# RemoveNonAsciiChars Simple plugin to replace non-ASCII characters to ASCII by removing accents, and remaining non-ASCII characters. Turns: á à â ä ñ into a a a a n and removes characters like: ¡ ¿ ß ## Installation Installation via [Sublime Package Control][wbond]. 1. [Install Sublime Package Control][wbond 2] 2. From inside Sublime Text, open Package Control's Command Pallet: CTRL+SHIFT+P (Windows, Linux) or CMD+SHIFT+P (Mac). 3. Type `install package` and hit Return. A list of available packages will be displayed. 4. Type `RemoveNonAsciiChars` and hit Return. ## Using 1. Bring out the command palette with CTRL+SHIFT+P (Windows, Linux) or CMD+SHIFT+P on Mac. 2. Type `Remove Non Ascii Chars` until you see the commands. 3. Select `Remove non Ascii characters (File)` for removing in the entire file, or `Remove non Ascii characters (Select)` for removing only in the selected text. ## Author * Gabriel Perren - [@Gabriel-p](https://github.com/Gabriel-p) Original [idea and code](http://stackoverflow.com/a/38909594/1391441) by [Keith Hall](http://stackoverflow.com/users/4473405/keith-hall). ## License [GPL-v3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html). [wbond]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control [wbond 2]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation