SuperStrict Framework Brl.StandardIO Import "source/Dig/base.util.directorytree.bmx" Import "source/Dig/base.gfx.gui.dropdown.bmx" Import "source/Dig/base.gfx.gui.list.selectlist.bmx" Import "source/Dig/base.gfx.gui.button.bmx" Import "source/Dig/base.gfx.gui.input.bmx" Import "source/Dig/base.gfx.gui.checkbox.bmx" Import "source/Dig/base.gfx.gui.slider.bmx" Import "source/Dig/base.util.registry.soundloader.bmx" ?bmxng Import "source/Dig/external/persistence.mod/persistence_mxml.bmx" ?Not bmxng Import "source/Dig/external/persistence.mod/persistence.bmx" ? Import "source/game.main.bmx" Import "source/game.gametime.bmx" 'Import "source/" 'Import "Dig/base.gfx.sprite.bmx" Incbin "source/version.txt" Global VersionDate:String = LoadText("incbin::source/version.txt").Trim() Global VersionNumberString:String = "v1.0.4" Global VersionString:String = VersionNumberString + " Build ~q" + VersionDate + "~q" Global CopyrightString:String = "by Ronny Otto aka ~qDerron~q" Global APP_NAME:String = "Genus Prime" Global LOG_NAME:String = "log.profiler.txt" 'on a windows notebook ships flickered during movement Global AVOID_FLICKERING:Int = False 'FLICKERN AUS?! GameColorCollection.alternatePalettes = True Global DEV_MODE:Int = False Global titleScreen:TGameSpritePack = New TGameSpritePack.Init(LoadImage("assets/gfx/title_screen.png",0), "titlescreen") 'register toaster position: position, alignment, name GetToastMessageCollection().AddNewSpawnPoint( New TRectangle.Init(2,7, 90,100), New TVec2D.Init(0,0), "TOPLEFT" ) GetToastMessageCollection().AddNewSpawnPoint( New TRectangle.Init(245,7, 90,100), New TVec2D.Init(1,0), "TOPRIGHT" ) GetToastMessageCollection().AddNewSpawnPoint( New TRectangle.Init(2,91, 90,100), New TVec2D.Init(0,1), "BOTTOMLEFT" ) GetToastMessageCollection().AddNewSpawnPoint( New TRectangle.Init(245,91, 90,100), New TVec2D.Init(1,1), "BOTTOMRIGHT" ) TToastMessage.defaultDimension.SetXY(90, 20) TToastMessage.defaultLifeTimeBarHeight = 2 TToastMessage.defaultLifeTimeBarColor = GameColorCollection.basePalette[14] TToastMessage.defaultLifeTimeBarBottomY = 5 TToastMessage.defaultTextOffset = New TVec2D.Init(3,3) Global game:TGame Global gameStats:TGameStats Global space:TSpace Global hud:THud Global app:TMyApp = New TMyApp Global MessageWindowCollection:TMessageWindowCollection = New TMessageWindowCollection Global SimpleSoundSource:TSimpleSoundSource = New TSimpleSoundSource Rem local oldF:Float local newF:Float for local i:int = 1 to 500 ' newF = (Helper.LogisticalInfluence_Tangens(i/500.0, 0.99)) newF = (Helper.LogisticalInfluence_Euler(i/500.0, 5)) print Rset(i, 4)+":"+ RSet(newF,15) + " +"+RSet(newF-oldF, 15) oldF = newF next end endrem 'app._customUpdateFunction = UpdateGameWorld 'app._customRenderFunction = RenderGameWorld app._customPrepareFunction = PrepareGameWorld app.Init(30, 30, 60) app.SetTitle("Genus Prime " + VersionString) app.Run() Function PrepareGameWorld:Int() app.autoCLS = True 'solange kein Hintergrundbild SetBlend(MASKBLEND) ' NO ALPHA - but allow "full transparency"!! For Local pixelFontName:String = EachIn ["", ".yellow", ".gray"] Local pixelFont:TSpritePackBitmapFont = TSpritePackBitmapFont.Create("pixelfont"+pixelFontName, "pixelfontsprite"+pixelFontName, 4, 0) pixelFont.lineHeightModifier = 1.4 GetBitmapFontManager().AddFont(pixelFont) Next SetImageFont( LoadImageFont("assets/fonts/pzim3x5_fixed.ttf", 10, 0)) Local playerCount:Int = 4 hud = New THud game = New TGame ' Print "Loading campaigns ... " GetCampaignCollection().LoadCampaignsInDirectory("assets/maps") '=== CREATE SCREENS === GetScreenManager().Set(New TScreen_MainMenu.Init("mainmenu")) GetScreenManager().Set(New TScreen_InGame.Init("ingame")) GetScreenManager().Set(New TScreen_SkirmishMenu.Init("skirmishmenu")) GetScreenManager().Set(New TScreen_CampaignMenu.Init("campaignmenu")) 'set the active one GetScreenManager().SetCurrent( GetScreenManager().Get("mainmenu") ) GetGraphicsManager().SetVsync(True) End Function Type TBackgroundStarsPanel Field stars:TBackgroundStar[] Method New() Local gm:TGraphicsManager = GetGraphicsManager() stars = New TBackgroundStar[150] For Local i:Int = 0 Until stars.length stars[i] = New TBackgroundStar 'TODO: Abstand zu anderen Planeten und Sternen! stars[i].position = New TVec3D.Init(RandRange(10, gm.GetWidth()-10), RandRange(10, gm.GetHeight()-10), -0.5 -0.05 * RandRange(1, 10)) Next End Method Method Update:Int() For Local star:TBackgroundStar = EachIn stars star.Update() Next End Method Method Render:Int() For Local star:TBackgroundStar = EachIn stars star.Render() Next End Method End Type Type TGameScreen Extends TScreen Method Render:Int() 'override End Method Method Update:Int() 'override ' Super.Update() If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_F8) TGame.LoadGame("savegames/quicksave.xml") EndIf Return True End Method End Type Type TScreen_MainMenu Extends TGameScreen Field guiStartCampaignButton:TGameGUIButton Field guiStartRandomButton:TGameGUIButton Field guiSkirmishButton:TGameGUIButton Field guiLoadButton:TGameGUIButton Field guiSettingsButton:TGameGUIButton Field guiQuitButton:TGameGUIButton Field backgroundStarsPanel:TBackgroundStarsPanel Field lsScreenKey:TLowerString = New TLowerString.Create("MAINMENU") Field _eventListeners:TLink[] Method Init:TScreen_MainMenu(name:String) Super.Init(name) fadeInEffect = New TScreenFaderRectGrid fadeOutEffect = New TScreenFaderRectGrid backgroundStarsPanel = New TBackgroundStarsPanel Local startX:Int = 17 Local widthX:Int = 43 Local spacingX:Int = 49 guiStartCampaignButton = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX + 0*spacingX, 160), New TVec2D.Init(widthX, 17), "New~nCampaign", lsScreenKey.ToString()) guiLoadButton = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX + 1*spacingX, 160), New TVec2D.Init(widthX, 17), "Load~nGame", lsScreenKey.ToString()) guiStartRandomButton = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX + 2*spacingX, 160), New TVec2D.Init(widthX, 17), "Random~nGame", lsScreenKey.ToString()) guiSkirmishButton = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX + 3*spacingX, 160), New TVec2D.Init(widthX, 17), "Skirmish~nGame", lsScreenKey.ToString()) guiSettingsButton = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX + 4*spacingX, 160), New TVec2D.Init(widthX, 17), "Settings", lsScreenKey.ToString()) guiQuitButton = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX + 5*spacingX, 160), New TVec2D.Init(widthX, 17), "Quit", lsScreenKey.ToString()) '=== EVENTS === '=== remove all registered event listeners EventManager.unregisterListenersByLinks(_eventListeners) _eventListeners = New TLink[0] '=== register event listeners _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiobject.onclick", Self, "onButtonClick", guiStartCampaignButton ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiobject.onclick", Self, "onButtonClick", guiSettingsButton ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiobject.onclick", Self, "onButtonClick", guiSkirmishButton ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiobject.onclick", Self, "onButtonClick", guiStartRandomButton ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiobject.onclick", Self, "onButtonClick", guiLoadButton ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiobject.onclick", Self, "onButtonClick", guiQuitButton ) ] Return Self End Method Method PrepareStart:Int() 'override Super.PrepareStart() If game.GetCampaignMapsWon() > 0 guiStartCampaignButton.SetCaption("Continue~nCampaign") EndIf If Not GetSoundManager().isPlaying() Then GetSoundManager().PlayMusicPlaylist("menu") End Method 'remove all messagewindows Method Kill:Int() 'override MessageWindowCollection.RemoveByScreenLimit("mainmenu") Return Super.Kill() End Method Method onButtonClick:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) Select triggerEvent.GetSender() Case guiStartRandomButton StartRandomGame() Case guiStartCampaignButton GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("campaignmenu"), 0.2 ) Case guiSkirmishButton GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("skirmishmenu"), 0.2 ) Case guiQuitButton app.exitApp = True Case guiSettingsButton MessageWindowCollection.OpenSettings( GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth()/2 ) Case guiLoadButton MessageWindowCollection.OpenLoadMenu( GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth()/2 ) End Select End Method Method StartRandomGame:Int() If hud hud.Reset() Else hud = New THud EndIf game.Reset() game.SetPaused(True) Local playerCount:Int = RandRange(2,6) game.InitNewRandomGame(playerCount, playerCount * RandRange(1,2) + playerCount/2, -1, -1) game.Start() GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("ingame"), 0.2 ) End Method Method Render:Int() 'override SetColor 0,0,0 DrawRect(0,0, GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth(), GetGraphicsManager().GetHeight()) SetColor 255,255,255 backgroundStarsPanel.Render() DrawImage(titleScreen.GetImage(), 0,0) GetBitmapFont("pixelfont", 4).DrawBlock(VersionNumberString + " by Ronny Otto", 0, GetGraphicsManager().GetHeight() - 6, GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth()-1, 8, ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP) GuiManager.Draw(lsScreenKey) MessageWindowCollection.Render("mainmenu") End Method Method Update:Int() 'override backgroundStarsPanel.Update() MessageWindowCollection.Update("mainmenu") GuiManager.Update(lsScreenKey) If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_F8) TGame.LoadGame("savegames/quicksave.xml") EndIf End Method End Type Type TScreen_SkirmishMenu Extends TGameScreen Field guiRaceSelect:TGameGUIDropDown[] Field guiDifficultySelect:TGameGUIDropDown[] Field guiStartButton:TGameGUIButton Field guiMapSizeXInput:TGameGUIInput Field guiMapSizeYInput:TGameGUIInput Field guiMapSizePresets:TGameGUIButton[] Field guiMapPlanetsInput:TGameGUIInput Field backgroundStarsPanel:TBackgroundStarsPanel Field lsScreenKey:TLowerString = New TLowerString.Create("SKIRMISHMENU") Field assignedRaces:Int[] = New Int[6] '0 = player Field assignedDifficulties:Int[] = [1,1,1,1,1] Field mapSizeX:Int Field mapSizeY:Int Field mapPlanets:Int = 10 Field changedAssignedRaces:Int = False Field ignoreGUIRaceSelectChanges:Int = False Field _eventListeners:TLink[] Method New() mapSizeX = game.defaultMapSizeX mapSizeY = game.defaultMapSizeY End Method Method Init:TScreen_SkirmishMenu(name:String) Super.Init(name) fadeInEffect = New TScreenFaderRectGrid fadeOutEffect = New TScreenFaderRectGrid backgroundStarsPanel = New TBackgroundStarsPanel ' assignedRaces = New Int[6] guiRaceSelect = New TGameGUIDropDown[6] guiDifficultySelect = New TGameGUIDropDown[5] For Local i:Int = 0 Until 6 guiRaceSelect[i] = New TGameGUIDropDown_Race.Create(New TVec2D.Init(60, 30 + (i+1)*20 - 4),New TVec2D.Init(65, 15), "", 100, lsScreenKey.ToString()) guiRaceSelect[i].SetListContentHeight(4 * 10) Next For Local i:Int = 0 Until 5 guiDifficultySelect[i] = New TGameGUIDropDown.Create(New TVec2D.Init(130, 30 + (i+2)*20 - 4),New TVec2D.Init(40, 15), "", 100, lsScreenKey.ToString()) guiDifficultySelect[i].SetListContentHeight(5 * 10) guiDifficultySelect[i].AddItem(New TGameGUIDropDownItem.Create(Null, Null, "NOOB").SetExtra("50")) guiDifficultySelect[i].AddItem(New TGameGUIDropDownItem.Create(Null, Null, "EASY").SetExtra("75")) guiDifficultySelect[i].AddItem(New TGameGUIDropDownItem.Create(Null, Null, "NORM").SetExtra("100")) guiDifficultySelect[i].AddItem(New TGameGUIDropDownItem.Create(Null, Null, "HARD").SetExtra("150")) guiDifficultySelect[i].AddItem(New TGameGUIDropDownItem.Create(Null, Null, "PRO").SetExtra("200")) guiDifficultySelect[i].SetSelectedEntryByPos( assignedDifficulties[i] ) Next UpdateGUIRaceSelects() guiMapSizePresets = New TGameGUIButton[4] For Local i:Int = 0 Until guiMapSizePresets.length guiMapSizePresets[i] = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(233 + i*16, 55), New TVec2D.Init(14, 15), (i+1), lsScreenKey.ToString()) Next guiMapSizeXInput = New TGameGUIInput.Create(New TVec2D.Init(232, 40), New TVec2D.Init(32, 14), mapSizeX, 4, lsScreenKey.ToString()) guiMapSizeYInput = New TGameGUIInput.Create(New TVec2D.Init(263, 40), New TVec2D.Init(32, 14), mapSizeY, 4, lsScreenKey.ToString()) guiMapPlanetsInput = New TGameGUIInput.Create(New TVec2D.Init(263, 80), New TVec2D.Init(32, 14), mapPlanets, 2, lsScreenKey.ToString()) guiStartButton = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(200, 164), New TVec2D.Init(95, 17), "Start Game", lsScreenKey.ToString()) '=== EVENTS === '=== remove all registered event listeners EventManager.unregisterListenersByLinks(_eventListeners) _eventListeners = New TLink[0] '=== register event listeners 'to react on changes in the programmeCollection (eg. custom script finished) For Local i:Int = 0 Until 6 _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "GUIDropDown.onSelectEntry", Self, "onRaceDropDownSelectEntry", guiRaceSelect[i] ) ] Next For Local i:Int = 0 Until 5 _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "GUIDropDown.onSelectEntry", Self, "onDifficultyDropDownSelectEntry", guiDifficultySelect[i] ) ] Next For Local i:Int = 0 Until 4 _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiobject.onclick", Self, "onButtonClick", guiMapSizePresets[i] ) ] Next _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiinput.onChangeValue", Self, "onChangeInputValue", guiMapPlanetsInput ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiinput.onChangeValue", Self, "onChangeInputValue", guiMapSizeXInput ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiinput.onChangeValue", Self, "onChangeInputValue", guiMapSizeYInput ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerMethod( "guiobject.onclick", Self, "onButtonClick", guiStartButton ) ] Return Self End Method Method onButtonClick:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) Select triggerEvent.GetSender() Case guiStartButton StartGame() Case guiMapSizePresets[0] guiMapSizeXInput.SetValue(game.defaultMapSizeX * 1) guiMapSizeYInput.SetValue(game.defaultMapSizeY * 1) Case guiMapSizePresets[1] guiMapSizeXInput.SetValue(game.defaultMapSizeX * 2) guiMapSizeYInput.SetValue(game.defaultMapSizeY * 1) Case guiMapSizePresets[2] guiMapSizeXInput.SetValue(game.defaultMapSizeX * 2) guiMapSizeYInput.SetValue(game.defaultMapSizeY * 2) Case guiMapSizePresets[3] guiMapSizeXInput.SetValue(game.defaultMapSizeX * 3) guiMapSizeYInput.SetValue(game.defaultMapSizeY * 2) End Select End Method Method onChangeInputValue:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) Select triggerEvent.GetSender() Case guiMapPlanetsInput mapPlanets = Int(guiMapPlanetsInput.GetValue()) Case guiMapSizeXInput mapSizeX = Int(guiMapSizeXInput.GetValue()) Case guiMapSizeYInput mapSizeY = Int(guiMapSizeYInput.GetValue()) End Select End Method Method onRaceDropDownSelectEntry:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) If ignoreGUIRaceSelectChanges Then Return True Local dropdown:TGUIDropDown = TGUIDropDown( triggerEvent.GetSender() ) For Local i:Int = 0 Until 6 If guiRaceSelect[i] = dropdown assignedRaces[i] = Int(String(TGUIDropDownItem(dropdown.GetSelectedEntry()).extra)) changedAssignedRaces = True Return True EndIf Next Return False End Method Method onDifficultyDropDownSelectEntry:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) ' if ignoreGUIRaceSelectChanges then return True Local dropdown:TGUIDropDown = TGUIDropDown( triggerEvent.GetSender() ) For Local i:Int = 0 Until 5 If guiDifficultySelect[i] = dropdown assignedDifficulties[i] = Int(String(TGUIDropDownItem(dropdown.GetSelectedEntry()).extra)) Return True EndIf Next Return False End Method 'remove all messagewindows Method Kill:Int() 'override MessageWindowCollection.RemoveByScreenLimit("skirmishmenu") Rem We do not DESTROY, we just set the screen inactive! '=== remove all registered event listeners EventManager.unregisterListenersByLinks(_eventListeners) _eventListeners = New TLink[0] For Local g:TGUIObject = EachIn guiRaceSelect GuiManager.Remove(g) Next For Local g:TGUIObject = EachIn guiDifficultySelect GuiManager.Remove(g) Next For Local g:TGUIObject = EachIn guiMapSizePresets GuiManager.Remove(g) Next GuiManager.Remove(guiMapSizeXInput) GuiManager.Remove(guiMapSizeYInput) GuiManager.Remove(guiPlanetsInput) endrem Return Super.Kill() End Method Method StartGame:Int() '=== START NEW GAME === If hud hud.Reset() Else hud = New THud EndIf game.Reset() game.SetPaused(True) game.InitNewGame(TGame.GAMETYPE_SKIRMISH, assignedRaces, [1] + assignedDifficulties, mapPlanets, mapSizeX, mapSizeY) game.Start() GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("ingame"), 0.2 ) End Method Method GetAvailableRaces:Int[](addRaces:Int[]) Local result:Int[] For Local i:Int = 1 To 6 If Not MathHelper.InIntArray(i, assignedRaces) Or MathHelper.InIntArray(i, addRaces) result :+ [i] EndIf Next Return result End Method Method GetUsedRaces:Int[]() Local result:Int[] For Local i:Int = 1 To 6 If MathHelper.InIntArray(i, assignedRaces) result :+ [i] EndIf Next Return result End Method Method UpdateGUIRaceSelects() ignoreGUIRaceSelectChanges = True Local availableRaces:Int[] = [1,2,3,4,5,6] 'mark all currently used races Local usedRaces:Int[] = GetUsedRaces() For Local i:Int = 0 Until 6 Local added:Int = 0 guiRaceSelect[i].EmptyList() If i > 0 guiRaceSelect[i].AddItem(New TGameGUIDropDownItem_Race.Create(Null, Null, "NONE").SetExtra("0")) added :+ 1 EndIf 'add all not yet used Local availableRaces:Int[] = GetAvailableRaces( [assignedRaces[i]] ) 'print " player " + (i+1)+": " + StringHelper.JoinIntarray(", ", availableRaces) +" assigned="+assignedRaces[i] For Local raceNum:Int = EachIn availableRaces If raceNum = 0 Then Continue 'already handled NONE guiRaceSelect[i].AddItem(New TGameGUIDropDownItem_Race.Create(Null, Null, game.racesNames[ raceNum -1 ]).SetExtra(String(raceNum)) ) added :+ 1 Next guiRaceSelect[i].SetListContentHeight(added * 10) 'select none if race is no longer available If Not MathHelper.InIntArray(assignedRaces[i], availableRaces) guiRaceSelect[i].SetSelectedEntryByPos( 0 ) assignedRaces[i] = 0 If i > 0 Then guiDifficultySelect[i-1].Hide() Else If i > 0 Then guiDifficultySelect[i-1].Show() EndIf 'first player - select first race if not done yet If i = 0 And assignedRaces[i] = 0 guiRaceSelect[i].SetSelectedEntryByPos( 0 ) assignedRaces[i] = availableRaces[0] EndIf Next ignoreGUIRaceSelectChanges = False End Method Method Render:Int() 'override SetColor 0,0,0 DrawRect(0,0, GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth(), GetGraphicsManager().GetHeight()) SetColor 255,255,255 backgroundStarsPanel.Render() DrawImage(titleScreen.GetImage(), 0,0) Rem GameColorCollection.basePalette[0].SetRGB() GetSpriteFromRegistry("pattern.hlines1").TileDraw(0,0, GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth(), GetGraphicsManager().GetHeight()) SetColor 255,255,255 endrem GameColorCollection.basePalette[0].SetRGB() GetSpriteFromRegistry("pattern.dots2").TileDraw(0,0, GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth(), GetGraphicsManager().GetHeight()) ' GetSpriteFromRegistry("pattern.dots2").TileDraw(- (Time.GetTimeGone()/2500 mod 6),0, GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth() + 6, GetGraphicsManager().GetHeight()) ' GetSpriteFromRegistry("pattern.diagonal1").TileDraw(0,0, GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth(), GetGraphicsManager().GetHeight()) SetColor 255,255,255 GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(15, 10, 165, 180) GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(190, 20, 115, 125) GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(190, 155, 115, 35) GetBitmapFont("small",, BOLDFONT).DrawBlock("Skirmish Game", 20, 14+1, 165-2, 20, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[0]) GetBitmapFont("small",, BOLDFONT).DrawBlock("Skirmish Game", 20, 14, 165-2, 20, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) GetBitmapFont("default").DrawBlock("Player Settings", 25, 30, 150, 20, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) GetBitmapFont("default").DrawBlock("Map Settings", 200, 30, 150, 20, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) Local f:TBitmapFont = GetBitmapFont("small") f.Draw("size:", 200, 44, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) f.Draw("Planets:", 200, 84, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) f.DrawBlock("Player", 25, 50 + 0*20, 150, 20, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) For Local i:Int = 1 To 5 f.DrawBlock("CPU " + i, 25, 50 + i*20, 150, 20, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) Next GuiManager.Draw(lsScreenKey) MessageWindowCollection.Render("skirmishmenu") End Method Method Update:Int() 'override Super.Update() If changedAssignedRaces Repeat changedAssignedRaces = False UpdateGUIRaceSelects() Until changedAssignedRaces = False EndIf backgroundStarsPanel.Update() MessageWindowCollection.Update("skirmishmenu") GuiManager.Update(lsScreenKey) If guiStartButton.IsEnabled() And GetUsedRaces().length <= 1 guiStartButton.Disable() ElseIf Not guiStartButton.IsEnabled() And GetUsedRaces().length > 1 guiStartButton.Enable() EndIf If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Or MouseManager.IsHit(2) GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("mainmenu"), 0.2 ) EndIf Return True End Method End Type Type TScreen_CampaignMenu Extends TGameScreen Field backgroundStarsPanel:TBackgroundStarsPanel Field lsScreenKey:TLowerString = New TLowerString.Create("CAMPAIGNMENU") Field hoveredMapIndex:Int = -1 Field selectedMapIndex:Int = -1 Field selectedMapGUID:String Field selectedCampaignGUID:String Field guiStartButton:TGameGUIButton Field _eventListeners:TLink[] Method Init:TScreen_CampaignMenu(name:String) Super.Init(name) fadeInEffect = New TScreenFaderRectGrid fadeOutEffect = New TScreenFaderRectGrid backgroundStarsPanel = New TBackgroundStarsPanel guiStartButton = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(200, 164), New TVec2D.Init(95, 17), "Start Game", lsScreenKey.ToString()) Return Self End Method Method PrepareStart:Int() hoveredMapIndex = -1 selectedMapIndex = -1 selectedMapGUID = "" selectedCampaignGUID = "" Return Super.PrepareStart() End Method Method StartGame:Int() Local mapData:TMapData = GetCampaignCollection().GetCampaignMapByGUIDs(selectedCampaignGUID, selectedMapGUID) If Not mapData Then Return False '=== START NEW GAME === If hud hud.Reset() Else hud = New THud EndIf game.Reset() game.SetPaused(True) game.InitNewMapGame(mapData) game.Start() GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("ingame"), 0.2 ) End Method Method Update:Int() If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_F8) TGame.LoadGame("savegames/quicksave.xml") EndIf MessageWindowCollection.Update("campaignmenu") Local currentRect:TRectangle = New TRectangle.Init(30, 30, 135, 7) Local mapIndex:Int = 0 hoveredMapIndex = -1 For Local campaignData:TCampaignData = EachIn GetCampaignCollection().campaigns currentRect.MoveXY(0, 9) Local lastMapWasWon:Int = True Local thisMapWasWon:Int = False For Local mapData:TMapData = EachIn campaignData.maps thisMapWasWon = game.IsCampaignMapWon( mapData.guid ) If lastMapWasWon Or thisMapWasWon lastMapWasWon = thisMapWasWon If currentRect.Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) hoveredMapIndex = mapIndex If MouseManager.IsHit(1) selectedMapIndex = mapIndex selectedMapGUID = mapData.guid selectedCampaignGUID = campaignData.guid EndIf Exit EndIf EndIf mapIndex :+ 1 currentRect.MoveXY(0, 8) Next currentRect.MoveXY(0, 6) If hoveredMapIndex <> -1 Then Exit Next If selectedMapIndex = -1 If guiStartButton.IsEnabled() Then guiStartButton.Disable() Else If Not guiStartButton.IsEnabled() Then guiStartButton.Enable() EndIf guiStartButton.Update() If guiStartButton.IsClicked() guiStartButton.mouseIsClicked = Null StartGame() EndIf 'only open escape menu if nothing else used ESC key already If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Or MouseManager.IsHit(2) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.BlockKey(KEY_ESCAPE, 200) MouseManager.ResetKey(2) GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("mainmenu"), 0.2) EndIf End Method Method Render:Int() SetColor 0,0,0 DrawRect(0,0, GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth(), GetGraphicsManager().GetHeight()) SetColor 255,255,255 backgroundStarsPanel.Render() DrawImage(titleScreen.GetImage(), 0,0) GameColorCollection.basePalette[0].SetRGB() GetSpriteFromRegistry("pattern.diagonal1").TileDraw(0,0, GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth(), GetGraphicsManager().GetHeight()) SetColor 255,255,255 GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(15, 10, 165, 180) GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(190, 20, 115, 125) GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(190, 155, 115, 35) GetBitmapFont("small",, BOLDFONT).DrawBlock("Campaigns", 15, 14+1, 165-2, 20, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[0]) GetBitmapFont("small",, BOLDFONT).DrawBlock("Campaigns", 15, 14, 165-2, 20, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) Local currentY:Int = 30 Local mapIndex:Int = 0 Local font:TBitmapFont = GetBitmapFont("small") Local showMap:TMapData For Local campaignData:TCampaignData = EachIn GetCampaignCollection().campaigns GetBitmapFont("default").Draw(campaignData.title.Get(), 25, currentY, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) currentY :+ 9 Local lastMapWasWon:Int = True Local thisMapWasWon:Int = False For Local mapData:TMapData = EachIn campaignData.maps thisMapWasWon = game.IsCampaignMapWon( mapData.guid ) If lastMapWasWon Or thisMapWasWon lastMapWasWon = thisMapWasWon If hoveredMapIndex = mapIndex showMap = mapData DrawRect(28, currentY, 137, 7) font.Draw(mapData.title.Get(), 30, currentY, GameColorCollection.basePalette[9]) ElseIf selectedMapIndex = mapIndex showMap = mapData GameColorCollection.basePalette[7].SetRGB() DrawRect(28, currentY, 137, 7) SetColor 255,255,255 font.Draw(mapData.title.Get(), 30, currentY, GameColorCollection.basePalette[9]) Else font.Draw(mapData.title.Get(), 30, currentY, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) EndIf Else font.Draw(mapData.title.Get(), 30, currentY, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) EndIf mapIndex :+ 1 currentY :+ 8 Next currentY :+ 6 Next If showMap Local offsetY:Int = 0 If showMap.description And showMap.description.Get() <> "" offsetY :+ font.DrawBlock(showMap.description.Get(), 200, 20 +10 + offsetY, 115 -20, 125 - 20 - offsetY, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, Null, 0, 1, 1.0, True, False, 7).y Else Local c:TCampaignData = GetCampaignCollection().GetCampaignByGUID(showMap.campaignGUID) If c And c.description And c.description.Get() <> "" offsetY :+ font.DrawBlock(c.description.Get(), 200, 20 +10 + offsetY, 115 -20, 125 - 20 - offsetY, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, Null, 0, 1, 1.0, True, False, 7).y EndIf EndIf offsetY :+ 5 font.Draw("players: " + showMap.playerConfigs.length, 200, 20 + 10 + offsetY) offsetY :+ 7 font.Draw("planets: " + showMap.planetConfigs.length, 200, 20 + 10 + offsetY) EndIf guiStartButton.Draw() End Method End Type Type TScreen_InGame Extends TScreen Method Init:TScreen_InGame(name:String) Super.Init(name) fadeInEffect = New TScreenFaderRectGrid fadeOutEffect = New TScreenFaderRectGrid Return Self End Method Method PrepareStart:Int() 'override Super.PrepareStart() GetSoundManager().PlayMusicPlaylist("default") End Method 'remove all messagewindows Method Kill:Int() 'override MessageWindowCollection.RemoveByScreenLimit("ingame") 'play menu music GetSoundManager().PlayMusicPlaylist("menu") Return Super.Kill() End Method Method Update:Int() If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_F5) TGame.SaveGame("savegames/quicksave.xml") ElseIf KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_F8) TGame.LoadGame("savegames/quicksave.xml") EndIf If KeyManager.IsHit(Key_F6) Or KeyManager.IsHit(Key_N) Print "Play next" GetSoundManager().PlayMusicPlaylist("default") EndIf If DEV_MODE If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_W) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_W) Game.SetPlayerWon(game.GetPlayer().playerID) EndIf If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_L) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_L) Game.SetPlayerLost(game.GetPlayer().playerID) EndIf If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_S) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_S) game.StartSolarSupport(20, 2) EndIf EndIf Rem If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_R) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_R) Game.StartRebels() EndIf If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_O) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_O) MessageWindowCollection.OpenGameStatsWindow() EndIf endrem GameTime.Update() MessageWindowCollection.Update("ingame") hud.Update() game.Update() 'only open escape menu if nothing else used ESC key already If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_ESCAPE) MessageWindowCollection.OpenIngameMenu() KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.BlockKey(KEY_ESCAPE, 200) ' GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("mainmenu"), 0.2) EndIf End Method Method Render:Int() ' Cls game.Render() hud.Render() MessageWindowCollection.Render("ingame") If Game.IsPaused() Then DrawText("PAUSED", 5,8) 'DrawText("Ships: " + space.GetShipCount(0), 5, 30) End Method 'overwrite the function of TScreen - TGraphicalApp-Apps call this 'automatically Method ExtraRender:Int() 'override End Method End Type Include "source/game.savegame.bmx" Type TCampaignCollection Field campaigns:TCampaignData[] Global _instance:TCampaignCollection Function GetInstance:TCampaignCollection() If Not _instance Then _instance = New TCampaignCollection Return _instance End Function Method GetCampaignByGUID:TCampaignData(guid:String) If Not campaigns Or campaigns.length = 0 Then Return Null For Local i:Int = 0 Until campaigns.length If campaigns[i].guid.ToLower() = guid.ToLower() Then Return campaigns[i] Next Return Null End Method Method GetCampaignMapByGUIDs:TMapData(campaignGUID:String, mapGUID:String) If Not campaigns Or campaigns.length = 0 Then Return Null For Local i:Int = 0 Until campaigns.length If campaigns[i].guid.ToLower() = campaignGUID.ToLower() Return campaigns[i].GetMapByGUID(mapGUID) EndIf Next Return Null End Method Method LoadCampaignsInDirectory(dir:String) ' campaigns = New TCampaignData[0] Local DT:TDirectoryTree = New TDirectoryTree.Init(dir) DT.relativePaths = False DT.AddIncludeFileEndings(["xml"]) DT.AddIncludeFileNames(["*"]) DT.ScanDir() For Local f:String = EachIn DT.GetFiles() LoadCampaigns(f) Next End Method Method LoadCampaigns(fileURI:String) Local xml:TXmlHelper = TXmlHelper.Create(fileURI) ' local campaignsRoodNode:TxmlNode = xml.FindRootChild("campaigns") For Local campaignNode:TxmlNode = EachIn xml.GetNodeChildElements(xml.GetRootNode() ) If campaignNode.getName() <> "campaign" Then Continue campaigns :+ [ LoadCampaignData(campaignNode, xml) ] Next End Method Method LoadCampaignData:TCampaignData(node:TxmlNode, xml:TXmlHelper) ' Print " LoadCampaign..." Local c:TCampaignData = New TCampaignData c.guid = xml.FindValue(node, "id", "campaign") c.title = New TLocalizedString.Append( xml.GetLocalizedStringFromNode(xml.FindElementNode(node, "title")) ) c.description = New TLocalizedString.Append( xml.GetLocalizedStringFromNode(xml.FindElementNode(node, "description")) ) For Local mapNode:TxmlNode = EachIn xml.GetNodeChildElements(node) If mapNode.getName() <> "map" Then Continue Local loadedMaps:Int = 0 If c.maps Then loadedMaps = c.maps.length c.maps :+ [ LoadMapData(mapNode, xml, loadedMaps + 1) ] 'assign campaign guid c.maps[ c.maps.length -1].campaignGUID = c.GUID Next Return c End Method Method LoadMapData:TMapData(node:TxmlNode, xml:TXmlHelper, mapNumber:Int = 1) ' print " LoadMap..." Local m:TMapData = New TMapData m.guid = xml.FindValue(node, "id", "map_" + (mapNumber)) m.title = New TLocalizedString.Append( xml.GetLocalizedStringFromNode(xml.FindElementNode(node, "title")) ) m.description = New TLocalizedString.Append( xml.GetLocalizedStringFromNode(xml.FindElementNode(node, "description")) ) 'MESSAGES Local nodeMessages:TxmlNode = xml.FindChild(node, "messages") For Local child:TxmlNode = EachIn xml.GetNodeChildElements(nodeMessages) If child.getName() <> "message" Then Continue m.messageTitles :+ [New TLocalizedString.Append( xml.GetLocalizedStringFromNode(xml.FindElementNode(child, "title")) )] m.messageTexts :+ [New TLocalizedString.Append( xml.GetLocalizedStringFromNode(xml.FindElementNode(child, "text")) )] m.messageGameTime :+ [ Long(xml.FindValueInt(child, "game_time", -1)) ] Next ' print " loaded " + m.messageTitles.length +" messages." 'EVENTS Local nodeEvents:TxmlNode = xml.FindChild(node, "events") For Local child:TxmlNode = EachIn xml.GetNodeChildElements(nodeEvents) If child.getName() <> "event" Then Continue Local ev:TMapEvent = New TMapEvent ev.eventType = xml.FindValue(child, "type", "") ev.title = New TLocalizedString.Append( xml.GetLocalizedStringFromNode(xml.FindElementNode(child, "title")) ) ev.text = New TLocalizedString.Append( xml.GetLocalizedStringFromNode(xml.FindElementNode(child, "text")) ) ev.notifyEnabled = xml.FindValueBool(child, "notify_enabled", False) ev.notifyDelay = 1000 * xml.FindValueFloat(child, "notify_delay", 0) ev.gameTime = 1000 * xml.FindValueFloat(child, "game_time", 0) ev.gameTimeFrom = 1000 * xml.FindValueFloat(child, "game_time_from", -1) ev.gameTimeTo = 1000 * xml.FindValueFloat(child, "game_time_to", -1) ev.playerID = xml.FindValueInt(child, "player", -1) ev.amount = xml.FindValueInt(child, "amount", -1) ev.amountRelative = xml.FindValueInt(child, "amount_relative", False) m.AddEvent(ev) Next 'CONFIG Local nodeConfig:TxmlNode = xml.FindChild(node, "config") m.winCondition = xml.FindValue(nodeConfig, "win_condition", "win") m.time = xml.FindValueInt(nodeConfig, "time", -1) m.width = xml.FindValueInt(nodeConfig, "width", -1) m.height = xml.FindValueInt(nodeConfig, "height", -1) m.width_relative = xml.FindValueInt(nodeConfig, "width_relative", -1) m.height_relative = xml.FindValueInt(nodeConfig, "height_relative", -1) m.galaxyName = xml.FindValue(nodeConfig, "galaxy_name", "") m.randomSeed = xml.FindValueInt(nodeConfig, "random_seed", -1) m.rebelsTime = xml.FindValueInt(nodeConfig, "rebels_time", -1) m.rebelsAllowed = xml.FindValueBool(nodeConfig, "rebels_allowed", 0) m.rebelsUnusedPlanets = xml.FindValueInt(nodeConfig, "rebels_unused_planets", 0) 'PLAYERS m.playerConfigs = New TData[0] Local nodePlayers:TxmlNode = xml.FindChild(node, "players") For Local child:TxmlNode = EachIn xml.GetNodeChildElements(nodePlayers) If child.getName() <> "player" Then Continue Local d:TData = New TData xml.LoadValuesToData(child, d, ["id", "race", "control", "difficulty"]) m.playerConfigs :+ [d] Next ' print " loaded " + m.playerConfigs.length +" players." 'PLANETS m.planetConfigs = New TData[0] Local nodePlanets:TxmlNode = xml.FindChild(node, "planets") For Local child:TxmlNode = EachIn xml.GetNodeChildElements(nodePlanets) If child.getName() <> "planet" Then Continue Local d:TData = New TData xml.LoadValuesToData(child, d, ["id", "x", "y", "x2", "y2", "owner", "population", "missiles", "missileLimit", "name"]) m.planetConfigs :+ [d] Next ' print " loaded " + m.planetConfigs.length +" planets." Return m End Method End Type Function GetCampaignCollection:TCampaignCollection() Return TCampaignCollection.GetInstance() End Function Type TCampaignData Field guid:String = "" Field maps:TMapData[] Field title:TLocalizedString Field description:TLocalizedString Method GetMapByGUID:TMapData(guid:String) If Not maps Or maps.length = 0 Then Return Null For Local i:Int = 0 Until maps.length If maps[i].guid.ToLower() = guid.ToLower() Then Return maps[i] Next End Method End Type Type TMapData Field guid:String = "" Field campaignGUID:String Field title:TLocalizedString Field description:TLocalizedString Field messageTitles:TLocalizedString[] Field messageTexts:TLocalizedString[] Field messageGameTime:Long[] Field winCondition:String = "win" Field time:Int = -1 Field width:Int = -1 Field height:Int = -1 Field width_relative:Int = -1 Field height_relative:Int = -1 Field randomSeed:Int = 0 Field galaxyName:String Field playerConfigs:TData[] Field planetConfigs:TData[] Field rebelsAllowed:Int = 0 Field rebelsUnusedPlanets:Int = 0 Field rebelsTime:Int = 0 Field events:TMapEvent[] Method AddEvent:Int(event:TMapEvent) events :+ [event] Return True End Method End Type Type TMapEvent Field eventType:String Field title:TLocalizedString Field text:TLocalizedString Field notifyEnabled:Int = False Field notifyDelay:Int = 0 Field notifyDone:Int = False Field notifyLifetime:Float = 5.0 'times in milliseconds! Field gameTime:Long = -1 Field gameTimeFrom:Long = -1 Field gameTimeTo:Long = -1 Field playerID:Int = -1 Field amount:Int = 0 Field amountRelative:Int = False Field calculatedGameTime:Long Method Reset:Int() calculatedGameTime = -1 notifyDone= False End Method Method CalculateTime:Int() calculatedGameTime = gameTime If calculatedGameTime = -1 Then calculatedGameTime = RandRange(Int(gameTimeFrom), Int(gameTimeTo)) 'DATA LOSS possible! End Method Method GetTime:Long() If calculatedGameTime = -1 Then CalculateTime() Return calculatedGameTime End Method Method GetNotifyTime:Long() Return GetTime() + GetNotifyDelay() End Method Method GetNotifyDelay:Int() Return notifyDelay End Method Method DoNotify:Int() If Not title And Not text Then Return False Local useTitle:String If title Then useTitle = title.Get() Local useText:String If text Then useText = text.Get() Local toast:TGameToastMessage = New TGameToastMessage toast.SetLifeTime( notifyLifetime ) If useTitle Then toast.SetCaption(usetitle) toast.SetText( useText ) toast.captionColor = GameColorCollection.basePalette[7] toast.captionFont = GetBitmapFont("default") toast.textFont = GetBitmapFont("small") GetToastMessageCollection().AddMessage(toast, "TOPLEFT") notifyDone = True End Method Method Execute:Int() Select eventType.ToLower() Case "rebellion" Execute_Rebellion() Case "message" Execute_Message() Case "support" Execute_Support() Default Print "unsupported event :" + eventType End Select End Method Method Execute_Rebellion() game.StartRebels() End Method Method Execute_Message() Local w:TMessageWindow_SimpleMessage = New TMessageWindow_SimpleMessage w.area = New TRectangle.Init(15,16, 259-30, 30 + 23*6) w.screenLimit = "ingame" w.caption = title.Get() w.text = text.Get() w.Open() :+ [w] End Method Method Execute_Support() If game.GetPlayer(playerID) And game.GetPlayer(playerID).IsAlive() game.StartSolarSupport(amount, playerID) EndIf End Method End Type Type TGame Field playerID:Int = 1 Field players:TPlayer[] Field playerColors:TGameColor[] Field playerState:Int 'one for every player Field gameStatsArchive:TGameStatsArchive[6] Field gameStatsArchiveTimer:Float Field groupSelectionArea:TRectangle Field racesColors:TGameColor[] Field racesNames:String[] Field gameType:Int = 1 'contains guids of won maps Field campaignMapsWonCount:Int = 0 Field campaignMapsWon:TStringMap = New TStringMap Field galaxyName:String Field mapName:String Field campaignName:String Field campaignGUID:String Field mapGUID:String Field mapTimeLimit:Int = -1 Field mapEvents:TIntMap = New TIntMap Field missilesPerPlanetLimit:Int = 50 Field state:Int = 0 Field rebelsTime:Int = 0 Field rebelsUnusedPlanets:Int = 0 Field rebelsAllowed:Int = True Field rebelsActivated:Int = False Global hoverRectCol1:TGameColor = GameColorCollection.FindSimilarRGB(255,0,0) Global hoverRectCol2:TGameColor = GameColorCollection.FindSimilarRGB(150,0,0) Global selectionRectCol1:TGameColor = GameColorCollection.FindSimilarRGB(255,255,255) Global selectionRectCol2:TGameColor = GameColorCollection.FindSimilarRGB(150,150,150) Global defaultPopulationGrowthTime:Double = 1.0 Global defaultResearchTime:Double = 1.0 Global defaultMissileRefillTime:Double = 4.0 '2 seconds Global defaultMapSizeX:Int = 259 Global defaultMapSizeY:Int = 185 Global _eventListeners:TLink[] Global _initDone:Int = False Const GAMESTATE_INTRO:Int = 0 Const GAMESTATE_RUNNING:Int = 1 Const GAMETYPE_RANDOM:Int = 1 Const GAMETYPE_SKIRMISH:Int = 2 Const GAMETYPE_CAMPAIGN:Int = 3 Method New() Reset() If Not _initDone '=== EVENTS === '=== remove all registered event listeners EventManager.unregisterListenersByLinks(_eventListeners) _eventListeners = New TLink[0] '=== register event listeners 'to react on changes in the programmeCollection (eg. custom script finished) _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerFunction( "Planet.SetOwner", onPlanetSetOwner ) ] _initDone = True EndIf End Method Method Reset() playerID = 1 players = Null playerColors = Null groupSelectionArea = Null racesColors = Null racesNames = Null missilesPerPlanetLimit = 50 rebelsActivated = False gameStatsArchive = New TGameStatsArchive[6] For Local i:Int = 0 Until gameStatsArchive.length gameStatsArchive[i] = New TGameStatsArchive Next 'baseKeys contains indices of real C64 colors 'nonFlickerKeys contains indices of "mixes between 2 C64 colors" 'which do not flicker too much when alternating between them Local baseKeys:String = "0, 16, 31, 45, 58, 70, 81, 91, 100, 108, 115, 121, 126, 130, 133, 135" Local nonFlickerKeys:String = baseKeys + "," + "18, 29, 52"' "18,29,52,59,65,78,79,80,91,97,104,105,106, 117, 118, 119, 120, 128, 131, 132, 134" Local parts:String[] = nonFlickerKeys.split(",") Local colorIndices:Int[] = New Int[parts.length] For Local i:Int = 0 Until parts.length colorIndices[i] = Int(parts[i]) Next racesColors = New TGameColor[8] 'last is for rebels racesColors[0] = GameColorCollection.basePalette[12] 'gray racesColors[1] = GameColorCollection.basePalette[2] 'red-brown racesColors[2] = GameColorCollection.basePalette[5] 'green racesColors[3] = GameColorCollection.basePalette[14] 'blue racesColors[4] = GameColorCollection.basePalette[4] 'purple racesColors[5] = GameColorCollection.basePalette[7] 'yellow racesColors[6] = GameColorCollection.basePalette[8] 'orange racesColors[7] = GameColorCollection.basePalette[12] 'gray (unknown) racesNames = ["Credtopus", "Aquaxian", "Blyshyn", "Pinkz'ac","Yobots", "Orantex", "Unknown", "Unknown"] End Method Function LoadGame:Int(uri:String) Local s:TSaveGame = TSaveGame.Load(uri) 'remove old messages MessageWindowCollection.Reset() If s And s._CurrentScreenName <> GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().name GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen(GetScreenManager().Get(s._CurrentScreenName), 0.2) EndIf End Function Function SaveGame:Int(uri:String) TSaveGame.Save(uri) End Function Method RestartGame:Int() Local mapData:TMapData = GetCampaignCollection().GetCampaignMapByGUIDs(campaignGUID, mapGUID) If Not mapData Then Return False '=== RESTART GAME === hud.Reset() Reset() SetPaused(True) InitNewMapGame(mapData) Start() GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("ingame"), 0.2 ) End Method Method InitNewMapGame(mapData:TMapData) 'set the same seed everytime so we generate planets at the same position 'if seed is -1 then it becomes more or less "truely random" If mapData.randomSeed > 0 SeedRand( mapData.randomSeed ) Else SeedRand( Abs(MilliSecs()) ) EndIf galaxyName = mapData.galaxyName If Not galaxyName Then galaxyName = GenerateGalaxyName() mapName = mapData.title.Get() campaignName = "" If GetCampaignCollection().GetCampaignByGUID(mapData.campaignGUID) campaignName = GetCampaignCollection().GetCampaignByGUID(mapData.campaignGUID).title.Get() EndIf If Not mapName Then mapName = "Mission in " + galaxyName mapTimeLimit = mapData.time mapGUID = mapData.guid campaignGUID = mapData.campaignGUID gameType = TGame.GAMETYPE_CAMPAIGN rebelsAllowed = mapData.rebelsAllowed rebelsTime = mapData.rebelsTime rebelsUnusedPlanets = mapData.rebelsUnusedPlanets 'take over map events (and calculate random times if needed) 'ATTENTION: '================ 'events need to take place at _DIFFERENT_ times !!! '================ For Local event:TMapEvent = EachIn event.CalculateTime() mapEvents.Insert(Int(event.GetTime()), event) Next Local playerCount:Int = mapData.playerConfigs.length players = New TPlayer[playerCount] playerColors = New TGameColor[playerCount + 1] '0 = gray playerColors[0] = racesColors[0] For Local pID:Int = 1 To playerCount Local raceID:Int = mapData.playerConfigs[pID-1].GetInt("race", 0) playerColors[pID] = racesColors[raceID] '0 = all ,so "raceID-1 +1" ?bmxng players[pID-1] = New TPlayer(pID) ?Not bmxng players[pID-1] = New TPlayer players[pID-1].playerID = pID ? 'assign name, racial bonus/malus ... players[pID-1].SetRace(raceID) If mapData.playerConfigs[pID-1].GetString("control").ToLower() = "human" playerID = pID EndIf If pID <> playerID players[pID-1].AI = New TAI players[pID-1].AI.playerID = pID players[pID-1].AI.RandomizeCharacter() players[pID-1].SetDifficulty( mapData.playerConfigs[pID-1].GetInt("difficulty", 100) ) EndIf Next Local w:Int = mapData.width Local h:Int = mapData.height If w <= 0 Then w = Int(0.01 * mapData.width_relative * TGame.defaultMapSizeX) If h <= 0 Then h = Int(0.01 * mapData.height_relative * TGame.defaultMapSizeY) space = New TSpace space.Init(mapData.planetConfigs, playerCount, w, h) space.SetScreenArea(0,7, 259, 185) 'add some population according to difficulty For Local planet:TPlanet = EachIn space.planets If planet.ownerID <= 0 Then Continue '-3 for very easy, 0 for normal planet.population :- Max(0, Int(6.0 * (1 - 0.01 * players[planet.ownerID-1].difficulty))) '+2 (up to +3) for hard, 0 for normal planet.population :+ Min(3, Max(0, Int(0.01 * players[planet.ownerID-1].difficulty) - 1)) Next 'make AI decisions from now on - more random SeedRand( Abs(MilliSecs()) ) End Method Method InitNewRandomGame(playerCount:Int, planetCount:Int=-1, spaceWidth:Int=-1, spaceHeight:Int=-1) 'create players Local randomRaceIDs:Int[] = RandRangeArray(1, 6, playerCount) Local difficulties:Int[] = New Int[playerCount] 'first is player -> ignored For Local i:Int = 0 Until playerCount difficulties[i] = 50 + 50 * RandRange(0,3) '50 - 200% Next If spaceWidth = -1 Then spaceWidth = MathHelper.Clamp(RandRange(TGame.defaultMapSizeX - 50, 2*TGame.defaultMapSizeX), TGame.defaultMapSizeX, 2*TGame.defaultMapSizeX ) If spaceHeight = -1 Then spaceHeight = MathHelper.Clamp(RandRange(TGame.defaultMapSizeY - 50, 2*TGame.defaultMapSizeY), TGame.defaultMapSizeY, 2*TGame.defaultMapSizeY ) 'scale up If planetCount = -1 Then planetCount = Int(12 * spaceWidth/Float(TGame.defaultMapSizeX) * spaceHeight/Float(TGame.defaultMapSizeY)) InitNewGame(TGame.GAMETYPE_RANDOM, randomRaceIDs, difficulties, planetCount, spaceWidth, spaceHeight) End Method Method InitNewGame(gameType:Int, playerRaces:Int[], playerDifficulties:Int[], planetCount:Int, spaceWidth:Int, spaceHeight:Int, galaxyName:String="", mapName:String="") Local validPlayerRaces:Int[] Local validPlayerDifficulties:Int[] For Local i:Int = 0 Until playerRaces.length If playerRaces[i] > 0 validPlayerRaces :+ [playerRaces[i]] validPlayerDifficulties :+ [playerDifficulties[i]] EndIf Next If Not galaxyName Then galaxyName = GenerateGalaxyName() Self.galaxyName = galaxyName If Not mapName Select gameType Case TGame.GAMETYPE_CAMPAIGN mapName = "Mission in " + galaxyName Case TGame.GAMETYPE_RANDOM mapName = "Random game in " + galaxyName Case TGame.GAMETYPE_SKIRMISH mapName = "Skirmish game in " + galaxyName End Select EndIf Self.mapName = mapName Self.gameType = gameType Local playerCount:Int = validPlayerRaces.length players = New TPlayer[playerCount] playerColors = New TGameColor[playerCount + 1] '0 = gray playerColors[0] = racesColors[0] For Local pID:Int = 1 To playerCount Local raceID:Int = validPlayerRaces[pID-1] playerColors[pID] = racesColors[raceID] '0 = all ,so "raceID-1 +1" 'print "player " + pID +" race = " + randomRaceIDs[pID-1] +" color = " + (raceID) +" = " + playerColors[pID].ToString() ?bmxng players[pID-1] = New TPlayer(pID) ?Not bmxng players[pID-1] = New TPlayer players[pID-1].playerID = pID ? 'assign name, racial bonus/malus ... players[pID-1].SetRace(raceID) If pID <> playerID players[pID-1].AI = New TAI players[pID-1].AI.playerID = pID players[pID-1].AI.RandomizeCharacter() Select validPlayerDifficulties[pID-1] Case 0 players[pID-1].SetDifficulty(50) Case 1 players[pID-1].SetDifficulty(100) Case 2 players[pID-1].SetDifficulty(150) End Select EndIf Next space = New TSpace space.InitRandom(playerCount, planetCount, spaceWidth, spaceHeight) space.SetScreenArea(0,7, 259, 185) 'add some population according to difficulty For Local planet:TPlanet = EachIn space.planets If planet.ownerID <= 0 Then Continue '3 for easy, 0 for normal planet.population :+ Max(0, (4 - players[planet.ownerID-1].difficulty)) '-2 for hard, 0 for normal planet.population :- Min(3, Sqr(players[planet.ownerID-1].difficulty)) Next End Method Method Start:Int() GameTime.Reset() state = 1 space.ScrollToPlayerPlanet(game.playerID) 'NEW GAME START INFO SCREENS MessageWindowCollection.OpenLevelStartWindow() End Method Method StartSolarSupport:Int(amount:Int, playerID:Int, planetID:Int =-1) If planetID = -1 Local planets:TPlanet[] = space.GetPlanets(playerID) 'use a random one of another player? If Not planets Or planets.length = 0 planets = space.planets EndIf planetID = planets[ RandRange(0, planets.length -1) ].ID EndIf Local spawn:TVec2D = New TVec2D.Init(0,0) Local planet:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(planetID) 'find best direction Local toLeft:Int = planet.position.x Local toRight:Int = space.width - planet.position.x Local toTop:Int = planet.position.y Local toBottom:Int = space.height - planet.position.y If toLeft < toRight And toLeft < toTop And toLeft < toBottom spawn.Init(-20, planet.position.y) 'left ElseIf toRight < toLeft And toRight < toTop And toRight < toBottom spawn.Init(space.width + 20, planet.position.y) 'right ElseIf toTop < toLeft And toTop < toRight And toTop < toBottom spawn.Init(planet.position.x, - 20) 'top Else spawn.Init(planet.position.x, space.height + 20) 'bottom EndIf For Local i:Int = 0 Until amount Local ship:TShip = New TShip ship.ownerID = playerID ship.sourcePlanetID = -1 ship.targetPlanetID = planetID ship.position = spawn.Copy() 'randomize a bit ship.position.AddXY(RandRange(-10, 10), RandRange(-10, 10)) ship.speed = planet.GetShipSpeed() * 2 'fast ship.sourcePosition = ship.position.Copy() ship.targetPosition = planet.position 'no copy so it can adjust 'support does not add ' game.GetPlayerGameStats(planet.ownerID).shipsStarted :+ 1 space.AddShip(ship) Next End Method Method StartRebels:Int() If rebelsActivated Then Return False gameStatsArchive :+[ New TGameStatsArchive ] space._shipsAlive :+ [0] Local raceID:Int = 7 'unknown Local pID:Int = players.length +1 playerColors :+ [ racesColors[raceID] ] ?bmxng players :+ [New TPlayer(pID)] ?Not bmxng Local p:TPlayer = New TPlayer p.playerID = pID players :+ [p] ? 'assign name, racial bonus/malus ... players[pID-1].SetRace(raceID) players[pID-1].AI = New TAI players[pID-1].AI.playerID = pID players[pID-1].AI.RandomizeCharacter() players[pID-1].SetDifficulty( 100 ) 'assign planets For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn space.GetPlanets(0) If p.ownerID <> 0 Then Continue 'how can it... p.SetOwner(pID) Next rebelsActivated = True Return True End Method Method IsPaused:Int() Return GameTime.paused End Method Method SetPaused(paused:Int) GameTime.paused = paused End Method Method SetGameSpeed(speed:Int) GameTime.speedFactor = Float(speed) End Method Method GetCampaignMapsWon:Int() Return campaignMapsWonCount End Method Method IsCampaignMapWon:Int(mapGUID:String) Return campaignMapsWon.Contains(mapGUID) End Method Method SetCampaignMapWon:Int(mapGUID:String) If Not campaignMapsWon.Contains(mapGUID) campaignMapsWon.insert(mapGUID, Time.GetSystemTime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) campaignMapsWonCount :+ 1 EndIf End Method Method GetPlayer:TPlayer(playerID:Int=-1) If playerID = -1 Then playerID = Self.playerID If playerID < 1 Or playerID > players.length Then Return Null Return players[playerID-1] End Method Method GetPlayerGameStats:TGameStats(playerID:Int) Return gameStatsArchive[playerID-1].GetCurrent() End Method Method GetPlayerGameStatsArchive:TGameStatsArchive(playerID:Int) Return gameStatsArchive[playerID-1] End Method Method BuyMissileForPlanet:Int(playerID:Int, planetID:Int) Local player:TPlayer = GetPlayer(playerID) Local planet:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(planetID) If Not player Or Not planet Then Return False If Not planet.IsMissileMaxReached() And player.researchPoints > 0 player.researchPoints :- 1 planet.missilesLimit :+ 1 GetPlayerGameStats(playerID).missilesBought :+ 1 Return True EndIf Return False End Method Method UpdatePlayerControls() Local mouseOver:Int = space.screenArea.Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) 'deselect planet with rightclick If MouseManager.IsHit(2) And mouseOver Then space.DeselectPlanets() Local localMousePos:TVec2D = space.ScreenPosToLocal(MouseManager.currentPos) Local groupSelectKeysDown:Int = (KeyManager.IsDown(KEY_LCONTROL) Or KeyManager.IsDown(KEY_RCONTROL)) Local hoveredPlanet:TPlanet 'reset states For Local planet:TPlanet = EachIn space.planets planet.SetHovered(False) Next 'set new states For Local planet:TPlanet = EachIn space.planets If planet.GetArea().ContainsVec(localMousePos) planet.SetHovered(True) hoveredPlanet = planet Exit EndIf Next If groupSelectKeysDown And KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_A) space.SelectAllPlanets(playerID) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_A) EndIf 'handle clicks / selection / attack 'group select If groupSelectionArea And Not MouseManager.IsDown(1) And mouseOver If Not groupSelectKeysDown Then space.DeselectPlanets() ' if groupSelectionArea.GetW() > 2 or groupSelectionArea.GetH() > 2 space.AddSelectedPlanets(groupSelectionArea.MakeDimensionsPositive(), playerID) MouseManager.ResetKey(1) ' endif groupSelectionArea = Null ElseIf MouseManager.IsDown(1) If groupSelectionArea groupSelectionArea.SetX2( localMousePos.x ) groupSelectionArea.SetY2( localMousePos.y ) Else If mouseOver 'only start when within space area groupSelectionArea = New TRectangle.Init( localMousePos.x, localMousePos.y, 1, 1) EndIf EndIf 'single select 'if not groupSelectionArea and MouseManager.IsHit(1) and hoveredPlanet If MouseManager.IsHit(1) And hoveredPlanet And mouseOver If space.IsSelectedPlanet(hoveredPlanet.ID) 'deselect space.DeselectPlanet(hoveredPlanet.ID) Else 'can only group select if the other selected is also of player's planets Local onlyPlayerPlanetsSelected:Int = (space.selectedPlanets And space.selectedPlanets.length > 0 And space.selectedPlanets[0].ownerID = playerID) Local playerOwnedPlanet:Int = (hoveredPlanet.ownerID = playerID) 'extend group selection If onlyPlayerPlanetsSelected And playerOwnedPlanet And groupSelectKeysDown space.AddSelectedPlanet(hoveredPlanet) 'done in Add* already 'hoveredPlanet.SetSelected(True) 'send ships ElseIf onlyPlayerPlanetsSelected And Not IsPaused() If Not GetPlayer().isObserving GetPlayer().SpawnShipsFromPlanets(space.selectedPlanets, hoveredPlanet.ID) SimpleSoundSource.PlayRandomSfx("ship_start") EndIf 'simple click on a planet - select it Else space.DeselectPlanets() space.AddSelectedPlanet(hoveredPlanet) 'done in Add* already 'hoveredPlanet.SetSelected(True) EndIf EndIf MouseManager.ResetKey(1) EndIf End Method Method CheckPlayerStates:Int() For Local pID:Int = 1 To players.length If Not GetPlayer(pID).state = TPlayer.PLAYERSTATE_ALIVE Then Continue If space.GetPlanetCount(pID) = 0 If space.GetShipCount(pID) <= 0 SetPlayerLost(pID) EndIf EndIf Next Local deadCount:Int = 0 Local aliveID:Int = 0 For Local pID:Int = 1 To players.length If players[pID-1].state = TPlayer.PLAYERSTATE_LOST deadCount :+ 1 Else aliveID = pID EndIf Next If deadCount = players.length -1 And aliveID > 0 SetPlayerWon(aliveID) EndIf End Method Method UpdateGameStats() For Local p:TPlayer = EachIn players Local gs:TGameStats = GetPlayerGameStats(p.playerID) gs.population = p.GetTotalPopulation() gs.domination = space.GetDomination(p.playerID) gs.planetsOwned = space.GetPlanetCount(p.playerID) gs.techtreeProgress = p.GetTechTree().GetTotalProgress() Next End Method Method SetPlayerWon:Int(playerID:Int) If GetPlayer(playerID).state = TPlayer.PLAYERSTATE_WON Then Return False GetPlayer(playerID).state = TPlayer.PLAYERSTATE_WON 'human player? If playerID = game.playerID SetCampaignMapWon(mapGUID) EndIf 'show game-won window for all (but of course other text) If GetPlayer().state = TPlayer.PLAYERSTATE_WON Or GetPlayer().isObserving MessageWindowCollection.OpenGameWonWindow() EndIf End Method Method SetPlayerLost:Int(playerID:Int) If GetPlayer(playerID).state = TPlayer.PLAYERSTATE_LOST Then Return False GetPlayer(playerID).state = TPlayer.PLAYERSTATE_LOST If Self.playerID <> playerID Local toast:TGameToastMessage = New TGameToastMessage toast.SetLifeTime( 2.5 ) toast.SetCaption("Gone...") toast.SetText( GetPlayer(playerID).name + " was removed from the system.") toast.captionColor = GameColorCollection.basePalette[7] toast.captionFont = GetBitmapFont("default") toast.textFont = GetBitmapFont("small") GetToastMessageCollection().AddMessage(toast, "TOPLEFT") Else MessageWindowCollection.OpenGameLostWindow() EndIf End Method Method RenderPlayerControls() Local vpx:Int, vpy:Int, vpw:Int, vph:Int If space.screenArea GetGraphicsManager().GetViewport(vpx, vpy, vpw, vph) GetGraphicsManager().SetViewport(space.screenArea.GetIntX(), space.screenArea.GetIntY(), space.screenArea.GetIntW(), space.screenArea.GetIntH()) EndIf If groupSelectionArea 'add offset as we render to the screen, not the "space" Local r:TRectangle = groupSelectionArea.Copy() r.position = space.LocalPosToScreen(r.position) DrawMarkerRect(r, 1) EndIf If space.screenArea GetGraphicsManager().SetViewport(vpx, vpy, vpw, vph) EndIf End Method Method Update:Int() 'update events Local toRemove:Int[] For Local t:TIntKey = EachIn mapEvents.Keys() Local ev:TMapEvent = TMapEvent(mapEvents.ValueForKey(t.value)) If ev.notifyEnabled And Not ev.notifyDone And ev.GetNotifyTime() < GameTime.GetTimeGone() ev.DoNotify() EndIf If t.value <= GameTime.GetTimeGone() TMapEvent(mapEvents.ValueForKey(t.value)).Execute() toRemove :+ [t.value] EndIf Next For Local t:Int = EachIn toRemove mapEvents.Remove(t) Next ' While mapEvents._FirstNode().Key() < GameTime.GetTimeGone() ' TMapEvent(mapEvents._FirstNode().Value()).Execute() ' mapEvents.Remove( mapEvents._FirstNode().Key() ) ' Wend If Not hud.HasOpenModalWindow() UpdatePlayerControls() EndIf For Local p:TPlayer = EachIn players p.Update() Next space.Update() gameStatsArchiveTimer :- GetGameTimeDelta() If gameStatsArchiveTimer <= 0 For Local p:TPlayer = EachIn players If Not p.state = TPlayer.PLAYERSTATE_ALIVE Then Continue GetPlayerGameStatsArchive(p.playerID).ArchiveCurrent() Next gameStatsArchiveTimer = 15 EndIf If rebelsAllowed And Not rebelsActivated 'check time If rebelsTime > 0 And rebelsTime < GameTime.GetTimeGone()/1000 StartRebels() EndIf 'check planets If rebelsUnusedPlanets > 0 And rebelsUnusedPlanets <= space.GetPlanetCount(0) StartRebels() EndIf EndIf If mapTimeLimit > 0 And Long(GameTime.GetTimeGone() / 1000) > mapTimeLimit Game.SetPlayerLost(game.GetPlayer().playerID) EndIf CheckPlayerStates() UpdateGameStats() End Method Method Render:Int() space.Render() RenderPlayerControls() End Method Function onPlanetSetOwner:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) Local oldOwnerID:Int = triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("oldOwnerID", -1) Local ownerID:Int = triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("ownerID", -1) If oldOwnerID > 0 Then game.GetPlayerGameStats(oldOwnerID).planetsLost :+ 1 If ownerID > 0 Then game.GetPlayerGameStats(ownerID).planetsWon :+ 1 If oldOwnerID = game.playerID SimpleSoundSource.PlayRandomSfx("planet_lost") ElseIf ownerID = game.playerID SimpleSoundSource.PlayRandomSfx("planet_won") EndIf End Function End Type Type TGameStats Field population:Int Field domination:Float Field planetsOwned:Int Field planetsWon:Int Field planetsLost:Int Field shipsStarted:Int Field missilesBought:Int Field missilesStarted:Int Field planetsHit:Int Field shipsHit:Int Field techtreeProgress:Float Method Copy:TGameStats() Local c:TGameStats = New TGameStats c.population = population c.domination = domination c.planetsOwned = planetsOwned c.planetsWon = planetsWon c.planetsLost = planetsLost c.shipsStarted = shipsStarted c.missilesBought = missilesBought c.missilesStarted = missilesStarted c.planetsHit = planetsHit c.shipsHit = shipsHit c.techtreeProgress = techtreeProgress Return c End Method Method GetAtIndex:Int(index:Int) Select index Case 0 Return population Case 1 Return Int(100*domination) Case 2 Return planetsOwned Case 3 Return planetsWon Case 4 Return planetsLost Case 5 Return shipsStarted Case 6 Return missilesBought Case 7 Return missilesStarted Case 8 Return planetsHit Case 9 Return shipsHit Case 10 Return Int(100*techtreeProgress) End Select Return 0 End Method End Type Type TGameStatsArchive Field currentStats:TGameStats Field stats:TGameStats[] Field statsTime:Long[] Method New() currentStats = New TGameStats End Method Method GetCurrent:TGameStats() Return currentStats End Method Method ArchiveCurrent() AddStats( currentStats.copy() ) End Method Method AddStats(g:TGameStats) stats :+ [g] statsTime :+ [GameTime.GetTimeGone()] End Method End Type Type TSpace 'defines area occupied on screen - to know scroll requirements Field screenArea:TRectangle Field viewOffset:TVec2D = New TVec2D Field width:Int = 400 Field height:Int = 300 Field minOffsetX:Int = 0 Field maxOffsetX:Int = 400 - 320 Field minOffsetY:Int = 0 Field maxOffsetY:Int = 300 - 200 Field selectedPlanets:TPlanet[] Field _shipsAlive:Int[] = New Int[0] '0 = all, 1 = of player 1 ... Field deadShips:Int[] = New Int[0] Field deadMissiles:Int[] = New Int[0] Field planets:TPlanet[] Field missiles:TIntMap = New TIntMap Field ships:TIntMap = New TIntMap Field backgroundStars:TBackgroundStar[] Global _eventListeners:TLink[] Global _initDone:Int = False Global _instance:TSpace Function GetInstance:TSpace() If Not _instance Then _instance = New TSpace Return _instance End Function Method New() If Not _initDone '=== EVENTS === '=== remove all registered event listeners EventManager.unregisterListenersByLinks(_eventListeners) _eventListeners = New TLink[0] '=== register event listeners 'to react on changes in the programmeCollection (eg. custom script finished) _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerFunction( "Planet.SetOwner", onPlanetSetOwner ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerFunction( "Planet.SpawnShip", onPlanetSpawnsShip ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerFunction( "Planet.SpawnMissile", onPlanetSpawnsMissile ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerFunction( "Ship.ArriveTarget", onShipArrivesTarget ) ] _eventListeners :+ [ EventManager.registerListenerFunction( "Missile.ArriveTarget", onMissileArrivesTarget ) ] _initDone = True EndIf End Method Method SetScreenArea(x:Int, y:Int, w:Int, h:Int) screenArea = New TRectangle.Init(x,y,w,h) UpdateScrollLimits() End Method Method UpdateScrollLimits() If screenArea minOffsetX = 0 maxOffsetX = width - screenArea.GetIntW() minOffsetY = 0 maxOffsetY = height - screenArea.GetIntH() Else minOffsetX = 0 maxOffsetX = width minOffsetY = 0 maxOffsetY = height EndIf 'clamp to new rules ScrollView(0, 0) End Method Method InitBackgroundStars:Int() backgroundStars = New TBackgroundStar[100] For Local i:Int = 0 Until backgroundStars.length backgroundStars[i] = New TBackgroundStar 'TODO: Abstand zu anderen Planeten und Sternen! backgroundStars[i].position = New TVec3D.Init(RandRange(10, width-10), RandRange(10, height-10), -0.5 -0.05 * RandRange(1, 10)) Next End Method Method Init(planetConfigs:TData[], playerCount:Int, width:Int, height:Int) Self.width = width Self.height = height Self._shipsAlive = New Int[playerCount + 1] '0 = all InitBackgroundStars() UpdateScrollLimits() planets = New TPlanet[ planetConfigs.length ] For Local i:Int = 0 Until planets.length If Not planetConfigs[i] Then planetConfigs[i] = New TData planets[i] = New TPlanet planets[i].ID = i+1 'start with 1 planets[i].size = 11 'RandRange(9, 11) planets[i].name = planetConfigs[i].GetString("name") If Not planets[i].name Then planets[i].name = GeneratePlanetName() Local pX:Int = planetConfigs[i].GetInt("x", -1) Local pY:Int = planetConfigs[i].GetInt("y", -1) If pX = -1 And planetConfigs[i].GetInt("x2", -1) > 0 Then pX = width - planetConfigs[i].GetInt("x2") If pY = -1 And planetConfigs[i].GetInt("y2", -1) > 0 Then pY = height - planetConfigs[i].GetInt("x2") If pX <> -1 And pY <> -1 pX = MathHelper.Clamp(pX, 15, width - 15) pY = MathHelper.Clamp(pY, 15, height - 15) planets[i].SetPosition(pX, pY ) Else 'position planet 'and check distance to previous planets Local positionOK:Int = True Local minimumDistance:Int = 50 Repeat positionOK = True Local tries:Int = 0 Repeat positionOK = True planets[i].SetPosition(RandRange(15, width-15), RandRange(15, height-15)) For Local j:Int = 0 Until i If planets[i].position.DistanceTo(planets[j].position) < minimumDistance positionOK = False Exit EndIf Next tries :+ 1 Until positionOK Or tries > 20 minimumDistance :- 2 If minimumDistance <= 0 Then Throw "no place to position planet #"+i Until positionOK EndIf planets[i].population = planetConfigs[i].GetInt("population", -1) If planets[i].population = -1 Then planets[i].population = RandRange(5, 10) planets[i].ownerID = planetConfigs[i].GetInt("owner", 0) 'default to unowned planets[i].missiles = planetConfigs[i].GetInt("missiles", 0) planets[i].missilesLimit = planetConfigs[i].GetInt("missilesLimit", 0) planets[i].researchPoints = planetConfigs[i].GetFloat("researchPoints", 0) Next End Method Method InitRandom(playerCount:Int, planetCount:Int, width:Int, height:Int) Self.width = width Self.height = height Self._shipsAlive = New Int[playerCount + 1] '0 = all InitBackgroundStars() UpdateScrollLimits() planets = New TPlanet[planetCount] For Local i:Int = 0 Until planets.length planets[i] = New TPlanet planets[i].ID = i+1 'start with 1 planets[i].size = 11 'RandRange(9, 11) planets[i].name = GeneratePlanetName() 'position planet 'and check distance to previous planets Local positionOK:Int = True Local minimumDistance:Int = 50 Repeat positionOK = True Local tries:Int = 0 Repeat positionOK = True planets[i].SetPosition(RandRange(15, width-15), RandRange(15, height-15)) For Local j:Int = 0 Until i If planets[i].position.DistanceTo(planets[j].position) < minimumDistance positionOK = False Exit EndIf Next tries :+ 1 Until positionOK Or tries > 20 minimumDistance :- 2 If minimumDistance <= 0 Then Throw "no place to position planet #"+i Until positionOK Next RandomizePlanetPopulation() RandomizePlanetAssignments(playerCount, 1) End Method Method ScrollView:Int(dx:Int, dy:Int) ScrollViewTo(dx, dy, True) End Method Method ScrollToPlayerPlanet(playerID:Int, planetID:Int=-1, selectPlanet:Int = True) '(try to) center to players planet For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn planets If p.ownerID = playerID ScrollViewTo(p.position.GetIntX() - Int(0.5 * screenArea.GetIntW()), p.position.GetIntY() - Int(0.5 * screenArea.GetIntH())) If selectPlanet Then AddSelectedPlanetByID(p.ID) Exit EndIf Next End Method 'x and y are LOCAL not SCREEN Method ScrollViewTo:Int(x:Int, y:Int, relative:Int = False) If Not relative viewOffset.x = MathHelper.Clamp(x, minOffsetX, maxOffsetX) viewOffset.y = MathHelper.Clamp(y, minOffsetY, maxOffsetY) Else viewOffset.x = MathHelper.Clamp(viewOffset.x + x, minOffsetX, maxOffsetX) viewOffset.y = MathHelper.Clamp(viewOffset.y + y, minOffsetY, maxOffsetY) EndIf End Method Method ScreenXToLocal:Int(screenX:Int) Return screenX + viewOffset.x - screenArea.GetIntX() End Method Method ScreenYToLocal:Int(screenY:Int) Return screenY + viewOffset.y - screenArea.GetIntY() End Method Method ScreenPosToLocal:TVec2D(screenPos:TVec2D) Return screenPos.Copy().AddXY(viewOffset.x - screenArea.GetIntX(), viewOffset.y - screenArea.GetIntY()) End Method Method LocalPosToScreen:TVec2D(localPos:TVec2D) Return localPos.Copy().AddXY(- viewOffset.x + screenArea.GetIntX(), - viewOffset.y + screenArea.GetIntY()) End Method Method RandomizePlanetPopulation:Int(minPop:Int=5, maxPop:Int=10) For Local planet:TPlanet = EachIn planets planet.population = RandRange(minPop, maxPop) Next End Method 'Assign planets to players Method RandomizePlanetAssignments(playerCount:Int, planetsPerPlayer:Int = 1, startPopulation:Int = 8) For Local playerID:Int = 1 To playerCount 'start with 1! Local assignedPlanets:Int = 0 For Local planet:TPlanet = EachIn planets If planet.ownerID <> 0 Then Continue planet.SetOwner(playerID) planet.population = startPopulation assignedPlanets :+ 1 If assignedPlanets >= planetsPerPlayer Then Exit Next Next End Method Method GetShipCount:Int(playerID:Int = 0) If playerID < 0 Or playerID >= _shipsAlive.length Then playerID = 0 Return _shipsAlive[playerID] End Method Method GetAveragePlanetPopulation:Int(onlyOwned:Int = False) Local sum:Int Local count:Int For Local i:Int = 0 Until planets.length If onlyOwned And planets[i].ownerID <= 0 Then Continue sum :+ planets[i].GetPopulation() count :+ 1 Next If count > 0 Then Return sum/count Return 0 End Method Method GetPlanets:TPlanet[](ownerID:Int) Local result:TPlanet[] = New TPlanet[10] Local found:Int = 0 For Local i:Int = 0 Until planets.length If planets[i].ownerID <> ownerID Then Continue If result.length <= found Then result = result[.. result.length + 5] result[found] = planets[i] found :+ 1 Next If result.length <> found Then result = result[.. found] Return result End Method Method GetPlanet:TPlanet(planetID:Int) If planetID <= 0 Or planetID > planets.length Then Return Null Return planets[planetID-1] End Method Method GetPlanetCount:Int(playerID:Int = -1) If playerID = -1 Or playerID >= _shipsAlive.length Then Return planets.length Local result:Int For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn planets If p.ownerID = playerID Then result :+ 1 Next Return result End Method Method GetSelectedPlanetIndex:Int(planetID:Int) If Not selectedPlanets Then Return -1 For Local i:Int = 0 Until selectedPlanets.length If selectedPlanets[i].ID = planetID Then Return i Next Return -1 End Method Method IsSelectedPlanet:Int(planetID:Int) Return GetSelectedPlanetIndex(planetID) >= 0 End Method Method AddSelectedPlanetByID:Int(planetID:Int) Return AddSelectedPlanet( GetPlanet(planetID) ) End Method Method AddSelectedPlanet:Int(planet:TPlanet) If Not planet Then Return False If Not IsSelectedPlanet(planet.ID) selectedPlanets :+ [planet] planet.SetSelected(True) EndIf hud.OpenSlider(False) End Method Method AddSelectedPlanets:Int(rect:TRectangle, ownerID:Int = -1) For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn planets If ownerID >= 0 And p.ownerID <> ownerID Then Continue If rect.ContainsVec(p.position) And Not IsSelectedPlanet(p.ID) AddSelectedPlanetByID(p.ID) EndIf Next Return True End Method Method SelectAllPlanets:Int(ownerID:Int = -1) For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn planets If ownerID >= 0 And p.ownerID <> ownerID Then Continue AddSelectedPlanetByID(p.ID) Next Return True End Method Method DeselectPlanet:Int(planetID:Int) Local i:Int = GetSelectedPlanetIndex(planetID) If i < 0 Then Return False selectedPlanets[i].SetSelected(False) selectedPlanets = selectedPlanets[.. i] + selectedPlanets[i+1 ..] If selectedPlanets.length = 0 hud.CloseSlider(False) EndIf Return True End Method Method DeselectPlanets:Int() If Not selectedPlanets Then Return True For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn selectedPlanets p.SetSelected(False) Next selectedPlanets = New TPlanet[0] hud.CloseSlider(False) Return True End Method Method AddShip:Int(ship:TShip) _shipsAlive[ship.ownerID] :+ 1 _shipsAlive[0] :+ 1 Return ships.Insert(ship.ID, ship) End Method Method RemoveShip:Int(shipID:Int) Local ship:TShip = GetShip(shipID) If ship And ship.alive _shipsAlive[ship.ownerID] :- 1 _shipsAlive[0] :- 1 ship.alive = False EndIf deadShips :+ [shipID] 'Return ships.Remove(shipID) Return True End Method Method GetShip:TShip(shipID:Int) Return TShip(ships.ValueForKey(shipID)) End Method Method AddMissile:Int(missile:TMissile) Return missiles.Insert(missile.ID, missile) End Method Method RemoveMissile:Int(missileID:Int) Local missile:TMissile = GetMissile(missileID) deadMissiles :+ [missileID] If missile Then missile.alive = False 'Return missiles.Remove(missileID) Return True End Method Method GetMissile:TMissile(missileID:Int) Return TMissile(missiles.ValueForKey(missileID)) End Method Method GetDomination:Float(playerID:Int) Local ownedPlanets:Int = 0 For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn planets If p.ownerID = playerID Then ownedPlanets :+ 1 Next Return ownedPlanets/Float(planets.length) End Method Method Update:Int() For Local star:TBackgroundStar = EachIn backgroundStars star.Update() Next For Local missile:TMissile = EachIn missiles.Values() missile.Update() Next For Local ship:TShip = EachIn ships.Values() ship.Update() Next For Local id:Int = EachIn deadShips ships.Remove(id) Next For Local id:Int = EachIn deadMissiles missiles.Remove(id) Next deadShips = New Int[0] deadMissiles = New Int[0] 'ACHTUNG: eventuell Updates "randomisieren", damit jeder Planet ' mal zuerst dran kommt (angegriffen wird, produziert,...) For Local planet:TPlanet = EachIn planets planet.Update() Next End Method Method Render:Int() Local vpx:Int, vpy:Int, vpw:Int, vph:Int If screenArea GetGraphicsManager().GetViewport(vpx, vpy, vpw, vph) GetGraphicsManager().SetViewport(screenArea.GetIntX(), screenArea.GetIntY(), screenArea.GetIntW(), screenArea.GetIntH()) EndIf Local mapOffsetX:Int = -viewOffset.GetIntX() + screenArea.GetIntX() Local mapOffsetY:Int = -viewOffset.GetIntY() + screenArea.GetIntY() For Local star:TBackgroundStar = EachIn backgroundStars star.Render(mapOffsetX, mapOffsetY) Next For Local planet:TPlanet = EachIn planets planet.Render(mapOffsetX, mapOffsetY) planet.RenderOverlays(mapOffsetX, mapOffsetY) Next For Local missile:TMissile = EachIn missiles.Values() missile.Render(mapOffsetX, mapOffsetY) Next For Local ship:TShip = EachIn ships.Values() ship.Render(mapOffsetX, mapOffsetY) Next If screenArea GetGraphicsManager().SetViewport(vpx, vpy, vpw, vph) EndIf Local localMousePos:TVec2D = ScreenPosToLocal(MouseManager.currentPos) 'DrawText(localMousePos.GetIntX(), 4,8) 'DrawText(localMousePos.GetIntY(), 4,16) End Method Function onShipArrivesTarget:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) Local ship:TShip = TShip(triggerEvent.GetSender()) Local targetPlanet:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("targetPlanetID",-1)) If Not ship Or Not targetPlanet Then Return False targetPlanet.OnShipArrives(ship.ownerID) space.RemoveShip(ship.ID) End Function Function onMissileArrivesTarget:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) Local missile:TMissile = TMissile(triggerEvent.GetSender()) If Not missile Then Return False Local targetPlanet:TPlanet Local targetShip:TShip If triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("targetPlanetID", -1) > 0 targetPlanet = space.GetPlanet( triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("targetPlanetID", -1) ) ElseIf triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("targetShipID", -1) > 0 targetShip = space.GetShip( triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("targetShipID", -1) ) EndIf 'do not return - remove missile even if target ship does no longer exist 'If Not targetPlanet and not targetShip Then Return False If targetPlanet targetPlanet.OnMissileArrives(missile.ID, missile.ownerID, missile) game.GetPlayerGameStats(missile.ownerID).planetsHit :+ 1 EndIf If targetShip targetShip.OnMissileArrives(missile.ID, missile.ownerID, missile) space.RemoveShip(targetShip.ID) game.GetPlayerGameStats(missile.ownerID).shipsHit :+ 1 EndIf space.RemoveMissile(missile.ID) End Function Function onPlanetSetOwner:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) Local planet:TPlanet = TPlanet(triggerEvent.GetSender()) If Not planet Then Return False 'deselect a planet if it changes owner but we selected multiple 'planets. 'do not do this if only this planet was selected (might be by 'purpose) If space.IsSelectedPlanet(planet.ID) If space.selectedPlanets.length > 1 space.DeselectPlanet(planet.ID) EndIf EndIf End Function Function onPlanetSpawnsShip:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) Local planet:TPlanet = TPlanet(triggerEvent.GetSender()) If Not planet Then Return False Local targetPlanet:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet( triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("targetPlanetID", -1) ) If Not targetPlanet Then Return False Local ship:TShip = New TShip ship.ownerID = planet.ownerID ship.sourcePlanetID = planet.ID ship.targetPlanetID = targetPlanet.ID ship.position = planet.position.Copy() ship.speed = planet.GetShipSpeed() 'randomize start on planet a bit ship.position.AddXY(RandRange(-planet.size/2, planet.size/2), RandRange(-planet.size/2, planet.size/2)) ship.sourcePosition = ship.position.Copy() ship.targetPosition = targetPlanet.position 'no copy so it can adjust game.GetPlayerGameStats(planet.ownerID).shipsStarted :+ 1 space.AddShip(ship) ' Print "planet "+ planet.ID+" spawns ship to planet " + targetPlanet.ID End Function Function onPlanetSpawnsMissile:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) Local planet:TPlanet = TPlanet(triggerEvent.GetSender()) If Not planet Then Return False Local targetPlanet:TPlanet Local targetShip:TShip If triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("targetPlanetID", -1) > -1 targetPlanet = space.GetPlanet( triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("targetPlanetID", -1) ) ElseIf triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("targetShipID", -1) > -1 targetShip = space.GetShip( triggerEvent.GetData().GetInt("targetShipID", -1) ) EndIf If Not targetPlanet And Not targetShip Then Return False Local missile:TMissile = New TMissile missile.ownerID = planet.ownerID missile.position = planet.position.Copy() missile.speed = 20 ' planet.GetShipSpeed() 'randomize start on planet a bit missile.position.AddXY(RandRange(-planet.size/2, planet.size/2), RandRange(-planet.size/2, planet.size/2)) missile.sourcePosition = missile.position.Copy() missile.sourcePlanetID = planet.ID If targetPlanet missile.targetPlanetID = targetPlanet.ID missile.targetPosition = targetPlanet.position 'no copy so it can follow a moving target ElseIf targetShip missile.targetShipID = targetShip.ID missile.targetPosition = targetShip.position 'no copy so it can follow a moving target EndIf game.GetPlayerGameStats(missile.ownerID).missilesStarted :+ 1 space.AddMissile(missile) End Function End Type Type TMessageWindowCollection Field windows:TMessageWindow[] Method Reset:Int() For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows w.Destroy() Next windows = New TMessageWindow[0] End Method Method RemoveByScreenLimit:Int(screenLimit:String) Local toRemove:TMessageWindow[] = New TMessageWindow[0] For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If w.screenLimit = screenLimit Then toRemove :+ [w] Next For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn toRemove RemoveMessageWindow(w) Next Return toRemove.length End Method Method HasOpenModalWindow:Int() Return windows.length > 0 End Method Method IsActiveWindow:Int(w:TMessageWindow) If windows And windows.length > 0 And windows[ windows.length -1 ] = w Then Return True Return False End Method Method Update:Int(screenLimit:String) Local destroyedWindows:Int = 0 'update from "down to top" For Local i:Int = 0 Until windows.length If Not windows Then Exit 'eg a savegame load Local w:TMessageWindow = windows[windows.length-1 - i] 'skip others If screenLimit And w.screenLimit And w.screenLimit <> screenLimit Then Continue w.Update() If w._destroyed Then destroyedWindows :+ 1 Next If destroyedWindows Local newWindows:TMessageWindow[] = New TMessageWindow[ windows.length - destroyedWindows ] Local addedWindows:Int = 0 For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If Not w._destroyed newWindows[addedWindows] = w addedWindows :+ 1 EndIf Next windows = newWindows EndIf End Method Method Render:Int(screenLimit:String) For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows 'skip others If screenLimit And w.screenLimit And w.screenLimit <> screenLimit Then Continue w.Render(0, 0) Next End Method Method MoveMessageWindowInStack:Int(w:TMessageWindow) If RemoveMessageWindow(w) Return AddMessageWindow(w) EndIf Return False End Method Method RemoveMessageWindow:Int(w:TMessageWindow) w.Destroy() Local index:Int For Local i:Int = 0 Until windows.length If w = windows[i] index = i Exit EndIf Next 'nothing to do If windows.length = 1 windows = New TMessageWindow[0] Else windows = windows[.. index] + windows[index+1 ..] EndIf Return True End Method Method AddMessageWindow:Int(w:TMessageWindow) windows :+ [w] Return True End Method Method OpenIngameMenu:Int() 'is there already one? For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If TMessageWindow_InGameMenu(w) 'put at bottom of stack Return MoveMessageWindowInStack(w) EndIf Next Local width:Int = 33 + 3*23 +2 Local xCenter:Int = 259/2 Local w:TMessageWindow_InGameMenu = New TMessageWindow_InGameMenu w.area = New TRectangle.Init(xCenter - width/2, 10, width, 30 + 24*6) w.screenLimit = GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().name w.Open() windows :+ [w] End Method Method OpenGameStatsWindow:Int(exitOnClose:Int = False) 'is there already one? For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If TMessageWindow_GameStats(w) Then Return False Next Local width:Int = 33 + 8*23 Local xCenter:Int = 259/2 Local w:TMessageWindow_GameStats = New TMessageWindow_GameStats w.area = New TRectangle.Init(xCenter - width/2, 20, width, 30 + 21*6) w.screenLimit = "ingame" w.exitOnClose = exitOnClose w.Open() windows :+ [w] End Method Method OpenUpgradeWindow:Int() 'is there already one? For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If TMessagewindow_Upgrade(w) Then Return False Next Local w:TMessagewindow_Upgrade = New TMessagewindow_Upgrade w.area = New TRectangle.Init(18,20, 33 + 8*23, 30 + 21*6) w.screenLimit = "ingame" If space.selectedPlanets.length = 1 w.planetID = space.selectedPlanets[0].ID EndIf w.Open() windows :+ [w] End Method Method OpenLevelStartWindow:Int() 'is there already one? For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If TMessageWindow_LevelStart(w) Then Return False Next Local w:TMessagewindow_LevelStart = New TMessagewindow_LevelStart w.area = New TRectangle.Init(18,16, 33 + 8*23, 30 + 23*6) w.screenLimit = "ingame" w.Open() windows :+ [w] End Method Method OpenGameWonWindow:Int(xCenter:Int = -1) 'is there already one? For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If TMessagewindow_GameWon(w) 'put at bottom of stack Return MoveMessageWindowInStack(w) EndIf Next Local width:Int = 33 + 6*23 If xCenter = - 1 Then xCenter = 259/2 Local w:TMessageWindow_GameWon = New TMessageWindow_GameWon w.area = New TRectangle.Init(xCenter - width/2, 20, width, 30 + 20*6) w.screenLimit = GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().name w.Open() windows :+ [w] End Method Method OpenGameLostWindow:Int(xCenter:Int = -1) 'is there already one? For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If TMessagewindow_GameLost(w) 'put at bottom of stack Return MoveMessageWindowInStack(w) EndIf Next Local width:Int = 33 + 6*23 If xCenter = - 1 Then xCenter = 259/2 Local w:TMessageWindow_GameLost = New TMessageWindow_GameLost w.area = New TRectangle.Init(xCenter - width/2, 20, width, 30 + 20*6) w.screenLimit = GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().name w.Open() windows :+ [w] End Method Method OpenSettings:Int(xCenter:Int = -1) 'is there already one? For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If TMessageWindow_Settings(w) 'put at bottom of stack Return MoveMessageWindowInStack(w) EndIf Next Local width:Int = 33 + 6*23 If xCenter = - 1 Then xCenter = 259/2 Local w:TMessageWindow_Settings = New TMessageWindow_Settings w.area = New TRectangle.Init(xCenter - width/2, 20, width, 30 + 20*6) w.screenLimit = GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().name w.Open() windows :+ [w] End Method Method OpenLoadMenu:Int(xCenter:Int = -1) 'is there already one? For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If TMessageWindow_LoadOrSaveGameMenu(w) 'make sure we are saving now (might be an old saving-menu) TMessageWindow_LoadOrSaveGameMenu(w).SetLoadMode(True) 'put at bottom of stack Return MoveMessageWindowInStack(w) EndIf Next Local width:Int = 33 + 6*23 If xCenter = - 1 Then xCenter = 259/2 Local w:TMessageWindow_LoadOrSaveGameMenu = New TMessageWindow_LoadOrSaveGameMenu w.SetLoadMode(True) w.area = New TRectangle.Init(xCenter - width/2, 20, width, 30 + 19*6) w.screenLimit = GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().name w.Open() windows :+ [w] End Method Method OpenSaveMenu:Int(xCenter:Int = -1) 'is there already one? For Local w:TMessageWindow = EachIn windows If TMessageWindow_LoadOrSaveGameMenu(w) 'make sure we are saving now (might be an old loading-menu) TMessageWindow_LoadOrSaveGameMenu(w).SetLoadMode(False) 'put at bottom of stack Return MoveMessageWindowInStack(w) EndIf Next Local width:Int = 33 + 6*23 If xCenter = - 1 Then xCenter = 259/2 Local w:TMessageWindow_LoadOrSaveGameMenu = New TMessageWindow_LoadOrSaveGameMenu w.SetLoadMode(False) w.area = New TRectangle.Init(xCenter - width/2, 20, width, 30 + 21*6) w.screenLimit = GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().name w.Open() windows :+ [w] End Method End Type Type THud Field minimap:TMinimap = New TMinimap Field sliderOpenPercentage:Float Field sliderDirection:Int = 0 Field popCount:Int Field rpCount:Float Field missileCount:Int Field missileLimit:Int Field selectionTitle:String Field font:TBitmapFont {nosave} Field spacePositionOnMouseDown:TVec2D Method Reset:Int() minimap = New TMinimap sliderOpenPercentage = 0.0 sliderDirection = 0 MessageWindowCollection.Reset() popCount = 0.0 rpCount = 0.0 missileCount = 0 missileLimit = 0 selectionTitle = "" Return True End Method Method HasOpenModalWindow:Int() Return MessageWindowCollection.HasOpenModalWindow() End Method Method Update:Int() minimap.Update() If Not HasOpenModalWindow() If space.screenArea And space.screenArea.Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) If MouseManager.x <= space.screenArea.GetX() + 10 Then space.ScrollView(-2, 0) If MouseManager.x >= space.screenArea.GetX2() - 10 Then space.ScrollView(+2, 0) If MouseManager.y <= space.screenArea.GetY() + 10 Then space.ScrollView(0, -2) If MouseManager.y >= space.screenArea.GetY2() - 10 And MouseManager.y <= space.screenArea.GetY2() Then space.ScrollView(0, +2) EndIf 'middle mouse button down? drag the map If MouseManager.IsDown(3) And MouseManager.GetDownTime(3) > 100 If Not spacePositionOnMouseDown spacePositionOnMouseDown = space.viewOffset.Copy() EndIf 'use negated positions as we "drag" Local moved:TVec2D = MouseManager.GetHitPosition(3).Copy().AddXY(MouseManager.GetPosition().x * -1, MouseManager.GetPosition().y * -1) space.ScrollViewTo(Int(spacePositionOnMouseDown.x + moved.x), Int(spacePositionOnMouseDown.y + moved.y)) ElseIf spacePositionOnMouseDown spacePositionOnMouseDown = Null 'avoid registering as clicked (if mouse moved a bit) If MouseManager.GetHitPosition(3).DistanceTo( MouseManager.GetPosition() ) > 5 MouseManager.ResetKey(3) EndIf 'middle mouse button clicked? scroll the map ElseIf MouseManager.IsClicked(3) Local scrollBy:TVec2D = New TVec2D 'subtract center ("offset") scrollBy.x = MouseManager.currentPos.x - (space.screenarea.GetIntX() + space.screenarea.GetW()/2) scrollBy.y = MouseManager.currentPos.y - (space.screenarea.GetIntY() + space.screenarea.GetH()/2) space.ScrollView(Int(scrollBy.x), Int(scrollBy.y)) MouseManager.ResetKey(3) EndIf If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_SPACE) Game.SetPaused( Not game.IsPaused() ) EndIf If MouseManager.IsHit(1) If space.selectedPlanets And space.selectedPlanets.length = 1 And space.selectedPlanets[0].ownerID = game.playerID If missileLimit = game.missilesPerPlanetLimit ' ElseIf game.GetPlayer().GetResearchPoints() < 1 ' ElseIf space.selectedPlanets[0].ownerID = game.playerID If New TRectangle.Init(301, 126, 15, 12).Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) game.BuyMissileForPlanet(game.playerID, space.selectedPlanets[0].ID) MouseManager.ResetKey(1) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf ' If space.selectedPlanets and space.selectedPlanets.length = 1 and space.selectedPlanets[0].ownerID = game.playerID If MouseManager.IsHit(1) And New TRectangle.Init(271, 141, 40, 17).Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) MessageWindowCollection.OpenUpgradeWindow() MouseManager.ResetKey(1) EndIf ' endif Local menuX:Int = 263 Local menuRect:TRectangle = New TRectangle.Init(menuX, 181, 0,0) Local menuButtons:String[] = ["menu.pause", "menu.speed1", "menu.speed2", "menu.speed3", "menu.esc"] For Local name:String = EachIn menuButtons Local s:TSprite = GetSpriteFromRegistry(name+".normal") menuRect.dimension.SetXY(s.GetWidth(), s.GetHeight()) If MouseManager.IsHit(1) And menuRect.Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) If name = "menu.pause" Then Game.SetPaused(True) If name = "menu.speed1" Then Game.SetPaused(False); Game.SetGameSpeed(1) If name = "menu.speed2" Then Game.SetPaused(False); Game.SetGameSpeed(2) If name = "menu.speed3" Then Game.SetPaused(False); Game.SetGameSpeed(3) If name = "menu.esc" Then MessageWindowCollection.OpenIngameMenu() MouseManager.ResetKey(1) EndIf menuRect.MoveXY(s.GetWidth()+2, 0) Next EndIf End Method Method OpenSlider:Int(restart:Int = False) If restart Then sliderOpenPercentage = 0 sliderDirection = 1 End Method Method CloseSlider:Int(restart:Int = False) If restart Then sliderOpenPercentage = 1.0 sliderDirection = -1 End Method Method Render:Int() If Not font Then font = GetBitmapFont("small") If sliderDirection = 1 sliderOpenPercentage :+ 0.02 ElseIf sliderDirection = -1 sliderOpenPercentage :- 0.02 EndIf If sliderOpenPercentage > 1.0 Then sliderOpenPercentage = 1.0; sliderDirection = 0 If sliderOpenPercentage < 0.0 Then sliderOpenPercentage = 0; sliderDirection = 0 'slot backgrounds GameColorCollection.basePalette[11].SetRGB() DrawRect(260,89,35,60) SetColor 255,255,255 If sliderOpenPercentage > 0.0 If space.selectedPlanets.length > 0 popCount = 0 rpCount = 0 missileCount = 0 missileLimit = 0 For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn space.selectedPlanets popCount :+ p.GetPopulation() rpCount :+ p.GetResearchPoints() missileCount :+ p.GetMissileCount() missileLimit :+ p.GetMissileLimit() Next EndIf font.DrawBlock(popCount, 269, 90-1 +1, 20, 10, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER, GameColorCollection.basePalette[0]) font.DrawBlock(popCount, 269, 90-1, 20, 10, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) font.DrawBlock(MathHelper.NumberToString(rpCount, 2), 269, 105-1 +1, 20, 10, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER, GameColorCollection.basePalette[0]) font.DrawBlock(MathHelper.NumberToString(rpCount, 2), 269, 105-1, 20, 10, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) font.DrawBlock(missileCount, 269, 120-1 +1, 20, 10, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER, GameColorCollection.basePalette[0]) font.DrawBlock(missileCount, 269, 120-1, 20, 10, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) EndIf GetSpriteFromRegistry("slot.slider").DrawInArea(266 + Int(-22*MathHelper.Clamp(sliderOpenPercentage, 0, 1.0)), 89, New TRectangle.Init(264, 89, 27, 11) ) GetSpriteFromRegistry("slot.slider").DrawInArea(266 + Int(-26*MathHelper.Clamp(sliderOpenPercentage * 1.05, 0, 1.0)), 104, New TRectangle.Init(264, 104, 27, 11) ) GetSpriteFromRegistry("slot.slider").DrawInArea(266 + Int(-30*MathHelper.Clamp(sliderOpenPercentage * 1.1, 0, 1.0)),119, New TRectangle.Init(264,119, 27, 11) ) GetSpriteFromRegistry("").Draw(0,0) GetSpriteFromRegistry("hud.bottom").Draw(0,0) GetSpriteFromRegistry("hud.right").Draw(0,0) minimap.Render() ' If space.selectedPlanets and space.selectedPlanets.length = 1 and space.selectedPlanets[0].ownerID = game.playerID If New TRectangle.Init(270, 141, 40, 17).Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) GetSpriteFromRegistry("button.upgrade.hover").Draw(270, 141) Else GetSpriteFromRegistry("button.upgrade.normal").Draw(270, 141) EndIf ' EndIf Local menuX:Int = 262 Local menuRect:TRectangle = New TRectangle.Init(menuX, 181, 0,0) Local menuButtons:String[] = ["menu.pause", "menu.speed1", "menu.speed2", "menu.speed3", "menu.esc"] For Local name:String = EachIn menuButtons Local s:TSprite = GetSpriteFromRegistry(name+".normal") menuRect.dimension.SetXY(s.GetWidth(), s.GetHeight()) If menuRect.Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) GetSpriteFromRegistry(name+".hover").Draw(menuRect.GetIntX(), menuRect.GetIntY()) Else Local state:String = ".normal" If name="menu.pause" And Game.IsPaused() Then state = ".active" If name="menu.esc" Then state = ".active" If Not Game.IsPaused() And name="menu.speed1" And GameTime.speedFactor = 1.0 Then state = ".active" If Not Game.IsPaused() And name="menu.speed2" And GameTime.speedFactor = 2.0 Then state = ".active" If Not Game.IsPaused() And name="menu.speed3" And GameTime.speedFactor = 3.0 Then state = ".active" GetSpriteFromRegistry(name+state).Draw(menuRect.GetIntX(), menuRect.GetIntY()) EndIf menuRect.MoveXY(s.GetWidth()+2, 0) Next If space.selectedPlanets And space.selectedPlanets.length = 1 And space.selectedPlanets[0].ownerID = game.playerID If missileLimit = game.missilesPerPlanetLimit GetSpriteFromRegistry("button.missileup.max").Draw(301, 126) ElseIf game.GetPlayer().GetResearchPoints() < 1 GetSpriteFromRegistry("button.missileup.disabled").Draw(301, 126) Else 'if missileCount < game.missilesPerPlanetLimit If New TRectangle.Init(301, 126, 15, 12).Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) GetSpriteFromRegistry("button.missileup.hover").Draw(301, 126) Else GetSpriteFromRegistry("button.missileup.normal").Draw(301, 126) EndIf EndIf EndIf SetColor 0,0,0 DrawRect(262, 60, 55, 15) SetColor 255,255,255 If space.selectedPlanets.length = 1 Local p:TPlanet = space.selectedPlanets[0] selectionTitle = ElseIf space.selectedPlanets.length > 1 selectionTitle = "MULTIPLE" EndIf font.DrawBlock(selectionTitle, 263, 62, 52, 11, ALIGN_CENTER_CENTER, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) GetSpriteFromRegistry("slider.door.left").DrawInArea(264 + Int(-19*sliderOpenPercentage),62, New TRectangle.Init(264, 62, 26, 11) ) GetSpriteFromRegistry("slider.door.right").DrawInArea(290 + Int(+19*sliderOpenPercentage),62, New TRectangle.Init(290, 62, 26, 11) ) GetSpriteFromRegistry("").Draw(262, 60) For Local i:Int = 1 To 20 * game.GetPlayer().GetResearchPointsPercentage() If i > 10 GetSpriteFromRegistry("bar.researchSmall").Draw(103 + 4*(i-10-1) + (i>15)*1, 193 + 4) If i > 19 And (Time.GetTimeGone()/500) Mod 2 = 0 GetSpriteFromRegistry("bar.researchWarnSmall").Draw(103 + 4*(i-10-1) + (i>15)*1, 193 + 4) EndIf Else GetSpriteFromRegistry("bar.researchSmall").Draw(103 + 4*(i-1) + (i>5)*1, 193) EndIf Next Rem local maxRP:int = 10 * game.GetPlayer().GetResearchPointsPercentage() For Local i:Int = 1 To maxRP if i mod 2 = 0 GetSpriteFromRegistry("bar.research2").Draw(108 + 2*(i-1), 193) elseif i mod 2 = 1 and i <> maxRP GetSpriteFromRegistry("bar.research1").Draw(108 + 2*(i-1), 193) endif endrem For Local i:Int = 1 To 10 * game.GetPlayer().GetSpaceDominationPercentage() GetSpriteFromRegistry("bar.domination").Draw(199 + 4*(i-1) + (i>5)*1, 193) Next If space.selectedPlanets And space.selectedPlanets.length > 0 font.DrawBlock(missileLimit, 269+13, 120-1 +1, 20, 10, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER, GameColorCollection.basePalette[0]) font.DrawBlock(missileLimit, 269+13, 120-1, 20, 10, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) EndIf Local gTime:Long = Long(GameTime.GetTimeGone() / 1000) Local textCol:TGameColor = GameColorCollection.basePalette[1] If game.mapTimeLimit > 0 'print gTime +" limit="+game.mapTimeLimit +" timeGonE=" + GameTime.GetTimeGone() gTime = game.mapTimeLimit - gTime If gTime < 60 And Time.GetTimeGone()/500 Mod 2 = 1 textCol = GameColorCollection.basePalette[10] ElseIf gTime < 120 And Time.GetTimeGone()/500 Mod 2 = 1 textCol = GameColorCollection.basePalette[7] EndIf EndIf Local gameTimeStr:String = RSet((gTime/60),2).Replace(" ", "0") + ":" + RSet((gTime Mod 60),2).Replace(" ", "0") font.DrawBlock(gameTimeStr, 273,1, 34, 8, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[11]) font.DrawBlock(gameTimeStr, 273,0, 34, 8, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, textCol) End Method End Type Type TMinimap Field area:TRectangle = New TRectangle.Init(267, 16, 44, 28) 'pixels of "minimap" per space pixel Field scaleX:Float Field scaleY:Float Field spaceViewportScaleX:Float Field spaceViewportScaleY:Float Method Update:Int() scaleX = area.GetW() / space.width 'space.screenArea.GetW() scaleY = area.GetH() / space.height 'space.screenArea.GetH() spaceViewportScaleX = space.screenArea.GetW() / space.width spaceViewportScaleY = space.screenArea.GetH() / space.height 'handle clicks If Not hud.HasOpenModalWindow() If (MouseManager.IsHit(1) Or MouseManager.IsDown(1)) And area.Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) Local halfW:Int = Int(0.5 * area.GetIntW() * spaceViewportScaleX) Local halfH:Int = Int(0.5 * area.GetIntH() * spaceViewportScaleY) Local localX:Int = MathHelper.Clamp(MouseManager.currentPos.GetIntX() - area.GetIntX() - halfW, 0, area.GetIntW()) Local localY:Int = MathHelper.Clamp(MouseManager.currentPos.GetIntY() - area.GetIntY() - halfH, 0, area.GetIntH()) space.ScrollViewTo(Int(localX / scaleX), Int(localY / scaleY)) EndIf EndIf End Method Method Render:Int() 'background SetColor 0,0,0 DrawRect(area.GetIntX(), area.GetIntY(), area.GetIntW(), area.GetIntH()) SetColor 255,255,255 'planets For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn space.planets If p.ownerID <= 0 game.playerColors[0].SetRGB() Else game.playerColors[p.ownerID].SetRGB() EndIf DrawRect(area.GetIntX() + p.position.GetIntX() * scaleX, area.GetIntY() + p.position.GetIntY() * scaleY, 1, 1) Next SetColor 255,255,255 'viewport / passepartout If spaceViewportScaleX < 1 Or spaceViewportScaleY < 1 RenderViewportRect() EndIf End Method Method RenderViewportRect() 'coverage of viewport Local currentX:Int = area.GetIntX() + space.viewOffset.x * scaleX Local currentY:Int = area.GetIntY() + space.viewOffset.y * scaleY Local w:Int = area.GetIntW() * spaceViewportScaleX Local h:Int = area.GetIntH() * spaceViewportScaleY GameColorCollection.basePalette[10].SetRGB() DrawRect(currentX, currentY, 1, h) DrawRect(currentX, currentY, w, 1) DrawRect(currentX + w - 1, currentY, 1 , h) DrawRect(currentX, currentY + h - 1, w, 1) SetColor 255,255,255 End Method End Type Type TMissile Extends TSpacecraft Field targetShipID:Int = -1 Field _targetCheckTurns:Int = 10 Global lastID:Int = 0 Rem homing missiles -> planeten abwehr / Planeten-Im-Radius-Auto-Attack -> jeder abwehrlevel erhoeht "max missiles" -> missiles laden aller x spielsekunden +1 -> jede missile schiesst das naechste Angriffsschiff ab endrem Method New() lastID :+ 1 ID = lastID End Method Method ApproachTarget:Int() If targetPlanetID Local p:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(targetPlanetID) If p Then p.OnMissileApproaching(Self.ID, Self.ownerID, Self) ElseIf targetShipID Local s:TShip = space.GetShip(targetShipID) If s Then s.OnMissileApproaching(Self.ID, Self.ownerID, Self) EndIf End Method Method ArriveTarget:Int() 'override EventManager.triggerEvent( TEventSimple.Create( "Missile.ArriveTarget", New TData.AddNumber("sourcePlanetID", sourcePlanetID).AddNumber("targetPlanetID", targetPlanetID).AddNumber("targetShipID", targetShipID).AddNumber("ownerID", Self.ownerID), Self ) ) Super.ArriveTarget() End Method Method Update:Int() 'override 'here and there we need to check if our target is still valid 'doing it only on occassion means to save some CPU _targetCheckTurns :- 1 If _targetCheckTurns <= 0 'too slow - ship already removed/arrived If targetShipID And Not space.GetShip(targetShipID) ArriveTarget() EndIf _targetCheckTurns = 10 EndIf Return Super.Update() End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) If (Time.GetTimeGone() / 150) Mod 2 = 0 Local ownerColor:TGameColor = game.playerColors[ownerID] 'ownerID is 1-based If ownerColor Then ownerColor.SetRGB() Else GameColorCollection.basePalette[15].SetRGB() EndIf DrawRect(offsetX + position.GetIntX(), offsetY + position.GetIntY(), 1, 1) SetColor(255,255,255) End Method End Type Type TShip Extends TSpacecraft Field targetedByPlanetID:Int = -1 Field targetedByPlayerID:Int = -1 Global lastID:Int = 0 Method New() lastID :+ 1 ID = lastID End Method Method ApproachTarget:Int() If targetPlanetID Local p:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(targetPlanetID) If p Then p.OnShipApproaching(Self.ID, Self.ownerID, Self) EndIf End Method Method ArriveTarget:Int() 'override EventManager.triggerEvent( TEventSimple.Create( "Ship.ArriveTarget", New TData.AddNumber("sourcePlanetID", sourcePlanetID).AddNumber("targetPlanetID", targetPlanetID).AddNumber("ownerID", Self.ownerID), Self ) ) Super.ArriveTarget() End Method Method OnTargetedByMissile:Int(missileOwnerID:Int, sourcePlanetID:Int) targetedByPlanetID = sourcePlanetID targetedByPlayerID = missileOwnerID Return True End Method Method OnMissileApproaching:Int(missileID:Int, missileOwnerID:Int, sender:Object) 'todo: defense? End Method Method OnMissileArrives(missileID:Int, missileOwnerID:Int, sender:Object) ' print "ship " + ID +" got hit by missile: " + missileID 'todo: inform player / diplomacy adjustments End Method End Type Type TSpacecraft Field ID:Int Field ownerID:Int Field sourcePlanetID:Int = -1 Field targetPlanetID:Int = -1 Field alive:Int = True 'to avoid flickering on windows Field lastPosition:TVec2D Field position:TVec2D Field speed:Float = 10 Field sourcePosition:TVec2D Field targetPosition:TVec2D Global lastID:Int = 0 Global approachDistanceFlyBy:Int = 15 Global approachDistanceTarget:Int = 30 Method New() lastID :+ 1 ID = lastID End Method Method ArriveTarget:Int() targetPosition = Null targetPlanetID = 0 sourcePlanetID = 0 End Method Method ApproachTarget:Int() Abstract Method Update:Int() If targetPosition Local shipRadius:Int = 1 Local distanceToTarget:Int = position.DistanceTo(targetPosition) If distanceToTarget >= 1 'how strong the target "attracts" the ship Local pull:TVec2D = targetPosition.Copy().SubtractVec(position).MultiplyFactor(1.0/distanceToTarget) Local totalPush:TVec2D = New TVec2D '0,0 'iterate over all planets/obstacles to check how much they attract us Local contenders:Int = 0 For Local planet:TPlanet = EachIn space.planets 'ignore target! If planet.position.IsSame(targetPosition) Then Continue 'force vector of obstacle pushing away the ship Local push:TVec2D = position.Copy().SubtractVec(planet.position) 'calculate how much we are pushed away from this obstacle, the closer, the more push Local distance:Float = position.DistanceTo(planet.position) - planet.size ' - shipRadius 'inform planet about flyby enemy objects If distance < approachDistanceFlyBy And planet.ownerID <> Self.ownerID planet.OnShipFlyBy(Self.ID, Self.ownerID, Self) EndIf 'only use push force if this object is close enough such that an effect is needed If distance < shipRadius * 3 contenders :+ 1 If distance < 0.0001 Then distance = 0.0001 Local weight:Float = 0.00004 * 1.0/distance totalPush.AddVec( push.MultiplyFactor(weight) ) EndIf Next '4 * contenders gives the pull enough force to pull stuff trough (tweak this setting for your game!) pull.MultiplyFactor( Max(1, 4 * contenders) ) pull.AddVec(totalPush) 'Normalize the vector so that we get a vector that points in a certain direction, which we van multiply by our desired speed pull.Normalize() 'Set the ships new position: position.AddVec( pull.MultiplyFactor(speed * GetGameTimeDelta()) ) EndIf Local resultingDistanceToTarget:Int = position.DistanceTo(targetPosition) 'inform target about approaching ship If resultingDistanceToTarget < approachDistanceTarget Then ApproachTarget() If resultingDistanceToTarget < 1 Then ArriveTarget() EndIf End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) If AVOID_FLICKERING 'Rem 'avoid flickering If lastPosition GameColorCollection.basePalette[11].SetRGB() DrawRect(offsetX + lastPosition.GetIntX(), offsetY + lastPosition.GetIntY(), 1, 1) EndIf 'EndRem Rem If lastPosition GameColorCollection.basePalette[10].SetRGB() DrawRect(offsetX + lastPosition.GetIntX(), offsetY + lastPosition.GetIntY(), 1, 1) EndIf EndRem EndIf Local ownerColor:TGameColor = game.playerColors[ownerID] 'ownerID is 1-based If ownerColor Then ownerColor.SetRGB() DrawRect(offsetX + position.GetIntX(), offsetY + position.GetIntY(), 1, 1) 'If Not lastPosition Or lastPosition.DistanceTo(position) >= 1 Then lastPosition = position.Copy() lastPosition = position.Copy() SetColor(255,255,255) End Method End Type Type TBackgroundStar Field position:TVec3D = New TVec3D 'for flickering Field animPos:Int Field animTime:Float Field animDuration:Float = 0.50 'defines color Field variant:Int Field colors:TGameColor[] Field twinkleInterval:Int = 10 Field twinkleTimer:Float = 0 'time left of the twinkleAnim Field twinkleAnimTimer:Float = 0 'how long a twinkle takes Const twinkleAnimTime:Float = 0.8 Method New() animDuration = RandRange(40,60)*0.01 variant = BiasedRandRange(0, 3, 0.2) ' variant = RandRange(0,3) twinkleInterval = RandRange(20,40) twinkleTimer = twinkleInterval + RandRange(0,40) End Method Method InitColors() colors = New TGameColor[5] For Local i:Int = 0 Until colors.length colors[i] = GameColorCollection.FindSimilarRGB(i*30 + (variant=2)*50, i*30 + (variant=1)*50, i*30 + (variant=3)*50) Next End Method Method Update:Int() animTime :+ GetDeltaTimer().GetDelta() If animTime > animDuration animTime = 0 animPos :+ 1 If animPos > colors.length*2 Then animPos = 0 EndIf twinkleTimer :- GetDeltaTimer().GetDelta() If twinkleTimer <= 0 twinkleTimer = twinkleInterval 'start twinkle anim twinkleAnimTimer = twinkleAnimTime EndIf If twinkleAnimTimer >= 0 Then twinkleAnimTimer :- GetDeltaTimer().GetDelta() End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) 'modify offset according to "z" (depth) for a parallax effect If position.GetZ() < 0 offsetX = offsetX * 0.8 - 0.2 / position.GetZ() offsetY = offsetY * 0.8 - 0.2 / position.GetZ() EndIf If Not colors Or colors.length = 0 Then InitColors() Local colorIndex:Int = animPos '0,1,2,3...3,2,1,0 If colorIndex >= colors.length Then colorIndex = Max(0, colors.length*2-colorIndex -1) 'draw twinkle If twinkleAnimTimer > 0 '1,2,1 Local twinkleAnimPos:Int = Abs(2 - Int(3 * (twinkleAnimTimer/twinkleAnimTime))) If twinkleAnimPos > 0 If twinkleAnimPos = 1 Then GameColorCollection.extendedPalette[11].SetRGB() If twinkleAnimPos = 2 Then GameColorCollection.extendedPalette[12].SetRGB() DrawRect(offsetX + position.GetIntX() - 1, offsetY + position.GetIntY(), 3, 1) If twinkleAnimPos = 2 Then GameColorCollection.extendedPalette[11].SetRGB() If twinkleAnimPos = 1 Then GameColorCollection.extendedPalette[12].SetRGB() DrawRect(offsetX + position.GetIntX(), offsetY + position.GetIntY() - 1, 1, 3) EndIf EndIf colors[colorIndex].SetRGB() DrawRect(offsetX + position.GetIntX(), offsetY + position.GetIntY(), 1, 1) SetColor(255, 255, 255) End Method End Type Type TPlanet Field ID:Int Field name:String Field ownerID:Int = 0 Field position:TVec2D = New TVec2D Field area:TRectangle Field size:Int = 9 Field hovered:Int = 0 Field selected:Int = 0 'stored points on this planet Field researchPoints:Float = 0 Field lastResearchPoints:Float = 0 Field nextResearchTimer:Double = 1.0 '1 second Field spawnShipsQueue:TSpawnShipsCommand[] 'how many harbors exist to spawn ships simultaneously 'or at least to run multiple queues at once Field shipHarborCount:Int = 1 'how many ships are currently flying to this planet '0 = total, 1-X = players Field incomingShips:Int[] Field incomingMissiles:Int[] Field missiles:Int = 0 Field missilesLimit:Int = 0 Field nextMissileRefillTimer:Double = 4 'in seconds Field population:Int Field populationGrowthRate:Float = 1.1 Field nextPopulationGrowthTimer:Double = 1.0 '1 second Method New() incomingShips = New Int[6 + 1] incomingMissiles = New Int[6 + 1] nextPopulationGrowthTimer = TGame.defaultPopulationGrowthTime nextMissileRefillTimer = TGame.defaultMissileRefillTime nextResearchTimer = TGame.defaultResearchTime End Method Method GetArea:TRectangle() If Not area And Not position Then Return New TRectangle If Not area Then area = New TRectangle.Init(position.GetIntX()- size/2, position.GetIntY()-size/2, size, size) 'area.SetXY(position.GetIntX()-4, position.GetIntY()-4) Return area End Method Method SetPosition(x:Int, y:Int) If Not position Then position = New TVec2D position.SetXY(x, y) End Method Method GetPopulationGrowthRate:Float() 'no growth for unowned planets If ownerID = 0 Then Return 0 Select population Case 0 Return 0 Case 1 Return 1 * game.GetPlayer(ownerID).GetPopulationGrowthRateMod() Default Return 1.2 * game.GetPlayer(ownerID).GetPopulationGrowthRateMod() End Select End Method Method GetPopulation:Int() Return population End Method Method GetMissileCount:Int() Return missiles End Method Method GetMissileLimit:Int() Return missilesLimit End Method Method IsMissileMaxReached:Int() Return missilesLimit >= game.missilesPerPlanetLimit End Method Method GetResearchPoints:Float() Return researchPoints End Method Method GetResearchRate:Float() Return 1.0 * game.GetPlayer(ownerID).GetResearchRateMod() End Method Method GetMissileRefillRate:Float() Return 1.0 * game.GetPlayer(ownerID).GetMissileRefillRateMod() End Method ?bmxng Method GetIncomingMissilesCount:Int(playerID:Int) Return incomingMissiles[playerID] End Method ? Method GetIncomingMissilesCount:Int(ignorePlayerIDs:Int[]) If Not ignorePlayerIDs Or ignorePlayerIDs.length = 0 Return incomingMissiles[0] EndIf Local result:Int For Local i:Int = 1 Until incomingMissiles.length-1 If MathHelper.InIntArray(i, ignorePlayerIDs) Then Continue result :+ incomingMissiles[i] Next Return result End Method Method GetIncomingShipCountByPlayer:Int(playerID:Int) Return incomingShips[playerID] End Method Method GetIncomingShipCount:Int(ignorePlayerIDs:Int[]) If Not ignorePlayerIDs Or ignorePlayerIDs.length = 0 Return incomingShips[0] EndIf Local result:Int For Local i:Int = 1 Until incomingShips.length-1 If MathHelper.InIntArray(i, ignorePlayerIDs) Then Continue result :+ incomingShips[i] Next Return result End Method Method GetShipCount:Int(usePopulation:Int = -1) If usePopulation = -1 Or usePopulation > population Then usePopulation = population Return usePopulation/2 End Method Method GetShipSpeed:Int() Return game.GetPlayer(ownerID).GetShipSpeed() End Method Method SetHovered(bool:Int) hovered = bool End Method Method SetSelected(bool:Int) selected = bool End Method Method SetOwner:Int(ownerID:Int) If Self.ownerID = ownerID Then Return True Local oldOwnerID:Int = Self.ownerID nextPopulationGrowthTimer = 1.0 Self.ownerID = ownerID 'loose all ship spawns and also the population of it! Self.spawnShipsQueue = New TSpawnShipsCommand[0] EventManager.triggerEvent( TEventSimple.Create( "Planet.SetOwner", New TData.AddNumber("planetID", Self.ID).AddNumber("oldOwnerID", oldOwnerID).AddNumber("ownerID", Self.ownerID), Self ) ) End Method Method SpawnShips:Int(amount:Int, targetPlanetID:Int, spawnDelay:Float = 5) If population <= 1 Then Return False 'keep at least 1 on this planet amount = Min(amount, population-1) Local command:TSpawnShipsCommand = New TSpawnShipsCommand.Init(amount, Self.ID, targetPlanetID, spawnDelay) spawnShipsQueue :+ [command] population :- amount Return True End Method Method SpawnShip:Int(targetPlanetID:Int) 'inform target planet 'TODO: do this as event? Local targetPlanet:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(targetPlanetID) If targetPlanet Then targetPlanet.OnTargetedByShip(ownerID, ID) 'also store the owner in this moment EventManager.triggerEvent( TEventSimple.Create( "Planet.SpawnShip", New TData.AddNumber("sourcePlanetID", Self.ID).AddNumber("targetPlanetID", targetPlanetID).AddNumber("ownerID", Self.ownerID), Self ) ) End Method Method SpawnMissile:Int(targetShipID:Int=-1, targetPlanetID:Int=-1) If missiles = 0 Then Return False missiles :- 1 'inform target planet 'TODO: do this as event? If targetShipID >= 0 Local targetShip:TShip = space.GetShip(targetShipID) If targetShip Then targetShip.OnTargetedByMissile(ownerID, ID) ElseIf targetPlanetID >= 0 Local targetPlanet:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(targetPlanetID) If targetPlanet Then targetPlanet.OnTargetedByShip(ownerID, ID) EndIf 'also store the owner in this moment EventManager.triggerEvent( TEventSimple.Create( "Planet.SpawnMissile", New TData.AddNumber("sourcePlanetID", Self.ID).AddNumber("targetPlanetID", targetPlanetID).AddNumber("targetShipID", targetShipID).AddNumber("ownerID", Self.ownerID), Self ) ) End Method Method GetEarnResearchPointsRate:Float() Return TGame.defaultResearchTime / GetResearchRate() End Method Method GetResearchPointsProductionRate:Float() 'not correct but easier to calculate than using logistical influence 'calculations Return lastResearchPoints * GetEarnResearchPointsRate() End Method Method EarnResearchPoints:Int() 'linear ... boring ! 'Local addResearchPoints:Float = GetPopulation() * 0.001 'using a logistic function means "grow fast and later slower" 'with 500 or more you reach maximum of "researchers" 'leading to 0.1 points Local addResearchPoints:Float = 0.1 * Helper.LogisticalInfluence_Euler(GetPopulation()/500.0, 5) researchPoints :+ addResearchPoints EventManager.triggerEvent( TEventSimple.Create( "Planet.EarnResearchPoints", New TData.AddNumber("planetID", Self.ID).AddNumber("researchPoints", addResearchPoints).AddNumber("ownerID", Self.ownerID), Self ) ) End Method Method RefillMissiles:Int(amount:Int = 1) If missiles = missilesLimit Then Return False missiles = MathHelper.Clamp(missiles + amount, 0, missilesLimit) Return True End Method Method OnCollectResearchPoints:Int() lastResearchPoints = researchPoints researchPoints = 0.0 End Method Method OnTargetedByShip:Int(shipOwnerID:Int, sourcePlanetID:Int) 'for all incomingShips[0] = Max(0, incomingShips[0] + 1) 'for player incomingShips[shipOwnerID] = Max(0, incomingShips[shipOwnerID] + 1) Return True End Method Method OnTargetedByMissile:Int(missileOwnerID:Int, sourcePlanetID:Int) 'for all incomingMissiles[0] = Max(0, incomingMissiles[0] + 1) 'for player incomingMissiles[missileOwnerID] = Max(0, incomingMissiles[missileOwnerID] + 1) Return True End Method Method OnMissileApproaching:Int(missileID:Int, missileOwnerID:Int, sender:Object) 'can we hit them? End Method Method OnShipFlyBy:Int(shipID:Int, shipOwnerID:Int, sender:Object) 'TODO: in war with them? Local inWar:Int = True If inWar Return OnShipApproaching(shipID, shipOwnerID, sender) Else Return False EndIf End Method Method OnShipApproaching:Int(shipID:Int, shipOwnerID:Int, sender:Object) 'check if we have missiles left... If missiles = 0 Then Return False 'our ships? If shipOwnerID = ownerID Then Return False 'check if we target this ship already? Local s:TShip = TShip(sender) If Not s Then s = space.GetShip(shipID) If s.targetedByPlanetID = Self.ID Then Return False 'send out a missile SpawnMissile(shipID) End Method 'either add population or decrease and maybe change owner of the 'planet Method OnShipArrives(shipOwnerID:Int) 'for all incomingShips[0] = Max(0, incomingShips[0] - 1) 'for player incomingShips[shipOwnerID] = Max(0, incomingShips[shipOwnerID] - 1) If shipOwnerID = ownerID population :+ 1 Else population :- 1 If population = 0 SetOwner(0) ElseIf population < 0 population :* -1 SetOwner(shipOwnerID) EndIf EndIf End Method Method OnMissileArrives(missileID:Int, missileOwnerID:Int, sender:Object) 'for all incomingMissiles[0] = Max(0, incomingMissiles[0] - 1) 'for player incomingShips[missileOwnerID] = Max(0, incomingMissiles[missileOwnerID] - 1) population = Max(0, population - 1) If population = 0 SetOwner(0) EndIf End Method Method Update:Int() If ownerID > 0 nextPopulationGrowthTimer :- GetGameTimeDelta() * GetPopulationGrowthRate() If nextPopulationGrowthTimer <= 0 population :+ 1 nextPopulationGrowthTimer = TGame.defaultPopulationGrowthTime EndIf nextResearchTimer :- GetGameTimeDelta() * GetResearchRate() If nextResearchTimer <= 0 EarnResearchPoints() nextResearchTimer = TGame.defaultResearchTime EndIf nextMissileRefillTimer :- GetGameTimeDelta() * GetMissileRefillRate() If nextMissileRefillTimer <= 0 RefillMissiles() 'the more missiles we have, the faster we refill them '0.98 -> 20 missiles lead to 66% of the time nextMissileRefillTimer = TGame.defaultMissileRefillTime * 0.98^missilesLimit EndIf EndIf 'update ship spawn queues Local finishedCommands:Int = 0 For Local i:Int = 0 Until Min(spawnShipsQueue.length, shipHarborCount) Local cmd:TSpawnShipsCommand = spawnShipsQueue[i] If Not cmd finishedCommands :+ 1 Continue EndIf If Not cmd.IsStarted() Then cmd.Start() cmd.Update() If cmd.IsFinished() Then finishedCommands :+ 1 Next If finishedCommands > 0 If finishedCommands = spawnShipsQueue.length spawnShipsQueue = New TSpawnShipsCommand[0] Else Local newQueue:TSpawnShipsCommand[] = New TSpawnShipsCommand[spawnShipsQueue.length - finishedCommands] Local added:Int = 0 For Local i:Int = 0 Until spawnShipsQueue.length If Not spawnShipsQueue[i] Or spawnShipsQueue[i].IsFinished() Then Continue newQueue[added] = spawnShipsQueue[i] Next spawnShipsQueue = newQueue EndIf EndIf End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) Local area:TRectangle = GetArea() Rem if ownerID > 0 Local ownerColor:TGameColor = game.playerColors[ownerID] 'ownerID is 1-based If ownerColor Then ownerColor.SetRGB() endif DrawOval(offsetX + area.GetIntX(), offsetY + area.GetIntY(), area.GetIntW(), area.GetIntH()) if ownerID > 0 SetColor(255,255,255) endif EndRem Local raceID:Int = 0 If ownerID > 0 Then raceID = game.GetPlayer(ownerID).raceID If raceID = 7 Then raceID = 0 'rebels use gray too GetSpriteFromRegistry("planet."+ raceID ).Draw(offsetX + position.GetIntX(), offsetY + position.GetIntY(), -1, ALIGN_CENTER_CENTER) End Method Method RenderOverlays:Int(offsetX:Int, offsetY:Int) Local area:TRectangle = GetArea() If hovered DrawMarkerRectXYWH(offsetX + area.GetIntX()-2, offsetY + area.GetIntY()-2, area.GetIntW()+4, area.GetIntH()+4, 0) ElseIf selected DrawMarkerRectXYWH(offsetX + area.GetIntX()-2, offsetY + area.GetIntY()-2, area.GetIntW()+4, area.GetIntH()+4, 1) EndIf ' if ownerID > 0 SetColor(255,255,255) GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock(population, offsetX + position.GetIntX() - 10 +2, offsetY + position.GetIntY() - 14, 20, 10, ALIGN_CENTER_CENTER) 'DrawText("0123456789 ABC", offsetX + position.GetIntX() - 5, offsetY + position.GetIntY() - 12 - 10) ' endif End Method End Type Type TSpawnShipsCommand 'amount of ships spawned Field amount:Int 'when was this command created? Field createdTime:Long 'at which gametime we spawn next? Field nextSpawnTime:Long 'at which interval do we spawn? Field spawnInterval:Float Field sourcePlanetID:Int Field targetPlanetID:Int Method Init:TSpawnShipsCommand(amount:Int, sourcePlanetID:Int, targetPlanetID:Int, spawnInterval:Float = 5, startImmediately:Int = False) Self.amount = amount Self.createdTime = GameTime.GetTimeGone() If startImmediately 'ignore others in a potential queue? Self.nextSpawnTime = Self.createdTime Else Self.nextSpawnTime = -1 EndIf Self.spawnInterval = spawnInterval Self.sourcePlanetID = sourcePlanetID Self.targetPlanetID = targetPlanetID Return Self End Method Method IsStarted:Int() Return nextSpawnTime <> -1 End Method Method IsFinished:Int() Return amount <= 0 End Method Method Start:Int() 'done already If nextSpawnTime <> -1 Then Return True nextSpawnTime = GameTime.GetTimeGone() Return True End Method Method Update:Int() 'not active yet If nextSpawnTime = -1 Then Return False While amount > 0 And GameTime.GetTimeGone() > nextSpawnTime SpawnShip() Wend Return True End Method Method SpawnShip:Int() Local planet:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(sourcePlanetID) If planet Then planet.SpawnShip(targetPlanetID) amount :- 1 'plan next ship If nextSpawnTime <> -1 Then nextSpawnTime :+ spawnInterval End Method 'send back "still to spawn ships" to the planet population Method Abort:Int() Local planet:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(sourcePlanetID) If Not planet Then Return False For Local i:Int = 0 Until amount planet.onShipArrives( planet.ownerID ) Next 'Schiffe unterwegs extra zurueckschicken?! End Method End Type Type TPlayer Field playerID:Int Field difficulty:Int = 100 '100% Field raceID:Int = 0 Field raceResearchRateMod:Float = 1.0 Field raceCollectResearchPointsRateMod:Float = 1.0 Field raceShipSpeedMod:Float = 1.0 Field racePopulationGrowthRateMod:Float = 1.0 Field raceMissileRefillRateMod:Float = 1.0 Field state:Int = 0 Field isObserving:Int = False Field name:String Field AI:TAI Field techTree:TTechTree = New TTechTree Field researchPoints:Float = 0 Field nextCollectResearchPointsTimer:Double = 5.0 '5 seconds Const COLLECT_RESEARCH_POINTS_TIME:Int = 5 Const TECH_POINTS_MAX:Int = 20 Const RESEARCH_POINTS_MAX:Int = 20 Const PLAYERSTATE_ALIVE:Int = 0 Const PLAYERSTATE_LOST:Int = 1 Const PLAYERSTATE_WON:Int = 2 ?bmxng Method New(playerID:Int) Self.playerID = playerID End Method ? Method IsAlive:Int() Return state = PLAYERSTATE_ALIVE End Method Method SetRace(raceID:Int) Self.raceID = raceID name = game.racesNames[raceID-1] Select raceID Case 1 'red / octopus raceResearchRateMod = 1.05 raceCollectResearchPointsRateMod = 1.0 raceShipSpeedMod = 1.0 racePopulationGrowthRateMod = 1.0 Case 2 'green / aqua raceResearchRateMod = 0.95 raceCollectResearchPointsRateMod = 1.05 raceShipSpeedMod = 1.05 racePopulationGrowthRateMod = 1.0 Case 3 'blue / blyshyn raceResearchRateMod = 1.05 raceCollectResearchPointsRateMod = 1.0 raceShipSpeedMod = 1.0 racePopulationGrowthRateMod = 0.95 Case 4 'pink raceResearchRateMod = 1.075 raceCollectResearchPointsRateMod = 0.9 raceShipSpeedMod = 0.95 racePopulationGrowthRateMod = 1.05 raceMissileRefillRateMod = 1.02 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Case 8, 9 'unknown End Select 'predefine techtree levels ?! End Method '100 = normal difficulty ("100%" of something) Method SetDifficulty:Int(difficulty:Int) difficulty = MathHelper.Clamp(difficulty, 1, 300) '1 - 300% Self.difficulty = difficulty If AI Then AI.SetDifficulty(difficulty) End Method Method GetShipSpeed:Float() Return 7 * GetTechTree().GetShipSpeedMod() * raceShipSpeedMod End Method Method GetResearchRateMod:Float() Return raceResearchRateMod End Method Method GetMissileRefillRateMod:Float() Return GetTechTree().GetMissileRefillRateMod() * raceMissileRefillRateMod End Method Method GetCollectResearchPointsRateMod:Float() Return GetTechTree().GetCollectResearchPointsRateMod() * raceCollectResearchPointsRateMod End Method Method GetPopulationGrowthRateMod:Float() Return GetTechTree().GetPopulationGrowthRateMod() * racePopulationGrowthRateMod End Method Method GetResearchPointsProductionRate:Int() Local inProduction:Float For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn space.GetPlanets( playerID ) inProduction :+ p.GetResearchPointsProductionRate() Next inProduction = MathHelper.Clamp(inProduction, 0, RESEARCH_POINTS_MAX) Return inProduction End Method Method CollectResearchPoints:Int() Local collected:Float For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn space.GetPlanets( playerID ) collected :+ p.researchPoints p.OnCollectResearchPoints() Next researchPoints = MathHelper.Clamp(researchPoints + collected, 0, RESEARCH_POINTS_MAX) Return collected End Method Method SpawnShipsFromPlanets:Int(planets:TPlanet[], targetPlanetID:Int) If Not planets Or planets.length = 0 Then Return -1 Local sent:Int For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn planets sent :+ SpawnShipsFromPlanet(p, targetPlanetID) Next Return sent End Method Method SpawnShipsFromPlanet:Int(planet:TPlanet, targetPlanetID:Int) 'only send from our own If planet.ownerID <> Self.playerID Then Return -1 Local spawnDelay:Int = 100.0/(planet.population/2) 'maximum of 100ms in total Local sent:Int = planet.population/2 planet.SpawnShips(planet.population/2, targetPlanetID, spawnDelay) Return sent End Method Method GetTechTree:TTechTree() Return techTree End Method Method GetSpaceDominationPercentage:Float() Return space.GetDomination(playerID) End Method Method GetTotalPopulation:Int() Local res:Int For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn space.GetPlanets( playerID ) res :+ p.GetPopulation() Next Return res End Method Method GetResearchPoints:Int() 'Techpoint-Bruchteil geben wenn Planet fuer X Sekunden ohne Schiff auszuschicken ("ohne angefangenen Krieg") Return Int(researchPoints) End Method Method GetResearchPointsPercentage:Float() 'use getter to correctly return "blocks" (integers) Return GetResearchPoints() / Float(TECH_POINTS_MAX) End Method Method Update:Int() 'collect research points of owned planets nextCollectResearchPointsTimer :- GetGameTimeDelta() * GetCollectResearchPointsRateMod() If nextCollectResearchPointsTimer <= 0 CollectResearchPoints() nextCollectResearchPointsTimer = COLLECT_RESEARCH_POINTS_TIME EndIf If AI AI.Update() Return True EndIf 'human player End Method End Type Type TAI Field playerID:Int Field difficulty:Int Field homePlanetID:Int = -1 'defines how many ships to "leave on a planet" to avoid sending out 'and getting owned by another one Field riskyness:Int Field expansiveness:Int Field distanceAttractionMod:Float = 2.0 Field populationAttractionMod:Float = 1.2 Field nemesisPlayerID:Int = -1 Field inWarWithPlayerIDs:Int[] Field lastResearchPointUsageType:Int = 0 'time of next "thought" Field nextTickTime:Long 'cache Field _planets:TPlanet[] Field _averagePlanetPopulation:Int Method RandomizeCharacter() riskyness = RandRange(1, 5) expansiveness = RandRange(1, 5) populationAttractionMod = 0.9 + RandRange(0,6)/10.0 distanceAttractionMod = 1.2 + RandRange(0,8)/10.0 End Method Method SetDifficulty:Int(difficulty:Int) Self.difficulty = MathHelper.Clamp(difficulty, 1, 300) '1 - 300% End Method Method GetTickInterval:Int() Return 600 * 0.92^(3 * difficulty/100.0) End Method Method GetPlanetPopulationMinimum:Int(planetID:Int=-1) 'generic Return Max(1, Min(25, Max(4, 0.2*_averagePlanetPopulation)) * 0.9^riskyness) * (1 + 0.5*(planetID = homePlanetID)) End Method Method GetEnemyMod:Float(enemyPlayerID:Int) Local result:Float = 1.0 If IsInWarWithPlayer(enemyPlayerID) Then result :+ 0.5 Return result End Method Method IsInWarWithPlayer:Int(playerID:Int) Return MathHelper.InIntArray(playerID, inWarWithPlayerIDs) End Method Method SendShipsToAPlanet:Int() Local player:TPlayer = game.GetPlayer(playerID) If Not player Then Return False 'find planets to send stuff Local planetsWithShips:TPlanet[] Local totalPopulation:Int Local totalShips:Int For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn _planets Local possibleShips:Int = p.GetShipCount( p.GetPopulation() - GetPlanetPopulationMinimum(p.ID) ) If possibleShips > 0 planetsWithShips :+ [p] totalPopulation :+ p.GetPopulation() totalShips :+ possibleShips EndIf Next If totalShips = 0 Then Return False Local avgPlanetPosition:TVec2D = New TVec2D For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn planetsWithShips avgPlanetPosition.AddX( p.position.GetIntX() * p.GetPopulation()/Float(totalPopulation)) avgPlanetPosition.AddY( p.position.GetIntY() * p.GetPopulation()/Float(totalPopulation)) Next 'find nearest planet (average for each planet who would send) Local bestPlanet:TPlanet Local bestAttraction:Float 'Ronny Local s:String For Local i:Int = 0 Until space.GetPlanetCount() Local p:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(i+1) If p.ownerID = player.playerID Then Continue 'attraction "less population" per distance 'distance is more important than population Local attraction:Float Local effectivePopulation:Int = p.GetPopulation() 'modify population by incoming ships - subtract enemies and add our own 'add support by owner If p.ownerID > 0 Then effectivePopulation :+ 0.9 * p.GetIncomingShipCountByPlayer( p.ownerID ) 'subtract enemies For Local i:Int = 1 Until game.players.length effectivePopulation :- 0.75 * p.GetIncomingShipCountByPlayer(i) 'new owner ? If effectivePopulation < 0 Then effectivePopulation = Abs( p.GetIncomingShipCountByPlayer(i) ) Next Local populationAttraction:Float = 1000 * populationAttractionMod If effectivePopulation >0 Then populationAttraction = populationAttractionMod * 1.0/effectivePopulation Local distanceAttraction:Float = distanceAttractionMod * 1.0/p.position.DistanceTo(avgPlanetPosition) Local planetOwnerAttraction:Float = 15.0 * (p.ownerID <= 0) + 1.0 * GetEnemyMod(p.ownerID) attraction = populationAttraction * distanceAttraction * planetOwnerAttraction If Not bestPlanet Or bestAttraction < attraction bestPlanet = p bestAttraction = attraction 'Ronny s = "P #"+player.playerID+" - new bestPlanet :" + bestPlanet.ID+" ["+ Int(bestPlanet.ownerID) +"] attraction="+attraction+" population"+p.GetPopulation()+" distance="+p.position.DistanceTo(avgPlanetPosition) +" populationAttraction="+populationAttraction+" distanceAttraction="+distanceAttraction+" planetOwnerAttraction="+planetOwnerAttraction EndIf Next If Not bestPlanet Then Return False 'attack! 'tackles: while ships fly the population increases a bit ... ' so we need to send out even some more Local safetyShips:Int = 3.0/riskyness '+ average or so? Local toSend:Int = 0 If bestPlanet Then toSend = bestPlanet.GetPopulation() + safetyShips If toSend < totalShips 'each "wave" contains only half the population of each planet '-> so send until it is enough 'it might send MORE as needed (because it sends half the pop.) Local i:Int = 0 Local planetsSentInTurn:Int = 0 Repeat If i = 0 Then planetsSentInTurn = 0 'twice the minimum as it sends half of the population! If planetsWithShips[i].GetPopulation() >= 2 * GetPlanetPopulationMinimum(planetsWithShips[i].ID) Local planetSent:Int = player.SpawnShipsFromPlanet(planetsWithShips[i], bestPlanet.ID) toSend :- planetSent planetsSentInTurn :+ planetSent EndIf i = (i + 1) Mod planetsWithShips.length Until toSend < 0 Or planetsSentInTurn = 0 'Ronny 'if s then print s EndIf Return True End Method Method HandleTechtree:Int() Local p:TPlayer = game.GetPlayer(playerID) If p.GetResearchPoints() = 0 Then Return False 'schauen ob sie wirklich punkte bekommen 'print p.GetResearchPoints() Local tt:TTechTree = p.GetTechTree() If tt.GetTotalProgress() = 1.0 Return True EndIf 'for now: simply "update each after another", no "savings for the best" Local availableRP:Int = p.GetResearchPoints() Local updatedSomething:Int = False If Not tt.IsPopulationGrowthRateLevelMaxReached() And availableRP >= tt.GetPopulationGrowthRateLevelCost() 'print "#"+playerID+": update TT - Population growth to level " + (tt.GetPopulationGrowthRateLevel() + 1) availableRP :- tt.GetPopulationGrowthRateLevelCost() p.researchPoints :- tt.GetPopulationGrowthRateLevelCost() tt.SetPopulationGrowthRateLevel(+1, True) updatedSomething = True EndIf If Not tt.IsShipSpeedLevelMaxReached() And availableRP >= tt.GetShipSpeedLevelCost() 'print "#"+playerID+": update TT - Ship speed to level " + (tt.GetShipSpeedLevel() + 1) availableRP :- tt.GetShipSpeedLevelCost() p.researchPoints :- tt.GetShipSpeedLevelCost() tt.SetShipSpeedLevel(+1, True) updatedSomething = True EndIf If Not tt.IsCollectResearchPointsRateLevelMaxReached() And availableRP >= tt.GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevelCost() 'print "#"+playerID+": update TT - Collect RP rate to level " + (tt.GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevel() + 1) availableRP :- tt.GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevelCost() p.researchPoints :- tt.GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevelCost() tt.SetCollectResearchPointsRateLevel(+1, True) updatedSomething = True EndIf If Not tt.IsMissileRefillRateLevelMaxReached() And availableRP >= tt.GetMissileRefillRateLevelCost() 'print "#"+playerID+": update TT - Collect RP rate to level " + (tt.GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevel() + 1) availableRP :- tt.GetMissileRefillRateLevelCost() p.researchPoints :- tt.GetMissileRefillRateLevelCost() tt.SetMissileRefillRateLevel(+1, True) updatedSomething = True EndIf Return updatedSomething End Method Method HandlePlanetaryUpgrades:Int() Local updatedSomething:Int = False Local rp:Int = game.GetPlayer(playerID).GetResearchPoints() Local rpRate:Float = game.GetPlayer(playerID).GetResearchPointsProductionRate() Local missilesToBuy:Int If rpRate < 2 missilestoBuy = game.GetPlayer(playerID).GetResearchPoints() Else missilestoBuy = game.GetPlayer(playerID).GetResearchPoints() / 2 EndIf Local planetsToChoose:TPlanet[] For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn _planets If p.IsMissileMaxReached() Then Continue planetsToChoose :+ [p] Next 'does not necessary buy all (if one planet reaches limit meanwhile) If planetsToChoose.length > 0 And missilesToBuy > 0 For Local i:Int = 0 Until missilesToBuy Local pid:Int = RandRange(0, planetsToChoose.length-1) Local p:Tplanet = planetsToChoose[ pid ] game.BuyMissileForPlanet(playerID, p.ID) updatedSomething = True Next Else 'nothing to update Return True EndIf Return updatedSomething End Method Method Update:Int() 'wait a bit If nextTickTime > GameTime.GetTimeGone() Then Return False 'update tick time nextTickTime = GameTime.GetTimeGone() + GetTickInterval() 'update cache _planets = space.GetPlanets( playerID ) _averagePlanetPopulation = space.GetAveragePlanetPopulation() 'assign home planet If homePlanetID = -1 And _planets.length > 0 Then homePlanetID = _planets[0].ID 'do something If lastResearchPointUsageType = 0 If HandleTechtree() lastResearchPointUsageType = 1 EndIf Else If HandlePlanetaryUpgrades() lastResearchPointUsageType = 0 EndIf EndIf SendShipsToAPlanet() End Method End Type Type TTechTree Field shipSpeedLevel:Int = 0 Field populationGrowthLevel:Int = 0 Field collectResearchPointsRateLevel:Int = 0 Field missileRefillRateLevel:Int = 0 Const SHIP_SPEED_LEVEL_MAX:Int = 10 Const POPULATION_GROWTH_LEVEL_MAX:Int = 10 Const COLLECT_RESEARCH_POINTS_RATE_LEVEL_MAX:Int = 10 Const MISSILE_REFILL_RATE_LEVEL_MAX:Int = 10 Method IsShipSpeedLevelMaxReached:Int() Return shipSpeedLevel >= POPULATION_GROWTH_LEVEL_MAX End Method Method GetShipSpeedLevelCost:Int(level:Int = -1) If level = -1 Then level = shipSpeedLevel + 1 If level > SHIP_SPEED_LEVEL_MAX Then Return -1 Select level Case 1 Return 1 Case 2 Return 1 Case 3 Return 2 Case 4 Return 3 Case 5 Return 5 Case 6 Return 7 Case 7 Return 10 Case 8 Return 13 Case 9 Return 16 Case 10 Return 20 End Select End Method Method GetShipSpeedMod:Float(level:Int = - 1) If level = -1 Then level = shipSpeedLevel '+10% +19% +27.1% 1.4 1.6 'Return 1.0 + (1.0 - 0.9^level) 'better round them in steps of 2.5 (inaccurate but better readable) Return 1.0 + Int(0.5 + 100*(1.0 - 0.9^level) / 2.5)*2.5 * 0.01 End Method Method GetShipSpeedLevel:Int() Return shipSpeedLevel End Method Method SetShipSpeedLevel:Int(level:Int, relative:Int = False) If relative shipSpeedLevel :+ level Else shipSpeedLevel = level EndIf Return True End Method Method IsPopulationGrowthRateLevelMaxReached:Int() Return populationGrowthLevel >= POPULATION_GROWTH_LEVEL_MAX End Method Method GetPopulationGrowthRateLevelCost:Int(level:Int = -1) If level = -1 Then level = populationGrowthLevel + 1 If level > POPULATION_GROWTH_LEVEL_MAX Then Return -1 Select level Case 1 Return 1 Case 2 Return 2 Case 3 Return 4 Case 4 Return 7 Case 5 Return 10 Case 6 Return 15 Case 7 Return 20 Case 8 Return 20 Case 9 Return 20 Case 10 Return 20 End Select End Method Method GetPopulationGrowthRateMod:Float(level:Int = -1) If level = -1 Then level = populationGrowthLevel Return 1.01 ^ level End Method Method GetPopulationGrowthRateLevel:Int() Return populationGrowthLevel End Method Method SetPopulationGrowthRateLevel:Int(level:Int, relative:Int = False) If relative populationGrowthLevel :+ level Else populationGrowthLevel = level EndIf Return True End Method Method IsCollectResearchPointsRateLevelMaxReached:Int() Return collectResearchPointsRateLevel >= POPULATION_GROWTH_LEVEL_MAX End Method Method GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevelCost:Int(level:Int = -1) If level = -1 Then level = collectResearchPointsRateLevel + 1 If level > POPULATION_GROWTH_LEVEL_MAX Then Return -1 Select level Case 1 Return 1 Case 2 Return 2 Case 3 Return 4 Case 4 Return 7 Case 5 Return 10 Case 6 Return 15 Case 7 Return 20 Case 8 Return 20 Case 9 Return 20 Case 10 Return 20 End Select End Method Method GetCollectResearchPointsRateMod:Float(level:Int = -1) If level = -1 Then level = collectResearchPointsRateLevel Return 1.01 ^ level End Method Method GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevel:Int() Return collectResearchPointsRateLevel End Method Method SetCollectResearchPointsRateLevel:Int(level:Int, relative:Int = False) If relative collectResearchPointsRateLevel :+ level Else collectResearchPointsRateLevel = level EndIf Return True End Method Method IsMissileRefillRateLevelMaxReached:Int() Return missileRefillRateLevel >= MISSILE_REFILL_RATE_LEVEL_MAX End Method Method GetMissileRefillRateLevelCost:Int(level:Int = -1) If level = -1 Then level = missileRefillRateLevel + 1 If level > MISSILE_REFILL_RATE_LEVEL_MAX Then Return -1 Select level Case 1 Return 1 Case 2 Return 2 Case 3 Return 4 Case 4 Return 7 Case 5 Return 10 Case 6 Return 15 Case 7 Return 20 Case 8 Return 20 Case 9 Return 20 Case 10 Return 20 End Select End Method Method GetMissileRefillRateMod:Float(level:Int = -1) If level = -1 Then level = missileRefillRateLevel Return 1.072 ^ level End Method Method GetMissileRefillRateLevel:Int() Return missileRefillRateLevel End Method Method SetMissileRefillRateLevel:Int(level:Int, relative:Int = False) If relative missileRefillRateLevel :+ level Else missileRefillRateLevel = level EndIf Return True End Method Method GetTotalProgress:Float() Local done:Int = shipSpeedLevel + populationGrowthLevel + collectResearchPointsRateLevel Local maxPoints:Int = SHIP_SPEED_LEVEL_MAX .. + POPULATION_GROWTH_LEVEL_MAX .. + COLLECT_RESEARCH_POINTS_RATE_LEVEL_MAX .. + MISSILE_REFILL_RATE_LEVEL_MAX Return done / Float(maxPoints) End Method End Type Type TMessageWindow Field area:TRectangle = New TRectangle Field animOffset:TVec2D = New TVec2D Field caption:String Field screenLimit:String Field _destroyed:Int Field _eventListeners:TLink[] Method Destroy:Int() '=== remove all registered event listeners EventManager.unregisterListenersByLinks(_eventListeners) _eventListeners = New TLink[0] _destroyed = True End Method Method Open:Int() End Method Method Close:Int() End Method Method Update:Int() If KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Close() Destroy() KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.BlockKey(KEY_ESCAPE, 200) EndIf Return True End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) If caption GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(area.GetIntX() + animOffset.GetIntX() + offsetX, area.GetIntY() + animOffset.GetIntY() + offsetY, area.GetIntW(), area.GetIntH()) GetBitmapFont("small",, BOLDFONT).DrawBlock(caption, area.GetIntX(), area.GetIntY() + 4+1, area.GetIntW()-2, 20, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[0]) GetBitmapFont("small",, BOLDFONT).DrawBlock(caption, area.GetIntX(), area.GetIntY() + 4, area.GetIntW()-2, 20, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) Else GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(area.GetIntX() + animOffset.GetIntX() + offsetX, area.GetIntY() + animOffset.GetIntY() + offsetY, area.GetIntW(), area.GetIntH()) EndIf End Method End Type Type TMessageWindow_SimpleMessage Extends TMessageWindow Field sprite:TSprite Field text:String Field wasPaused:Int = False Field guiButtonDone:TGUIButton Method Open:Int() 'override If Not guiButtonDone guiButtonDone = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85, area.getIntY() + area.GetIntH() - 25), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "OK", "MessageWindowSimpleMessage") GuiManager.Remove(guiButtonDone) EndIf For Local i:Int = 0 Until 16 text = text.Replace("|color="+i+"|", "|color="+GameColorCollection.basePalette[i].ToRGBString(",")+"|") Next wasPaused = game.IsPaused() game.SetPaused(True) End Method Method Close:Int() 'override If Not wasPaused Then game.SetPaused(False) End Method Method Update:Int() 'override If guiButtonDone guiButtonDone.Update() If guiButtonDone.IsClicked() Or MouseManager.IsHit(2) guiButtonDone.mouseIsClicked = Null MouseManager.ResetKey(1) MouseManager.ResetKey(2) Close() Destroy() Return False EndIf EndIf End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) 'override If caption GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(area.GetIntX() + animOffset.GetIntX() + offsetX, area.GetIntY() + animOffset.GetIntY() + offsetY, area.GetIntW(), area.GetIntH()) GetBitmapFont("small",, BOLDFONT).DrawBlock(caption, area.GetIntX(), area.GetIntY() + 4+1, area.GetIntW()-2, 20, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[0]) GetBitmapFont("small",, BOLDFONT).DrawBlock(caption, area.GetIntX(), area.GetIntY() + 4, area.GetIntW()-2, 20, ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) Else GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(area.GetIntX() + animOffset.GetIntX() + offsetX, area.GetIntY() + animOffset.GetIntY() + offsetY, area.GetIntW(), area.GetIntH()) EndIf Local textY:Int = area.GetIntY() + 20 If sprite sprite.Draw(area.GetIntX() + area.GetIntW()/2, textY, ,ALIGN_CENTER_TOP) textY :+ sprite.GetHeight() EndIf GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock(text, area.GetIntX() + 10, textY, area.GetIntW()-20, area.GetIntH() - textY - 10, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, Null, 0, 1, 1.0, True, False, 7) If guiButtonDone guiButtonDone.Draw() EndIf End Method End Type Type TChartsCurvePoints Field x:Int[] Field y:Int[] End Type Type TMessageWindow_GameStats Extends TMessageWindow Field playerID:Int = 1 Field playerIDAuto:Int = False Field buttonDone:TGameGUIButton Field curvePoints:TChartsCurvePoints[] Field curvePointsYMax:Int Field curveDataID:Int = 0 Field curveDataIDBefore:Int = -1 Field exitOnclose:Int = False Field startY:Int Field col1:Int Field col2:Int Field col3:Int Field col4:Int Field row1:Int Field row2:Int Field row3:Int Field row4:Int Method New() Local startY:Int = 40 caption = "Game Progress - Statistics" buttonDone = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85,startY+4*25 + 10 -1), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "DONE", "MessageWindowUpgrade") End Method Method Open:Int() 'override Super.Open() 'reset curveDataIDBefore = -1 curveDataID = 0 startY = area.GetIntY() +10 col1 = area.GetIntX() + 12 col2 = col1 + 50 col3 = col2 + 58 col4 = col3 + 54 row1 = area.GetIntY() + 90 row2 = row1 + 8 row3 = row2 + 8 row4 = row3 + 8 End Method Method Close:Int() 'override Super.Close() If exitOnClose GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("mainmenu"), 0.2 ) EndIf End Method Method Update:Int() ' EnableOrDisableButtons() If playerIDAuto playerID = (Time.GetTimeGone() / 5000) Mod game.players.length +1 EndIf 'player select If MouseManager.IsHit(1) Local n:Int = 0 Local buttonArea:TRectangle = New TRectangle.Init(area.GetIntX() + 159, area.GetIntY() + 20, 21, 13) For Local playerNumber:Int = 1 To game.players.length If buttonArea.Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) If playerID = playerNumber And Not playerIDAuto playerIDAuto = True Else playerID = playerNumber playerIDAuto = False EndIf MouseManager.ResetKey(1) Exit EndIf buttonArea.MoveXY(0, 15) If n = 2 Then buttonArea.MoveXY(+24, -45) n :+ 1 Next EndIf 'type select If MouseManager.IsHit(1) Local newID:Int = -1 Local p:TVec2D = MouseManager.currentPos Local typeRect:TRectangle = New TRectangle.Init(col1, row1, col2-col1 + 40, row2-row1) If newID=-1 And typeRect.Contains(p) Then newID = 0 typeRect.position.SetXY(col1, row2) If newID=-1 And typeRect.Contains(p) Then newID = 1 typeRect.position.SetXY(col1, row3) If newID=-1 And typeRect.Contains(p) Then newID = 10 typeRect.position.SetXY(col1, row4) If newID=-1 And typeRect.Contains(p) Then newID = 5 typeRect.position.SetXY(col3, row1) If newID=-1 And typeRect.Contains(p) Then newID = 2 typeRect.dimension.SetX(30) typeRect.position.SetXY(col3, row2) If newID=-1 And typeRect.Contains(p) Then newID = 3 typeRect.position.SetXY(col3 + 30, row2) If newID=-1 And typeRect.Contains(p) Then newID = 4 typeRect.dimension.SetX(col2-col1 + 40) typeRect.position.SetXY(col3, row3) If newID=-1 And typeRect.Contains(p) Then newID = 6 typeRect.position.SetXY(col3, row4) If newID=-1 And typeRect.Contains(p) Then newID = 7 If newID >= 0 Then curveDataID = newID EndIf UpdateCurve() If buttonDone Then buttonDone.Update() If buttonDone.IsClicked() Or MouseManager.IsHit(2) buttonDone.mouseIsClicked = Null MouseManager.ResetKey(1) MouseManager.ResetKey(2) Close() Destroy() Return False EndIf Return Super.Update() End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) Super.Render(offsetX, offsetY) Local col:String="114,177,75" Local color1:TColor = GameColorCollection.basePalette[1] Local color2:TColor = GameColorCollection.basePalette[7] Local techtree:TTechTree = Game.GetPlayer().GetTechTree() Local gs:TGameStats = game.GetPlayerGameStats(playerID) 'TODO: 4 Rects fuer PLayer - beim hovern, pID wechsel 'oder automatisch durchloopen wenn kein hover Local f:TBitmapFont = GetBitmapFont("small") If curveDataID = 0 f.Draw("Population:", col1, row1, color2); f.DrawBlock(gs.population, col2, row1, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) Else f.Draw("Population:", col1, row1, color1); f.DrawBlock(gs.population, col2, row1, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) EndIf If curveDataID = 1 f.Draw("Domination:", col1, row2, color2); f.DrawBlock(Int(100*gs.domination) +" %", col2, row2, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) Else f.Draw("Domination:", col1, row2, color1); f.DrawBlock(Int(100*gs.domination) +" %", col2, row2, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) EndIf If curveDataID = 10 f.Draw("TechTree:", col1, row3, color2); f.DrawBlock(Int(100*gs.techtreeProgress) +" %", col2, row3, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) Else f.Draw("TechTree:", col1, row3, color1); f.DrawBlock(Int(100*gs.techtreeProgress) +" %", col2, row3, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) EndIf If curveDataID = 5 f.Draw("Ships sent:", col1, row4, color2); f.DrawBlock(gs.shipsStarted, col2, row4, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) Else f.Draw("Ships sent:", col1, row4, color1); f.DrawBlock(gs.shipsStarted, col2, row4, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) EndIf If curveDataID = 2 f.Draw("Planets owned:", col3, row1, color2); f.DrawBlock(gs.planetsOwned, col4, row1, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) Else f.Draw("Planets owned:", col3, row1, color1); f.DrawBlock(gs.planetsOwned, col4, row1, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) EndIf If curveDataID = 3 f.Draw(" ~q |color="+color2.ToRGBString(",")+"|won|/color|/lost:", col3, row2); f.DrawBlock(gs.planetsWon+"/"+gs.planetsLost, col4, row2, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) ElseIf curveDataID = 4 f.Draw(" ~q won/|color="+color2.ToRGBString(",")+"|lost|/color|:", col3, row2); f.DrawBlock(gs.planetsWon+"/"+gs.planetsLost, col4, row2, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) Else f.Draw(" ~q won|/color|/lost:", col3, row2); f.DrawBlock(gs.planetsWon+"/"+gs.planetsLost, col4, row2, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) EndIf If curveDataID = 6 f.Draw("Missile slots:", col3, row3, color2); f.DrawBlock(gs.missilesBought, col4, row3, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) Else f.Draw("Missile slots:", col3, row3, color1); f.DrawBlock(gs.missilesBought, col4, row3, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) EndIf If curveDataID = 7 f.Draw("Missiles fired:", col3, row4, color2); f.DrawBlock(gs.missilesStarted, col4, row4, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) Else f.Draw("Missiles fired:", col3, row4, color1); f.DrawBlock(gs.missilesStarted, col4, row4, 30, 6, ALIGN_RIGHT_CENTER) EndIf Local n:Int = 0 Local buttonArea:TRectangle = New TRectangle.Init(area.GetIntX() + 159, area.GetIntY() + 20, 21, 13) For Local playerNumber:Int = 1 To 6 If playerNumber <= game.players.length game.playerColors[ playerNumber ].SetRGB DrawRect(buttonArea.GetIntX()+1, buttonArea.GetIntY()+1, 21-2, 13-2) SetColor 255,255,255 EndIf If playerNumber = playerID And Not playerIDAuto GetSpriteFromRegistry("").Draw(buttonArea.GetIntX(), buttonArea.GetIntY()) ElseIf playerNumber <= game.players.length If buttonArea.Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) Or (playerNumber = playerID And playerIDAuto) GetSpriteFromRegistry("charts.button.hover").Draw(buttonArea.GetIntX(), buttonArea.GetIntY()) Else GetSpriteFromRegistry("charts.button.normal").Draw(buttonArea.GetIntX(), buttonArea.GetIntY()) EndIf Else GetSpriteFromRegistry("charts.button.disabled").Draw(buttonArea.GetIntX(), buttonArea.GetIntY()) EndIf buttonArea.MoveXY(0, 15) If n = 2 Then buttonArea.MoveXY(+24, -45) n :+ 1 Next SetColor 255,255,255 RenderCurve(area.GetIntX() + 10, area.GetIntY() + 20, 135, 65) If buttonDone Then buttonDone.Draw() End Method Method UpdateCurve() 'initial fill If curveDataID <> curveDataIDBefore curvePointsYMax = 0 If Not curvePoints Or curvePoints.length = 0 curvePoints = New TChartsCurvePoints[game.players.length] EndIf For Local p:TPlayer = EachIn game.players Local archive:TGameStatsArchive = game.GetPlayerGameStatsArchive(p.playerID) Local c:TChartsCurvePoints = New TChartsCurvePoints curvePoints[p.playerID-1] = c c.x = New Int[archive.stats.length] c.y = New Int[archive.stats.length] For Local num:Int = 0 Until archive.stats.length Local v:Int = archive.stats[num].GetAtIndex(curveDataID) If curvePointsYMax = 0 Or curvePointsYMax < v curvePointsYMax = v EndIf c.x[num] = num c.y[num] = v Next Next curveDataIDBefore = curveDataID EndIf End Method Method RenderCurve(areaX:Int, areaY:Int, width:Int, height:Int) If curveDataID <> curveDataIDBefore Then Return Local curveOffsetX:Int = 3 Local curveOffsetY:Int = -3 Local curveWidth:Int = width - Abs(curveOffsetX) Local curveHeight:Int = height - Abs(curveOffsetX) Local curveX:Int = areaX + curveOffsetX Local curveY:Int = areaY + curveOffsetY Local lastX:Float = 0 Local lastY:Int = 0 Local xPerValue:Float = Float(curveWidth) / curvePoints[0].x.length Local yPerValue:Float = 0 If curvePointsYMax > 0 Then yPerValue = Float(curveHeight) / curvePointsYMax 'bg ' GetSpriteFromRegistry("").DrawArea(areaX + 2, areaY, width - 2, height - 2) GetSpriteFromRegistry("").TileDraw(areaX + 2, areaY+1, width - 3, height - 3) 'shadows SetColor 0,0,0 For Local i:Int = 0 Until curvePoints.length Local c:TChartsCurvePoints = curvePoints[i] Local x:Float = 0 For Local num:Int = 0 Until c.x.length Local valY:Int = height - Int(c.y[num] * yPerValue) If num > 0 DrawRectLine(Int(curveX + lastX)+1, Int(curveY + lastY)+1, Int(curveX + x), Int(curveY + valY)) EndIf 'print "lastX->x: " + lastX + " -> " + int(x) +" lastY->y: " + lastY + " -> " + valY lastX = x lastY = valY x :+ xPerValue Next Next 'curves For Local i:Int = 0 Until curvePoints.length Local c:TChartsCurvePoints = curvePoints[i] Local x:Float = 0 For Local num:Int = 0 Until c.x.length Local valY:Int = height - Int(c.y[num] * yPerValue) If num > 0 game.playerColors[i+1].SetRGB() DrawRectLine(Int(curveX + lastX), Int(curveY + lastY), Int(curveX + x), Int(curveY + valY)) EndIf 'print "lastX->x: " + lastX + " -> " + int(x) +" lastY->y: " + lastY + " -> " + valY lastX = x lastY = valY x :+ xPerValue Next Next SetColor 255,255,255 SetColor 255,255,255 'overlay / axis GetSpriteFromRegistry("charts.overlay").DrawArea(areaX, areaY, width, height) End Method End Type Type TMessageWindow_Settings Extends TMessageWindow Field checkboxFullscreen:TGameGUICheckBox Field sliderSFXVolume:TGameGUISlider Field sliderMusicVolume:TGameGUISlider Field dropdownSoundEngine:TGameGUIDropDown Field inputResolutionX:TGameGUIInput Field inputResolutionY:TGameGUIInput Field buttonPreset1:TGameGUIButton Field buttonPreset2:TGameGUIButton Field buttonPreset3:TGameGUIButton Field buttonPreset4:TGameGUIButton Field buttonDone:TGameGUIButton Field container:TGUIPanel Field lsGUIkey:TLowerString = New TLowerString.Create("MessageWindowSettings") Field startY:Int = 50 Field startX:Int = 60 Field firstRender:Int = True Method New() startX = area.GetX() + 15 startY = area.GetY() + 10 caption = "Settings" container = New TGUIPanel.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX, startY+0*5), New TVec2D.Init(300, 300), lsGUIkey.ToString()) sliderSFXVolume = New TGameGUISlider.Create(New TVec2D.Init(55, startY+0*5), New TVec2D.Init(50,10), "10") ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) sliderSFXVolume.SetValueRange(0, 100) container.AddChild(sliderSFXVolume) sliderMusicVolume = New TGameGUISlider.Create(New TVec2D.Init(55, startY+3*5), New TVec2D.Init(50,10), "10") ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) sliderMusicVolume.SetValueRange(0, 100) container.AddChild(sliderMusicVolume) dropdownSoundEngine = New TGameGUIDropDown.Create(New TVec2D.Init(55, startY+6*5), New TVec2D.Init(70,15), "", 100) ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) dropdownSoundEngine.SetListContentHeight(5 * 10) Local soundEngineKeys:String[] = GetSoundManager().GetAudioEngineKeys() Local soundEngineNames:String[] = GetSoundManager().GetAudioEngineNames() Local itemHeight:Int = 0 For Local i:Int = 0 Until soundEngineKeys.Length Local item:TGUIDropDownItem = New TGameGUIDropDownItem.Create(Null, Null, soundEngineNames[i]).SetExtra(soundEngineKeys[i]) 'item.SetValueColor(TColor.CreateGrey(50))"value", soundEngineKeys[i]) dropdownSoundEngine.AddItem(item) Next dropdownSoundEngine.SetListContentHeight(10 * Len(soundEngineKeys)) dropdownSoundEngine.SetSelectedEntryByPos( 0 ) container.AddChild(dropdownSoundEngine) inputResolutionX = New TGameGUIInput.Create(New TVec2D.Init(55,startY+10*5), New TVec2D.Init(35,14), "640", 4) ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) inputResolutionY = New TGameGUIInput.Create(New TVec2D.Init(55 + 47,startY+10*5), New TVec2D.Init(35,14), "400", 4) ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) container.AddChild(inputResolutionX) container.AddChild(inputResolutionY) buttonPreset1 = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(55, startY+14*5 -4 ), New TVec2D.Init(19,14), "x1") ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) buttonPreset2 = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(55 + 21 , startY+14*5 -4), New TVec2D.Init(19,14), "x2") ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) buttonPreset3 = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(55 + 42, startY+14*5 -4), New TVec2D.Init(19,14), "x3") ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) buttonPreset4 = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(55 + 63, startY+14*5 -4), New TVec2D.Init(19,14), "x4") ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) container.AddChild(buttonPreset1) container.AddChild(buttonPreset2) container.AddChild(buttonPreset3) container.AddChild(buttonPreset4) checkboxFullscreen = New TGameGUICheckBox.Create(New TVec2D.Init(55, startY+8*10 + 2), New TVec2D.Init(120,12), "Fullscreen") ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) container.AddChild(checkboxFullscreen) buttonDone = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(28, startY+10*10 + 2), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "DONE") ', lsGUIkey.ToString()) container.AddChild(buttonDone) End Method Method Destroy:Int() 'override GuiManager.Remove(container) GuiManager.Remove(checkboxFullscreen) GuiManager.Remove(sliderSFXVolume) GuiManager.Remove(sliderMusicVolume) GuiManager.Remove(inputResolutionX) GuiManager.Remove(inputResolutionY) GuiManager.Remove(buttonPreset1) GuiManager.Remove(buttonPreset2) GuiManager.Remove(buttonPreset3) GuiManager.Remove(buttonPreset4) GuiManager.Remove(buttonDone) GuiManager.Remove(dropdownSoundEngine) Return Super.Destroy() End Method Method Open:Int() checkboxFullscreen.SetChecked( GameConfig.fullscreen ) If GameConfig.screenWidth > 0 inputResolutionX.SetValue( GameConfig.screenWidth ) Else inputResolutionX.SetValue( app.windowW ) EndIf If GameConfig.screenHeight > 0 inputResolutionY.SetValue( GameConfig.screenHeight ) Else inputResolutionY.SetValue( app.windowH ) EndIf sliderMusicVolume.SetValue(GameConfig.volumeMusic) sliderSFXVolume.SetValue(GameConfig.volumeSFX) Local i:Int = 0 For Local entry:TGameGUIDropDownItem = EachIn dropdownSoundEngine.GetEntries() If String(entry.extra).ToLower() = GameConfig.soundEngine.ToLower() dropdownSoundEngine.SetSelectedEntryByPos(i) Exit EndIf i :+ 1 Next Return Super.Open() End Method Method Close:Int() 'apply config Local newResolutionX:Int = Int(inputResolutionX.GetValue()) Local newResolutionY:Int = Int(inputResolutionY.GetValue()) Local initG:Int = False If newResolutionX <> 0 And newResolutionY <> 0 If newResolutionX <> app.resolutionX Or newResolutionY <> app.resolutionY app.resolutionX = newResolutionX app.resolutionY = newResolutionY If newResolutionX <> app.windowW Or GameConfig.screenWidth <> 0 Then GameConfig.screenWidth = newResolutionX If newResolutionY <> app.windowH Or GameConfig.screenHeight <> 0 Then GameConfig.screenHeight = newResolutionY GetGraphicsManager().SetResolution(app.resolutionX, app.resolutionY) initG = True EndIf EndIf Local newFullscreen:Int = checkboxFullscreen.IsChecked() If newFullscreen <> GameConfig.fullscreen GameConfig.fullscreen = newFullscreen initG = True EndIf If initG Then GetGraphicsManager().InitGraphics() End Method Method Update:Int() container.rect.position.SetXY(area.GetIntX() + 20, area.GetIntY() + 10) checkboxFullscreen.Resize(-1,-1) GuiManager.Update(lsGUIkey) GameConfig.volumeMusic = sliderMusicVolume.GetValue().ToInt() GameConfig.volumeSFX = sliderSFXVolume.GetValue().ToInt() GetSoundManager().sfxVolume = (0.01 * GameConfig.volumeSFX) GetSoundManager().SetMusicVolume(0.01 * GameConfig.volumeMusic) If GameConfig.soundEngine.ToLower() <> String(TGameGUIDropDownItem(dropdownSoundEngine.GetSelectedEntry()).extra).ToLower() GameConfig.soundEngine = String(TGameGUIDropDownItem(dropdownSoundEngine.GetSelectedEntry()).extra) app.ApplySoundSettings() EndIf If buttonPreset1.IsClicked() buttonPreset1.mouseIsClicked = Null inputResolutionX.SetValue(320) inputResolutionY.SetValue(200) EndIf If buttonPreset2.IsClicked() buttonPreset2.mouseIsClicked = Null inputResolutionX.SetValue(320 * 2) inputResolutionY.SetValue(200 * 2) 'normally this is not a supported fullscreen resolution checkboxFullscreen.SetChecked(False) EndIf If buttonPreset3.IsClicked() buttonPreset3.mouseIsClicked = Null inputResolutionX.SetValue(320 * 3) inputResolutionY.SetValue(200 * 3) 'normally this is not a supported fullscreen resolution checkboxFullscreen.SetChecked(False) EndIf If buttonPreset4.IsClicked() buttonPreset4.mouseIsClicked = Null inputResolutionX.SetValue(320 * 4) inputResolutionY.SetValue(200 * 4) 'normally this is not a supported fullscreen resolution checkboxFullscreen.SetChecked(False) EndIf If buttonDone.IsClicked() Or MouseManager.IsHit(2) Or KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.BlockKey(KEY_ESCAPE, 200) Close() Destroy() MouseManager.ResetKey(1) MouseManager.ResetKey(2) Return False EndIf Return Super.Update() End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) 'somehow gui widgets "snap" into place If firstRender checkboxFullscreen.Resize(-1,-1) firstRender = False EndIf container.rect.position.SetXY(area.GetIntX() + 20, area.GetIntY() + 10) startY = area.GetIntY() + 20 startX = area.GetIntX() + 12 Super.Render(offsetX, offsetY) GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("SFX Volume:", startX, startY + 0*5 +1) If Int(sliderSFXVolume.GetValue()) = 0 GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("muted", startX + 116, startY + 0*5 +1) Else GetBitmapFont("small").Draw(Int(sliderSFXVolume.GetValue())+" %", startX + 116, startY + 0*5 +1) EndIf GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("Music Volume:", startX, startY + 3*5 +1) If Int(sliderMusicVolume.GetValue()) = 0 GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("muted", startX + 116, startY + 3*5 +1) Else GetBitmapFont("small").Draw(Int(sliderMusicVolume.GetValue())+" %", startX + 116, startY + 3*5 +1) EndIf GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("Sound Engine:", startX, startY + 6*5 +1) GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("Resolution:", startX, startY + 10*5 +3) GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("x", startX + 101, startY + 10*5 +3) GuiManager.Draw(lsGUIkey) End Method End Type Type TMessageWindow_LoadOrSaveGameMenu Extends TMessageWindow Field savegameList:TGUISelectList Field buttonOK:TGameGUIButton Field buttonCancel:TGameGUIButton Field container:TGUIPanel Field slotSelected:Int = -1 Field slotSummaries:TData[] Field loadMode:Int = True Field lsGUIKey:TLowerString = New TLowerString.Create("MessageWindowLoadOrSaveGame") Method New() Local startX:Int = 30 Local startY:Int = 30 slotSummaries = New TData[3] container = New TGUIPanel.Create(New TVec2D.Init(0, 0), New TVec2D.Init(300, 300), lsGUIkey.ToString()) buttonOK = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(0, 105), New TVec2D.Init(60,17), "Load") buttonCancel = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(70, 105), New TVec2D.Init(60,17), "Cancel") container.AddChild(buttonOK) container.AddChild(buttonCancel) End Method Method SetLoadMode:Int(bool:Int=True) If loadMode = bool Then Return False loadMode = bool If loadMode buttonOK.SetValue("Load") Else buttonOK.SetValue("Save") EndIf End Method Method Destroy:Int() 'override GuiManager.Remove(container) GuiManager.Remove(buttonOK) GuiManager.Remove(buttonCancel) GuiManager.Remove(savegameList) Return Super.Destroy() End Method Method Open:Int() 'override 'speicherstaende lesen For Local i:Int = 1 To 3 Local uri:String = "savegames/slot"+i+".xml" If FileType(uri) = 1 slotSummaries[i-1] = TSaveGame.GetGameSummary(uri) EndIf Next End Method Method Update:Int() 'override container.rect.position.SetXY(area.GetIntX() + 20, area.GetIntY() + 10) GuiManager.Update(lsGUIKey) If buttonOK.IsClicked() buttonOK.mouseIsClicked = Null MouseManager.ResetKey(1) If slotSelected >= 0 Local uri:String = "savegames/slot"+(slotSelected+1)+".xml" If loadMode If FileType(uri) = 1 Then TGame.LoadGame(uri) Return True Else TGame.SaveGame(uri) Close() Destroy() Return True EndIf EndIf EndIf If MouseManager.IsHit(1) For Local i:Int = 0 Until 3 If New TRectangle.Init(area.GetIntX() + 15, area.GetIntY() + 20 + i*30, 130, 25).Contains(MouseManager.currentPos) slotSelected = i Exit EndIf Next EndIf If buttonCancel.IsClicked() Or MouseManager.IsHit(2) Or KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.BlockKey(KEY_ESCAPE, 200) buttonCancel.mouseIsClicked = Null Close() Destroy() MouseManager.ResetKey(1) MouseManager.ResetKey(2) Return False EndIf Return Super.Update() End Method Method RenderSlot(num:Int, x:Int, y:Int, w:Int, h:Int) If slotSelected = num DrawRect(x-5,y +3, 3, h -7) DrawRect(x+w+2,y +3, 3, h -7) EndIf GetSpriteFromRegistry("button").DrawArea(x, y, w, h) If slotSummaries[num] GetBitmapFont("small").Draw(slotSummaries[num].GetString("map_name", "Unknown map name"), x + 5, y + 3) GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("Playing " + slotSummaries[num].GetString("player_name")+".", x + 5, y + 3 + 7*1, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("Created at " + slotSummaries[num].GetString("savegame_time"), x + 5, y + 3 + 7*2, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) ' GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("Playing a SKIRMISH GAME as XYZ.", x + 8, y + 3) ' Else GetBitmapFont("small").Draw("SLOT " + (num+1) +": UNUSED", x + 5, y + 10) EndIf End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) 'override If loadMode caption = "Load game" Else caption = "Save game" EndIf Super.Render(offsetX, offsetY) For Local i:Int = 0 Until 3 RenderSlot(i, area.GetIntX() + 15, area.GetIntY() + 20 + i*30, 140, 28) Next container.rect.position.SetXY(area.GetIntX() + 20, area.GetIntY() + 10) GuiManager.Draw(lsGUIKey) End Method End Type Type TMessageWindow_InGameMenu Extends TMessageWindow Field buttonContinue:TGameGUIButton Field buttonSettings:TGameGUIButton Field buttonStatistics:TGameGUIButton Field buttonBackToMainMenu:TGameGUIButton Field buttonQuit:TGameGUIButton Field buttonLoad:TGameGUIButton Field buttonSave:TGameGUIButton Field wasPaused:Int = False Method New() Local startY:Int = 20 Local startX:Int = 89 buttonContinue = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX, startY+0*10 -1), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Continue", "MessageWindowInGameMenu") buttonStatistics = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX, startY+2*10 -1), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Game Statistics", "MessageWindowInGameMenu") buttonLoad = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX, startY+5*10 -1), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Load Game", "MessageWindowInGameMenu") buttonSave = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX, startY+7*10 -1), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Save Game", "MessageWindowInGameMenu") buttonSettings = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX, startY+9*10 -1), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Settings", "MessageWindowInGameMenu") buttonBackToMainMenu = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX, startY+12*10 -1), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Back to Main Menu", "MessageWindowInGameMenu") buttonQuit = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(startX, startY+14*10 -1), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Quit", "MessageWindowInGameMenu") EnableOrDisableButtons() End Method Method Open:Int() 'override wasPaused = game.IsPaused() game.SetPaused(True) End Method Method Close:Int() 'override If Not wasPaused Then game.SetPaused(False) End Method Method EnableOrDisableButtons() ' End Method Method Update:Int() EnableOrDisableButtons() If MessageWindowCollection.IsActiveWindow(Self) If buttonContinue Then buttonContinue.Update() If buttonStatistics Then buttonStatistics.Update() If buttonLoad Then buttonLoad.Update() If buttonSave Then buttonSave.Update() If buttonSettings Then buttonSettings.Update() If buttonBackToMainMenu Then buttonBackToMainMenu.Update() If buttonQuit Then buttonQuit.Update() EndIf If buttonContinue.IsClicked() buttonContinue.mouseIsClicked = Null Close() Destroy() MouseManager.ResetKey(1) Return False EndIf If buttonQuit.IsClicked() buttonQuit.mouseIsClicked = Null app.exitApp = True MouseManager.ResetKey(1) Return False EndIf If buttonBackToMainMenu.IsClicked() buttonBackToMainMenu.mouseIsClicked = Null GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("mainmenu"), 0.2) MouseManager.ResetKey(1) Return False EndIf If buttonSettings.IsClicked() buttonSettings.mouseIsClicked = Null MessageWindowCollection.OpenSettings() MouseManager.ResetKey(1) Return False EndIf If buttonStatistics.IsClicked() buttonStatistics.mouseIsClicked = Null MessageWindowCollection.OpenGameStatsWindow() MouseManager.ResetKey(1) Return False EndIf If buttonLoad.IsClicked() buttonLoad.mouseIsClicked = Null MessageWindowCollection.OpenLoadMenu() MouseManager.ResetKey(1) Return False EndIf If buttonSave.IsClicked() buttonSave.mouseIsClicked = Null MessageWindowCollection.OpenSaveMenu() MouseManager.ResetKey(1) Return False EndIf If MouseManager.IsHit(2) Or KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.BlockKey(KEY_ESCAPE, 200) Close() Destroy() MouseManager.ResetKey(2) Return False EndIf Return Super.Update() End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) Super.Render(offsetX, offsetY) If buttonContinue Then buttonContinue.Draw() If buttonStatistics Then buttonStatistics.Draw() If buttonLoad Then buttonLoad.Draw() If buttonSave Then buttonSave.Draw() If buttonSettings Then buttonSettings.Draw() If buttonBackToMainMenu Then buttonBackToMainMenu.Draw() If buttonQuit Then buttonQuit.Draw() End Method End Type Type TMessageWindow_Upgrade Extends TMessageWindow Field buttonFertility:TGameGUIButton Field buttonShipspeed:TGameGUIButton Field buttonResearchPoints:TGameGUIButton Field buttonMissileRefillRate:TGameGUIButton Field buttonDone:TGameGUIButton Field planetID:Int Field wasPaused:Int = False Method New() caption = "Knowledge Hub" Local startY:Int = 40 buttonFertility = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(164, startY+0*25 -1), New TVec2D.Init(62,17), "", "MessageWindowUpgrade") buttonFertility.SetIcon("icon.heart", 12) buttonShipspeed = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(164, startY+1*25 -1), New TVec2D.Init(62,17), "", "MessageWindowUpgrade") buttonShipspeed.SetIcon("icon.rocket", 12) buttonResearchPoints = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(164, startY+2*25 -1), New TVec2D.Init(62,17), "", "MessageWindowUpgrade") buttonResearchPoints.SetIcon("icon.researchpoints", 12) buttonMissileRefillRate = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(164, startY+3*25 -1), New TVec2D.Init(62,17), "", "MessageWindowUpgrade") buttonMissileRefillRate.SetIcon("icon.refill", 12) buttonDone = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85,startY+4*25 + 10 -1), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "DONE", "MessageWindowUpgrade") EnableOrDisableButtons() End Method Method Open:Int() 'override wasPaused = game.IsPaused() game.SetPaused(True) End Method Method Close:Int() 'override If Not wasPaused Then game.SetPaused(False) End Method Method EnableOrDisableButtons() Local techtree:TTechTree = Game.GetPlayer().GetTechTree() Local availableRP:Int = Game.GetPlayer().GetResearchPoints() If availableRP < techtree.GetPopulationGrowthRateLevelCost() Or techtree.IsPopulationGrowthRateLevelMaxReached() buttonFertility.Disable() Else buttonFertility.Enable() EndIf If availableRP < techtree.GetShipSpeedLevelCost() Or techtree.IsShipSpeedLevelMaxReached() buttonShipspeed.Disable() Else buttonShipspeed.Enable() EndIf If availableRP < techtree.GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevelCost() Or techtree.IsCollectResearchPointsRateLevelMaxReached() buttonResearchPoints.Disable() Else buttonResearchPoints.Enable() EndIf If availableRP < techtree.GetMissileRefillRateLevelCost() Or techtree.IsMissileRefillRateLevelMaxReached() buttonMissileRefillRate.Disable() Else buttonMissileRefillRate.Enable() EndIf End Method Method Update:Int() Local techtree:TTechTree = Game.GetPlayer().GetTechTree() EnableOrDisableButtons() If buttonDone Then buttonDone.Update() If buttonFertility Then buttonFertility.Update() If buttonShipspeed Then buttonShipspeed.Update() If buttonResearchPoints Then buttonResearchPoints.Update() If buttonMissileRefillRate Then buttonMissileRefillRate.Update() If techtree.IsCollectResearchPointsRateLevelMaxReached() buttonResearchPoints.SetCaption("Reached~n upgrade max") Else buttonResearchPoints.SetCaption("Upgrade for ~n" + techtree.GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevelCost() +" RP") EndIf If techtree.IsPopulationGrowthRateLevelMaxReached() buttonFertility.SetCaption("Reached~nupgrade max") Else buttonFertility.SetCaption("Upgrade for ~n" + techtree.GetPopulationGrowthRateLevelCost() +" RP") EndIf If techtree.IsShipSpeedLevelMaxReached() buttonShipspeed.SetCaption("Reached~nupgrade max") Else buttonShipspeed.SetCaption("Upgrade for ~n" + techtree.GetShipSpeedLevelCost() +" RP") EndIf If techtree.IsMissileRefillRateLevelMaxReached() buttonMissileRefillRate.SetCaption("Reached~nupgrade max") Else buttonMissileRefillRate.SetCaption("Upgrade for ~n" + techtree.GetMissileRefillRateLevelCost() +" RP") EndIf If buttonResearchPoints.IsClicked() Game.GetPlayer().researchPoints :- techtree.GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevelCost() techtree.SetCollectResearchPointsRateLevel(+1, True) MouseManager.ResetKey(1) EndIf If buttonFertility.IsClicked() Game.GetPlayer().researchPoints :- techtree.GetPopulationGrowthRateLevelCost() techtree.SetPopulationGrowthRateLevel(+1, True) MouseManager.ResetKey(1) EndIf If buttonShipspeed.IsClicked() Game.GetPlayer().researchPoints :- techtree.GetShipSpeedLevelCost() techtree.SetShipSpeedLevel(+1, True) MouseManager.ResetKey(1) EndIf If buttonMissileRefillRate.IsClicked() Game.GetPlayer().researchPoints :- techtree.GetMissileRefillRateLevelCost() techtree.SetMissileRefillRateLevel(+1, True) MouseManager.ResetKey(1) EndIf If buttonDone.IsClicked() Or MouseManager.IsHit(2) Close() Destroy() Return False EndIf Return Super.Update() End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) Super.Render(offsetX, offsetY) ' Local planet:TPlanet = space.GetPlanet(planetID) ' If planet ' GetBitmapFont("default").DrawBlock("Upgrade |b|""|/b|", area.GetIntX() + 10, area.GetIntY()+10, area.GetIntW()-20, area.GetIntH()-20, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) ' Else ' GetBitmapFont("default").DrawBlock("Upgrade", area.GetIntX() + 10, area.GetIntY()+10, area.GetIntW()-20, area.GetIntH()-20, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) ' EndIf 'only global for now ' GetBitmapFont("default").DrawBlock("knowledge hub", area.GetIntX() + 10, area.GetIntY()+10, area.GetIntW()-20, area.GetIntH()-20, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) Local s:String Local col:String="114,177,75" Local techtree:TTechTree = Game.GetPlayer().GetTechTree() Local startY:Int = area.GetIntY()+20 If techtree.IsPopulationGrowthRateLevelMaxReached() s = "Fertility reached maximum level. Population growth rate is increased by |color=" + col + "|"+MathHelper.NumberToString(100*(techtree.GetPopulationGrowthRateMod() - 1.0), 1)+" %|/color|." Else 'print "pop: "+techtree.GetPopulationGrowthRateMod(1) s = "Upgrading fertility to |color=" + col + "|level" + (techtree.GetPopulationGrowthRateLevel() + 1) + "|/color| will increase population growth rate by |color=" + col + "|"+MathHelper.NumberToString(100*(techtree.GetPopulationGrowthRateMod(techtree.GetPopulationGrowthRateLevel() + 1) - 1.0), 1)+" %|/color|." EndIf GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock(s, area.GetIntX() + 10, startY + 0*25, area.GetIntW()-20 - 55, area.GetIntH()-30, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) If techtree.IsPopulationGrowthRateLevelMaxReached() s = "Ship speed reached maximum level. Your space ships travel faster by |color=" + col + "|"+MathHelper.NumberToString(100*(techtree.GetShipSpeedMod() - 1.0), 1)+" %|/color|." Else 'print "spd: "+techtree.GetShipSpeedMod(1) s = "Upgrading ship speed to |color=" + col + "|level" + (techtree.GetShipSpeedLevel() + 1) + "|/color| allows your space ships to travel faster by |color=" + col + "|"+MathHelper.NumberToString(100*(techtree.GetShipSpeedMod(techtree.GetShipSpeedLevel() + 1) - 1.0), 1)+" %|/color|." EndIf GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock(s, area.GetIntX() + 10, startY + 1*25, area.GetIntW()-20 - 55, area.GetIntH()-30, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) If techtree.IsPopulationGrowthRateLevelMaxReached() s = "Research efficiency reached maximum level. Your production of research points is increased by |color=" + col + "|"+MathHelper.NumberToString(100*(techtree.GetCollectResearchPointsRateMod() - 1.0), 1)+" %|/color|." Else 'print "eff: "+techtree.GetCollectResearchPointsRateMod(1) s = "Upgrading research efficiency to |color=" + col + "|level" + (techtree.GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevel() + 1) + "|/color| increases production of research points by |color=" + col + "|"+MathHelper.NumberToString(100*(techtree.GetCollectResearchPointsRateMod(techtree.GetCollectResearchPointsRateLevel() + 1) - 1.0), 1)+" %|/color|." EndIf GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock(s, area.GetIntX() + 10, startY + 2*25, area.GetIntW()-20 - 55, area.GetIntH()-30, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) If techtree.IsMissileRefillRateLevelMaxReached() s = "Missile refill rate reached maximum level. Your refill rate is increased by |color=" + col + "|"+MathHelper.NumberToString(100*(techtree.GetMissileRefillRateMod() - 1.0), 1)+" %|/color|." Else s = "Upgrading missile refill rate to |color=" + col + "|level" + (techtree.GetMissileRefillRateLevel() + 1) + "|/color| decreases time needed to refill a missile of the planetary defense by |color=" + col + "|"+MathHelper.NumberToString(100*(techtree.GetMissileRefillRateMod(techtree.GetMissileRefillRateLevel() + 1) - 1.0), 1)+" %|/color|." EndIf GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock(s, area.GetIntX() + 10, startY + 3*25, area.GetIntW()-20 - 55, area.GetIntH()-30, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) If buttonDone Then buttonDone.Draw() If buttonFertility Then buttonFertility.Draw() If buttonShipspeed Then buttonShipspeed.Draw() If buttonResearchPoints Then buttonResearchPoints.Draw() If buttonMissileRefillRate Then buttonMissileRefillRate.Draw() End Method End Type Type TMessageWindow_LevelStart Extends TMessageWindow Field buttonDone:TGameGUIButton Field shuffleAnimTimer:Double = 3 Field shuffleAnimTime:Double = 2.99 Field shuffleAnimStepTime:Double = 0.01 Field shuffleAnimPos:Int Field wasPaused:Int = False Method New() buttonDone = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85,158), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Start now", "MessageWindowUpgrade") buttonDone.Disable() End Method Method Open:Int() 'override wasPaused = game.IsPaused() game.SetPaused(True) Return Super.Open() End Method Method Close:Int() 'override If Not wasPaused Then game.SetPaused(False) Return Super.Close() End Method Method Update:Int() If shuffleAnimTimer > 0 shuffleAnimTimer :- GetDeltaTimer().GetDelta() If shuffleanimTimer < shuffleAnimTime shuffleAnimPos :+ 1 shuffleAnimStepTime :+ 0.01 shuffleAnimTime :- shuffleAnimStepTime EndIf Else If Not buttonDone.IsEnabled() Then buttonDone.Enable() EndIf If buttonDone buttonDone.rect.SetXY(area.GetX() + 0.5*(area.GetW() - buttonDone.GetWidth()), area.GetY2() - 8 - buttonDone.GetHeight()) buttonDone.Update() EndIf If buttonDone.IsClicked() Or MouseManager.IsHit(2) Or KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.BlockKey(KEY_ESCAPE, 200) MouseManager.ResetKey(1) MouseManager.ResetKey(2) game.SetPaused(False) Close() Destroy() Return False EndIf Return Super.Update() End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) Super.Render(offsetX, offsetY) Local centerX:Int = Int(area.GetIntX() + area.GetIntW()/2) Local startY:Int = area.GetIntY() + 35 Local framesPerRowMax:Int = Min(3, game.players.length) For Local pIndex:Int = 0 Until game.players.length Local row:Int = pIndex / 3 Local col:Int = pIndex Mod 3 Local colsInRow:Int = Max(0, Min(3, game.players.length - (row * 3))) Local frameX:Int = centerX - Int(colsInRow/2.0 * 55) + col*55 Local frameY:Int = startY + row*55 If shuffleAnimTime > 0 GetSpriteFromRegistry("characterframe."+(1 + (shuffleAnimPos + pIndex) Mod 6)).Draw(frameX, frameY) Else Local p:TPlayer = game.GetPlayer(pIndex+1) GetSpriteFromRegistry("characterframe."+(p.raceID)).Draw(frameX, frameY) EndIf GetSpriteFromRegistry("characterframe.overlay").Draw(frameX, frameY) Next GetBitmapFont("default").DrawBlock("Fight for the |color="+GameColorCollection.basePalette[7].ToRGBString(",")+"|"+game.galaxyName+"|/color|", area.GetIntX() + 10, area.GetIntY() + 10, area.GetIntW()-20, area.GetIntH()-30, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock("The following races try to dominate this sector of the galaxy:", area.GetIntX() + 10, area.GetIntY() + 20, area.GetIntW()-20, area.GetIntH()-30, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) If buttonDone Then buttonDone.Draw() End Method End Type Type TMessageWindow_GameWon Extends TMessageWindow Field buttonDone:TGameGUIButton Field buttonNextCampaignMap:TGameGUIButton Field buttonStatistics:TGameGUIButton Method New() buttonDone = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85,158), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Back to Main Menu", "MessageWindowGameWon") buttonStatistics = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85,138), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Show Statistics", "MessageWindowGameWon") buttonNextCampaignMap = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85,118), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Continue Campaign", "MessageWindowGameWon") buttonNextCampaignMap.Hide() End Method Method Open:Int() If buttonDone buttonDone.rect.SetXY(area.GetX() + 0.5*(area.GetW() - buttonDone.GetWidth()), area.GetY2() - 8 - buttonDone.GetHeight()) EndIf If buttonStatistics buttonStatistics.rect.SetXY(area.GetX() + 0.5*(area.GetW() - buttonDone.GetWidth()), area.GetY2() - 8 - buttonDone.GetHeight() - 2 - buttonStatistics.GetHeight()) EndIf If buttonNextCampaignMap buttonNextCampaignMap.rect.SetXY(area.GetX() + 0.5*(area.GetW() - buttonDone.GetWidth()), area.GetY2() - 8 - buttonDone.GetHeight() - 2 - buttonStatistics.GetHeight() - 2 - buttonNextCampaignMap.GetHeight()) EndIf If game.gameType = TGame.GAMETYPE_CAMPAIGN buttonNextCampaignMap.Show() EndIf Return Super.Open() End Method Method Close:Int() End Method Method Update:Int() If buttonDone Then buttonDone.Update() If buttonNextCampaignMap Then buttonNextCampaignMap.Update() If buttonStatistics Then buttonStatistics.Update() If buttonNextCampaignMap.IsClicked() buttonNextCampaignMap.mouseIsClicked = Null MouseManager.ResetKey(1) GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("campaignmenu"), 0.2 ) Close() Destroy() Return True EndIf If buttonStatistics.IsClicked() buttonStatistics.mouseIsClicked = Null MouseManager.ResetKey(1) MessageWindowCollection.OpenGameStatsWindow() Return True EndIf If buttonDone.IsClicked() Or MouseManager.IsHit(2) Or KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_ESCAPE) buttonDone.mouseIsClicked = Null KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.BlockKey(KEY_ESCAPE, 200) MouseManager.ResetKey(1) MouseManager.ResetKey(2) GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("mainmenu"), 0.2 ) game.SetPaused(False) Close() Destroy() Return False EndIf Return Super.Update() End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) Super.Render(offsetX, offsetY) GetBitmapFont("default").DrawBlock("Seems you won this fight.", area.GetIntX() + 10, area.GetIntY() + 10, area.GetIntW()-20, area.GetIntH()-30, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock("Will luck follow you into the next combat?", area.GetIntX() + 10, area.GetIntY() + 20, area.GetIntW()-20, area.GetIntH()-30, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) If buttonStatistics Then buttonStatistics.Draw() If buttonNextCampaignMap Then buttonNextCampaignMap.Draw() If buttonDone Then buttonDone.Draw() End Method End Type Type TMessageWindow_GameLost Extends TMessageWindow Field buttonDone:TGameGUIButton Field buttonRetry:TGameGUIButton Field buttonContinueWatching:TGameGUIButton Field buttonStatistics:TGameGUIButton Method New() buttonDone = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85,158), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Back to Main Menu", "MessageWindowGameLost") buttonRetry = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85,138), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Try again", "MessageWindowGameLost") buttonStatistics = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85,118), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Show Statistics", "MessageWindowGameLost") buttonContinueWatching = New TGameGUIButton.Create(New TVec2D.Init(85,138), New TVec2D.Init(80,17), "Continue Watching", "MessageWindowGameLost") End Method Method Open:Int() buttonDone.rect.SetXY(area.GetX() + 0.5*(area.GetW() - buttonDone.GetWidth()), area.GetY2() - 8 - buttonDone.GetHeight()) buttonStatistics.rect.SetXY(area.GetX() + 0.5*(area.GetW() - buttonDone.GetWidth()), area.GetY2() - 8 - buttonDone.GetHeight() - 2 - buttonStatistics.GetHeight()) buttonContinueWatching.rect.SetXY(area.GetX() + 0.5*(area.GetW() - buttonDone.GetWidth()), area.GetY2() - 8 - buttonDone.GetHeight() - 2 - buttonStatistics.GetHeight() - 2 - buttonContinueWatching.GetHeight()) If buttonRetry If Not game.mapGUID Then buttonRetry.Hide() buttonRetry.rect.SetXY(area.GetX() + 0.5*(area.GetW() - buttonDone.GetWidth()), area.GetY2() - 8 - buttonDone.GetHeight() - 2 - buttonStatistics.GetHeight() - 2 - buttonContinueWatching.GetHeight() - 2 - buttonRetry.GetHeight()) EndIf Return Super.Open() End Method ' Method Close:Int() ' End Method Method Update:Int() If buttonDone Then buttonDone.Update() If buttonRetry Then buttonRetry.Update() If buttonContinueWatching Then buttonContinueWatching.Update() If buttonStatistics Then buttonStatistics.Update() If buttonContinueWatching.IsClicked() buttonContinueWatching.mouseIsClicked = Null MouseManager.ResetKey(1) game.GetPlayer().isObserving = True Close() Destroy() Return True EndIf If buttonStatistics.IsClicked() buttonStatistics.mouseIsClicked = Null MouseManager.ResetKey(1) MessageWindowCollection.OpenGameStatsWindow() Return True EndIf If buttonRetry.IsClicked() buttonRetry.mouseIsClicked = Null MouseManager.ResetKey(1) game.RestartGame() Close() Destroy() Return True EndIf If buttonDone.IsClicked() Or MouseManager.IsHit(2) Or KeyManager.IsHit(KEY_ESCAPE) buttonDone.mouseIsClicked = Null KeyManager.ResetKey(KEY_ESCAPE) KeyManager.BlockKey(KEY_ESCAPE, 200) MouseManager.ResetKey(1) MouseManager.ResetKey(2) GetScreenManager().GetCurrent().FadeToScreen( GetScreenManager().Get("mainmenu"), 0.2 ) game.SetPaused(False) Close() Destroy() Return False EndIf Return Super.Update() End Method Method Render:Int(offsetX:Int=0, offsetY:Int=0) Super.Render(offsetX, offsetY) GetBitmapFont("default").DrawBlock("Better Luck next time...", area.GetIntX() + 10, area.GetIntY() + 10, area.GetIntW()-20, area.GetIntH()-30, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[1]) GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock("You might not be ready for intergalactic operations.", area.GetIntX() + 10, area.GetIntY() + 20, area.GetIntW()-20, area.GetIntH()-30, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, GameColorCollection.basePalette[15]) If buttonDone Then buttonDone.Draw() If buttonRetry Then buttonRetry.Draw() If buttonContinueWatching Then buttonContinueWatching.Draw() If buttonStatistics Then buttonStatistics.Draw() End Method End Type Type TGameGUIDropDown_Race Extends TGameGUIDropDown Method DrawContent() Local i:TGUIListItem = TGUIListItem(GetSelectedEntry()) If i And Int(String(i.extra)) valueDisplacement = New TVec2D.Init(8, 4) Else valueDisplacement = New TVec2D.Init(2, 4) EndIf Super.DrawContent() If i And Int(String(i.extra)) valueDisplacement = New TVec2D.Init(8, 4) Local raceID:Int = Int(String(i.extra)) If raceID GameColorCollection.basePalette[0].SetRGB() DrawRect(GetScreenX()+4, GetScreenY()+6, 4,4) game.racesColors[raceID].SetRGB() DrawRect(GetScreenX()+4, GetScreenY()+5, 4,4) SetColor 255,255,255 EndIf EndIf End Method End Type Type TGameGUIDropDownItem_Race Extends TGameGUIDropDownItem Method DrawValue() Local raceID:Int = Int(String(extra)) If raceID GameColorCollection.basePalette[0].SetRGB() DrawRect(GetScreenX()+2, GetScreenY()+4, 4,4) game.racesColors[raceID].SetRGB() DrawRect(GetScreenX()+2, GetScreenY()+3, 4,4) SetColor 255,255,255 GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock(value, getScreenX()+2 + 6, GetScreenY(), GetScreenWidth()-4, GetScreenHeight(), ALIGN_LEFT_CENTER, valueColor) Else GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock(value, getScreenX()+2, GetScreenY(), GetScreenWidth()-4, GetScreenHeight(), ALIGN_LEFT_CENTER, valueColor) EndIf End Method End Type Type TGameGUIDropDownItem Extends TGUIDropDownItem Method Create:TGameGUIDropDownItem(position:TVec2D = Null, dimension:TVec2D = Null, value:String="") SetFont(GetBitmapFont("small")) valueColor = TColor.clBlack Super.Create(position, dimension, value) rect.SetWH(80, 10) Return Self End Method Method SetExtra:TGameGUIDropDownItem(extra:Object) 'override Super.SetExtra(extra) Return Self End Method Method GetScreenWidth:Float() Return 60 End Method Method GetScreenHeight:Float() Return 10 End Method ' Method DrawValue() ' GetBitmapFont("small").DrawBlock(value, getScreenX()+2, GetScreenY(), GetScreenWidth()-4, GetScreenHeight(), ALIGN_LEFT_CENTER, valueColor) ' End Method 'SetListContentHeight Method DrawBackground() If Not isHovered() And Not isSelected() Then Return Local upperParent:TGUIObject = GetParent("TGUIListBase") upperParent.RestrictContentViewPort() If isHovered() GameColorCollection.basePalette[1].SetRGB() DrawRect(getScreenX(), getScreenY(), GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight()) SetColor 255,255,255 ElseIf isSelected() GameColorCollection.basePalette[11].SetRGB() DrawRect(getScreenX(), getScreenY(), GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight()) SetColor 255,255,255 EndIf upperParent.ResetViewPort() End Method End Type Type TGameGUIDropDown Extends TGUIDropDown Method New() defaultSpriteName = "gui.input" defaultOverlaySpriteName = "gui.icon.arrowDown" minDimension = New TVec2D.Init(18,12) valueDisplacement = New TVec2D.Init(2, 4) End Method Method Create:TGameGUIDropDown(position:TVec2D = Null, dimension:TVec2D = Null, value:String="", maxLength:Int=128, limitState:String = "") SetFont(GetBitmapFont("small")) color = TColor.clWhite editColor = TColor.clBlack textEffectAmount = 0.0 'no drop textEffectType = 0 listOffsetY = -3 listHeight = 30 spriteName = "gui.input" Super.Create(position, dimension, value, maxLength, limitState) Return Self End Method End Type Type TGameGUIInput Extends TGUIInput Method New() minDimension = New TVec2D.Init(18,12) End Method Method Create:TGameGUIInput(pos:TVec2D, dimension:TVec2D, value:String, maxLength:Int=128, limitState:String="") Super.Create(pos, dimension, value, maxLength, limitState) SetTypeFont(GetBitmapFont("small")) color = TColor.clBlack editColor = TColor.clBlack textEffectAmount = 0.0 'no drop textEffectType = 0 spriteName = "gui.input" Return Self End Method Method DrawCaret(x:Int, y:Int) 'override Local oldAlpha:Float = GetAlpha() SetAlpha Float(Ceil(Sin(Time.GetTimeGone() / 4)) * oldAlpha) DrawRect(x, y+1, 1, GetFont().GetMaxCharHeight()+1 ) SetAlpha oldAlpha End Method End Type Type TGameGUICheckbox Extends TGUICheckBox Method New() _checkboxMinDimension.SetXY(12,12) tintEnabled = False End Method Method Create:TGameGUICheckbox(pos:TVec2D, dimension:TVec2D, value:String, limitState:String="") Super.Create(pos, dimension, value, state) caption.valueEffectType = 0 'disable shadow caption.SetFont(GetBitmapFont("small")) caption.color = TColor.clWhite spriteName = "gui.button.small" checkedSpriteName = "gui.checkbox.sign" Return Self End Method End Type Type TGameGUISlider Extends TGUISlider Method Create:TGameGUISlider(pos:TVec2D, dimension:TVec2D, value:String, State:String = "") Super.Create(pos, dimension, value, state) handleSpriteName = "gui.slider.handle" gaugeSpriteName = "gui.slider.gauge" gaugeFilledSpriteName = "gui.slider.gauge.filled" _gaugeOffset.SetXY(0,1) Return Self End Method End Type Type TGameGUIButton Extends TGUIButton Field _onClickHandler:Int() Field iconSprite:TSprite Method Create:TGameGUIButton(pos:TVec2D, dimension:TVec2D, value:String, State:String = "") Local button:TGameGUIButton = TGameGUIButton(Super.Create(pos, dimension, value, state)) 'button.SetCaptionOffset(15, -1) button.caption.valueEffectType = 0 'disable shadow button.caption.SetFont(GetBitmapFont("pixelfont", 4)) button.spriteName = "button" Return button End Method Method SetIcon(spriteName:String, width:Int = -1, height:Int = -1) iconSprite = GetSpriteFromRegistry(spriteName) If width = -1 Then width = iconSprite.GetWidth() If height = -1 Then height = iconSprite.GetHeight() SetCaptionOffset( width + 2, -1) RepositionCaption() End Method Method onClick:Int(triggerEvent:TEventBase) If _onClickHandler Then _onClickHandler() Return Super.onClick(triggerEvent) End Method Method DrawBackground() 'override SetAlpha 1.0 Super.DrawBackground() End Method Method DrawButtonContent:Int(position:TVec2D) If iconSprite If state = ".active" iconSprite.Draw(GetScreenX() + 7 +1, GetScreenY() + 0.5 * GetScreenHeight()-1 +1, 0, ALIGN_CENTER_CENTER) Else iconSprite.Draw(GetScreenX() + 7, GetScreenY() + 0.5 * GetScreenHeight()-1, 0, ALIGN_CENTER_CENTER) EndIf EndIf If Not IsEnabled() caption.color = TColor.clWhite caption.SetFont(GetBitmapFont("pixelfont.gray", 4)) ElseIf state = ".hover" Or state = ".active" caption.color = TColor.clWhite caption.SetFont(GetBitmapFont("pixelfont", 4)) ' caption.color = GameColorCollection.basePalette[7] ' oTColor.clWhite Else caption.SetFont(GetBitmapFont("pixelfont.yellow", 4)) caption.color = TColor.clWhite ' caption.color = GameColorCollection.basePalette[1] EndIf Return Super.DrawButtonContent(position) End Method End Type 'a bitmapfont based on a sprite / image Type TSpritePackBitmapFont Extends TBitmapFont Field imgGlyphCount:Int Field spriteKey:String Field glyphString:String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789:.,!?" Function Create:TSpritePackBitmapFont(name:String, url:String, size:Int, style:Int, fixedCharWidth:Int = -1, charWidthModifier:Float = 1.0) Local obj:TSpritePackBitmapFont = New TSpritePackBitmapFont obj.FName = name obj.FFile = url obj.spriteKey = url obj.FSize = size obj.FStyle = style obj.uniqueID = name+"_"+url+"_"+size+"_"+style obj.gfx = tmax2dgraphics.Current() obj.fixedCharWidth = fixedCharWidth obj.charWidthModifier = charWidthModifier obj.FImageFont = GetImageFont() 'generate a charmap containing packed rectangles where to store images obj.InitFont() Return obj End Function Method LoadCharsFromSource(source:Object=Null) 'override Local sprite:TSprite = GetSpriteFromRegistry(spriteKey) AnalyzeImage() charsSprites = New TSprite[ chars.length ] For Local i:Int = 0 Until glyphString.length Local charKey:Int = glyphString[i] Local char:TBitmapFontChar = chars[charKey] Local rect:TRectangle = New TRectangle.Init(sprite.area.GetIntX() + char.area.GetIntX(), sprite.area.GetIntY(), char.area.GetIntW(), 4) char.area.SetX(0) 'remove information ' resizeCharsSprites(charKey) charsSprites[charKey] = New TSprite.Init(sprite.parent, charKey, rect, Null, 0) Next End Method Method AnalyzeImage() imgGlyphCount = 30 '1. bild extrahieren '2. y-achse kontrollieren: alles leer, dann naechster Buchstabe Local img:TImage = GetSpriteFromRegistry(spriteKey).GetImage() Local pix:TPixmap = LockImage(img) Local glyphFound:Int = 0 Local glyphStart:Int = 0 For Local x:Int = 0 Until pix.width Local colEmpty:Int = True For Local y:Int = 0 Until pix.height If ARGB_Alpha( pix.ReadPixel(x,y) ) > 0 colEmpty = False Exit EndIf Next If colEmpty Or x = pix.width -1 Local charCode:Int = 0 If glyphFound <= glyphString.length Then charCode = glyphString[glyphFound] Local charWidth:Int = x - glyphStart If Not colEmpty And x = pix.width - 1 Then charWidth :+ 1 chars[ charCode ] = New TBitmapFontChar.Init(Null, glyphStart, 0, charWidth, 4, charWidth+1) glyphFound :+ 1 glyphStart = x + 1 EndIf Next 'space chars[ 32 ] = New TBitmapFontChar.Init(Null, 0, 0, 2, 4, 4) displaceY = 0 End Method Method __draw:TVec2D(text:String,x:Float,y:Float, color:TColor=Null, doDraw:Int=True, FontStyle:TBitmapFontStyle) 'this font only has uppercase text = text.ToUpper() Return Super.__draw(text,x,y,color,doDraw,FontStyle) End Method 'endrem End Type Function GenerateGalaxyName:String() Local result:String Local appendix:String[] = ["Galaxy", "System", "Boreas", "Aquarii", "Cloud", "Star System"] Local prependix:String[] = ["Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon", "Comae", "Crux"] result = GeneratePlanetName() If RandRange(0, 100) < 5 result = prependix[ RandRange(0, prependix.length - 1) ] + " " + result Else result = result + " " + appendix[ RandRange(0, appendix.length - 1) ] EndIf Return result End Function Function GeneratePlanetName:String() Global syllables:String[] = ["..lexegezacebisousesarmaindirea.eratenberalavetiedorquanteisrion", .. "ius'ru'ta'af'te'to'tu'he'ha'ho'hu" .. ] Global syllableLength:Int[] = [2, 3] Local doLongName:Int = 0 'RandRange(0, 100) < 20 Local result:String Local syllableIndex:Int Local syllableVariant:Int = 0 Local parts:Int = 2 + doLongName For Local i:Int = 0 To parts If i = parts syllableVariant = RandRange(0, 100) > 80 Else syllableVariant = 0 EndIf '0, 2, 4 ... syllableIndex = RandRange(0, syllables[syllableVariant].length / syllableLength[syllableVariant]) * syllableLength[syllableVariant] result :+ Mid(syllables[syllableVariant], syllableIndex + 1, syllableLength[syllableVariant]) result = result.Replace(".","") Next result = StringHelper.UCFirst(result, 1) Return result End Function Rem Function GeneratePlanetNameElite:string() global syllables:string = "..lexegezacebisousesarmaindirea.eratenberalavetiedorquanteisrion" global seed:int[2] seed[0] = RandRange(0, 65535) '$ffff seed[1] = RandRange(0, 65535) seed[2] = RandRange(0, 65535) return CreateName() Function ShuffleSeed() Local temp:int = (seed[0] +seed[1] +seed[2]) Mod 65536 '$10000 seed[0] = seed[1] seed[1] = seed[2] seed[2] = temp End Function function CreateName:string() Local longnameflag:int = seed[0] & 64 '$40 Local planetname:string = "" Local d:int For local n:int = 0 To 3 d = ((seed[2] Shr 8) & $1f) Shl 1 ShuffleSeed() If n < 3 Or longnameflag planetname = planetname + Mid(syllables,1+d,2) planetname = Replace(planetname,".","") EndIf Next planetname = StringHelper.UCFirstSimple(planetname, 1) 'planetname = Upper(Mid(planetname,1,1))+Mid(planetname,2,Len(planetname)-1) Return planetname End Function End Function endrem Function GetGameTimeDelta:Float() Return (Not GameTime.paused) * GameTime.speedFactor * GetDeltaTimer().GetDelta() End Function Function DrawMarkerRect(rect:TRectangle, mode:Int = 0) Local minX:Int = Int( Min(rect.GetIntX(), rect.GetIntX2()) ) Local maxX:Int = Int( Max(rect.GetIntX(), rect.GetIntX2()) ) Local minY:Int = Int( Min(rect.GetIntY(), rect.GetIntY2()) ) Local maxY:Int = Int( Max(rect.GetIntY(), rect.GetIntY2()) ) DrawMarkerRectXYWH(minX, minY, maxX-minX, maxY-minY, mode) End Function Function DrawMarkerRectXYWH(x:Int, y:Int, w:Int, h:Int, mode:Int = 0) Local col1:TGameColor Local col2:TGamecolor Select mode Case 0 col1 = game.hoverRectCol1 col2 = game.hoverRectCol2 Default col1 = game.selectionRectCol1 col2 = game.selectionRectCol2 End Select Local even:Int = (MilliSecs() / 200) Mod 3 For Local i:Int = 0 To 3 If i Mod 3 = even col1.SetRGB() Else col2.SetRGB() EndIf 'drawrect takes scale into consideration ("320x200 -> 640x400") DrawRect(x + i, y, 1, 1) DrawRect(x + w -3 + i, y, 1, 1) DrawRect(x + 3 - i, y + h, 1, 1) DrawRect(x + w - i, y + h, 1, 1) DrawRect(x, y + 3 - i, 1, 1) DrawRect(x + w, y + i, 1, 1) DrawRect(x, y + h - i, 1, 1) DrawRect(x + w, y + h -3 + i, 1, 1) Next SetColor 255,255,255 End Function Type Helper 'the logistic function is a fast-to-slow-growing function 'higher values are more likely returning nearly the maximum value ' 'returns a value between 0-maximumValue subtracted by "fZero" Function logisticFunction:Float(value:Float, maximumValue:Float, proportionalityFactor:Float = 1.0, fZero:Float=0.5) Rem formula: f(t) = 1 G * ------------------------------ 1 + e^(-k*G*t) * ( G ) (---- - 1 ) (f(0) ) e = euler value ("exp" in coding langugaes) G = maximumValue k = proportionalityFactor t = value f(0) = fZero End Rem Return maximumValue * 1.0/(1.0 + Exp(-proportionalityFactor*maximumValue*value) * (maximumValue/fZero - 1)) End Function 'returns a value between 0-1.0 for a given percentage value (0-1.0) Function LogisticalInfluence:Float(percentage:Float, proportionalityFactor:Float= 0.11) Return 1.0 - logisticFunction(percentage*100, 1.0, proportionalityFactor, 0.001) End Function Function LogisticalInfluence_Tangens:Float(percentage:Float, strength:Float=1.0, addRandom:Int=True) 'sinus is there for some "randomness" '2.5 = "base strength" so 100% will reach "1.0" Return Min(1.0, Max(0.0, Tanh(percentage*(2.5*strength)) + addRandom * Abs(0.03*Sin(95*percentage)))) End Function 'higher strength values have a stronger decrease per percentage 'higher strength can lead to Value(0.5) > Value(0.7) 'higher percentages return a higher influence (in 100% = out ~100%) 'value growth changes at 1/strength!! '-> we cut "used" percentage" so 100% = 1/strength Function LogisticalInfluence_Euler:Float(percentage:Float, strength:Float=1.0, addRandom:Int=True) 'sinus is there for some "randomness" Return 1 - ( Exp(-strength * percentage) + addRandom * Abs(0.01 * Sin(155*percentage)) ) End Function End Type 'Plot/DrawLine ignore "SetVirtualResolution" Function DrawRectLine(X1:Int,Y1:Int,X2:Int,Y2:Int) 'Draws a line of individual pixels from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2 at any angle Local Steep:Int = Abs(Y2-Y1) > Abs(X2-X1) 'Boolean If Steep Local Temp:Int=X1; X1=Y1; Y1=Temp 'Swap X1,Y1 Temp=X2; X2=Y2; Y2=Temp 'Swap X2,Y2 EndIf Local DeltaX:Int=Abs(X2-X1) 'X Difference Local DeltaY:Int=Abs(Y2-Y1) 'Y Difference Local Error:Int=0 'Overflow counter Local DeltaError:Int=DeltaY 'Counter adder Local X:Int=X1 'Start at X1,Y1 Local Y:Int=Y1 Local XStep:Int Local YStep:Int If X1X2 X:+XStep 'Move in X Error:+DeltaError 'Add to counter If (Error Shl 1)>DeltaX 'Would it overflow? Y:+YStep 'Move in Y Error=Error-DeltaX 'Overflow/wrap the counter EndIf If Steep Then DrawRect(Y,X,1,1) Else DrawRect(X,Y,1,1) 'Draw Wend End Function Type TSimpleSoundSource Extends TSoundSourceElement Field SfxChannels:TMap = CreateMap() Function Create:TSimpleSoundSource() Return New TSimpleSoundSource End Function Method GetSfxChannelByName:TSfxChannel(name:String) Return TSfxChannel(MapValueForKey(SfxChannels, name)) End Method 'override default behaviour Method PlaySfxOrPlaylist(name:String, sfxSettings:TSfxSettings=Null, playlistMode:Int=False) TSoundManager.GetInstance().RegisterSoundSource(Self) 'add channel if not done yet If Not TSfxChannel(SfxChannels.ValueForKey(name)) SfxChannels.insert(name, TSfxChannel.Create()) EndIf Local channel:TSfxChannel = GetChannelForSfx(name) 'if channel getter fails, just return silently If Not channel Then Return Local settings:TSfxSettings = sfxSettings If settings = Null Then settings = GetSfxSettings(name) If playlistMode channel.PlayRandomSfx(name, settings) Else channel.PlaySfx(name, settings) EndIf 'print GetClassIdentifier() + " # End PlaySfx: " + name End Method Method Stop(sfx:String) Local channel:TSfxChannel = GetChannelForSfx(sfx) If channel Then channel.Stop() End Method Method GetSfxSettings:TSfxSettings(sfx:String) Local settings:TSfxSettings = TSfxSettings.Create() settings.defaultVolume = 1.50 Return settings End Method Method GetIsHearable:Int() Return True End Method Method GetChannelForSfx:TSfxChannel(sfx:String) Return GetSfxChannelByName(sfx) End Method Method GetClassIdentifier:String() Return "SimpleSfx" End Method Method GetCenter:TVec3D() 'print "DoorCenter: " + Room.Pos.x + "/" + Room.Pos.y + " => " + (Room.Pos.x + Room.doorwidth/2) + "/" + (Building.GetFloorY2(Room.Pos.y) - Room.doorheight/2) + " GetFloorY: " + TBuilding.GetFloorY2(Room.Pos.y) + " ... GetFloor: " + Building.GetFloor(Room.Pos.y) Return New TVec3D.Init(GetGraphicsManager().GetWidth()/2, GetGraphicsManager().GetHeight()/2) End Method Method IsMovable:Int() Return False End Method Method OnPlaySfx:Int(sfx:String) Return True End Method End Type