--- contact_point: email: sadhana.nirandjan@vu.nl name: Sadhana Nirandjan creator: email: sadhana.nirandjan@vu.nl name: Sadhana Nirandjan dataset_id: GLB-CI description: The spatially-explicit harmonized global dataset of critical infrastructure (CI) contains data on the amount of infrastructure per infrastructure type and the Critical Infrastructure Spatial Index (CISI) details: null exposure: category: infrastructure dimension: structure quantity_kind: area taxonomy: null hazard: null license: CC-BY-4.0 loss: null project: null publisher: name: Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) url: https://vu.nl/en/about-vu/research-institutes/ivm purpose: null resources: - coordinate_system: EPSG:4326 description: Amount of infrastructure per infrastructure type at a resolution of 0.10x0.10 and 0.25x0.25 degrees. download_url: https://zenodo.org/records/4957647/files/Amount_of_infrastructure.zip?download=1 format: geotiff id: AoI spatial_resolution: 11132 title: Amount of infrastructure - coordinate_system: EPSG:4326 description: Critical Infrastructure Spatial Index (CISI) as a combination of individual infrastracture categories at a resolution of 0.10x0.10 and 0.25x0.25 degrees download_url: https://zenodo.org/records/4957647/files/CISI.zip?download=1 format: geotiff id: CISI spatial_resolution: 11132 title: Critical Infrastructure Spatial Index (CISI) risk_data_type: - exposure schema: rdl-02 spatial: countries: - GLO scale: global title: A spatially-explicit harmonized global dataset of critical infrastructure version: '1' vulnerability: null ---