ImportJS is a tool that helps you import dependencies in your JavaScript project. More information is available in the main [import-js project]( ## Running import-js in Sublime Text 1. Install the [ImportJS plugin via Package Control]( 2. Install the import-js npm package ```sh npm install -g import-js ``` 3. [Configure import-js]( 4. Open the root of your project as a folder (Project -> Add Folder to Project…) 5. Import a file! Whenever you have undefined variables, open the Command Palette (`CTRL+SHIFT+P`/`CMD+SHIFT+P`) and select "ImportJS: fix all imports", or "ImportJS: import word under cursor". It will be helpful to bind `import_js` to easy-to-use bindings, such as: ```json { "keys": ["super+alt+i"], "command": "import_js", "args": { "command": "fix" } }, { "keys": ["super+alt+j"], "command": "import_js", "args": { "command": "word" } }, { "keys": ["super+alt+g"], "command": "import_js", "args": { "command": "goto" } }, ``` ## Available commands: * "ImportJS: fix all imports" * "ImportJS: import word under cursor" * "ImportJS: goto module" * "ImportJS: terminate daemon" ## Troubleshooting If you get an error message saying something like "Can't find import-js executable", you may need to specify a path to the `importjs` executable in configuration. This likely means that you are using a tool like [nvm]( or [nodenv]( to manage multiple Node versions on your system. To fix this, you need to make sure that the code that sets up your `PATH` is in the correct location. This plugin will open a login shell to determine the proper `PATH`, so the code that sets up your `PATH` needs to be in a file that is sourced for login shells. Here's a handy table: Shell | File ---------------|--------------------------- bash | ~/.bash_profile zsh (Mac OS X) | ~/.zprofile zsh (Linux) | ~/.zshenv or ~/.zprofile fish | ~/.config/fish/ Alternatively, you can also try editing the ImportJS User Settings from the Preferences > Package Settings > ImportJS > Settings — User menu and add the folder where the `importjs` executable is located to the `paths` option. Example: ```json { "paths": ["/Users/USERNAME/.nvm/versions/node/v4.4.3/bin"] } ``` Please note that you can't use ~ to refer to the home directory, you need to specify the full path. To figure out where your `importjs` executable is located, you can run `which importjs` from your project's directory.