Group {
name GM_Patch_Hussar
tile_color 0xff5555ff
selected true
xpos 1060
ypos 158
addUserKnob {20 main l Main}
addUserKnob {26 options l "Color"}
addUserKnob {4 type l "Screen Type" t "Pick color based on the background color." M {Blue Green "" "" ""}}
addUserKnob {41 value l Multiply t "Allows to adjust the color of the edge." T Multiply.value}
addUserKnob {41 red l Exposure t "Allows to adjust the exposure of the edge." T}
addUserKnob {26 edge_matte l "Edges"}
addUserKnob {41 chew l "Edge Extend " t "Allows you to increase or decrease the size of the `mask`." T key_chew_patch.chew}
addUserKnob {41 soften l "Soften Edge" t "Allows you to soften the edges of `mask`." T key_chew_patch.soften}
addUserKnob {26 mask l "Mask"}
addUserKnob {41 disable_1 l "Mask Ignore" t "Allows you to disable what comes in on the `mask` input. " T ChannelMerge_Mult.disable}
addUserKnob {7 MIX l Mix t "Allows you to change the value of Mix."}
addUserKnob {26 line l }
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {22 tuts l Tutorial t "Have a look at the tutorial. " -STARTLINE T "import os\nimport sys\n\ntry:\n import subprocess\n def _run(cmd, shell, wait):\n opener = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell)\n if wait:\n opener.wait()\n return\nexcept ImportError:\n import popen2\n def _run(cmd, shell, wait):\n opener = popen2.Popen3(cmd)\n if wait:\n opener.wait()\n return\n\ndef _open(url, wait=0):\n if sys.platform == \"darwin\":\n cmd = \[\"open\", url]\n elif hasattr(os, \"startfile\"):\n return os.startfile(url)\n elif os.environ.has_key(\"KDE_FULL_SESSION\") or os.environ.has_key(\"KDE_MULTIHEAD\") or \\\n os.environ.has_key(\"GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID\") or os.environ.has_key(\"GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET\"):\n cmd = \[\"xdg-open\", url]\n else:\n raise OSError, \"Desktop not supported.\"\n\n return _run(cmd, 0, wait)\n\n_open('')\n"}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {26 TEXT l "" +STARTLINE T "1.01 Beta version"}
addUserKnob {26 HeadlineB l "" +STARTLINE T "GM_Patch Hussar© by Attila Gasparetz"}
addUserKnob {20 info n 1}
info 0
addUserKnob {26 jm l "" +STARTLINE T "Use Patch Hussar to fix damaged channel areas."}
addUserKnob {20 endGroup_1 l endGroup n -1}
addUserKnob {20 ranges l Ranges}
addUserKnob {26 color_adv l "Color by ranges"}
addUserKnob {41 value_3 l Highlight T HIGH_Multiply.value}
addUserKnob {41 value_1 l Midtone T MID_Multiply.value}
addUserKnob {41 value_2 l Shadow T LOW_Multiply.value}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {26 Exp_adv l "Exposure by ranges"}
addUserKnob {41 red_1 l Highlight T}
addUserKnob {41 red_2 l Midtone T}
addUserKnob {41 red_3 l Shadow T}
addUserKnob {26 Blur_size l "Range Blur"}
addUserKnob {41 size l "Blur size" T Blur_range_edge.size}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {20 Ranges t "Adjust the range to multiply the tones separately " n 2}
addUserKnob {41 range l "Highlight range" t "Allows you to adjust the range of the `highlight`." T HIGHLIGHT.range}
addUserKnob {41 range_1 l "Midtone range" t "Allows you to adjust the range of the `midtone`." T MIDTONE.range}
addUserKnob {41 range_2 l "Shadow range" t "Allows you to adjust the range of the `shadow`." T SHADOW.range}
addUserKnob {20 endGroup n -1}
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode1
tile_color 0xa9a9a9ff
label "
note_font_size 42
xpos 20
ypos 2110
bdwidth 1500
bdheight 100
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode2
tile_color 0x7171c600
label Ranges
note_font_size 42
xpos 1600
ypos 52
bdwidth 321
bdheight 808
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode3
tile_color 0xa9a9a9ff
label " IN"
note_font_size 42
xpos 20
ypos -362
bdwidth 1500
bdheight 100
Input {
inputs 0
name plate
xpos 70
ypos -322
Dot {
name Dot1
xpos 104
ypos 138
set N8aa0d500 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot2
xpos 544
ypos 138
set N11311180 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot21
xpos 1754
ypos 138
set N8aa0dc00 [stack 0]
Keyer {
operation "luminance key"
range {0 0 0 0.1}
xpos 1830
ypos 416
Clamp {
name Clamp8
xpos 1830
ypos 608
set C8e245500 [stack 0]
Blur {
size 1.5
name Blur_range_edge
xpos 1830
ypos 824
set Cf9cb2700 [stack 0]
Input {
inputs 0
name mask
xpos 950
ypos -322
number 1
Clamp {
name Clamp1
xpos 950
ypos -40
Group {
name key_chew_patch
help "======== KeyChew beta ========\n=============================\n\nThis is a port of the KeyChew macro for Shake to Nuke.\n\nThere might be tiny differences on the results given in both apps. Some of them are caused by the internal algorithms of each app, and others by the way I faked the JSplineV\nexpression of Shake in Nuke. If you know a better way to solve this, let\nme know!!\n\n=============================\n 2009 Cuco Bures\n============================="
xpos 950
ypos 398
addUserKnob {20 Controls}
addUserKnob {7 chew t "\t\t" R -200 200}
addUserKnob {7 soften R 0 200}
addUserKnob {6 matteMult +STARTLINE}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
xpos 0
set Na43d2380 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot1
xpos 366
ypos 5
set N117ad880 [stack 0]
push $N117ad880
Invert {
name Invert1
xpos 177
ypos 34
push $N117ad880
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}}
name Switch1
xpos 177
ypos 87
Blur {
size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/8)" i}}
name FgEdgeBlur
xpos 177
ypos 111
Grade {
channels alpha
multiply {1 1 1 {max(FgEdgeBlur.size*1.5,1) i}}
black_clamp false
name FgEdgeMult
xpos 177
ypos 165
Grade {
channels alpha
gamma {1 1 1 {JSplineVFake(floor(abs(parent.chew))) i}}
name FgEdgeGamma1
xpos 177
ypos 213
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 JSplineVFake}
JSplineVFake {{curve i l 0.9958 k x5 0.95 0.8 x20 0.5 x40 0.3 x80 0.2 l x200 0.1}}
set N1189ce00 [stack 0]
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation minus
name Merge1
xpos 332
ypos 218
push $N1189ce00
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}}
name Switch2
xpos 177
ypos 284
Clamp {
name Clamp2
xpos 177
ypos 323
Blur {
size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/8)"}}
name BlurResult
xpos 177
ypos 446
push $Na43d2380
ShuffleCopy {
inputs 2
name ShuffleCopy1
xpos 0
ypos 451
Premult {
name Premult1
xpos 0
ypos 486
disable {{"1-\[value parent.matteMult]" i}}
Output {
name Output1
xpos 0
ypos 556
Constant {
inputs 0
channels alpha
color 1
name Constant1
xpos 1280
ypos 537
ChannelMerge {
inputs 2
operation multiply
name ChannelMerge_Mult
label "\[value operation]"
xpos 950
ypos 548
set N11918380 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot18
xpos 984
ypos 618
set N119a9500 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot19
xpos 1094
ypos 618
set N11335180 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot20
xpos 1204
ypos 618
ChannelMerge {
inputs 2
operation multiply
name LOW_CH
label "LOW\n\[value operation]"
xpos 1170
ypos 806
set N119a0a80 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot11
xpos 1204
ypos 1818
push $N8aa0dc00
Keyer {
operation "luminance key"
range {0 0.1 0.5 1}
xpos 1720
ypos 344
clone $C8e245500 {
xpos 1720
ypos 536
selected false
clone $Cf9cb2700 {
xpos 1720
ypos 752
selected false
push $N11335180
ChannelMerge {
inputs 2
operation multiply
name MID_CH
label "MID\n\[value operation]"
xpos 1060
ypos 734
set N11912700 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot13
xpos 1094
ypos 1770
push $N8aa0dc00
Keyer {
operation "luminance key"
range {0.5 1 50 50}
xpos 1610
ypos 272
clone $C8e245500 {
xpos 1610
ypos 464
selected false
clone $Cf9cb2700 {
xpos 1610
ypos 680
selected false
push $N119a9500
ChannelMerge {
inputs 2
operation multiply
name HIGH_CH
label "HIGH\n\[value operation]"
xpos 950
ypos 662
set N117a2380 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot12
xpos 984
ypos 1722
push $N11918380
Dot {
name Dot5
xpos 874
ypos 570
set N11893180 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot17
xpos 874
ypos 1146
set N1191ce00 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot9
xpos 874
ypos 1362
set Ndf81bc00 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot7
xpos 874
ypos 1482
set N11384700 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot8
xpos 874
ypos 1626
push $N8aa0d500
Dot {
name Dot3
xpos -116
ypos 138
Dot {
name Dot4
xpos -116
ypos 1482
set N11924000 [stack 0]
push $N11893180
Dot {
name Dot14
xpos 874
ypos 498
set N11918e00 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot6
xpos 874
ypos 450
push $N8aa0d500
push $N11311180
Blur {
channels {{{parent.channels}}}
size 40
name Blur3
xpos 510
ypos 248
set Nf9cb3880 [stack 0]
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation divide
name MergeDiv
xpos 70
ypos 254
set N11368000 [stack 0]
Expression {
inputs 1+1
expr2 "g>max(r,b) ? max (r,b):g"
name Expression1
tile_color 0x6aff55ff
xpos -40
ypos 446
push $N11918e00
push $N11368000
Expression {
inputs 1+1
expr2 "b>max(r,g) ? max (r,g):b"
name Expression2
tile_color 0x9fffff
xpos 70
ypos 494
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.type}}
name GreenOrBlue
xpos 70
ypos 1142
set C119a4a80 [stack 0]
push $Ndf81bc00
push $N119a0a80
push $N11912700
push $N117a2380
push $Nf9cb3880
Dot {
name Dot364
xpos 654
ypos 258
Multiply {
name Multiply
xpos 620
ypos 320
Multiply {
inputs 1+1
name HIGH_Multiply
xpos 620
ypos 680
Multiply {
inputs 1+1
name MID_Multiply
xpos 620
ypos 752
Multiply {
inputs 1+1
name LOW_Multiply
xpos 620
ypos 824
Dot {
name Dot10
xpos 654
ypos 1098
set N1190e000 [stack 0]
push $Nf9cb3880
Copy {
inputs 2+1
mix {{parent.MIX}}
name Copy2
tile_color 0x55ff7fff
xpos 510
ypos 1352
push $N1191ce00
push $N1190e000
push $Nf9cb3880
Copy {
inputs 2+1
mix {{parent.MIX}}
name Copy
tile_color 0x557fffff
xpos 510
ypos 1136
clone $C119a4a80 {
inputs 2
xpos 180
ypos 1142
selected false
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation multiply
name MergeMult
xpos 70
ypos 1358
set N117a1c00 [stack 0]
Copy {
inputs 2
name Copy3
tile_color 0x55ff7fff
xpos 180
ypos 1460
push $N11384700
push $N11924000
push $N117a1c00
Copy {
inputs 2+1
name Copy1
tile_color 0x557fffff
xpos 70
ypos 1460
clone $C119a4a80 {
inputs 2
xpos 70
ypos 1574
selected false
EXPTool {
inputs 1+1
mode Stops
green {{red x1930 3.9}}
blue {{red x1930 4.2}}
name Exposure1
xpos 70
ypos 1622
EXPTool {
inputs 1+1
mode Stops
name Exposure_HIGH
xpos 70
ypos 1718
EXPTool {
inputs 1+1
mode Stops
name Exposure_MID
xpos 70
ypos 1766
EXPTool {
inputs 1+1
mode Stops
name Exposure_SHAD
xpos 70
ypos 1814
Crop {
box {0 0 4096 2304}
name Crop
xpos 70
ypos 2006
Output {
name Output1
xpos 70
ypos 2150