Group { name GM_Matte_Edge tile_color 0xcc9800ff addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {4 method l Method M {"Merge In/Out" "Separate In/Out"}} addUserKnob {26 out l "Outside"} addUserKnob {41 in_1 l Size T} addUserKnob {41 size_1 l Blur T Blur_IN.size} addUserKnob {41 which l Mix T Dissolve1.which} addUserKnob {26 in l "Inside"} addUserKnob {41 out_1 l Size T proxy.out} addUserKnob {41 size_3 l Blur T Blur_OUT.size} addUserKnob {41 which_1 l Mix T Dissolve2.which} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {6 prem l Premult +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {7 mix_all l Mix} mix_all 1 addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {22 tut l Tutorial T "import os\nimport sys\n\ntry:\n import subprocess\n def _run(cmd, shell, wait):\n opener = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell)\n if wait:\n opener.wait()\n return\nexcept ImportError:\n import popen2\n def _run(cmd, shell, wait):\n opener = popen2.Popen3(cmd)\n if wait:\n opener.wait()\n return\n\ndef _open(url, wait=0):\n if sys.platform == \"darwin\":\n cmd = \[\"open\", url]\n elif hasattr(os, \"startfile\"):\n return os.startfile(url)\n elif os.environ.has_key(\"KDE_FULL_SESSION\") or os.environ.has_key(\"KDE_MULTIHEAD\") or \\\n os.environ.has_key(\"GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID\") or os.environ.has_key(\"GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET\"):\n cmd = \[\"xdg-open\", url]\n else:\n raise OSError, \"Desktop not supported.\"\n\n return _run(cmd, 0, wait)\n\n_open('')\n" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 TEXT l "" +STARTLINE T "1.01 version"} addUserKnob {26 HeadlineB l "" +STARTLINE T "GM_Matte Edge© by Attila Gasparetz"} } Input { inputs 0 name Input tile_color 0x666666ff xpos -480 ypos 38 } Dot { name Dot14 xpos -446 ypos 378 } set N303a700 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot15 xpos -556 ypos 378 } set N303a380 [stack 0] Group { name key_chew help "======== KeyChew beta ========\n=============================\n\nThis is a port of the KeyChew macro for Shake to Nuke.\n\nThere might be tiny differences on the results given in both apps. Some of them are caused by the internal algorithms of each app, and others by the way I faked the JSplineV\nexpression of Shake in Nuke. If you know a better way to solve this, let\nme know!!\n\n=============================\n 2009 Cuco Bures\n=============================" tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -700 ypos 518 addUserKnob {20 Controls} addUserKnob {7 chew t "\t\t" R -200 200} chew {{}} addUserKnob {7 soften R 0 200} addUserKnob {6 matteMult +STARTLINE} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos -40 ypos -10 } set N303a000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos 324 ypos -6 } set N3063c00 [stack 0] push $N3063c00 Invert { name Invert1 xpos 180 ypos 32 } push $N3063c00 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch1 xpos 180 ypos 86 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/8)"}} name FgEdgeBlur xpos 180 ypos 128 } Grade { channels alpha multiply {1 1 1 {max(FgEdgeBlur.size*1.5,1)}} black_clamp false name FgEdgeMult xpos 180 ypos 176 } Grade { channels alpha gamma {1 1 1 {JSplineVFake(floor(abs(parent.chew)))}} name FgEdgeGamma1 selected true xpos 180 ypos 224 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 JSplineVFake} JSplineVFake {{curve l 0.9958 k x5 0.95 0.8 x20 0.5 x40 0.3 x80 0.2 l x200 0.1}} } set N3062a80 [stack 0] Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos 290 ypos 230 } push $N3062a80 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch2 xpos 180 ypos 278 } Clamp { name Clamp2 xpos 180 ypos 320 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/8)"}} name BlurResult xpos 180 ypos 440 } push $N303a000 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 name ShuffleCopy1 xpos -40 ypos 446 } Premult { name Premult1 xpos -40 ypos 494 disable {{"1-\[value parent.matteMult]" i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos -40 ypos 566 } end_group push $N303a380 Dissolve { inputs 2 which 1 name Dissolve2 tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -590 ypos 584 } Blur { channels alpha size 5 name Blur_IN tile_color 0x666666ff xpos -590 ypos 656 } Dot { name Dot16 xpos -556 ypos 762 } push $N303a700 Dot { name Dot8 xpos -336 ypos 378 } set N309c380 [stack 0] Group { name key_chew1 help "======== KeyChew beta ========\n=============================\n\nThis is a port of the KeyChew macro for Shake to Nuke.\n\nThere might be tiny differences on the results given in both apps. Some of them are caused by the internal algorithms of each app, and others by the way I faked the JSplineV\nexpression of Shake in Nuke. If you know a better way to solve this, let\nme know!!\n\n=============================\n 2009 Cuco Bures\n=============================" tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -260 ypos 518 addUserKnob {20 Controls} addUserKnob {7 chew t "\t\t" R -200 200} chew {{-proxy.out}} addUserKnob {7 soften R 0 200} addUserKnob {6 matteMult +STARTLINE} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 } set N309c000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos 366 ypos 5 } set N30c9c00 [stack 0] push $N30c9c00 Invert { name Invert1 xpos 177 ypos 34 } push $N30c9c00 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch1 xpos 177 ypos 87 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/8)" i}} name FgEdgeBlur xpos 177 ypos 111 } Grade { channels alpha multiply {1 1 1 {max(FgEdgeBlur.size*1.5,1) i}} black_clamp false name FgEdgeMult xpos 177 ypos 165 } Grade { channels alpha gamma {1 1 1 {JSplineVFake(floor(abs(parent.chew))) i}} name FgEdgeGamma1 xpos 177 ypos 213 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 JSplineVFake} JSplineVFake {{curve i l 0.9958 k x5 0.95 0.8 x20 0.5 x40 0.3 x80 0.2 l x200 0.1}} } set N30c8a80 [stack 0] Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos 332 ypos 218 } push $N30c8a80 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch2 xpos 177 ypos 284 } Clamp { name Clamp2 xpos 177 ypos 323 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/8)"}} name BlurResult xpos 177 ypos 446 } push $N309c000 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 name ShuffleCopy1 xpos 0 ypos 451 } Premult { name Premult1 xpos 0 ypos 486 disable {{"1-\[value parent.matteMult]" i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos 0 ypos 556 } end_group push $N309c380 Dissolve { inputs 2 which 1 name Dissolve1 tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -370 ypos 584 } set N3102e00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot18 xpos -336 ypos 762 } ChannelMerge { inputs 2 operation xor name ChannelMerge tile_color 0x666666ff xpos -480 ypos 745 } push $N309c380 Dot { name Dot3 xpos -116 ypos 378 } set N3102380 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot4 xpos -116 ypos 930 } set N3102000 [stack 0] Invert { name Invert1 tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -260 ypos 920 } ChannelMerge { inputs 2 operation multiply name ChannelMerge4 tile_color 0x555555ff label "\[value operation]" xpos -480 ypos 907 } push $N3102380 Dot { name Dot11 xpos 214 ypos 378 } set N3133500 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot5 xpos 214 ypos 426 } set N3133180 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot6 xpos 104 ypos 426 } set N3132e00 [stack 0] Group { name key_chew2 help "======== KeyChew beta ========\n=============================\n\nThis is a port of the KeyChew macro for Shake to Nuke.\n\nThere might be tiny differences on the results given in both apps. Some of them are caused by the internal algorithms of each app, and others by the way I faked the JSplineV\nexpression of Shake in Nuke. If you know a better way to solve this, let\nme know!!\n\n=============================\n 2009 Cuco Bures\n=============================" tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -40 ypos 566 addUserKnob {20 Controls} addUserKnob {7 chew t "\t\t" R -200 200} chew {{}} addUserKnob {7 soften R 0 200} addUserKnob {6 matteMult +STARTLINE} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos -40 ypos -10 } set N3132a80 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos 324 ypos -6 } set N3132700 [stack 0] push $N3132700 Invert { name Invert1 xpos 180 ypos 32 } push $N3132700 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch1 xpos 180 ypos 86 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/8)"}} name FgEdgeBlur xpos 180 ypos 128 } Grade { channels alpha multiply {1 1 1 {max(FgEdgeBlur.size*1.5,1)}} black_clamp false name FgEdgeMult xpos 180 ypos 176 } Grade { channels alpha gamma {1 1 1 {JSplineVFake(floor(abs(parent.chew)))}} name FgEdgeGamma1 selected true xpos 180 ypos 224 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 JSplineVFake} JSplineVFake {{curve l 0.9958 k x5 0.95 0.8 x20 0.5 x40 0.3 x80 0.2 l x200 0.1}} } set N315b500 [stack 0] Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos 290 ypos 230 } push $N315b500 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch2 xpos 180 ypos 278 } Clamp { name Clamp2 xpos 180 ypos 320 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/8)"}} name BlurResult xpos 180 ypos 440 } push $N3132a80 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 name ShuffleCopy1 xpos -40 ypos 446 } Premult { name Premult1 xpos -40 ypos 494 disable {{"1-\[value parent.matteMult]" i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos -40 ypos 566 } end_group push $N3132e00 Dissolve { inputs 2 which {{Dissolve2.which}} name Dissolve4 tile_color 0x555555ff xpos 70 ypos 632 } Dot { name Dot7 xpos 104 ypos 810 } push $N3133180 Dot { name Dot9 xpos 324 ypos 426 } set N3197180 [stack 0] Group { name key_chew3 help "======== KeyChew beta ========\n=============================\n\nThis is a port of the KeyChew macro for Shake to Nuke.\n\nThere might be tiny differences on the results given in both apps. Some of them are caused by the internal algorithms of each app, and others by the way I faked the JSplineV\nexpression of Shake in Nuke. If you know a better way to solve this, let\nme know!!\n\n=============================\n 2009 Cuco Bures\n=============================" tile_color 0x555555ff xpos 400 ypos 566 addUserKnob {20 Controls} addUserKnob {7 chew t "\t\t" R -200 200} chew {{-proxy.out}} addUserKnob {7 soften R 0 200} addUserKnob {6 matteMult +STARTLINE} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 } set N3196e00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos 366 ypos 5 } set N3196a80 [stack 0] push $N3196a80 Invert { name Invert1 xpos 177 ypos 34 } push $N3196a80 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch1 xpos 177 ypos 87 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/8)" i}} name FgEdgeBlur xpos 177 ypos 111 } Grade { channels alpha multiply {1 1 1 {max(FgEdgeBlur.size*1.5,1) i}} black_clamp false name FgEdgeMult xpos 177 ypos 165 } Grade { channels alpha gamma {1 1 1 {JSplineVFake(floor(abs(parent.chew))) i}} name FgEdgeGamma1 xpos 177 ypos 213 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 JSplineVFake} JSplineVFake {{curve i l 0.9958 k x5 0.95 0.8 x20 0.5 x40 0.3 x80 0.2 l x200 0.1}} } set N31c3880 [stack 0] Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos 332 ypos 218 } push $N31c3880 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch2 xpos 177 ypos 284 } Clamp { name Clamp2 xpos 177 ypos 323 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/8)"}} name BlurResult xpos 177 ypos 446 } push $N3196e00 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 name ShuffleCopy1 xpos 0 ypos 451 } Premult { name Premult1 xpos 0 ypos 486 disable {{"1-\[value parent.matteMult]" i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos 0 ypos 556 } end_group push $N3197180 Dissolve { inputs 2 which {{Dissolve1.which}} name Dissolve5 tile_color 0x555555ff xpos 290 ypos 632 } Blur { channels alpha size {{parent.Blur_OUT.size}} name Blur_OUT1 tile_color 0x666666ff xpos 290 ypos 704 } Dot { name Dot10 xpos 324 ypos 810 } ChannelMerge { inputs 2 operation xor name ChannelMerge1 tile_color 0x666666ff xpos 180 ypos 793 } push $N3102000 ChannelMerge { inputs 2 operation multiply name ChannelMerge3 tile_color 0x555555ff label "\[value operation]" xpos 180 ypos 907 } ChannelMerge { inputs 2 operation plus name ChannelMerge2 tile_color 0x555555ff label "\[value operation]" xpos -150 ypos 1003 } push $N303a380 Dot { name Dot21 xpos -996 ypos 378 } Dot { name Dot12 xpos -996 ypos 618 } set N3204380 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot13 xpos -1106 ypos 618 } set N3204000 [stack 0] Group { name key_chew4 help "======== KeyChew beta ========\n=============================\n\nThis is a port of the KeyChew macro for Shake to Nuke.\n\nThere might be tiny differences on the results given in both apps. Some of them are caused by the internal algorithms of each app, and others by the way I faked the JSplineV\nexpression of Shake in Nuke. If you know a better way to solve this, let\nme know!!\n\n=============================\n 2009 Cuco Bures\n=============================" tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -1250 ypos 758 addUserKnob {20 Controls} addUserKnob {7 chew t "\t\t" R -200 200} chew {{}} addUserKnob {7 soften R 0 200} addUserKnob {6 matteMult +STARTLINE} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos -40 ypos -10 } set N3231c00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos 324 ypos -6 } set N3231880 [stack 0] push $N3231880 Invert { name Invert1 xpos 180 ypos 32 } push $N3231880 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch1 xpos 180 ypos 86 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/8)"}} name FgEdgeBlur xpos 180 ypos 128 } Grade { channels alpha multiply {1 1 1 {max(FgEdgeBlur.size*1.5,1)}} black_clamp false name FgEdgeMult xpos 180 ypos 176 } Grade { channels alpha gamma {1 1 1 {JSplineVFake(floor(abs(parent.chew)))}} name FgEdgeGamma1 selected true xpos 180 ypos 224 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 JSplineVFake} JSplineVFake {{curve l 0.9958 k x5 0.95 0.8 x20 0.5 x40 0.3 x80 0.2 l x200 0.1}} } set N3230700 [stack 0] Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos 290 ypos 230 } push $N3230700 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch2 xpos 180 ypos 278 } Clamp { name Clamp2 xpos 180 ypos 320 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/8)"}} name BlurResult xpos 180 ypos 440 } push $N3231c00 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 name ShuffleCopy1 xpos -40 ypos 446 } Premult { name Premult1 xpos -40 ypos 494 disable {{"1-\[value parent.matteMult]" i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos -40 ypos 566 } end_group push $N3204000 Dissolve { inputs 2 which {{Dissolve2.which}} name Dissolve6 tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -1140 ypos 824 } Blur { channels alpha size {{parent.Blur_IN.size}} name Blur_IN1 tile_color 0x666666ff xpos -1140 ypos 872 } Dot { name Dot17 xpos -1106 ypos 1002 } push $N3204380 Dot { name Dot19 xpos -886 ypos 618 } set N326a000 [stack 0] Group { name key_chew5 help "======== KeyChew beta ========\n=============================\n\nThis is a port of the KeyChew macro for Shake to Nuke.\n\nThere might be tiny differences on the results given in both apps. Some of them are caused by the internal algorithms of each app, and others by the way I faked the JSplineV\nexpression of Shake in Nuke. If you know a better way to solve this, let\nme know!!\n\n=============================\n 2009 Cuco Bures\n=============================" tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -810 ypos 758 addUserKnob {20 Controls} addUserKnob {7 chew t "\t\t" R -200 200} chew {{-proxy.out}} addUserKnob {7 soften R 0 200} addUserKnob {6 matteMult +STARTLINE} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 } set N329dc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos 366 ypos 5 } set N329d880 [stack 0] push $N329d880 Invert { name Invert1 xpos 177 ypos 34 } push $N329d880 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch1 xpos 177 ypos 87 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.chew]))/8)" i}} name FgEdgeBlur xpos 177 ypos 111 } Grade { channels alpha multiply {1 1 1 {max(FgEdgeBlur.size*1.5,1) i}} black_clamp false name FgEdgeMult xpos 177 ypos 165 } Grade { channels alpha gamma {1 1 1 {JSplineVFake(floor(abs(parent.chew))) i}} name FgEdgeGamma1 xpos 177 ypos 213 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 JSplineVFake} JSplineVFake {{curve i l 0.9958 k x5 0.95 0.8 x20 0.5 x40 0.3 x80 0.2 l x200 0.1}} } set N329c700 [stack 0] Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos 332 ypos 218 } push $N329c700 Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[value parent.chew]>=0?0:1"}} name Switch2 xpos 177 ypos 284 } Clamp { name Clamp2 xpos 177 ypos 323 } Blur { size {{"(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/4)+(floor(abs(\[value parent.soften]))/8)"}} name BlurResult xpos 177 ypos 446 } push $N329dc00 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 name ShuffleCopy1 xpos 0 ypos 451 } Premult { name Premult1 xpos 0 ypos 486 disable {{"1-\[value parent.matteMult]" i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos 0 ypos 556 } end_group push $N326a000 Dissolve { inputs 2 which {{Dissolve1.which}} name Dissolve7 tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -920 ypos 824 } Blur { channels alpha size {{parent.Blur_OUT.size}} name Blur_OUT2 tile_color 0x666666ff xpos -920 ypos 896 } Dot { name Dot20 xpos -886 ypos 1002 } ChannelMerge { inputs 2 operation xor name ChannelMerge5 tile_color 0x666666ff xpos -1030 ypos 985 } Dot { name Dot22 xpos -996 ypos 1146 } Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.method}} name Switch1 tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -150 ypos 1142 } Clamp { name Clamp tile_color 0x555555ff xpos -150 ypos 1304 } Dot { name Dot2 xpos -116 ypos 1434 } push $N3133500 Dot { name Dot1 xpos 874 ypos 378 } Dissolve { inputs 2 channels alpha which {{parent.mix_all}} name Dissolve3 tile_color 0x555555ff xpos 840 ypos 1424 } Premult { name Premult1 tile_color 0x555555ff xpos 840 ypos 1550 disable {{"parent.prem == 0"}} } Output { name Output tile_color 0x666666ff xpos 840 ypos 1598 } NoOp { inputs 0 name proxy tile_color 0x666666ff xpos -480 ypos 518 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 in l Size R 0 100} in 10 addUserKnob {7 out l Size R 0 100} out 10 } push $N3102e00 Blur { channels alpha size 5 name Blur_OUT tile_color 0x666666ff xpos -260 ypos 656 } end_group