% Dhall: A programmable configuration language % Gabriella Gonzalez # Overview This talk introduces the Dhall configuration language to functional programmers. In this talk, I will cover: * Using Dhall as an ordinary configuration file format * Using Dhall as a programming language * Dhall's tooling * Dhall's language security guarantees # What is Dhall? Dhall is a [programmable configuration language](https://docs.dhall-lang.org/discussions/Programmable-configuration-files.html) that you can think of as: **JSON + functions + types + imports** Dhall originated as an academic exercise to settle the following question: > Would people tolerate programmable configuration files if they were not > Turing-complete? The project then grew beyond my expectations, so I went with the flow and learned a lot along the way. # Dhall is like JSON When I say Dhall is like JSON I mean that: * Dhall can model scalars, records, and lists (and other things) * You can marshal a Dhall configuration file directly into a program as data Here is an example Dhall configuration file: ```haskell { home = "/home/bill" , privateKey = "/home/bill/.ssh/id_ed25519" , publicKey = "/home/bill/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub" } ``` … which corresponds to this JSON: ```bash $ dhall-to-json --file ./config.dhall | tee ./config.json ``` ```json { "home": "/home/bill", "privateKey": "/home/bill/.ssh/id_ed25519", "publicKey": "/home/bill/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub" } ``` # JSON to Dhall You can migrate an existing JSON file to Dhall.For example, this JSON: ```json [ { "discontinued": false, "description": "Google Pixel XL 128GB Unlocked" }, { "description": "Apple iPhone SE (64GB, Black)" } ] ``` … corresponds to this Dhall configuration: ```bash $ json-to-dhall --file ./inventory.json ``` ```haskell [ { description = "Google Pixel XL 128GB Unlocked" , discontinued = Some False } , { description = "Apple iPhone SE (64GB, Black)" , discontinued = None Bool } ] ``` # Dhall can also generate YAML ```haskell [ { name = "John Doe" , age = 14 } , { name = "Mary Jane" , age = 13 } ] ``` … corresponds to this YAML: ```bash $ dhall-to-yaml --file ./students.dhall ``` ```yaml - age: 14 name: John Doe - age: 13 name: Mary Jane ``` # YAML to Dhall You can also convert YAML to Dhall. For example, this YAML: ```yaml docker: - image: ubuntu:14.04 - image: mongo:2.6.8 command: [mongod, --smallfiles] - image: postgres:9.4.1 ``` … corresponds to this Dhall configuration: ```bash $ yaml-to-dhall --file ./docker.yaml ``` ```haskell { docker = [ { command = None (List Text) , image = "ubuntu:14.04" } , { command = Some [ "mongod", "--smallfiles" ] , image = "mongo:2.6.8" } , { command = None (List Text) , image = "postgres:9.4.1" } ] } ``` # Real-world example - Dhall to YAML Here is a more "real world" example of a Dhall configuration for Kubernetes: ```haskell let kubernetes = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes/a4126b7f8f0c0935e4d86f0f596176c41efbe6fe/package.dhall sha256:ef3845f617b91eaea1b7abb5bd62aeebffd04bcc592d82b7bd6b39dda5e5d545 in kubernetes.Deployment::{ , metadata = kubernetes.ObjectMeta::{ name = Some "nginx" } , spec = Some kubernetes.DeploymentSpec::{ , selector = kubernetes.LabelSelector::{ , matchLabels = Some (toMap { name = "nginx" }) } , template = kubernetes.PodTemplateSpec::{ , metadata = kubernetes.ObjectMeta::{ name = Some "nginx" } , spec = Some kubernetes.PodSpec::{ , containers = [ kubernetes.Container::{ , name = "nginx" , image = Some "nginx:1.15.3" , ports = Some [ kubernetes.ContainerPort::{ containerPort = 80 } ] } ] } } } } ``` # Real-world example - Dhall to YAML … which corresponds to this YAML Kubernetes configuration: ```bash $ dhall-to-yaml --file ./deployment.dhall ``` ```yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx spec: selector: matchLabels: name: nginx template: metadata: name: nginx spec: containers: - image: nginx:1.15.3 name: nginx ports: - containerPort: 80 ``` # Real world example - YAML to Dhall The reverse direction works, too, if we provide a bit more information: ```bash $ yaml-to-dhall '(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes/a4126b7f8f0c0935e4d86f0f596176c41efbe6fe/types.dhall).Deployment' --file ./deployment.yaml \ | dhall rewrite-with-schemas --schemas 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes/a4126b7f8f0c0935e4d86f0f596176c41efbe6fe/schemas.dhall' ``` ```haskell let schemas = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes/a4126b7f8f0c0935e4d86f0f596176c41efbe6fe/schemas.dhall in schemas.Deployment::{ , metadata = schemas.ObjectMeta::{ name = Some "nginx" } , spec = Some schemas.DeploymentSpec::{ , selector = schemas.LabelSelector::{ , matchLabels = Some [ { mapKey = "name", mapValue = "nginx" } ] } , template = schemas.PodTemplateSpec::{ , metadata = schemas.ObjectMeta::{ name = Some "nginx" } , spec = Some schemas.PodSpec::{ , containers = [ schemas.Container::{ , image = Some "nginx:1.15.3" , name = "nginx" , ports = Some [ schemas.ContainerPort::{ containerPort = 80 } ] } ] } } } } ``` # Other supported file formats You can convert between Dhall and the following file formats: * JSON - `dhall-to-json` / `json-to-dhall` * YAML - `dhall-to-yaml` / `yaml-to-dhall` * XML - `dhall-to-xml` / `xml-to-dhall` * Bash - `dhall-to-bash` * Nix - `dhall-to-nix` # Native language bindings Dhall is not just a preprocessor for JSON/YAML Some languages (like Haskell) can read Dhall files without going through JSON: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Example where import Dhall (Generic, FromDhall, Text) import qualified Dhall data Configuration = Configuration { home :: Text , privateKey :: Text , publicKey :: Text } deriving (Generic, FromDhall, Show) main :: IO () main = do config <- Dhall.input Dhall.auto "./config.dhall" print (config :: Configuration) ``` # Language bindings The currently official language bindings are: * Clojure * Haskell * Go * Ruby * Rust … and there is one unofficial language binding that is worth mentioning: * Java - Fairly comprehensive The most wished-for language binding is Python The latest list can be found at: * [`docs.dhall-lang.org` - How to integrate Dhall](https://docs.dhall-lang.org/howtos/How-to-integrate-Dhall.html) # Benefits of generating JSON/YAML Many people generate JSON/YAML when they first start trying out Dhall, because: * You can "try before you buy" (doesn't require immediate buy-in from your peers) * Generating JSON/YAML is a more incremental migration path * You can download prebuilt statically-linked executables for Windows/OS X/Linux * `dhall` * `dhall-to-{json,yaml}` / `{json,yaml}-to-dhall` * `dhall-lsp-server` # Benefits of native language support There are some benefits of reading a Dhall configuration file directly when you commit more fully to the language: * Simplicity * Marshalling unions (a.k.a. sum types) JSON/YAML don't natively support sum types * Marshalling functions For example, this works: ```haskell f :: (Natural -> [Natural]) <- Dhall.input Dhall.auto "λ(x : Natural) → [ x, x ]" print (f 2) -- [ 2, 2 ] ``` This is limited to monomorphic non-higher-order functions # Questions? # Dhall is a programming language This means that you can factor out shared logic into (immutable) variables: ```haskell let user = "bill" in { home = "/home/${user}" , privateKey = "/home/${user}/.ssh/id_ed25519" , publicKey = "/home/${user}/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub" } ``` … and use programming language features like string interpolation. DEMO: [dhall-lang.org](https://dhall-lang.org/) # Data model - simple types Dhall supports the following simple ("scalar") types: * `Bool`: `True`, `False` * `Text`: `"Hello, world!"` * `Natural`: `0`, `1`, `2`, … * `Integer`: …, `-2`, `-1`, `+0`, `+1`, `+2`, … * `Double`: `3.14159265`, `6.0221409e+23` # Data model - complex types Dhall also supports the following complex ("composite") types: * `Optional`: `Some 1`, `None Natural` * `List`: `[ 2, 3, 5 ]`, `[] : List Natural` * Records: `{ x = 1.2, y = -2.5 }` * Unions: `let Example = < Left : Natural | Right : Bool > in Example.Left 0` * Enums: `let DNA = < A | T | G | C > in [ DNA.A, DNA.T, DNA.C ]` Complex types can be nested arbitrarily (like JSON/YAML, unlike INI/TOML) # `Text` Dhall's `Text` support is best-in-class among configuration languages For example, Dhall supports string interpolation: ```haskell λ(name : Text) → "Hello, ${name}!" ``` … and multi-line strings with automatic dedentation: ```haskell let header = "Header" let content = "Content" in ''



'' ``` # Records Dhall supports Nix-style dotted-field syntax. For example, this: ```haskell { a.b.c = 1, a.b.d = True } ``` … is the same thing as: ```haskell { a = { b = { c = 1, d = True } } } ``` This comes in handy when working with deeply-nested records. Dhall is more flexible than Nix. For example, this works in Dhall: ```haskell { a.b.c = 1, a = { b.d = 2 } } ``` … but does not work in Nix. # Dhall has functions You can avoid repeating yourself (DRY) using functions: ```haskell let makeUser = \(user : Text) -> let home = "/home/${user}" let privateKey = "${home}/.ssh/id_ed25519" let publicKey = "${privateKey}.pub" in { home, privateKey, publicKey } in [ makeUser "bill" , makeUser "jane" ] ``` … which is equivalent to this JSON: ```json [ { "home": "/home/bill", "privateKey": "/home/bill/.ssh/id_ed25519", "publicKey": "/home/bill/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub" }, { "home": "/home/jane", "privateKey": "/home/jane/.ssh/id_ed25519", "publicKey": "/home/jane/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub" } ] ``` # Dhall is typed You can validate configuration files ahead of time using types: ```haskell let Config : Type = { home : Text , privateKey : Text , publicKey : Text } let makeUser : Text -> Config = \(user : Text) -> let home : Text = "/home/${user}" let privateKey : Text = "${home}/.ssh/id_ed25519" let publicKey : Text = "${privateKey}.pub" let config : Config = { home, privateKey, publicKey } in config let configs : List Config = [ makeUser "bill" , makeUser "jane" ] in configs ``` # Dhall has imports You can embed other expressions by path: ```haskell -- ./number.dhall 2 ``` ```haskell -- This is valid Dhall code ./number.dhall + ./number.dhall ``` ```haskell -- More common idiom, equivalent to the previous code: let number = ./number.dhall in number + number ``` … or by environment variable: ```haskell "Hello, my name is ${env:USER as Text}" ``` # Dhall has imports You can also embed other expressions by URL! ```haskell let generate = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/List/generate.dhall let makeUser = \(user : Text) -> let home = "/home/${user}" let privateKey = "${home}/.ssh/id_ed25519" let publicKey = "${privateKey}.pub" in { home, privateKey, publicKey } let buildUser = \(index : Natural) -> makeUser "build${Natural/show index}" let Config = { home : Text , privateKey : Text , publicKey : Text } in generate 10 Config buildUser ``` The language design ensures that URL imports are secure # Dhall has tests Dhall provides language support for tests! ```haskell --| `lessThanEqual` checks if one Natural is less than or equal to another. let lessThanEqual : Natural → Natural → Bool = λ(x : Natural) → λ(y : Natural) → Natural/isZero (Natural/subtract y x) let example0 = assert : lessThanEqual 5 6 ≡ True let example1 = assert : lessThanEqual 5 5 ≡ True let example2 = assert : lessThanEqual 5 4 ≡ False … in lessThanEqual ``` # Emergent properties - package You can implement derived features by mixing these simpler features For example, a package is just a (potentially nested) record that you import: ```haskell let Prelude = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v20.0.0/package.dhall in Prelude.Bool.not True ``` # Emergent properties - template In Dhall, a template is just a function that interpolates `Text`: ```haskell \(args : { year : Natural, copyrightHolder : Text }) -> '' Copyright ${Natural/show args.year} ${args.copyrightHolder} Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. '' ``` # Emergent properties - template Here is an example of how you would apply a template using `dhall text`: ```bash $ dhall text <<< './template.dhall { year = 2020, copyrightHolder = "Gabriella Gonzalez" }' Copyright 2020 Gabriella Gonzalez Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ``` # Emergent properties - schema A schema is just a type annotation that you import: ```haskell -- ./schema.dhall { home : Text, privateKey : Text, publicKey : Text } ``` ```haskell -- ./config.dhall { home = "/home/bill" , privateKey = "/home/bill/.ssh/id_ed25519" , publicKey = "/home/bill/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub" } : ./schema.dhall ``` # Emergent properties - Property tests A property test is just a unit test where both sides have the same normal form: ```haskell --| `lessThanEqual` checks if one Natural is less than or equal to another. let lessThanEqual : Natural → Natural → Bool = λ(x : Natural) → λ(y : Natural) → Natural/isZero (Natural/subtract y x) … let property0 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : lessThanEqual 0 n ≡ True let property1 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : lessThanEqual n n ≡ True in lessThanEqual ``` This works because the interpreter can normalize abstract expressions # Builtin functionality Dhall has a very restricted set of primitive operations ("builtins") * [`docs.dhall-lang.org` - Built-in types, functions, and operators](https://docs.dhall-lang.org/references/Built-in-types.html) Main things that may surprise new users: * No support for `Text` introspection * No support for `Double` arithmetic * `==`/`!=` only work on `Bool`s The following page explains some of these design decisions: * [`docs.dhall-lang.org` - Design choices](https://docs.dhall-lang.org/discussions/Design-choices.html) **tl;dr**: The available built-ins discourage weakly-typed programming idioms # Dhall is total Dhall is a *total* functional programming language This means Dhall configuration files never hang, crash, or throw exceptions One benefit of being total is strong normalization: ```haskell $ dhall repl ⊢ :let generate = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/List/generate.dhall generate : ∀(n : Natural) → ∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : Natural → a) → List a ⊢ generate 10 λ(a : Type) → λ(f : Natural → a) → [ f 0, f 1, f 2, f 3, f 4, f 5, f 6, f 7, f 8, f 9 ] ``` # Lack of recursion Dhall does not provide language support for recursion Recursion is not impossible; it's just not ergonomic. For example, this is how Dhall models JSON: ```haskell let JSON/Type : Type = ∀(JSON : Type) → ∀ ( json : { array : List JSON → JSON , bool : Bool → JSON , double : Double → JSON , integer : Integer → JSON , null : JSON , object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON , string : Text → JSON } ) → JSON in JSON/Type ``` See: [`docs.dhall-lang.org` - How to translate recursive code to Dhall](https://docs.dhall-lang.org/howtos/How-to-translate-recursive-code-to-Dhall.html) # Dhall's type inference is limited Dhall does not (yet) support bidirectional type inference This means that the language requires types or type annotations in a few places, like: * An empty list: ```haskell [] : List Natural ``` * An empty `Optional` value: ```haskell None Natural ``` * A function's input type: ```haskell \(x : Natural) -> x + 1 ``` * Specializing a polymorphic function: ```haskell Prelude.List.map Natural Natural (\(x : Natural) -> x + 1) ``` # Questions? # REPL ```haskell $ dhall repl ⊢ :let Prelude = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/package.dhall … ⊢ Prelude. Prelude.Bool Prelude.JSON Prelude.Monoid Prelude.Text Prelude.Double Prelude.List Prelude.Natural Prelude.XML Prelude.Function Prelude.Location Prelude.Operator Prelude.Integer Prelude.Map Prelude.Optional ⊢ Prelude.Natural. Prelude.Natural.build Prelude.Natural.listMin Prelude.Natural.enumerate Prelude.Natural.max Prelude.Natural.equal Prelude.Natural.min Prelude.Natural.even Prelude.Natural.odd Prelude.Natural.fold Prelude.Natural.product Prelude.Natural.greaterThan Prelude.Natural.show Prelude.Natural.greaterThanEqual Prelude.Natural.sort Prelude.Natural.isZero Prelude.Natural.subtract Prelude.Natural.lessThan Prelude.Natural.sum Prelude.Natural.lessThanEqual Prelude.Natural.toDouble Prelude.Natural.listMax Prelude.Natural.toInteger ⊢ Prelude.Natural.product [ 2, 3, 5 ] 30 ``` # Rich diff - command line The interpreter supports rich "diff"s of arbitrary expressions. For example: ```haskell $ dhall diff '{ x = [ 1, 2, 3 ], y = True }' '{ x = [ 2, 3, 4 ], z = "ABC" }' { - y = … , + z = … , x = [ - 1 , … , + 4 ] } ``` Only the difference is displayed. Fields/elements/values in common are omitted This feature is used in two places to improve the user experience # Rich diff - type errors The interpreter uses rich diffs to highlight what went wrong for type errors: ```haskell ⊢ :let Person = { name : Text, age : Natural } Person : Type ⊢ { name = "John Doe", agee = 24 } : Person Error: Expression doesn't match annotation { - age : … , + agee : … , … } 1│ { name = "John Doe", agee = 24 } : Person (input):1:1 ``` This makes it easy to drill down to the offending typo, even for large records. # Rich diff - tests Also, test failures will display a rich diff: ```haskell Error: Assertion failed "[▮true, 1▮]" 1│ assert : JSON.renderCompact (JSON.array [ JSON.bool True, JSON.natural 1 ]) === "[true, 1]" (input):1:1 ``` # Hashing expressions - refactors The language also supports hashing arbitrary expressions Dhall hashes normal forms, so two αβ-equivalent expressions have the same hash: ```bash $ dhall hash <<< '\(x : Bool) -> [ x && True, x || False ]' sha256:486b561c6e38adf2c2853b6395358c16c3ed1befc35c33067996dcfb51a74e62 $ dhall hash <<< '\(y : Bool) -> [ y, y ]' sha256:486b561c6e38adf2c2853b6395358c16c3ed1befc35c33067996dcfb51a74e62 ``` You can verify that a refactor is behavior-preserving using these hashes If the hash doesn't change, then it is a behavior-preserving refactor These hashes are insensitive to: * Comments / coding style * Variable names * Module organization # Hashing expressions - integrity checks You can protect a remote import with a hash of the import, like this: ```haskell let Prelude = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v20.0.0/package.dhall sha256:21754b84b493b98682e73f64d9d57b18e1ca36a118b81b33d0a243de8455814b … ``` The hash serves two purposes here: * The import is always verified against the hash to protect against tampering * The import is cached locally in a content-addressable store … where the hash is the lookup key # IDE support Dhall provides a language server (`dhall-lsp-server`): ![](https://dhall-lang.org/img/completion.gif) This means that you can get IDE support for VSCode, Sublime, Emacs, and Vim … and any other editor that supports the language server protocol # Documentation generator Dhall also includes a documentation generator (`dhall-docs`) This plays a role analogous to Haskell's `haddock` tool Examples: * [Prelude documentation](https://hydra.dhall-lang.org/job/dhall-haskell/master/prelude-dhall-docs/latest/download/1/) * [Kubernetes documentation](https://hydra.dhall-lang.org/job/dhall-haskell/master/kubernetes-dhall-docs/latest/download/1) Note: there is not yet a repository for hosting packages and their documentation # Package ecosystem The most widely used Dhall package is the Prelude: ```haskell let Prelude = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v20.0.0/package.dhall ``` This package includes: * Widely-used general-purpose utilities (analogous to Haskell's Prelude) * Support for commonly used formats (e.g. JSON / XML) * Types related to the core language (e.g. `Map` / `Location`) Right now the main way to discover other Dhall packages is [`awesome-dhall`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/awesome-dhall) # Emergent properties - Change log If you can combine rich diffs with imports you get semantic change logs: ```bash $ dhall diff \ 'https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v18.0.0/package.dhall' \ 'https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v19.0.0/package.dhall' { + Operator = … , `Optional` = { + concatMap = … , … } , … } ``` ```bash $ dhall diff \ 'https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v19.0.0/package.dhall' \ 'https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v20.0.0/package.dhall' { JSON = { + renderCompact = … , … } , `Text` = { + replace = … , … } , XML = { render = λ(… : … → … → …) → … … { element = λ(… : { … }) → "<" ++ … . … ++ "" ++ … { … } … . … … ( λ(… : { … }) → λ(… : …) → " " ++ … . … ++ "="" ++ - ….… + … … ++ """ ++ … ++ "" ) "" ++ "" ++ if … … then "/>" else ">" ++ … … … . … … … "" ++ "" ++ "" , text = λ(… : …) → - _ + … … } , … } , … } ``` # Emergent properties - Validation You can validation configuration values using the language support for tests: ```haskell let Prelude = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v20.0.0/package.dhall let Config = { opacity : Natural, minReplicas : Natural, maxReplicas : Natural } let validateConfig = \(config : Config) -> let validOpacity = Prelude.Natural.lessThanEqual config.opacity 100 let validReplicas = Prelude.Natural.lessThanEqual config.minReplicas config.maxReplicas in { validOpacity = True, validReplicas = True } === { validOpacity, validReplicas } let config : Config = { opacity = 101, minReplicas = 4, maxReplicas = 4 } let validate = assert : validateConfig config in config ``` # Emergent properties - Test reports Validation failures only highlight the tests that failed: ```haskell Error: Assertion failed { validOpacity = - True + False , … } 18│ assert : validateConfig config 19│ ``` This makes use of the tooling support for rich diffs # Questions? # Language security Dhall's is best-in-class when it comes to language security (LangSec) This was the *raison d'être* for Dhall, to balance programming with safety Most of what I'll cover can be found here: * [`docs.dhall-lang.org` - Safety guarantees](https://docs.dhall-lang.org/discussions/Safety-guarantees.html) [`dhall-lang.org`](https://dhall-lang.org/) explains our guiding principle: > The language aims to support safely importing and evaluating untrusted Dhall > code, even code authored by malicious users. We treat the inability to do so > as a specification bug. # Dhall is not Turing-complete Pedantically, being Turing-complete or not does not mean much *per se* However, preventing Turing-completeness means getting other things right, like: * Having a type system (or some other form of static analysis) * Eliminating escape hatches or back doors * Forbidding general recursion Note: There are benefits to avoiding Turing-completeness for theorem provers, but Dhall is not a theorem prover # What people actually care about When people say they don't want Turing-complete config files, they really mean: * They want to forbid arbitrary side effects * They want configuration files to be easier to statically analyze * They don't want configuration files to throw exceptions Dhall gets these right, too, but there isn't a convenient short-hand for the above features. # Purity The language's purity is the single greatest safeguard against malicious code Specifically: * The only permitted side-effect is importing Dhall code In other words, Dhall can not compromise the host machine in any way * The import system protects against data exfiltration … so that Dhall configuration files cannot harvest/leak secrets/keys/passwords * You can also completely disable all imports or just HTTP(S) imports … if you are extra paranoid and you don't need them * Other than that, the language is completely pure The only other effect Dhall can have is via the program being configured # Static analysis The language's static analysis tools are the second most important safeguard Specifically: * The type system has no escape hatch This means that you can make very strong assertions about any expression that type-checks * Integrity checks (hashes) provide even stronger guarantees about an expression I expand upon this in: [Semantic integrity checks are the next generation of semantic versioning](http://www.haskellforall.com/2017/11/semantic-integrity-checks-are-next.html) * Strong normalization improves program comprehension You can reduce any Dhall config to an canonical normal form free of obfuscation # URL import safety Imports have additional safeguards: * Integrity checks protect against man-in-the-middle attacks * Caching protected imports mitigates usage tracking * The [referential sanity check](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-lang/blob/master/standard/imports.md#referential-sanity-check) protects against the Dhall analog of cross-site scripting (XSS) * The Dhall analog of the [same origin policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-origin_policy) protects against data exfiltration * Dhall also uses [CORS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) to stop server-side request forging # A secure web server The following web server securely interprets any Dhall code it receives: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Main where import Control.Exception (Exception, SomeException) import Control.DeepSeq (($!!)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Dhall.Import (Status(..)) import Dhall.Pretty (CharacterSet(..)) import Network.Wai (Application) import Dhall.Core ( Directory(..) , File(..) , FilePrefix(..) , Import(..) , ImportHashed(..) , ImportMode(..) , ImportType(..) , Scheme(..) , URL(..) ) import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import qualified Control.Monad.Except as Except import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as State import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as ByteString import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Encoding import qualified Dhall.Core as Core import qualified Dhall.Import as Import import qualified Dhall.Parser as Parser import qualified Dhall.Pretty import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck as TypeCheck import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as Types import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp import qualified Prettyprinter.Render.Text as Pretty import qualified System.Timeout as Timeout toBytes :: Exception e => e -> ByteString toBytes exception = ByteString.fromStrict (Encoding.encodeUtf8 text) where text = Text.pack (show exception) <> "\n" rootImport :: Import rootImport = Import { importHashed = ImportHashed { hash = Nothing , importType = Remote (URL HTTPS "" path_ Nothing Nothing) } , importMode = Code } where path_ = File (Directory []) "" getStatus :: IO Status getStatus = flip State.evalStateT (Import.emptyStatus ".") do let here = Import.chainedFromLocalHere Here (File (Directory []) "") Code -- This is the key bit, which sets the starting import to a URL, which -- turns on Dhall's various safeguards against exploits chainedImport <- Import.chainImport here rootImport return (Import.emptyStatus "."){ _stack = pure chainedImport } application :: Status -> Application application status request respond = do let die message = Except.throwError (Wai.responseLBS Types.status400 [] message) result <- (Timeout.timeout 7_000_000 . Except.runExceptT) do inputBytes <- liftIO (Wai.strictRequestBody request) inputText <- case Encoding.decodeUtf8' (ByteString.toStrict inputBytes) of Left _ -> die "The request body was not valid UTF-8 text" Right inputText -> return inputText parsedExpression <- case Parser.exprFromText "(request)" inputText of Left exception -> die (toBytes exception) Right parsedExpression -> return parsedExpression resolvedExpression <- do let load = State.evalStateT (Import.loadWith parsedExpression) status result <- liftIO (Exception.try @SomeException load) case result of Left exception -> die (toBytes exception) Right resolvedExpression -> return resolvedExpression case TypeCheck.typeOf resolvedExpression of Left exception -> die (toBytes exception) Right _ -> return () let normalizedExpression = Core.normalize resolvedExpression let doc = Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet Unicode normalizedExpression let outputText = Pretty.renderStrict (Dhall.Pretty.layout doc) <> "\n" let outputBytes = ByteString.fromStrict (Encoding.encodeUtf8 outputText) evaluatedBytes <- liftIO (Exception.evaluate $!! outputBytes) Except.throwError (Wai.responseLBS Types.status200 [] evaluatedBytes) respond case result of Nothing -> Wai.responseLBS Types.status413 [] "Timeout" Just (Left response) -> response Just (Right response) -> response main :: IO () main = do status <- getStatus Warp.run 3000 (application status) ``` # Questions? # Conclusion Dhall is a programmable configuration language with an emphasis on language security Dhall's tooling and documentation is good You can use the JSON/YAML support to introduce Dhall incrementally within your organization You can visit [dhall-lang.org](https://dhall-lang.org/) to learn more You can find these slides at: * [https://github.com/Gabriella439/slides/blob/master/dhall-intro/dhall-intro.md](https://github.com/Gabriella439/slides/blob/master/dhall-intro/dhall-intro.md)