#!/bin/bash GREEN_COLOR="\e[0;32m" YELLOW_COLOR="\e[1;33m" RED_COLOR="\e[0;31m" RESET_COLOR="\e[0m" warn() { echo -e >&2 "$@" } die() { echo >&2 "$@" exit 1 } # add additional prompt(s) here FORM_FIELDS=( "Enter data sovereignty region AU or UK ${YELLOW_COLOR}*${RESET_COLOR}" "Enter Gateway Host Name - Fully qualified domain name of the Data Gateway server. This will be used for certificates that are automatically generated ${YELLOW_COLOR}*${RESET_COLOR}" "Will you be using a private CA signed certificiate yes or no" "Enter path CA signed .pem file" "Enter node_extra_ca_certs path" "Will you be using a self signed certificate in Core systems" "Enable Sumologic collectors yes or no" "Enter Sumologic Access Id" "Enter Sumologic Access Key" "Enter Sumologic Collector Name" "Enable Datadog yes or no" "Enter Datadog API Key" "Enter Datadog Hostname" ) # add additional prompt(s) here # a hashmap/associative array to get the value of FORM_FIELD_VALUES by variable name enum declare -A FORM_FIELD_ENUM=( [region]=0 [gateway_dns]=1 [is_private_ca]=2 [path_ca]=3 [node_extra_ca_certs]=4 [is_self_signed]=5 [is_sumologic]=6 [sumologic_access_id]=7 [sumologic_access_key]=8 [sumologic_collector_name]=9 [is_datadog]=10 [datadog_api_key]=11 [datadog_hostname]=12 ) # creates hashmap/associative array where the key is the index of FORM_FIELDS and stores the user inputs declare -A FORM_FIELD_VALUES for form_field_key in ${!FORM_FIELDS[@]}; do FORM_FIELD_VALUES[$form_field_key]="" done # use stored variables, if exists. STORE_FORM_FIELD_VALUES_FILE="setup-gateway-variables.txt" source "${STORE_FORM_FIELD_VALUES_FILE}" 2> /dev/null STORE_LOGS="setup-gateway-logs.txt" ####################################### # Retrieves the value by using variable names defined in FORM_FIELD_ENUM # Globals: # FORM_FIELD_ENUM # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Arguments: # String variable name # Outputs: # String value ####################################### function get_form_value_by_var() { echo "${FORM_FIELD_VALUES[${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[$1]}]}" } ####################################### # Bash user interface for Gateway Setup # Globals: # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # None ####################################### function user_interface() { ####################################### # Form with no restrictions. # Globals: # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Arguments: # String prompt # Number index # Outputs: # User's input text ####################################### function free_form_input() { while true; do read -p "$(echo -e "$1 (Q/q Quit): ")" user_input_free_form_field case $user_input_free_form_field in Q | q) echo "${FORM_FIELD_VALUES["$2"]}" break;; *) echo "$user_input_free_form_field" break;; esac done } ####################################### # Region form only accepting AU or UK regions. # Globals: # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Arguments: # String prompt # Number index # Outputs: # User's input text in lowercase ####################################### function region_input() { while true; do read -p "$(echo -e "$1 (AU/au/Uk/uk) (Q/q Quit): ")" user_input_region user_input_region=$(echo "$user_input_region" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # converts input to lowercase case $user_input_region in uk | au) echo "https://api-${user_input_region}.integration.gentrack.cloud" break;; q) echo "${FORM_FIELD_VALUES["$2"]}" break;; *) warn "${YELLOW_COLOR}Please enter a valid region (AU or UK)${RESET_COLOR}" ;; esac done } ####################################### # Region form that only accepts AU or UK regions. # Globals: # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Arguments: # String prompt # Number index # Outputs: # User's input text ####################################### function yes_no_input() { while true; do read -p "$1 (y/N) (Q/q Quit): " user_input_yes_no user_input_yes_no=$(echo "$user_input_yes_no" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # converts input to lowercase case $user_input_yes_no in yes | y ) echo "true" break;; no | n | "") echo "false" break;; q) echo "${FORM_FIELD_VALUES["$2"]}" break;; *) warn "${YELLOW_COLOR}Please enter a yes or no${RESET_COLOR}" ;; esac done } ####################################### # CA path form that only accepts directories with *.pem or *.crt files # Globals: # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Arguments: # String prompt # Number index # Outputs: # User's input text in lowercase ####################################### function path_ca_input() { local variableType=$(get_index "$2") local requiredFileType case "$variableType" in path_ca) requiredFileType='.pem';; node_extra_ca_certs) requiredFileType='.crt';; esac if [ "$(get_form_value_by_var is_private_ca)" == false ] || [ -z "$(get_form_value_by_var is_private_ca)" ]; then return fi while true; do read -p "$1 (*$requiredFileType) (Q/q Quit): " user_input_path_ca case $user_input_path_ca in q) echo "${FORM_FIELD_VALUES["$2"]}" break ;; *) if [[ $user_input_path_ca != *$requiredFileType* ]]; then warn "Only ${YELLOW_COLOR}$requiredFileType${RESET_COLOR} is a valid filetype." continue fi if [ -f "$user_input_path_ca" ]; then echo "$user_input_path_ca" break else warn "${YELLOW_COLOR}$user_input_path_ca does not exist.${RESET_COLOR}" fi ;; esac done } ####################################### # used for required sumologic fields # Globals: # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Arguments: # String prompt # Number index # Outputs: # User's input text ####################################### function sumologic_required_input() { if [ "$(get_form_value_by_var is_sumologic)" == false ] || [ -z "$(get_form_value_by_var is_sumologic)" ]; then return fi echo $(free_form_input "$1" "$2") } ####################################### # used for required datadog fields # Globals: # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Arguments: # String prompt # Number index # Outputs: # User's input text ####################################### function datadog_required_input() { if [ "$(get_form_value_by_var is_datadog)" == false ] || [ -z "$(get_form_value_by_var is_datadog)" ]; then return fi echo $(free_form_input "$1" "$2") } ####################################### # Returns the index given a value # Globals: # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Arguments: # String value # Array value # Outputs: # Index ####################################### function get_index() { local array=("$@") for i in "${!FORM_FIELD_ENUM[@]}"; do if [[ "${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[$i]}" = "$1" ]]; then echo "${i}"; fi done } ####################################### # Main form loop # Globals: # GREEN_COLOR # YELLOW_COLOR # RESET_COLOR # FORM_FIELDS # FORM_FIELD_ENUM # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # STORE_FORM_FIELD_VALUES_FILE # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # None ####################################### function form_loop() { # add additional prompt(s) here local form_functions=( region_input free_form_input yes_no_input path_ca_input path_ca_input yes_no_input yes_no_input sumologic_required_input sumologic_required_input sumologic_required_input yes_no_input datadog_required_input datadog_required_input ) ####################################### # Set form field value by key/index # Globals: # FORM_FIELDS # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Locals: # form_functions # Arguments: # key/index of FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Outputs: # None ####################################### function set_form_field_by_key() { FORM_FIELD_VALUES["$1"]=$(${form_functions["$1"]} "${FORM_FIELDS["$1"]}" "$1") } while true ; do clear -x echo echo "Gentrack Data Gateway Summary" echo -e "Fields tagged with ${YELLOW_COLOR}*${RESET_COLOR} are required" for form_field_key in ${!FORM_FIELDS[@]}; do # do not show the fields that dependant on whether the user selected no if [ "$(get_form_value_by_var is_private_ca)" == "false" ] || [ -z "$(get_form_value_by_var path_ca)" ] ; then case $form_field_key in ${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[path_ca]}) continue ;; ${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[node_extra_ca_certs]}) continue ;; esac fi if [ "$(get_form_value_by_var is_sumologic)" == "false" ] || [ -z "$(get_form_value_by_var is_sumologic)" ] ; then case $form_field_key in ${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[sumologic_access_id]}) continue ;; ${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[sumologic_access_key]}) continue ;; ${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[sumologic_collector_name]}) continue ;; esac fi if [ "$(get_form_value_by_var is_datadog)" == "false" ] || [ -z "$(get_form_value_by_var is_datadog)" ] ; then case $form_field_key in ${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[datadog_api_key]}) continue ;; ${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[datadog_hostname]}) continue ;; esac fi echo -e "${FORM_FIELDS[$form_field_key]} ($form_field_key) ${GREEN_COLOR}${FORM_FIELD_VALUES[$form_field_key]}${RESET_COLOR}" done echo -e "Type '${GREEN_COLOR}confirm${RESET_COLOR}' to proceed" echo read -p "To edit all fields, press ENTER or select a field to edit using the corresponding number: " user_input echo case $user_input in "") for form_function_index in ${!form_functions[@]}; do set_form_field_by_key $form_function_index done ;; [0-9]*) FORM_FIELD_VALUES["$user_input"]=$(${form_functions["$user_input"]} "${FORM_FIELDS["$user_input"]}" "$user_input") # shows required fields of yes selection for continuity local form_field_key if [[ $(get_form_value_by_var is_private_ca) == "true" && ${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[is_private_ca]} == "$user_input" ]]; then form_field_key=${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[path_ca]} set_form_field_by_key $form_field_key form_field_key=${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[node_extra_ca_certs]} set_form_field_by_key $form_field_key fi if [[ $(get_form_value_by_var is_sumologic) == "true" && ${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[is_sumologic]} == "$user_input" ]]; then form_field_key=${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[sumologic_access_id]} set_form_field_by_key $form_field_key form_field_key=${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[sumologic_access_key]} set_form_field_by_key $form_field_key form_field_key=${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[sumologic_collector_name]} set_form_field_by_key $form_field_key fi if [[ $(get_form_value_by_var is_datadog) == "true" && ${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[is_datadog]} == "$user_input" ]]; then form_field_key=${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[datadog_api_key]} set_form_field_by_key $form_field_key form_field_key=${FORM_FIELD_ENUM[datadog_hostname]} set_form_field_by_key $form_field_key fi ;; confirm) if [[ ! -z $(get_form_value_by_var region) ]] && \ [[ ! -z $(get_form_value_by_var gateway_dns) ]] && \ [[ $(get_form_value_by_var is_private_ca) == "false" || -z $(get_form_value_by_var is_private_ca) || $(get_form_value_by_var is_private_ca) == "true" && ! -z $(get_form_value_by_var path_ca) && ! -z $(get_form_value_by_var node_extra_ca_certs) ]] && \ [[ $(get_form_value_by_var is_sumologic) == "false" || -z $(get_form_value_by_var is_sumologic) || $(get_form_value_by_var is_sumologic) == "true" && ! -z $(get_form_value_by_var sumologic_access_id) && ! -z $(get_form_value_by_var sumologic_access_key) ]] && \ [[ $(get_form_value_by_var is_datadog) == "false" || -z $(get_form_value_by_var is_datadog) || $(get_form_value_by_var is_datadog) == "true" && ! -z $(get_form_value_by_var datadog_api_key) && ! -z $(get_form_value_by_var datadog_hostname) ]]; then declare -p FORM_FIELD_VALUES > "${STORE_FORM_FIELD_VALUES_FILE}" echo $(date) >> "${STORE_LOGS}" echo -e "Storing field values into ${GREEN_COLOR}${STORE_FORM_FIELD_VALUES_FILE}${RESET_COLOR}" cat "${STORE_FORM_FIELD_VALUES_FILE}" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" break else warn "${YELLOW_COLOR}Some fields are missing. Please fill in the remaining field(s).${RESET_COLOR} (Press ENTER to continue)" read fi ;; esac done } form_loop ####################################### # Edits the docker compose file using the form values # Globals: # GREEN_COLOR # YELLOW_COLOR # RESET_COLOR # FORM_FIELD_VALUES # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # None ####################################### function edit_docker_compose() { local file_name="docker-compose.yml" if [[ -f "$(dirname "$(readlink -f $0)")/$file_name" ]]; then echo -e "Found ${GREEN_COLOR}$file_name${RESET_COLOR}" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" else echo -e "${YELLOW_COLOR}$file_name${RESET_COLOR} does not exist. Downloading..." >> "${STORE_LOGS}" curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gentrack/gcis-setup/master/docker-compose.yml -o "$file_name" fi echo -e "Editing ${GREEN_COLOR}$file_name${RESET_COLOR}..." >> "${STORE_LOGS}" local tag_locations=( "index.docker.io/gentrackio/gateway:" "index.docker.io/gentrackio/rabbitmq:" "index.docker.io/gentrackio/vault:" "index.docker.io/gentrackio/redis:" ) local tag if [[ "$(get_form_value_by_var region)" == "https://api-uk.integration.gentrack.cloud" ]]; then tag="PROD-UK" else tag="PROD-AU" fi for tag_location in "${tag_locations[@]}"; do local old_tag=$(grep -e "$tag_location" "$file_name" | sed -e "s#.*$tag_location##") if [[ "$old_tag" == "$tag" ]]; then echo -e "Tag: $tag is unchanged" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" break fi sed -i "s#$tag_location.*#$tag_location$tag#" "$file_name" local new_tag="$(grep -e "$tag_location" "$file_name" | sed -e "s#.*$tag_location##")" echo -e "Changing $tag_location${RED_COLOR}$old_tag${RESET_COLOR} to $tag_location${GREEN_COLOR}$new_tag${RESET_COLOR}" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" done # Private CA signed certificate if [[ "$(get_form_value_by_var is_private_ca)" == "true" ]] ; then local existing_bundle_ca=$(grep -e "-\ .*.pem:.*.crt:ro" "$file_name" | xargs echo) local node_extra_ca_certs=$(get_form_value_by_var node_extra_ca_certs) local path_ca=$(get_form_value_by_var path_ca) local bundle_ca="- $path_ca:$node_extra_ca_certs:ro" if [[ "$existing_bundle_ca" ]]; then if [[ "$existing_bundle_ca" == "$bundle_ca" ]]; then echo -e "CA Path: $existing_bundle_ca remains unchanged" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" else # insert user changes sed -i "s#-\ .*.pem:.*.crt:ro#$bundle_ca#" "$file_name" local old_node_extra_ca_certs=$(echo $existing_bundle_ca | sed 's#.*:\(.*\):ro.*#\1#') local old_path_ca=$(echo $existing_bundle_ca | sed 's#.*- \(.*\):.*:ro#\1#') # show the user's changes with color if [[ "$old_node_extra_ca_certs" != "$node_extra_ca_certs" && "$old_path_ca" != "$path_ca" ]]; then echo -e "Changing - ${RED_COLOR}$old_path_ca${RESET_COLOR}:${RED_COLOR}$old_node_extra_ca_certs${RESET_COLOR}:ro to - ${GREEN_COLOR}$path_ca${RESET_COLOR}:${GREEN_COLOR}$node_extra_ca_certs${RESET_COLOR}:ro" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" elif [[ $old_node_extra_ca_certs != $node_extra_ca_certs ]]; then echo -e "Changing - $old_path_ca:${RED_COLOR}$old_node_extra_ca_certs${RESET_COLOR}:ro to - $path_ca:${GREEN_COLOR}$node_extra_ca_certs${RESET_COLOR}:ro" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" else #[[ $old_path_ca != $path_ca ]] echo -e "Changing - ${RED_COLOR}$old_path_ca${RESET_COLOR}:$old_node_extra_ca_certs:ro to - ${GREEN_COLOR}$path_ca${RESET_COLOR}:$node_extra_ca_certs:ro" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" fi fi else # insert a new line local line_no=$(expr $(grep -n "GatewayData:/data:rw" "$file_name" | cut -f1 -d:) + 1) sed -i "$line_no i \ $bundle_ca" "$file_name" echo -e "Inserting ${GREEN_COLOR}$bundle_ca${RESET_COLOR} to ${GREEN_COLOR}line: $line_no${RESET_COLOR}" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" fi local existing_node_extra_ca_certs=$(grep -e "-\ node_extra_ca_certs=.*" "$file_name" | xargs echo) if [[ "$existing_node_extra_ca_certs" ]]; then if [[ "$existing_node_extra_ca_certs" == "- node_extra_ca_certs=$node_extra_ca_certs" ]]; then echo -e "node_extra_ca_certs: $existing_node_extra_ca_certs remains unchanged" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" else sed -i "s#-\ node_extra_ca_certs=.*.crt#- node_extra_ca_certs=$node_extra_ca_certs#" "$file_name" echo -e "Changing - node_extra_ca_certs=${RED_COLOR}$old_node_extra_ca_certs${RESET_COLOR} to - node_extra_ca_certs=${GREEN_COLOR}$node_extra_ca_certs${RESET_COLOR}" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" fi else local line_no=$(expr $(grep -n "NODE_ENV=production" "$file_name" | cut -f1 -d:) + 1) sed -i "$line_no i \ - node_extra_ca_certs=$node_extra_ca_certs" "$file_name" echo -e "Inserting ${GREEN_COLOR}- node_extra_ca_certs=$node_extra_ca_certs${RESET_COLOR} to ${GREEN_COLOR}line: $line_no${RESET_COLOR}" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" fi fi # Self signed certificate if [[ "$(get_form_value_by_var is_self_signed)" == "true" ]]; then # checks for commented line if [[ $(grep -e '- NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED' "$file_name" | grep -e '#') ]] ; then sed -i "s|#\ -\ NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0|- NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0|" "$file_name" echo -e "Changing ${RED_COLOR}#${RESET_COLOR} - NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 to - NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" fi else # check for uncommented line if [[ "$(grep -e '- NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED' "$file_name" | grep -v '#')" ]] ; then sed -i "s|-\ NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0|# - NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0|" "$file_name" echo -e "Changing - NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 to ${GREEN_COLOR}#${RESET_COLOR} - NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0" >> "${STORE_LOGS}" fi fi # Sumologic monitoring service local line_no=$(grep -n "sumologic:" "$file_name" | cut -f1 -d:) local line_no_ending=$(expr $(grep -n "datadog:" "$file_name" | cut -f1 -d:) - 1) if [[ "$(get_form_value_by_var is_sumologic)" == "true" ]]; then # Uncommenting lines sed -i "$line_no,$line_no_ending s|.*#\(.*\)| \1|" "$file_name" # - SUMO_ACCESS_ID=[insert API ID here] # - SUMO_ACCESS_KEY=[insert API key here] # - SUMO_COLLECTOR_NAME=GCIS Data Gateway - [insert name here] local old_sumologic_access_id=$(sed "s/SUMO_ACCESS_ID=\(.*\)/\1/" "$file_name") local old_sumologic_access_key=$(sed "s/SUMO_ACCESS_KEY=\(.*\)/\1/" "$file_name") local old_sumologic_collector_name=$(sed "s/SUMO_COLLECTOR_NAME=\(.*\)/\1/" "$file_name") # inserts changes sed -i "s/SUMO_ACCESS_ID=\(.*\)/SUMO_ACCESS_ID=$(get_form_value_by_var sumologic_access_id)/" "$file_name" sed -i "s/SUMO_ACCESS_KEY=\(.*\)/SUMO_ACCESS_KEY=$(get_form_value_by_var sumologic_access_key)/" "$file_name" sed -i "s/SUMO_COLLECTOR_NAME=GCIS Data Gateway - \(.*\)/SUMO_COLLECTOR_NAME=GCIS Data Gateway - $(get_form_value_by_var sumologic_collector_name)/" "$file_name" # display changes sed -n "$line_no,$line_no_ending p" "$file_name" \ | sed "s/SUMO_ACCESS_ID=\(.*\)/SUMO_ACCESS_ID=$(printf ${GREEN_COLOR})\1$(printf ${RESET_COLOR})/" \ | sed "s/SUMO_ACCESS_KEY=\(.*\)/SUMO_ACCESS_KEY=$(printf ${GREEN_COLOR})\1$(printf ${RESET_COLOR})/" \ | sed "s/SUMO_COLLECTOR_NAME=GCIS Data Gateway - \(.*\)/SUMO_COLLECTOR_NAME=GCIS Data Gateway - $(printf ${GREEN_COLOR})\1$(printf ${RESET_COLOR})/ >> "${STORE_LOGS}"" else # Checks for uncommented lines if [[ "$(sed -n "$line_no,$line_no_ending p" "$file_name" | grep -v "#")" ]] ; then sed -i "$line_no,$line_no_ending s|^ \(.*\)| #\1|" "$file_name" sed -n "$line_no,$line_no_ending p" "$file_name" fi fi # Datadog local line_no=$(grep -n "datadog:" "$file_name" | cut -f1 -d:) local line_no_ending=$(grep -n "DD_HOSTNAME=" "$file_name" | cut -f1 -d:) if [[ "$(get_form_value_by_var is_datadog)" == "true" ]]; then # Uncommenting lines sed -i "$line_no,$line_no_ending s|.*#\(.*\)| \1|" "$file_name" # - DD_API_KEY=[insert API key here] # - DD_HOSTNAME=[insert name here] local old_datadog_api_key=$(sed "s/DD_API_KEY=\(.*\)/\1/" "$file_name") local old_datadog_hostname=$(sed "s/DD_HOSTNAME=\(.*\)/\1/" "$file_name") # inserts changes sed -i "s/DD_API_KEY=\(.*\)/DD_API_KEY=$(get_form_value_by_var datadog_api_key)/" "$file_name" sed -i "s/DD_HOSTNAME=\(.*\)/DD_HOSTNAME=$(get_form_value_by_var datadog_hostname)/" "$file_name" # display changes sed -n "$line_no,$line_no_ending p" "$file_name" \ | sed "s/DD_API_KEY=\(.*\)/DD_API_KEY=$(printf ${GREEN_COLOR})\1$(printf ${RESET_COLOR})/" \ | sed "s/DD_HOSTNAME=\(.*\)/DD_HOSTNAME=$(printf ${GREEN_COLOR})\1$(printf ${RESET_COLOR})/ >> "${STORE_LOGS}"" else # Checks for uncommented lines if [[ "$(sed -n "$line_no,$line_no_ending p" "$file_name" | grep -v "#")" ]] ; then sed -i "$line_no,$line_no_ending s|^ \(.*\)| #\1|" "$file_name" sed -n "$line_no,$line_no_ending p" "$file_name" fi fi echo -e "Logging changes into ${GREEN_COLOR}${STORE_LOGS}${RESET_COLOR}" echo >> "${STORE_LOGS}" } edit_docker_compose echo read -p "$(echo -e "Ready to install a GCIS Data Gateway. Press ${GREEN_COLOR}ENTER${RESET_COLOR} to continue or ${YELLOW_COLOR}CTRL + C${RESET_COLOR} to quit.")" echo } user_interface # Install a GCIS Data Gateway on a Linux server # Prerequisites: # - The docker engine and docker-compose have been installed # - A sudoer user has been set up to perform the installation # - The user gatewayuser has been created # - The user gatewayuser has logged in to the docker hub with a correct credentials # # For example, the following commands will set up the prerequisites and install a Data Gateway on an Amazon Linux 2 system # sudo yum install docker -y # sudo systemctl enable docker # sudo systemctl start docker # sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.24.1/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose # sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose # sudo adduser gatewayuser --system -g docker # sudo su - gatewayuser -c "docker login" # sudo ./setup-gateway.sh https://api-uk.integration.gentrack.cloud gw-energise.integration.gentrack.cloud ./docker-compose.yml # #PLATFORM_URL=https://api-uk.integration.gentrack.cloud #GATEWAY_DNS=gw-energise.integration.gentrack.cloud PLATFORM_URL=$(get_form_value_by_var region) GATEWAY_DNS=$(get_form_value_by_var gateway_dns) DOCKER_COMPOSE_SRC="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )/docker-compose.yml" [ -f "$DOCKER_COMPOSE_SRC" ] || die "File $DOCKER_COMPOSE_SRC does not exist" GATEWAY_USER=gatewayuser GATEWAY_USER_HOME=/home/$GATEWAY_USER INSTALL_DIR=$GATEWAY_USER_HOME/platform DOCKER_COMPOSE=$INSTALL_DIR/docker-compose.yml RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=rabbitmq # Generate a 32-character long random password for RabbitMQ RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=$(tr /dev/null || die "Couldn't find RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER in $DOCKER_COMPOSE_SRC" grep -E "^(\s|\t)*RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS:.*$" $DOCKER_COMPOSE_SRC >/dev/null || die "Couldn't find RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS in $DOCKER_COMPOSE_SRC" grep -E "^(\s|\t)*- MESSAGE_QUEUE=.*$" $DOCKER_COMPOSE_SRC >/dev/null || die "Couldn't find MESSAGE_QUEUE in $DOCKER_COMPOSE_SRC" ( # Remove dependency between docker engine and gentrack-gateway-docker if exists. # So gentrack-gateway-docker wouldn't auto restart after being stopped if [ -f /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf ]; then rm -f /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf systemctl daemon-reload systemctl stop docker fi systemctl start docker # stop and remove containers - ignore any errors usermod -a -G docker $(id -u -n) || die "Failed to add user to docker group" docker stop $(docker ps -aq) >/dev/null 2>&1 docker rm $(docker ps -aq) >/dev/null 2>&1 docker volume prune -f >/dev/null 2>&1 ) || die "Failed to clean up dockers" IMAGE_TAG="PROD-AU" if [ "$PLATFORM_URL" == "https://api-uk.integration.gentrack.cloud" ]; then IMAGE_TAG="PROD-UK" elif [ "$PLATFORM_URL" == "https://api-au.integration.gentrack.cloud" ]; then IMAGE_TAG="PROD-AU" fi ( rm -rf $INSTALL_DIR && mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR && cp $DOCKER_COMPOSE_SRC $DOCKER_COMPOSE && sed -i "s//${IMAGE_TAG}/g" $DOCKER_COMPOSE && sed -i "s/- MESSAGE_QUEUE=.*\$/- MESSAGE_QUEUE=amqp:\/\/$MESSAGE_QUEUE_URL/g" $DOCKER_COMPOSE && sed -i "s/RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER:.*\$/RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: $RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER/g" $DOCKER_COMPOSE && sed -i "s/RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS:.*\$/RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: $RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS/g" $DOCKER_COMPOSE && chown $GATEWAY_USER $DOCKER_COMPOSE && touch $INSTALL_DIR/http_check.yaml && touch $INSTALL_DIR/key.txt && # up and down to initialise named volumes su - $GATEWAY_USER -c "docker-compose -f $DOCKER_COMPOSE up -d" && su - $GATEWAY_USER -c "docker-compose -f $DOCKER_COMPOSE down" ) || die "Failed to initialise volumes" VAULT_CONFIG='{ "backend": {"file": {"path": "/data/vault/file"}}, "listener": {"tcp": {"address": "", "tls_cert_file": "/data/vault/cert/vault.crt", "tls_key_file": "/data/vault/cert/vault.key"}}, "default_lease_ttl": "168h", "max_lease_ttl": "720h" }' CERT_SUBJ='/C=NZ/ST=Auckland/L=Auckland/O=Gentrack Ltd/OU=Platform/CN=integration.gentrack.cloud/emailAddress=noreply@integration.gentrack.cloud' INSTALL_TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/platform.XXXXXXXXXX) ( rm $INSTALL_TMP && mkdir -p $INSTALL_TMP/config && tr ?@[\]^_`{|}~' | head -c 64 >$INSTALL_TMP/key.txt && ( echo platformUrl: $PLATFORM_URL echo hostname: $GATEWAY_DNS ) >$INSTALL_TMP/default.yml && echo $VAULT_CONFIG >$INSTALL_TMP/config/vault.json && CERT_PATH="$INSTALL_TMP/vault/cert" && mkdir -p $CERT_PATH && $(openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout "$CERT_PATH/vault.key" -out "$CERT_PATH/vault.crt" -days 3650 -subj "$CERT_SUBJ") ) || die "Failed to create gateway configuration" ( GATEWAY_CONFIG_VOL=$(docker volume ls | grep GatewayConfig | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | rev) && GATEWAY_CONFIG_PATH=$(docker volume inspect --format '{{ .Mountpoint }}' $GATEWAY_CONFIG_VOL) && VAULT_DATA_VOL=$(docker volume ls | grep VaultData | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | rev) && VAULT_DATA_PATH=$(docker volume inspect --format '{{ .Mountpoint }}' $VAULT_DATA_VOL) && cp $INSTALL_TMP/key.txt $INSTALL_DIR && cp $INSTALL_TMP/default.yml $GATEWAY_CONFIG_PATH && cp -r $INSTALL_TMP/config $VAULT_DATA_PATH/ && cp -r $INSTALL_TMP/vault $VAULT_DATA_PATH/ && rm -rf $INSTALL_TMP ) || die "Failed to apply gateway configuration" # daily job to automatically cleanup old Docker images and volumes ( GATEWAY_DOCKER_CLEANUP='/etc/cron.daily/docker-cleanup' && echo "#!/bin/sh" | tee $GATEWAY_DOCKER_CLEANUP >/dev/null && echo "docker rmi \$(docker images -qf dangling=true); true" | sudo tee -a $GATEWAY_DOCKER_CLEANUP >/dev/null && chmod 700 $GATEWAY_DOCKER_CLEANUP && echo "Added daily job to automatically cleanup old Docker images" ) || die "Failed to add daily job to automatically cleanup old Docker images" # daily job to delete old gateway logs ( GATEWAY_LOG_CLEANUP='/etc/cron.daily/gateway-log-cleanup' && echo "#!/bin/sh" | tee $GATEWAY_LOG_CLEANUP >/dev/null && echo "find /var/lib/docker/volumes/platform_GatewayData/_data/logs -name \"*.log\" -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;" | sudo tee -a $GATEWAY_LOG_CLEANUP >/dev/null && chmod 700 $GATEWAY_LOG_CLEANUP && echo "Added daily job to delete old gateway logs" ) || die "Failed to add daily job to delete old gateway logs" # Generate http_check.yaml in platform directory for Datadog: ( HTTP_CHECK=$INSTALL_DIR/http_check.yaml && cat >$HTTP_CHECK <$DOCKER_SERVICE_OVERRIDE <$GATEWAY_DOCKER_SERVICE <