Group { name GM_Alpha_Puli tile_color 0xffae53ff selected true xpos 9554 ypos 11715 addUserKnob {20 checker l Checker} addUserKnob {4 over l Mode t "Choose between the preferred visibility modes to test your matte. For `Overlay` you can choose between colors. " M {Overlay Grey Black White Checkerboard "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""}} addUserKnob {4 overlay l Overlay t "Choose between the colors to see the edges better when the Mode is on `Overlay`." M {Pink Blue Yellow Green Red "" "" "" "" "" "" ""}} addUserKnob {41 mix l "Color Mix" t "Adjust the Mix of the preferred color." T Keymix2.mix} addUserKnob {41 boxsize l "Box size" t "Adjust the size of the checkerboard IF that is selected." T CheckerBoard2.boxsize} addUserKnob {6 invert l "Invert Alpha" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {26 fg l "Adjust RGB"} addUserKnob {41 saturation t "Allows to change the saturation of the plate" T ColorCorrect1.saturation} addUserKnob {41 contrast t "Allows to change the contrast of the plate" T ColorCorrect1.contrast} addUserKnob {41 gamma t "Allows to change the gamma of the plate" T ColorCorrect1.gamma} addUserKnob {41 gain t "Allows to change the gain of the plate" T ColorCorrect1.gain} addUserKnob {26 chcker l "Adjust Alpha"} addUserKnob {4 checker_1 l "Checker " t "Allows to check for holes ( high values ) and rogue alpha patches ( low values ) on the `matte`. " M {"Leave Alpha" "Check high values" "Check low values " "" ""}} addUserKnob {6 exposure l "Show illegal values ( a<0, 11.02 version"} addUserKnob {26 HeadlineB l "" +STARTLINE T "GM_Alpha PuliĀ© by Attila Gasparetz"} addUserKnob {20 qc l QC} addUserKnob {6 c_sheet l "Contact Sheet View" t "Allows you to turn on the Contact Sheet View and view your rgba in different setups" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 info l "" +STARTLINE T "Further settings are ONLY working if the `Contact Sheet View` is selected"} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {6 contact_labels l Labels t "Allows you to turn on the labels of the setups" +STARTLINE} contact_labels true addUserKnob {7 lab_size l "Label Scale" t "Allows you to change the size of the letters" R 0 2} lab_size 0.5 addUserKnob {4 bg_color l "Background Color" t "Allows you to change the background for `high values` and `low values` " M {Grey Black White Checkerboard ""}} addUserKnob {4 over_color l "Overlay Color" t "Allows you to change the color for `outline` `overlay` and `overlay invert`" M {Red Blue Yellow Green Pink "" ""}} addUserKnob {41 mix_1 l "Overlay Mix" t "Adjust the Mix of the preferred color on `outline` `overlay` and `overlay invert`" T Keymix_overlay.mix} addUserKnob {41 scale l INVISIBLE +INVISIBLE T Image_Res.scale} addUserKnob {7 sheet_res l "Sheet Resolution" t "Allows you to change the resolution of the contact sheet"} sheet_res 1 addUserKnob {20 endGroup n -1} } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode1 tile_color 0x656565ff label "
Illegal\nValues" note_font_size 42 xpos 2687 ypos -92 bdwidth 566 bdheight 1240 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode10 tile_color 0x656565ff label
Checker note_font_size 72 xpos -304 ypos -40 bdwidth 2368 bdheight 1855 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode2 tile_color 0x656565ff label "
High\nValues" note_font_size 42 xpos 3347 ypos -92 bdwidth 566 bdheight 1240 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode3 tile_color 0x656565ff label "
Low\nValues" note_font_size 42 xpos 4007 ypos -92 bdwidth 566 bdheight 1240 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode4 tile_color 0x656565ff label
Overlay note_font_size 42 xpos 4667 ypos -92 bdwidth 566 bdheight 1240 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode5 tile_color 0x656565ff label "
Overlay\nInvert" note_font_size 42 xpos 5327 ypos -92 bdwidth 566 bdheight 1240 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode6 tile_color 0x656565ff label "
Low\nAlpha" note_font_size 42 xpos 8077 ypos -92 bdwidth 566 bdheight 1240 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode7 tile_color 0x656565ff label
Outline note_font_size 42 xpos 5987 ypos -92 bdwidth 566 bdheight 1240 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode8 tile_color 0x656565ff label "
Only\nAlpha" note_font_size 42 xpos 6757 ypos -92 bdwidth 566 bdheight 1240 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode9 tile_color 0x656565ff label "
High\nAlpha" note_font_size 42 xpos 7417 ypos -92 bdwidth 566 bdheight 1240 } Input { inputs 0 name Matte xpos 730 ypos -994 number 1 } Dot { name Dot14 xpos 764 ypos -534 } set Nefc11f70 [stack 0] Crop { box {0 0 {width} {height}} name Crop1 xpos 2600 ypos -538 } set C9c0afd50 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot16 xpos 3074 ypos -534 } set N9c0ba570 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot20 xpos 3734 ypos -534 } set N9c0bee70 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot23 xpos 4394 ypos -534 } set N9c0c3720 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot29 xpos 4944 ypos -534 } set N9c0c7fd0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot34 xpos 5604 ypos -534 } set N9c0cc990 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot43 xpos 6264 ypos -534 } set N9c0d11b0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot35 xpos 7034 ypos -534 } set N9c0d5a60 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot51 xpos 7694 ypos -534 } set N9c0da310 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot41 xpos 8354 ypos -534 } Grade { channels alpha gamma 10 name Grade_LOW_VALUE2 xpos 8320 ypos 104 } Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha name Shuffle3 label "\[value in 1]" xpos 8320 ypos 248 } Text2 { font_size_toolbar 150 font_width_toolbar 100 font_height_toolbar 100 output { mask.a} message "LOW ALPHA" old_message {{76 79 87 32 65 76 80 72 65} } box {{} {} {} {}} xjustify center yjustify center transforms {{0 2} } font_size_values {{0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150} } cursor_position 9 font {{ Bitstream Charter : Regular : BitstreamCharter.pfb : 0 }} global_font_scale {{parent.lab_size}} font_size 150 scale {1 1} cursor_initialised true autofit_bbox false initial_cursor_position {{0 2304} } group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"} animation_layers {{1 11 2048 1152 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0} } name Text_QC7 xpos 8320 ypos 944 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } set N998705b0 [stack 0] push $N998705b0 Dilate { channels mask size 8 name Dilate8 xpos 8210 ypos 944 } Multiply { inputs 1+1 channels mask value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply7 xpos 8210 ypos 1040 } push $N998705b0 Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply15 xpos 8320 ypos 1040 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } Reformat { type scale name Image_Res xpos 8320 ypos 1214 } set C9a157ce0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot42 xpos 8354 ypos 1458 } push $N9c0da310 Grade { channels alpha gamma 1e-06 name Grade_HIGH_VALUE2 xpos 7660 ypos 104 } Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha name Shuffle2 label "\[value in 1]" xpos 7660 ypos 248 } Text2 { font_size_toolbar 150 font_width_toolbar 100 font_height_toolbar 100 output { mask.a} message "HIGH ALPHA" old_message {{72 73 71 72 32 65 76 80 72 65} } box {{} {} {} {}} xjustify center yjustify center transforms {{0 2} } font_size_values {{0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 9 150 0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 9 150} } cursor_position 10 font {{ Bitstream Charter : Regular : BitstreamCharter.pfb : 0 }} global_font_scale {{parent.lab_size}} font_size 150 scale {1 1} cursor_initialised true autofit_bbox false initial_cursor_position {{0 2304} } group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"} animation_layers {{1 11 2048 1152 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0} } name Text_QC6 xpos 7660 ypos 944 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } set N9a18b300 [stack 0] push $N9a18b300 Dilate { channels mask size 8 name Dilate5 xpos 7550 ypos 944 } Multiply { inputs 1+1 channels mask value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply5 xpos 7550 ypos 1040 } push $N9a18b300 Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply14 xpos 7660 ypos 1040 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } clone $C9a157ce0 { xpos 7660 ypos 1214 selected false } Dot { name Dot52 xpos 7694 ypos 1458 } push $N9c0d5a60 Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha name Shuffle1 label "\[value in 1]" xpos 7000 ypos 248 } Text2 { font_size_toolbar 150 font_width_toolbar 100 font_height_toolbar 100 output { mask.a} message ALPHA old_message {{65 76 80 72 65} } box {{} {} {} {}} xjustify center yjustify center transforms {{0 2} } font_size_values {{0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150} } cursor_position 5 font {{ Bitstream Charter : Regular : BitstreamCharter.pfb : 0 }} global_font_scale {{parent.lab_size}} font_size 150 scale {1 1} cursor_initialised true autofit_bbox false initial_cursor_position {{0 2304} } group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"} animation_layers {{1 11 2048 1152 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0} } name Text_QC5 xpos 7000 ypos 944 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } set N4f7d2ff0 [stack 0] push $N4f7d2ff0 Dilate { channels mask size 8 name Dilate4 xpos 6890 ypos 944 } Multiply { inputs 1+1 channels mask value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply4 xpos 6890 ypos 1040 } push $N4f7d2ff0 Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply13 xpos 7000 ypos 1040 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } clone $C9a157ce0 { xpos 7000 ypos 1214 selected false } Dot { name Dot47 xpos 7034 ypos 1458 } push $N9c0d11b0 Grade { channels alpha blackpoint 0.1 whitepoint 0.5 name Grade1 xpos 6230 ypos -16 } Dot { name Dot48 xpos 6264 ypos 66 } set N4fbdbb80 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot49 xpos 6154 ypos 66 } FilterErode { size 5 name FilterErode6 tile_color 0x6aff55ff label IN note_font "Bitstream Vera Sans Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold" note_font_size 12 xpos 6120 ypos 96 } Blur { channels alpha size 2 name Blur8 tile_color 0x6aff55ff xpos 6120 ypos 176 } Dot { name Dot50 xpos 6154 ypos 234 } push $N4fbdbb80 Dot { name Dot53 xpos 6374 ypos 66 } FilterErode { size -5 name FilterErode7 tile_color 0xff5594ff label OUT note_font "Bitstream Vera Sans Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold" note_font_size 12 xpos 6340 ypos 96 } Blur { channels alpha size 2 name Blur9 tile_color 0xff5594ff xpos 6340 ypos 176 } Dot { name Dot54 xpos 6374 ypos 234 } ChannelMerge { inputs 2 operation xor name ChannelMerge4 xpos 6230 ypos 217 } set N4dc59740 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot64 xpos 6264 ypos 282 } set N4dc65890 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot65 xpos 6044 ypos 282 } Dot { name Dot63 xpos 6044 ypos 522 } push $N4dc65890 Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {1 0 1 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant19 xpos 5240 ypos -897 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {0 1 0 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant17 xpos 5130 ypos -897 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {1 1 0 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant18 xpos 5020 ypos -897 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {0 0 1 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant20 xpos 4910 ypos -897 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {1 0 0 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant12 xpos 4800 ypos -897 } set N56686530 [stack 0] Switch { inputs 5 which {{parent.over_color}} name QC_Overlay_Color xpos 5020 ypos -682 } set N5668f1d0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot55 label " RED" note_font_size 21 xpos 6154 ypos 330 hide_input true } set N56696f30 [stack 0] push $N4dc59740 Invert { name Invert7 xpos 6340 ypos 272 } push $N56696f30 Invert { name Invert6 xpos 6340 ypos 320 } Input { inputs 0 name RGB xpos 400 ypos -994 } Dot { name Dot15 xpos 434 ypos -342 } set N5669b620 [stack 0] clone $C9c0afd50 { xpos 2600 ypos -346 selected false } Dot { name Dot17 xpos 2854 ypos -342 } set N566c4df0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot21 xpos 3624 ypos -342 } set N566c9460 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot24 xpos 4284 ypos -342 } set N55ab0ff0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot31 xpos 4834 ypos -342 } set N55ab55d0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot36 xpos 5714 ypos -342 } set N566baa80 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot44 xpos 6484 ypos -342 } Merge2 { inputs 2+1 mix 0.3 name Merge12 xpos 6450 ypos 326 } Dot { name Dot45 xpos 6484 ypos 426 } Keymix { inputs 3 mix 0.5 name Keymix_overlay xpos 6230 ypos 416 } set C55abe720 [stack 0] Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy9 xpos 6230 ypos 512 } Text2 { font_size_toolbar 150 font_width_toolbar 100 font_height_toolbar 100 output { mask.a} message OUTLINE old_message {{79 85 84 76 73 78 69} } box {{} {} {} {}} xjustify center yjustify center transforms {{0 2} } font_size_values {{0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150} } cursor_position 7 font {{ Bitstream Charter : Regular : BitstreamCharter.pfb : 0 }} global_font_scale {{parent.lab_size}} font_size 150 scale {1 1} cursor_initialised true autofit_bbox false initial_cursor_position {{0 2304} } group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"} animation_layers {{1 11 2048 1152 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0} } name Text_QC8 xpos 6230 ypos 944 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } set N55aedd90 [stack 0] push $N55aedd90 Dilate { channels mask size 8 name Dilate9 xpos 6120 ypos 944 } Multiply { inputs 1+1 channels mask value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply6 xpos 6120 ypos 1040 } push $N55aedd90 Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply16 xpos 6230 ypos 1040 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } clone $C9a157ce0 { xpos 6230 ypos 1214 selected false } Dot { name Dot46 xpos 6264 ypos 1434 } push $N9c0c7fd0 push $N9c0c7fd0 push $N5668f1d0 Dot { name Dot30 xpos 5054 ypos 426 } set N55ec7ad0 [stack 0] push $N55ab55d0 Dot { name Dot32 xpos 4834 ypos 426 } clone $C55abe720 { inputs 3 xpos 4910 ypos 416 selected false } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy10 xpos 4910 ypos 536 } Text2 { font_size_toolbar 150 font_width_toolbar 100 font_height_toolbar 100 output { mask.a} message OVERLAY old_message {{79 86 69 82 76 65 89} } box {{} {} {} {}} xjustify center yjustify center transforms {{0 2} } font_size_values {{0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150} } font {{ Bitstream Charter : Regular : BitstreamCharter.pfb : 0 }} global_font_scale {{parent.lab_size}} font_size 150 scale {1 1} cursor_initialised true autofit_bbox false initial_cursor_position {{0 2304} } group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"} animation_layers {{1 11 2048 1152 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0} } name Text_QC3 xpos 4910 ypos 944 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } set N16d2c410 [stack 0] push $N16d2c410 Dilate { channels mask size 8 name Dilate2 xpos 4800 ypos 944 } Multiply { inputs 1+1 channels mask value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply2 xpos 4800 ypos 1040 } push $N16d2c410 Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply11 xpos 4910 ypos 1040 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } clone $C9a157ce0 { xpos 4910 ypos 1214 selected false } Dot { name Dot33 xpos 4944 ypos 1434 } push $N9c0cc990 Invert { name Invert5 xpos 5570 ypos 248 } set N688e7d10 [stack 0] push $N688e7d10 push $N55ec7ad0 push $N566baa80 Dot { name Dot37 xpos 5714 ypos 426 } clone $C55abe720 { inputs 3 xpos 5570 ypos 416 selected false } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy11 xpos 5570 ypos 560 } Text2 { font_size_toolbar 150 font_width_toolbar 100 font_height_toolbar 100 output { mask.a} message "OVERLAY INVERT" old_message {{79 86 69 82 76 65 89 32 73 78 86 69 82 84} } box {{} {} {} {}} xjustify center yjustify center transforms {{0 2} } font_size_values {{0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 9 150 10 150 11 150 12 150 13 150 0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 9 150 10 150 11 150 12 150 13 150} } cursor_position 14 font {{ Bitstream Charter : Regular : BitstreamCharter.pfb : 0 }} global_font_scale {{parent.lab_size}} font_size 150 scale {1 1} cursor_initialised true autofit_bbox false initial_cursor_position {{0 2304} } group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"} animation_layers {{1 11 2048 1152 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0} } name Text_QC4 xpos 5570 ypos 944 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } set N68912910 [stack 0] push $N68912910 Dilate { channels mask size 8 name Dilate3 xpos 5460 ypos 944 } Multiply { inputs 1+1 channels mask value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply3 xpos 5460 ypos 1040 } push $N68912910 Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply12 xpos 5570 ypos 1040 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } clone $C9a157ce0 { xpos 5570 ypos 1214 selected false } Dot { name Dot40 xpos 5604 ypos 1434 } push $N9c0c3720 Grade { channels alpha gamma 10 name Grade_LOW_VALUE1 xpos 4360 ypos 200 } push $N55ab0ff0 Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy6 xpos 4250 ypos 200 } Premult { name Premult5 xpos 4250 ypos 446 } CheckerBoard2 { inputs 0 format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} centerlinewidth 0 name CheckerBoard1 xpos 3590 ypos -873 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {1 1 1 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant14 xpos 3480 ypos -873 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {0 0 0 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant15 xpos 3370 ypos -873 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color 0.18 format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant16 xpos 3260 ypos -873 } Switch { inputs 4 which {{parent.bg_color}} name QC_BG_Color xpos 3480 ypos -682 } Dot { name Dot26 xpos 3514 ypos 378 } set Ncbfff940 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot25 xpos 4174 ypos 378 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge11 xpos 4140 ypos 446 } Text2 { font_size_toolbar 150 font_width_toolbar 100 font_height_toolbar 100 output { mask.a} message "LOW VALUES" old_message {{76 79 87 32 86 65 76 85 69 83} } box {{} {} {} {}} xjustify center yjustify center transforms {{0 2} } font_size_values {{0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 9 150 0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 9 150} } cursor_position 10 font {{ Bitstream Charter : Regular : BitstreamCharter.pfb : 0 }} global_font_scale {{parent.lab_size}} font_size 150 scale {1 1} cursor_initialised true autofit_bbox false initial_cursor_position {{0 2304} } group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"} animation_layers {{1 11 2048 1152 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0} } name Text_QC2 xpos 4140 ypos 944 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } set N4fb2d3b0 [stack 0] push $N4fb2d3b0 Dilate { channels mask size 8 name Dilate1 xpos 4030 ypos 944 } Multiply { inputs 1+1 channels mask value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply1 xpos 4030 ypos 1040 } push $N4fb2d3b0 Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply10 xpos 4140 ypos 1040 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } clone $C9a157ce0 { xpos 4140 ypos 1214 selected false } Dot { name Dot28 xpos 4174 ypos 1410 } push $N9c0bee70 Grade { channels alpha gamma 1e-06 name Grade_HIGH_VALUE1 xpos 3700 ypos 224 } push $N566c9460 Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy5 xpos 3590 ypos 224 } Premult { name Premult4 xpos 3590 ypos 446 } push $Ncbfff940 Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge10 xpos 3480 ypos 446 } Text2 { font_size_toolbar 150 font_width_toolbar 100 font_height_toolbar 100 output { mask.a} message "HIGH VALUES" old_message {{72 73 71 72 32 86 65 76 85 69 83} } box {{} {} {} {}} xjustify center yjustify center transforms {{0 2} } font_size_values {{0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 9 150 10 150 0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 9 150 10 150} } cursor_position 11 font {{ Bitstream Charter : Regular : BitstreamCharter.pfb : 0 }} global_font_scale {{parent.lab_size}} font_size 150 scale {1 1} cursor_initialised true autofit_bbox false initial_cursor_position {{0 2304} } group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"} animation_layers {{1 11 2048 1152 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0} } name Text_QC1 xpos 3480 ypos 944 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } set Ncf40a310 [stack 0] push $Ncf40a310 Dilate { channels mask size 8 name Dilate7 xpos 3370 ypos 944 } Multiply { inputs 1+1 channels mask value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply8 xpos 3370 ypos 1040 } push $Ncf40a310 Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply9 xpos 3480 ypos 1040 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0"}} } clone $C9a157ce0 { xpos 3480 ypos 1214 selected false } Dot { name Dot27 xpos 3514 ypos 1410 } push $N9c0ba570 Dot { name Dot18 xpos 3074 ypos 450 } set N8bcdb170 [stack 0] Clamp { channels alpha name Clamp4 xpos 3150 ypos 440 } push $N8bcdb170 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation difference name Merge7 xpos 3040 ypos 566 } Clamp { name Clamp5 xpos 3040 ypos 632 } Expression { channel3 alpha expr3 "a==0 ? 0:1" name Expression2 xpos 3040 ypos 710 } push $N56686530 Dot { name Dot19 label " RED" note_font_size 21 xpos 2964 ypos 354 hide_input true } set N8cac96e0 [stack 0] Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy4 xpos 2930 ypos 704 } Premult { name Premult3 xpos 2930 ypos 782 } push $N8cac96e0 Invert { name Invert4 xpos 2930 ypos 488 } push $N566c4df0 Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge8 xpos 2820 ypos 494 } Shuffle { alpha black name Shuffle5 label "\[value in 1]" xpos 2820 ypos 704 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge9 xpos 2820 ypos 782 } Text2 { font_size_toolbar 150 font_width_toolbar 100 font_height_toolbar 100 output { mask.a} message "ILLEGAL VALUES" old_message {{73 76 76 69 71 65 76 32 86 65 76 85 69 83} } box {0 {(height)-(height/10)} {width} {height-50}} xjustify center yjustify center transforms {{0 2} } font_size_values {{0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 9 150 10 150 11 150 12 150 13 150 0 150 1 150 2 150 3 150 4 150 5 150 6 150 7 150 8 150 9 150 10 150 11 150 12 150 13 150} } cursor_position 14 font {{ Bitstream Charter : Bold : BitstreamCharterBold.pfb : 0 }} global_font_scale {{parent.lab_size}} font_size 150 scale {1 1} cursor_initialised true autofit_bbox false initial_cursor_position {{0 2304} } group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"} animation_layers {{1 11 2048 1152 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0} } name Text_QC xpos 2820 ypos 944 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0" x1018 1}} } set N55cd9610 [stack 0] push $N55cd9610 Dilate { channels mask size 8 name Dilate6 xpos 2710 ypos 944 } Multiply { inputs 1+1 channels mask value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply19 xpos 2710 ypos 1040 } push $N55cd9610 Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 maskChannelMask mask.a name Multiply20 xpos 2820 ypos 1040 disable {{"parent.contact_labels== 0 ? 1 : 0" x1001 0}} } clone $C9a157ce0 { xpos 2820 ypos 1214 selected false } Dot { name Dot22 xpos 2854 ypos 1410 } ContactSheet { inputs 9 width {{(*3}} height {{(*3}} columns 3 gap 10 roworder TopBottom colorder Snake name ContactSheet1 xpos 5130 ypos 2078 } Crop { box {0 0 {"parent.ContactSheet1.knob.width +"} {"parent.ContactSheet1.knob.height+"}} reformat true crop false name Crop2 xpos 5130 ypos 2318 } Reformat { type scale scale {{parent.sheet_res}} name Contact_Res xpos 4470 ypos 2318 } push $Nefc11f70 Dot { name Dot1 xpos 764 ypos 162 } set N81f0b850 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot2 xpos 874 ypos 162 } set N81efc850 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot3 xpos 984 ypos 162 } set N81f0fef0 [stack 0] Grade { channels alpha gamma 10 name Grade_LOW_VALUE xpos 950 ypos 200 } push $N81efc850 Grade { channels alpha gamma 1e-06 name Grade_HIGH_VALUE xpos 840 ypos 200 } push $N81f0b850 Switch { inputs 3 which {{parent.checker_1}} name Switch_CHECKER xpos 730 ypos 278 } Invert { name Invert2 xpos 730 ypos 344 } Invert { channels alpha name Invert1 xpos 730 ypos 632 disable {{parent.invert}} } Clamp { name Clamp3 xpos 510 ypos 632 } push $N5669b620 Dot { name Dot11 xpos 434 ypos 498 } set N56101b60 [stack 0] ColorCorrect { shadows 0 midtones 0 highlights 0 name ColorCorrect1 xpos 400 ypos 566 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy1 xpos 400 ypos 633 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input1]"}} } Reformat { name Reformat_MAIN note_font "Verdana Bold Bold Bold Bold" note_font_size 21 xpos 400 ypos 950 } Dot { name Dot38 xpos 434 ypos 1050 } set N5fdcb4c0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot4 xpos 434 ypos 1674 } Constant { inputs 0 channels alpha color {1 1 1 1} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant10 xpos 510 ypos 1520 } set N5fdd4d00 [stack 0] push $N5fdcb4c0 Dot { name Dot39 xpos 544 ypos 1050 } set N5fddd230 [stack 0] Premult { name Premult2 xpos 620 ypos 1046 } set N5fde1900 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot7 xpos 654 ypos 1098 } set N4d1316e0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot13 xpos 654 ypos 1146 } set N5fdd0970 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot12 xpos 654 ypos 1194 } CheckerBoard2 { inputs 0 format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} centerlinewidth 0 name CheckerBoard2 xpos 1060 ypos 927 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge6 xpos 1060 ypos 1190 } push $N5fdd0970 Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {1 1 1 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant8 xpos 950 ypos 927 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge5 xpos 950 ypos 1142 } push $N4d1316e0 Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {0 0 0 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant7 xpos 840 ypos 927 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge4 xpos 840 ypos 1094 } push $N5fde1900 Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color 0.18 format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant4 xpos 730 ypos 927 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge21 xpos 730 ypos 1046 } push $N5fdcb4c0 Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {1 0 0 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant3 xpos 180 ypos 1239 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {0 1 0 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant2 xpos 70 ypos 1239 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {1 1 0 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant1 xpos -40 ypos 1239 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {0 0 1 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant5 xpos -150 ypos 1239 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {1 0 1 0} color_panelDropped true format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant6 xpos -260 ypos 1239 } Switch { inputs 5 which {{parent.overlay}} name Colors xpos -40 ypos 1406 } push $N5fddd230 Keymix { inputs 3 mix 0.2 name Keymix2 xpos 510 ypos 1400 } Switch { inputs 5 which {{parent.over}} name Mode_Controller xpos 730 ypos 1406 } set N2eefd9d0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot10 xpos 874 ypos 1410 } Dot { name Dot9 xpos 874 ypos 1626 } push $N5fdd4d00 push $N81f0fef0 Dot { name Dot6 xpos 1864 ypos 162 } Dot { name Dot5 xpos 1864 ypos 930 } set N2ef054c0 [stack 0] Clamp { channels alpha name Clamp1 xpos 1940 ypos 920 } push $N2ef054c0 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation difference name Merge1 xpos 1830 ypos 1046 } Clamp { name Clamp2 xpos 1830 ypos 1160 } Expression { channel3 alpha expr3 "a==0 ? 0:1" name Expression1 xpos 1830 ypos 1238 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {1 0 0 0} format {{{Reformat_MAIN.format}}} name Constant9 xpos 1720 ypos 831 } Dot { name Dot56 xpos 1754 ypos 978 } set Nf797fae0 [stack 0] Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy3 xpos 1720 ypos 1232 } Premult { name Premult1 xpos 1720 ypos 1550 } push $Nf797fae0 Invert { name Invert3 xpos 1610 ypos 968 } push $N56101b60 Dot { name Dot8 xpos 1424 ypos 498 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge3 xpos 1390 ypos 974 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge2 xpos 1390 ypos 1550 } push $N2eefd9d0 Keymix { inputs 3 name Keymix1 xpos 730 ypos 1544 } Keymix { inputs 3 name Keymix3 xpos 730 ypos 1616 disable {{parent.exposure x1 1}} } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy2 xpos 730 ypos 1665 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input0]"}} } Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.c_sheet}} name Switch_contact_sheet xpos 730 ypos 2318 } Output { name Output1 xpos 730 ypos 3110 } end_group