{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# TF-IDF in digitised journals\n", "\n", "This notebook calculates TF-IDF values for words in digitised journals harvested from Trove. See also the notebook on [word frequences in digitised journals](word_frequences_in_digitised_journals.ipynb). More documentation coming..." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "
\n", " This notebook is in draft form and may not be complete or up-to-date.\n", "
" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import os\n", "import re\n", "\n", "# import tarfile\n", "import zipfile\n", "from io import BytesIO\n", "from pathlib import Path\n", "\n", "import altair as alt\n", "import ipywidgets as widgets\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "import requests\n", "from IPython.display import display\n", "from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Select a journal\n", "\n", "Create a dropdown widget to select a digitised journal. The cells below will use this widget to get the value of the currently selected journal." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Load details of digitised journals from CSV\n", "df_journals = pd.read_csv(\"digital-journals-with-text-20220831.csv\").sort_values(\n", " by=\"title\"\n", ")\n", "journal_list = [\n", " (f\"{j['title']} ({j['issues_with_text']} issues)\", j[\"directory\"])\n", " for j in df_journals[[\"title\", \"directory\", \"issues_with_text\"]].to_dict(\"records\")\n", "]\n", "journals = widgets.Dropdown(options=journal_list, disabled=False)\n", "display(journals)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Download all the issues of the journal\n", "\n", "Download a zip file containing the OCRd text of all the selected journal's available issues from the repository on CloudStor. Then unzip!" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def get_docs_path(journal):\n", " path = os.path.join(\"downloads\", journal, \"texts\")\n", " docs_path = [p for p in sorted(Path(path).glob(\"*.txt\"))]\n", " return docs_path\n", "\n", "\n", "def download_journal(journal):\n", " \"\"\"\n", " Download the OCRd text of the selected journal from the respoitory on CloudStor.\n", " \"\"\"\n", "\n", " # Create a directory to put the downloaded files\n", " path = os.path.join(\"downloads\", journal)\n", " os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)\n", "\n", " # To get a sub-folder on Cloudstor you add a 'path' parameter\n", " params = {\"path\": f\"/{journal}/texts\"}\n", "\n", " # Get the zipped texts folder from Cloudstor -- note the 'download' in the url to get the zipped folder\n", " response = requests.get(\n", " \"https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/s/QOmnqpGQCNCSC2h/download\", params=params\n", " )\n", "\n", " # Unzip the zip!\n", " zipped = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(response.content))\n", " zipped.extractall(path)\n", "\n", " print(f\"{len(get_docs_path(journal))} issues downloaded\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "tags": [ "nbval-skip" ] }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Get the OCRd text of the selected journal\n", "download_journal(journals.value)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Calculate the TF-IDF values" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def get_docs(journal):\n", " docs_path = get_docs_path(journal)\n", " for p in docs_path:\n", " yield p.read_text(encoding=\"utf-8\").strip()\n", "\n", "\n", "def get_file_names(journal):\n", " return [p.stem for p in get_docs_path(journal)]\n", "\n", "\n", "def get_years(journal):\n", " \"\"\"\n", " Get a list of years extracted from the filenames of the issues.\n", " \"\"\"\n", " years = []\n", " for doc in get_docs_path(journal):\n", " try:\n", " matches = re.findall(r\"-((?:18|19|20)\\d{2})-\", doc.stem)\n", " years.append(int(matches[-1]))\n", " except IndexError:\n", " print(f\"YEAR NOT FOUND: {doc}\")\n", " return sorted(list(set(years)))\n", "\n", "\n", "def get_docs_year(journal):\n", " \"\"\"\n", " Combine all the issues from a year into a single document ready to be fed into the pipeline.\n", " \"\"\"\n", " docs_year = {}\n", " # path = Path(f\"{journals}/texts\")\n", " for doc in get_docs_path(journal):\n", " try:\n", " matches = re.findall(r\"-((?:18|19|20)\\d{2})-\", doc.stem)\n", " year = int(matches[-1])\n", " except IndexError:\n", " print(f\"YEAR NOT FOUND: {doc}\")\n", " else:\n", " try:\n", " docs_year[year].append(doc)\n", " except KeyError:\n", " docs_year[year] = [doc]\n", " for y in sorted(docs_year.keys()):\n", " year_doc = \" \".join(\n", " [p.read_text(encoding=\"utf-8\").strip() for p in docs_year[y]]\n", " )\n", " yield year_doc" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Calculate the TF-IDF values for each year." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "tags": [ "nbval-skip" ] }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(\n", " stop_words=\"english\", max_features=10000, ngram_range=(1, 1), min_df=5, max_df=0.5\n", ")\n", "# preprocessor = lambda x: re.sub(r'(\\d[\\d\\.])+', 'NUM', x.lower())\n", "X_freq = np.asarray(vectorizer.fit_transform(get_docs_year(journals.value)).todense())\n", "df_tfidf_years = pd.DataFrame(\n", " X_freq, columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names(), index=get_years(journals.value)\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Save as a CSV\n", "# df_freq.to_csv(f'{journals.value}-word-frequencies.csv')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "tags": [ "nbval-skip" ] }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Display the results\n", "df_tfidf_years.head()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Let's display the words each year with the highest TF-IDF scores." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "tags": [ "nbval-skip" ] }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Top words per year\n", "df_years_top = pd.DataFrame(\n", " {\n", " n: df_tfidf_years.T[col].nlargest(10).index.tolist()\n", " for n, col in enumerate(df_tfidf_years.T)\n", " }\n", ").T\n", "df_years_top.index = get_years(journals.value)\n", "df_years_top.head()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "And know we'll display the results in one huuuge chart." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "tags": [ "nbval-skip" ] }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "compound_chart = alt.vconcat()\n", "years = get_years(journals.value)\n", "# Number of columns\n", "cols = 4\n", "start = 0\n", "while start < len(years):\n", " row = alt.hconcat()\n", " for year in years[start : start + cols]:\n", " df_year_word_count = pd.DataFrame(\n", " [\n", " {\"word\": w, \"count\": df_tfidf_years.loc[year][w]}\n", " for w in df_years_top.loc[year].tolist()\n", " ]\n", " )\n", " chart = (\n", " alt.Chart(df_year_word_count)\n", " .mark_bar()\n", " .encode(\n", " y=\"word:N\",\n", " x=\"count:Q\",\n", " )\n", " .properties(width=120, height=120, title=str(year), columns=4)\n", " )\n", " row |= chart\n", " compound_chart &= row\n", " start += cols\n", "compound_chart" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.8.12" }, "rocrate": { "author": [ { "mainEntityOfPage": "https://timsherratt.au", "name": "Sherratt, Tim", "orcid": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7956-4498" } ], "name": "TF-IDF in digitised journals" }, "widgets": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json": { "state": { "03769cb73e9341448b8500f8b070a51b": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/controls", "model_module_version": "1.5.0", "model_name": "DropdownModel", "state": { "_options_labels": [ "\"Bush Week\" : first annual Exhibition & Carnival Feb. 9 to Feb. 17, 1920 (inclusive) : official catalogue (1 issues)", "\"Coo-ee!\" (Bishops Knoll Hospital (Bristol, England)) (13 issues)", "(Ross's) Hobart Town almanack, and Van Diemen's Land annual (1 issues)", "(Ross's) Van Diemen's Land annual and Hobart Town almanack (1 issues)", "... Review / Remuneration Tribunal (6 issues)", "14th Company magazine (1 issues)", "24th Battalion journal (1 issues)", "A Careta (2 issues)", "A new deal for Australia's children! (1 issues)", "A report on the Ombudsman's activities in monitoring controlled operations conducted by the National Crime Authority and Australian Federal Police / Commonwealth Ombudsman (11 issues)", "A review of activities / Bureau of Customs, Department of Business and Consumer affairs (1 issues)", "A seminar on the role of Parliaments in treaty making / Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (1 issues)", "A-B-C of Queensland statistics (2 issues)", "A.H. Massina & Co's weather almanac and general guide and handbook for Victoria for ... with calendar and map of railway systems (12 issues)", "A.H. Massina & Co's weather almanac for ... : with wall calendar and railway maps ... .. (9 issues)", "AACRDE report / Australian Advisory Committee on Research and Development in Education (5 issues)", "ABC weekly / Australian Broadcasting Commission (1033 issues)", "ACCC telecommunications reports (11 issues)", "ADAB annual review ... : development co-operation : Australia's program of support for social and economic development in the Third World (1 issues)", "ADAB annual review ... : development co-operation : Australia's program of support for social and economic development in the Third World (1 issues)", "AIRAC (7 issues)", "AIRAC report / Australian Ionising Radiation Advisory Council (2 issues)", "ANARE reports (2 issues)", "ANZHES journal (6 issues)", "ANZHES journal (16 issues)", "Aboriginal welfare : initial conference of Commonwealth and state Aboriginal authorities held at Canberra, 21st to 23rd April, 1937 (1 issues)", "Abstract of the ... report of the London Missionary Society for the year ending .. (1 issues)", "Acta et decreta Concilii Primi Provinciae Australiensis : a Reverendissimo Archiepiscopo Sydneiensi una cum praesulibus proviciae suae suffraganeis, Anno Domini MDCCCXLIV..... (1 issues)", "Acta et decreta concilii plenarii Australiensis III : habiti apud Sydney A.D. 1905, a sancta sede recognita (1 issues)", "Action front : journal of the 2/2 Field Regiment (2 issues)", "Activities and developments ... / Department of Industry and Commerce (1 issues)", "Addenda to the arranged catalogue of the books in the Australian Subscription Library : with alteration of rules, statement of the funds for ... , new members, etc (4 issues)", "Additional estimates of expenditure for additions, new works and buildings for the year ending 30th June .. (6 issues)", "Additional estimates of expenditure for the year ending 30th June.. (9 issues)", "Adelaide punch (14 issues)", "Adelaide punch almanac (1 issues)", "Adjustment assistance to sugar cane growers : annual report / Department of Primary Industries and Energy (3 issues)", "Administration of Papua New Guinea (3 issues)", "Administration of the Territory of Nauru : Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations (2 issues)", "Administration of the Territory of New Guinea (3 issues)", "Administration order / Administration of Nauru (1 issues)", "Advance Australia (Melbourne, Vic.) (273 issues)", "Advance to the Minister for Finance : statement of heads of expenditure and the amounts charged thereto pursuant to section 36A of the Audit act 1901 : for the year ended 30 June ... .. (20 issues)", "Advance to the Treasurer : statement of heads of expenditure and the amounts charged thereto pursuant to section 36A of the Audit act 1901-1973 (13 issues)", "Advisory report / House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Economics (11 issues)", "Aged Care Act 1997 (14 issues)", "Agency resourcing ... : (including Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill ... , Appropriation Bill No. 1 ... , Appropriation Bill No. 2 ... / circulated by ... Minister for Finance and Administration of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (14 issues)", "Aggregate balance-sheet of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (16 issues)", "Agricultural Tractors Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (14 issues)", "Airline activities of Ansett Transport Industries Limited / Ansett Transport Industries Limited (1 issues)", "All abaht it / ...th Field Ambulance (2 issues)", "Allerhand Lustiges aus dem Tokio Gesang-Verein / von Chisai Scotto (3 issues)", "Almanac for the diocese of Maitland (1 issues)", "Amtsblatt fur das Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea (141 issues)", "An arranged catalogue of the books in the Australian Subscription Library and Reading Rooms, with the rules, regulations, and by-laws, and a list of members and subscribers (1 issues)", "Anglo-Australian Observatory : report of the Anglo-Australian Telescope Board (8 issues)", "Anglo-Australian Telescope Project : report of the Joint Policy Committee / Anglo-Australian Telescope Board (5 issues)", "Angry Penguins broadsheet (10 issues)", "Angry penguins (9 issues)", "Anniversary address by the president : list of members, and rules and regulations of the Agricultural Society of New South Wales, instituted on the 5th of July, 1822 (4 issues)", "Anniversary air pageant : official programme / Royal Aero Club of N.S.W (1 issues)", "Annual conference / Australian Labor Party (New South Wales Branch) (1 issues)", "Annual delegate meeting...official report / Australian Workers Union, Queensland Branch (1 issues)", "Annual financial report : to the minister of transport relating to the operation of air services in pursuance of Clause 11 of the 1972 airlines agreement / Ansett Transport Industries Limited (8 issues)", "Annual general meeting / African War Veterans' Association of Queensland (14 issues)", "Annual national report / Australian National Training Authority (30 issues)", "Annual performance report / Australian National Training Authority (6 issues)", "Annual review & financial statements ... / Copyright Agency (1 issues)", "Anthony Horderns' catalogue : Royal Agricultural Society's Show, Easter ... .. (2 issues)", "Anzac bulletin : issued to members of the Australian Imperial Forces in Great Britain and France by authority of the High Commissioner for Australia (205 issues)", "Architecture (Sydney, N.S.W.) (361 issues)", "Arden's Sydney magazine of politics and general literature / edited by George Arden (2 issues)", "Art and architecture (Sydney, N.S.W.) (51 issues)", "Art in Australia (102 issues)", "Auricht's almanac for church and home (1 issues)", "Australasian almanack : for the year of Our Lord ... .. (1 issues)", "Australasian anthropological journal (6 issues)", "Australasian circular (1 issues)", "Australasian handbook : shippers, importers and professionals : directory & business guide (1 issues)", "Australasian photo-review (666 issues)", "Australasian pocket almanack : for the year of Our Lord ... .. (5 issues)", "Australia (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1907) (13 issues)", "Australia and the Asian Development Bank ... : annual report to Parliament by ... , Treasurer (11 issues)", "Australia and the IMF : annual report to the Parliament under the International Monetary Agreements Act 1947 (9 issues)", "Australia and the World Bank ... : annual report to Parliament under the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (General Capital Increase) Act 1989 / by ... Treasurer (13 issues)", "Australia and the international financial institutions : annual report to the Parliament ... by ..., Treasurer (7 issues)", "Australia's external aid (2 issues)", "Australia's health : the ... biennial report of the Australian Institute of Health (13 issues)", "Australia's official development assistance to developing countries / Circulated by ... Minister for Foreign Affairs (3 issues)", "Australia's overseas aid program (1995) (6 issues)", "Australia's overseas aid program (1995) (10 issues)", "Australia's overseas development assistance / Circulated by ... Minister for Foreign Affairs (1 issues)", "Australia's overseas development assistance program / circulated by The Honourable ... Minister for Foreign Affairs (8 issues)", "Australia's part in the Colombo plan : progress report to ... .. (6 issues)", "Australia's population trends and prospects / Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (5 issues)", "Australia's welfare (Print) (10 issues)", "Australian Aborigines advocate : a monthly record of work amongst the dark people of Australia / the organ of the Australian Aborigines Mission (246 issues)", "Australian Academy of Art ... exhibition ... catalogue (2 issues)", "Australian Bureau of Animal Health : [report] (3 issues)", "Australian Capital Territory budget / circulated by ... Minister for the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories (2 issues)", "Australian Capital Territory statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ended 30 June ... : section 10 of the Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1930 (2 issues)", "Australian Capital Territory statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ended 30 June ... : section 10 of the Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1930-1963 (10 issues)", "Australian Capital Territory statement of receipts and expenditure in accordance with section 10 of the Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1930-1935 for the year ended 30th June .. (6 issues)", "Australian Corps news sheet (14 issues)", "Australian Development Assistance annual review / Australian Development Assistance Bureau, Dept. of Foreign Affairs (1 issues)", "Australian Research Grants Scheme : report on grants approved for ... / Australian Research Grants Committee (3 issues)", "Australian Research Grants Scheme : report on grants approved for ... / Australian Research Grants Committee (3 issues)", "Australian Research Grants Scheme : report on grants approved for ... / Australian Research Grants Committee (2 issues)", "Australian Research Grants Scheme, Marine Sciences and Technologies Grants Scheme, National Research Fellowships Scheme, Queen Elizabeth II Fellowships : list of grants and fellowships awarded (1 issues)", "Australian Senate practice (5 issues)", "Australian almanac (Sydney, Australia) (14 issues)", "Australian almanac and repository of useful knowledge (1 issues)", "Australian almanack : for the year of Our Lord..... (6 issues)", "Australian almanack and general directory : for the year of Our Lord ... / compiled by E.W. O'Shaughnessey (1 issues)", "Australian art : a monthly magazine & journal (3 issues)", "Australian cricket annual : a complete record of Australian cricket (1 issues)", "Australian cricketer's guide : containing the names of members of clubs in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, list of clubs, reports of matches, analyses of bowling, & averages of batsmen, also remarks on players in grand match, review of the season... ... / edited by H. Biers & W. Fairfax (1 issues)", "Australian customs : a review of activities (1 issues)", "Australian economy (5 issues)", "Australian fisheries (319 issues)", "Australian fisheries newsletter (49 issues)", "Australian foreign affairs record (204 issues)", "Australian home beautiful (Melbourne, Vic.) (325 issues)", "Australian literary journal (Online) (5 issues)", "Australian magazine (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1838) (3 issues)", "Australian magazine (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1899) (6 issues)", "Australian medical journal (Sydney, N.S.W : 1846 : Online) (14 issues)", "Australian monthly magazine (28 issues)", "Australian outline : books, music, art, stories & the theatre (2 issues)", "Australian penny journal (Online) (10 issues)", "Australian poetry annual (2 issues)", "Australian transport / Department of Transport (7 issues)", "Australian woman's charter, 1943 : which comprises the resolutions adopted by the Australian Women's Conference for victory in war and victory in peace, November 19-22, 1943, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (1 issues)", "Automatic Data Processing Equipment Bounty Act - Return (1 issues)", "Baker's miniature almanac (1 issues)", "Baker's pocket almanac (1 issues)", "Bamaga High School magazine.. (2 issues)", "Bamaga State High School (22 issues)", "Barjai : a meeting place for youth (7 issues)", "Barker & Co.'s South Australian annual and almanac for ... ... : invaluable to the farmers, merchants, and colonists generally of South Australia, and without doubt the cheapest work ever published in the Colony / Barker & Co (1 issues)", "Barker & Co.'s South Australian historical almanac and advertising medium for ... : invaluable to the farmers of South Australia ... .. (1 issues)", "Barrak : the Camel Corps review (3 issues)", "Basic training manual. Department of Employment and Youth Affairs (1 issues)", "Beacon (Coffs Harbour, N.S.W.) (59 issues)", "Bed Sheeting Bounty Act 1977. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (5 issues)", "Biblionews / the Book Collectors' Society of Australia (213 issues)", "Biblionews and Australian notes & queries / [the Book Collectors' Society of Australia] (126 issues)", "Birth (Melbourne, Vic.) (72 issues)", "Blackwood magazine (Blackwood, S.A.) (13 issues)", "Blue & white : being the annual record of St. Patrick's College, Wellington, N.Z. for the year ending ... .. (1 issues)", "Bohemia (Melbourne, Vic.) (16 issues)", "Book Bounty Act, return (12 issues)", "Bookfellow (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1899) (5 issues)", "Bookfellow (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1907) (4 issues)", "Bookfellow (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1907) (18 issues)", "Bookfellow (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1911) (93 issues)", "Bounties Act : Return relating to payments during financial year ... .. (3 issues)", "Bounty (Injection Moulding Equipment) Act - Return (2 issues)", "Bounty (Non-adjustable Wrenches) Act - Return - Period - 1 July 1981 to 31 December 1981 (2 issues)", "Bounty (Paper) Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (3 issues)", "Bounty (Polyester-Cotton Yarn) Act 1978. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (4 issues)", "Bounty (Rotary Cultivators) Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (2 issues)", "Boyle & Scott's Australian cricketers' guide (1 issues)", "Brennessel : hinter Stacheldraht (1 issues)", "Bristol's illustrated almanac for ... : prepared expressly for Australia & guaranteed correct (2 issues)", "British Empire gazette (1 issues)", "British New Guinea : report for the year ... / by Her Majesty's Special Commissioner for the Protected Territory (3 issues)", "Budget measures (16 issues)", "Budget paper (Canberra, A.C.T.) (86 issues)", "Budget statements / circulated by ... Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia, and ... Minister for Finance for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (16 issues)", "Budget strategy and outlook (16 issues)", "Building (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1907) (429 issues)", "Building and engineering (113 issues)", "Building, lighting and engineering (34 issues)", "Bulletin (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Australia)) (1 issues)", "Bush fire bulletin (1978) (88 issues)", "Bush fire bulletin (1978) (118 issues)", "Business of the Senate (1987) (25 issues)", "Business of the Senate (1987) (2 issues)", "Business of the Senate and its committees / the Senate (4 issues)", "Business of the Senate and its committees / the Senate (1 issues)", "Buzzer (Sydney, N.S.W.) (4 issues)", "Bystander (Manila, Philippines) (3 issues)", "Cabinet (S.S. Great Britain) (1 issues)", "Calendar (1902) (3 issues)", "Camouflage : a paper printed out at sea to while an hour for you and me (1 issues)", "Camp ink (39 issues)", "Carrier performance / Australian Telecommunications Authority (1 issues)", "Casey's Victorian almanac for ... : containing list of free and dutiable goods under Victorian tariff, gardeners' and farmers' calendar, instructions under the transfer of land statute, gold ready reckoner, progress of the colony ... .. (1 issues)", "Catalogue of books added to the Parliamentary Library during the quarter ended .. (1 issues)", "Catalogue of ethnological specimens, European and Eastern arms and armour, prehistoric and other curiosities : on sale by W.D. Webster, Oxford House Bicester, Oxon (1 issues)", "Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, roses, vegetable and flower seeds and everything for the garden, orachard and farm / Goulburn Seed & Nursery Co (1 issues)", "Catalogue of the Australian Subscription Library and Reading Rooms, systematically arranged, with the rules, regulations and by-laws, and list of members (2 issues)", "Catalogue, with rules, regulations and bye-laws for the Conduct of the Australian Subscription Library, and Reading Room (5 issues)", "Cellulose Acetate Flake Bounty Act - Return (10 issues)", "Ceylon almanac and compendium of useful information (1 issues)", "Chapbook (Adelaide, S.A.) (2 issues)", "Child migrant education : report ... / Minister for Education (9 issues)", "Choice new daffodils offered by H. A. Brown (1 issues)", "Christlicher Volks-Kalender fur Australien (17 issues)", "Christlicher Volks-Kalender fur Australien (Hochkirch, Vic.) (19 issues)", "Chronicles of Cliveden (1 issues)", "Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F (20 issues)", "Citizenship Act 1948. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (20 issues)", "Civil works program (1983) (2 issues)", "Civil works program (1983) (3 issues)", "Civil works program (1983) (4 issues)", "Civil works program / circulated by ... Minister for Construction (3 issues)", "Civil works programme ... : under the control of the Department of Works / circulated by ... Minister for Works (11 issues)", "Clarson, Massina, & Co's weather almanac and general guide and handbook for Victoria : with map engraved especially for this almanac, for ... .. (1 issues)", "Closing the gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians / statement by the ... Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (3 issues)", "Coal Research Assistance Act 1977 : annual report (1 issues)", "Colonial literary journal and weekly miscellany of useful information (41 issues)", "Colonial monthly : an Australian magazine (18 issues)", "Colonization circular / issued by Her Majesty's Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners (8 issues)", "Comment (Melbourne, Vic. : 1940) (24 issues)", "Comment and cartoons (9 issues)", "Commerce Act, 1905 : proposed regulations in connexion with butter, cheese, meat and fruit industries of Australia : resolutions of conference of officials and trade representatives (held at Sydney, 30th April to 5th May 1906) (1 issues)", "Commercial Motor Vehicles Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (3 issues)", "Commonwealth Department of Tourism financial statements for the period .. (1 issues)", "Commonwealth Government factories clothing, cordite, harness, saddlery and leather accoutrements, small arms, woollen cloth report ... for the year ended 30th June.. (7 issues)", "Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Act : Dealings and transactions during the year ended ... .. (12 issues)", "Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Act : Dealings and transactions during the year ended ... .. (1 issues)", "Commonwealth approved capital works program ... / circulated by ... Minister for Housing and Construction (1 issues)", "Commonwealth capital works program / circulated by ... , Minister for Administrative Services (3 issues)", "Commonwealth financial relations with other levels of government / circulated by ... , Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (10 issues)", "Commonwealth income tax statistics (8 issues)", "Commonwealth payments to or for the States / issued by the Commonwealth Treasury, Canberra, A.C.T (12 issues)", "Commonwealth per capita grants to independent schools. Department of Education (2 issues)", "Commonwealth programs and policy development for schools ... / Commonwealth Schools Commission (1 issues)", "Commonwealth railways financial and statistical bulletin (3 issues)", "Commonwealth war book : summary of important action to be taken by government departments / Department of Defence (1 issues)", "Competitive safeguards and carrier performance : report to the Minister for Transport and Communications under section 399 of the Telecommunications Act 1991 (5 issues)", "Conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers on Unemployment Insurance and the 40-hour week, held in Canberra 13th August, 1937 : proceedings and decisions of conference (1 issues)", "Conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers on the Uniform Control and Regulation of Aviation held at Melbourne, 16th April 1937. : proceedings and decisions of the conference (1 issues)", "Conference of Commonwealth and state Representatives on air raid precautions, held at Parliament House, Melbourne, 25th and 26th August, 1941 (1 issues)", "Conference of Representatives of Missions, Societies, and Associations interested in the Welfare of Aborigines to consider the Report and Recommendations submitted to the Commonwealth Government by J.W. Bleakley, convened by the Minister of State for Home Affairs of the Commonwealth of Australia (C.L.A. Abbott) : held in Masonic Hall, Collins Street, Melbourne on Friday, 12th April, 1929 (1 issues)", "Conference of Treasurers held at Melbourne from 17th to 20th July 1918 : summary of proceedings (1 issues)", "Conference of presiding officers and clerks of the parliaments of Australia .. (5 issues)", "Conference of presiding officers and clerks-at-the-table of the Parliaments of Australia (3 issues)", "Conference of the Director of Commonwealth Lands and Surveys, the Surveyor-General and the Government Astronomer of New Zealand, and the Surveyors-General of the States of the Commonwealth of Australia : Melbourne, 20th to 25th May, 1912 (1 issues)", "Conference of wheat exporting and importing countries : final act with appendices (1 issues)", "Conference proceedings / New South Wales Coastal Conference (13 issues)", "Conference proceedings / New South Wales Coastal Conference (1 issues)", "Consolidated register of Senate committee reports / Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (7 issues)", "Consultants engaged under section 4 of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 for the period ... to ... ... : : annual report ... .. (12 issues)", "Contract Immigrants Act 1905 (20 issues)", "Conway's Australian cricketers' annual (1 issues)", "Cosmos (Sydney, N.S.W.) (1 issues)", "Cotton industry in Australia : reports of proceedings of conferences between - (a) representatives of the Commonwealth and state governments ; (b) representatives of the Commonwealth and state governments and of the growers, ginners and manufacturers (1 issues)", "Critic (Manila, Philippines) (11 issues)", "Crown lands guide, .. (1 issues)", "Current notes on international affairs (525 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australia. Department of Employment, Education and Training) (2 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australia. Department of Health Housing, Local Government and Community Services) (1 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australia. Department of Health, Housing and Community Services) (2 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australia. Department of Housing and Regional Development) (2 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australia. Department of Social Security) (2 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australian Taxation Office) (2 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990 (Australia. Department of Employment, Education and Training) (3 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990 (Australia. Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs) (1 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Australia. Centrelink) (4 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Australia. Centrelink) (3 issues)", "Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax), ATO's interaction with the program, financial year ... / Commissioner of Taxation (2 issues)", "Data-matching Program (Australia. Department of Veterans' Affairs) (3 issues)", "Data-matching Program (Australia. Department of Veterans' Affairs) (7 issues)", "Data-matching Program, ATO's interaction with the program, financial year ... / Commissioner of Taxation (5 issues)", "Decoration and glass (130 issues)", "Defence Force Discipline Act 1982. Report for the period .. (27 issues)", "Dehane's almanac (3 issues)", "Der Kamp Spiegel (103 issues)", "Des Australischen Christenboten Kalender fur die evangelischen Deutschen in Australien auf das Jahr unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi (1 issues)", "Descriptive catalogue of pictures, &c. in the Art Gallery of the International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80 (1 issues)", "Determination and report / Academic Salaries Tribunal (3 issues)", "Development co-operation. Australia's program of support for social and economic development in the Third World / Australian Development Assistance Bureau, Department of Foreign Affairs (2 issues)", "Digger (Le Havre, France) (26 issues)", "Diggers' digest (Greenslopes Repatriation Hospital) (54 issues)", "Documents relating to the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held at Bretton Woods, United States of America, from 1st July to 22nd July, 1944 (1 issues)", "Dogs : the K.C.C. Kennel gazette : the official organ of the publisher the Kennel Control Council (106 issues)", "Dogs on the bench & in the field (Online) (6 issues)", "Dr. L.L. Smith's medical almanac (9 issues)", "Draft conventions and recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference (1 issues)", "Drilling Machines Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonmwealth of Australia (4 issues)", "Dun's gazette for New South Wales (2408 issues)", "Education (1530 issues)", "Education / circulated by ... , Minister for Education (1 issues)", "Election funding and financial disclosure report / Australian Electoral Commission (10 issues)", "Election returns. General elections (29 issues)", "Election returns. General elections (2 issues)", "Election statistics Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory (2 issues)", "Election statistics, New South Wales (2 issues)", "Election statistics, Queensland (2 issues)", "Election statistics, South Australia (2 issues)", "Election statistics, Victoria (2 issues)", "Election statistics, Western Australia (2 issues)", "Elector (Online) (1 issues)", "Employment and unemployment / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (6 issues)", "Er tong she hui xing wei de fa zhan / Ai Xianzhou (1 issues)", "Ern Malley's journal (6 issues)", "Estimates of expenditure / The Parliament of the Commonwealth, House of Representatives (1 issues)", "Estimates of expenditure and revenue of the Commonwealth public account / circulated by ... Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (2 issues)", "Estimates of expenditure for additions, new works and buildings (2 issues)", "Estimates of expenditure for additions, new works, buildings, etc., for the year ending 30th June .. (60 issues)", "Estimates of expenditure... : explanatory statement prepared by direction of the Minister for Defence / Department of Defence (5 issues)", "Estimates of receipts and expenditure for the year ending ... / the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (52 issues)", "Estimates of receipts and summary of estimated expenditure / circulated by The Honourable ... Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia ... .. (22 issues)", "Estimates of revenue and expenditure : viz.:- Estimates of revenue for the year ending 30th June ... .. (3 issues)", "Estimates of revenue and expenditure for the year ending 30th June.. (12 issues)", "Everybody's Tasmanian almanac (Launceston, Tas.) (2 issues)", "Everyones (916 issues)", "Exhibition of Women's Industries, Sydney, 1888 : official catalogue (1 issues)", "Export Guarantee Act : return, to ... , showing the reports and recommendations made and the assistance granted (3 issues)", "F. Watmuff's Australian almanac for .. (1 issues)", "Famous detective stories (Sydney, N.S.W.) (7 issues)", "Featherston Camp weekly (6 issues)", "Federal financial relations (16 issues)", "Festa Carnevale Floreale : in aid of Italy's Red Cross Day Fund, Town Hall, Sydney, June 28th and 29th..... (1 issues)", "Fiji Society of Science and Industry (Series) (2 issues)", "Final financial statements / Australian Canned Fruits Corporation (1 issues)", "Finance ... the Treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ended ... accompanied by the report of the Auditor-General (62 issues)", "Financial & statistical supplement (1 issues)", "Financial and statistical bulletin / Postmaster-General's Department, Australia (5 issues)", "Financial assistance granted to each state in respect of ..., Schools Assistance (Learning together - Achievement through Choice and Opportunity) Act 2004 / Department of Education, Science and Training (4 issues)", "Financial statements / Commonwealth Development Bank of Australia (3 issues)", "Financial statements / Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia [and] Commonwealth Development Bank of Australia (1 issues)", "Financial statements / Department of Defence, Explosives Factory Maribyrnong (3 issues)", "Financial statements of the Department of Housing & Regional Development (1 issues)", "First Jewish Women's Conference, May 21st to 27th, 1929 (1 issues)", "First home owners scheme : annual report / Department of Community Services and Health (2 issues)", "First report from the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs relating to the Peking Peace Conference (1 issues)", "Fisher's colonial magazine and commercial maritime journal (21 issues)", "Fisher's colonial magazine and journal of trade, commerce and banking (19 issues)", "Fisheries news-letter / issued by the Fisheries Division of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (225 issues)", "Flying in New South Wales : the official organ of the Royal Aero Club of New South Wales (5 issues)", "Ford's Australian almanac (4 issues)", "Fourth Commonwealth Education Conference, Lagos, 26 February-9 March 1968 : report of the Australian delegation (1 issues)", "Frank Clune's adventure magazine (1 issues)", "Free churchman (Maitland, N.S.W.) (37 issues)", "Functional classification of outlays - departmental estimates (3 issues)", "G. Auricht's book almanac for Australia (6 issues)", "G. J. Crouch's general advertising medium, epitome of news, and miscellaneous gleaner (1 issues)", "Gazette (3rd London General Hospital) (39 issues)", "General catalogue of garden and farm seeds, plants, florists' flowers, fruit trees, bulbs &c. : containing also carefully compiled cultural directory and a year's work in the garden / J. & W. Gelding (2 issues)", "General report / Joint Committee of Public Accounts (5 issues)", "General report / Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works (64 issues)", "General report and statement of accounts (3 issues)", "Gibbs, Shallard, & Co's New South Wales weather almanac (7 issues)", "Glass (Waterloo, N.S.W. : Online) (20 issues)", "Gleaner (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1898) (1 issues)", "Gold-fields of Victoria : reports of the mining registrars for the quarter ended ... .. (1 issues)", "Gold-mining industry assistance act 1954-1965 ... annual statement (9 issues)", "Government Resident's report on Northern Territory (14 issues)", "Government securities on issue at 30 June .. (33 issues)", "Grand Anzac military tattoo, navy, army and air force : official programme (2 issues)", "Grants approved for ... / Australian Research Grants Committee (2 issues)", "Grants for recurrent expenditure in non-government schools : annual report ... / Department of Education (2 issues)", "Grit : journal of R.A.A.F. Station Ascot Vale (1 issues)", "Groom's Darling Downs Book Almanac (2 issues)", "Guardian (Holsworthy, N.S.W.) (5 issues)", "Guo yu ke de xue xi xin li / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "HRC report / Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (11 issues)", "HREOC report / Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (25 issues)", "Half yearly financial bulletin on life insurance : financial and statistical information for individual companies balancing between ... and ... / Insurance and Superannuation Commission, Life Insurance Group (1 issues)", "Half-yearly report / Australian Institute of Tropical Medicine (7 issues)", "Harina (28 issues)", "Heads of the people (Sydney, N.S.W.) (50 issues)", "Health and physical culture : Britons' monthly journal (1 issues)", "Higher Education Funding Act 1988 : report setting out details of determinations made under the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 in respect of... / Dept. of Employment, Education and Training (4 issues)", "Higher Education Funding Act 1988 : report setting out details of determinations made under the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 in respect of... / Dept. of Employment, Education and Training (2 issues)", "Higher Education Funding Act 1988, ... determinations : report setting out details of determinations made under the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 in respect of ... ... ... / / Department. of Education, Training and Youth Affairs. Higher Education Division (1 issues)", "Higher Education Funding Act 1988, ... determinations : report setting out details of determinations made under the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 in respect of ... / Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Higher Education Division (3 issues)", "Higher Education Funding Act 1988, ... determinations : report setting out details of determinations made under the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 in respect of the years / / Department. of Education, Science and Training. Higher Education Group (2 issues)", "Higher education (Australia. Department of Education, Science and Training) (3 issues)", "Higher education report (Australia. Dept. of Education, Science and Training) (2 issues)", "Highlander (Sydney, N.S.W.) (32 issues)", "Home (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1920) (229 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act 1964 : annual report for the year..... (1 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act 1964, Homes Savings Grant Act 1976 : annual reports for the year ... / Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development (1 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act 1964, Homes Savings Grant Act 1976 : annual reports for the year ... / Department of Housing and Construction (1 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act 1976 : annual report for the year ... / Department of Housing and Construction (2 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act : annual report of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Construction for the year ... .. (2 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act : annual report of the Secretary, Department of Housing for the year ... .. (9 issues)", "Honk (Ceramic (Troopship)) (9 issues)", "Horticultural magazine and garden guide (24 issues)", "Hula times (3 issues)", "Il Mentore Cristiano per la gioventu (3 issues)", "Immigration Act 1901- ... : return showing, for ... (a) persons refused admission to the Commonwealth (b) persons who passed the dictation test (c) persons admitted without being asked to pass the dictation test (d) departures of coloured persons from the Commonwealth (7 issues)", "Immigration Restriction Act 1901 (3 issues)", "Immigration Restriction Acts 1901-1905 (13 issues)", "Imperial Conference, 1926 : summary of proceedings (1 issues)", "Imperial Economic Conference, Ottawa, 1932 : report of the conference, together with appendices and annexes (1 issues)", "Imperial conference, 1937 : summary of proceedings (1 issues)", "Implementation of the Commonwealth Government responses to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody : annual report (8 issues)", "Impulso ás letras / redactor J.M. da Silva e Sousa (7 issues)", "Income tax statistics (Canberra, A.C.T. : 1973) (21 issues)", "Income tax statistics (Canberra, A.C.T.) (2 issues)", "Industrial School for Girls, Parramatta : report for the year ... / Superintendent, Industrial School for Girls (1 issues)", "Industries Assistance Commission report (425 issues)", "Industry statistics (Canberra, A.C.T.) (1 issues)", "Innovation Australia : activities of the Venture Capital Registration Board : annual report . (1 issues)", "Inquiry report (Australia. Productivity Commission) (60 issues)", "Inside Indonesia : bulletin of the Indonesia Resources and Information Programme (89 issues)", "Interim report for the s.206(d) Inquiry : proceedings of conference on 12 March 1999 (1 issues)", "Interim report on investigation into present position of Tasmania / Development and Migration Commission (2 issues)", "International Conference for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, Geneva, 1927 : report of the Australian delegation (1 issues)", "International Copyright Conference, Rome, May and June, 1928 : report of the Australian delegate (Sir W. Harrison Moore) (1 issues)", "International Labour Conference ... session ... : Australian Delegation report (14 issues)", "International accountants' journal : official organ of the International Accountants Corporation and Bookkeepers Institute of Australasia (1 issues)", "International directory (Adelaide, S.A.) (1 issues)", "Investing in our natural and cultural heritage : the Commonwealth's environment expenditure ... / statement by ... , Minister for the Environment and Heritage (3 issues)", "Investing in our natural heritage : the Commonwealth's environment expenditure ... / statement by ... , Minister for the Environment (3 issues)", "Ironside's advertiser and Sydney price current (Online) (3 issues)", "J. Cox and Co's Australian almanac (2 issues)", "Jahrbuch uber die Evangelisch-Lutherische Mission in Neuguinea (1 issues)", "Jewish missionary intelligence (24 issues)", "Jiao yu xin li jiang zuo yan jiu bao gao (5 issues)", "Jindyworobak anthology / Editor: Rex Ingamells (16 issues)", "Jindyworobak publications : list of available and projected books (1 issues)", "Journal and proceedings (Australian Historical Society) (46 issues)", "Journal and proceedings (Royal Australian Historical Society) (294 issues)", "Journal and transactions / the Society of Engineers (incorporated) (1 issues)", "Journal of proceedings (Royal Victorian Institute of Architects) (120 issues)", "Journal of proceedings of the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects (18 issues)", "Journal of soil conservation, New South Wales (183 issues)", "Journal of soil conservation, New South Wales (13 issues)", "Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for the year .. (1 issues)", "Journal of the Institute of Architects of New South Wales (4 issues)", "Journal of the Pioneers and Old Residents' Association (12 issues)", "Journal of the Royal Military College of Australia (54 issues)", "Journal of the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects (68 issues)", "Jumbunna : lets talk together (1 issues)", "Junior Red Cross record : official organ of the J.R.C. of N.S.W (9 issues)", "K.C.C. kennel gazette : the official organ of the publishers, the Kennel Control Council (360 issues)", "Kampspiegel Monatshefte : illustrierte zeitschrift fur die Kriegsgefangenen in Australien (9 issues)", "Kerr's Melbourne almanac and Port Phillip directory for ... : a compendium of useful and accurate information connected with Port Phillip (2 issues)", "Kogarah school magazine (1 issues)", "Kwato Mission tidings (13 issues)", "La Vie Ormondaise (1 issues)", "Ladder (Victoria Park, W.A.) (10 issues)", "Language (Sydney, N.S.W.) (2 issues)", "Laws, etc (1 issues)", "Laws, etc (2 issues)", "Laws, etc (4 issues)", "Laws, etc (2 issues)", "Laws, etc (19 issues)", "Laws, etc (17 issues)", "Laws, etc (7 issues)", "Laws, etc. (Acts of Parliament of Victoria) (3 issues)", "Laws, etc. (Acts of the Parliament) (15 issues)", "Laws, etc. (Acts of the Victorian Parliament) (1 issues)", "Laws, etc. (Acts) (13 issues)", "Laws, etc. (Laws of the Australian Capital Territory) (10 issues)", "Legal digest (Sydney, N.S.W.) (1 issues)", "Lesbians on the loose (110 issues)", "Letter from Bishop Willis and report for... of the Anglican Church in Tonga (11 issues)", "Liberty (Sydney, N.S.W.) (21 issues)", "Liberty (Victorian Democratic Rights Council) (2 issues)", "Life's continuing study of magazine audiences (2 issues)", "Lilley's magazine (1 issues)", "Lincoln flock book : being a register of pure-bred Lincoln flocks in every state in the Commonwealth of Australia / Australian Longwool Sheepbreeders' Association (1 issues)", "List of commonwealth bodies / Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Government Operations (6 issues)", "Listening post (Sydney, N.S.W.) (138 issues)", "Local government national report ... : report on the operation of the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 (6 issues)", "Luther almanac for the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the great reformation, 1517 31st October 1917 (1 issues)", "Lutheran almanac (17 issues)", "M. & H. magazine (9 issues)", "MacNews (Prahran, Vic.) (106 issues)", "Macivor's farmers' year book : the Australasian agricultural annual (1 issues)", "Mackay's Australian almanac for .. (2 issues)", "Magazine (8 issues)", "Magazine / Bamaga P-12 School (6 issues)", "Magazine / Fawkner Subschool (4 issues)", "Magnetiser's magazine, and annals of animal magnetism (1 issues)", "Make 'n' break : unofficial organ of the 57 Aust. Fd. Park Coy. R.A.E. and 329 Aust. L.A.D. A.E.M.E (1 issues)", "Manila carnival recreation center commer : commercial and industrial fair February 7 to 15, 1925 (1 issues)", "Manual of public examinations (1 issues)", "Manuscripts (Geelong, Vic.) (13 issues)", "Marine Sciences and Technologies (M.S.T.) Research Grants Scheme : report of grants approved for ... / Australian Marine Sciences and Technologies Advisory Committee, Funding Advisory Panel (2 issues)", "Marine Sciences and Technologies (MST) Grants Scheme and Queen's Fellowships Scheme : report of grants approved and fellowships awarded for ... / Queen's Fellowships and Marine Research Allocations Advisory Committee (2 issues)", "Maryborough almanack (1 issues)", "Meanjin papers (34 issues)", "Medical research (1982) (11 issues)", "Medical research : report upon the work done under the Medical research endowment act (7 issues)", "Medical research projects .. : report upon the work under the Medical Research Endowment Act ... / National Health and Medical Research Council (6 issues)", "Medical research projects .. : report upon the work under the Medical Research Endowment Act ... / National Health and Medical Research Council (3 issues)", "Melbourne International Exhibition 1880 (1 issues)", "Melbourne International Exhibition 1880 (1 issues)", "Melbourne punch's almanack (1 issues)", "Melbourne punch's almanack (2 issues)", "Memorandum by the Minister of State for Defence on the Estimates of the Defence Department for the Financial year .. (9 issues)", "Mernda magazine (2 issues)", "Merringek : for an understanding of Australia's history and traditions, primeval, colonial and modern (1 issues)", "Metal Working Machine Tools Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (10 issues)", "Mezamashi chinbun (14 issues)", "Middlesex Yeomanry magazine (5 issues)", "Mimag / Mount Isa Mines Limited (302 issues)", "Miners' advocate and Northumberland recorder (1 issues)", "Minutes and votes and proceedings of the Parliament ... with papers presented to both Houses (20 issues)", "Minutes of proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1911 (1 issues)", "Minutes of several conversations between the ministers of the Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Church at their ... annual conference (2 issues)", "Monetary and Economic Conference, London, 1933 : report covering the period 12th June-26th July, 1933 / presented by the Australian Minister in London (The Right Hon. S. M. Bruce) (1 issues)", "Monster comic (Sydney, N.S.W.) (1 issues)", "Month (Sydney, N.S.W.) (3 issues)", "Monthly bulletin of employment statistics : wage and salary earners in employment / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (10 issues)", "Monthly notes and calendar (Online) (1 issues)", "Monthly postal & telegraph guide (1 issues)", "Monthly survey of employment statistics / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (4 issues)", "Moore's Australian almanac and country directory for the year .. (15 issues)", "Moore's Australian almanac and hand-book for the year .. (22 issues)", "Moore's almanac and hand book for New South Wales for the year .. (2 issues)", "Moore's improved Melbourne almanack for the year .. (1 issues)", "Mountain mists : a monthly magazine / published by the convalescent soldiers of Bodington, N.S.W (21 issues)", "Munro & Cowie's Port Curtis almanac and miners' and settlers' companion for .. (2 issues)", "Munro's Port Curtis almanac and miners' and settlers' companion for .. (1 issues)", "Munro's Port Curtis almanac and miners' and settlers' companion for ... (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1898) (1 issues)", "Murray's Austral-Asiatic review (5 issues)", "Na Viti : na nodra pepa na gone i taukei e Viti = Viti, a magazine for young Fiji (9 issues)", "Nation (Melbourne, Vic. : 1917) (1 issues)", "National accounting estimates of public authority receipts and expenditure / issued by the Commonwealth Treasury (4 issues)", "National accounting estimates of receipts and outlays of Commonwealth Government authorities (6 issues)", "National fitness, Australia (3 issues)", "National income and expenditure (Canberra, A.C.T.) (47 issues)", "National record (Canberra Australian National Football League) (21 issues)", "Nationality Act : return of number of persons to whom Certificates of Naturalization were granted during ... .. (4 issues)", "Naturalization Act : (return of number of persons to whom Certificates of Naturalization were granted during ... .. (10 issues)", "Naval and military defence : (papers laid before the conference) / Imperial Conference, London, 1911 (1 issues)", "New Guinea tidings (22 issues)", "New South Wales law almanac for .. (2 issues)", "New South Wales magazine (1833) (8 issues)", "New South Wales pocket almanack : for the year of our Lord and Saviour ... .. (12 issues)", "New South Wales pocket almanack and colonial remembrancer : for the year of our Lord and Saviour ... .. (1 issues)", "New South Wales weather almanac for ... : a general handbook for the year (1 issues)", "New Zealand report / Friends of the Church of New Zealand (2 issues)", "Newcastle and Maitland Catholic Sentinel (Online) (415 issues)", "News letter (Victorian National Parks Association) (100 issues)", "Newsletter (Geological Society of Australia. South Australian Division) (1 issues)", "Newsletter (Geological Society of Australia. Specialist Group on Solid-Earth Geophysics) (10 issues)", "Nineteenth Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, London, September 1973 : Report of the Commonwealth of Australia Branch Delegation (1 issues)", "Nitrogenous Fertilizers Subsidy Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (15 issues)", "Noodzakelijke blik op de geschiedenis van Java / Maatschappij tot Nut van den Javaan (7 issues)", "Norfolk Island ... report / Administrator (8 issues)", "North Australia government gazette (3 issues)", "Northern Territory statistical returns : showing the voting within each subdivision ... .. (5 issues)", "Northern affairs : a monthly journal of far northern concerns (15 issues)", "Notice of annual meeting / Canberra Chamber of Commerce (10 issues)", "O Anglo-Lusitano (1 issues)", "O Entr'acto (1 issues)", "Occupational pamphlet : prepared for the guidance of service men and women who are returning to civil life / by the Ministry of Post-War Reconstruction in collaboration with the Department of Labour and National Service (38 issues)", "Odd fellows' magazine (Adelaide, S. Aust.) (9 issues)", "Odds and ends : an illustrated journal / conducted by J.P. Braga (5 issues)", "Office of Defence Production ... financial statements / Department of Defence (1 issues)", "Official record of debates / Federal Council of Australasia (8 issues)", "Official record of the debates of the Australasian Federal Convention, Third Session, Melbourne, 20th January to 17th March, 1898 (2 issues)", "Official report / Australian Master Printers' Second Interstate Conference, Melbourne, September, 1911 (1 issues)", "Official report of the Australian Master Printers' First Interstate Conference held in Sydney September, 1910 (1 issues)", "Official report of the National Australasian Convention debates, Sydney, 2 March to 9 April, 1891 (1 issues)", "Official report of the annual conference / Australian Carriers' Union (1 issues)", "Official strike bulletin (54 issues)", "Official volume of proceedings of the First Australian Town Planning and Housing Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide (South Australia), October 17th to 24th, 1917 (1 issues)", "Old and new Sydney / by Edward Hordern and Sons (6 issues)", "Old times (Sydney, N.S.W.) (3 issues)", "Once a month : a magazine for Australasia / conducted by Peter Mercer (22 issues)", "Operations of the IMF and World Bank : annual report to the Parliament under the International Monetary Agreements Act 1947 / by ... Treasurer (3 issues)", "Operations of the registered health insurance organisations / Private Health Insurance Administration Council (3 issues)", "Operations of the registered health insurance organizations : annual report / Commonwealth Department of Health (3 issues)", "Operations of the registered health insurance organizations : annual report / Commonwealth Department of Health (2 issues)", "Operations of the registered medical benefits and hospital benefits organizations : annual report / Commonwealth Department of Health (4 issues)", "Our Empire : the Imperial review of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions beyond the seas (3 issues)", "Our own news and monthly notes / Holy Trinity Church, Argyle Street (12 issues)", "Overseas migration for the quarter ended ... / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (2 issues)", "Overseas trading (884 issues)", "P.O.W. : the monthly newsletter of the Australian Prisoners of War Relatives Association (22 issues)", "Pacific islands monthly : PIM (840 issues)", "Pacific series / for sale by H.A. O'Leary (1 issues)", "Palestine : economic and commercial conditions in Palestine (1 issues)", "Pamphlet (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Australia)) (1 issues)", "Pandemonium (Melbourne, Vic.) (12 issues)", "Papua : annual report for the year ending 30th June ... .. (31 issues)", "Papunya newspaper : Warumpiku tjakulpa kuwarritja (6 issues)", "Parkwatch (Online) (137 issues)", "Parliamentary paper (Fiji. Parliament) (11 issues)", "Parliamentary papers : printed during the ... ... .. (17 issues)", "Passenger fares and coaching rates : to take effect on and from ... / Department of Railways, New South Wales (1 issues)", "Payments to or for the states and local government authorities / presented by the ... Treasurer (5 issues)", "Payments to or for the states, the Northern Territory, and local government authorities / presented by ... Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (9 issues)", "Peace loan bulletin / published by authority of the N.S.W. Central Loan Committee (3 issues)", "Penicillin Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (1 issues)", "Peninsula press (1 issues)", "Penny Saturday journal (Online) (18 issues)", "Pertinent (Sydney, N.S.W.) (50 issues)", "Petroleum Search Subsidy Act, 1959 : annual statement (10 issues)", "Phosphate Fertilizers Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (16 issues)", "Photographic review of reviews (12 issues)", "Pix (826 issues)", "Platt's almanac, diary, and South Australian directory (1 issues)", "Point (Melbourne, Vic.) (2 issues)", "Port Lincoln bully-tin : the troopship's journal (1 issues)", "Port Phillip gazette (Canterbury, Vic.) (7 issues)", "Portal (23 issues)", "Portfolio program statements / presented by ... Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members (2 issues)", "Post office prospects and capital programme (7 issues)", "Post-war wool realizations : report and recommendations of conference held in London, April-May, 1945 (1 issues)", "Principal women of the Empire : Australia and New Zealand (1 issues)", "Printers' bulletin (Sydney, N.S.W.) (1 issues)", "Proceedings at the Congress of Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, and others interested in the building of the Federal Capital of Australia, held in Melbourne in May, 1901 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of Economic conference convened by the Commonwealth Government, held in Sydney, 30th, 31st July, 1951 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the Australian Library Conference : held at the University of Melbourne, August, 1928 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the Conference / Conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers (18 issues)", "Proceedings of the Conference of the Bishop, Clergy and Laity of the Diocese of Adelaide, held on the 6th of January, in Trinity School Room, Adelaide (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the National Conference on Coastal Management Coffs Harbour, 7-9 October 1986 (3 issues)", "Proceedings of the National Conference on Coastal Management Coffs Harbour, 7-9 October 1986 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the National Conference on Coastal Management Coffs Harbour, 7-9 October 1986 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the National Conference on Coastal Management Coffs Harbour, 7-9 October 1986 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the Super Consumer Seminar, 4 November 1992 / a seminar convened by the Senate Select Committee on Superannuation, the Trade Practices Commission, the National Consumer Affairs Advisory Council (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the Sydney meeting, October, 1898 : with three appendices (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the United Methodist Convention for the spread of scriptural holiness, held in York Street Church, Sydney, on December 9, 10, 11, 1885 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Synod of Eastern Australia (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the half-yearly meeting of the Synod of Eastern Australia (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the sixth conference on federation (1 issues)", "Productivity : activities and developments / Department of Productivity (3 issues)", "Program guidelines / Commonwealth Schools Commission (1 issues)", "Program presentation of appropriations and outlays. Departmental estimates / presented by ..., Minister for Finance (1 issues)", "Programme / Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science (1 issues)", "Progress (Melbourne, Vic.) (1 issues)", "Progress report / Australian Land Transport Development Program (10 issues)", "Progress report / Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, Victoria (1 issues)", "Progress report : control of national expenditure / Joint Committee of War Expenditure (8 issues)", "Protector's reports (1 issues)", "Protector's reports (3 issues)", "Provisions for child migrant education : report by the Minister for Education / Commonwealth Dept. of Education (1 issues)", "Public service reform / Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration in association with the Centre for Research in Public Sector Management, University of Canberra (2 issues)", "Publication (Geological Survey of Queensland) (1 issues)", "Pugh's (8 issues)", "Pugh's (Queensland) official almanac, directory and gazetteer (15 issues)", "Pugh's Queensland almanac and directory (4 issues)", "Pyrites Bounty Act - Return - Year (6 issues)", "Quarterly business survey : preliminary results (25 issues)", "Queensland magazine (Brisbane, Qld.) (1 issues)", "Queensland official almanac, directory and gazetteer for .. (1 issues)", "Questions and answers (Sydney, N.S.W.) (2 issues)", "Quinquennial investigation of the Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Fund (2 issues)", "Quinquennial investigation of the superannuation fund (3 issues)", "R.S.A. magazine (18 issues)", "Railways : report, with appendices, on Commonwealth Railways, and progress of operations to ... by the engineer-in-chief and acting commissioner (9 issues)", "Raw Cotton Bounty Act - Return - Year ended (7 issues)", "Re-establishment pamphlet (13 issues)", "Realtime (130 issues)", "Reason (Melbourne, Vic.) (1 issues)", "Receipts and expenditure of the consolidated revenue fund for the year ended.. (1 issues)", "Recommendations for ... / Commonwealth Schools Commission (4 issues)", "Recommendations for grants to councils for ... / Western Australian Local Government Grants Committee (1 issues)", "Recommendations for union of Methodist Churches, agreed on at a meeting of the appointed representatives of the various branches of the Methodist Church in Victoria and Tasmania, held at the conference hall, Wesley Church, Melbourne, July 19th (and subsequent days) , 1892 (1 issues)", "Recommendations for... / Australian Universities Commission (1 issues)", "Record (Bathurst, N.S.W. : Online) (193 issues)", "Red Triangle papers (1 issues)", "Reflux : official bulletin of the Western Australian Medical Students' Society (11 issues)", "Refrigeration Compressors Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (2 issues)", "Repatriation (Melbourne, Vic.) (22 issues)", "Report (Australia. Advisory Council for Inter-government Relations) (12 issues)", "Report (Australia. Atomic Weapons Tests Safety Committee) (3 issues)", "Report (Australia. Bureau of Transport Economics) (25 issues)", "Report (Australia. Human Rights Commission) (20 issues)", "Report (Australia. Industry Commission) (59 issues)", "Report (Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit) (38 issues)", "Report (Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee of Public Accounts) (333 issues)", "Report (Australia. Parliament. Standing Committee on Public Works) (826 issues)", "Report (Australian Law Reform Commission) (34 issues)", "Report (Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service) (12 issues)", "Report ... / Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (131 issues)", "Report ... on financial assistance for local government / Grants Commission (3 issues)", "Report ... on financial assistance for local government / Local Government Grants Commission, New South Wales (1 issues)", "Report ... on financing the Australian Capital Territory / Commonwealth Grants Commission (3 issues)", "Report ... on special assistance for states / Commonwealth Grants Commission (7 issues)", "Report ... on the operations of the Papua New Guinea Superannuation Board during the year ended 30 June (4 issues)", "Report / Accountancy Advisory Panel (1 issues)", "Report / Australian Biological Resources Study Interim Council (1 issues)", "Report / Australian Human Rights Commission (17 issues)", "Report / Australian Maritime Safety Authority (1 issues)", "Report / Australian Research Grants Committee (7 issues)", "Report / Australian Science and Technology Council (6 issues)", "Report / Commonwealth Grants Commission (11 issues)", "Report / Commonwealth Grants Commission (2 issues)", "Report / Cotton Research and Development Corporation (1 issues)", "Report / Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal (1 issues)", "Report / Department of Science (2 issues)", "Report / Department of the Environment and Conservation (1 issues)", "Report / Development and Migration Commission (1 issues)", "Report / Federal Airports Corporation (1 issues)", "Report / Foreign Investment Review Board (35 issues)", "Report / Grants Commission (1 issues)", "Report / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration (4 issues)", "Report / Indicative Planning Council for the Housing Industry (5 issues)", "Report / Interim Council for a National Film and Television Training School (2 issues)", "Report / Joint Committee on the Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings (1 issues)", "Report / Legislative Drafting Institute (1 issues)", "Report / Maloga Aboriginal Mission (1 issues)", "Report / Maloga Aboriginal Mission School (4 issues)", "Report / Maloga Aboriginal Mission Station (10 issues)", "Report / Medical Training Review Panel (3 issues)", "Report / National Advisory Council for the Handicapped (1 issues)", "Report / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (7 issues)", "Report / Parole Board of the Australian Capital Territory (2 issues)", "Report / Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities (5 issues)", "Report / St. Mary's Hospital, Hobart (1 issues)", "Report / Temporary Assistance Authority (24 issues)", "Report / The Senate Committee of Privileges (129 issues)", "Report / The Senate Procedure Committee (46 issues)", "Report / Trench Comforts Fund of the League of Loyal Women, South Australian Division, Australian Comforts Fund (1 issues)", "Report / United British Women's Emigration Association (1 issues)", "Report / Uranium Advisory Council (5 issues)", "Report / by the Aboriginal Land Commissioner (47 issues)", "Report : to the Minister / Committee on Overseas Professional Qualifications (9 issues)", "Report adopted at the ... annual meeting of the Maitland Benevolent Society .. (1 issues)", "Report and accounts for the year ended 30th June ... / British Phosphate Commissioners (7 issues)", "Report and determination / Remuneration Tribunal (17 issues)", "Report and financial statements / Aboriginal Loans Commission (3 issues)", "Report and financial statements for year ended 30th June / Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority (3 issues)", "Report by the Commissioner for Superannuation on the general administration and operation of the Papua New Guinea Superannuation Scheme and the Contract Officers Retirement Benefits Scheme for the year ended 30 June (5 issues)", "Report by the Commonwealth Actuary upon the Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Fund (1 issues)", "Report by the Director of the Naval Forces for the year .. (1 issues)", "Report by the Director of the Naval Forces on the naval defence of the Commonwealth of Australia (3 issues)", "Report by the Minister / Migrant Education Program, Department of Education (7 issues)", "Report by the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (1 issues)", "Report by the Trustees of the Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund for the six months .. (2 issues)", "Report by the trustees for the year ... / Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund (20 issues)", "Report concerning the operations of the Committee of Members' Interests during ... / House of Representatives, Committee of Privileges and Members' Interests (1 issues)", "Report for ... / Department of Education and Science (5 issues)", "Report for ... / Department of Education and Youth Affairs (1 issues)", "Report for ... / National Training Council (1 issues)", "Report for ... / the Northern Territory (7 issues)", "Report for ... : response to government guidelines (4 issues)", "Report for ... session / Standing Orders Committee (21 issues)", "Report for ... to the members of the Rationalist Association of New South Wales and the Rationalist Press Association Limited of London in New South Wales (2 issues)", "Report for ... triennium / Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission (20 issues)", "Report for ... triennium / Tertiary Education Commission (10 issues)", "Report for / Department of Education (10 issues)", "Report for period ... / Australian Wool Corporation (1 issues)", "Report for period / Department of Employment and Industrial Relations, Commonwealth Arbitration Inspectorate (3 issues)", "Report for period ended 30th June ... / Clothing Factory (1 issues)", "Report for period ended... / Aerial, Geological and Geophysical Survey of Northern Australia (11 issues)", "Report for period... ... / Department of Industrial Relations (2 issues)", "Report for the ... biennium / Australian National Commission for Unesco (1 issues)", "Report for the period ... / Army and Air Force Canteen Service. Board of Management (3 issues)", "Report for the period ... / Commonwealth Department of Education (1 issues)", "Report for the period ... / Department of Community Services and Health (1 issues)", "Report for the period ... / Department of Defence, Australian Military Court (5 issues)", "Report for the period ... / Department of Defence, Australian Military Court (2 issues)", "Report for the period ... / National Oceans Office (4 issues)", "Report for the period ... / the Northern Territory (2 issues)", "Report for the period ... / the Northern Territory (1 issues)", "Report for the period / Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority (2 issues)", "Report for the period / Queensland Fisheries Joint Authority (11 issues)", "Report for the period ended 30th June ... / Commonwealth Government Small Arms Factory (4 issues)", "Report for the year (Australian Institute of Marine Science) (9 issues)", "Report for the year ... / Australian Housing Corporation (2 issues)", "Report for the year ... / Defence Service Homes Corporation (3 issues)", "Report for the year ... / Military Board (2 issues)", "Report for the year ended 30 June / Aboriginal Land Commissioner (36 issues)", "Report for the year ended 30 June / Stevedoring Industry Finance Committee (1 issues)", "Report for the year ended 30th June ... / Harness, Saddlery and Leather Accoutrements Factory (3 issues)", "Report for the year ended 31 December / New South Wales Rifle Association (1 issues)", "Report for year ended 30th June ... / Commonwealth Government Clothing Factory (3 issues)", "Report from the Joint Library Committee / House of Representatives (12 issues)", "Report made to the ... yearly general meeting of the Van Diemen's Land Company : held at the Company's Office, in Broad Street (9 issues)", "Report of Administrator (10 issues)", "Report of Australian Delegation : International Labour Conference, fifty-eighth session, 1973 (1 issues)", "Report of Commonwealth of Australia Branch delegation on (1) The conference, (2) The meetings of the general cuncil, (3) The general meeting of the association, (4) The visit to New Zealand (1 issues)", "Report of Council / Canberra College of Advanced Education (21 issues)", "Report of activities / Department of the Media (2 issues)", "Report of activities for the period ... / Department of Aboriginal Affairs (1 issues)", "Report of activities for the year ended 31st December / Australian Canned Fruit Sales Promotion Committee (4 issues)", "Report of operations / SBS (3 issues)", "Report of proceedings / Intercolonial Trades' Union Congress (1 issues)", "Report of proceedings of first general conference of the grand lodges of Australasia, held in the Protestant Hall, Castlereagh St., Sydney New South Wales, on the 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st March 1882 / Loyal Orange Institution of Australasia (1 issues)", "Report of proceedings of the Special Commonwealth Conference / the Australian Labor Party (1 issues)", "Report of proceedings of the second Convention of Australasian Advertising Men held at Sydney August 29th, 30th, 31st, September 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 1920 (1 issues)", "Report of the ... / New South Wales Aborigines Protection Association (1 issues)", "Report of the ... Annual Conference (1 issues)", "Report of the ... annual meeting of the Church Society of the Diocese of Goulburn together with the report of the Committee, their financial account, a list of subscribers etc (1 issues)", "Report of the ... annual meeting of the Maitland Benevolent Society .. (16 issues)", "Report of the ... session / National Health and Medical Research Council (1 issues)", "Report of the Aboriginal Mission Station, Ramahyuck (1 issues)", "Report of the Aborigines Welfare Board for the year ended .. (3 issues)", "Report of the Acting Administrator (1 issues)", "Report of the Acting Administrator (1 issues)", "Report of the Acting Administrator (2 issues)", "Report of the Administrator (10 issues)", "Report of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of New South Wales (3 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General accompanied by the Treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditure for year.. (16 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General on efficiency audits (5 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General upon audits, examinations and inspections under the Audit and other Acts (2 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General upon audits, examinations and inspections under the Audit and other acts (9 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General upon the financial statements prepared by the Minister for Finance and upon other accounts (5 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General upon the financial statements prepared by the Minister for Finance for the year ended 30 June .. (2 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General upon the statement of receipts & expenditure presented by the Minister for Finance and upon other accounts (1 issues)", "Report of the Australasian White Cross League (1 issues)", "Report of the Australian Delegation (35 issues)", "Report of the Australian Delegation (6 issues)", "Report of the Australian Delegation : United Nations General Assembly, thirty-sixth session, 1981 (1 issues)", "Report of the Australian Delegation to the Thirteenth South Pacific Conference, Guam, 11-20 September 1973 (1 issues)", "Report of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies for the period .. (2 issues)", "Report of the Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation : for the period ... .. (8 issues)", "Report of the Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Selection Committee (4 issues)", "Report of the Australian Universities Commission (7 issues)", "Report of the Australian delegate (21 issues)", "Report of the Australian delegate (2 issues)", "Report of the Australian delegate (1 issues)", "Report of the Australian delegation to the ... conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (34 issues)", "Report of the Board (12 issues)", "Report of the Board for the Protection of the Aborigines (7 issues)", "Report of the Board for the Protection of the Aborigines in the Colony of Victoria (5 issues)", "Report of the Central Wool Committee relating to the wool season .. (3 issues)", "Report of the Commissioner of Taxation (4 issues)", "Report of the Commissioner of Taxation (40 issues)", "Report of the Commissioner of Taxation (12 issues)", "Report of the Committee of Enquiry (1 issues)", "Report of the Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Advanced Education (2 issues)", "Report of the Commonwealth of Australia Branch delegation on ... / Commonwealth of Australia Branch, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2 issues)", "Report of the Conference on the operation of dominion legislation and merchant shipping legislation, 1929 : together with report of Sir Wm Harrison Moore, member of conference appointed by His Majesty's government in the Commonwealth of Australia (1 issues)", "Report of the Cottage Home for Destitute Children, Newtown (2 issues)", "Report of the Council (2 issues)", "Report of the Council (27 issues)", "Report of the Council (6 issues)", "Report of the Council (9 issues)", "Report of the Council of Education upon the condition of the public schools (8 issues)", "Report of the Council of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies for the year ended 30 June .. (17 issues)", "Report of the Council of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies for the year ended 30 June (9 issues)", "Report of the Decimal Currency Board (6 issues)", "Report of the Department of External Affairs for the year ended .. (3 issues)", "Report of the Director of Defence Service Homes of operations in relation to insurance (1 issues)", "Report of the Director of Defence Service Homes of operations other than insurance and financial statements (2 issues)", "Report of the Director of War Service Homes (8 issues)", "Report of the Director of War Service Homes (3 issues)", "Report of the Director of War Service Homes (5 issues)", "Report of the Director-General of Social Services / Department of Social Services (31 issues)", "Report of the Directors of the English and Australian Copper Company presented at the ... general meeting of the proprietors (1 issues)", "Report of the Federal Health Council of Australia (1 issues)", "Report of the Government Resident (2 issues)", "Report of the Hobart Town Branch Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and for the Propagation of the Gospel (1 issues)", "Report of the Inspector-General of the Australian Military Forces / Sir H.G. Chauvel (10 issues)", "Report of the Inter-State Conference of Engineers representing the states of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, in respect of the River Murray and its tributaries (1 issues)", "Report of the Minister for Social Welfare on the working of the Aborigines Act, 1969 (2 issues)", "Report of the Minister of Education with appendices (1 issues)", "Report of the Minister of Public Instruction upon the condition of public schools established and maintained under the Public Instruction Act of 1880 (4 issues)", "Report of the Munitions Supply Board (12 issues)", "Report of the New South Wales Auxiliary Bible Society (1 issues)", "Report of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Native Title (2 issues)", "Report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Broadcasting (17 issues)", "Report of the Poultry Research Advisory Committee covering the period from .. (6 issues)", "Report of the Repatriation Commission for the year ending 30th June .. (2 issues)", "Report of the Repatriation Commission... / Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. Australian Soldiers' Repatriation Act (41 issues)", "Report of the Royal Australian Naval College for.. (6 issues)", "Report of the Secretary for the year ... / Department of Industrial and Reformatory Schools (1 issues)", "Report of the Senate Select Committee on Superannuation / Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (28 issues)", "Report of the Sustentation and Home Mission Society ; of the Methodist Church of Australasia in New South Wales (1 issues)", "Report of the Technical and Further Education Commission (1 issues)", "Report of the Van Diemen's Land Colonial Missionary and Christian Instruction Society : in connexion with the Van Diemen's Land Congregational Union (1 issues)", "Report of the War Pensions Entitlement Appeal Tribunal for year ended .. (5 issues)", "Report of the War Service Homes Commission ... / Australia, War Service Homes Commission (17 issues)", "Report of the Western Australian Association (1 issues)", "Report of the activities carried out under the National Fitness Act 1941 for the year .. (1 issues)", "Report of the committee of the Burrangong District Hospital for the year ... : submitted at the ... annual meeting of subscribers ... .. (1 issues)", "Report of the council and financial statement / Australian Institute of Marine Science (2 issues)", "Report of the director of the Philippine Weather Bureau / Dept. of the Interior, Philippine Weather Bureau (1 issues)", "Report of the director-general (2 issues)", "Report of the directors / London Chartered Bank of Australia (1 issues)", "Report of the first session of the preparatory committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment (1 issues)", "Report of the minutes of the proceedings of the Conference for the Establishment of a High Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters, in the colony of Victoria, held at the British Queen Hotel, Bridge Street, Ballarat on Wednesday and Thursday, 11th and 12th May, 1864 (1 issues)", "Report of the operations of the Committee / Legal Aid Committee of the Australian Capital Territory (4 issues)", "Report of the proceedings at a meeting of the bishops, clergy and laity of the Province of Sydney, New South Wales, on Tuesday, October 29th, 1850 : convened for the purpose of establishing an Australasian Board of Missions (1 issues)", "Report of the proceedings of the Conference on Infant and Child Welfare, held in the King's Hall, Hunter Street, Sydney, on the 23rd and 24th May, 1917 (1 issues)", "Report of the proceedings of the Inter-State Conference on the Murray River Waters held at Melbourne, January, 1911 (1 issues)", "Report of the proceedings of the third assembly held at Sydney, 24th April to 1st May, 1907, together with the address on \"The permanent elements in the Christian faith\" by the President, Rev. A. Gosman, D. D (1 issues)", "Report of the resolutions, proceedings and debates of the Inter-State Conference held at Melbourne, March-April, 1914 : together with appendices (1 issues)", "Report of the resolutions, proceedings and debates of the Premiers' Conference held at Melbourne, May 1920 : together with appendices (1 issues)", "Report of the resolutions, proceedings and debates of the Premiers' Conference held at Sydney, May 1918 : together with appendices (1 issues)", "Report of the resolutions, proceedings, and debates of the Conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers held at Melbourne 22nd-27th January, 1919 (1 issues)", "Report of the resolutions, proceedings, and debates of the Conference of Commonwealth and State Taxation Officers held at Melbourne, [13th to 30th] March 1917 (1 issues)", "Report on Commonwealth Railways operations for the year ended 30th June .. (19 issues)", "Report on GST revenue sharing relativities : ... update / Commonwealth Grants Commission (2 issues)", "Report on Marine Sciences and Technologies Grants for ... : grants approved and fellowships awarded / Marine Research Allocations Advisory Committee (2 issues)", "Report on activities (1 issues)", "Report on activities ... / Film Censorship Board (8 issues)", "Report on activities for period ... / Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (1 issues)", "Report on advanced education / Australian Commission on Advanced Education (2 issues)", "Report on audits / The Auditor-General (6 issues)", "Report on financial assistance for local government / Local Government Grants Commission, Queensland (1 issues)", "Report on general revenue grant relativities / Commonwealth Grants Commission (19 issues)", "Report on operations ... including Rural Adjustment Scheme report ... / Rural Adjustment Scheme Advisory Council (1 issues)", "Report on operations for the year ended 30 June ... / Defence Service Homes Corporation (3 issues)", "Report on proposals for variations of the plan of the layout of the city of Canberra and its environs / Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Joint Committee on the Australian Capital Territory (56 issues)", "Report on proposals for variations to the plan of layout of the city of Canberra and its environs (8 issues)", "Report on special assistance for states / Grants Commission (2 issues)", "Report on special assistance for the Northern Territory / Commonwealth Grants Commission (5 issues)", "Report on state rifle associations, district rifle club unions and rifle clubs for year ended 30th June, .. (2 issues)", "Report on the Brisbane Botanic Garden (2 issues)", "Report on the Commonwealth Public Service / issued by the Commissioner (18 issues)", "Report on the Commonwealth public service by the Board of Commissioners / Public Service Board of Commissioners (25 issues)", "Report on the Public Service of the Commonwealth by the Public Service Board / Public Service Board (10 issues)", "Report on the Royal Military College of Australia .. (21 issues)", "Report on the Sanitary [Sanatory] Station for the year... / Victoria. Chief Medical Officer (25 issues)", "Report on the administration of Central Australia (2 issues)", "Report on the administration of Nauru ... / prepared by the Administrator for submission to the League of Nations (6 issues)", "Report on the administration of North Australia (3 issues)", "Report on the administration of North Australia (3 issues)", "Report on the administration of the Northern Territory ... and on the administration of the Territory of North Australia (1 issues)", "Report on the administration of the Northern Territory / Northern Territory Administration (15 issues)", "Report on the administration of the Northern Territory / Northern Territory Administration (15 issues)", "Report on the application of financial assistance granted to non-government schools in respect of ... : States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1988 : pursuant to Section 51 of the States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1988 / Department of Employment, Education and Training (2 issues)", "Report on the applications made in ... by the States of South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania, for financial assistance from the Commonwealth under Section 96 of the Constitution / Commonwealth Grants Commission (13 issues)", "Report on the financial statements prepared by the Minister for Finance for the year ended ... / the Auditor-General (3 issues)", "Report on the general administration and operation of the Papua New Guinea Superannuation Scheme and the Contract Officers Retirement Benefits Scheme for the year ended 30 June (2 issues)", "Report on the operation of part 2 of the Primary Industry Bank Act 1977 / Department of the Treasury (9 issues)", "Report on the operation of the Student Assistance Act / prepared by ... Minister for Employment and Education Services, for presentation to Parliament in pursuance of Section 35 of the Act (8 issues)", "Report on the operation of the Student Assistance Act in .. (10 issues)", "Report on the operation of the Student Assistance Act in .. (3 issues)", "Report on the operation of the War Crimes Act 1945 to June (22 issues)", "Report on the operation of the Witness Protection Act 1994 to June .. (7 issues)", "Report on the operations of the Committee for ... / House of Representatives Committee of Members' Interests (21 issues)", "Report on the operations of the Commonwealth Railways / Australian National Railways Commission (1 issues)", "Report on the state of the automotive industry (8 issues)", "Report on the work of the League (1 issues)", "Report to shareholders / St. James Properties Ltd (1 issues)", "Report to the Attorney-General / Special Prosecutor's Office (5 issues)", "Report to the Attorney-General under section 135R, Copyright Act 1968 : report of operations for the year ending 30 June ... .. (2 issues)", "Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the administration of Nauru during the year... / Commonwealth of Australia (16 issues)", "Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea (10 issues)", "Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea (9 issues)", "Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the administration of the Territory of Nauru / The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (18 issues)", "Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea (4 issues)", "Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea (17 issues)", "Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea (5 issues)", "Report to the Minister for Education / Curriculum Development Council (3 issues)", "Report to the Minister for Justice / Administrative Review Council (5 issues)", "Report to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia / Advance Australia Foundation (3 issues)", "Report to the Prime Minister / by the National Radiation Advisory Committee (1 issues)", "Report to the Treasurer on the administration of part III Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948-1973 (2 issues)", "Report upon the operations of the sub-departments of Aboriginals, Prisons, Government Relief, Diamantina Hospital for Chronic Diseases (South Brisbane), Jubilee Sanatorium for Consumptives (Dalby), Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, and Institution for Inebriates (10 issues)", "Report. The Australian National University (1 issues)", "Reports and financial statements for the year ending ... / the Scots' Church, Melbourne (12 issues)", "Reports by Australian delegates / International Labour Organization of the League of Nations, Conference (22 issues)", "Reports of Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Sugar Research Council, and Sugar Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee (1 issues)", "Reports of the Australian Government and employers' delegates / International Labour Organization of the League of Nations, Conference (1 issues)", "Reports of the Australian Government and employers' delegates / International Labour Organization of the League of Nations, Conference (1 issues)", "Reports of the Australian Government and workers' delegates / International Labour Organization, Conference (1 issues)", "Reports on budget estimates / Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees (3 issues)", "Reports on the consideration of bills ... / Senate Select Committee on Superannuation (1 issues)", "Reports on the consideration of bills / Senate Legislation Committees, Australian Senate (24 issues)", "Reports on the consideration of bills / Senate Legislative and General Purpose Committees, Australian Senate (18 issues)", "Reports on the consideration of bills by Senate Legislation Committees (4 issues)", "Reports on the consideration of bills by Senate Legislation Committees (54 issues)", "Reports to the Senate on departmental additional estimates / Senate Estimates Committees A, B, C, D, ... .. (23 issues)", "Reports to the Senate on departmental estimates (25 issues)", "Reports to the Senate on departmental estimates ... / by Senate Legislation Committees (6 issues)", "Reports to the Senate on departmental estimates ... / by Senate Legislation Committees (6 issues)", "Reports to the Senate on departmental estimates ... / by Senate Legislation Committees (6 issues)", "Representation Act - Certificate of Chief Australian Electoral Officer of number of people of Commonwealth and the several States as at .. (1 issues)", "Representation Act - Determination by Chief Australian Electoral Officer of number of Members of House of Representatives to be chosen in the several States as at .. (1 issues)", "Research report / Australian National University (2 issues)", "Resolutions, proceedings, and documents of the Victorian Convention, assembled in Melbourne, July 15 to August 6, 1857 (1 issues)", "Results of meteorological observations made in New South Wales during .. (12 issues)", "Reunion in Australia, Lambeth Appeal : report of Re-union Conference, held at Cronulla, N.S.W. Australia, May 1-3, 1923 (1 issues)", "Reveille (Sydney, N.S.W. : Online) (5 issues)", "Review .... / Department of Employment, Education and Training (1 issues)", "Review / annual report of the Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (3 issues)", "Review of activities / Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (12 issues)", "Review of activities / Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (2 issues)", "Review of activities / Department of Tourism and Recreation (2 issues)", "Review of administration and expenditure : Australian intelligence organisations / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (6 issues)", "Review of operations / Australian Land Transport Development Program (3 issues)", "Revue australienne : journal des interets francais en Australie, Nouvelle Caledonie, Nouvelle Zelande, Fiji, Tahiti, Polynesie (1 issues)", "Revue francaise d'histoire du livre (1 issues)", "Rising sun (In the field, France) (19 issues)", "Road research technical paper (1 issues)", "Robinson's almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year of our Lord .. (1 issues)", "Rock (Hong Kong, China) (22 issues)", "Royal Australian Air Force (1 issues)", "Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody : implementation of the recommendations / prepared by the Northern Territory Office of Aboriginal Development (1 issues)", "Royal South Australian almanack and general directory for ... (1845) (1 issues)", "Royal South Australian almanack and general directory for ... (1845) (11 issues)", "Royal visit by... (19 issues)", "Rugby League news (Sydney, N.S.W.) (1568 issues)", "Rural magazine (Melbourne, Vic.) (1 issues)", "Russia and us : official journal of the N.S.W. Aid Russia Committee (1 issues)", "Russkii v Avstralii = The Russian in Australia (1 issues)", "S. Mullen's Victorian almanac for ... : and astronomical ephemeris, containing all the necessary information, reduced to the meridan and latitude of Melbourne (2 issues)", "SGSEG newsletter / Geological Society of Australia (1 issues)", "Salon (Sydney, N.S.W.) (46 issues)", "Salt (Melbourne, Vic.) (1 issues)", "San nian lai zhong da yi nian ji ying yu cheng ji zhi bi jiao yan jiu / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "Sands & McDougall's annual register and almanac ... ... : containing general Victorian information ... statistics, &c, of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand (1 issues)", "Sapsford's Australasian almanac for land and sea (1 issues)", "Sapsford's Queensland almanac and gazetteer (2 issues)", "Saxon sentinal : a weekly journal and souvenir of the voyage of H.M.T. Saxon - homeward bound December 1918-January 1919 (1 issues)", "Science and Industry Endowment Fund balance sheet / Auditor-General (17 issues)", "Science and technology budget statement (3 issues)", "Science and technology statement (Canberra, A.C.T.) (6 issues)", "Science and technology statement (Canberra, A.C.T.) (1 issues)", "Science of man and journal of the Royal Anthropological Society of Australasia (149 issues)", "Science statement (Canberra, A.C.T.) (1 issues)", "Scotland's smt magazine (1 issues)", "Season...catalogue of fruit trees, rose plants, ornamental trees etc. / L. P. Rosen & Son (1 issues)", "Second Brigade monthly notes (11 issues)", "Second Commonwealth Conference on Delegated Legislation (3 issues)", "Second Southern magazine (1 issues)", "Self- regulation for broadcasters : a report on the public inquiry into the concept of self- regulation for Australian Broadcasters / Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (1 issues)", "Senate Legislation Committees reports on budget estimates / Senate Legislative Committees (4 issues)", "Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees reports on additional estimates (2 issues)", "Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees reports on additional estimates (1 issues)", "Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees reports on additional estimates (3 issues)", "Senate Select Committee on Superannuation and Financial Services, reports on the consideration of bills / The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (3 issues)", "Service and business outlook ... / Australian Postal Commission (5 issues)", "Service and business outlook for ... / Australian Postal Commission (6 issues)", "Service and business outlook for ... / Australian Telecommunications Commission (13 issues)", "Service and business review and outlook / Australian Postal Commission (2 issues)", "Service publication (Australian Quarantine Service) (1 issues)", "Shale Oil Bounty Act : return showing bounty paid during year .. (5 issues)", "Ship Construction Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (5 issues)", "Short account of church work, Diocese of Newcastle, ... : with subscription lists to church funds, abstract of accounts, and statistical tables (1 issues)", "Shou de dong zuo zhi yan jiu / Xiao Xiaorong (1 issues)", "Shropshire tatler / supervised by the Y.M.C.A (1 issues)", "Si-eda : annals of the men of Anzac (2 issues)", "Silver Starr super comic / Stanley Pitt (1 issues)", "Simmonds's colonial magazine and foreign miscellany (72 issues)", "Sitrep (Sydney, N.S.W.) (12 issues)", "Sixth Conference of Presiding Officers and Clerks of the Parliaments of Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Nauru, Papua-New Guinea and Western Samoa, 18-20 June, 1974, Darwin, N.T (1 issues)", "Slater's Queensland almanac for.. (1 issues)", "Slater's Queensland almanac, directory and gazetteer for .. (1 issues)", "Slater's almanac with diary (4 issues)", "Slater's sixpenny diary and almanac (4 issues)", "Snowy Baker's magazine (2 issues)", "Social justice for indigenous Australians ... / circulated by ... Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Minister assisting the Prime Minister for Aboriginal Reconciliation (4 issues)", "Social justice strategy (1 issues)", "South Australian Odd Fellows' magazine (1 issues)", "South Australian almanack and general directory for .. (3 issues)", "South-eastern star almanac and directory (5 issues)", "Southerly : the magazine of the Australian English Association, Sydney (4 issues)", "Southern Cross log (Australasian ed.) (1 issues)", "Special report (Commonwealth Experimental Building Station (Australia)) (1 issues)", "Special report ... on financial assistance for local government / Commonwealth Grants Commission (2 issues)", "Special report ... on financial assistance for local government / Grants Commission (1 issues)", "Sporting times (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1848 : Online) (7 issues)", "Spray : the aquatic monthly (1 issues)", "Spring exhibition : catalogue / Art Society of New South Wales (1 issues)", "Staff clarion / Associated Deposits Assurance Society Ltd (35 issues)", "Stanley Gibbons priced catalogue of war stamps (5 issues)", "Star directory of the south-east (3 issues)", "Star of England times (2 issues)", "Starboard light (1 issues)", "State of New South Wales statistical returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of Queensland statistical returns : showing the voting within each subdivision ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (29 issues)", "State of Queensland statistical returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of South Australia statistical returns : showing the voting within each subdivision ... in relation to the Senate election ...and the general election for the House of Representatives..... (29 issues)", "State of South Australia statistical returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of Tasmania statisitcal returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of Tasmania statistical returns : showing the voting within each subdivision ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (30 issues)", "State of Victoria statistical returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of Western Australia statistical returns : showing the voting within each subdivision ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (30 issues)", "State of Western Australia statistical returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of the nation (Canberra, A.C.T.) (4 issues)", "Statement of financial assistance granted to each State during the ... financial year ... : annual report / Schools Commission (6 issues)", "Statement of receipts and expenditure of the Australian Capital Territory for year .. (2 issues)", "Statement showing business transacted and details of receipts and expenditure in respect of post offices in the Commonwealth, year .. (3 issues)", "States Grants (Advanced Education) Act 1969-70 : statement by Minister [for Education and Science] for approvals given ...under section 6 of the Act for Commonwealth grants in respect of library materials (2 issues)", "States Grants (Dwellings for Aged Pensioners) Act 1969 (1 issues)", "States Grants (Dwellings for Aged Pensioners) Act 1969 (4 issues)", "States Grants (Dwellings for Pensioners) Act (1 issues)", "States Grants (Dwellings for Pensioners) Act 1974 ... .. (3 issues)", "States Grants (Independent Schools) Act 1969. Department of Education and Science (2 issues)", "States Grants (Pre-School Teachers Colleges) Act 1968 (3 issues)", "States Grants (Pre-School Teachers Colleges) Act 1968-1971. Department of Education and Science (3 issues)", "States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Act ... : financial assistance granted to each state in respect of ... / Department of Employment, Education and Training (12 issues)", "States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act ... report on financial assistance granted to each state / Commonwealth Schools Commission (16 issues)", "States Grants (Schools) Act ... : government grants for capital expenditure in government and non-government schools : annual statement ... payments (4 issues)", "States Grants (Science Laboratories) Act 1968. presented to the Parliament by the Minister for Education and Science (1 issues)", "States Grants (Science Laboratories) Act 1971 : Statement of schools assisted by grants / presented to the Parliament by the Minister for Education and Science (1 issues)", "States Grants (Science Laboratories) Act 1971. Presented to the Parliament by the Minister for Education ... .. (1 issues)", "States Grants (Secondary Schools Libraries) Act 1968 (3 issues)", "States Grants (Secondary Schools Libraries) Act 1971 (6 issues)", "States Grants (Teachers Colleges) Act 1967 (4 issues)", "States Grants (Teachers Colleges) Act 1970. Statement by the Minister for Education (1 issues)", "States Grants (Teachers Colleges) Acts 1967 & 1970. Statement by ... Minister for Education and Science (1 issues)", "States Grants (Technical Training) Act 1971-1973 (1 issues)", "States Grants (Technical Training) Act 1971. Statement by the ... Minister for Education and Science (1 issues)", "States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Act 1984 / report detailing determinations made by the Minister for Education and the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission in ... in respect of the ... triennium (2 issues)", "States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Act 1984 : report detailing determinations made under the States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Act 1984 in respect of the ... triennium (1 issues)", "States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Act 1987 : report setting out details of determinations made under the States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Act 1987 in respect of ... .. (1 issues)", "Statistical conference (British empire) : report and resolutions accompanied by Explanatory memorandum and observations by the Commonwealth Statistician ... ... .. (1 issues)", "Statistical returns (Elections) (29 issues)", "Statistical returns (Elections) (12 issues)", "Statistical returns : in relation to the Senate elections ... and the House of Representatives elections ... for the several States and Territories (7 issues)", "Statistical returns : in relation to the submission to the electors of a proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled Constitution alteration (Legislative powers) 1910; and of a proposed law for the alteration of the constitution, entitled constitution alteration (Monopolies) 1910 / prepared by the Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "Statistics : relating to the Senate election, ... the general election, House of Representatives ... and the submission to the electors of a proposed law for the alteration of the constitution ... .. (2 issues)", "Statistics of schools in New South Wales / Legislative Assembly (1 issues)", "Statutory authorities of the commonwealth / Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Government Operations (6 issues)", "Statutory oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (18 issues)", "Stead's review / edited by Henry Stead (13 issues)", "Stead's review of reviews / edited by Henry Stead (13 issues)", "Steele Rudd's magazine (1904) (1 issues)", "Stephen's Victorian almanac for .. (1 issues)", "Stream (Melbourne, Vic.) (3 issues)", "Strewth : a journal devoted to truth and wisdom (2 issues)", "Sulphate of Ammonia Bounty Act - Return for year .. (5 issues)", "Sulphuric Acid Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (6 issues)", "Summary of activities for the period ended 31st March ... / Dept. of Information (1 issues)", "Summary report of proceedings (1 issues)", "Summary report of proceedings of the second Australasian Parliamentary Seminar, Perth - Adelaide - Canberra, October, 1974 (1 issues)", "Supplement to catalogue / Launceston Mechanics' Institute (5 issues)", "Supplementary estimates of expenditure for additions, new works and buildings .. (42 issues)", "Supplementary estimates of expenditure for additions, new works and other services involving capital expenditure (1 issues)", "Supplementary estimates of expenditure for the year ending 30th June.. (45 issues)", "Supplementary financial statements of the Department of Finance for the year ended 30 June .. (1 issues)", "Supplementary report of the Auditor-General upon other accounts (27 issues)", "Survey sentinal / 2/1 Aust. Army Topo. Survey Coy (1 issues)", "Sydney telephone directory (44 issues)", "Sydney telephone directory : pink pages (1 issues)", "Symposium on Statutory Interpretation, February 1983 / Attorney-General's Department (1 issues)", "Talaiqu : a ga na pepe ai ra Qunantuna (1 issues)", "Taxation statistics (Canberra, A.C.T.) (36 issues)", "Tegg's New South Wales pocket almanac and remembrancer (9 issues)", "Tegg's monthly magazine (5 issues)", "Telecommunications (Interception) Act, 1979, report in compliance with Division 2 of Part IX / Attorney-General's Department (2 issues)", "Telecommunications competitive safeguards / Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (2 issues)", "Telecommunications performance report / Australian Communications Authority (1 issues)", "Telstra's compliance with price control arrangements (7 issues)", "Territory of Christmas Island. Report / Commonwealth of Australia (16 issues)", "Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands : report (3 issues)", "Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands : report for the period..... (1 issues)", "Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands. : Annual report (8 issues)", "Territory of Papua : annual report for the period ... .. (4 issues)", "Territory of Papua : annual report for the period ... .. (13 issues)", "Territory of Papua : annual report for the year (18 issues)", "The \"Garonne\" journal (1 issues)", "The \"Tingira\" (2 issues)", "The ... report and recommendations of the council for the period ending ... / National Advisory Council for the Handicapped (2 issues)", "The 23rd : the voice of the battalion (30 issues)", "The 7th F.A.B. yandoo (22 issues)", "The A 49 gazette (1 issues)", "The Ad-Club-mag (3 issues)", "The Adelaide almanac and directory for South Australia : together with official, ecclesiastical, legal, banking and mercantile directory / by Josiah Boothby, Esq (11 issues)", "The Adelaide almanack town and country directory, and guide to South Australia ... / by Josiah Boothby, Esq. (Government statist) (7 issues)", "The Almanac of Australia and official record (1 issues)", "The Antarctic Division / Department of Science (1 issues)", "The Antipodean (1 issues)", "The Anzac records gazette / produced by the New Zealand and Australian sections of the 3rd Echelon, M.E.F (4 issues)", "The Ascanian (1 issues)", "The Athenian Lyre (1 issues)", "The Athenian mercury : resolving weekly all the most nice and curious questions propos'd by the ingenious (1 issues)", "The Atlas : Sydney weekly journal of politics, commerce and literature (1 issues)", "The Austral chronicle : a bi-weekly journal (8 issues)", "The Australasian meteorological almanac for ... / Compiled by J. Harcourt Giddons (1 issues)", "The Australasian naval & military annual : with which is incorporated 'The Call', the Journal of the Australian National Defence League, N.S.W. Division (2 issues)", "The Australasian news (3 issues)", "The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia (80 issues)", "The Australasian weather forecaster and almanac for land and sea : containing reliable forecasts for ... / by J. Harcourt Giddons (3 issues)", "The Australian Church (1 issues)", "The Australian Lutheran almanac for the year . (45 issues)", "The Australian Presbyterian calendar and educational register of Victoria (11 issues)", "The Australian Research Council awards ... : grants and fellowships awarded in ... .. (3 issues)", "The Australian Templar annual and directory (2 issues)", "The Australian almanac for ... : containing a vast amount of useful information for everybody (5 issues)", "The Australian and New Zealand monthly magazine (6 issues)", "The Australian assistance plan : discussion paper / prepared by the Interim Committee of the Social Welfare Commission (2 issues)", "The Australian at Weymouth (13 issues)", "The Australian bee bulletin (1 issues)", "The Australian diary and almanack, or, Daily memorandum book, for the year .. (7 issues)", "The Australian handbook & almanac (2 issues)", "The Australian handbook (incorporating New Zealand, Fiji, and New Guinea) and shippers' and importers' directory (25 issues)", "The Australian handbook and almanac and shippers' and importers' directory (8 issues)", "The Australian home builder (27 issues)", "The Australian journal of philately (1 issues)", "The Australian magazine, or, Compendium of religious, literary, and miscellaneous intelligence (12 issues)", "The Australian mercury : national literary magazine / edited by P.R. Stephensen (1 issues)", "The Australian nautical almanac and coasters' guide : for the Southern and the Eastern coasts of New Holland / compiled by I. Wellbank (3 issues)", "The Australian quarterly journal of theology, literature & science (4 issues)", "The Australian temperance magazine (40 issues)", "The Australian weather and medical almanac for ... : containing a vast amount of useful information for everybody (1 issues)", "The Australian woman's mirror (1561 issues)", "The Blossom (1 issues)", "The Blue Mountain guide : a complete guide to the Blue Mountain sights (1 issues)", "The Blue light weekly magazine (1 issues)", "The Boomerag / H.M.A.T. Ulysses (1 issues)", "The Borda news (1 issues)", "The Border watch almanac for.. (9 issues)", "The Brisbane : R.A.N (4 issues)", "The Bulletin with newsweek (25 issues)", "The Cacolet : journal of the Australian Camel Field Ambulance (2 issues)", "The Centennial magazine (27 issues)", "The Christian book almanac (9 issues)", "The Chronicle of the London Missionary Society : a record of its proceedings at home and abroad (2 issues)", "The Church almanac of Victoria, and Presbyterian calendar of Australasia, with educational register of Victoria for ... (3 issues)", "The Clarence, New England, Macleay, and Gwydir almanac and gazeteer for the year ... : with a complete directory of all information in connection with the Northern Districts of New South Wales, as included in the electorates of The Clarence, New England, Hastings, Tenterfield, Gwydir, and Gold Fields North (1 issues)", "The Clayfield collegian (15 issues)", "The Colonial and Asiatic review (14 issues)", "The Colonial forest service list (2 issues)", "The Colonial magazine and East India review (45 issues)", "The Colonial magazine and commercial-maritime journal / edited by Robert Montgomery Martin (41 issues)", "The Commonwealth jeweller & watchmaker (1 issues)", "The Commonwealth public account : (including Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill ... , Appropriation Bill No. 1 ... , Appropriation Bill No. 2 ... / circulated by ... Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (12 issues)", "The Commonwealth weather forecaster and almanac for land and sea : containing reliable forecasts for ... / by J. Harcourt Giddons (15 issues)", "The Con camp chronicle (1 issues)", "The Digger on the deep (1 issues)", "The Diggers' gazette : official organ of the Returned Sailors' and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia (South Australian Branch) (1 issues)", "The Dinkum Australian (2 issues)", "The Dominions Office and Colonial Office list for .. (1 issues)", "The Draft Bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia : as adopted by the Convention of 1891 / edited by G.B. Barton (1 issues)", "The Earl Dalhousie gazette, and New South Wales intelligencer (1 issues)", "The Emu : official organ of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union (1 issues)", "The Fijian weekly news, and planters' journal (12 issues)", "The Fourth : the magazine of the 4th London General Hospital (1 issues)", "The Freiburg review (3 issues)", "The Gull : a weekly newspaper published on board the 'Otago' during a four months' voyage from Glasgow to Brisbane : Also containing a complete and truthful statement of the privations and negligences experienced by the emigrants on the voyage, likewise a description of the treatment shown towards the immigrants on the voyage likewise a description of the treatment shown towards the immigrants in the depot on their arrival here, and of the manner in which government inquiries are conducted (1 issues)", "The Hamilton spectator directory and almanac (5 issues)", "The Heart of the rose : a quarterly magazine (4 issues)", "The Herald Western Australian almanack and commercial directory (3 issues)", "The Hobart Town almanack and Van Diemen's Land annual (1 issues)", "The Hobart Town almanack for the year .. (4 issues)", "The Horsforth and district almanack for .. (1 issues)", "The Illustrated Sydney news New South Wales weather almanac (10 issues)", "The Illustrated temperance year book and societies' register and directory for ... .. (1 issues)", "The Jackass : the First Australian General Hospital monthly (2 issues)", "The Juvenile missionary magazine (34 issues)", "The Karoolian : the unofficial log of no. 1, A.H.S. Karoola (1 issues)", "The Kia-ora coo-ee : official magazine of the Australian and New Zealand forces in Egypt, Palestine, Salonica & Mesopotamia (10 issues)", "The Kilburn Speedway star (19 issues)", "The Kookaburra : First Divisional Base Depot, Tel-el-Kebir (1 issues)", "The Leicestershire lyre (1 issues)", "The Literary news : a review and magazine of fact and fiction; the arts, sciences and belles lettres (26 issues)", "The Log of the lunatic ship (1 issues)", "The London aphrodite / edited by Jack Lindsay and P. R. Stephensen (6 issues)", "The Lone hand (166 issues)", "The Magical news (2 issues)", "The Masseydonian stretcher : the official monthly journal of the No. 1 New Zealand Stationary Hospital (1 issues)", "The Melbourne Church of England messenger (1 issues)", "The Melbourne monthly magazine of original colonial literature (9 issues)", "The Militant (11 issues)", "The Mope-hawk : a monthly magazine of general literature (9 issues)", "The N.S.W. Red Cross record / The Australian Red Cross Society, N.S.W. Division (59 issues)", "The Names and descriptions of all male and female convicts who arrived in the Colony of New South Wales during the year .. (29 issues)", "The Native companion : an Australian monthly magazine of literature and life (4 issues)", "The New South Wales Aborigines' advocate : a monthly record of missionary work amongst the Aborigines / issued under the auspices of the N.S.W. Aborigines' Mission (80 issues)", "The New South Wales Post Office directory (15 issues)", "The New South Wales cremation, funeral and sanitary reform review (1 issues)", "The New South Wales magazine, or, Journal of general politics, literature, science, and the arts (11 issues)", "The New South Wales school magazine of literature for our boys and girls (180 issues)", "The New South Wales sporting and literary magazine, and racing calendar (1 issues)", "The New South Wales sporting magazine (3 issues)", "The New Triad (12 issues)", "The Newcastle & Maitland business directory and Hunter River District almanac for the year ... : in three parts (2 issues)", "The Newcastle business directory and Hunter River District almanac for the year .. (5 issues)", "The Newcastle city and country almanac & directory : with farm and garden calendar (12 issues)", "The No. 5 : a magazine published by the patients and staff of No. 5 Australian General Hospital, St Kilda Road, Melbourne (3 issues)", "The Oakshaw annual of N.S.W. : being a concise Vade Mecum of civic, economic, historic, and general information concerning New South Wales, for the student, the politician and the man and woman of affairs (2 issues)", "The Official directory and almanac of Australia (1 issues)", "The Official directory and year-book of Australia (1 issues)", "The Order of service for the annual festival to be held in St. Andrew's Cathedral on the Feast of Saint Andrew / Sydney Diocesan Church Choir Association (10 issues)", "The Ordinances, rules and resolutions of the Synod of the Diocese of Newcastle (1 issues)", "The Outback battler : a quarterly magazine issued in bush interests / the organ of the Bush Publishing Scheme in South Australia; the Smith of Dunesk Presbyterian Mission, Far North, S.A.; the Smith of Dunesk Deaconess-Nursing Scheme, and Receiving Ward at Oodnadatta (8 issues)", "The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. - Manufactures encouragement act: return showing bounty paid during year .. (7 issues)", "The Pastoralists' review : a journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and agricultural interests throughout Australasia (71 issues)", "The Peoples poetry (4 issues)", "The Philatelist (1 issues)", "The Pioneer observer : \"pro bono matlow\" (5 issues)", "The Port Denison Times almanac and directory (1 issues)", "The Port Phillip magazine (4 issues)", "The Presbyterian calendar of Australasia (5 issues)", "The Presbyterian calendar of Australasia (4 issues)", "The Presbyterian calendar of Australasia, with educational register of Victoria for ... (4 issues)", "The Queensland Lutheran (1 issues)", "The Rabaul record (28 issues)", "The Repeal : official organ of the Passive Resisters' Union (5 issues)", "The Rising sun (1 issues)", "The Romsey annual .. (1 issues)", "The Royal South Australian almanack for.. (2 issues)", "The Second Eighth (1 issues)", "The Silver stream songster (1 issues)", "The South Australian almanack and Adelaide and colonial directory for .. (2 issues)", "The South Australian almanack for .. (1 issues)", "The South Australian almanack, and general colonial directory for ... .. (2 issues)", "The South Australian magazine (17 issues)", "The South Australian temperance advocate (1 issues)", "The South-Asian register (4 issues)", "The Southern cross gazette (1 issues)", "The Spinner (24 issues)", "The Stretcher : journal of the Camel Brigade Field Ambulance (2 issues)", "The Sydney coronal / by Charles M'Donald (6 issues)", "The Sydney once a week magazine (24 issues)", "The Sydney protestant magazine (1 issues)", "The Sydney quarterly magazine (35 issues)", "The Tasmanian Royal Kalendar, colonial register, and almanack / Compiled by James Wood (1 issues)", "The Tasmanian almanack for .. (1 issues)", "The Tasmanian almanack for the year of our Lord .. (5 issues)", "The Tasmanian flock book of Shropshire sheep / Tasmanian Shropshire Sheepbreeders' Association (1 issues)", "The Tasmanian journal of natural science, agriculture, statistics, etc (22 issues)", "The Tassie times magazine / 40th Battn A.I.F (1 issues)", "The Torch and colonial book circular : including classified lists of new publications--English, American and colonial--in all departments of literature, science and art / edited by Edward Augustus Petherick (18 issues)", "The Treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditure (1 issues)", "The Twenty-Second's echo : random shots from the red and purple diamonds (1 issues)", "The United Aborigines messenger (299 issues)", "The VNPA journal : official publication of the Victorian National Parks Association (11 issues)", "The Vagabond annual (1 issues)", "The Van Diemen's Land annual and Hobart-Town almanack (1 issues)", "The Van Diemen's Land pocket almanack for the year of our Lord .. (1 issues)", "The Vestalian gazette (1 issues)", "The Victorian congregational year book and Australasian calendar (1 issues)", "The Victorian congregational year book and Australasian calendar (4 issues)", "The Victorian historical magazine (1 issues)", "The Warrnambool Standard almanac and tourists' guide to Warrnambool & district for .. (12 issues)", "The Warrnambool almanac for ... and town and district guide (1 issues)", "The Woman's leader and the common cause (2 issues)", "The Work of the committee during the ... Parliament / Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills (5 issues)", "The Year-book of Australia (6 issues)", "The Year-book of New South Wales (21 issues)", "The Zion's watchman / published by the authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in Sydney (7 issues)", "The barracker (1 issues)", "The book lover : a literary review (32 issues)", "The bulletin (5418 issues)", "The bush brother : a quarterly paper (188 issues)", "The compendium (1 issues)", "The deaf advocate : the official magazine of the New South Wales deaf (16 issues)", "The first post (1 issues)", "The kia ora coo-ee news (18 issues)", "The morning star (1 issues)", "The pitch & toss (3 issues)", "The progress of demobilisation and re-establishment : bulletin (3 issues)", "The radical reformer, or People's advocate (10 issues)", "The red & white diamond (5 issues)", "The royal kalendar and guide to Tasmania for ... / by Hugh Munro Hull (1 issues)", "The school magazine of literature for our boys and girls / Department of Education, New South Wales (1170 issues)", "The squatters' directory, road guide, and key to the squatting map of Victoria (1 issues)", "The sugar journal and tropical cultivator : circulating in Queensland, New South Wales, Fiji, Mauritius and other tropical and subtropical countries (11 issues)", "The swastika / Friends' High School (1 issues)", "The true Catholic ; or Tasmanian evangelical miscellany (6 issues)", "The varsity engineer (1 issues)", "The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal / -1943 (1069 issues)", "Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, Second Session, Caracas, Venezuela, 20 June-29 August 1974 : report of the Australian Delegation (1 issues)", "Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, resumed ninth session, Geneva, 28 July to 29 August 1980 / report of the Australian Delegation (1 issues)", "Thirteenth Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Kampala, Uganda, October-November 1967 / report of the Commonwealth of Australia branch delegation (1 issues)", "Tjakulpa (19 issues)", "Tjakulpa kuwarritja (24 issues)", "Tjakulpa kuwarritja (Papunya School) (9 issues)", "Tjakulpa wilurarra ananguka : N.T. Western Desert schools newsletter (1 issues)", "Tokkō geppō (13 issues)", "Tomorrow's Australians : bulletin of the Department of Immigration (14 issues)", "Tonga church chronicle : koe niusepepa ke fakamatala ae Gaue ae Jiaji Faka-Igilani i Toga / ed. by Alfred Willis (8 issues)", "Towards a fairer Australia : social justice budget statement (2 issues)", "Tractor Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (2 issues)", "Trade union statistics / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (1 issues)", "Transactions / Plastics Institute of Australia (2 issues)", "Transactions and proceedings of the Fiji Society (2 issues)", "Transactions of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Victorian Branch) (1 issues)", "Treasurers' conference, States debts, transferred properties, immigration, etc (1 issues)", "Treasury economic paper / Commonwealth Treasury (1 issues)", "Triad (Sydney, N.S.W.) (140 issues)", "Trial Bay : Welt am Montag (42 issues)", "Trident (Melbourne, Vic.) (24 issues)", "Triennium ... report for ... / Schools Commission (7 issues)", "Twelfth Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Ottawa, Canada, September-October 1966 / report of the Commonwealth of Australia branch delegation (1 issues)", "Twenty-second Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Mauritius, September 1976 / report of Commonwealth of Australia Branch Delegation, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (1 issues)", "Twenty-sixth Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Zambia, September- October 1980 / report of Commonwealth of Australia Branch Delegation, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (1 issues)", "Twenty-third Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Canada September 1977 / report of Commonwealth of Australia Branch Delegation, Commonwealth Association (1 issues)", "Under lock & key (1 issues)", "Uniken (Online) (522 issues)", "Universal service (Sydney, N.S.W.) (13 issues)", "Urea Bounty Act - Return for periods .. (4 issues)", "Van Diemen's Land Royal Kalendar and almanack (1 issues)", "Van Diemen's Land Royal Kalendar, colonial register, and almanack / compiled by James Wood (1 issues)", "Van Diemen's Land temperance herald : for domestic and foreign intelligence (26 issues)", "Venture (1937) (1 issues)", "Venture (1939) (5 issues)", "Vetaffairs (Canberra, A.C.T. : Online) (220 issues)", "Victorian almanac for ... (Melbourne, Vic. : 1868) (23 issues)", "Vinyl Resin Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (2 issues)", "Vision : a literary quarterly / edited by Frank C. Johnson, Jack Lindsay and Kenneth Slessor (4 issues)", "Votes and proceedings of the Legislative Assembly ... with the various documents connected therewith (4 issues)", "Votes and proceedings of the Legislative Council during the session .. (6 issues)", "Walch's Tasmanian almanac for .. (74 issues)", "Walch's Tasmanian almanack and guide to Tasmania for .. (7 issues)", "Walch's Tasmanian sixpenny almanac for .. (1 issues)", "Walkabout (Melbourne, Vic.) (494 issues)", "Wallet (Adelaide, S.A.) (28 issues)", "Wan guo gong bao (21 issues)", "War Service Homes : report of the Director of War Service Homes (11 issues)", "War Service Homes Act : report of the War Service Homes Commission (8 issues)", "War chest review (12 issues)", "War notes & queries (19 issues)", "Warumpinya ngurrara kuulaku piipa : Papunya School paper (8 issues)", "Waugh & Cox's Australian almanac (2 issues)", "Wawn's wonder almanac and handy home hints (1 issues)", "We speak for freedom : [reports and speeches of the Conference of the Communist Parties of the British Empire] (1 issues)", "Wederopbouw (1 issues)", "Weekly dispatch (Sydney, N.S.W. : Online) (13 issues)", "Weldon's matrimonial gazette (1 issues)", "Wellbank's Australian nautical almanac and coasters' guide : for the Southern and the Eastern coasts of New Holland (9 issues)", "Western Australian almanack (Arthur Shenton) (5 issues)", "Western Australian almanack and directory (4 issues)", "Whitby gazette (1 issues)", "Will Alma's magical magazine (10 issues)", "Will o' the wisp (Online) (11 issues)", "Williams's Melbourne almanac (1 issues)", "Wise's New South Wales post office directory (39 issues)", "Women's budget statement : an assessment of the impact on women of the ... budget / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Office of the Status of Women (12 issues)", "Wood's Royal southern kalendar, Tasmanian register, and general Australasian & East Indian official directory (1 issues)", "Wood's Tasmanian almanack (7 issues)", "Wood's V.D. Land almanack and law and commercial daily remembrancer (3 issues)", "Wool (deficiency payments) act, 1971 : report / Department of Primary Industry, Australia (2 issues)", "Work of committees / Committee Office, Department of the Senate (37 issues)", "Work of committees. Department of the Senate (1 issues)", "Wragge's Australasian almanac and weather guide for land and sea (3 issues)", "Xiang dui fan ying zhi shi yan jie pou / Xiao Xiaorong (1 issues)", "Xiao xue bi ye sheng yu ti wen cheng ji zhi yan jiu / Ai Wei, Guo Zuchao (1 issues)", "Xin li xue yu jiao yu xin li xue / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "Xin li xue zai xue ke jiao xue shang zhi ying yong / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "Xue xi wei sheng / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "Yacca / Alanvale Community College (1 issues)", "Ye olde brigade : a monthly paper devoted to the interests of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment (6 issues)", "Year book / Bookkeepers' Institute of Australasia in affiliation with International Accountants' Corporation (1 issues)", "Year book of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in New Guinea (1 issues)", "Year in review / Office of Film and Literature Classification and Film and Literature Board of Review (1 issues)", "Yesterday & most of today (9 issues)", "Ying yu jiao xue wen ti / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "Youth policies in the ... budget (1 issues)", "Zhong xi jiao hui bao / edited by Y.J. Allen (24 issues)", "Zhongguo min zu de xin li ji chu / Xiao Xiaorong (1 issues)", "[Ballarat almanac] (1 issues)", "[Independent Schools (Loans Guarantee) Act 1969] (16 issues)", "[Magazine] / Daramalan College (58 issues)", "[Magazine] / Northern Peninsula Area State College (4 issues)", "[Program &] abstracts [book] : [NSW Coastal Conference] / New South Wales Coastal Conference (12 issues)", "[Report in respect of the six months ended ...] / Prices Justification Tribunal (4 issues)" ], "index": 14, "layout": "IPY_MODEL_8431131d6bf84855a535c8a777cf48a3", "style": "IPY_MODEL_b634e93e90394009a57a1b6cfd767fc1" } }, "8431131d6bf84855a535c8a777cf48a3": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/base", "model_module_version": "1.2.0", "model_name": "LayoutModel", "state": {} }, "98d59148081a4faca9434b9523b3a77f": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/controls", "model_module_version": "1.5.0", "model_name": "DropdownModel", "state": { "_options_labels": [ "\"Bush Week\" : first annual Exhibition & Carnival Feb. 9 to Feb. 17, 1920 (inclusive) : official catalogue (1 issues)", "\"Coo-ee!\" (Bishops Knoll Hospital (Bristol, England)) (13 issues)", "(Ross's) Hobart Town almanack, and Van Diemen's Land annual (1 issues)", "(Ross's) Van Diemen's Land annual and Hobart Town almanack (1 issues)", "... Review / Remuneration Tribunal (6 issues)", "14th Company magazine (1 issues)", "24th Battalion journal (1 issues)", "A Careta (2 issues)", "A new deal for Australia's children! (1 issues)", "A report on the Ombudsman's activities in monitoring controlled operations conducted by the National Crime Authority and Australian Federal Police / Commonwealth Ombudsman (11 issues)", "A review of activities / Bureau of Customs, Department of Business and Consumer affairs (1 issues)", "A seminar on the role of Parliaments in treaty making / Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (1 issues)", "A-B-C of Queensland statistics (2 issues)", "A.H. Massina & Co's weather almanac and general guide and handbook for Victoria for ... with calendar and map of railway systems (12 issues)", "A.H. Massina & Co's weather almanac for ... : with wall calendar and railway maps ... .. (9 issues)", "AACRDE report / Australian Advisory Committee on Research and Development in Education (5 issues)", "ABC weekly / Australian Broadcasting Commission (1033 issues)", "ACCC telecommunications reports (11 issues)", "ADAB annual review ... : development co-operation : Australia's program of support for social and economic development in the Third World (1 issues)", "ADAB annual review ... : development co-operation : Australia's program of support for social and economic development in the Third World (1 issues)", "AIRAC (7 issues)", "AIRAC report / Australian Ionising Radiation Advisory Council (2 issues)", "ANARE reports (2 issues)", "ANZHES journal (6 issues)", "ANZHES journal (16 issues)", "Aboriginal welfare : initial conference of Commonwealth and state Aboriginal authorities held at Canberra, 21st to 23rd April, 1937 (1 issues)", "Abstract of the ... report of the London Missionary Society for the year ending .. (1 issues)", "Acta et decreta Concilii Primi Provinciae Australiensis : a Reverendissimo Archiepiscopo Sydneiensi una cum praesulibus proviciae suae suffraganeis, Anno Domini MDCCCXLIV..... (1 issues)", "Acta et decreta concilii plenarii Australiensis III : habiti apud Sydney A.D. 1905, a sancta sede recognita (1 issues)", "Action front : journal of the 2/2 Field Regiment (2 issues)", "Activities and developments ... / Department of Industry and Commerce (1 issues)", "Addenda to the arranged catalogue of the books in the Australian Subscription Library : with alteration of rules, statement of the funds for ... , new members, etc (4 issues)", "Additional estimates of expenditure for additions, new works and buildings for the year ending 30th June .. (6 issues)", "Additional estimates of expenditure for the year ending 30th June.. (9 issues)", "Adelaide punch (14 issues)", "Adelaide punch almanac (1 issues)", "Adjustment assistance to sugar cane growers : annual report / Department of Primary Industries and Energy (3 issues)", "Administration of Papua New Guinea (3 issues)", "Administration of the Territory of Nauru : Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations (2 issues)", "Administration of the Territory of New Guinea (3 issues)", "Administration order / Administration of Nauru (1 issues)", "Advance Australia (Melbourne, Vic.) (273 issues)", "Advance to the Minister for Finance : statement of heads of expenditure and the amounts charged thereto pursuant to section 36A of the Audit act 1901 : for the year ended 30 June ... .. (20 issues)", "Advance to the Treasurer : statement of heads of expenditure and the amounts charged thereto pursuant to section 36A of the Audit act 1901-1973 (13 issues)", "Advisory report / House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Economics (11 issues)", "Aged Care Act 1997 (14 issues)", "Agency resourcing ... : (including Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill ... , Appropriation Bill No. 1 ... , Appropriation Bill No. 2 ... / circulated by ... Minister for Finance and Administration of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (14 issues)", "Aggregate balance-sheet of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (16 issues)", "Agricultural Tractors Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (14 issues)", "Airline activities of Ansett Transport Industries Limited / Ansett Transport Industries Limited (1 issues)", "All abaht it / ...th Field Ambulance (2 issues)", "Allerhand Lustiges aus dem Tokio Gesang-Verein / von Chisai Scotto (3 issues)", "Almanac for the diocese of Maitland (1 issues)", "Amtsblatt fur das Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Neuguinea (141 issues)", "An arranged catalogue of the books in the Australian Subscription Library and Reading Rooms, with the rules, regulations, and by-laws, and a list of members and subscribers (1 issues)", "Anglo-Australian Observatory : report of the Anglo-Australian Telescope Board (8 issues)", "Anglo-Australian Telescope Project : report of the Joint Policy Committee / Anglo-Australian Telescope Board (5 issues)", "Angry Penguins broadsheet (10 issues)", "Angry penguins (9 issues)", "Anniversary address by the president : list of members, and rules and regulations of the Agricultural Society of New South Wales, instituted on the 5th of July, 1822 (4 issues)", "Anniversary air pageant : official programme / Royal Aero Club of N.S.W (1 issues)", "Annual conference / Australian Labor Party (New South Wales Branch) (1 issues)", "Annual delegate meeting...official report / Australian Workers Union, Queensland Branch (1 issues)", "Annual financial report : to the minister of transport relating to the operation of air services in pursuance of Clause 11 of the 1972 airlines agreement / Ansett Transport Industries Limited (8 issues)", "Annual general meeting / African War Veterans' Association of Queensland (14 issues)", "Annual national report / Australian National Training Authority (30 issues)", "Annual performance report / Australian National Training Authority (6 issues)", "Annual review & financial statements ... / Copyright Agency (1 issues)", "Anthony Horderns' catalogue : Royal Agricultural Society's Show, Easter ... .. (2 issues)", "Anzac bulletin : issued to members of the Australian Imperial Forces in Great Britain and France by authority of the High Commissioner for Australia (205 issues)", "Architecture (Sydney, N.S.W.) (361 issues)", "Arden's Sydney magazine of politics and general literature / edited by George Arden (2 issues)", "Art and architecture (Sydney, N.S.W.) (51 issues)", "Art in Australia (102 issues)", "Auricht's almanac for church and home (1 issues)", "Australasian almanack : for the year of Our Lord ... .. (1 issues)", "Australasian anthropological journal (6 issues)", "Australasian circular (1 issues)", "Australasian handbook : shippers, importers and professionals : directory & business guide (1 issues)", "Australasian photo-review (666 issues)", "Australasian pocket almanack : for the year of Our Lord ... .. (5 issues)", "Australia (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1907) (13 issues)", "Australia and the Asian Development Bank ... : annual report to Parliament by ... , Treasurer (11 issues)", "Australia and the IMF : annual report to the Parliament under the International Monetary Agreements Act 1947 (9 issues)", "Australia and the World Bank ... : annual report to Parliament under the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (General Capital Increase) Act 1989 / by ... Treasurer (13 issues)", "Australia and the international financial institutions : annual report to the Parliament ... by ..., Treasurer (7 issues)", "Australia's external aid (2 issues)", "Australia's health : the ... biennial report of the Australian Institute of Health (13 issues)", "Australia's official development assistance to developing countries / Circulated by ... Minister for Foreign Affairs (3 issues)", "Australia's overseas aid program (1995) (6 issues)", "Australia's overseas aid program (1995) (10 issues)", "Australia's overseas development assistance / Circulated by ... Minister for Foreign Affairs (1 issues)", "Australia's overseas development assistance program / circulated by The Honourable ... Minister for Foreign Affairs (8 issues)", "Australia's part in the Colombo plan : progress report to ... .. (6 issues)", "Australia's population trends and prospects / Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (5 issues)", "Australia's welfare (Print) (10 issues)", "Australian Aborigines advocate : a monthly record of work amongst the dark people of Australia / the organ of the Australian Aborigines Mission (246 issues)", "Australian Academy of Art ... exhibition ... catalogue (2 issues)", "Australian Bureau of Animal Health : [report] (3 issues)", "Australian Capital Territory budget / circulated by ... Minister for the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories (2 issues)", "Australian Capital Territory statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ended 30 June ... : section 10 of the Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1930 (2 issues)", "Australian Capital Territory statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ended 30 June ... : section 10 of the Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1930-1963 (10 issues)", "Australian Capital Territory statement of receipts and expenditure in accordance with section 10 of the Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1930-1935 for the year ended 30th June .. (6 issues)", "Australian Corps news sheet (14 issues)", "Australian Development Assistance annual review / Australian Development Assistance Bureau, Dept. of Foreign Affairs (1 issues)", "Australian Research Grants Scheme : report on grants approved for ... / Australian Research Grants Committee (3 issues)", "Australian Research Grants Scheme : report on grants approved for ... / Australian Research Grants Committee (3 issues)", "Australian Research Grants Scheme : report on grants approved for ... / Australian Research Grants Committee (2 issues)", "Australian Research Grants Scheme, Marine Sciences and Technologies Grants Scheme, National Research Fellowships Scheme, Queen Elizabeth II Fellowships : list of grants and fellowships awarded (1 issues)", "Australian Senate practice (5 issues)", "Australian almanac (Sydney, Australia) (14 issues)", "Australian almanac and repository of useful knowledge (1 issues)", "Australian almanack : for the year of Our Lord..... (6 issues)", "Australian almanack and general directory : for the year of Our Lord ... / compiled by E.W. O'Shaughnessey (1 issues)", "Australian art : a monthly magazine & journal (3 issues)", "Australian cricket annual : a complete record of Australian cricket (1 issues)", "Australian cricketer's guide : containing the names of members of clubs in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, list of clubs, reports of matches, analyses of bowling, & averages of batsmen, also remarks on players in grand match, review of the season... ... / edited by H. Biers & W. Fairfax (1 issues)", "Australian customs : a review of activities (1 issues)", "Australian economy (5 issues)", "Australian fisheries (319 issues)", "Australian fisheries newsletter (49 issues)", "Australian foreign affairs record (204 issues)", "Australian home beautiful (Melbourne, Vic.) (325 issues)", "Australian literary journal (Online) (5 issues)", "Australian magazine (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1838) (3 issues)", "Australian magazine (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1899) (6 issues)", "Australian medical journal (Sydney, N.S.W : 1846 : Online) (14 issues)", "Australian monthly magazine (28 issues)", "Australian outline : books, music, art, stories & the theatre (2 issues)", "Australian penny journal (Online) (10 issues)", "Australian poetry annual (2 issues)", "Australian transport / Department of Transport (7 issues)", "Australian woman's charter, 1943 : which comprises the resolutions adopted by the Australian Women's Conference for victory in war and victory in peace, November 19-22, 1943, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (1 issues)", "Automatic Data Processing Equipment Bounty Act - Return (1 issues)", "Baker's miniature almanac (1 issues)", "Baker's pocket almanac (1 issues)", "Bamaga High School magazine.. (2 issues)", "Bamaga State High School (22 issues)", "Barjai : a meeting place for youth (7 issues)", "Barker & Co.'s South Australian annual and almanac for ... ... : invaluable to the farmers, merchants, and colonists generally of South Australia, and without doubt the cheapest work ever published in the Colony / Barker & Co (1 issues)", "Barker & Co.'s South Australian historical almanac and advertising medium for ... : invaluable to the farmers of South Australia ... .. (1 issues)", "Barrak : the Camel Corps review (3 issues)", "Basic training manual. Department of Employment and Youth Affairs (1 issues)", "Beacon (Coffs Harbour, N.S.W.) (59 issues)", "Bed Sheeting Bounty Act 1977. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (5 issues)", "Biblionews / the Book Collectors' Society of Australia (213 issues)", "Biblionews and Australian notes & queries / [the Book Collectors' Society of Australia] (126 issues)", "Birth (Melbourne, Vic.) (72 issues)", "Blackwood magazine (Blackwood, S.A.) (13 issues)", "Blue & white : being the annual record of St. Patrick's College, Wellington, N.Z. for the year ending ... .. (1 issues)", "Bohemia (Melbourne, Vic.) (16 issues)", "Book Bounty Act, return (12 issues)", "Bookfellow (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1899) (5 issues)", "Bookfellow (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1907) (4 issues)", "Bookfellow (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1907) (18 issues)", "Bookfellow (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1911) (93 issues)", "Bounties Act : Return relating to payments during financial year ... .. (3 issues)", "Bounty (Injection Moulding Equipment) Act - Return (2 issues)", "Bounty (Non-adjustable Wrenches) Act - Return - Period - 1 July 1981 to 31 December 1981 (2 issues)", "Bounty (Paper) Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (3 issues)", "Bounty (Polyester-Cotton Yarn) Act 1978. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (4 issues)", "Bounty (Rotary Cultivators) Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (2 issues)", "Boyle & Scott's Australian cricketers' guide (1 issues)", "Brennessel : hinter Stacheldraht (1 issues)", "Bristol's illustrated almanac for ... : prepared expressly for Australia & guaranteed correct (2 issues)", "British Empire gazette (1 issues)", "British New Guinea : report for the year ... / by Her Majesty's Special Commissioner for the Protected Territory (3 issues)", "Budget measures (16 issues)", "Budget paper (Canberra, A.C.T.) (86 issues)", "Budget statements / circulated by ... Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia, and ... Minister for Finance for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (16 issues)", "Budget strategy and outlook (16 issues)", "Building (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1907) (429 issues)", "Building and engineering (113 issues)", "Building, lighting and engineering (34 issues)", "Bulletin (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Australia)) (1 issues)", "Bush fire bulletin (1978) (88 issues)", "Bush fire bulletin (1978) (118 issues)", "Business of the Senate (1987) (25 issues)", "Business of the Senate (1987) (2 issues)", "Business of the Senate and its committees / the Senate (4 issues)", "Business of the Senate and its committees / the Senate (1 issues)", "Buzzer (Sydney, N.S.W.) (4 issues)", "Bystander (Manila, Philippines) (3 issues)", "Cabinet (S.S. Great Britain) (1 issues)", "Calendar (1902) (3 issues)", "Camouflage : a paper printed out at sea to while an hour for you and me (1 issues)", "Camp ink (39 issues)", "Carrier performance / Australian Telecommunications Authority (1 issues)", "Casey's Victorian almanac for ... : containing list of free and dutiable goods under Victorian tariff, gardeners' and farmers' calendar, instructions under the transfer of land statute, gold ready reckoner, progress of the colony ... .. (1 issues)", "Catalogue of books added to the Parliamentary Library during the quarter ended .. (1 issues)", "Catalogue of ethnological specimens, European and Eastern arms and armour, prehistoric and other curiosities : on sale by W.D. Webster, Oxford House Bicester, Oxon (1 issues)", "Catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, roses, vegetable and flower seeds and everything for the garden, orachard and farm / Goulburn Seed & Nursery Co (1 issues)", "Catalogue of the Australian Subscription Library and Reading Rooms, systematically arranged, with the rules, regulations and by-laws, and list of members (2 issues)", "Catalogue, with rules, regulations and bye-laws for the Conduct of the Australian Subscription Library, and Reading Room (5 issues)", "Cellulose Acetate Flake Bounty Act - Return (10 issues)", "Ceylon almanac and compendium of useful information (1 issues)", "Chapbook (Adelaide, S.A.) (2 issues)", "Child migrant education : report ... / Minister for Education (9 issues)", "Choice new daffodils offered by H. A. Brown (1 issues)", "Christlicher Volks-Kalender fur Australien (17 issues)", "Christlicher Volks-Kalender fur Australien (Hochkirch, Vic.) (19 issues)", "Chronicles of Cliveden (1 issues)", "Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F (20 issues)", "Citizenship Act 1948. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (20 issues)", "Civil works program (1983) (2 issues)", "Civil works program (1983) (3 issues)", "Civil works program (1983) (4 issues)", "Civil works program / circulated by ... Minister for Construction (3 issues)", "Civil works programme ... : under the control of the Department of Works / circulated by ... Minister for Works (11 issues)", "Clarson, Massina, & Co's weather almanac and general guide and handbook for Victoria : with map engraved especially for this almanac, for ... .. (1 issues)", "Closing the gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians / statement by the ... Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (3 issues)", "Coal Research Assistance Act 1977 : annual report (1 issues)", "Colonial literary journal and weekly miscellany of useful information (41 issues)", "Colonial monthly : an Australian magazine (18 issues)", "Colonization circular / issued by Her Majesty's Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners (8 issues)", "Comment (Melbourne, Vic. : 1940) (24 issues)", "Comment and cartoons (9 issues)", "Commerce Act, 1905 : proposed regulations in connexion with butter, cheese, meat and fruit industries of Australia : resolutions of conference of officials and trade representatives (held at Sydney, 30th April to 5th May 1906) (1 issues)", "Commercial Motor Vehicles Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (3 issues)", "Commonwealth Department of Tourism financial statements for the period .. (1 issues)", "Commonwealth Government factories clothing, cordite, harness, saddlery and leather accoutrements, small arms, woollen cloth report ... for the year ended 30th June.. (7 issues)", "Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Act : Dealings and transactions during the year ended ... .. (12 issues)", "Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Act : Dealings and transactions during the year ended ... .. (1 issues)", "Commonwealth approved capital works program ... / circulated by ... Minister for Housing and Construction (1 issues)", "Commonwealth capital works program / circulated by ... , Minister for Administrative Services (3 issues)", "Commonwealth financial relations with other levels of government / circulated by ... , Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (10 issues)", "Commonwealth income tax statistics (8 issues)", "Commonwealth payments to or for the States / issued by the Commonwealth Treasury, Canberra, A.C.T (12 issues)", "Commonwealth per capita grants to independent schools. Department of Education (2 issues)", "Commonwealth programs and policy development for schools ... / Commonwealth Schools Commission (1 issues)", "Commonwealth railways financial and statistical bulletin (3 issues)", "Commonwealth war book : summary of important action to be taken by government departments / Department of Defence (1 issues)", "Competitive safeguards and carrier performance : report to the Minister for Transport and Communications under section 399 of the Telecommunications Act 1991 (5 issues)", "Conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers on Unemployment Insurance and the 40-hour week, held in Canberra 13th August, 1937 : proceedings and decisions of conference (1 issues)", "Conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers on the Uniform Control and Regulation of Aviation held at Melbourne, 16th April 1937. : proceedings and decisions of the conference (1 issues)", "Conference of Commonwealth and state Representatives on air raid precautions, held at Parliament House, Melbourne, 25th and 26th August, 1941 (1 issues)", "Conference of Representatives of Missions, Societies, and Associations interested in the Welfare of Aborigines to consider the Report and Recommendations submitted to the Commonwealth Government by J.W. Bleakley, convened by the Minister of State for Home Affairs of the Commonwealth of Australia (C.L.A. Abbott) : held in Masonic Hall, Collins Street, Melbourne on Friday, 12th April, 1929 (1 issues)", "Conference of Treasurers held at Melbourne from 17th to 20th July 1918 : summary of proceedings (1 issues)", "Conference of presiding officers and clerks of the parliaments of Australia .. (5 issues)", "Conference of presiding officers and clerks-at-the-table of the Parliaments of Australia (3 issues)", "Conference of the Director of Commonwealth Lands and Surveys, the Surveyor-General and the Government Astronomer of New Zealand, and the Surveyors-General of the States of the Commonwealth of Australia : Melbourne, 20th to 25th May, 1912 (1 issues)", "Conference of wheat exporting and importing countries : final act with appendices (1 issues)", "Conference proceedings / New South Wales Coastal Conference (13 issues)", "Conference proceedings / New South Wales Coastal Conference (1 issues)", "Consolidated register of Senate committee reports / Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (7 issues)", "Consultants engaged under section 4 of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 for the period ... to ... ... : : annual report ... .. (12 issues)", "Contract Immigrants Act 1905 (20 issues)", "Conway's Australian cricketers' annual (1 issues)", "Cosmos (Sydney, N.S.W.) (1 issues)", "Cotton industry in Australia : reports of proceedings of conferences between - (a) representatives of the Commonwealth and state governments ; (b) representatives of the Commonwealth and state governments and of the growers, ginners and manufacturers (1 issues)", "Critic (Manila, Philippines) (11 issues)", "Crown lands guide, .. (1 issues)", "Current notes on international affairs (525 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australia. Department of Employment, Education and Training) (2 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australia. Department of Health Housing, Local Government and Community Services) (1 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australia. Department of Health, Housing and Community Services) (2 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australia. Department of Housing and Regional Development) (2 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australia. Department of Social Security) (2 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) (Australian Taxation Office) (2 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990 (Australia. Department of Employment, Education and Training) (3 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990 (Australia. Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs) (1 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Australia. Centrelink) (4 issues)", "Data-Matching Program (Australia. Centrelink) (3 issues)", "Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax), ATO's interaction with the program, financial year ... / Commissioner of Taxation (2 issues)", "Data-matching Program (Australia. Department of Veterans' Affairs) (3 issues)", "Data-matching Program (Australia. Department of Veterans' Affairs) (7 issues)", "Data-matching Program, ATO's interaction with the program, financial year ... / Commissioner of Taxation (5 issues)", "Decoration and glass (130 issues)", "Defence Force Discipline Act 1982. Report for the period .. (27 issues)", "Dehane's almanac (3 issues)", "Der Kamp Spiegel (103 issues)", "Des Australischen Christenboten Kalender fur die evangelischen Deutschen in Australien auf das Jahr unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi (1 issues)", "Descriptive catalogue of pictures, &c. in the Art Gallery of the International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80 (1 issues)", "Determination and report / Academic Salaries Tribunal (3 issues)", "Development co-operation. Australia's program of support for social and economic development in the Third World / Australian Development Assistance Bureau, Department of Foreign Affairs (2 issues)", "Digger (Le Havre, France) (26 issues)", "Diggers' digest (Greenslopes Repatriation Hospital) (54 issues)", "Documents relating to the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held at Bretton Woods, United States of America, from 1st July to 22nd July, 1944 (1 issues)", "Dogs : the K.C.C. Kennel gazette : the official organ of the publisher the Kennel Control Council (106 issues)", "Dogs on the bench & in the field (Online) (6 issues)", "Dr. L.L. Smith's medical almanac (9 issues)", "Draft conventions and recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference (1 issues)", "Drilling Machines Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonmwealth of Australia (4 issues)", "Dun's gazette for New South Wales (2408 issues)", "Education (1530 issues)", "Education / circulated by ... , Minister for Education (1 issues)", "Election funding and financial disclosure report / Australian Electoral Commission (10 issues)", "Election returns. General elections (29 issues)", "Election returns. General elections (2 issues)", "Election statistics Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory (2 issues)", "Election statistics, New South Wales (2 issues)", "Election statistics, Queensland (2 issues)", "Election statistics, South Australia (2 issues)", "Election statistics, Victoria (2 issues)", "Election statistics, Western Australia (2 issues)", "Elector (Online) (1 issues)", "Employment and unemployment / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (6 issues)", "Er tong she hui xing wei de fa zhan / Ai Xianzhou (1 issues)", "Ern Malley's journal (6 issues)", "Estimates of expenditure / The Parliament of the Commonwealth, House of Representatives (1 issues)", "Estimates of expenditure and revenue of the Commonwealth public account / circulated by ... Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (2 issues)", "Estimates of expenditure for additions, new works and buildings (2 issues)", "Estimates of expenditure for additions, new works, buildings, etc., for the year ending 30th June .. (60 issues)", "Estimates of expenditure... : explanatory statement prepared by direction of the Minister for Defence / Department of Defence (5 issues)", "Estimates of receipts and expenditure for the year ending ... / the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (52 issues)", "Estimates of receipts and summary of estimated expenditure / circulated by The Honourable ... Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia ... .. (22 issues)", "Estimates of revenue and expenditure : viz.:- Estimates of revenue for the year ending 30th June ... .. (3 issues)", "Estimates of revenue and expenditure for the year ending 30th June.. (12 issues)", "Everybody's Tasmanian almanac (Launceston, Tas.) (2 issues)", "Everyones (916 issues)", "Exhibition of Women's Industries, Sydney, 1888 : official catalogue (1 issues)", "Export Guarantee Act : return, to ... , showing the reports and recommendations made and the assistance granted (3 issues)", "F. Watmuff's Australian almanac for .. (1 issues)", "Famous detective stories (Sydney, N.S.W.) (7 issues)", "Featherston Camp weekly (6 issues)", "Federal financial relations (16 issues)", "Festa Carnevale Floreale : in aid of Italy's Red Cross Day Fund, Town Hall, Sydney, June 28th and 29th..... (1 issues)", "Fiji Society of Science and Industry (Series) (2 issues)", "Final financial statements / Australian Canned Fruits Corporation (1 issues)", "Finance ... the Treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ended ... accompanied by the report of the Auditor-General (62 issues)", "Financial & statistical supplement (1 issues)", "Financial and statistical bulletin / Postmaster-General's Department, Australia (5 issues)", "Financial assistance granted to each state in respect of ..., Schools Assistance (Learning together - Achievement through Choice and Opportunity) Act 2004 / Department of Education, Science and Training (4 issues)", "Financial statements / Commonwealth Development Bank of Australia (3 issues)", "Financial statements / Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia [and] Commonwealth Development Bank of Australia (1 issues)", "Financial statements / Department of Defence, Explosives Factory Maribyrnong (3 issues)", "Financial statements of the Department of Housing & Regional Development (1 issues)", "First Jewish Women's Conference, May 21st to 27th, 1929 (1 issues)", "First home owners scheme : annual report / Department of Community Services and Health (2 issues)", "First report from the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs relating to the Peking Peace Conference (1 issues)", "Fisher's colonial magazine and commercial maritime journal (21 issues)", "Fisher's colonial magazine and journal of trade, commerce and banking (19 issues)", "Fisheries news-letter / issued by the Fisheries Division of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (225 issues)", "Flying in New South Wales : the official organ of the Royal Aero Club of New South Wales (5 issues)", "Ford's Australian almanac (4 issues)", "Fourth Commonwealth Education Conference, Lagos, 26 February-9 March 1968 : report of the Australian delegation (1 issues)", "Frank Clune's adventure magazine (1 issues)", "Free churchman (Maitland, N.S.W.) (37 issues)", "Functional classification of outlays - departmental estimates (3 issues)", "G. Auricht's book almanac for Australia (6 issues)", "G. J. Crouch's general advertising medium, epitome of news, and miscellaneous gleaner (1 issues)", "Gazette (3rd London General Hospital) (39 issues)", "General catalogue of garden and farm seeds, plants, florists' flowers, fruit trees, bulbs &c. : containing also carefully compiled cultural directory and a year's work in the garden / J. & W. Gelding (2 issues)", "General report / Joint Committee of Public Accounts (5 issues)", "General report / Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works (64 issues)", "General report and statement of accounts (3 issues)", "Gibbs, Shallard, & Co's New South Wales weather almanac (7 issues)", "Glass (Waterloo, N.S.W. : Online) (20 issues)", "Gleaner (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1898) (1 issues)", "Gold-fields of Victoria : reports of the mining registrars for the quarter ended ... .. (1 issues)", "Gold-mining industry assistance act 1954-1965 ... annual statement (9 issues)", "Government Resident's report on Northern Territory (14 issues)", "Government securities on issue at 30 June .. (33 issues)", "Grand Anzac military tattoo, navy, army and air force : official programme (2 issues)", "Grants approved for ... / Australian Research Grants Committee (2 issues)", "Grants for recurrent expenditure in non-government schools : annual report ... / Department of Education (2 issues)", "Grit : journal of R.A.A.F. Station Ascot Vale (1 issues)", "Groom's Darling Downs Book Almanac (2 issues)", "Guardian (Holsworthy, N.S.W.) (5 issues)", "Guo yu ke de xue xi xin li / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "HRC report / Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (11 issues)", "HREOC report / Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (25 issues)", "Half yearly financial bulletin on life insurance : financial and statistical information for individual companies balancing between ... and ... / Insurance and Superannuation Commission, Life Insurance Group (1 issues)", "Half-yearly report / Australian Institute of Tropical Medicine (7 issues)", "Harina (28 issues)", "Heads of the people (Sydney, N.S.W.) (50 issues)", "Health and physical culture : Britons' monthly journal (1 issues)", "Higher Education Funding Act 1988 : report setting out details of determinations made under the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 in respect of... / Dept. of Employment, Education and Training (4 issues)", "Higher Education Funding Act 1988 : report setting out details of determinations made under the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 in respect of... / Dept. of Employment, Education and Training (2 issues)", "Higher Education Funding Act 1988, ... determinations : report setting out details of determinations made under the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 in respect of ... ... ... / / Department. of Education, Training and Youth Affairs. Higher Education Division (1 issues)", "Higher Education Funding Act 1988, ... determinations : report setting out details of determinations made under the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 in respect of ... / Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Higher Education Division (3 issues)", "Higher Education Funding Act 1988, ... determinations : report setting out details of determinations made under the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 in respect of the years / / Department. of Education, Science and Training. Higher Education Group (2 issues)", "Higher education (Australia. Department of Education, Science and Training) (3 issues)", "Higher education report (Australia. Dept. of Education, Science and Training) (2 issues)", "Highlander (Sydney, N.S.W.) (32 issues)", "Home (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1920) (229 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act 1964 : annual report for the year..... (1 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act 1964, Homes Savings Grant Act 1976 : annual reports for the year ... / Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development (1 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act 1964, Homes Savings Grant Act 1976 : annual reports for the year ... / Department of Housing and Construction (1 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act 1976 : annual report for the year ... / Department of Housing and Construction (2 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act : annual report of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Construction for the year ... .. (2 issues)", "Homes Savings Grant Act : annual report of the Secretary, Department of Housing for the year ... .. (9 issues)", "Honk (Ceramic (Troopship)) (9 issues)", "Horticultural magazine and garden guide (24 issues)", "Hula times (3 issues)", "Il Mentore Cristiano per la gioventu (3 issues)", "Immigration Act 1901- ... : return showing, for ... (a) persons refused admission to the Commonwealth (b) persons who passed the dictation test (c) persons admitted without being asked to pass the dictation test (d) departures of coloured persons from the Commonwealth (7 issues)", "Immigration Restriction Act 1901 (3 issues)", "Immigration Restriction Acts 1901-1905 (13 issues)", "Imperial Conference, 1926 : summary of proceedings (1 issues)", "Imperial Economic Conference, Ottawa, 1932 : report of the conference, together with appendices and annexes (1 issues)", "Imperial conference, 1937 : summary of proceedings (1 issues)", "Implementation of the Commonwealth Government responses to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody : annual report (8 issues)", "Impulso ás letras / redactor J.M. da Silva e Sousa (7 issues)", "Income tax statistics (Canberra, A.C.T. : 1973) (21 issues)", "Income tax statistics (Canberra, A.C.T.) (2 issues)", "Industrial School for Girls, Parramatta : report for the year ... / Superintendent, Industrial School for Girls (1 issues)", "Industries Assistance Commission report (425 issues)", "Industry statistics (Canberra, A.C.T.) (1 issues)", "Innovation Australia : activities of the Venture Capital Registration Board : annual report . (1 issues)", "Inquiry report (Australia. Productivity Commission) (60 issues)", "Inside Indonesia : bulletin of the Indonesia Resources and Information Programme (89 issues)", "Interim report for the s.206(d) Inquiry : proceedings of conference on 12 March 1999 (1 issues)", "Interim report on investigation into present position of Tasmania / Development and Migration Commission (2 issues)", "International Conference for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, Geneva, 1927 : report of the Australian delegation (1 issues)", "International Copyright Conference, Rome, May and June, 1928 : report of the Australian delegate (Sir W. Harrison Moore) (1 issues)", "International Labour Conference ... session ... : Australian Delegation report (14 issues)", "International accountants' journal : official organ of the International Accountants Corporation and Bookkeepers Institute of Australasia (1 issues)", "International directory (Adelaide, S.A.) (1 issues)", "Investing in our natural and cultural heritage : the Commonwealth's environment expenditure ... / statement by ... , Minister for the Environment and Heritage (3 issues)", "Investing in our natural heritage : the Commonwealth's environment expenditure ... / statement by ... , Minister for the Environment (3 issues)", "Ironside's advertiser and Sydney price current (Online) (3 issues)", "J. Cox and Co's Australian almanac (2 issues)", "Jahrbuch uber die Evangelisch-Lutherische Mission in Neuguinea (1 issues)", "Jewish missionary intelligence (24 issues)", "Jiao yu xin li jiang zuo yan jiu bao gao (5 issues)", "Jindyworobak anthology / Editor: Rex Ingamells (16 issues)", "Jindyworobak publications : list of available and projected books (1 issues)", "Journal and proceedings (Australian Historical Society) (46 issues)", "Journal and proceedings (Royal Australian Historical Society) (294 issues)", "Journal and transactions / the Society of Engineers (incorporated) (1 issues)", "Journal of proceedings (Royal Victorian Institute of Architects) (120 issues)", "Journal of proceedings of the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects (18 issues)", "Journal of soil conservation, New South Wales (183 issues)", "Journal of soil conservation, New South Wales (13 issues)", "Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for the year .. (1 issues)", "Journal of the Institute of Architects of New South Wales (4 issues)", "Journal of the Pioneers and Old Residents' Association (12 issues)", "Journal of the Royal Military College of Australia (54 issues)", "Journal of the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects (68 issues)", "Jumbunna : lets talk together (1 issues)", "Junior Red Cross record : official organ of the J.R.C. of N.S.W (9 issues)", "K.C.C. kennel gazette : the official organ of the publishers, the Kennel Control Council (360 issues)", "Kampspiegel Monatshefte : illustrierte zeitschrift fur die Kriegsgefangenen in Australien (9 issues)", "Kerr's Melbourne almanac and Port Phillip directory for ... : a compendium of useful and accurate information connected with Port Phillip (2 issues)", "Kogarah school magazine (1 issues)", "Kwato Mission tidings (13 issues)", "La Vie Ormondaise (1 issues)", "Ladder (Victoria Park, W.A.) (10 issues)", "Language (Sydney, N.S.W.) (2 issues)", "Laws, etc (1 issues)", "Laws, etc (2 issues)", "Laws, etc (4 issues)", "Laws, etc (2 issues)", "Laws, etc (19 issues)", "Laws, etc (17 issues)", "Laws, etc (7 issues)", "Laws, etc. (Acts of Parliament of Victoria) (3 issues)", "Laws, etc. (Acts of the Parliament) (15 issues)", "Laws, etc. (Acts of the Victorian Parliament) (1 issues)", "Laws, etc. (Acts) (13 issues)", "Laws, etc. (Laws of the Australian Capital Territory) (10 issues)", "Legal digest (Sydney, N.S.W.) (1 issues)", "Lesbians on the loose (110 issues)", "Letter from Bishop Willis and report for... of the Anglican Church in Tonga (11 issues)", "Liberty (Sydney, N.S.W.) (21 issues)", "Liberty (Victorian Democratic Rights Council) (2 issues)", "Life's continuing study of magazine audiences (2 issues)", "Lilley's magazine (1 issues)", "Lincoln flock book : being a register of pure-bred Lincoln flocks in every state in the Commonwealth of Australia / Australian Longwool Sheepbreeders' Association (1 issues)", "List of commonwealth bodies / Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Government Operations (6 issues)", "Listening post (Sydney, N.S.W.) (138 issues)", "Local government national report ... : report on the operation of the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 (6 issues)", "Luther almanac for the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the great reformation, 1517 31st October 1917 (1 issues)", "Lutheran almanac (17 issues)", "M. & H. magazine (9 issues)", "MacNews (Prahran, Vic.) (106 issues)", "Macivor's farmers' year book : the Australasian agricultural annual (1 issues)", "Mackay's Australian almanac for .. (2 issues)", "Magazine (8 issues)", "Magazine / Bamaga P-12 School (6 issues)", "Magazine / Fawkner Subschool (4 issues)", "Magnetiser's magazine, and annals of animal magnetism (1 issues)", "Make 'n' break : unofficial organ of the 57 Aust. Fd. Park Coy. R.A.E. and 329 Aust. L.A.D. A.E.M.E (1 issues)", "Manila carnival recreation center commer : commercial and industrial fair February 7 to 15, 1925 (1 issues)", "Manual of public examinations (1 issues)", "Manuscripts (Geelong, Vic.) (13 issues)", "Marine Sciences and Technologies (M.S.T.) Research Grants Scheme : report of grants approved for ... / Australian Marine Sciences and Technologies Advisory Committee, Funding Advisory Panel (2 issues)", "Marine Sciences and Technologies (MST) Grants Scheme and Queen's Fellowships Scheme : report of grants approved and fellowships awarded for ... / Queen's Fellowships and Marine Research Allocations Advisory Committee (2 issues)", "Maryborough almanack (1 issues)", "Meanjin papers (34 issues)", "Medical research (1982) (11 issues)", "Medical research : report upon the work done under the Medical research endowment act (7 issues)", "Medical research projects .. : report upon the work under the Medical Research Endowment Act ... / National Health and Medical Research Council (6 issues)", "Medical research projects .. : report upon the work under the Medical Research Endowment Act ... / National Health and Medical Research Council (3 issues)", "Melbourne International Exhibition 1880 (1 issues)", "Melbourne International Exhibition 1880 (1 issues)", "Melbourne punch's almanack (1 issues)", "Melbourne punch's almanack (2 issues)", "Memorandum by the Minister of State for Defence on the Estimates of the Defence Department for the Financial year .. (9 issues)", "Mernda magazine (2 issues)", "Merringek : for an understanding of Australia's history and traditions, primeval, colonial and modern (1 issues)", "Metal Working Machine Tools Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (10 issues)", "Mezamashi chinbun (14 issues)", "Middlesex Yeomanry magazine (5 issues)", "Mimag / Mount Isa Mines Limited (302 issues)", "Miners' advocate and Northumberland recorder (1 issues)", "Minutes and votes and proceedings of the Parliament ... with papers presented to both Houses (20 issues)", "Minutes of proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1911 (1 issues)", "Minutes of several conversations between the ministers of the Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Church at their ... annual conference (2 issues)", "Monetary and Economic Conference, London, 1933 : report covering the period 12th June-26th July, 1933 / presented by the Australian Minister in London (The Right Hon. S. M. Bruce) (1 issues)", "Monster comic (Sydney, N.S.W.) (1 issues)", "Month (Sydney, N.S.W.) (3 issues)", "Monthly bulletin of employment statistics : wage and salary earners in employment / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (10 issues)", "Monthly notes and calendar (Online) (1 issues)", "Monthly postal & telegraph guide (1 issues)", "Monthly survey of employment statistics / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (4 issues)", "Moore's Australian almanac and country directory for the year .. (15 issues)", "Moore's Australian almanac and hand-book for the year .. (22 issues)", "Moore's almanac and hand book for New South Wales for the year .. (2 issues)", "Moore's improved Melbourne almanack for the year .. (1 issues)", "Mountain mists : a monthly magazine / published by the convalescent soldiers of Bodington, N.S.W (21 issues)", "Munro & Cowie's Port Curtis almanac and miners' and settlers' companion for .. (2 issues)", "Munro's Port Curtis almanac and miners' and settlers' companion for .. (1 issues)", "Munro's Port Curtis almanac and miners' and settlers' companion for ... (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1898) (1 issues)", "Murray's Austral-Asiatic review (5 issues)", "Na Viti : na nodra pepa na gone i taukei e Viti = Viti, a magazine for young Fiji (9 issues)", "Nation (Melbourne, Vic. : 1917) (1 issues)", "National accounting estimates of public authority receipts and expenditure / issued by the Commonwealth Treasury (4 issues)", "National accounting estimates of receipts and outlays of Commonwealth Government authorities (6 issues)", "National fitness, Australia (3 issues)", "National income and expenditure (Canberra, A.C.T.) (47 issues)", "National record (Canberra Australian National Football League) (21 issues)", "Nationality Act : return of number of persons to whom Certificates of Naturalization were granted during ... .. (4 issues)", "Naturalization Act : (return of number of persons to whom Certificates of Naturalization were granted during ... .. (10 issues)", "Naval and military defence : (papers laid before the conference) / Imperial Conference, London, 1911 (1 issues)", "New Guinea tidings (22 issues)", "New South Wales law almanac for .. (2 issues)", "New South Wales magazine (1833) (8 issues)", "New South Wales pocket almanack : for the year of our Lord and Saviour ... .. (12 issues)", "New South Wales pocket almanack and colonial remembrancer : for the year of our Lord and Saviour ... .. (1 issues)", "New South Wales weather almanac for ... : a general handbook for the year (1 issues)", "New Zealand report / Friends of the Church of New Zealand (2 issues)", "Newcastle and Maitland Catholic Sentinel (Online) (415 issues)", "News letter (Victorian National Parks Association) (100 issues)", "Newsletter (Geological Society of Australia. South Australian Division) (1 issues)", "Newsletter (Geological Society of Australia. Specialist Group on Solid-Earth Geophysics) (10 issues)", "Nineteenth Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, London, September 1973 : Report of the Commonwealth of Australia Branch Delegation (1 issues)", "Nitrogenous Fertilizers Subsidy Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (15 issues)", "Noodzakelijke blik op de geschiedenis van Java / Maatschappij tot Nut van den Javaan (7 issues)", "Norfolk Island ... report / Administrator (8 issues)", "North Australia government gazette (3 issues)", "Northern Territory statistical returns : showing the voting within each subdivision ... .. (5 issues)", "Northern affairs : a monthly journal of far northern concerns (15 issues)", "Notice of annual meeting / Canberra Chamber of Commerce (10 issues)", "O Anglo-Lusitano (1 issues)", "O Entr'acto (1 issues)", "Occupational pamphlet : prepared for the guidance of service men and women who are returning to civil life / by the Ministry of Post-War Reconstruction in collaboration with the Department of Labour and National Service (38 issues)", "Odd fellows' magazine (Adelaide, S. Aust.) (9 issues)", "Odds and ends : an illustrated journal / conducted by J.P. Braga (5 issues)", "Office of Defence Production ... financial statements / Department of Defence (1 issues)", "Official record of debates / Federal Council of Australasia (8 issues)", "Official record of the debates of the Australasian Federal Convention, Third Session, Melbourne, 20th January to 17th March, 1898 (2 issues)", "Official report / Australian Master Printers' Second Interstate Conference, Melbourne, September, 1911 (1 issues)", "Official report of the Australian Master Printers' First Interstate Conference held in Sydney September, 1910 (1 issues)", "Official report of the National Australasian Convention debates, Sydney, 2 March to 9 April, 1891 (1 issues)", "Official report of the annual conference / Australian Carriers' Union (1 issues)", "Official strike bulletin (54 issues)", "Official volume of proceedings of the First Australian Town Planning and Housing Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide (South Australia), October 17th to 24th, 1917 (1 issues)", "Old and new Sydney / by Edward Hordern and Sons (6 issues)", "Old times (Sydney, N.S.W.) (3 issues)", "Once a month : a magazine for Australasia / conducted by Peter Mercer (22 issues)", "Operations of the IMF and World Bank : annual report to the Parliament under the International Monetary Agreements Act 1947 / by ... Treasurer (3 issues)", "Operations of the registered health insurance organisations / Private Health Insurance Administration Council (3 issues)", "Operations of the registered health insurance organizations : annual report / Commonwealth Department of Health (3 issues)", "Operations of the registered health insurance organizations : annual report / Commonwealth Department of Health (2 issues)", "Operations of the registered medical benefits and hospital benefits organizations : annual report / Commonwealth Department of Health (4 issues)", "Our Empire : the Imperial review of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions beyond the seas (3 issues)", "Our own news and monthly notes / Holy Trinity Church, Argyle Street (12 issues)", "Overseas migration for the quarter ended ... / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (2 issues)", "Overseas trading (884 issues)", "P.O.W. : the monthly newsletter of the Australian Prisoners of War Relatives Association (22 issues)", "Pacific islands monthly : PIM (840 issues)", "Pacific series / for sale by H.A. O'Leary (1 issues)", "Palestine : economic and commercial conditions in Palestine (1 issues)", "Pamphlet (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Australia)) (1 issues)", "Pandemonium (Melbourne, Vic.) (12 issues)", "Papua : annual report for the year ending 30th June ... .. (31 issues)", "Papunya newspaper : Warumpiku tjakulpa kuwarritja (6 issues)", "Parkwatch (Online) (137 issues)", "Parliamentary paper (Fiji. Parliament) (11 issues)", "Parliamentary papers : printed during the ... ... .. (17 issues)", "Passenger fares and coaching rates : to take effect on and from ... / Department of Railways, New South Wales (1 issues)", "Payments to or for the states and local government authorities / presented by the ... Treasurer (5 issues)", "Payments to or for the states, the Northern Territory, and local government authorities / presented by ... Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (9 issues)", "Peace loan bulletin / published by authority of the N.S.W. Central Loan Committee (3 issues)", "Penicillin Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (1 issues)", "Peninsula press (1 issues)", "Penny Saturday journal (Online) (18 issues)", "Pertinent (Sydney, N.S.W.) (50 issues)", "Petroleum Search Subsidy Act, 1959 : annual statement (10 issues)", "Phosphate Fertilizers Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (16 issues)", "Photographic review of reviews (12 issues)", "Pix (826 issues)", "Platt's almanac, diary, and South Australian directory (1 issues)", "Point (Melbourne, Vic.) (2 issues)", "Port Lincoln bully-tin : the troopship's journal (1 issues)", "Port Phillip gazette (Canterbury, Vic.) (7 issues)", "Portal (23 issues)", "Portfolio program statements / presented by ... Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members (2 issues)", "Post office prospects and capital programme (7 issues)", "Post-war wool realizations : report and recommendations of conference held in London, April-May, 1945 (1 issues)", "Principal women of the Empire : Australia and New Zealand (1 issues)", "Printers' bulletin (Sydney, N.S.W.) (1 issues)", "Proceedings at the Congress of Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, and others interested in the building of the Federal Capital of Australia, held in Melbourne in May, 1901 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of Economic conference convened by the Commonwealth Government, held in Sydney, 30th, 31st July, 1951 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the Australian Library Conference : held at the University of Melbourne, August, 1928 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the Conference / Conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers (18 issues)", "Proceedings of the Conference of the Bishop, Clergy and Laity of the Diocese of Adelaide, held on the 6th of January, in Trinity School Room, Adelaide (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the National Conference on Coastal Management Coffs Harbour, 7-9 October 1986 (3 issues)", "Proceedings of the National Conference on Coastal Management Coffs Harbour, 7-9 October 1986 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the National Conference on Coastal Management Coffs Harbour, 7-9 October 1986 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the National Conference on Coastal Management Coffs Harbour, 7-9 October 1986 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the Super Consumer Seminar, 4 November 1992 / a seminar convened by the Senate Select Committee on Superannuation, the Trade Practices Commission, the National Consumer Affairs Advisory Council (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the Sydney meeting, October, 1898 : with three appendices (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the United Methodist Convention for the spread of scriptural holiness, held in York Street Church, Sydney, on December 9, 10, 11, 1885 (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Synod of Eastern Australia (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the half-yearly meeting of the Synod of Eastern Australia (1 issues)", "Proceedings of the sixth conference on federation (1 issues)", "Productivity : activities and developments / Department of Productivity (3 issues)", "Program guidelines / Commonwealth Schools Commission (1 issues)", "Program presentation of appropriations and outlays. Departmental estimates / presented by ..., Minister for Finance (1 issues)", "Programme / Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science (1 issues)", "Progress (Melbourne, Vic.) (1 issues)", "Progress report / Australian Land Transport Development Program (10 issues)", "Progress report / Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, Victoria (1 issues)", "Progress report : control of national expenditure / Joint Committee of War Expenditure (8 issues)", "Protector's reports (1 issues)", "Protector's reports (3 issues)", "Provisions for child migrant education : report by the Minister for Education / Commonwealth Dept. of Education (1 issues)", "Public service reform / Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration in association with the Centre for Research in Public Sector Management, University of Canberra (2 issues)", "Publication (Geological Survey of Queensland) (1 issues)", "Pugh's (8 issues)", "Pugh's (Queensland) official almanac, directory and gazetteer (15 issues)", "Pugh's Queensland almanac and directory (4 issues)", "Pyrites Bounty Act - Return - Year (6 issues)", "Quarterly business survey : preliminary results (25 issues)", "Queensland magazine (Brisbane, Qld.) (1 issues)", "Queensland official almanac, directory and gazetteer for .. (1 issues)", "Questions and answers (Sydney, N.S.W.) (2 issues)", "Quinquennial investigation of the Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Fund (2 issues)", "Quinquennial investigation of the superannuation fund (3 issues)", "R.S.A. magazine (18 issues)", "Railways : report, with appendices, on Commonwealth Railways, and progress of operations to ... by the engineer-in-chief and acting commissioner (9 issues)", "Raw Cotton Bounty Act - Return - Year ended (7 issues)", "Re-establishment pamphlet (13 issues)", "Realtime (130 issues)", "Reason (Melbourne, Vic.) (1 issues)", "Receipts and expenditure of the consolidated revenue fund for the year ended.. (1 issues)", "Recommendations for ... / Commonwealth Schools Commission (4 issues)", "Recommendations for grants to councils for ... / Western Australian Local Government Grants Committee (1 issues)", "Recommendations for union of Methodist Churches, agreed on at a meeting of the appointed representatives of the various branches of the Methodist Church in Victoria and Tasmania, held at the conference hall, Wesley Church, Melbourne, July 19th (and subsequent days) , 1892 (1 issues)", "Recommendations for... / Australian Universities Commission (1 issues)", "Record (Bathurst, N.S.W. : Online) (193 issues)", "Red Triangle papers (1 issues)", "Reflux : official bulletin of the Western Australian Medical Students' Society (11 issues)", "Refrigeration Compressors Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (2 issues)", "Repatriation (Melbourne, Vic.) (22 issues)", "Report (Australia. Advisory Council for Inter-government Relations) (12 issues)", "Report (Australia. Atomic Weapons Tests Safety Committee) (3 issues)", "Report (Australia. Bureau of Transport Economics) (25 issues)", "Report (Australia. Human Rights Commission) (20 issues)", "Report (Australia. Industry Commission) (59 issues)", "Report (Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit) (38 issues)", "Report (Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee of Public Accounts) (333 issues)", "Report (Australia. Parliament. Standing Committee on Public Works) (826 issues)", "Report (Australian Law Reform Commission) (34 issues)", "Report (Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service) (12 issues)", "Report ... / Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (131 issues)", "Report ... on financial assistance for local government / Grants Commission (3 issues)", "Report ... on financial assistance for local government / Local Government Grants Commission, New South Wales (1 issues)", "Report ... on financing the Australian Capital Territory / Commonwealth Grants Commission (3 issues)", "Report ... on special assistance for states / Commonwealth Grants Commission (7 issues)", "Report ... on the operations of the Papua New Guinea Superannuation Board during the year ended 30 June (4 issues)", "Report / Accountancy Advisory Panel (1 issues)", "Report / Australian Biological Resources Study Interim Council (1 issues)", "Report / Australian Human Rights Commission (17 issues)", "Report / Australian Maritime Safety Authority (1 issues)", "Report / Australian Research Grants Committee (7 issues)", "Report / Australian Science and Technology Council (6 issues)", "Report / Commonwealth Grants Commission (11 issues)", "Report / Commonwealth Grants Commission (2 issues)", "Report / Cotton Research and Development Corporation (1 issues)", "Report / Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal (1 issues)", "Report / Department of Science (2 issues)", "Report / Department of the Environment and Conservation (1 issues)", "Report / Development and Migration Commission (1 issues)", "Report / Federal Airports Corporation (1 issues)", "Report / Foreign Investment Review Board (35 issues)", "Report / Grants Commission (1 issues)", "Report / House of Representatives Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration (4 issues)", "Report / Indicative Planning Council for the Housing Industry (5 issues)", "Report / Interim Council for a National Film and Television Training School (2 issues)", "Report / Joint Committee on the Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings (1 issues)", "Report / Legislative Drafting Institute (1 issues)", "Report / Maloga Aboriginal Mission (1 issues)", "Report / Maloga Aboriginal Mission School (4 issues)", "Report / Maloga Aboriginal Mission Station (10 issues)", "Report / Medical Training Review Panel (3 issues)", "Report / National Advisory Council for the Handicapped (1 issues)", "Report / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (7 issues)", "Report / Parole Board of the Australian Capital Territory (2 issues)", "Report / Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities (5 issues)", "Report / St. Mary's Hospital, Hobart (1 issues)", "Report / Temporary Assistance Authority (24 issues)", "Report / The Senate Committee of Privileges (129 issues)", "Report / The Senate Procedure Committee (46 issues)", "Report / Trench Comforts Fund of the League of Loyal Women, South Australian Division, Australian Comforts Fund (1 issues)", "Report / United British Women's Emigration Association (1 issues)", "Report / Uranium Advisory Council (5 issues)", "Report / by the Aboriginal Land Commissioner (47 issues)", "Report : to the Minister / Committee on Overseas Professional Qualifications (9 issues)", "Report adopted at the ... annual meeting of the Maitland Benevolent Society .. (1 issues)", "Report and accounts for the year ended 30th June ... / British Phosphate Commissioners (7 issues)", "Report and determination / Remuneration Tribunal (17 issues)", "Report and financial statements / Aboriginal Loans Commission (3 issues)", "Report and financial statements for year ended 30th June / Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority (3 issues)", "Report by the Commissioner for Superannuation on the general administration and operation of the Papua New Guinea Superannuation Scheme and the Contract Officers Retirement Benefits Scheme for the year ended 30 June (5 issues)", "Report by the Commonwealth Actuary upon the Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Fund (1 issues)", "Report by the Director of the Naval Forces for the year .. (1 issues)", "Report by the Director of the Naval Forces on the naval defence of the Commonwealth of Australia (3 issues)", "Report by the Minister / Migrant Education Program, Department of Education (7 issues)", "Report by the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (1 issues)", "Report by the Trustees of the Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund for the six months .. (2 issues)", "Report by the trustees for the year ... / Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund (20 issues)", "Report concerning the operations of the Committee of Members' Interests during ... / House of Representatives, Committee of Privileges and Members' Interests (1 issues)", "Report for ... / Department of Education and Science (5 issues)", "Report for ... / Department of Education and Youth Affairs (1 issues)", "Report for ... / National Training Council (1 issues)", "Report for ... / the Northern Territory (7 issues)", "Report for ... : response to government guidelines (4 issues)", "Report for ... session / Standing Orders Committee (21 issues)", "Report for ... to the members of the Rationalist Association of New South Wales and the Rationalist Press Association Limited of London in New South Wales (2 issues)", "Report for ... triennium / Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission (20 issues)", "Report for ... triennium / Tertiary Education Commission (10 issues)", "Report for / Department of Education (10 issues)", "Report for period ... / Australian Wool Corporation (1 issues)", "Report for period / Department of Employment and Industrial Relations, Commonwealth Arbitration Inspectorate (3 issues)", "Report for period ended 30th June ... / Clothing Factory (1 issues)", "Report for period ended... / Aerial, Geological and Geophysical Survey of Northern Australia (11 issues)", "Report for period... ... / Department of Industrial Relations (2 issues)", "Report for the ... biennium / Australian National Commission for Unesco (1 issues)", "Report for the period ... / Army and Air Force Canteen Service. Board of Management (3 issues)", "Report for the period ... / Commonwealth Department of Education (1 issues)", "Report for the period ... / Department of Community Services and Health (1 issues)", "Report for the period ... / Department of Defence, Australian Military Court (5 issues)", "Report for the period ... / Department of Defence, Australian Military Court (2 issues)", "Report for the period ... / National Oceans Office (4 issues)", "Report for the period ... / the Northern Territory (2 issues)", "Report for the period ... / the Northern Territory (1 issues)", "Report for the period / Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority (2 issues)", "Report for the period / Queensland Fisheries Joint Authority (11 issues)", "Report for the period ended 30th June ... / Commonwealth Government Small Arms Factory (4 issues)", "Report for the year (Australian Institute of Marine Science) (9 issues)", "Report for the year ... / Australian Housing Corporation (2 issues)", "Report for the year ... / Defence Service Homes Corporation (3 issues)", "Report for the year ... / Military Board (2 issues)", "Report for the year ended 30 June / Aboriginal Land Commissioner (36 issues)", "Report for the year ended 30 June / Stevedoring Industry Finance Committee (1 issues)", "Report for the year ended 30th June ... / Harness, Saddlery and Leather Accoutrements Factory (3 issues)", "Report for the year ended 31 December / New South Wales Rifle Association (1 issues)", "Report for year ended 30th June ... / Commonwealth Government Clothing Factory (3 issues)", "Report from the Joint Library Committee / House of Representatives (12 issues)", "Report made to the ... yearly general meeting of the Van Diemen's Land Company : held at the Company's Office, in Broad Street (9 issues)", "Report of Administrator (10 issues)", "Report of Australian Delegation : International Labour Conference, fifty-eighth session, 1973 (1 issues)", "Report of Commonwealth of Australia Branch delegation on (1) The conference, (2) The meetings of the general cuncil, (3) The general meeting of the association, (4) The visit to New Zealand (1 issues)", "Report of Council / Canberra College of Advanced Education (21 issues)", "Report of activities / Department of the Media (2 issues)", "Report of activities for the period ... / Department of Aboriginal Affairs (1 issues)", "Report of activities for the year ended 31st December / Australian Canned Fruit Sales Promotion Committee (4 issues)", "Report of operations / SBS (3 issues)", "Report of proceedings / Intercolonial Trades' Union Congress (1 issues)", "Report of proceedings of first general conference of the grand lodges of Australasia, held in the Protestant Hall, Castlereagh St., Sydney New South Wales, on the 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st March 1882 / Loyal Orange Institution of Australasia (1 issues)", "Report of proceedings of the Special Commonwealth Conference / the Australian Labor Party (1 issues)", "Report of proceedings of the second Convention of Australasian Advertising Men held at Sydney August 29th, 30th, 31st, September 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 1920 (1 issues)", "Report of the ... / New South Wales Aborigines Protection Association (1 issues)", "Report of the ... Annual Conference (1 issues)", "Report of the ... annual meeting of the Church Society of the Diocese of Goulburn together with the report of the Committee, their financial account, a list of subscribers etc (1 issues)", "Report of the ... annual meeting of the Maitland Benevolent Society .. (16 issues)", "Report of the ... session / National Health and Medical Research Council (1 issues)", "Report of the Aboriginal Mission Station, Ramahyuck (1 issues)", "Report of the Aborigines Welfare Board for the year ended .. (3 issues)", "Report of the Acting Administrator (1 issues)", "Report of the Acting Administrator (1 issues)", "Report of the Acting Administrator (2 issues)", "Report of the Administrator (10 issues)", "Report of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of New South Wales (3 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General accompanied by the Treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditure for year.. (16 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General on efficiency audits (5 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General upon audits, examinations and inspections under the Audit and other Acts (2 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General upon audits, examinations and inspections under the Audit and other acts (9 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General upon the financial statements prepared by the Minister for Finance and upon other accounts (5 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General upon the financial statements prepared by the Minister for Finance for the year ended 30 June .. (2 issues)", "Report of the Auditor-General upon the statement of receipts & expenditure presented by the Minister for Finance and upon other accounts (1 issues)", "Report of the Australasian White Cross League (1 issues)", "Report of the Australian Delegation (35 issues)", "Report of the Australian Delegation (6 issues)", "Report of the Australian Delegation : United Nations General Assembly, thirty-sixth session, 1981 (1 issues)", "Report of the Australian Delegation to the Thirteenth South Pacific Conference, Guam, 11-20 September 1973 (1 issues)", "Report of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies for the period .. (2 issues)", "Report of the Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation : for the period ... .. (8 issues)", "Report of the Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Selection Committee (4 issues)", "Report of the Australian Universities Commission (7 issues)", "Report of the Australian delegate (21 issues)", "Report of the Australian delegate (2 issues)", "Report of the Australian delegate (1 issues)", "Report of the Australian delegation to the ... conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (34 issues)", "Report of the Board (12 issues)", "Report of the Board for the Protection of the Aborigines (7 issues)", "Report of the Board for the Protection of the Aborigines in the Colony of Victoria (5 issues)", "Report of the Central Wool Committee relating to the wool season .. (3 issues)", "Report of the Commissioner of Taxation (4 issues)", "Report of the Commissioner of Taxation (40 issues)", "Report of the Commissioner of Taxation (12 issues)", "Report of the Committee of Enquiry (1 issues)", "Report of the Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Advanced Education (2 issues)", "Report of the Commonwealth of Australia Branch delegation on ... / Commonwealth of Australia Branch, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2 issues)", "Report of the Conference on the operation of dominion legislation and merchant shipping legislation, 1929 : together with report of Sir Wm Harrison Moore, member of conference appointed by His Majesty's government in the Commonwealth of Australia (1 issues)", "Report of the Cottage Home for Destitute Children, Newtown (2 issues)", "Report of the Council (2 issues)", "Report of the Council (27 issues)", "Report of the Council (6 issues)", "Report of the Council (9 issues)", "Report of the Council of Education upon the condition of the public schools (8 issues)", "Report of the Council of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies for the year ended 30 June .. (17 issues)", "Report of the Council of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies for the year ended 30 June (9 issues)", "Report of the Decimal Currency Board (6 issues)", "Report of the Department of External Affairs for the year ended .. (3 issues)", "Report of the Director of Defence Service Homes of operations in relation to insurance (1 issues)", "Report of the Director of Defence Service Homes of operations other than insurance and financial statements (2 issues)", "Report of the Director of War Service Homes (8 issues)", "Report of the Director of War Service Homes (3 issues)", "Report of the Director of War Service Homes (5 issues)", "Report of the Director-General of Social Services / Department of Social Services (31 issues)", "Report of the Directors of the English and Australian Copper Company presented at the ... general meeting of the proprietors (1 issues)", "Report of the Federal Health Council of Australia (1 issues)", "Report of the Government Resident (2 issues)", "Report of the Hobart Town Branch Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and for the Propagation of the Gospel (1 issues)", "Report of the Inspector-General of the Australian Military Forces / Sir H.G. Chauvel (10 issues)", "Report of the Inter-State Conference of Engineers representing the states of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, in respect of the River Murray and its tributaries (1 issues)", "Report of the Minister for Social Welfare on the working of the Aborigines Act, 1969 (2 issues)", "Report of the Minister of Education with appendices (1 issues)", "Report of the Minister of Public Instruction upon the condition of public schools established and maintained under the Public Instruction Act of 1880 (4 issues)", "Report of the Munitions Supply Board (12 issues)", "Report of the New South Wales Auxiliary Bible Society (1 issues)", "Report of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Native Title (2 issues)", "Report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Broadcasting (17 issues)", "Report of the Poultry Research Advisory Committee covering the period from .. (6 issues)", "Report of the Repatriation Commission for the year ending 30th June .. (2 issues)", "Report of the Repatriation Commission... / Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. Australian Soldiers' Repatriation Act (41 issues)", "Report of the Royal Australian Naval College for.. (6 issues)", "Report of the Secretary for the year ... / Department of Industrial and Reformatory Schools (1 issues)", "Report of the Senate Select Committee on Superannuation / Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (28 issues)", "Report of the Sustentation and Home Mission Society ; of the Methodist Church of Australasia in New South Wales (1 issues)", "Report of the Technical and Further Education Commission (1 issues)", "Report of the Van Diemen's Land Colonial Missionary and Christian Instruction Society : in connexion with the Van Diemen's Land Congregational Union (1 issues)", "Report of the War Pensions Entitlement Appeal Tribunal for year ended .. (5 issues)", "Report of the War Service Homes Commission ... / Australia, War Service Homes Commission (17 issues)", "Report of the Western Australian Association (1 issues)", "Report of the activities carried out under the National Fitness Act 1941 for the year .. (1 issues)", "Report of the committee of the Burrangong District Hospital for the year ... : submitted at the ... annual meeting of subscribers ... .. (1 issues)", "Report of the council and financial statement / Australian Institute of Marine Science (2 issues)", "Report of the director of the Philippine Weather Bureau / Dept. of the Interior, Philippine Weather Bureau (1 issues)", "Report of the director-general (2 issues)", "Report of the directors / London Chartered Bank of Australia (1 issues)", "Report of the first session of the preparatory committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment (1 issues)", "Report of the minutes of the proceedings of the Conference for the Establishment of a High Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters, in the colony of Victoria, held at the British Queen Hotel, Bridge Street, Ballarat on Wednesday and Thursday, 11th and 12th May, 1864 (1 issues)", "Report of the operations of the Committee / Legal Aid Committee of the Australian Capital Territory (4 issues)", "Report of the proceedings at a meeting of the bishops, clergy and laity of the Province of Sydney, New South Wales, on Tuesday, October 29th, 1850 : convened for the purpose of establishing an Australasian Board of Missions (1 issues)", "Report of the proceedings of the Conference on Infant and Child Welfare, held in the King's Hall, Hunter Street, Sydney, on the 23rd and 24th May, 1917 (1 issues)", "Report of the proceedings of the Inter-State Conference on the Murray River Waters held at Melbourne, January, 1911 (1 issues)", "Report of the proceedings of the third assembly held at Sydney, 24th April to 1st May, 1907, together with the address on \"The permanent elements in the Christian faith\" by the President, Rev. A. Gosman, D. D (1 issues)", "Report of the resolutions, proceedings and debates of the Inter-State Conference held at Melbourne, March-April, 1914 : together with appendices (1 issues)", "Report of the resolutions, proceedings and debates of the Premiers' Conference held at Melbourne, May 1920 : together with appendices (1 issues)", "Report of the resolutions, proceedings and debates of the Premiers' Conference held at Sydney, May 1918 : together with appendices (1 issues)", "Report of the resolutions, proceedings, and debates of the Conference of Commonwealth and State Ministers held at Melbourne 22nd-27th January, 1919 (1 issues)", "Report of the resolutions, proceedings, and debates of the Conference of Commonwealth and State Taxation Officers held at Melbourne, [13th to 30th] March 1917 (1 issues)", "Report on Commonwealth Railways operations for the year ended 30th June .. (19 issues)", "Report on GST revenue sharing relativities : ... update / Commonwealth Grants Commission (2 issues)", "Report on Marine Sciences and Technologies Grants for ... : grants approved and fellowships awarded / Marine Research Allocations Advisory Committee (2 issues)", "Report on activities (1 issues)", "Report on activities ... / Film Censorship Board (8 issues)", "Report on activities for period ... / Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (1 issues)", "Report on advanced education / Australian Commission on Advanced Education (2 issues)", "Report on audits / The Auditor-General (6 issues)", "Report on financial assistance for local government / Local Government Grants Commission, Queensland (1 issues)", "Report on general revenue grant relativities / Commonwealth Grants Commission (19 issues)", "Report on operations ... including Rural Adjustment Scheme report ... / Rural Adjustment Scheme Advisory Council (1 issues)", "Report on operations for the year ended 30 June ... / Defence Service Homes Corporation (3 issues)", "Report on proposals for variations of the plan of the layout of the city of Canberra and its environs / Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Joint Committee on the Australian Capital Territory (56 issues)", "Report on proposals for variations to the plan of layout of the city of Canberra and its environs (8 issues)", "Report on special assistance for states / Grants Commission (2 issues)", "Report on special assistance for the Northern Territory / Commonwealth Grants Commission (5 issues)", "Report on state rifle associations, district rifle club unions and rifle clubs for year ended 30th June, .. (2 issues)", "Report on the Brisbane Botanic Garden (2 issues)", "Report on the Commonwealth Public Service / issued by the Commissioner (18 issues)", "Report on the Commonwealth public service by the Board of Commissioners / Public Service Board of Commissioners (25 issues)", "Report on the Public Service of the Commonwealth by the Public Service Board / Public Service Board (10 issues)", "Report on the Royal Military College of Australia .. (21 issues)", "Report on the Sanitary [Sanatory] Station for the year... / Victoria. Chief Medical Officer (25 issues)", "Report on the administration of Central Australia (2 issues)", "Report on the administration of Nauru ... / prepared by the Administrator for submission to the League of Nations (6 issues)", "Report on the administration of North Australia (3 issues)", "Report on the administration of North Australia (3 issues)", "Report on the administration of the Northern Territory ... and on the administration of the Territory of North Australia (1 issues)", "Report on the administration of the Northern Territory / Northern Territory Administration (15 issues)", "Report on the administration of the Northern Territory / Northern Territory Administration (15 issues)", "Report on the application of financial assistance granted to non-government schools in respect of ... : States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1988 : pursuant to Section 51 of the States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1988 / Department of Employment, Education and Training (2 issues)", "Report on the applications made in ... by the States of South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania, for financial assistance from the Commonwealth under Section 96 of the Constitution / Commonwealth Grants Commission (13 issues)", "Report on the financial statements prepared by the Minister for Finance for the year ended ... / the Auditor-General (3 issues)", "Report on the general administration and operation of the Papua New Guinea Superannuation Scheme and the Contract Officers Retirement Benefits Scheme for the year ended 30 June (2 issues)", "Report on the operation of part 2 of the Primary Industry Bank Act 1977 / Department of the Treasury (9 issues)", "Report on the operation of the Student Assistance Act / prepared by ... Minister for Employment and Education Services, for presentation to Parliament in pursuance of Section 35 of the Act (8 issues)", "Report on the operation of the Student Assistance Act in .. (10 issues)", "Report on the operation of the Student Assistance Act in .. (3 issues)", "Report on the operation of the War Crimes Act 1945 to June (22 issues)", "Report on the operation of the Witness Protection Act 1994 to June .. (7 issues)", "Report on the operations of the Committee for ... / House of Representatives Committee of Members' Interests (21 issues)", "Report on the operations of the Commonwealth Railways / Australian National Railways Commission (1 issues)", "Report on the state of the automotive industry (8 issues)", "Report on the work of the League (1 issues)", "Report to shareholders / St. James Properties Ltd (1 issues)", "Report to the Attorney-General / Special Prosecutor's Office (5 issues)", "Report to the Attorney-General under section 135R, Copyright Act 1968 : report of operations for the year ending 30 June ... .. (2 issues)", "Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the administration of Nauru during the year... / Commonwealth of Australia (16 issues)", "Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea (10 issues)", "Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea (9 issues)", "Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the administration of the Territory of Nauru / The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (18 issues)", "Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea (4 issues)", "Report to the General Assembly of the United Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea (17 issues)", "Report to the League of Nations on the administration of the Territory of New Guinea (5 issues)", "Report to the Minister for Education / Curriculum Development Council (3 issues)", "Report to the Minister for Justice / Administrative Review Council (5 issues)", "Report to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia / Advance Australia Foundation (3 issues)", "Report to the Prime Minister / by the National Radiation Advisory Committee (1 issues)", "Report to the Treasurer on the administration of part III Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948-1973 (2 issues)", "Report upon the operations of the sub-departments of Aboriginals, Prisons, Government Relief, Diamantina Hospital for Chronic Diseases (South Brisbane), Jubilee Sanatorium for Consumptives (Dalby), Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, and Institution for Inebriates (10 issues)", "Report. The Australian National University (1 issues)", "Reports and financial statements for the year ending ... / the Scots' Church, Melbourne (12 issues)", "Reports by Australian delegates / International Labour Organization of the League of Nations, Conference (22 issues)", "Reports of Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Sugar Research Council, and Sugar Research and Development Corporation Selection Committee (1 issues)", "Reports of the Australian Government and employers' delegates / International Labour Organization of the League of Nations, Conference (1 issues)", "Reports of the Australian Government and employers' delegates / International Labour Organization of the League of Nations, Conference (1 issues)", "Reports of the Australian Government and workers' delegates / International Labour Organization, Conference (1 issues)", "Reports on budget estimates / Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees (3 issues)", "Reports on the consideration of bills ... / Senate Select Committee on Superannuation (1 issues)", "Reports on the consideration of bills / Senate Legislation Committees, Australian Senate (24 issues)", "Reports on the consideration of bills / Senate Legislative and General Purpose Committees, Australian Senate (18 issues)", "Reports on the consideration of bills by Senate Legislation Committees (4 issues)", "Reports on the consideration of bills by Senate Legislation Committees (54 issues)", "Reports to the Senate on departmental additional estimates / Senate Estimates Committees A, B, C, D, ... .. (23 issues)", "Reports to the Senate on departmental estimates (25 issues)", "Reports to the Senate on departmental estimates ... / by Senate Legislation Committees (6 issues)", "Reports to the Senate on departmental estimates ... / by Senate Legislation Committees (6 issues)", "Reports to the Senate on departmental estimates ... / by Senate Legislation Committees (6 issues)", "Representation Act - Certificate of Chief Australian Electoral Officer of number of people of Commonwealth and the several States as at .. (1 issues)", "Representation Act - Determination by Chief Australian Electoral Officer of number of Members of House of Representatives to be chosen in the several States as at .. (1 issues)", "Research report / Australian National University (2 issues)", "Resolutions, proceedings, and documents of the Victorian Convention, assembled in Melbourne, July 15 to August 6, 1857 (1 issues)", "Results of meteorological observations made in New South Wales during .. (12 issues)", "Reunion in Australia, Lambeth Appeal : report of Re-union Conference, held at Cronulla, N.S.W. Australia, May 1-3, 1923 (1 issues)", "Reveille (Sydney, N.S.W. : Online) (5 issues)", "Review .... / Department of Employment, Education and Training (1 issues)", "Review / annual report of the Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (3 issues)", "Review of activities / Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (12 issues)", "Review of activities / Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (2 issues)", "Review of activities / Department of Tourism and Recreation (2 issues)", "Review of administration and expenditure : Australian intelligence organisations / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (6 issues)", "Review of operations / Australian Land Transport Development Program (3 issues)", "Revue australienne : journal des interets francais en Australie, Nouvelle Caledonie, Nouvelle Zelande, Fiji, Tahiti, Polynesie (1 issues)", "Revue francaise d'histoire du livre (1 issues)", "Rising sun (In the field, France) (19 issues)", "Road research technical paper (1 issues)", "Robinson's almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year of our Lord .. (1 issues)", "Rock (Hong Kong, China) (22 issues)", "Royal Australian Air Force (1 issues)", "Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody : implementation of the recommendations / prepared by the Northern Territory Office of Aboriginal Development (1 issues)", "Royal South Australian almanack and general directory for ... (1845) (1 issues)", "Royal South Australian almanack and general directory for ... (1845) (11 issues)", "Royal visit by... (19 issues)", "Rugby League news (Sydney, N.S.W.) (1568 issues)", "Rural magazine (Melbourne, Vic.) (1 issues)", "Russia and us : official journal of the N.S.W. Aid Russia Committee (1 issues)", "Russkii v Avstralii = The Russian in Australia (1 issues)", "S. Mullen's Victorian almanac for ... : and astronomical ephemeris, containing all the necessary information, reduced to the meridan and latitude of Melbourne (2 issues)", "SGSEG newsletter / Geological Society of Australia (1 issues)", "Salon (Sydney, N.S.W.) (46 issues)", "Salt (Melbourne, Vic.) (1 issues)", "San nian lai zhong da yi nian ji ying yu cheng ji zhi bi jiao yan jiu / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "Sands & McDougall's annual register and almanac ... ... : containing general Victorian information ... statistics, &c, of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand (1 issues)", "Sapsford's Australasian almanac for land and sea (1 issues)", "Sapsford's Queensland almanac and gazetteer (2 issues)", "Saxon sentinal : a weekly journal and souvenir of the voyage of H.M.T. Saxon - homeward bound December 1918-January 1919 (1 issues)", "Science and Industry Endowment Fund balance sheet / Auditor-General (17 issues)", "Science and technology budget statement (3 issues)", "Science and technology statement (Canberra, A.C.T.) (6 issues)", "Science and technology statement (Canberra, A.C.T.) (1 issues)", "Science of man and journal of the Royal Anthropological Society of Australasia (149 issues)", "Science statement (Canberra, A.C.T.) (1 issues)", "Scotland's smt magazine (1 issues)", "Season...catalogue of fruit trees, rose plants, ornamental trees etc. / L. P. Rosen & Son (1 issues)", "Second Brigade monthly notes (11 issues)", "Second Commonwealth Conference on Delegated Legislation (3 issues)", "Second Southern magazine (1 issues)", "Self- regulation for broadcasters : a report on the public inquiry into the concept of self- regulation for Australian Broadcasters / Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (1 issues)", "Senate Legislation Committees reports on budget estimates / Senate Legislative Committees (4 issues)", "Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees reports on additional estimates (2 issues)", "Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees reports on additional estimates (1 issues)", "Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees reports on additional estimates (3 issues)", "Senate Select Committee on Superannuation and Financial Services, reports on the consideration of bills / The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (3 issues)", "Service and business outlook ... / Australian Postal Commission (5 issues)", "Service and business outlook for ... / Australian Postal Commission (6 issues)", "Service and business outlook for ... / Australian Telecommunications Commission (13 issues)", "Service and business review and outlook / Australian Postal Commission (2 issues)", "Service publication (Australian Quarantine Service) (1 issues)", "Shale Oil Bounty Act : return showing bounty paid during year .. (5 issues)", "Ship Construction Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (5 issues)", "Short account of church work, Diocese of Newcastle, ... : with subscription lists to church funds, abstract of accounts, and statistical tables (1 issues)", "Shou de dong zuo zhi yan jiu / Xiao Xiaorong (1 issues)", "Shropshire tatler / supervised by the Y.M.C.A (1 issues)", "Si-eda : annals of the men of Anzac (2 issues)", "Silver Starr super comic / Stanley Pitt (1 issues)", "Simmonds's colonial magazine and foreign miscellany (72 issues)", "Sitrep (Sydney, N.S.W.) (12 issues)", "Sixth Conference of Presiding Officers and Clerks of the Parliaments of Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Nauru, Papua-New Guinea and Western Samoa, 18-20 June, 1974, Darwin, N.T (1 issues)", "Slater's Queensland almanac for.. (1 issues)", "Slater's Queensland almanac, directory and gazetteer for .. (1 issues)", "Slater's almanac with diary (4 issues)", "Slater's sixpenny diary and almanac (4 issues)", "Snowy Baker's magazine (2 issues)", "Social justice for indigenous Australians ... / circulated by ... Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Minister assisting the Prime Minister for Aboriginal Reconciliation (4 issues)", "Social justice strategy (1 issues)", "South Australian Odd Fellows' magazine (1 issues)", "South Australian almanack and general directory for .. (3 issues)", "South-eastern star almanac and directory (5 issues)", "Southerly : the magazine of the Australian English Association, Sydney (4 issues)", "Southern Cross log (Australasian ed.) (1 issues)", "Special report (Commonwealth Experimental Building Station (Australia)) (1 issues)", "Special report ... on financial assistance for local government / Commonwealth Grants Commission (2 issues)", "Special report ... on financial assistance for local government / Grants Commission (1 issues)", "Sporting times (Sydney, N.S.W. : 1848 : Online) (7 issues)", "Spray : the aquatic monthly (1 issues)", "Spring exhibition : catalogue / Art Society of New South Wales (1 issues)", "Staff clarion / Associated Deposits Assurance Society Ltd (35 issues)", "Stanley Gibbons priced catalogue of war stamps (5 issues)", "Star directory of the south-east (3 issues)", "Star of England times (2 issues)", "Starboard light (1 issues)", "State of New South Wales statistical returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of Queensland statistical returns : showing the voting within each subdivision ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (29 issues)", "State of Queensland statistical returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of South Australia statistical returns : showing the voting within each subdivision ... in relation to the Senate election ...and the general election for the House of Representatives..... (29 issues)", "State of South Australia statistical returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of Tasmania statisitcal returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of Tasmania statistical returns : showing the voting within each subdivision ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (30 issues)", "State of Victoria statistical returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of Western Australia statistical returns : showing the voting within each subdivision ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (30 issues)", "State of Western Australia statistical returns showing the voting within each subdivision in relation to the submission to the electors of proposed laws for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled ... / Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "State of the nation (Canberra, A.C.T.) (4 issues)", "Statement of financial assistance granted to each State during the ... financial year ... : annual report / Schools Commission (6 issues)", "Statement of receipts and expenditure of the Australian Capital Territory for year .. (2 issues)", "Statement showing business transacted and details of receipts and expenditure in respect of post offices in the Commonwealth, year .. (3 issues)", "States Grants (Advanced Education) Act 1969-70 : statement by Minister [for Education and Science] for approvals given ...under section 6 of the Act for Commonwealth grants in respect of library materials (2 issues)", "States Grants (Dwellings for Aged Pensioners) Act 1969 (1 issues)", "States Grants (Dwellings for Aged Pensioners) Act 1969 (4 issues)", "States Grants (Dwellings for Pensioners) Act (1 issues)", "States Grants (Dwellings for Pensioners) Act 1974 ... .. (3 issues)", "States Grants (Independent Schools) Act 1969. Department of Education and Science (2 issues)", "States Grants (Pre-School Teachers Colleges) Act 1968 (3 issues)", "States Grants (Pre-School Teachers Colleges) Act 1968-1971. Department of Education and Science (3 issues)", "States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Act ... : financial assistance granted to each state in respect of ... / Department of Employment, Education and Training (12 issues)", "States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act ... report on financial assistance granted to each state / Commonwealth Schools Commission (16 issues)", "States Grants (Schools) Act ... : government grants for capital expenditure in government and non-government schools : annual statement ... payments (4 issues)", "States Grants (Science Laboratories) Act 1968. presented to the Parliament by the Minister for Education and Science (1 issues)", "States Grants (Science Laboratories) Act 1971 : Statement of schools assisted by grants / presented to the Parliament by the Minister for Education and Science (1 issues)", "States Grants (Science Laboratories) Act 1971. Presented to the Parliament by the Minister for Education ... .. (1 issues)", "States Grants (Secondary Schools Libraries) Act 1968 (3 issues)", "States Grants (Secondary Schools Libraries) Act 1971 (6 issues)", "States Grants (Teachers Colleges) Act 1967 (4 issues)", "States Grants (Teachers Colleges) Act 1970. Statement by the Minister for Education (1 issues)", "States Grants (Teachers Colleges) Acts 1967 & 1970. Statement by ... Minister for Education and Science (1 issues)", "States Grants (Technical Training) Act 1971-1973 (1 issues)", "States Grants (Technical Training) Act 1971. Statement by the ... Minister for Education and Science (1 issues)", "States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Act 1984 / report detailing determinations made by the Minister for Education and the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission in ... in respect of the ... triennium (2 issues)", "States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Act 1984 : report detailing determinations made under the States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Act 1984 in respect of the ... triennium (1 issues)", "States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Act 1987 : report setting out details of determinations made under the States Grants (Tertiary Education Assistance) Act 1987 in respect of ... .. (1 issues)", "Statistical conference (British empire) : report and resolutions accompanied by Explanatory memorandum and observations by the Commonwealth Statistician ... ... .. (1 issues)", "Statistical returns (Elections) (29 issues)", "Statistical returns (Elections) (12 issues)", "Statistical returns : in relation to the Senate elections ... and the House of Representatives elections ... for the several States and Territories (7 issues)", "Statistical returns : in relation to the submission to the electors of a proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution, entitled Constitution alteration (Legislative powers) 1910; and of a proposed law for the alteration of the constitution, entitled constitution alteration (Monopolies) 1910 / prepared by the Chief Electoral Office for the Commonwealth (1 issues)", "Statistics : relating to the Senate election, ... the general election, House of Representatives ... and the submission to the electors of a proposed law for the alteration of the constitution ... .. (2 issues)", "Statistics of schools in New South Wales / Legislative Assembly (1 issues)", "Statutory authorities of the commonwealth / Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Government Operations (6 issues)", "Statutory oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (18 issues)", "Stead's review / edited by Henry Stead (13 issues)", "Stead's review of reviews / edited by Henry Stead (13 issues)", "Steele Rudd's magazine (1904) (1 issues)", "Stephen's Victorian almanac for .. (1 issues)", "Stream (Melbourne, Vic.) (3 issues)", "Strewth : a journal devoted to truth and wisdom (2 issues)", "Sulphate of Ammonia Bounty Act - Return for year .. (5 issues)", "Sulphuric Acid Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (6 issues)", "Summary of activities for the period ended 31st March ... / Dept. of Information (1 issues)", "Summary report of proceedings (1 issues)", "Summary report of proceedings of the second Australasian Parliamentary Seminar, Perth - Adelaide - Canberra, October, 1974 (1 issues)", "Supplement to catalogue / Launceston Mechanics' Institute (5 issues)", "Supplementary estimates of expenditure for additions, new works and buildings .. (42 issues)", "Supplementary estimates of expenditure for additions, new works and other services involving capital expenditure (1 issues)", "Supplementary estimates of expenditure for the year ending 30th June.. (45 issues)", "Supplementary financial statements of the Department of Finance for the year ended 30 June .. (1 issues)", "Supplementary report of the Auditor-General upon other accounts (27 issues)", "Survey sentinal / 2/1 Aust. Army Topo. Survey Coy (1 issues)", "Sydney telephone directory (44 issues)", "Sydney telephone directory : pink pages (1 issues)", "Symposium on Statutory Interpretation, February 1983 / Attorney-General's Department (1 issues)", "Talaiqu : a ga na pepe ai ra Qunantuna (1 issues)", "Taxation statistics (Canberra, A.C.T.) (36 issues)", "Tegg's New South Wales pocket almanac and remembrancer (9 issues)", "Tegg's monthly magazine (5 issues)", "Telecommunications (Interception) Act, 1979, report in compliance with Division 2 of Part IX / Attorney-General's Department (2 issues)", "Telecommunications competitive safeguards / Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (2 issues)", "Telecommunications performance report / Australian Communications Authority (1 issues)", "Telstra's compliance with price control arrangements (7 issues)", "Territory of Christmas Island. Report / Commonwealth of Australia (16 issues)", "Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands : report (3 issues)", "Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands : report for the period..... (1 issues)", "Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands. : Annual report (8 issues)", "Territory of Papua : annual report for the period ... .. (4 issues)", "Territory of Papua : annual report for the period ... .. (13 issues)", "Territory of Papua : annual report for the year (18 issues)", "The \"Garonne\" journal (1 issues)", "The \"Tingira\" (2 issues)", "The ... report and recommendations of the council for the period ending ... / National Advisory Council for the Handicapped (2 issues)", "The 23rd : the voice of the battalion (30 issues)", "The 7th F.A.B. yandoo (22 issues)", "The A 49 gazette (1 issues)", "The Ad-Club-mag (3 issues)", "The Adelaide almanac and directory for South Australia : together with official, ecclesiastical, legal, banking and mercantile directory / by Josiah Boothby, Esq (11 issues)", "The Adelaide almanack town and country directory, and guide to South Australia ... / by Josiah Boothby, Esq. (Government statist) (7 issues)", "The Almanac of Australia and official record (1 issues)", "The Antarctic Division / Department of Science (1 issues)", "The Antipodean (1 issues)", "The Anzac records gazette / produced by the New Zealand and Australian sections of the 3rd Echelon, M.E.F (4 issues)", "The Ascanian (1 issues)", "The Athenian Lyre (1 issues)", "The Athenian mercury : resolving weekly all the most nice and curious questions propos'd by the ingenious (1 issues)", "The Atlas : Sydney weekly journal of politics, commerce and literature (1 issues)", "The Austral chronicle : a bi-weekly journal (8 issues)", "The Australasian meteorological almanac for ... / Compiled by J. Harcourt Giddons (1 issues)", "The Australasian naval & military annual : with which is incorporated 'The Call', the Journal of the Australian National Defence League, N.S.W. Division (2 issues)", "The Australasian news (3 issues)", "The Australasian pastoralists' review : a monthly journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and landed interests throughout Australasia (80 issues)", "The Australasian weather forecaster and almanac for land and sea : containing reliable forecasts for ... / by J. Harcourt Giddons (3 issues)", "The Australian Church (1 issues)", "The Australian Lutheran almanac for the year . (45 issues)", "The Australian Presbyterian calendar and educational register of Victoria (11 issues)", "The Australian Research Council awards ... : grants and fellowships awarded in ... .. (3 issues)", "The Australian Templar annual and directory (2 issues)", "The Australian almanac for ... : containing a vast amount of useful information for everybody (5 issues)", "The Australian and New Zealand monthly magazine (6 issues)", "The Australian assistance plan : discussion paper / prepared by the Interim Committee of the Social Welfare Commission (2 issues)", "The Australian at Weymouth (13 issues)", "The Australian bee bulletin (1 issues)", "The Australian diary and almanack, or, Daily memorandum book, for the year .. (7 issues)", "The Australian handbook & almanac (2 issues)", "The Australian handbook (incorporating New Zealand, Fiji, and New Guinea) and shippers' and importers' directory (25 issues)", "The Australian handbook and almanac and shippers' and importers' directory (8 issues)", "The Australian home builder (27 issues)", "The Australian journal of philately (1 issues)", "The Australian magazine, or, Compendium of religious, literary, and miscellaneous intelligence (12 issues)", "The Australian mercury : national literary magazine / edited by P.R. Stephensen (1 issues)", "The Australian nautical almanac and coasters' guide : for the Southern and the Eastern coasts of New Holland / compiled by I. Wellbank (3 issues)", "The Australian quarterly journal of theology, literature & science (4 issues)", "The Australian temperance magazine (40 issues)", "The Australian weather and medical almanac for ... : containing a vast amount of useful information for everybody (1 issues)", "The Australian woman's mirror (1561 issues)", "The Blossom (1 issues)", "The Blue Mountain guide : a complete guide to the Blue Mountain sights (1 issues)", "The Blue light weekly magazine (1 issues)", "The Boomerag / H.M.A.T. Ulysses (1 issues)", "The Borda news (1 issues)", "The Border watch almanac for.. (9 issues)", "The Brisbane : R.A.N (4 issues)", "The Bulletin with newsweek (25 issues)", "The Cacolet : journal of the Australian Camel Field Ambulance (2 issues)", "The Centennial magazine (27 issues)", "The Christian book almanac (9 issues)", "The Chronicle of the London Missionary Society : a record of its proceedings at home and abroad (2 issues)", "The Church almanac of Victoria, and Presbyterian calendar of Australasia, with educational register of Victoria for ... (3 issues)", "The Clarence, New England, Macleay, and Gwydir almanac and gazeteer for the year ... : with a complete directory of all information in connection with the Northern Districts of New South Wales, as included in the electorates of The Clarence, New England, Hastings, Tenterfield, Gwydir, and Gold Fields North (1 issues)", "The Clayfield collegian (15 issues)", "The Colonial and Asiatic review (14 issues)", "The Colonial forest service list (2 issues)", "The Colonial magazine and East India review (45 issues)", "The Colonial magazine and commercial-maritime journal / edited by Robert Montgomery Martin (41 issues)", "The Commonwealth jeweller & watchmaker (1 issues)", "The Commonwealth public account : (including Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill ... , Appropriation Bill No. 1 ... , Appropriation Bill No. 2 ... / circulated by ... Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia for the information of honourable members on the occasion of the budget (12 issues)", "The Commonwealth weather forecaster and almanac for land and sea : containing reliable forecasts for ... / by J. Harcourt Giddons (15 issues)", "The Con camp chronicle (1 issues)", "The Digger on the deep (1 issues)", "The Diggers' gazette : official organ of the Returned Sailors' and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia (South Australian Branch) (1 issues)", "The Dinkum Australian (2 issues)", "The Dominions Office and Colonial Office list for .. (1 issues)", "The Draft Bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia : as adopted by the Convention of 1891 / edited by G.B. Barton (1 issues)", "The Earl Dalhousie gazette, and New South Wales intelligencer (1 issues)", "The Emu : official organ of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union (1 issues)", "The Fijian weekly news, and planters' journal (12 issues)", "The Fourth : the magazine of the 4th London General Hospital (1 issues)", "The Freiburg review (3 issues)", "The Gull : a weekly newspaper published on board the 'Otago' during a four months' voyage from Glasgow to Brisbane : Also containing a complete and truthful statement of the privations and negligences experienced by the emigrants on the voyage, likewise a description of the treatment shown towards the immigrants on the voyage likewise a description of the treatment shown towards the immigrants in the depot on their arrival here, and of the manner in which government inquiries are conducted (1 issues)", "The Hamilton spectator directory and almanac (5 issues)", "The Heart of the rose : a quarterly magazine (4 issues)", "The Herald Western Australian almanack and commercial directory (3 issues)", "The Hobart Town almanack and Van Diemen's Land annual (1 issues)", "The Hobart Town almanack for the year .. (4 issues)", "The Horsforth and district almanack for .. (1 issues)", "The Illustrated Sydney news New South Wales weather almanac (10 issues)", "The Illustrated temperance year book and societies' register and directory for ... .. (1 issues)", "The Jackass : the First Australian General Hospital monthly (2 issues)", "The Juvenile missionary magazine (34 issues)", "The Karoolian : the unofficial log of no. 1, A.H.S. Karoola (1 issues)", "The Kia-ora coo-ee : official magazine of the Australian and New Zealand forces in Egypt, Palestine, Salonica & Mesopotamia (10 issues)", "The Kilburn Speedway star (19 issues)", "The Kookaburra : First Divisional Base Depot, Tel-el-Kebir (1 issues)", "The Leicestershire lyre (1 issues)", "The Literary news : a review and magazine of fact and fiction; the arts, sciences and belles lettres (26 issues)", "The Log of the lunatic ship (1 issues)", "The London aphrodite / edited by Jack Lindsay and P. R. Stephensen (6 issues)", "The Lone hand (166 issues)", "The Magical news (2 issues)", "The Masseydonian stretcher : the official monthly journal of the No. 1 New Zealand Stationary Hospital (1 issues)", "The Melbourne Church of England messenger (1 issues)", "The Melbourne monthly magazine of original colonial literature (9 issues)", "The Militant (11 issues)", "The Mope-hawk : a monthly magazine of general literature (9 issues)", "The N.S.W. Red Cross record / The Australian Red Cross Society, N.S.W. Division (59 issues)", "The Names and descriptions of all male and female convicts who arrived in the Colony of New South Wales during the year .. (29 issues)", "The Native companion : an Australian monthly magazine of literature and life (4 issues)", "The New South Wales Aborigines' advocate : a monthly record of missionary work amongst the Aborigines / issued under the auspices of the N.S.W. Aborigines' Mission (80 issues)", "The New South Wales Post Office directory (15 issues)", "The New South Wales cremation, funeral and sanitary reform review (1 issues)", "The New South Wales magazine, or, Journal of general politics, literature, science, and the arts (11 issues)", "The New South Wales school magazine of literature for our boys and girls (180 issues)", "The New South Wales sporting and literary magazine, and racing calendar (1 issues)", "The New South Wales sporting magazine (3 issues)", "The New Triad (12 issues)", "The Newcastle & Maitland business directory and Hunter River District almanac for the year ... : in three parts (2 issues)", "The Newcastle business directory and Hunter River District almanac for the year .. (5 issues)", "The Newcastle city and country almanac & directory : with farm and garden calendar (12 issues)", "The No. 5 : a magazine published by the patients and staff of No. 5 Australian General Hospital, St Kilda Road, Melbourne (3 issues)", "The Oakshaw annual of N.S.W. : being a concise Vade Mecum of civic, economic, historic, and general information concerning New South Wales, for the student, the politician and the man and woman of affairs (2 issues)", "The Official directory and almanac of Australia (1 issues)", "The Official directory and year-book of Australia (1 issues)", "The Order of service for the annual festival to be held in St. Andrew's Cathedral on the Feast of Saint Andrew / Sydney Diocesan Church Choir Association (10 issues)", "The Ordinances, rules and resolutions of the Synod of the Diocese of Newcastle (1 issues)", "The Outback battler : a quarterly magazine issued in bush interests / the organ of the Bush Publishing Scheme in South Australia; the Smith of Dunesk Presbyterian Mission, Far North, S.A.; the Smith of Dunesk Deaconess-Nursing Scheme, and Receiving Ward at Oodnadatta (8 issues)", "The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. - Manufactures encouragement act: return showing bounty paid during year .. (7 issues)", "The Pastoralists' review : a journal and record of all matters affecting the pastoral and agricultural interests throughout Australasia (71 issues)", "The Peoples poetry (4 issues)", "The Philatelist (1 issues)", "The Pioneer observer : \"pro bono matlow\" (5 issues)", "The Port Denison Times almanac and directory (1 issues)", "The Port Phillip magazine (4 issues)", "The Presbyterian calendar of Australasia (5 issues)", "The Presbyterian calendar of Australasia (4 issues)", "The Presbyterian calendar of Australasia, with educational register of Victoria for ... (4 issues)", "The Queensland Lutheran (1 issues)", "The Rabaul record (28 issues)", "The Repeal : official organ of the Passive Resisters' Union (5 issues)", "The Rising sun (1 issues)", "The Romsey annual .. (1 issues)", "The Royal South Australian almanack for.. (2 issues)", "The Second Eighth (1 issues)", "The Silver stream songster (1 issues)", "The South Australian almanack and Adelaide and colonial directory for .. (2 issues)", "The South Australian almanack for .. (1 issues)", "The South Australian almanack, and general colonial directory for ... .. (2 issues)", "The South Australian magazine (17 issues)", "The South Australian temperance advocate (1 issues)", "The South-Asian register (4 issues)", "The Southern cross gazette (1 issues)", "The Spinner (24 issues)", "The Stretcher : journal of the Camel Brigade Field Ambulance (2 issues)", "The Sydney coronal / by Charles M'Donald (6 issues)", "The Sydney once a week magazine (24 issues)", "The Sydney protestant magazine (1 issues)", "The Sydney quarterly magazine (35 issues)", "The Tasmanian Royal Kalendar, colonial register, and almanack / Compiled by James Wood (1 issues)", "The Tasmanian almanack for .. (1 issues)", "The Tasmanian almanack for the year of our Lord .. (5 issues)", "The Tasmanian flock book of Shropshire sheep / Tasmanian Shropshire Sheepbreeders' Association (1 issues)", "The Tasmanian journal of natural science, agriculture, statistics, etc (22 issues)", "The Tassie times magazine / 40th Battn A.I.F (1 issues)", "The Torch and colonial book circular : including classified lists of new publications--English, American and colonial--in all departments of literature, science and art / edited by Edward Augustus Petherick (18 issues)", "The Treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditure (1 issues)", "The Twenty-Second's echo : random shots from the red and purple diamonds (1 issues)", "The United Aborigines messenger (299 issues)", "The VNPA journal : official publication of the Victorian National Parks Association (11 issues)", "The Vagabond annual (1 issues)", "The Van Diemen's Land annual and Hobart-Town almanack (1 issues)", "The Van Diemen's Land pocket almanack for the year of our Lord .. (1 issues)", "The Vestalian gazette (1 issues)", "The Victorian congregational year book and Australasian calendar (1 issues)", "The Victorian congregational year book and Australasian calendar (4 issues)", "The Victorian historical magazine (1 issues)", "The Warrnambool Standard almanac and tourists' guide to Warrnambool & district for .. (12 issues)", "The Warrnambool almanac for ... and town and district guide (1 issues)", "The Woman's leader and the common cause (2 issues)", "The Work of the committee during the ... Parliament / Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills (5 issues)", "The Year-book of Australia (6 issues)", "The Year-book of New South Wales (21 issues)", "The Zion's watchman / published by the authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in Sydney (7 issues)", "The barracker (1 issues)", "The book lover : a literary review (32 issues)", "The bulletin (5418 issues)", "The bush brother : a quarterly paper (188 issues)", "The compendium (1 issues)", "The deaf advocate : the official magazine of the New South Wales deaf (16 issues)", "The first post (1 issues)", "The kia ora coo-ee news (18 issues)", "The morning star (1 issues)", "The pitch & toss (3 issues)", "The progress of demobilisation and re-establishment : bulletin (3 issues)", "The radical reformer, or People's advocate (10 issues)", "The red & white diamond (5 issues)", "The royal kalendar and guide to Tasmania for ... / by Hugh Munro Hull (1 issues)", "The school magazine of literature for our boys and girls / Department of Education, New South Wales (1170 issues)", "The squatters' directory, road guide, and key to the squatting map of Victoria (1 issues)", "The sugar journal and tropical cultivator : circulating in Queensland, New South Wales, Fiji, Mauritius and other tropical and subtropical countries (11 issues)", "The swastika / Friends' High School (1 issues)", "The true Catholic ; or Tasmanian evangelical miscellany (6 issues)", "The varsity engineer (1 issues)", "The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal / -1943 (1069 issues)", "Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, Second Session, Caracas, Venezuela, 20 June-29 August 1974 : report of the Australian Delegation (1 issues)", "Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, resumed ninth session, Geneva, 28 July to 29 August 1980 / report of the Australian Delegation (1 issues)", "Thirteenth Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Kampala, Uganda, October-November 1967 / report of the Commonwealth of Australia branch delegation (1 issues)", "Tjakulpa (19 issues)", "Tjakulpa kuwarritja (24 issues)", "Tjakulpa kuwarritja (Papunya School) (9 issues)", "Tjakulpa wilurarra ananguka : N.T. Western Desert schools newsletter (1 issues)", "Tokkō geppō (13 issues)", "Tomorrow's Australians : bulletin of the Department of Immigration (14 issues)", "Tonga church chronicle : koe niusepepa ke fakamatala ae Gaue ae Jiaji Faka-Igilani i Toga / ed. by Alfred Willis (8 issues)", "Towards a fairer Australia : social justice budget statement (2 issues)", "Tractor Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (2 issues)", "Trade union statistics / Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (1 issues)", "Transactions / Plastics Institute of Australia (2 issues)", "Transactions and proceedings of the Fiji Society (2 issues)", "Transactions of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Victorian Branch) (1 issues)", "Treasurers' conference, States debts, transferred properties, immigration, etc (1 issues)", "Treasury economic paper / Commonwealth Treasury (1 issues)", "Triad (Sydney, N.S.W.) (140 issues)", "Trial Bay : Welt am Montag (42 issues)", "Trident (Melbourne, Vic.) (24 issues)", "Triennium ... report for ... / Schools Commission (7 issues)", "Twelfth Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Ottawa, Canada, September-October 1966 / report of the Commonwealth of Australia branch delegation (1 issues)", "Twenty-second Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Mauritius, September 1976 / report of Commonwealth of Australia Branch Delegation, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (1 issues)", "Twenty-sixth Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Zambia, September- October 1980 / report of Commonwealth of Australia Branch Delegation, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (1 issues)", "Twenty-third Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Canada September 1977 / report of Commonwealth of Australia Branch Delegation, Commonwealth Association (1 issues)", "Under lock & key (1 issues)", "Uniken (Online) (522 issues)", "Universal service (Sydney, N.S.W.) (13 issues)", "Urea Bounty Act - Return for periods .. (4 issues)", "Van Diemen's Land Royal Kalendar and almanack (1 issues)", "Van Diemen's Land Royal Kalendar, colonial register, and almanack / compiled by James Wood (1 issues)", "Van Diemen's Land temperance herald : for domestic and foreign intelligence (26 issues)", "Venture (1937) (1 issues)", "Venture (1939) (5 issues)", "Vetaffairs (Canberra, A.C.T. : Online) (220 issues)", "Victorian almanac for ... (Melbourne, Vic. : 1868) (23 issues)", "Vinyl Resin Bounty Act. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (2 issues)", "Vision : a literary quarterly / edited by Frank C. Johnson, Jack Lindsay and Kenneth Slessor (4 issues)", "Votes and proceedings of the Legislative Assembly ... with the various documents connected therewith (4 issues)", "Votes and proceedings of the Legislative Council during the session .. (6 issues)", "Walch's Tasmanian almanac for .. (74 issues)", "Walch's Tasmanian almanack and guide to Tasmania for .. (7 issues)", "Walch's Tasmanian sixpenny almanac for .. (1 issues)", "Walkabout (Melbourne, Vic.) (494 issues)", "Wallet (Adelaide, S.A.) (28 issues)", "Wan guo gong bao (21 issues)", "War Service Homes : report of the Director of War Service Homes (11 issues)", "War Service Homes Act : report of the War Service Homes Commission (8 issues)", "War chest review (12 issues)", "War notes & queries (19 issues)", "Warumpinya ngurrara kuulaku piipa : Papunya School paper (8 issues)", "Waugh & Cox's Australian almanac (2 issues)", "Wawn's wonder almanac and handy home hints (1 issues)", "We speak for freedom : [reports and speeches of the Conference of the Communist Parties of the British Empire] (1 issues)", "Wederopbouw (1 issues)", "Weekly dispatch (Sydney, N.S.W. : Online) (13 issues)", "Weldon's matrimonial gazette (1 issues)", "Wellbank's Australian nautical almanac and coasters' guide : for the Southern and the Eastern coasts of New Holland (9 issues)", "Western Australian almanack (Arthur Shenton) (5 issues)", "Western Australian almanack and directory (4 issues)", "Whitby gazette (1 issues)", "Will Alma's magical magazine (10 issues)", "Will o' the wisp (Online) (11 issues)", "Williams's Melbourne almanac (1 issues)", "Wise's New South Wales post office directory (39 issues)", "Women's budget statement : an assessment of the impact on women of the ... budget / Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Office of the Status of Women (12 issues)", "Wood's Royal southern kalendar, Tasmanian register, and general Australasian & East Indian official directory (1 issues)", "Wood's Tasmanian almanack (7 issues)", "Wood's V.D. Land almanack and law and commercial daily remembrancer (3 issues)", "Wool (deficiency payments) act, 1971 : report / Department of Primary Industry, Australia (2 issues)", "Work of committees / Committee Office, Department of the Senate (37 issues)", "Work of committees. Department of the Senate (1 issues)", "Wragge's Australasian almanac and weather guide for land and sea (3 issues)", "Xiang dui fan ying zhi shi yan jie pou / Xiao Xiaorong (1 issues)", "Xiao xue bi ye sheng yu ti wen cheng ji zhi yan jiu / Ai Wei, Guo Zuchao (1 issues)", "Xin li xue yu jiao yu xin li xue / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "Xin li xue zai xue ke jiao xue shang zhi ying yong / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "Xue xi wei sheng / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "Yacca / Alanvale Community College (1 issues)", "Ye olde brigade : a monthly paper devoted to the interests of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment (6 issues)", "Year book / Bookkeepers' Institute of Australasia in affiliation with International Accountants' Corporation (1 issues)", "Year book of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in New Guinea (1 issues)", "Year in review / Office of Film and Literature Classification and Film and Literature Board of Review (1 issues)", "Yesterday & most of today (9 issues)", "Ying yu jiao xue wen ti / Ai Wei (1 issues)", "Youth policies in the ... budget (1 issues)", "Zhong xi jiao hui bao / edited by Y.J. Allen (24 issues)", "Zhongguo min zu de xin li ji chu / Xiao Xiaorong (1 issues)", "[Ballarat almanac] (1 issues)", "[Independent Schools (Loans Guarantee) Act 1969] (16 issues)", "[Magazine] / Daramalan College (58 issues)", "[Magazine] / Northern Peninsula Area State College (4 issues)", "[Program &] abstracts [book] : [NSW Coastal Conference] / New South Wales Coastal Conference (12 issues)", "[Report in respect of the six months ended ...] / Prices Justification Tribunal (4 issues)" ], "index": 0, "layout": "IPY_MODEL_b2fd6ffa75dc4d69b41ac10ebc09340e", "style": "IPY_MODEL_9b6c82d33db04cc18e0d405be60c07a6" } }, "9b6c82d33db04cc18e0d405be60c07a6": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/controls", "model_module_version": "1.5.0", "model_name": "DescriptionStyleModel", "state": { "description_width": "" } }, "b2fd6ffa75dc4d69b41ac10ebc09340e": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/base", "model_module_version": "1.2.0", "model_name": "LayoutModel", "state": {} }, "b634e93e90394009a57a1b6cfd767fc1": { "model_module": "@jupyter-widgets/controls", "model_module_version": "1.5.0", "model_name": "DescriptionStyleModel", "state": { "description_width": "" } } }, "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 } } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 4 }