/* Trigger on::manual */ const onRun = async () => { await Plugins.ignoredError(Stop, false) await Start({ feedback: true, ...Plugin }) return 1 } /* Trigger on::configure */ const onConfigure = async (config, old) => { if (config.ApiAddress !== old.ApiAddress || config.ApiPort !== old.ApiPort || config.ApiSecret !== old.ApiSecret) { if (await isRunning()) { await Stop(false) await Start({ feedback: false, ...config }) } } } /* Trigger on::ready */ const onReady = async () => { if (Plugin.AutoStartOrStop) { return await onRun() } } const Start = async (params = Plugin) => { if (params.ApiAddress === '' && !params.ApiSecret) throw '请先配置密钥' const router = new Router() router.use(jsonMiddleware) router.use(withRequestBodyMiddleWare) params.ApiSecret && router.use(authMiddleware) registerAppSettings(router) registerProfiles(router) registerSubscriptions(router) registerRulesets(router) registerPlugins(router) registerScheduledTasks(router) registerDocument(router) await Plugins.StartServer(params.ApiAddress + ':' + params.ApiPort, Plugin.id, async (req, res) => { router.match(req, res) }) params.feedback && (await Plugins.message.success('RESTful Api 启动成功')) return 1 } const Stop = async (feedback = true) => { await Plugins.ignoredError(Plugins.StopServer, Plugin.id) feedback && (await Plugins.message.success('RESTful Api 停止成功')) return 2 } const isRunning = async () => { return (await Plugins.ListServer()).includes(Plugin.id) } function registerDocument(router) { const routes = router.routes.map((route) => ({ method: route.method, path: route.path, metadata: route.metadata })) router.get('/', {}, (req, res, params) => { res.json(200, { pluig_name: Plugin.name, powered_by: 'GUI.for.Cores', app_name: Plugins.APP_TITLE, app_version: Plugins.APP_VERSION, '/v1': '/v1' }) }) router.get('/v1', {}, (req, res, params) => { res.json(200, { '/v1/docs/json': '/v1/docs/json', '/v1/docs/html': '/v1/docs/html' }) }) router.get('/v1/docs/json', {}, (req, res, params) => { res.json(200, routes) }) router.get('/v1/docs/html', {}, (req, res, params) => { res.json(200, routes) }) } /** * APP设置、插件设置 * @param {Router} router */ function registerAppSettings(router) { const store = Plugins.useAppSettingsStore() router.get( '/v1/settings', { description: { zh: '获取APP设置和插件设置' } }, (req, res, params) => { res.json(200, store.app) } ) router.put( '/v1/settings', { description: { zh: '修改APP设置和插件设置' } }, async (req, res, params) => { store.app = Plugins.deepAssign(store.app, req.body) res.json(201, store.app) } ) } /** * 配置 * @param {Router} router */ function registerProfiles(router) { const store = Plugins.useProfilesStore() router.get( '/v1/profiles', { description: { zh: '获取所有配置' } }, (req, res, params) => { res.json(200, store.profiles) } ) router.get( '/v1/profiles/:id', { description: { zh: '获取某个配置详情' } }, (req, res, { id }) => { const profile = store.getProfileById(id) res.json(profile ? 200 : 404, profile) } ) router.post( '/v1/profiles', { description: { zh: '创建一个配置' } }, async (req, res, params) => { await store.addProfile(req.body) res.json(201, '已创建') } ) router.put( '/v1/profiles/:id', { description: { zh: '修改一个配置' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const profile = store.getProfileById(id) if (!profile) { return res.json(404, '配置不存在') } const _profile = Plugins.deepAssign(profile, req.body) await store.editProfile(id, _profile) res.json(201, _profile) } ) router.delete( '/v1/profiles/:id', { description: { zh: '删除一个配置' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const profile = store.getProfileById(id) if (!profile) { return res.json(404, '配置不存在') } await store.deleteProfile(id) res.json(204, 'No Content') } ) router.get( '/v1/profiles/:id/config', { description: { zh: '获取由一个配置生成的核心配置' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const profile = store.getProfileById(id) if (!profile) { return res.json(404, '配置不存在') } const config = await Plugins.generateConfig(profile) if (Plugins.APP_TITLE.includes('Clash')) { return res.end(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, Plugins.YAML.stringify(config)) } res.json(200, config) } ) } /** * 订阅 * @param {Router} router */ function registerSubscriptions(router) { const store = Plugins.useSubscribesStore() router.get( '/v1/subscriptions', { description: { zh: '获取所有订阅' } }, (req, res, params) => { res.json(200, store.subscribes) } ) router.get( '/v1/subscriptions/:id', { description: { zh: '获取某个订阅详情' } }, (req, res, { id }) => { const subscription = store.getSubscribeById(id) res.json(subscription ? 200 : 404, subscription) } ) router.post( '/v1/subscriptions', { description: { zh: '添加一个订阅' } }, async (req, res, params) => { await store.addSubscribe(req.body) res.json(201, '已创建') } ) router.put( '/v1/subscriptions/:id', { description: { zh: '修改一个订阅' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const subscription = store.getSubscribeById(id) if (!subscription) { return res.json(404, '订阅不存在') } const _subscription = Plugins.deepAssign(subscription, req.body) await store.editSubscribe(id, _subscription) res.json(201, _subscription) } ) router.delete( '/v1/subscriptions/:id', { description: { zh: '删除一个订阅' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const subscription = store.getSubscribeById(id) if (!subscription) { return res.json(404, '订阅不存在') } await store.deleteSubscribe(id) res.json(204, 'No Content') } ) router.get( '/v1/subscriptions/:id/proxies', { description: { zh: '获取一个订阅内所有代理' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const subscription = store.getSubscribeById(id) if (!subscription) { return res.json(404, '订阅不存在') } let proxies = await Plugins.Readfile(subscription.path) if (Plugins.APP_TITLE.includes('Clash')) { proxies = Plugins.YAML.parse(proxies).proxies } else { proxies = JSON.parse(proxies) } res.json(200, proxies) } ) router.post( '/v1/subscriptions/:id/update', { description: { zh: '更新一个订阅内所有代理' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const subscription = store.getSubscribeById(id) if (!subscription) { return res.json(404, '订阅不存在') } await store.updateSubscribe(id) res.json(200, subscription) } ) } /** * 规则集 * @param {Router} router */ function registerRulesets(router) { const store = Plugins.useRulesetsStore() router.get( '/v1/rulesets', { description: { zh: '获取所有规则集' } }, (req, res, params) => { res.json(200, store.rulesets) } ) router.get( '/v1/rulesets/:id', { description: { zh: '获取某个规则集详情' } }, (req, res, { id }) => { const ruleset = store.rulesets.find((v) => v.name === id || v.id === id) res.json(ruleset ? 200 : 404, ruleset) } ) router.post( '/v1/rulesets', { description: { zh: '添加一个规则集' } }, async (req, res, params) => { await store.addRuleset(req.body) res.json(201, 'No Content') } ) router.put( '/v1/rulesets/:id', { description: { zh: '修改一个规则集' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const ruleset = store.getRulesetById(id) if (!ruleset) { return res.json(404, '规则集不存在') } const _ruleset = Plugins.deepAssign(ruleset, req.body) await store.editRuleset(id, _ruleset) res.json(201, _ruleset) } ) router.delete( '/v1/rulesets/:id', { description: { zh: '删除一个规则集' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const ruleset = store.getRulesetById(id) if (!ruleset) { return res.json(404, '规则集不存在') } await store.deleteRuleset(id) res.json(204, 'No Content') } ) router.post( '/v1/rulesets/:id/update', { description: { zh: '更新一个规则集' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const ruleset = store.getRulesetById(id) if (!ruleset) { return res.json(404, '规则集不存在') } await store.updateRuleset(id) res.json(200, ruleset) } ) } /** * 插件 * @param {Router} router */ function registerPlugins(router) { const store = Plugins.usePluginsStore() router.get( '/v1/plugins', { description: { zh: '获取所有插件' } }, (req, res, params) => { res.json(200, store.plugins) } ) router.get( '/v1/plugins/:id', { description: { zh: '获取某个插件详情' } }, (req, res, { id }) => { const plugin = store.plugins.find((v) => v.name === id || v.id === id) res.json(plugin ? 200 : 404, plugin) } ) router.post( '/v1/plugins', { description: { zh: '添加一个插件' } }, async (req, res, params) => { await store.addPlugin(req.body) res.json(201, '已创建') } ) router.put( '/v1/plugins/:id', { description: { zh: '修改一个插件' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const plugin = store.getPluginById(id) if (!plugin) { return res.json(404, '插件不存在') } const _plugin = Plugins.deepAssign(plugin, req.body) await store.editPlugin(id, _plugin) res.json(201, _plugin) } ) router.delete( '/v1/plugins/:id', { description: { zh: '删除一个插件' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const plugin = store.getPluginById(id) if (!plugin) { return res.json(404, '插件不存在') } await store.deletePlugin(id) res.json(204, 'No Content') } ) router.post( '/v1/plugins/:id/update', { description: { zh: '更新一个插件' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const plugin = store.getPluginById(id) if (!plugin) { return res.json(404, '插件不存在') } await store.updatePlugin(id) res.json(204, 'No Content') } ) } /** * 计划任务 * @param {Router} router */ function registerScheduledTasks(router) { const store = Plugins.useScheduledTasksStore() router.get( '/v1/tasks', { description: { zh: '获取所有计划任务' } }, (req, res, params) => { res.json(200, store.scheduledtasks) } ) router.get( '/v1/tasks/:id', { description: { zh: '获取某个计划任务详情' } }, (req, res, { id }) => { const task = store.getScheduledTaskById(id) res.json(task ? 200 : 404, task) } ) router.post( '/v1/tasks', { description: { zh: '添加一个计划任务' } }, async (req, res, params) => { await store.addScheduledTask(req.body) res.json(201, '已创建') } ) router.put( '/v1/tasks/:id', { description: { zh: '修改一个计划任务' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const task = store.getScheduledTaskById(id) if (!task) { return res.json(404, '计划任务不存在') } const _task = Plugins.deepAssign(task, req.body) await store.editScheduledTask(id, _task) res.json(201, _task) } ) router.delete( '/v1/tasks/:id', { description: { zh: '删除一个计划任务' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const task = store.getScheduledTaskById(id) if (!task) { return res.json(404, '计划任务不存在') } await store.deleteScheduledTask(id) res.json(204, 'No Content') } ) router.post( '/v1/tasks/:id/run', { description: { zh: '执行一个计划任务' } }, async (req, res, { id }) => { const task = store.getScheduledTaskById(id) if (!task) { return res.json(404, '计划任务不存在') } const result = await store.runScheduledTask(id) res.json(200, result) } ) } /** * Router */ class Router { constructor() { this.routes = [] this.middlewares = [] } use(middleware) { this.middlewares.push(middleware) } register(method, path, metadata, handler) { const keys = [] const regexPath = path.replace(/:(\w+)/g, (_, key) => { keys.push(key) return '([^\\/]+)' }) const regex = new RegExp(`^${regexPath}$`) this.routes.push({ method, regex, keys, metadata, handler, path }) } get(path, metadata, handler) { this.register('GET', path, metadata, handler) } post(path, metadata, handler) { this.register('POST', path, metadata, handler) } put(path, metadata, handler) { this.register('PUT', path, metadata, handler) } delete(path, metadata, handler) { this.register('DELETE', path, metadata, handler) } async match(req, res) { for (const middleware of this.middlewares) { const next = await middleware(req, res) if (!next) return } const { method, url } = req for (const route of this.routes) { const match = url.match(route.regex) if (match && route.method === method) { const params = route.keys.reduce((acc, key, index) => { acc[key] = decodeURIComponent(match[index + 1]) return acc }, {}) try { await route.handler(req, res, params) } catch (error) { res.json(500, error.message || error) } return } } res.json(404, 'Not Found') } } function authMiddleware(req, res) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const authHeader = req.headers['Authorization'] if (!authHeader || authHeader !== 'Bearer ' + Plugin.ApiSecret) { res.json(401, 'Unauthorized') resolve(false) } else { resolve(true) } }) } function withRequestBodyMiddleWare(req, res) { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { req.rawBody = req.body req.body = await Plugins.ignoredError(Plugins.base64Decode, req.body) if (req.headers['Content-Type']?.includes('application/json')) { req.body = await Plugins.ignoredError(JSON.parse, req.body) } resolve(true) }) } function jsonMiddleware(req, res) { return new Promise((resolve) => { res.json = (code, data) => { res.end(code, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify(data)) } resolve(true) }) }