValueError("%s expects parameter=value" % opt_str) else: qp[option.dest] = value parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="Usage: %prog [-h|--help] [OPTIONS] -o file", version="%prog " + VERSION, add_help_option=False) parser.set_defaults( url="http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/eidaws/routing/1/", timeout=600, retries=10, retry_wait=60, threads=5) parser.add_option("-h", "--help", action="store_true", default=False, help="show help message and exit") parser.add_option("-l", "--longhelp", action="store_true", default=False, help="show extended help message and exit") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="verbose mode") parser.add_option("-u", "--url", type="string", help="URL of routing service (default %default)") parser.add_option("-y", "--service", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_qp, help="target service (default dataselect)") parser.add_option("-N", "--network", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_qp, help="network code or pattern") parser.add_option("-S", "--station", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_qp, help="station code or pattern") parser.add_option("-L", "--location", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_qp, help="location code or pattern") parser.add_option("-C", "--channel", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_qp, help="channel code or pattern") parser.add_option("-s", "--starttime", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_qp, help="start time") parser.add_option("-e", "--endtime", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_qp, help="end time") parser.add_option("-q", "--query", type="string", action="callback", callback=add_qp, metavar="PARAMETER=VALUE", help="additional query parameter") parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", type="int", help="request timeout in seconds (default %default)") parser.add_option("-r", "--retries", type="int", help="number of retries (default %default)") parser.add_option("-w", "--retry-wait", type="int", help="seconds to wait before each retry " "(default %default)") parser.add_option("-n", "--threads", type="int", help="maximum number of download threads " "(default %default)") parser.add_option("-c", "--credentials-file", type="string", help="URL,user,password file (CSV format) for queryauth") parser.add_option("-a", "--auth-file", type="string", help="file that contains the auth token") parser.add_option("-p", "--post-file", type="string", help="request file in FDSNWS POST format") parser.add_option("-f", "--arclink-file", type="string", help="request file in ArcLink format") parser.add_option("-b", "--breqfast-file", type="string", help="request file in breq_fast format") parser.add_option("-o", "--output-file", type="string", help="file where downloaded data is written") parser.add_option("-z", "--no-citation", action="store_true", default=False, help="suppress network citation info") parser.add_option("-Z", "--no-check", action="store_true", default=False, help="suppress checking received routes and data") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.help: print(__doc__.split("Usage Examples", 1)[0], end="") parser.print_help() return 0 if options.longhelp: print(__doc__) parser.print_help() return 0 if args or not options.output_file: parser.print_usage(sys.stderr) return 1 if bool(options.post_file) + bool(options.arclink_file) + \ bool(options.breqfast_file) > 1: msg("only one of (--post-file, --arclink-file, --breqfast-file) " "can be used") return 1 try: cred = {} authdata = None postdata = None chans_to_check = set() if options.credentials_file: with open(options.credentials_file) as fd: try: for (url, user, passwd) in csv.reader(fd): cred[url] = (user, passwd) except (ValueError, csv.Error): raise Error("error parsing %s" % options.credentials_file) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise Error("invalid unicode character found in %s" % options.credentials_file) if options.auth_file: with open(options.auth_file, 'rb') as fd: authdata = fd.read() else: try: with open(DEFAULT_TOKEN_LOCATION, 'rb') as fd: authdata = fd.read() options.auth_file = DEFAULT_TOKEN_LOCATION except IOError: pass if authdata: msg("using token in %s:" % options.auth_file, options.verbose) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(['gpg', '--decrypt'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate(authdata) if not out: if isinstance(err, bytes): err = err.decode('utf-8') msg(err) return 1 if isinstance(out, bytes): out = out.decode('utf-8') msg(out, options.verbose) except OSError as e: msg(str(e)) if options.post_file: try: with open(options.post_file) as fd: postdata = fd.read() except UnicodeDecodeError: raise Error("invalid unicode character found in %s" % options.post_file) else: parser = None if options.arclink_file: parser = ArclinkParser() try: parser.parse(options.arclink_file) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise Error("invalid unicode character found in %s" % options.arclink_file) elif options.breqfast_file: parser = BreqParser() try: parser.parse(options.breqfast_file) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise Error("invalid unicode character found in %s" % options.breqfast_file) if parser is not None: if parser.failstr: msg(parser.failstr) return 1 postdata = parser.postdata if not options.no_check: if postdata: for line in postdata.splitlines(): nslc = line.split()[:4] if nslc[2] == '--': nslc[2] = '' chans_to_check.add('.'.join(nslc)) else: net = qp.get('network', '*') sta = qp.get('station', '*') loc = qp.get('location', '*') cha = qp.get('channel', '*') for n in net.split(','): for s in sta.split(','): for l in loc.split(','): for c in cha.split(','): if l == '--': l = '' chans_to_check.add('.'.join((n, s, l, c))) url = RoutingURL(urlparse.urlparse(options.url), qp) dest = open(options.output_file, 'wb') nets = route(url, cred, authdata, postdata, dest, chans_to_check, options.timeout, options.retries, options.retry_wait, options.threads, options.verbose) if nets and not options.no_citation: msg("retrieving network citation info", options.verbose) get_citation(nets, options) else: msg("", options.verbose) msg("In case of problems with your request, plese use the contact " "form at\n\n" " http://www.orfeus-eu.org/organization/contact/form/" "?recipient=EIDA\n", options.verbose) except (IOError, Error) as e: msg(str(e)) return 1 return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": __doc__ %= {"prog": sys.argv[0]} sys.exit(main())