{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Who’s responsible?\n", "\n", "The National Archives of Australia's RecordSearch database divides government activities up into a [series of functions](harvesting_functions_from_recordsearch.ipynb). Over time, different agencies have been made responsible for these functions, and it can be interesting to track how these responsibilities have shifted.\n", "\n", "This notebook uses [data about functions](get_all_agencies_by_function.ipynb) harvested from RecordSearch to create a a simple visualisation of the agencies responsible for a selected function." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "%%capture\n", "import json\n", "import os\n", "\n", "import altair as alt\n", "import ipywidgets as widgets\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "from IPython.display import HTML, display" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "%%javascript # This will give an error in Lab, just ignore it -- stops notebook from using scrollbars\n", "IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {return false;}" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Load the harvested functions data from a JSON file\n", "with open(\"data/agencies_by_function.json\", \"r\") as json_file:\n", " data = json.load(json_file)\n", "\n", "\n", "def get_children(function, level):\n", " \"\"\"\n", " Gets the children of the supplied term.\n", " Formats/indents the terms for the dropdown.\n", " \"\"\"\n", " f_list = []\n", " if \"narrower\" in function:\n", " level += 1\n", " for subf in function[\"narrower\"]:\n", " f_list.append(\n", " (\"{}{} {}\".format(level * \" \", level * \"-\", subf[\"term\"]), subf)\n", " )\n", " f_list += get_children(subf, level=level)\n", " return f_list\n", "\n", "\n", "def get_functions():\n", " # Load the JSON file of functions we've previously harvested\n", " with open(\"data/functions.json\", \"r\") as json_file:\n", " functions = json.load(json_file)\n", "\n", " # Make the list of options for the dropdown\n", " functions_list = []\n", " for function in functions:\n", " functions_list.append((function[\"term\"], function))\n", " functions_list += get_children(function, level=0)\n", " return functions_list\n", "\n", "\n", "def get_function_agencies(term):\n", " for f in data:\n", " if f[\"term\"] == term:\n", " return f[\"agencies\"]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def make_chart(change):\n", " # Clear current output\n", " out.clear_output()\n", " # Get the currently selected term from the dropdown\n", " # term = change['new']\n", " function = term.value\n", " atype = agency_type.value\n", " # Get the agencies responsible for the selected function\n", " agencies = get_function_agencies(function[\"term\"])\n", " if agencies:\n", " # Convert to a dataframe\n", " df = pd.DataFrame(agencies)\n", " # Set some defualts for missing dates\n", " missing = {\n", " \"agency_status\": \"Not recorded\",\n", " \"function_start_date\": \"1901-01-01\",\n", " \"function_end_date\": \"2018-12-31\",\n", " }\n", " df = df.fillna(value=missing)\n", " df[\"url\"] = df.apply(\n", " lambda x: \"https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/scripts/AutoSearch.asp?O=S&Number={}\".format(\n", " x[\"identifier\"]\n", " ),\n", " axis=1,\n", " )\n", " if change[\"owner\"].description == \"Agency type:\" and atype != \"All\":\n", " df = df.loc[df[\"agency_status\"] == atype]\n", " else:\n", " agency_type.value = \"All\"\n", " # Create a Gannt style chart\n", " chart = (\n", " alt.Chart(df)\n", " .mark_bar(size=20)\n", " .encode(\n", " x=alt.X(\n", " \"function_start_date:T\",\n", " axis=alt.Axis(\n", " format=\"%Y\", title=\"Dates agency was responsible for function\"\n", " ),\n", " scale=alt.Scale(nice=True),\n", " ),\n", " x2=\"function_end_date:T\",\n", " y=alt.Y(\"title\", scale=alt.Scale(), title=\"Agency\"),\n", " color=alt.Color(\n", " \"agency_status\", legend=alt.Legend(title=\"Agency type\")\n", " ),\n", " tooltip=[\n", " alt.Tooltip(\"identifier\", title=\"Identifier\"),\n", " alt.Tooltip(\"title\", title=\"Agency\"),\n", " alt.Tooltip(\"agency_status\", title=\"Type\"),\n", " alt.Tooltip(\"location\", title=\"Location\"),\n", " alt.Tooltip(\"function_start_date\", title=\"From\", timeUnit=\"year\"),\n", " alt.Tooltip(\"function_end_date\", title=\"To\", timeUnit=\"year\"),\n", " ],\n", " href=\"url:N\",\n", " )\n", " .properties(width=600, height=alt.Step(25))\n", " )\n", " with out:\n", " display(\n", " HTML(\n", " \"

Agencies responsible for ‘{}’

\".format(\n", " function[\"term\"]\n", " )\n", " )\n", " )\n", " display(chart)\n", " else:\n", " with out:\n", " display(\n", " HTML(\n", " \"

No agencies responsible for ‘{}’

\".format(\n", " function[\"term\"]\n", " )\n", " )\n", " )\n", "\n", "\n", "# This is where the chart will be displayed\n", "out = widgets.Output(layout=widgets.Layout(width=\"100%\"))\n", "\n", "# Create the dropdown\n", "term = widgets.Dropdown(\n", " options=get_functions(),\n", " value=None,\n", " disabled=False,\n", ")\n", "\n", "agency_type = widgets.Dropdown(\n", " options=[\n", " \"All\",\n", " \"Department of State\",\n", " \"Head Office\",\n", " \"Regional or State Office\",\n", " \"Local Office\",\n", " \"Intergovernmental agency\",\n", " ],\n", " value=\"All\",\n", " disabled=False,\n", " description=\"Agency type:\",\n", ")\n", "\n", "# Making a selection from the dropdown will automatically run 'make_chart'\n", "term.observe(make_chart, names=\"value\")\n", "agency_type.observe(make_chart, names=\"value\")\n", "\n", "display(widgets.HBox([widgets.Label(\"Select a function:\"), term, agency_type]))\n", "display(out)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "%%capture\n", "# Load environment variables if available\n", "%load_ext dotenv\n", "%dotenv" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# TESTING\n", "if os.getenv(\"GW_STATUS\") == \"dev\":\n", " term.value = {\"term\": \"arts\", \"narrower\": []}" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "----\n", "\n", "Created by [Tim Sherratt](https://timsherratt.org/) as part of the [GLAM Workbench](https://glam-workbench.github.io/)." ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.8.12" }, "widgets": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json": { "state": { "0c8bb33057a440a3a5db5fd028f53f5d": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/controls", "model_module_version": "1.5.0", "model_name": "DropdownModel", "state": { "_options_labels": [ "administrative services", " - government accommodation and catering", " - fleet", " - freight", " - goods and services", " - property management", " -- acquisition", " -- leasing", " -- maintenance", " - removals", " - storage", " - valuation", "arts", "audit", "australian capital territory", "cabinet", "census collection", "ceremonial functions", "civic infrastructure", "civic management", "colonial administration", "committees of inquiry", "communications", " - government media", " -- advertising standards", " - broadcasting", " -- radio broadcasting", " -- television broadcasting", " -- broadcasting standards", " - telecommunications", " -- carriage service providers", " -- carrier licensing", " -- equipment licensing", " -- mobile telephone services", " -- telephone services", " - postal services", " -- courier services", " -- electronic postal services", " -- retail postal services", " - publishing and printing", " - call centre administration", " - electronic commerce", " - information management standards", " - media ownership regulation", " - publishing", " - radio communication", " - satellite communication", "community health services", "courts and tribunals", "cultural affairs", " - archives administration", " - arts development", " -- film production", " -- arts funding", " -- arts incentive schemes", " -- arts promotion", " - collection management", " -- artifact export regulation", " -- collection accessioning", " -- collection acquisition", " -- collection storage", " -- preservation services", " - literature funding", " - collection access", " - collection promotion", " - cultural awards and scholarships", " - cultural festivals", " - cultural gifts programs", " - indigenous cultural heritage", " - multicultural heritage promotion", "defence", " - defence intelligence", " - defence forces", " -- air force", " --- air force administration", " --- air force commands", " ---- air operations", " ---- logistics (air force)", " ---- training (air force)", " -- army", " --- army commands", " ---- field force (army)", " ---- logistics (army)", " ---- training (army)", " --- army administration", " -- courts martial", " -- defence service home schemes", " -- logistics (defence)", " -- navy", " --- navy commands", " ---- maritime commands (navy)", " ---- navy support", " --- navy administration", " -- prisoners of war", " - defence industries", " -- munitions", " -- ordnance", " -- shipbuilding", " - australian defence forces (adf)", " - defence research", " - defence administration", " -- defence coordination", " - defence estate management", " - defence force careers", " - emergency management", " - military operations", " - strategic development", " - strategic policy", " - strategic support", " -- logistics", "early childhood education", "education", " - student assistance", " - curriculum development", " - preschool education", " - primary education", " - secondary education", " - tertiary education", "education and training", "electoral matters", " - declaration of interests", " - election campaigning", " - electoral boundary assessment", "employment services", "environment", " - conservation", " - environmental monitoring", " - national heritage", " - national parks", " - built environment", " - conservation programs", " - environmental impact assessment", " - historic relic protection", " - indigenous heritage conservation", " - marine life protection programs", " - natural heritage protection", " - oceans governance", " - pollutant prevention programs", " - world heritage listings", "finance management", "financial matters", " - currency", " -- counterfeiting", " -- exchange rates", " - banking", " - commonwealth state relations", " - corporate affairs", " - foreign investment control", " - home savings schemes", " - insurance", " - market regulation", " - public borrowing", " - rationing and price control", " - superannuation", " - taxation", " -- income assessment", " -- revenue raising", " -- taxation compliance", "fiscal policy", "foreign policy", " - government representation overseas", " -- extraditions", " - international relations", " -- overseas aid programs", " --- development assistance programs", " --- overseas student scholarship programs", " -- consular services", " -- diplomatic missions", " -- international affairs", " -- international liaison", " -- international treaty participation", " -- overseas promotion", " -- passport services", " - passports", "governance", "governor general", "grants administration", "health", " - hospitals and clinics", " -- pathology", " - health services", " -- dental services", " -- disability services", " -- aged persons services", " -- hearing services", " -- nursing services", " - pharmaceuticals and medical aids", " - medical research", " -- ethical compliance", " -- medical aids regulation", " -- medical research funding", " -- national referral laboratory services", " -- population-based research", " - rehabilitation", "health care", "house of representatives committees", "immigration", "indigenous affairs", " - indigenous enterprises", " - indigenous land rights", " - indigenous settlements", "industrial relations", " - arbitration", " - compensation schemes", " - national service", " - employment", " -- labour market programs", " -- trade skills assessment", " -- vocational training schemes", " - occupational health and safety", " - trade union training", "industries", "investigation", "justice administration", " - administrative law", " -- bankruptcy", " -- censorship", " -- consumer affairs", " -- copyright", " -- human rights", " -- legal aid", " -- legal services", " -- ombudsman", " -- administrative decision appeal", " -- administrative decision review", " -- censorship standards", " -- copyright regulation", " -- recordkeeping standards", " - court reporting", " - family law", " - federal law", " - supreme law", " - associations and corporate law", " - civil law", " - commissions of inquiry", " - coronial law", " - criminal law", " - human rights obligations", " - juvenile justice", " - legal aid services", " - local laws and ordinances", " - native title claims", " -- applications for native title", " -- litigation processes", " -- mediation programs", " -- settlement negotiations", " - privacy guideline monitoring", " - prosecution services", "land use", "legal", "legislation", "loans", "maritime services", "marketing", "memorials", " - historic memorials", " - war memorials", "migration", " - passenger entry control", " - citizenship", " -- naturalisation assessment", " -- presentation arrangements", " - deportation", " - multiculturalism", " - detention programs", " - migrant services", " -- interpreter services", " -- language services", " -- migrant accommodation services", " -- migrant settlements programs", " - refugee services", " - travel authorisation", " - refugees", " - visas", "national events", "national land use", "parliamentary committees", "parliamentary matters", " - parliamentary chamber administration", " - parliamentary legislation", "planning", "police station", "port authorities", "primary industries", " - agriculture", " -- horticulture", " -- pastoral", " -- viticulture", " - quarantine", " - fisheries regulation", " - forestry regulation", " - chemical and pesticide regulation", " - climate information services", " - marine and rural regulation", " - marine and rural support", " - rural field day promotion", " - rural partnership programs", "public service", " - personnel", " -- equity programs", " -- recruitment", "records of the government", "recreation", " - national fitness", " - parks", " - sport", " - tourism", " -- tourism industry development", " -- tourist event promotion", " -- travel missions", "research", "research and development", "resources", " - energy", " - metals", " - mining", " - water resources", " -- water conservation plans", " -- water quality monitoring", " -- water usage management", " -- waterway management", " - crown land administration", " - energy resources", " - land use planning", " - land use zoning", " - land valuation", " - mineral resources", " - pollution emission control", "retirement income", "royal commissions", "science", " - analytical services", " - space science", " - earth sciences", " -- atmospheric sciences", " -- hydrology", " -- mineral exploration", " -- oceanography", " -- seismography", " - scientific research", " -- genetics", " -- botany", " -- zoology", " - survey and mapping", " - marine science", " - meteorology", " - agricultural sciences", " - animal and veterinary sciences", " - applied sciences", " - biological sciences", " - mathematical sciences", " - medical and health sciences", " - physical sciences", " - spatial information research", "seat of government", "secondary industries", "security", "security and intelligence", " - community protection", " - law enforcement", " -- police administration", " -- criminology", " -- protective services", " -- community policing", " - wartime security", " -- internees", " - internal security", " - external security", " -- international security liaison", " -- peacekeeping forces", " - corrective services", " - information security", " - intelligence", " -- forensic analysis", " -- intelligence liaison", " -- intelligence support", "social and economic research", "social welfare", " - community services", " -- community support", " -- child welfare", " -- accommodation services", " -- community transport", " -- counselling services", " -- emergency services", " --- ambulance services", " --- emergency funding", " --- firefighting services", " -- financial assistance", " -- natural disasters", " --- defence forces assistance", " --- disaster recovery", " --- disaster relief", " -- rural community development", " -- social justice and equity", " - pensions and benefits", " - health insurance", "standard setting", "statistics", "supreme court law", "surveillance", "surveillance, electronic", "tariff", "tariffs", "territory administration", "trade", " - bounties", " - customs", " -- coastal surveillance", " -- excise", " -- inspection services", " -- tariff regulation", " - exports and imports", " - expositions", " - customs regulations", " - patents and trademarks", " - import regulation", " - trade practices", " - weights and measures", " - export regulation", " - international trade agreements", " - interstate trade agreements", " - patent registration", " - trade development programs", " - trade expositions", " - trademark registration", "training", "transport", " - air transport", " -- air safety", " -- airports", " -- air transport safety", " -- aircraft standards", " -- airport services", " --- flight regulation", " - sea transport", " -- lighthouses", " -- port regulation", " -- sea safety", " -- navigation", " - land transport", " -- rail transport", " --- rail harmonisation standards", " --- rail land acquisition regulation", " --- rail transport safety", " --- railway maintenance", " -- road safety", " -- road transport", " --- driving licenses administration", " --- road surface maintenance", " --- road traffic regulation", " --- road transport safety", " --- vehicle registration", " --- vehicle standards", " - rescue coordination", " - freight movement regulation", " - passenger services", " - transport infrastructure development", "transport and storage", "urban or regional development", "veterans' affairs", " - repatriation", " -- repatriation hospitals", "works", " - civil engineering", " - building", " - construction", " - regional development", " - public utilities", " - housing", " - waste disposal", " - urban development" ], "index": 12, "layout": "IPY_MODEL_47dc415606be40baa68260180f7ef0e0", "style": "IPY_MODEL_676e64c3f3a646239f26b42a982b7483" } }, "23fd823ede3745b4950188bd85c593b2": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/controls", "model_module_version": "1.5.0", "model_name": "HBoxModel", "state": { "children": [ "IPY_MODEL_78a8d9f59c7a4904a206c83d066418df", "IPY_MODEL_0c8bb33057a440a3a5db5fd028f53f5d", "IPY_MODEL_9611b79e0bc54bcfb5e920a3377d58fd" ], "layout": "IPY_MODEL_8267173e684f4f2c93c1e25504c180b8" } }, "2e2bd4c2e1414d7bbf8d52a036c9a933": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/controls", "model_module_version": "1.5.0", "model_name": "DropdownModel", "state": { "_options_labels": [ "All", "Department of State", "Head Office", "Regional or State Office", "Local Office", "Intergovernmental agency" ], "description": "Agency type:", "index": 0, "layout": "IPY_MODEL_ad926cb4d3884f679d6fe5c031bf0002", "style": "IPY_MODEL_cf97327e376a42c7bc0ec85e496348e9" } }, "348505f7b6df44dc88b1cac67f412266": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/base", "model_module_version": "1.2.0", "model_name": "LayoutModel", "state": {} }, "366d5177f28d4d6e89e761edbff8af1f": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/base", "model_module_version": "1.2.0", "model_name": "LayoutModel", "state": {} }, "3ada08ede6ce47a0969c7966ff94856d": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/base", "model_module_version": "1.2.0", "model_name": "LayoutModel", "state": { "width": "100%" } }, "47dc415606be40baa68260180f7ef0e0": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/base", "model_module_version": "1.2.0", "model_name": "LayoutModel", "state": {} }, "4d5a2b2926a347f989bfd384179edc40": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/controls", "model_module_version": "1.5.0", "model_name": "DropdownModel", "state": { "_options_labels": [ "administrative services", " - government accommodation and catering", " - fleet", " - freight", " - goods and services", " - property management", " -- acquisition", " -- leasing", " -- maintenance", " - removals", " - storage", " - valuation", "arts", "audit", "australian capital territory", "cabinet", "census collection", "ceremonial functions", "civic infrastructure", "civic management", "colonial administration", "committees of inquiry", "communications", " - government media", " -- advertising standards", " - broadcasting", " -- radio broadcasting", " -- television broadcasting", " -- broadcasting standards", " - telecommunications", " -- carriage service providers", " -- carrier licensing", " -- equipment licensing", " -- mobile telephone services", " -- telephone services", " - postal services", " -- courier services", " -- electronic postal services", " -- retail postal services", " - publishing and printing", " - call centre administration", " - electronic commerce", " - information management standards", " - media ownership regulation", " - publishing", " - radio communication", " - satellite communication", "community health services", "courts and tribunals", "cultural affairs", " - archives administration", " - arts development", " -- film production", " -- arts funding", " -- arts incentive schemes", " -- arts promotion", " - collection management", " -- artifact export regulation", " -- collection accessioning", " -- collection acquisition", " -- collection storage", " -- preservation services", " - literature funding", " - collection access", " - collection promotion", " - cultural awards and scholarships", " - cultural festivals", " - cultural gifts programs", " - indigenous cultural heritage", " - multicultural heritage promotion", "defence", " - defence intelligence", " - defence forces", " -- air force", " --- air force administration", " --- air force commands", " ---- air operations", " ---- logistics (air force)", " ---- training (air force)", " -- army", " --- army commands", " ---- field force (army)", " ---- logistics (army)", " ---- training (army)", " --- army administration", " -- courts martial", " -- defence service home schemes", " -- logistics (defence)", " -- navy", " --- navy commands", " ---- maritime commands (navy)", " ---- navy support", " --- navy administration", " -- prisoners of war", " - defence industries", " -- munitions", " -- ordnance", " -- shipbuilding", " - australian defence forces (adf)", " - defence research", " - defence administration", " -- defence coordination", " - defence estate management", " - defence force careers", " - emergency management", " - military operations", " - strategic development", " - strategic policy", " - strategic support", " -- logistics", "early childhood education", "education", " - student assistance", " - curriculum development", " - preschool education", " - primary education", " - secondary education", " - tertiary education", "education and training", "electoral matters", " - declaration of interests", " - election campaigning", " - electoral boundary assessment", "employment services", "environment", " - conservation", " - environmental monitoring", " - national heritage", " - national parks", " - built environment", " - conservation programs", " - environmental impact assessment", " - historic relic protection", " - indigenous heritage conservation", " - marine life protection programs", " - natural heritage protection", " - oceans governance", " - pollutant prevention programs", " - world heritage listings", "finance management", "financial matters", " - currency", " -- counterfeiting", " -- exchange rates", " - banking", " - commonwealth state relations", " - corporate affairs", " - foreign investment control", " - home savings schemes", " - insurance", " - market regulation", " - public borrowing", " - rationing and price control", " - superannuation", " - taxation", " -- income assessment", " -- revenue raising", " -- taxation compliance", "fiscal policy", "foreign policy", " - government representation overseas", " -- extraditions", " - international relations", " -- overseas aid programs", " --- development assistance programs", " --- overseas student scholarship programs", " -- consular services", " -- diplomatic missions", " -- international affairs", " -- international liaison", " -- international treaty participation", " -- overseas promotion", " -- passport services", " - passports", "governance", "governor general", "grants administration", "health", " - hospitals and clinics", " -- pathology", " - health services", " -- dental services", " -- disability services", " -- aged persons services", " -- hearing services", " -- nursing services", " - pharmaceuticals and medical aids", " - medical research", " -- ethical compliance", " -- medical aids regulation", " -- medical research funding", " -- national referral laboratory services", " -- population-based research", " - rehabilitation", "health care", "house of representatives committees", "immigration", "indigenous affairs", " - indigenous enterprises", " - indigenous land rights", " - indigenous settlements", "industrial relations", " - arbitration", " - compensation schemes", " - national service", " - employment", " -- labour market programs", " -- trade skills assessment", " -- vocational training schemes", " - occupational health and safety", " - trade union training", "industries", "investigation", "justice administration", " - administrative law", " -- bankruptcy", " -- censorship", " -- consumer affairs", " -- copyright", " -- human rights", " -- legal aid", " -- legal services", " -- ombudsman", " -- administrative decision appeal", " -- administrative decision review", " -- censorship standards", " -- copyright regulation", " -- recordkeeping standards", " - court reporting", " - family law", " - federal law", " - supreme law", " - associations and corporate law", " - civil law", " - commissions of inquiry", " - coronial law", " - criminal law", " - human rights obligations", " - juvenile justice", " - legal aid services", " - local laws and ordinances", " - native title claims", " -- applications for native title", " -- litigation processes", " -- mediation programs", " -- settlement negotiations", " - privacy guideline monitoring", " - prosecution services", "land use", "legal", "legislation", "loans", "maritime services", "marketing", "memorials", " - historic memorials", " - war memorials", "migration", " - passenger entry control", " - citizenship", " -- naturalisation assessment", " -- presentation arrangements", " - deportation", " - multiculturalism", " - detention programs", " - migrant services", " -- interpreter services", " -- language services", " -- migrant accommodation services", " -- migrant settlements programs", " - refugee services", " - travel authorisation", " - refugees", " - visas", "national events", "national land use", "parliamentary committees", "parliamentary matters", " - parliamentary chamber administration", " - parliamentary legislation", "planning", "police station", "port authorities", "primary industries", " - agriculture", " -- horticulture", " -- pastoral", " -- viticulture", " - quarantine", " - fisheries regulation", " - forestry regulation", " - chemical and pesticide regulation", " - climate information services", " - marine and rural regulation", " - marine and rural support", " - rural field day promotion", " - rural partnership programs", "public service", " - personnel", " -- equity programs", " -- recruitment", "records of the government", "recreation", " - national fitness", " - parks", " - sport", " - tourism", " -- tourism industry development", " -- tourist event promotion", " -- travel missions", "research", "research and development", "resources", " - energy", " - metals", " - mining", " - water resources", " -- water conservation plans", " -- water quality monitoring", " -- water usage management", " -- waterway management", " - crown land administration", " - energy resources", " - land use planning", " - land use zoning", " - land valuation", " - mineral resources", " - pollution emission control", "retirement income", "royal commissions", "science", " - analytical services", " - space science", " - earth sciences", " -- atmospheric sciences", " -- hydrology", " -- mineral exploration", " -- oceanography", " -- seismography", " - scientific research", " -- genetics", " -- botany", " -- zoology", " - survey and mapping", " - marine science", " - 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Agencies responsible for ‘arts’

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