var id = "theory_auto_Over"; var name = "Theory automator - Overpush"; var description = "Automates purchases and publications in theories."; var authors = "rus9384"; var version = "1.6b"; var permissions = Permissions.PERFORM_GAME_ACTIONS; var theoryManager; var timer = 0; var requirements = [150, 250, 175, 175, 150, 150, 175, 220]; var R8; var R9; var test; var upgradeCost = upgrade => upgrade.cost.getCost(upgrade.level); var toBig = number => BigNumber.from(number); var publicationMultiplier = theory => theory.nextPublicationMultiplier / theory.publicationMultiplier; var getR9 = () => (game.sigmaTotal / 20) ** game.researchUpgrades[8].level; var primaryEquation = ""; theory.primaryEquationHeight = 45; function getPrimaryEquation() { if (primaryEquation != "") return primaryEquation; if (game.activeTheory === null || === 8) return ""; let coastText = "\\begin{eqnarray}"; if ( != 1 && != 2) coastText += "Coast\\;" + theoryManager.theory.latexSymbol + "&=&" + theoryManager.coast + "\\\\"; else coastText += "Phase&=&" + theoryManager.phase + "\\\\"; let pubTau =; if ( == 1) pubTau = theoryManager.theory.tauPublished * ** (1 / 0.198); else if ( == 2) pubTau = theoryManager.theory.tauPublished * ** (1 / 0.147); return coastText + "Next\\;\\overline{" + theoryManager.theory.latexSymbol + "}&=&" + pubTau + "\\end{eqnarray}"; } var secondaryEquation = ""; var getSecondaryEquation = () => "" + secondaryEquation; var quaternaryEntries = []; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { quaternaryEntries.push(new QuaternaryEntry("τ_" + (i + 1), 0)); } var getQuaternaryEntries = () => { let decay = [ 30.1935671759384, 37.4972532637665, 30.7608639120181, 44.9544911685781, 39.2687021300084, 102.119195226465, 26.7695950304505, 17.6476778516314 ]; let timeMult = [1, 10.2, 1, 1.5, 1, 3, 1, 1]; let base = [ 2.59, 11.4, 1.36, 2.85, 44.3, 4.52, 2.15, 4.93 ]; let tau; let tauH; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(8, game.researchUpgrades[7].level); i++) { try { tau = game.theories[i].tauPublished.log10(); } catch(e) { tau = 1; } tauH = base[i] * R9 ** (1 / timeMult[i]) / 2 ** ((tau - requirements[i]) / decay[i]); quaternaryEntries[i].value = formatQValue(tauH); } for (let i = game.researchUpgrades[7].level; i < 8; i++) { quaternaryEntries[i].value = formatQValue(0); } // T4 low tau check if (game.researchUpgrades[7].level < 4) return quaternaryEntries; decay = 27.0085302950228; base = 1.51; timeMult = 1; try { tau = game.theories[3].tauPublished.log10(); } catch(e) { tau = 1; } tauH = base * R9 ** (1 / timeMult) / 2 ** ((tau - requirements[3]) / decay); quaternaryEntries[3].value = formatQValue(Math.max(tauH, quaternaryEntries[3].value)); // T6 low tau check if (game.researchUpgrades[7].level < 6) return quaternaryEntries; decay = 70.0732254255212; base = 7; timeMult = 2; try { tau = game.theories[5].tauPublished.log10(); } catch(e) { tau = 1; } tauH = base * R9 ** (1 / timeMult) / 2 ** ((tau - requirements[5]) / decay); quaternaryEntries[5].value = formatQValue(Math.max(tauH, quaternaryEntries[5].value)); return quaternaryEntries; } function formatQValue(input) { let string = ("" + input).substring(0, 9); if (string.charAt(8) == '.') string = string.substring(0, 8); return string; } function buyMax(upgrade, value) { let spend = value.min(upgrade.currency.value); let levelBefore = upgrade.level;, spend)); return upgrade.level > levelBefore; } function buyRatio(upgrade, ratio) { let BigNumRatio = typeof(ratio) === 'object' ? ratio : toBig(ratio); return buyMax(upgrade, upgrade.currency.value / BigNumRatio); } function buySkip() { if (!enableVariablePurchase.level) return true; if (theoryManager?.theory?.isAutoBuyerActive === true) theoryManager.theory.isAutoBuyerActive = false; if (theoryManager.upgrades === undefined) return true; return false; } function buyMilestones() { if (!enableMSPurchase.level) return; for (let i = 0; i < game.activeTheory.milestoneUpgrades.length; i++) { if (i == 0 && == 7) continue; game.activeTheory.milestoneUpgrades[i].buy(-1); } } var overpush = [1,10,1,1.4,1,3,1,1]; function switchTheory(manualSwitch = false) { theory.invalidateQuaternaryValues(); if (!enableTheorySwitch.level && !manualSwitch) return; let iMax = -1; let max = 0; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(8, game.researchUpgrades[7].level); i++) { if (!theory.upgrades[i].level) continue; let value = parseFloat(theory.quaternaryValue(i))*overpush[i]; if (value > max) { iMax = i; max = value; } } if (iMax >= 0) game.activeTheory = game.theories[iMax]; } function refreshTheoryManager() { let theoryId = game.activeTheory?.id; if (theoryId == 0) theoryManager = new T1; if (theoryId == 1) theoryManager = new T2; if (theoryId == 2) theoryManager = new T3; if (theoryId == 3) theoryManager = new T4; if (theoryId == 4) theoryManager = new T5; if (theoryId == 5) theoryManager = new T6; if (theoryId == 6) theoryManager = new T7; if (theoryId == 7) theoryManager = new T8; theory.invalidatePrimaryEquation(); secondaryEquation = ""; theory.invalidateSecondaryEquation(); } // Utilizes T1SolarXLII strategy with cyclic publication multipliers class T1 { constructor() { = 0; this.theory = game.activeTheory; this.upgrades = this.theory.upgrades; this.q1 = this.upgrades[0]; this.q2 = this.upgrades[1]; this.c3 = this.upgrades[4]; this.c4 = this.upgrades[5]; this.lastPub = this.theory.tauPublished; this.setPub(); this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0]; theory.secondaryEquationHeight = 20; } get c4NC() { let BN10 = toBig(10); return BN10.pow(((this.lastPub / BN10.pow(BN10)).log10() / 8).ceil() * 8 + 10); } setPub() { let diff = (this.c4NC / this.lastPub).log10(); let mult = diff < 3 ? 100 : diff < 5 ? 0.015 : 0.00014; = this.c4NC * mult; mult = diff < toBig(3) ? toBig(30) : diff < toBig(5) ? toBig(0.003) : toBig(0.00003); this.coast = this.c4NC * mult; } upgradeByIndex(upgradeIndex) { let upgrade; let ratio; switch (upgradeIndex) { case 0: upgrade = this.q1; ratio = 5; break; case 1: upgrade = this.q2; ratio = 1.11; break; case 2: upgrade = this.c3; ratio = 5; break; case 3: upgrade = this.c4; ratio = 1; break; } return [upgrade, ratio]; } updateSchedule() { if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length >= 25) return false; let veryBigNumber = parseBigNumber("ee999999"); while (this.scheduledUpgrades.length < 25) { let q1cost = this.q1.cost.getCost(this.q1.level + this.scheduledLevels[0]); let q2cost = this.q2.cost.getCost(this.q2.level + this.scheduledLevels[1]); let c4cost = this.c4.cost.getCost(this.c4.level + this.scheduledLevels[3]); let q1weightedCost = q1cost * 5; if ( q1cost * (6.9 + (this.q1.level + this.scheduledLevels[0]) % 10) >= q2cost || q1cost * (15.2 + (this.q1.level + this.scheduledLevels[0]) % 10) >= c4cost ) q1weightedCost = veryBigNumber; let costs = [ q1weightedCost, q2cost * 1.11, this.c3.cost.getCost(this.c3.level + this.scheduledLevels[2]) * 5, c4cost ]; let minCost = [parseBigNumber("ee999999"), null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; let upgrade = this.upgradeByIndex(minCost[1])[0]; let cost = upgrade.cost.getCost(upgrade.level + this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]); if (cost >= this.coast) break; if (minCost[1] != null) { this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]++; let lastUpgrade = this.scheduledUpgrades[this.scheduledUpgrades.length - 1]; if (lastUpgrade != undefined && lastUpgrade[0] == minCost[1]) lastUpgrade[1]++; else this.scheduledUpgrades.push([minCost[1], 1]); } else break; } return true; } showSchedule() { secondaryEquation = ""; if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) secondaryEquation = "Next\\ upgrades: "; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5); i++){ if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1] > 1) secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1]; secondaryEquation += (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] < 2 ? "q_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] + 1) : "c_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] + 1)); if (i + 1 < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5)) secondaryEquation += ", "; } theory.invalidateSecondaryEquation(); } buy() { if (buySkip()) return; if (theoryManager.theory.tau >= theoryManager.coast && enablePublications.level) return; let schedulerRefresh = false; if (buyRatio(this.q1, 50)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.q2, 2)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c3, 10)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c4, 2)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (schedulerRefresh) { this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } let bought = false; while (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) { let upgradeIndex = this.scheduledUpgrades[0][0]; let upgradeRatio = this.upgradeByIndex(upgradeIndex); let levelBefore = upgradeRatio[0].level; buyRatio(upgradeRatio[0], upgradeRatio[1]); if (levelBefore == upgradeRatio[0].level) break; bought = true; this.scheduledUpgrades[0][1]--; this.scheduledLevels[upgradeIndex]--; if (this.scheduledUpgrades[0][1] <= 0) this.scheduledUpgrades.shift(); } if (this.theory.currencies[0].value > this.theory.tauPublished / 1e20 && (this.updateSchedule() || bought)) this.showSchedule(); } tick(elapsedTime, multiplier) { if (!theory.upgrades[].level) return; buyMilestones(); if (enablePublications.level && this.theory.tau > { game.activeTheory.publish(); return true; }; return false; } } // Utilizes T2MC strategy with fixed publication multipliers class T2 { constructor() { = 1; this.theory = game.activeTheory; this.upgrades = this.theory.upgrades; = 8000; this.qr1 = 4650; this.qr2 = 2900; this.qr3 = 2250; this.qr4 = 1150; this.phase = 1; this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels; theory.secondaryEquationHeight = 20; } updateSchedule() { if (this.phase >= 5) return true; let veryBigNumber = parseBigNumber("ee999999"); this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; while (this.scheduledUpgrades.length < 5) { let costs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) costs.push(this.upgrades[i].cost.getCost(this.upgrades[i].level + this.scheduledLevels[i])); if (this.phase > 1) { costs[3] = veryBigNumber; costs[7] = veryBigNumber; } if (this.phase > 2) { costs[2] = veryBigNumber; costs[6] = veryBigNumber; } if (this.phase > 3) { costs[1] = veryBigNumber; costs[5] = veryBigNumber; } let minCost = [veryBigNumber, null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; let cost = this.upgrades[minCost[1]].cost.getCost(this.upgrades[minCost[1]].level + this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]); if (minCost[1] != null) { this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]++; let lastUpgrade = this.scheduledUpgrades[this.scheduledUpgrades.length - 1]; if (lastUpgrade != undefined && lastUpgrade[0] == minCost[1]) lastUpgrade[1]++; else this.scheduledUpgrades.push([minCost[1], 1]); } else break; } return true; } showSchedule() { secondaryEquation = ""; if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) secondaryEquation = "Next\\ upgrades: "; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5); i++){ if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1] > 1) secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1]; secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] <= 3 ? "q_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] + 1) : "r_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] - 3); if (i + 1 < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5)) secondaryEquation += ", "; } theory.invalidateSecondaryEquation(); } buy() { if (secondaryEquation == "" && this.updateSchedule()) this.showSchedule(); if (buySkip()) return; if (this.updateSchedule()) this.showSchedule(); if (publicationMultiplier(this.theory) >= this.qr1 && enablePublications.level) { if (this.phase != 5) { this.phase = 5; theory.invalidatePrimaryEquation(); } return; } this.upgrades[0].buy(-1); this.upgrades[4].buy(-1); if (publicationMultiplier(this.theory) >= this.qr2 && enablePublications.level) { if (this.phase != 4) { this.phase = 4; theory.invalidatePrimaryEquation(); } return; } this.upgrades[1].buy(-1); this.upgrades[5].buy(-1); if (publicationMultiplier(this.theory) >= this.qr3 && enablePublications.level) { if (this.phase != 3) { this.phase = 3; theory.invalidatePrimaryEquation(); } return; } this.upgrades[2].buy(-1); this.upgrades[6].buy(-1); if (publicationMultiplier(this.theory) >= this.qr4 && enablePublications.level) { if (this.phase != 2) { this.phase = 2; theory.invalidatePrimaryEquation(); } return; } this.upgrades[3].buy(-1); this.upgrades[7].buy(-1); } tick(elapsedTime, multiplier) { if (!theory.upgrades[].level) return; buyMilestones(); if (enablePublications.level && publicationMultiplier(this.theory) > { game.activeTheory.publish(); return true; }; return false; } } // Utilizes slightly altered T3Play2 strategy with fixed publication multipliers class T3 { constructor() { = 2; this.theory = game.activeTheory; this.upgrades = this.theory.upgrades; this.b1 = this.upgrades[ 0]; this.b2 = this.upgrades[ 1]; this.b3 = this.upgrades[ 2]; this.c12 = this.upgrades[ 4]; this.c22 = this.upgrades[ 7]; this.c23 = this.upgrades[ 8]; this.c31 = this.upgrades[ 9]; this.c32 = this.upgrades[10]; this.c33 = this.upgrades[11]; this.phase1 = this.theory.tauPublished / 10; this.phase2 = 1.2; this.phase3 = 2.4; = 2.5; this.phase = 1; this.scheduledUpgrades1 = []; this.scheduledUpgrades2 = []; this.scheduledUpgrades3 = []; this.scheduledLevels1 = [0, 0]; this.scheduledLevels2 = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this.scheduledLevels3 = [0, 0, 0]; } upgradeByIndex1(upgradeIndex) { let upgrade; switch (upgradeIndex) { case 0: upgrade = this.b1; break; case 1: upgrade = this.c31; break; } return upgrade; } updateSchedule1() { if (this.scheduledUpgrades1.length >= 15) return false; while (this.scheduledUpgrades1.length < 15) { let costs = [ this.b1.cost.getCost(this.b1.level + this.scheduledLevels1[0]) * 8, this.c31.cost.getCost(this.c31.level + this.scheduledLevels1[1]) ]; let minCost = [parseBigNumber("ee999999"), null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; if (minCost == null) break; let upgrade = this.upgradeByIndex1(minCost[1]); let cost = upgrade.cost.getCost(upgrade.level + this.scheduledLevels1[minCost[1]]); if (cost >= this.theory.tauPublished / 10) break; this.scheduledLevels1[minCost[1]]++; let lastUpgrade = this.scheduledUpgrades1[this.scheduledUpgrades1.length - 1]; if (lastUpgrade != undefined && lastUpgrade[0] == minCost[1]) lastUpgrade[1]++; else this.scheduledUpgrades1.push([minCost[1], 1]); } return true; } updateSchedule2() { if (this.scheduledUpgrades2.length >= 15) return false; let veryBigNumber = parseBigNumber("ee999999"); while (this.scheduledUpgrades2.length < 15) { let costs; if (this.phase <= 2) costs = [ this.b2.cost.getCost(this.b2.level + this.scheduledLevels2[0]) * 5, this.c12.cost.getCost(this.c12.level + this.scheduledLevels2[1]) * 100, this.c22.cost.getCost(this.c22.level + this.scheduledLevels2[2]) * 2.5, this.c32.cost.getCost(this.c32.level + this.scheduledLevels2[3]) ]; else if (this.phase == 3) costs = [ this.b2.cost.getCost(this.b2.level + this.scheduledLevels2[0]) * 8, this.c12.cost.getCost(this.c12.level + this.scheduledLevels2[1]), this.c22.cost.getCost(this.c22.level + this.scheduledLevels2[2]) * 8, this.c32.cost.getCost(this.c32.level + this.scheduledLevels2[3]) * 8 ]; else costs = [ this.b2.cost.getCost(this.b2.level + this.scheduledLevels2[0]), this.c12.cost.getCost(this.c12.level + this.scheduledLevels2[1]), veryBigNumber, // does not buy c22 after 2.2 multiplier veryBigNumber // does not buy c32 after 2.2 multiplier ]; let minCost = [veryBigNumber, null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; if (minCost[1] != null) { this.scheduledLevels2[minCost[1]]++; let lastUpgrade = this.scheduledUpgrades2[this.scheduledUpgrades2.length - 1]; if (lastUpgrade != undefined && lastUpgrade[0] == minCost[1]) lastUpgrade[1]++; else this.scheduledUpgrades2.push([minCost[1], 1]); } else break; } return true; } updateSchedule3() { if (this.scheduledUpgrades3.length >= 15) return false; let veryBigNumber = parseBigNumber("ee999999"); while (this.scheduledUpgrades3.length < 15) { let costs = [ this.b3.cost.getCost(this.b3.level + this.scheduledLevels3[0]) * (this.phase == 4 ? 1 : 8), this.c23.cost.getCost(this.c23.level + this.scheduledLevels3[1]), this.phase <= 2 ? this.c33.cost.getCost(this.c33.level + this.scheduledLevels3[2]) * 10 : veryBigNumber ]; let minCost = [veryBigNumber, null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; if (minCost[1] != null) { this.scheduledLevels3[minCost[1]]++; let lastUpgrade = this.scheduledUpgrades3[this.scheduledUpgrades3.length - 1]; if (lastUpgrade != undefined && lastUpgrade[0] == minCost[1]) lastUpgrade[1]++; else this.scheduledUpgrades3.push([minCost[1], 1]); } else break; } return true; } showSchedule() { let height = 15; secondaryEquation = ""; if (this.scheduledUpgrades1.length) { secondaryEquation += "Next\\ \\rho_1\\ upgrades: "; height += 12; } for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades1.length, 5); i++){ if (this.scheduledUpgrades1[i][1] > 1) secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades1[i][1]; secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades1[i][0] == 0 ? "b_1" : "c_{31}"; if (i + 1 < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades1.length, 5)) secondaryEquation += ", "; } if (this.scheduledUpgrades1.length) secondaryEquation += "\\\\"; if (this.scheduledUpgrades2.length) { secondaryEquation += "Next\\ \\rho_2\\ upgrades: "; height += 12; } for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades2.length, 5); i++){ if (this.scheduledUpgrades2[i][1] > 1) secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades2[i][1]; secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades2[i][0] == 0 ? "b_2" : "c_{" + this.scheduledUpgrades2[i][0] + "2}"; if (i + 1 < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades2.length, 5)) secondaryEquation += ", "; } if (this.scheduledUpgrades2.length) secondaryEquation += "\\\\"; if (this.scheduledUpgrades3.length) { secondaryEquation += "Next\\ \\rho_3\\ upgrades: "; height += 12; } for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades3.length, 5); i++){ if (this.scheduledUpgrades3[i][1] > 1) secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades3[i][1]; secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades3[i][0] == 0 ? "b_3" : "c_{" + (this.scheduledUpgrades3[i][0] + 1) + "3}"; if (i + 1 < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades3.length, 5)) secondaryEquation += ", "; } theory.secondaryEquationHeight = height; theory.invalidateSecondaryEquation(); } buy() { let prevPhase = this.phase; if (publicationMultiplier(this.theory) > this.phase3) this.phase = 4; else if (publicationMultiplier(this.theory) > this.phase2) this.phase = 3; else if (publicationMultiplier(this.theory) > this.phase1) this.phase = 2; if (prevPhase != this.phase) theory.invalidatePrimaryEquation(); if (buySkip()) return; let schedulerRefresh1 = false; let schedulerRefresh2 = false; let schedulerRefresh3 = false; if (buyRatio(this.b1 , 100000)) schedulerRefresh1 = true; if (buyRatio(this.c31, 10000)) schedulerRefresh1 = true; if (buyRatio(this.b2 , 10)) schedulerRefresh2 = true; if (buyRatio(this.c12, 100)) schedulerRefresh2 = true; if (buyRatio(this.c22, 10)) schedulerRefresh2 = true; if (buyRatio(this.c32, 10)) schedulerRefresh2 = true; if (buyRatio(this.b3 , 100)) schedulerRefresh3 = true; if (buyRatio(this.c23, 2)) schedulerRefresh3 = true; if (buyRatio(this.c33, 100)) schedulerRefresh3 = true; if (prevPhase != this.phase) { schedulerRefresh2 = true; schedulerRefresh3 = true; } if (schedulerRefresh1) { this.scheduledUpgrades1 = []; this.scheduledLevels1 = [0, 0]; } if (schedulerRefresh2) { this.scheduledUpgrades2 = []; this.scheduledLevels2 = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } if (schedulerRefresh3) { this.scheduledUpgrades3 = []; this.scheduledLevels3 = [0, 0, 0]; } let update = false; // rho1 purchases while (this.scheduledUpgrades1.length) { let upgradeIndex = this.scheduledUpgrades1[0][0]; let upgrade = this.upgradeByIndex1(upgradeIndex); let levelBefore = upgrade.level;; if (levelBefore == upgrade.level) break; update = true; this.scheduledUpgrades1[0][1]--; this.scheduledLevels1[upgradeIndex]--; if (this.scheduledUpgrades1[0][1] <= 0) this.scheduledUpgrades1.shift(); } // rho2 purchases while (this.scheduledUpgrades2.length) { let upgradeIndex = this.scheduledUpgrades2[0][0]; let upgrade; switch (upgradeIndex) { case 0: upgrade = this.b2; break; case 1: upgrade = this.c12; break; case 2: upgrade = this.c22; break; case 3: upgrade = this.c32; break; } let levelBefore = upgrade.level;; if (levelBefore == upgrade.level) break; update = true; this.scheduledUpgrades2[0][1]--; this.scheduledLevels2[upgradeIndex]--; if (this.scheduledUpgrades2[0][1] <= 0) this.scheduledUpgrades2.shift(); } // rho3 purchases while (this.scheduledUpgrades3.length) { let upgradeIndex = this.scheduledUpgrades3[0][0]; let upgrade; switch (upgradeIndex) { case 0: upgrade = this.b3; break; case 1: upgrade = this.c23; break; case 2: upgrade = this.c33; break; } let levelBefore = upgrade.level;; if (levelBefore == upgrade.level) break; update = true; this.scheduledUpgrades3[0][1]--; this.scheduledLevels3[upgradeIndex]--; if (this.scheduledUpgrades3[0][1] <= 0) this.scheduledUpgrades3.shift(); } if (this.theory.currencies[0].value > this.theory.tauPublished / 1e20) { if (this.updateSchedule1()) update = true; if (this.updateSchedule2()) update = true; if (this.updateSchedule3()) update = true; } if (update) this.showSchedule(); } tick(elapsedTime, multiplier) { if (!theory.upgrades[].level) return; buyMilestones(); if (enablePublications.level && publicationMultiplier(this.theory) > { game.activeTheory.publish(); return true; }; return false; } } // Utilizes T4AI (based on T4C3C12rcv) strategy with calculated publication multipliers class T4 { constructor() { = 3; this.theory = game.activeTheory; this.upgrades = this.theory.upgrades; this.c1 = this.upgrades[0]; this.c2 = this.upgrades[1]; this.c3 = this.upgrades[2]; this.q1 = this.upgrades[6]; this.q2 = this.upgrades[7]; this.q2weight = 1 / (2 - Math.sqrt(2)); this.setPub(); this.ratio = 1 + ((this.q + 1.0) * toBig(2).pow(this.c3.level) / (toBig(2).pow(this.c2.level) * this.getC1)); this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; theory.secondaryEquationHeight = 35; } get getC1() { return Utils.getStepwisePowerSum(this.c1.level, 2, 10, 0).pow(this.theory.milestoneUpgrades[0].level * 0.05 + 1); } get q() { return parseBigNumber(this.theory.tertiaryEquation.substring(2)); } upgradeByIndex(upgradeIndex) { let upgrade; switch (upgradeIndex) { case 0: upgrade = this.c1; break; case 1: upgrade = this.c2; break; case 2: upgrade = this.c3; break; case 3: upgrade = this.q1; break; case 4: upgrade = this.q2; break; } return upgrade; } updateSchedule() { if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length >= 6) return false; let veryBigNumber = parseBigNumber("ee999999"); while (this.scheduledUpgrades.length < 6) { let k = this.q * toBig(2).pow(this.c3.level) / (toBig(2).pow(this.c2.level) * this.getC1); let p = k > 0 ? 1 / k : 1; let c1WithWeight = this.c1.cost.getCost(this.c1.level + this.scheduledLevels[0]) * (10 + (this.c1.level % 10) / 2); let q1WithWeight = this.q1.cost.getCost(this.q1.level + this.scheduledLevels[3]) * (10 + this.q1.level % 10); let c2cost = this.c2.cost.getCost(this.c2.level + this.scheduledLevels[1]); let q2cost = this.q2.cost.getCost(this.q2.level + this.scheduledLevels[4]); let costs = [ c1WithWeight < c2cost ? c1WithWeight : veryBigNumber, c2cost * k.max(1), this.c3.cost.getCost(this.c3.level + this.scheduledLevels[2]) * p, q1WithWeight < q2cost ? q1WithWeight : veryBigNumber, q2cost * 1.7 ]; let minCost = [veryBigNumber, null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; let upgrade = this.upgradeByIndex(minCost[1]); let cost = upgrade.cost.getCost(upgrade.level + this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]); if (cost >= this.coast) break; if (minCost[1] != null) { this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]++; let lastUpgrade = this.scheduledUpgrades[this.scheduledUpgrades.length - 1]; if (lastUpgrade != undefined && lastUpgrade[0] == minCost[1]) lastUpgrade[1]++; else this.scheduledUpgrades.push([minCost[1], 1]); } else break; } return true; } showSchedule() { secondaryEquation = "\\begin{eqnarray}"; if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) secondaryEquation += "Next\\;upgrades&:& "; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5); i++){ if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1] > 1) secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1]; if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] >= 3) secondaryEquation += "q_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] - 2); else secondaryEquation += "c_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] + 1) + "^\\ast"; if (i + 1 < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5)) secondaryEquation += ",\\;"; } if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) secondaryEquation += "\\\\"; secondaryEquation += "term\\;ratio&:& " + this.ratio + "\\end{eqnarray}"; theory.invalidateSecondaryEquation(); } c3Cost(rho) { if (rho < 2000) return toBig(0); return toBig(2.468).pow(((rho / 2000).log2() / Math.log2(2.468)).floor()) * 2000; } c3CostNext(rho) { if (rho < 2000) return toBig(2000); return toBig(2.468).pow(((rho / 2000).log2() / Math.log2(2.468)).ceil()) * 2000; } q2Cost(rho) { if (rho < 10000) return toBig(0); return toBig(1000).pow(((rho / 10000).log10() / 3).floor()) * 10000; } setPub() { let c3Step = 2.468; let lastPub = this.theory.tauPublished; let threshold = this.q2weight * toBig(1000 / 2.468 ** 8); let c3Near; let c3Last = this.c3Cost(lastPub); if (lastPub / c3Last > 5) c3Last *= 2.468; let c3Amount; let q2Last = this.q2Cost(lastPub); while (true) { c3Near = this.c3CostNext(q2Last); if (c3Near > q2Last * threshold && c3Near < q2Last * this.q2weight) { c3Amount = ((c3Last / c3Near).log2() / Math.log2(2.468)).round(); if ( c3Amount == 0 || c3Amount == 10 || c3Amount == 11 || c3Amount == 19 || c3Amount == 20 || c3Amount == 28 || c3Amount == 29 || c3Amount == 37 || c3Amount >= 38 ) { break; } } q2Last /= 1000; } let block = 5; let nc3Near = c3Near * 2.468 ** 38; let q2Next = q2Last * 10 ** 15; if (nc3Near > q2Next * threshold && nc3Near < q2Next * this.q2weight) block = 4; = c3Near; if (block == 5) { if (c3Amount <= 5) *= 2.468 ** 10; else if (c3Amount <= 14) *= 2.468 ** 19; else if (c3Amount <= 23) *= 2.468 ** 28; else if (c3Amount <= 32) *= 2.468 ** 37; else *= 2.468 ** 46; } else { if (c3Amount <= 5) *= 2.468 ** 10; else if (c3Amount <= 15) *= 2.468 ** 20; else if (c3Amount <= 24) *= 2.468 ** 29; else *= 2.468 ** 38; } if ( < lastPub * 10) { // in case the calculation goes wrong = lastPub * 80; } *= 1.3; this.coast = / 2.468; } buy() { if (this.c1.level && secondaryEquation == "" && this.updateSchedule()) this.showSchedule(); if (buySkip()) return; if (this.theory.tau >= this.coast && enablePublications.level) return; if (this.theory.currencies[0].value == 0); let k = (this.q+1) * toBig(2).pow(this.c3.level) / (toBig(2).pow(this.c2.level) * this.getC1); let p = k > 0 ? 1 / k : 1; let schedulerRefresh = false; if (buyMax(this.c3, this.theory.currencies[0].value * k)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyMax(this.q2, upgradeCost(this.c3) / this.q2weight)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyMax(this.q1, upgradeCost(this.c3).min(upgradeCost(this.q2)) / 10)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyMax(this.c2, this.theory.currencies[0].value * p)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyMax(this.c1, upgradeCost(this.c2) / 10)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (!schedulerRefresh && "" + k != "" + this.ratio) this.showSchedule(); this.ratio = k; if (this.theory.currencies[0].value > this.theory.tauPublished / 1e20 && schedulerRefresh) { this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; if (this.updateSchedule()) this.showSchedule(); } } tick(elapsedTime, multiplier) { if (!theory.upgrades[].level) return; buyMilestones(); if (enablePublications.level && this.theory.tau >= { game.activeTheory.publish(); return true; }; return false; } } // Utilizes T5AI2 strategy with calculated publication multipliers class T5 { constructor() { = 4; this.theory = game.activeTheory; this.upgrades = this.theory.upgrades; this.q1 = this.upgrades[0]; this.q2 = this.upgrades[1]; this.c1 = this.upgrades[2]; this.c2 = this.upgrades[3]; this.c3 = this.upgrades[4]; this.setPub(); this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0]; theory.secondaryEquationHeight = 35; } get q() { return parseBigNumber(this.theory.tertiaryEquation.substring(2)).max(Number.MIN_VALUE); } get getC1() { return Utils.getStepwisePowerSum(this.c1.level, 2, 10, 1); } get getC2() { return toBig(2).pow(this.c2.level); } get getC3() { return toBig(2).pow(this.c3.level * (1 + 0.05 * this.theory.milestoneUpgrades[2].level)); } predictQ(multiplier) { let vc2 = this.getC2; let vc3 = this.getC3; let q = this.q; let dqPred = (this.getC1 / vc2 * q * (vc3 - q / vc2)) * multiplier; let qPred = q + dqPred.max(0); qPred = qPred.min(vc2 * vc3); return qPred; } upgradeByIndex(upgradeIndex) { let upgrade; switch (upgradeIndex) { case 0: upgrade = this.q1; break; case 1: upgrade = this.q2; break; case 2: upgrade = this.c2; break; case 3: upgrade = this.c3; break; } return upgrade; } updateSchedule() { if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length >= 6) return false; let veryBigNumber = parseBigNumber("ee999999"); while (this.scheduledUpgrades.length < 6) { let costs = [ this.q1.cost.getCost(this.q1.level + this.scheduledLevels[0]) * (5.5 + ((this.q1.level + this.scheduledLevels[0]) % 10) * 0.35), this.q2.cost.getCost(this.q2.level + this.scheduledLevels[1]), this.c2.cost.getCost(this.c2.level + this.scheduledLevels[2]), this.c3.cost.getCost(this.c3.level + this.scheduledLevels[3]) ]; if (costs[0] > * 0.28) costs[0] = veryBigNumber; let minCost = [veryBigNumber, null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; let upgrade = this.upgradeByIndex(minCost[1]); let cost = upgrade.cost.getCost(upgrade.level + this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]); if (cost >= this.coast) break; if (minCost[1] != null) { this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]++; let lastUpgrade = this.scheduledUpgrades[this.scheduledUpgrades.length - 1]; if (lastUpgrade != undefined && lastUpgrade[0] == minCost[1]) lastUpgrade[1]++; else this.scheduledUpgrades.push([minCost[1], 1]); } else break; } return true; } showSchedule() { secondaryEquation = "\\begin{eqnarray}"; if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) secondaryEquation += "Next\\;upgrades&:& "; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5); i++){ if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1] > 1) secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1]; secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] <= 1 ? "q_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] + 1) : "c_" + this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] + "^\\ast"; if (i + 1 < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5)) secondaryEquation += ",\\;"; } if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) secondaryEquation += "\\\\"; secondaryEquation += "q\\;flip\\;point &:& " + (this.getC3 * this.getC2 * 2 / 3) + "\\end{eqnarray}"; theory.invalidateSecondaryEquation(); } c3CostNext(rho) { if (rho < 1000) return toBig(1000); return toBig(88550700).pow(((rho / 1000).log2() / Math.log2(88550700)).ceil()) * 1000; } q2Cost(rho) { if (rho < 15) return toBig(0); return toBig(64).pow(((rho / 15).log2() / 6).floor()) * 15; } setPub() { let lastPub = this.theory.tauPublished; let c3Next = this.c3CostNext(lastPub); let q2Near = this.q2Cost(c3Next); let ratio = 9.5; while (c3Next / q2Near >= ratio) { c3Next *= 88550700; q2Near = this.q2Cost(c3Next); } let counter = 1; let c3Prev = c3Next / 88550700; let q2NearP = this.q2Cost(c3Prev); while (c3Prev / q2NearP >= ratio && c3Prev > 0) { c3Prev /= 88550700; q2NearP = this.q2Cost(c3Prev); counter++; } let target = 105; let step = (c3Next / (ratio * c3Prev * target)).pow(1 / (counter * 3 - 1)); = c3Prev * target; while (lastPub * 64 >= { *= step; } if ( > c3Next) { = c3Next * target; } this.coast = / 2; } buy(multiplier) { if (secondaryEquation == "" && this.updateSchedule()) this.showSchedule(); if (buySkip()) return; if (this.theory.tau >= this.coast && enablePublications.level) return; let schedulerRefresh = false; if (buyRatio(this.q1, 100)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.q2, 4)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c1, 10000)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c3, 2)) schedulerRefresh = true; let c2worth; let veryBigNumber = parseBigNumber("ee999999"); for (let i = 0; i < 40; i++) { // limited with 40 purchases per tick c2worth = this.predictQ(multiplier) >= this.getC3 * this.getC2 * 2 / 3; let costs = [ upgradeCost(this.q1) * (5.5 + (this.q1.level % 10) * 0.35), upgradeCost(this.q2), c2worth ? veryBigNumber : upgradeCost(this.c1) * 2, c2worth ? upgradeCost(this.c2) : veryBigNumber, upgradeCost(this.c3) ]; if (costs[0] > * 0.28) costs[0] = veryBigNumber; let minCost = [veryBigNumber, null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; if (minCost[1] == null) break; let upgrade; switch (minCost[1]) { case 0: upgrade = this.q1; break; case 1: upgrade = this.q2; break; case 2: upgrade = this.c1; break; case 3: upgrade = this.c2; break; case 4: upgrade = this.c3; break; } if (upgradeCost(upgrade) <= this.theory.currencies[0].value) {; schedulerRefresh = true; } else break; } if (this.theory.currencies[0].value > this.theory.tauPublished / 1e20 && schedulerRefresh) { this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0]; if (this.updateSchedule()) this.showSchedule(); } } tick(elapsedTime, multiplier) { if (!theory.upgrades[].level) return; buyMilestones(); if (enablePublications.level && this.theory.tau >= { game.activeTheory.publish(); return true; }; return false; } } // Utilizes T6AI strategy with calculated publication multipliers class T6 { constructor() { = 5; this.theory = game.activeTheory; this.upgrades = this.theory.upgrades; this.q1 = this.upgrades[0]; this.q2 = this.upgrades[1]; this.r1 = this.upgrades[2]; this.r2 = this.upgrades[3]; this.c1 = this.upgrades[4]; this.c2 = this.upgrades[5]; this.c5 = this.upgrades[8]; this.setPub(); this.ratio = (this.getMaxC5 * this.r / 2) / (this.getC1 * this.getC2); this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; theory.secondaryEquationHeight = 35; } get getC1() { return Utils.getStepwisePowerSum(this.c1.level, 2, 10, 1).pow(1 + this.theory.milestoneUpgrades[3].level * 0.05); } get getC2() { return toBig(2).pow(this.c2.level); } get maxRho() { let max = toBig(0); for (let i = 0; i < this.upgrades.length; i++) { let upgrade = this.upgrades[i]; if (upgrade.level) { let cost = upgrade.cost.getCost(upgrade.level - 1); max = max.max(cost); } } max = max.max(this.theory.currencies[0].value); return max; } get getMaxC5() { let rho = this.maxRho; if (rho < 15) return 0; return toBig(2).pow((rho / 15).log2() / Math.log2(3.9)); } get r() { let string = this.theory.tertiaryEquation; let begin = string.indexOf("r="); let end = string.indexOf(",", begin); return parseBigNumber(string.substring(begin + 2, end)).max(Number.MIN_VALUE); } upgradeByIndex(upgradeIndex) { let upgrade; switch (upgradeIndex) { case 0: upgrade = this.q1; break; case 1: upgrade = this.q2; break; case 2: upgrade = this.r1; break; case 3: upgrade = this.r2; break; case 4: upgrade = this.c1; break; case 5: upgrade = this.c2; break; case 6: upgrade = this.c5; break; } return upgrade; } updateSchedule() { if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length >= 6) return false; let veryBigNumber = parseBigNumber("ee999999"); let rHalf = this.r / 2; while (this.scheduledUpgrades.length < 6) { let k = (this.getMaxC5 * rHalf) / (this.getC1 * this.getC2); let c1WithWeight = this.c1.cost.getCost(this.c1.level + this.scheduledLevels[4]) * (8 + this.c1.level % 10); let c2Cost = this.c2.cost.getCost(this.c2.level + this.scheduledLevels[5]); let q2cost = this.q2.cost.getCost(this.q2.level + this.scheduledLevels[1]); let r2cost = this.r2.cost.getCost(this.r2.level + this.scheduledLevels[3]); let c2weight = (c2Cost * 2 ** 0.5 > r2cost.min(q2cost)) ? 2 ** 0.5 : 1; let costs = [ this.q1.cost.getCost(this.q1.level + this.scheduledLevels[0]) * (7 + (this.q1.level % 10) / 2), q2cost, this.r1.cost.getCost(this.r1.level + this.scheduledLevels[2]) * (2 + (this.r1.level % 10) / 4), r2cost, c1WithWeight < c2Cost ? c1WithWeight : veryBigNumber, c2Cost * k.max(1) * c2weight, this.c5.cost.getCost(this.c5.level + this.scheduledLevels[6]) / k.max(Number.MIN_VALUE).min(1) ]; let minCost = [veryBigNumber, null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; let upgrade = this.upgradeByIndex(minCost[1]); let cost = upgrade.cost.getCost(upgrade.level + this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]); if (cost >= this.coast) break; if (minCost[1] != null) { this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]++; let lastUpgrade = this.scheduledUpgrades[this.scheduledUpgrades.length - 1]; if (lastUpgrade != undefined && lastUpgrade[0] == minCost[1]) lastUpgrade[1]++; else this.scheduledUpgrades.push([minCost[1], 1]); } else break; } return true; } showSchedule() { secondaryEquation = "\\begin{eqnarray}"; if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) secondaryEquation += "Next\\;upgrades&:& "; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5); i++){ if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1] > 1) secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1]; if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] <= 1) secondaryEquation += "q_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] + 1); else if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] <= 3) secondaryEquation += "r_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] - 1); else if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] <= 5) secondaryEquation += "c_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] - 3) + "^\\ast"; else secondaryEquation += "c_5^\\ast"; if (i + 1 < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5)) secondaryEquation += ",\\;"; } if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) secondaryEquation += "\\\\"; secondaryEquation += "term\\;ratio&:& " + this.ratio + "\\end{eqnarray}"; theory.invalidateSecondaryEquation(); } c5Cost(rho) { if (rho < 15) return toBig(0); return toBig(3.9).pow(((rho / 15).log2() / Math.log2(3.9)).floor()) * 15; } setPub() { let target; let lastPub = this.theory.tauPublished.log10().toNumber(); if (lastPub % 10 < 3) target = Math.floor(lastPub / 10) * 10 + 7 + Math.log10(3); else if (lastPub % 10 < 6) target = Math.floor(lastPub / 10) * 10 + 11 + Math.log10(5); else target = Math.floor(lastPub / 10) * 10 + 14; let c5Near = this.c5Cost(toBig(10).pow(target)); = c5Near * 4.2; this.coast = / 4; } buy() { if (secondaryEquation == "" && this.updateSchedule()) this.showSchedule(); if (buySkip()) return; if (this.theory.tau >= this.coast && enablePublications.level) return; let schedulerRefresh = false; if (buyRatio(this.r2, 10)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.q2, 10)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.r1, 100)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.q1, 100)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c5, 100)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c2, 10000)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c1, 100000)) schedulerRefresh = true; let rHalf = this.r / 2; let veryBigNumber = parseBigNumber("ee999999"); let k = 1; for (let n = 0; n < 50; n++) { // limited with 50 purchases per tick k = (this.getMaxC5 * rHalf) / (this.getC1 * this.getC2); let c1WithWeight = upgradeCost(this.c1) * (8 + this.c1.level % 10); let c2Cost = upgradeCost(this.c2); let c2weight = (c2Cost * 2 ** 0.5 > upgradeCost(this.r2).min(upgradeCost(this.q2))) ? 2 ** 0.5 : 1; let costs = [ upgradeCost(this.q1) * (7 + (this.q1.level % 10) / 2), upgradeCost(this.q2), upgradeCost(this.r1) * (2 + (this.r1.level % 10) / 4), upgradeCost(this.r2), c1WithWeight < c2Cost ? c1WithWeight : veryBigNumber, c2Cost * k.max(1) * c2weight, veryBigNumber, // does not buy c3 veryBigNumber, // does not buy c4 upgradeCost(this.c5) / k.max(Number.MIN_VALUE).min(1) ]; let minCost = [veryBigNumber, null]; for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; if (minCost[1] != null && upgradeCost(this.upgrades[minCost[1]]) <= this.theory.currencies[0].value) { game.activeTheory.upgrades[minCost[1]].buy(1); schedulerRefresh = true; } else break; } if (!schedulerRefresh && "" + k != "" + this.ratio) this.showSchedule(); this.ratio = k; if (this.theory.currencies[0].value > this.theory.tauPublished / 1e20 && schedulerRefresh) { this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; if (this.updateSchedule()) this.showSchedule(); } } tick(elapsedTime, multiplier) { if (!theory.upgrades[].level) return; buyMilestones(); if (enablePublications.level && this.theory.tau >= { game.activeTheory.publish(); return true; }; return false; } } // Utilizes T7PlaySpqcey with cyclic corrected multipliers class T7 { constructor() { = 6; this.theory = game.activeTheory; this.upgrades = this.theory.upgrades; this.q1 = this.upgrades[0]; this.c1 = this.upgrades[1]; this.c2 = this.upgrades[2]; this.c3 = this.upgrades[3]; this.c4 = this.upgrades[4]; this.c5 = this.upgrades[5]; this.c6 = this.upgrades[6]; this.setPub(); this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; theory.secondaryEquationHeight = 20; } c6CostNext(rho) { if (rho < 100) return toBig(100); return toBig(2.81).pow(((rho / 100).log2() / Math.log2(2.81)).ceil()) * 100; } setPub() { let lastPub = this.theory.tauPublished; let c6Next = this.c6CostNext(lastPub); c6Next *= 2.81 ** 5; = c6Next * 1.03; if ( / lastPub < 491) // correction *= 2.81; this.coast = / 2; } upgradeByIndex(upgradeIndex) { let upgrade; switch (upgradeIndex) { case 0: upgrade = this.q1; break; case 1: upgrade = this.c3; break; case 2: upgrade = this.c4; break; case 3: upgrade = this.c5; break; case 4: upgrade = this.c6; break; } return upgrade; } updateSchedule() { if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length >= 25) return false; while (this.scheduledUpgrades.length < 25) { let costs = [ this.q1.cost.getCost(this.q1.level + this.scheduledLevels[0]) * 4, this.c3.cost.getCost(this.c3.level + this.scheduledLevels[1]) * 10, this.c4.cost.getCost(this.c4.level + this.scheduledLevels[2]) * 10, this.c5.cost.getCost(this.c5.level + this.scheduledLevels[3]) * 4, this.c6.cost.getCost(this.c6.level + this.scheduledLevels[4]), ]; let minCost = [parseBigNumber("ee999999"), null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; let upgrade = this.upgradeByIndex(minCost[1]); let cost = upgrade.cost.getCost(upgrade.level + this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]); if (cost >= this.coast) break; if (minCost[1] != null) { this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]++; let lastUpgrade = this.scheduledUpgrades[this.scheduledUpgrades.length - 1]; if (lastUpgrade != undefined && lastUpgrade[0] == minCost[1]) lastUpgrade[1]++; else this.scheduledUpgrades.push([minCost[1], 1]); } else break; } return true; } showSchedule() { secondaryEquation = ""; if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) secondaryEquation = "Next\\ upgrades: "; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5); i++){ if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1] > 1) secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1]; secondaryEquation += (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] == 0 ? "q_1" : "c_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] + 2)); if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] == 0 || this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] == 4) secondaryEquation += "^\\ast"; if (i + 1 < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5)) secondaryEquation += ",\\;"; } theory.invalidateSecondaryEquation(); } buy() { if (buySkip()) return; if (this.theory.tau >= this.coast && enablePublications.level) return; let q1level = this.q1.level; let c6level = this.c6.level; let schedulerRefresh = false; if (buyRatio(this.q1, 10)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c3, 20)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c4, 20)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c5, 10)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c6, 2)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (schedulerRefresh) { this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; } let bought = false; while (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) { let upgradeIndex = this.scheduledUpgrades[0][0]; let upgrade = this.upgradeByIndex(upgradeIndex); let levelBefore = upgrade.level;; if (levelBefore == upgrade.level) break; bought = true; this.scheduledUpgrades[0][1]--; this.scheduledLevels[upgradeIndex]--; if (this.scheduledUpgrades[0][1] <= 0) this.scheduledUpgrades.shift(); } if (this.theory.currencies[0].value < this.theory.tauPublished / 1e20) return; if (this.updateSchedule() || bought) this.showSchedule(); if (this.theory.currencies[0].value < this.theory.tauPublished / 1e11) return; if (this.theory.currencies[0].value * 4 >= upgradeCost(this.c6)) return; if (q1level < this.q1.level || c6level < this.c6.level) { this.upgrades[1].buy(-1); this.upgrades[2].buy(-1); } } tick(elapsedTime, multiplier) { if (!theory.upgrades[].level) return; buyMilestones(); if (enablePublications.level && this.theory.tau >= { game.activeTheory.publish(); return true; }; return false; } } // Utilizes T8PlaySolarswap strategy with calculated publication multipliers class T8 { constructor() { = 7; this.theory = game.activeTheory; this.upgrades = this.theory.upgrades; this.c1 = this.upgrades[0]; this.c2 = this.upgrades[1]; this.c3 = this.upgrades[2]; this.c4 = this.upgrades[3]; this.c5 = this.upgrades[4]; this.setPub(); this.resetAttractor(); this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; theory.secondaryEquationHeight = 20; } c2CostNext(rho) { if (rho < 20) return toBig(20); return toBig(64).pow(((rho / 20).log2() / Math.log2(64)).ceil()) * 20; } c4Cost(rho) { if (rho < 100) return toBig(0); return toBig(5 ** 1.15).pow(((rho / 100).log2() / Math.log2(5 ** 1.15)).floor()) * 100; } setPub() { let lastPub = this.theory.tauPublished; let c4Step = 5 ** 1.15; let c4Last = this.c4Cost(lastPub); let c2NearC4 = this.c2CostNext(c4Last); let coef = c2NearC4 / c4Last > 7 ? 3 : 4; = c4Last * c4Step ** coef * 1.1; this.coast = / 4; } updateSchedule() { if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length >= 25) return false; while (this.scheduledUpgrades.length < 25) { let costs = [ this.c1.cost.getCost(this.c1.level + this.scheduledLevels[0]) * (5.5 + ((this.c1.level + this.scheduledLevels[0]) % 10) / 1.5), this.c2.cost.getCost(this.c2.level + this.scheduledLevels[1]), this.c3.cost.getCost(this.c3.level + this.scheduledLevels[2]) * 4, this.c4.cost.getCost(this.c4.level + this.scheduledLevels[3]) * 1.3, this.c5.cost.getCost(this.c5.level + this.scheduledLevels[4]) * 2.5, ]; let minCost = [parseBigNumber("ee999999"), null]; for (let i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) if (costs[i] < minCost[0]) minCost = [costs[i], i]; let cost = this.upgrades[minCost[1]].cost.getCost(this.upgrades[minCost[1]].level + this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]); if (cost >= this.coast) break; if (minCost[1] != null) { this.scheduledLevels[minCost[1]]++; let lastUpgrade = this.scheduledUpgrades[this.scheduledUpgrades.length - 1]; if (lastUpgrade != undefined && lastUpgrade[0] == minCost[1]) lastUpgrade[1]++; else this.scheduledUpgrades.push([minCost[1], 1]); } } return true; } showSchedule() { secondaryEquation = ""; if (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) secondaryEquation = "Next\\ upgrades: "; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5); i++){ if (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1] > 1) secondaryEquation += this.scheduledUpgrades[i][1]; secondaryEquation += "c_" + (this.scheduledUpgrades[i][0] + 1); if (i + 1 < Math.min(this.scheduledUpgrades.length, 5)) secondaryEquation += ", "; } theory.invalidateSecondaryEquation(); } buy() { if (buySkip()) return; if (this.theory.tau >= this.coast && enablePublications.level) return; let schedulerRefresh = false; if (buyRatio(this.c1, 25)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c2, 2)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c3, 10)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c4, 3)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (buyRatio(this.c5, 5)) schedulerRefresh = true; if (schedulerRefresh) { this.scheduledUpgrades = []; this.scheduledLevels = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; } let bought = false; while (this.scheduledUpgrades.length) { let upgradeIndex = this.scheduledUpgrades[0][0]; let levelBefore = this.upgrades[upgradeIndex].level; game.activeTheory.upgrades[upgradeIndex].buy(1); if (levelBefore == this.upgrades[upgradeIndex].level) break; bought = true; this.scheduledUpgrades[0][1]--; this.scheduledLevels[upgradeIndex]--; if (this.scheduledUpgrades[0][1] <= 0) this.scheduledUpgrades.shift(); } if (this.theory.currencies[0].value > this.theory.tauPublished / 1e20 && (this.updateSchedule() || bought)) this.showSchedule(); } resetAttractor() { this.timer = 0; game.activeTheory.milestoneUpgrades[0].refund(-1); game.activeTheory.milestoneUpgrades[0].buy(-1); } tick(elapsedTime, multiplier) { if (!theory.upgrades[].level) return; buyMilestones(); if (enablePublications.level && this.theory.tau >= { game.activeTheory.publish(); return true; } this.timer++; if (this.timer >= 335 && enableMSPurchase.level) this.resetAttractor();; return false; } } class UIutils { static createLatexButton(header, variable, id = -1) { let labelLeft = ui.createLatexLabel({ text: header + ": ", horizontalTextAlignment: TextAlignment.START, verticalTextAlignment: TextAlignment.CENTER, textColor: variable.level == 1 ? Color.TEXT : Color.TEXT_MEDIUM, column: 0 }); let labelRight = ui.createLabel({ text: variable.level == 1 ? "✓" : "✗", horizontalTextAlignment: TextAlignment.CENTER, verticalTextAlignment: TextAlignment.START, textColor: variable.level == 1 ? Color.TEXT : Color.TEXT_MEDIUM, fontSize: 28 }); let frameRight = ui.createFrame({ padding: Thickness(0, 0, 0, 5), verticalOptions: LayoutOptions.CENTER, content: labelRight, borderColor: Color.TRANSPARENT, column: 1 }); let grid = ui.createGrid({ columnDefinitions: ["1*", 25], children: [labelLeft, frameRight] }); let buttonFrame = ui.createFrame({ padding: Thickness(10, 2, 10, 2), verticalOptions: LayoutOptions.CENTER, content: grid, borderColor: variable.level == 1 ? Color.MINIGAME_TILE_BORDER : Color.BORDER }); buttonFrame.onTouched = (touchEvent) => { if (touchEvent.type == TouchType.SHORTPRESS_RELEASED || touchEvent.type == TouchType.LONGPRESS_RELEASED) { variable.level = (variable.level + 1) % 2; if (id >= 0 && game.theories[id].tau.log10() < requirements[id]) { variable.level = 0; timer = 5; primaryEquation = "Theory\\; " + (id + 1) + "\\; requires\\; " + requirements[id] + "\\; " + game.theories[id].latexSymbol; theory.invalidatePrimaryEquation(); } if (!variable.level && (game.activeTheory?.id == id || variable == enableVariablePurchase)) { secondaryEquation = ""; theory.invalidateSecondaryEquation(); } labelRight.text = variable.level == 1 ? "✓" : "✗"; labelLeft.textColor = variable.level == 1 ? Color.TEXT : Color.TEXT_MEDIUM; labelRight.textColor = variable.level == 1 ? Color.TEXT : Color.TEXT_MEDIUM; buttonFrame.borderColor = variable.level == 1 ? Color.MINIGAME_TILE_BORDER : Color.BORDER; } } return buttonFrame; } static createTheorySwitchButton() { let labelLeft = ui.createLatexLabel({ text: "Switch the theory now", horizontalTextAlignment: TextAlignment.START, verticalTextAlignment: TextAlignment.CENTER, textColor: Color.TEXT }); let labelRight = ui.createLabel({ horizontalTextAlignment: TextAlignment.CENTER, verticalTextAlignment: TextAlignment.START, textColor: Color.TEXT, fontSize: 28 }); let frameRight = ui.createFrame({ padding: Thickness(0, 0, 0, 5), verticalOptions: LayoutOptions.CENTER, content: labelRight, borderColor: Color.TRANSPARENT, column: 1 }); let grid = ui.createGrid({ columnDefinitions: ["1*", 25], children: [labelLeft, frameRight] }); let buttonFrame = ui.createFrame({ padding: Thickness(10, 2, 10, 2), verticalOptions: LayoutOptions.CENTER, content: grid, borderColor: Color.MINIGAME_TILE_BORDER }); buttonFrame.onTouched = (touchEvent) => { if (touchEvent.type == TouchType.SHORTPRESS_RELEASED || touchEvent.type == TouchType.LONGPRESS_RELEASED) { buttonFrame.borderColor = Color.MINIGAME_TILE_BORDER; switchTheory(true); } else if (touchEvent.type == TouchType.PRESSED || touchEvent.type == TouchType.LONGPRESS) { buttonFrame.borderColor = Color.BORDER; } } return buttonFrame; } } var getUpgradeListDelegate = () => { let performTheorySwitchButton = UIutils.createTheorySwitchButton(); let height = ui.screenHeight * 0.055; let performTheorySwitchGrid = ui.createGrid({ rowDefinitions: [height], children: [performTheorySwitchButton] }) let enableVariablePurchaseButton = UIutils.createLatexButton("Variable purchase", enableVariablePurchase); enableVariablePurchaseButton.row = 0; enableVariablePurchaseButton.column = 0; let enableMSPurchaseButton = UIutils.createLatexButton("Milestone purchase", enableMSPurchase); enableMSPurchaseButton.row = 0; enableMSPurchaseButton.column = 1; let enablePublicationsButton = UIutils.createLatexButton("Publications", enablePublications); enablePublicationsButton.row = 1; enablePublicationsButton.column = 0; let enableTheorySwitchButton = UIutils.createLatexButton("Theory switch", enableTheorySwitch); enableTheorySwitchButton.row = 1; enableTheorySwitchButton.column = 1; let topGrid = ui.createGrid({ columnSpacing: 3, rowSpacing: 3, rowDefinitions: [height, height], children: [ enableVariablePurchaseButton, enableMSPurchaseButton, enablePublicationsButton, enableTheorySwitchButton ] }); buttonArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { let newButton = UIutils.createLatexButton("Theory " + (i + 1), theory.upgrades[i], i); newButton.row = i % 4; newButton.column = Math.floor(i / 4); buttonArray.push(newButton); } let bottomGrid = ui.createGrid({ columnSpacing: 3, rowSpacing: 3, rowDefinitions: [height, height, height, height], children: buttonArray }); let scrollView = ui.createScrollView({ content: bottomGrid }) let separator = ui.createBox({ heightRequest: 1 }); let stack = ui.createStackLayout({ padding: Thickness(0, 3, 0, 0), spacing: 3, children: [ performTheorySwitchGrid, topGrid, separator, scrollView ] }); return stack; } var isCurrencyVisible = index => false; var tick = (elapsedTime, multiplier) => { if (game.activeTheory?.id === 8) return; if (game.activeTheory !== null) { if ( !== theoryManager?.id || game.activeTheory.currencies[0].value == 0) refreshTheoryManager(); if (theoryManager.tick(elapsedTime, multiplier)) switchTheory(); } if (timer > 0) { timer -= Math.max(0, elapsedTime); if (timer <= 0) { primaryEquation = ""; theory.invalidatePrimaryEquation(); } } let newR8 = game.researchUpgrades[7].level; let newR9 = getR9(); if (R8 !== newR8 || R9 !== newR9) { R8 = newR8; R9 = newR9; theory.invalidateQuaternaryValues(); } } // creating theory settings { fictitiousCurrency = theory.createCurrency(); // Theory on/off upgrades for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) theory.createUpgrade(i, fictitiousCurrency, new FreeCost); enableVariablePurchase = theory.createUpgrade(8, fictitiousCurrency, new FreeCost); enableMSPurchase = theory.createUpgrade(9, fictitiousCurrency, new FreeCost); enablePublications = theory.createUpgrade(10, fictitiousCurrency, new FreeCost); enableTheorySwitch = theory.createUpgrade(11, fictitiousCurrency, new FreeCost); } refreshTheoryManager(); // creating theory manager on initialization