Group { inputs 0 name GM_Camera_Around tile_color 0xea6827ff xpos 17198 ypos 6830 addUserKnob {20 User l Settings} addUserKnob {41 translate l Center t "Allows you to adjust the center point." T ca1.translate} addUserKnob {7 dis_cam l Distance t "Allows you to adjust the camera`s distance from the center point." R 0 100} dis_cam 6 addUserKnob {7 hei_cam l Height t "Allows you to adjust the camera`s height on the Y-axis." R -50 50} hei_cam 2 addUserKnob {7 spe_cam l Speed t "Allows you to adjust the velocity of the rotation." R -50 50} spe_cam 2 addUserKnob {7 cam_tilt l Tilt t "Allows you to tilt the camera." R -90 90} addUserKnob {7 offset l Offset t "Allows you to offset the camera. " R 0 360} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {7 ang_cam l Angle t "Allows you to adjust the camera`s angle." R -90 90} addUserKnob {26 ang_info l "" +STARTLINE T "You can adjust the camera here when the `Disable Look` is on."} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {41 translate_1 l Look t "Allows you to define where the camera is facing. " T ca_look.translate} addUserKnob {41 disable_1 l "Disable Look" t "Allows you to disable the use of `Look` and change where the camera`s facing with the `Angle`. " T ca_look.disable} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 info l "" +STARTLINE T "Connect the Camera`s Axis input to the node\nto get your Camera rotate around the Center point."} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {22 tut l Tutorial t "Opens the relevant tutorial from my site in your browser. " -STARTLINE T "import os\nimport sys\n\ntry:\n import subprocess\n def _run(cmd, shell, wait):\n opener = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell)\n if wait:\n opener.wait()\n return\nexcept ImportError:\n import popen2\n def _run(cmd, shell, wait):\n opener = popen2.Popen3(cmd)\n if wait:\n opener.wait()\n return\n\ndef _open(url, wait=0):\n if sys.platform == \"darwin\":\n cmd = \[\"open\", url]\n elif hasattr(os, \"startfile\"):\n return os.startfile(url)\n elif os.environ.has_key(\"KDE_FULL_SESSION\") or os.environ.has_key(\"KDE_MULTIHEAD\") or \\\n os.environ.has_key(\"GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID\") or os.environ.has_key(\"GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET\"):\n cmd = \[\"xdg-open\", url]\n else:\n raise OSError, \"Desktop not supported.\"\n\n return _run(cmd, 0, wait)\n\n_open('')\n"} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 TEXT l "" +STARTLINE T "1.01 beta version"} addUserKnob {26 HeadlineB l "" +STARTLINE T "GM_Camera Around© by Attila Gasparetz"} } Axis2 { inputs 0 name ca_look xpos 300 ypos 546 } Axis2 { inputs 0 rotate {0 {parent.offset} 0} name ca1 xpos 410 ypos 258 } Axis2 { translate {{parent.dis_cam} 0 0} rotate {0 {frame*ca0.slid01} 0} pivot {{-(translate.x)} 0 0} name ca2 xpos 410 ypos 354 } set N18995f80 [stack 0] push $N18995f80 Axis2 { inputs 2 translate {0 {hei_cam} 0} rotate {{ang_cam} 90 0} look_rotate_x false look_rotate_y false name ca3 xpos 410 ypos 450 } Axis2 { inputs 2 name ca5 xpos 410 ypos 546 disable {{ca_look.disable}} } Axis2 { rotate {0 180 0} name ca6 xpos 410 ypos 642 disable {{ca_look.disable}} } Axis2 { rotate {0 0 {parent.cam_tilt}} name ca7 xpos 410 ypos 738 } Output { name ca4 xpos 400 ypos 902 } NoOp { inputs 0 name ca0 xpos 620 ypos 374 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 slid01 l slider01 R 0 50} slid01 {{spe_cam}} } end_group