------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Example B3 ---------- This example simulates schematically a Positron Emitted Tomography system. 1- GEOMETRY DEFINITION The support of gamma detection are scintillating crystals. A small number of such crystals are optically grouped in a matrix of crystals. In this example, individual crystals are not described; only the matrix of crystals is and it is still called 'Crystal' hereafter. Crystals are circularly arranged to form a ring. Few rings make up the full detector (gamma camera). This is done by positionning Crystals in Ring with an appropriate rotation matrix. Several copies of Ring are then placed in the full detector. The head of a patient is schematised as a homogeneous cylinder of brain tissue, placed at the center of full detector. The Crystal material, Lu2SiO5, is not included in the G4Nist database. Therefore, it is explicitly built in DefineMaterials(). 2- PHYSICS LIST The physics list contains standard electromagnetic processes and the radioactiveDecay module for GenericIon. It is defined in the B3::PhysicsList class as a Geant4 modular physics list with registered physics builders provided in Geant4: - G4DecayPhysics - defines all particles and their decay processes - G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics - defines radioactiveDecay for GenericIon - G4EmStandardPhysics - defines all EM standard processes This physics list requires data files for: - low energy electromagnetic processes which path is defined via the G4LEDATA envirnoment variable - nuclides properties which path is defined via the G4ENSDFSTATEDATA envirnoment variable - radioactive decay hadronic processes which path is defined via the G4RADIOACTIVEDATA envirnoment variable. See more on installation of the datasets in Geant4 Installation Guide, Chapter 3.3: Note On Geant4 Datasets: http://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/UserDocumentation/UsersGuides /InstallationGuide/html/ch03s03.html 3- ACTION INITALIZATION B3[a,b]::ActionInitialization class instantiates and registers to Geant4 kernel all user action classes. While in sequential mode the action classes are instatiated just once, via invoking the method: B3[a,b]::ActionInitialization::Build() in multi-threading mode the same method is invoked for each thread worker and so all user action classes are defined thread-local. A run action class is instantiated both thread-local and global that's why its instance is created also in the method B3[a,b]::ActionInitialization::BuildForMaster() which is invoked only in multi-threading mode. 4- PRIMARY GENERATOR The default particle beam is an ion (F18), at rest, randomly distributed within a zone inside a patient and is defined in B3::PrimaryGeneratorAction::GeneratePrimaries(). The type of a primary particle can be changed with G4ParticleGun commands (see run2.mac). 5- DETECTOR RESPONSE: scorers A 'good' event is an event in which an identical energy of 511 keV is deposited in two separate Crystals. A count of the number of such events corresponds to a measure of the efficiency of the PET system. The total dose deposited in a patient during a run is also computed. Scorers are defined in B3::DetectorConstruction::ConstructSDandField(). There are two G4MultiFunctionalDetector objects: one for the Crystal (EnergyDeposit), and one for the Patient (DoseDeposit) The scorers hits are saved in form of ntuples in a Root file using Geant4 analysis tools. This feature is activated in the main () function with instantiating G4TScoreNtupleWriter. Two variants of accumulation event statistics in a run are demonstrated in this example: B3a: At the end of event, the values acummulated in B3a::EventAction are passed in B3a::RunAction and summed over the whole run (see B3a::EventAction::EndOfevent()). In multi-threading mode the data accumulated in G4Accumulable objects per workers is merged to the master in B3a::RunAction::EndOfRunAction() and the final result is printed on the screen. G4Accumulable<> type instead of G4double and G4int types is used for the B3a::RunAction data members in order to facilitate merging of the values accumulated on workers to the master. Currently the accumulables have to be registered to G4AccumulablesManager and G4AccumulablesManager::Merge() has to be called from the users code. This is planned to be further simplified with a closer integration of G4Accumulable classes in the Geant4 kernel next year. B3b: B3b::Run::RecordEvent(), called at end of event, collects informations event per event from the hits collections, and accumulates statistic for B3b::RunAction::EndOfRunAction(). In addition, results for dose are accumulated in a standard floating-point summation and using a new lightweight statistical class called G4StatAnalysis. The G4StatAnalysis class records four values: (1) the sum, (2) sum^2, (3) number of entries, and (4) the number of entries less than mean * machine-epsilon (the machine epsilon is the difference between 1.0 and the next value representable by the floating-point type). From these 4 values, G4StatAnalysis provides the mean, FOM, relative error, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation, efficiency, r2int, and r2eff. In multi-threading mode the statistics accumulated per workers is merged to the master in B3b::Run::Merge(). 6- STACKING ACTION Beta decay of Fluor generates a neutrino. One wishes not to track this neutrino; therefore one kills it immediately, before created particles are put in a stack. The function B3::StackingAction::ClassifyNewTrack() is invoked by G4 kernel each time a new particle is created. The following paragraphs are common to all basic examples A- VISUALISATION The visualization manager is set via the G4VisExecutive class in the main() function in exampleB3.cc. The initialisation of the drawing is done via a set of /vis/ commands in the macro vis.mac. This macro is automatically read from the main function when the example is used in interactive running mode. By default, vis.mac opens an OpenGL viewer (/vis/open OGL). The user can change the initial viewer by commenting out this line and instead uncommenting one of the other /vis/open statements, such as HepRepFile or DAWNFILE (which produce files that can be viewed with the HepRApp and DAWN viewers, respectively). Note that one can always open new viewers at any time from the command line. For example, if you already have a view in, say, an OpenGL window with a name "viewer-0", then /vis/open DAWNFILE then to get the same view /vis/viewer/copyView viewer-0 or to get the same view *plus* scene-modifications /vis/viewer/set/all viewer-0 then to see the result /vis/viewer/flush The DAWNFILE, HepRepFile drivers are always available (since they require no external libraries), but the OGL driver requires that the Geant4 libraries have been built with the OpenGL option. Since 11.1, the TSG visualization driver can also produce the "offscrean" file output in png, jpeg, gl2ps formats without drawing on the screen. It can be controlled via UI commands provided in '/vis/tsg' which are demonstrated in the tsg_offscreen.mac macro in example B5. For more information on visualization, including information on how to install and run DAWN, OpenGL and HepRApp, see the visualization tutorials, for example, http://geant4.slac.stanford.edu/Presentations/vis/G4[VIS]Tutorial/G4[VIS]Tutorial.html (where [VIS] can be replaced by DAWN, OpenGL and HepRApp) The tracks are automatically drawn at the end of each event, accumulated for all events and erased at the beginning of the next run. B- USER INTERFACES The user command interface is set via the G4UIExecutive class in the main() function in exampleB3.cc The selection of the user command interface is then done automatically according to the Geant4 configuration or it can be done explicitly via the third argument of the G4UIExecutive constructor (see exampleB4a.cc). The gui.mac macros are provided in examples B2, B4 and B5. This macro is automatically executed if Geant4 is built with any GUI session. It is also possible to customise the icons menu bar which is demonstrated in the icons.mac macro in example B5. C- HOW TO RUN - Execute exampleB3a in the 'interactive mode' with visualization % ./exampleB3a and type in the commands from run1.mac line by line: Idle> /control/verbose 2 Idle> /tracking/verbose 2 Idle> /run/beamOn 1 Idle> ... Idle> exit or Idle> /control/execute run1.mac .... Idle> exit - Execute exampleB3a in the 'batch' mode from macro files (without visualization) % ./exampleB3a run2.mac % ./exampleB3a exampleB3.in > exampleB3.out