function DownloadInstallGail_2_3_2() % This function downloads and installs GAIL version 2.3.2 into the % location you choose % % Step 1. Place this M-file where you want GAIL to go % % Step 2. Run this M-file in MATLAB % %This file installs GAIL version 2.3.2 in the subdirectory %"GAIL_2.3.2/GAIL_Matlab". %% Download the package and change the directory disp('The GAIL package is now being downloaded...') unzip('', '.') %download and unzip cd('GAIL_Dev-2.3.2') %get to the right subdirectory addpath(genpath(pwd)); %% Install GAIL GAIL_Install %this installs GAIL fprintf('\n\nNext we will run a quick test. Press RETURN to continue...\n') pause %% Run a quick test fprintf('\nmuhat=meanMC_g(@(n) rand(n,1))\n'); muhat=meanMC_g(@(n) rand(n,1)); %run meanMC_g once fprintf('\nmuhat = %.4f\n',muhat); fprintf('\nThis answer should be close to 0.5.\n\n'); %Then you should be ready to use GAIL disp('Next README.txt will be displayed. Press RETURN to continue to '); disp('the next line, or press the spacebar to advance to the next page...'); pause %% Print out moreStatus = get(0,'More'); more on type('') more(moreStatus); end