Group { inputs 0 name GM_Script_Boost1 tile_color 0xff9455ff selected true addUserKnob {20 User l Script_Boost} addUserKnob {26 postage l "Postage Stamp"} addUserKnob {22 postage_dis l "Disable Postage Stamp" t "Allows you to disable the Postage Stamp on all nodes in the script." -STARTLINE T "nodes_classes = \[\"Read\", \"PostageStamp\", \"Constant\", \"ColorBars\", \"CheckerBoard2\", \"ColorWheel\"]\n\nfor node in nuke.allNodes(group=nuke.root()):\n if node.Class() in nodes_classes:\n try:\n node\[\"postage_stamp\"].setValue(False)\n except Exception:\n pass\n"} addUserKnob {22 postage_en l "Enable Postage Stamp" t "Allows you to enable the Postage Stamp on all nodes in the script." -STARTLINE T "nodes_classes = \[\"Read\", \"PostageStamp\", \"Constant\", \"ColorBars\", \"CheckerBoard2\", \"ColorWheel\"]\n\nfor node in nuke.allNodes(group=nuke.root()):\n if node.Class() in nodes_classes:\n try:\n node\[\"postage_stamp\"].setValue(True)\n except Exception:\n pass\n"} addUserKnob {22 sel_dis l "Disable Selected Postage" t "Allows you to disable the Postage Stamp on selected nodes.\n\n" T "nuke.root().begin()\n\nnodes_classes = \[\"Read\", \"PostageStamp\", \"Constant\", \"ColorBars\", \"CheckerBoard2\", \"ColorWheel\"]\n\nfor node in nuke.selectedNodes():\n if node.Class() in nodes_classes:\n try:\n node\[\"postage_stamp\"].setValue(False)\n except Exception:\n pass" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {22 sel_en l "Enable Selected Postage" t "Allows you to enable the Postage Stamp on selected nodes." -STARTLINE T "nuke.root().begin()\n\nnodes_classes = \[\"Read\", \"PostageStamp\", \"Constant\", \"ColorBars\", \"CheckerBoard2\", \"ColorWheel\"]\n\nfor node in nuke.selectedNodes():\n if node.Class() in nodes_classes:\n try:\n node\[\"postage_stamp\"].setValue(True)\n except Exception:\n pass"} addUserKnob {26 node_perf l "Node Performance"} addUserKnob {22 perf_show l "Show " t "Allows you to view the nodes performance that are connected to the viewer." -STARTLINE T "nuke.startPerformanceTimers()\n"} addUserKnob {22 perf_res l Reset t "Allows you to reset the performance timer." -STARTLINE T "nuke.resetPerformanceTimers()\n"} addUserKnob {22 perf_hide l Hide t "Allows you to turns off the performance view." -STARTLINE T "nuke.stopPerformanceTimers()\n"} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {22 tuts l Tutorial t "Have a look at the tutorial. " -STARTLINE T "import webbrowser\'')"} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {20 info l Information n 1} info 0 addUserKnob {26 dropd_text l "" +STARTLINE T "\nWhen you use `Show Node Performance` you need to \nattach the Viewer to the pipe that`s performance you \nwant to view and recommended to `Hide Node Performance` \nwhen you finished as it slows down your script."} addUserKnob {26 link l "" +STARTLINE T "For more info"} addUserKnob {20 endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 TEXT l "" +STARTLINE T "1.1 version"} addUserKnob {26 HeadlineB l "" +STARTLINE T "GM_Script Boost© by Attila Gasparetz"} } Output { inputs 0 name Output1 selected true xpos -150 ypos 158 } end_group