require 'java' require 'csv' require 'thread' java_import 'javax.swing.JMenuItem' class BMenuItem < JMenuItem def initialize(text, &onClick) super(text) self.add_action_listener onClick end end java_import 'javax.swing.JOptionPane' java_import 'javax.swing.JFileChooser' java_import 'javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter' class BFileChooser attr_writer :directory def initialize(parent=nil, directory=nil) @parent = parent @filter = nil @directory = directory end def filter(description, *extensions) @filter = description, *extensions self end def prompt(text, &block) chooser = obj return nil unless JFileChooser::APPROVE_OPTION == chooser.showDialog(@parent, text) f = chooser.getSelectedFile return nil unless f.isFile f.getAbsoluteFile.to_s end private def obj o = @directory ? : o.setFileFilter @filter if @filter o end end module BURPMethods def self.included(base) base.send(:include,InstanceMethods) base.extend(StaticMethods) end module InstanceMethods def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if self.class.helpers.respond_to? method self.class.helpers.send(method, *args, &block) elsif self.class.callbacks.respond_to? method self.class.callbacks.send(method, *args, &block) else raise NoMethodError, "undefined method `#{method}` for #{}" end end def respond_to?(method, include_private = false) super || self.class.callbacks.respond_to?(method, include_private) || self.class.helpers.respond_to?(method, include_private) end end module StaticMethods def callbacks=(callbacks) @callbacks = callbacks @helpers = @callbacks.getHelpers end attr_reader :callbacks attr_reader :helpers end end java_import 'burp.IParameter' java_import 'burp.IContextMenuInvocation' java_import 'burp.IRequestInfo' module BURPEnums ParameterTypes = { Java::Burp::IParameter::PARAM_URL => :url, Java::Burp::IParameter::PARAM_BODY => :body, Java::Burp::IParameter::PARAM_COOKIE => :cookie, Java::Burp::IParameter::PARAM_XML => :XML, Java::Burp::IParameter::PARAM_XML_ATTR => :XML_Attribute, Java::Burp::IParameter::PARAM_MULTIPART_ATTR => :XML_Multipart, Java::Burp::IParameter::PARAM_JSON => :JSON, } ParameterTypes.default = :undefined ParameterTypes.freeze ContextMenuInvocation = { Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_MESSAGE_EDITOR_REQUEST => :editor_request, Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_MESSAGE_EDITOR_RESPONSE => :editor_response, Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_MESSAGE_VIEWER_REQUEST => :viewer_request, Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_MESSAGE_VIEWER_RESPONSE => :viewer_response, Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_TARGET_SITE_MAP_TREE => :site_map_tree, Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_TARGET_SITE_MAP_TABLE => :site_map_table, Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_PROXY_HISTORY => :proxy_history, Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_SCANNER_RESULTS => :scanner_results, Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_INTRUDER_PAYLOAD_POSITIONS => :intruder_payload_position, Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_INTRUDER_ATTACK_RESULTS => :intruder_attack_result, Java::Burp::IContextMenuInvocation::CONTEXT_SEARCH_RESULTS => :search_results } ContextMenuInvocation.freeze end ######################################################################################### #Begin Burp Extension ######################################################################################### class UUIDCorrelation include BURPMethods include BURPEnums GUID_RE = /(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}(?:(?:-|%2d|%2D)?[0-9a-fA-F]{4}){3}(?:-|%2d|%2D)?[0-9a-fA-F]{12})/ GQL_REQUEST_RE = /query":"(?query|mutation)\s(?\w*)/ GQL_REQUEST_Q_RE = /(?query)=\{(?\w*)\{/ GQL_RESPONSE_RE = /"data":{/ module UUID_UTIL def normalize(uuid) t = '-', '' t.downcase! [( t.sub('%2d', '') || t )].pack 'H*' end def uuidToString(uuid) {|x| x.to_s(16) }.join end end class ResponseIds #collect and de-dupe url, uuid pairs include UUID_UTIL def initialize @sync = @items = end def clear @sync.synchronize { @items.clear } end def add(url, uuid) id = normalize uuid @sync.synchronize do urls = @items[id] || urls << url unless urls.include? url @items[id] = urls end end def [](uuid) #id = normalize uuid @sync.synchronize do @items[uuid] end end end class RequestIds #collect and de-dupe, uuid, url, parameter, and parameter type tuples # cheat and leverage the member equality and #hash properties of structs to find dupes include UUID_UTIL include BURPEnums Key =, :method, :parameter, :parameterType, :gqlType, :gqlOperation) def initialize @sync = @items = end def clear @sync.synchronize { @items.clear } end def add(url, method, name, type, uuid, gqlType = nil, gqlOperation = nil) id = normalize uuid key =, method.to_s, name.to_s, type, gqlType, gqlOperation.to_s) @sync.synchronize do uuids = @items[key] || uuids << id unless uuids.include? id @items[key] = uuids end end def each(&block) @sync.synchronize { @items.send :each, &block } end end def initialize @responseUUIDS = @requestUUIDS = end def ignoreCookies @ignoreCookies ||= false end def ignoreCookies! @ignoreCookies = !ignoreCookies end def clear @responseUUIDS.clear @requestUUIDS.clear end def scan(baseRequestResponse) return if (baseRequestResponse.getRequest.nil? or baseRequestResponse.getResponse.nil?) requestInfo = analyzeRequest(baseRequestResponse.getHttpService, baseRequestResponse.getRequest) url = requestInfo.getUrl short_url = "#{url.protocol}://#{}#{url.path}" response = bytesToString(baseRequestResponse.getResponse).to_s #try and determine if this is GraphQL gqlType, gqlOperation = checkGraphQL(baseRequestResponse, requestInfo, response, url) #Grab response UUIDs response.scan(GUID_RE).each { |uuid| @responseUUIDS.add [short_url, gqlOperation], uuid } #Grab request UUIDs parameters = requestInfo.getParameters.to_array parameters.each do |parameter| value = parameter.getValue.to_s value.scan(GUID_RE).each {|uuid| @requestUUIDS.add(short_url, requestInfo.getMethod, parameter.getName, ParameterTypes[parameter.getType], uuid, gqlType, gqlOperation)} end #special case of url "path parameter" index = 0 url.path.to_s.scan(GUID_RE).each {|uuid| @requestUUIDS.add(short_url, requestInfo.getMethod, "idx #{index}", :url_path, uuid,nil,nil) } end def report matches = @requestUUIDS.each do |tuple, uuids| next if (tuple[:parameterType] == :cookie) and ignoreCookies uuids.each do |uuid| urls = @responseUUIDS[uuid] urls.each {|url| a = [tuple, url]; matches << a unless matches.include? a } if urls end end csv = CSV.generate do |report| report << ['URL', 'Method', 'Parameter', 'Parameter Type', 'GraphQL Type', 'GraphQL Operation', 'Source URL', 'Source GraphQL Operation'] matches.each do |record| report << (record[0].to_a + record[1]) end end csv end private def checkGraphQL(baseRequestResponse, requestInfo, response, url) q = d = gqlType = gqlOperation = nil case requestInfo.getMethod when 'POST' if Java::Burp::IRequestInfo::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON == requestInfo.getContentType q = GQL_REQUEST_RE.match bytesToString(baseRequestResponse.getRequest).to_s d = GQL_RESPONSE_RE.match response end when 'GET' d = GQL_RESPONSE_RE.match response q = url.getQuery.to_s.scan(GQL_REQUEST_Q_RE)[0] end unless (q.nil? and d.nil?) gqlType ||= q['type'] gqlOperation = q['name'] end [gqlType, gqlOperation] rescue => e [nil,nil] end end java_import 'burp.IContextMenuFactory' class UUIDCorrelationContextMenuFactory include IContextMenuFactory include BURPMethods include BURPEnums def initialize(scannerInstance) @ScannerInstance = scannerInstance end def createMenuItems(invocation) return nil unless invocation.getInvocationContext == ContextMenuInvocation.invert[:site_map_tree] component = invocation.getInputEvent.getComponent window = component.getTopLevelAncestor items = items <<"Write UUID Correlation Report to File") do do'Comma-seperated Values', "csv").prompt("Save-As") do |pathspec| File.write(pathspec, JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(window,"Wrote file - #{pathspec}", 'Finished!', JOptionPane::INFORMATION_MESSAGE) end end end items <<"Add URL Prefix to Correlation Data") do do cnt = 0 invocation.getSelectedMessages.to_a.each do |message| url = analyzeRequest(message).getUrl prefix = url.to_s #Fix some url patterns prefix.sub! ":#{url.getDefaultPort}", '' if url.port == url.getDefaultPort getSiteMap(prefix).to_a.each do |i| @ScannerInstance.scan i cnt += 1 end end JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(window,"Scanned #{cnt} item(s).", 'Scan Result', JOptionPane::INFORMATION_MESSAGE) end end items <<"Clear Correlation Data") do @ScannerInstance.clear JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(window,"All Fresh and Clean!", 'Items Cleared', JOptionPane::INFORMATION_MESSAGE) end unless @ScannerInstance.ignoreCookies items <<'Ignore UUIDs in Cookies') { @ScannerInstance.ignoreCookies! } else items <<'Report UUIDs in Cookies') { @ScannerInstance.ignoreCookies! } end items end end java_import 'burp.IBurpExtender' class BurpExtender include IBurpExtender ExtensionName = 'UUID Watcher' def registerExtenderCallbacks(callbacks) callbacks.setExtensionName ExtensionName ObjectSpace.each_object(Class).select {|klass| klass < BURPMethods }.each do |kklass| kklass.callbacks = callbacks end callbacks.registerContextMenuFactory end end